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在芬投资的无限商机 Business Opportunities in Finland 欢迎来到芬兰 - 创新和研发机会 发源地 Welcome to Finland- Home of innovation and R&D opportunities 芬兰政府投资促进署 Invest in Finland Jari Tielinen VP, Investment Consulting 1 10/06/2013

欢迎来到芬兰 Welcome to Finland 中国和芬兰 - 多年来的密切合作 China and Finland - Strong cooperation for years 芬兰 - 创新和研发机会的热土 Finland - Home of innovation and R&D opportunities 战略性的地理位置 进入欧盟市场的渠道 Strategic location Access to the EU market 注重商业的政府热诚欢迎境外公司到芬兰开展业务 Business-friendly government welcomes foreign companies to do business in Finland 2

芬兰政府投资促进署的目标和各类活动 Invest in Finland- objective and activities 芬兰政府投资促进署致力于吸引境外投资者到芬兰来投资 Invest in Finland attracts foreign direct investment to Finland 协助境外公司在芬兰找到合适的商机 Assists foreign companies to find business opportunities in Finland. 发掘芬兰作为一个投资点的各类信息 Produces information about Finland as an investment location. 通过与区域性和国际投资者的活跃关系网络, 发展和协调吸引境外投资者来芬兰投资 Develops and coordinates the work of attracting foreign investment on the national level by active networking with regional and international investment actors. 收集和维护在芬外商独资公司的信息 Compiles and maintains information about foreign-owned companies in Finland

选择芬兰的理由 Why Finland? 绝佳的商业环境 Excellent Business Environment 稳健 活力活力 开放的经济 Stable, dynamic and open economy 芬兰政府热诚欢迎您享受研发投资优惠政策 The Finnish Government welcomes you to benefit from R&D investment incentives 北欧诸国中唯一的欧元货币国 The only Nordic country to have adopted the euro 从中国到欧洲最快捷的路径 Fastest route from China to Europe 4

选择芬兰的理由 Why Finland? 先进的技术与创新 Advanced technology and innovation 成功的政府创新政策和支持 Successful government innovation policy and support 全球排名第三的人均研发支出 Number three globally for R&D spending per capita 大学和公司间的紧密合作 Strong cooperation between universities and companies 创新商业营业额高居北欧之首 Biggest turnover from innovation in Nordic Countries 5

选择芬兰的理由进入欧盟和就近市场的渠道 选择芬兰的理由 Why Finland? 进入欧盟和就近市场的渠道 Access to EU and near markets Murmansk 0.7 Oulu 0.3 Archangelsk 0.7 Oslo 0.7 Helsinki 1.0 Tampere 0.3 Turku 0.3 Petrozavodsk 0.8 St. Petersburg 7.5 Stockholm 1.5 Novgorod 0.9 Tallinn 0.5 Göteburg 0.9 Malmö 0.5 Riga 1.0 Pskov 1.0 Vilnius 0.5 Copenhagen 1.5 Moscow 18.0 Kaliningrad 1.0 Minsk 3.0 6

芬兰政府投资促进署 为国际公司提供的服务 Invest in Finland services for international companies 发掘市场信息 Production of market information 商业机会调研 Research about business opportunities 评估投资模式选择 Evaluation of market entry alternatives 在芬兰建立关系网络 Networking in Finland 企业选址服务 Location services 企业创办咨询服务 Consulting to get the business started 7

投资模式选择的广泛指导 Extensive guidance on market entry strategy 绿地投资 Greenfield investment 企业并购 Merge and acquisition 合资企业 Joint ventures 研发合作 R&D co-operation 8

Industries 芬兰投资促进署关注的产业 工业和技术 Industry and Technology - 清洁技术, 信息通信技术, 采矿业以及创新研发 -Cleantech, ICT, Mining and R&D Innovation 贸易和服务 Trade and Services - 旅游观光业 -Travel & Tourism

国公司的清洁技术商机 Cleantech business opportunities for Chinese companies 尖端的技术 最佳的试验基地以及开发者的天堂 Source of leading technologies and best practices as well as a developer society 与芬兰清洁技术公司协同创新 Innovate with cleantech companies in Finland Take advantage from the government s support 北部气候为研究新技术提供了理想的实验基地 Ideal test laboratory for new technologies in Northern climate 依托芬兰技术, 提升技术和产品, 以达到欧盟标准 Develop technologies and product portfolios to EU standards with the support of Finnish competence 10 10/06/2013

谢谢!Thank you! 11 IIF 国办事处 兰领馆商务处 国区首席代表 洁慧 国区市场经理电话 +86 21 6104 2252/2261 邮件