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目录 概况 1. 博物馆定位 2. 开放时间 3. 地理位置及交通信息 4. 场馆信息展览申办流程展览申办须知 4 4 6 8 18 20 1. 展览要求 2. 展览申请 20 3. 专家评审 4. 签订展览协议 5. 涉外展览报批 22 6. 展品运输 7. 展览布 撤展 8. 展品交接 24 9. 资料存档 相关服务 1. 展览开幕式筹备 2. 学术活动筹备 3. 宣传品设计制作 4. 媒体推广 5. 衍生品开发及销售 28 28 30 32

Contents About TAM 1. Vision 2. Opening Hours 3. Location and Directions 4. About the Museum Building Application Process Information on Exhibition Application 5 5 7 9 19 21 1. Exhibition Requirements 2. Exhibition Application 21 3. Expert Review 4. Exhibition Agreement Signing 5. Approval Process for International Exhibition 23 6. Exhibits Transportation 7. Installation and Dismantlement 8. Exhibits Delivery 25 9. Filing and Documentation Other Services 1. Exhibition Opening Event Planning and Preparation 2. Academic Activity Preparation 3. Publicity Materials Design 4. Media Campaign 5. Souvenir Design and Sales 29 29 31 33

概况 博物馆定位 彰显人文, 荟萃艺术 ; 精品展藏, 学术研修 ; 内外交流, 资讯传播 ; 涵养新风, 化育菁华 4

About TAM Vision To demonstrate humanistic spirit; To collect the finest artworks; To present excellent collections and exhibitions; To conduct research and studies; To engage in domestic and international communications; To lead the new positive trend on campus and in our society; To cultivate the students artistic temperament. 5

概况 开放时间 每周二至周日 9:00-17:00,16:30 停止入场 春节期间按法定节假日规定闭馆 地理位置及交通信息地址 : 北京市海淀区清华园 1 号清华大学艺术博物馆地铁 :13 号线五道口站,15 号线清华东路西口站公交 :333 路 355 路 438 路 594 路 913 路公交清华东路西口站 6

About TAM Opening Hours Opens every day (except Monday) from 9:00 to 17:00. Closed on Mondays. Rooms begin closing 30 minutes before museum closing time. Closed on public holidays during the Chinese New Year. Location and Directions Address: Tsinghua University Art Museum, NO. 1, Tsinghua University Campus, Hai Dian District, Beijing By Tube Nearest Tube Stations: Wu Dao Kou on Line 13, Qing Hua Dong Lu Xi Kou on Line 15 By Bus Buses that stop near the Museum: 333, 355, 438, 594, 913 Stop on Qing Hua Dong Lu Xi Kou station 7

概况 场馆信息清华大学艺术博物馆建筑由著名瑞士建筑师马里奥 博塔主持设计 空间布局合理 功能完善 设施先进, 具有适用性 科学性和艺术性特点, 既充分考虑到藏品陈列 展览 安全收藏与保护等各项功能以及科学研究 国际文化交流等业务正常开展的需要, 又能够满足较长期发展要求及未来扩建的需求 ; 建筑环境及设施充分满足无障碍要求, 体现了以人为本及先进 合理 使用的原则 8

About TAM About the Museum Building The main building of Tsinghua University Art Museum is designed by worldfamous Swiss architect Mario Botta. It is a piece of artwork by itself with space flexible enough to house various functions and is equipped with advanced modern facilities. The design caters to the needs for display, exhibition, safety and preservation of the collections, research activities, international seminars, and daily operations. It s also ready for long-term needs and future expansion as it develops. Accessibility was given priority to make the Museum more accessible to visitors with disabilities as the museum puts its visitors at first making it advanced, reasonable and practical for use. 9

概况 清华大学艺术博物馆建筑面积 30000 平方米, 展厅面积约 9000 平方米, 位于地上一至四层, 其中 1 至 8 号展厅及 14 号展厅为临时展展厅, 四层 9 至 13 号展厅为馆藏展展厅 展厅设置充分考虑到不同类型和规模的展览需求, 保留大空间, 内设活动隔断, 可根据展览情况及展方需求进行调整 ; 一层展厅室内净高 8.5 米, 具备大型艺术品的陈列和展出条件 馆内设有公共大厅 贵宾接待室 报告厅 活动室等公共功能区域, 可举办开幕式 学术研讨会 座谈会 沙龙等活动, 其中一层公共大厅在大型展览及活动时可调整为展览空间 馆内同时设有图书馆 艺术品商店 咖啡厅, 增强了博物馆的艺术及文化气息 清华大学艺术博物馆是一座智能化建筑, 馆内设置楼宇自动化系统 通信自动化系统和办公自动化系统 作为一级风险单位, 具备辅助照明系统 报警门禁管理系统 巡更系统 安防通信 供电 传输系统 电视监控系统 取证记录系统, 能够提供安全 智能化 人性化的展陈环境 10

About TAM The Museum building covers an area of 30,000 square meters. The exhibition area takes up 9,000 square meters from the first floor up to the fourth floor. The exhibition hall 1-8 and exhibition hall 14 are for temporary exhibitions, and exhibition hall 9-13 are to display collections of TAM. Large space was kept for exhibitions of different scales and specifications, in the meantime, mobile partitions ensure enough flexibility for different requirements. 8.5 metres net height of the exhibition room on the first floor serves well the purpose for the display and installation of large-scale art works. Public areas in the Museum include main lobby, VIP reception rooms, auditoriums, activity rooms, which offers venue for a diversity of events including opening ceremony, academic symposiums, roundtable meetings, salons and so forth. The main lobby can be used as exhibition space for large-scale exhibition and events when such necessity arises. In addition, a library, souvenir shops, cafe offer all the artistic and cultural atmosphere that the visitors expect to have in a museum. In addition, it offers a full artistic and cultural experience to the visitors with its library, souvenir shops and cafe. As a smart building, the Art Museum is equipped with BAS (Building Automation System), CAS (Communication Automation System), and OAS (Office Automation System. The Art Museum falls into the category of organization that has primary risks. The emergent lighting system, Access alarm system, Patrol system, security system, power supply and transmission system, CCTV system, recording system are in place to guarantee a safe, smart, and human-oriented exhibition environment. 11

