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2 Edmonton 爱 德 蒙 顿 爱 德 蒙 顿 是 加 拿 大 的 节 日 之 城, 一 年 有 超 过 30 多 个 节 日 城 市 总 人 口 1000 多 万 干 净, 安 全 的 居 住 环 境 友 好 的, 充 满 活 力 的 文 化 社 区 附 近 有 许 多 风 景 优 美 的

作 之 重 要 据 点 在 教 学 与 实 务 发 展 方 面, 强 调 传 统 法 学 领 域 的 深 化 发 展, 规 划 开 设 新 兴 科 技 相 关 法 律 课 程, 如 智 能 财 产 权 电 子 商 务 生 物 科 技 网 络 科 技 医 疗 等 相 关 法 律 ; 建 立 与 法 律



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2 新 加 坡 国 立 大 学 简 介 新 加 坡 国 立 大 学 管 理 学 院 简 介 获 得 的 荣 誉 和 专 业 认 证 资 格 4 管 理 学 院 院 长 致 辞 学 术 主 任 致 辞 管 理 咨 询 委 员 会 6 掌 握 未 来 亚 太 精 英 组 合 8 全 球 校 友 网 络


International University Education; The University of Nottingham Ningbo China Professor Gethin Wyn Roberts Dean of Science and Engineering The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China 格辛 温 罗伯茨教授 理工学院院长 The University of Nottingham...the closest Britain has to a truly global university... Distinctive by virtue of its international reach Long tradition of international staff and students Extensive network of international partners 3 international campuses 1

The University of Nottingham China United Kingdom Malaysia UNNC Over 5,400 students, expanding to 8,000 Various courses, exchanges possible Complimentary Mandarin courses Lots of support from Ningbo, UK and National Governments Cost of living significantly lower Experience of Chinese culture China very likely to have influence on future careers! 2

University of Nottingham Ningbo, China 宁波诺丁汉大学 Teaching and Language Centre 教学与语言中心 Main Building 行政楼 Student Services & Computing Centre 学生服务与计算机中心 Staff Hotel & Restaurants 教师公寓及餐厅 Sports Centre 体育馆 Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology 可持续能源与技术研究中心 Student Residences 学生宿舍 3

Teaching Building & Auditorium 教学楼与报告厅 4

Student Accommodation 学生公寓 The Amphitheatre 露天剧场 5

Sports Centre 体育馆 High Street with Facilities for Students 商业街 6

Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology 可持续能源技术研究中心 Key features First Sino Foreign Collaborative University (2003 MoE policy) Partner University Wanli Education Group Over 5,000 students/425 staff from 40 countries English as the medium of instruction Quality Assurance the same as the UK, and in UK UK-style education (critical analysis, reflection, team-working, presentation, etc) University of Nottingham degrees (BSc, BEng, MSc, BA, MA & PhD) Undergraduate students from 29 provinces; Division One in Gao Kao 100% employment rate (jobs + further study) 7

Academic structure 专业构架 Faculty of Arts & Humanities 人文学院 Division of English Studies 英语语言系 Division of International Communications 国际传播系 School of Education (new) ( 新 ) Centre for English Language Education (CELE) 英语教学中心 Faculty of Social Sciences 社科学院 Nottingham University Business School China 诺丁汉商学院 Division of International Studies 国际问题研究系 Division of Economics (new) 经济学系 ( 新 ) Faculty of Science & Engineering 理工学院 Division of Computer Science 计算机科学系 Division of Engineering Graduate School 研究生院 PhD programme PhD 课程 工程系 Science and Engineering Courses BEng Civil Engineering (2+2 & 4+0) BEng Mechanical Engineering (2+2 & 4+0) BEng Chemical Engineering (2+2 & 4+0) BEng Environmental Engineering (2+2 & 4+0) BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2+2 & 4+0) BEng Architecture (4+0) BEng Architectural Environment Engineering (2+2 & 4+0) BEng Product Design and Manufacture (2+2 & 4+0) BSc Environmental Sciences (2+2 & 4+0) BSc Computer Science (2+2 & 4+0) BSc Computer Science with Management (2+2 & 4+0) BSc Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence (2+2) BSc Software Systems(2+2) MSc Engineering Surveying and Geodesy PhD Programmes 8

MSc Engineering Surveying and Geodesy Long history in the UK One week block modules Full time, part time, short courses, lecturers from UK Accreditation being sought New facilities and staff Full support from UK Future Courses 2013 BSc Mathematics with Engineering (2+2 & 4+0) BEng Mechatronics (4+0) MSc Mechanical Engineering MSc Sustainable Manufacturing Engineering MSc Electronic Communications and Computer Engineering 2014 Further expansion of MSc courses 9

Research Highlights Various locally and nationally funded projects International Doctoral Innovation Centre 100 PhD studentships 1 year at UON, 3 years at UNNC Innovation Team 25 PhD studentships Expansion of FOSE in terms of equipment, laboratories, staff and students International Centre for Professional Development MRI to establish at UNNC Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies University of Nottingham Ningbo China Student population 宁波诺丁汉大学学生分布 (5% international students in 2011) 2011 年国际生占 5% 10

Our next phase of development 下阶段发展 Developing Science and Engineering specialisms 发展理工专业 Supporting Ningbo s development strategy and industries through; 通过以下途径支持宁波发展战略和产业 Build research capacity to address the City s needs 建设科研能力满足宁波城市发展需要 Enhancing knowledge transfer 加强知识转移 Growing our student population 增加学生数量 Science & Engineering around 2,000 to 3,000 (current 700) 发展理工科学生至 2000-3000 名 ( 目前 700 名 ) Increase overseas numbers to 20% (current 5%) 增加国际学生数量至总学生数量的 20% ( 目前国际生占 5%) Expand PG numbers to 15 to 20% (current 8%) 发展研究生数量至总学生数的 15-20% ( 目前研究生数量占 8%) 8 April 2011 Premier Wen Jiabao visits UNNC 2011 年 4 月 8 日 - 温家宝总理访问宁波诺丁汉大学 11

Thank you Xie Xie 12