固定展线 Fixed Display Wall 73m 73m

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展览申办流程 1 提交展览申请资料 2 专家评审 3 涉外展览报批 4 评审 ( 及报批 ) 通过后, 签订展览协议并缴纳费用 5 进场前 60 天向馆方提供书面的展陈设计方案 6 进场前 20 天向馆方提出施工申请 7 进场前 7 天与馆方沟通运输信息 8 展览搭建及布展 9 展品交接 10 展览撤展 11 资料存档 18

Application Process 1 Submit application materials 2 Expert Review 3 Approval process for International exhibitions 4 Exhibition agreement signing and payment upon review (and approval) 5 Submit the exhibition and display plan 60 days prior to installation 6 Submit application for construction work 20 days prior to installation 7 Coordinate with museum on transportation information 7 days prior to installation 8 Installation 9 Exhibits Delivery 10 Dismantlement 11 Filing and Documentation 19

展览申办须知 1. 展览要求 展览内容应符合国家法律法规要求及清华大学艺术博物馆宗旨 2. 展览申请 > 展览申请所需资料 _ 展览申请表 ( 从官网 www.artmuseum.tsinghua.edu.cn 下载 ); _ 主办方推荐信 ; _ 展览概述 (PowerPoint 格式 ); _ 展品清单 ; _ 参展作品图片或影像资料及其说明文字, 作品图片大小 1M- 3M, 像素 300dpi 以上,jpg 格式, 影像资料请提供完整版本 ; _ 参展艺术家资料, 包含简历 照片 相关介绍 ; _ 场地特殊使用说明 ; > 申请资料提交方式展览申办方需一并提交纸质及光盘形式的申请材料, 申请材料可通过邮寄或直接送达的方式提交到以下地址 : 地址 : 北京市海淀区清华大学艺术博物馆展览部邮编 :100084 联系电话 :010-62796598 > 申请资料提交时间为使审核工作有序展开, 请申办方最迟于展览开幕前 6 个月提交展览申请材料 对于涉外展览或作品保存在国外及港澳台地区需要入境的展览, 请申办方最迟于展览开幕前 12 个月提交展览申请材料 3. 专家评审 在正式签订展览协议前, 清华大学艺术博物馆所承接的所有展览及活动都须 经馆方评审委员会及相关部门审核 审核通过后, 馆方将与申办方进行确认 20

Information on Exhibition Application 1. Exhibition Requirements Contents of exhibition shall be in conformity with laws and regulations of P.R.C as well as that of the vision of Tsinghua University Art Museum. 2. Exhibition Application > Required Application materials _ Application Form (download from www.artmuseum.tsinghua.edu.cn) _ Reference letter from the host _ Exhibition Overview (PowerPoint format) _ List of exhibits _ Photos of exhibits, video, and description in text. Complete version are required of the artworks with size over 1M-3M, or Resolution 300dpi and above, jpg format, video information. _ Information about artist, including CV, photos, and relevant information. _ Explanation of use of the venue for special purpose > Materials Submission Application materials should be submitted in both paper version and digital version within disks. Application materials can be posted or submitted directly to the address below. Address: Exhibition Department, Tsinghua University Art Museum, Hai Dian District, Beijing, P. R. China Post code: 100084 Tel: +86-010-62796598 > Submission Deadline In order to process the application, application materials should be submitted no later than six months prior to the opening of the exhibition. For international exhibitions, and exhibitions concerning exhibits from Hong Kong SAR, Macao and Taiwan of China, and from outside China, application materials should be submitted twelve months prior to the exhibition opening. 3. Expert Review Before the official signing of agreement, all the exhibitions and activities organized by TAM need to be reviewed by the Review and Assessment Committee as well as relevant departments. Once passed the review, a confirmation process will follow between TAM and the applicant. 21

展览申办须知 4. 签订展览协议专家评审通过后, 由清华大学艺术博物馆和展览申办方代表签订 清华大学艺术博物馆展览协议 待申办方缴纳第一笔费用后, 馆方将指定项目负责人, 由项目负责人与申办方协商展览时间安排表 明确展品及相关资料提交日期 布展流程等, 并负责与申办方对接各项日常工作 若申办方在收到通知后 2 周内未与馆方正式签订展览协议, 清华大学艺术博物馆将不再保留约定时间和展厅 5. 涉外展览报批 对于涉外展览, 申办方需提前向相关主管部门进行报批, 馆方可配合申办 方提供报批所必需的材料, 待相关主管部门批准后方可签订协议 6. 展品运输申办方须于进场前 7 天与馆方沟通运输信息 ( 包括人员安排 负责人联系方式 运输物品清单 物流公司全称 运输时间安排 车辆号牌 ), 并在约定时间将展品运送至清华大学艺术博物馆 馆方将配合货运车辆在校园内的通行及展品在馆内的卸运等工作 物流包装需申办方自行保管 22

Information on Exhibition Application 4. Exhibition Agreement Signing Once approved, Tsinghua University Art Museum Exhibition Agreement will be signed between Tsinghua University Art Museum and the applicant. Following the first payment by the applicant, TAM will appoint a project manager, whose responsibilities include scheduling, confirming exhibits and the deadline for submission of the required materials, making the installation process, working with applicant over various matters on a regular basis. Tsinghua University Art Museum will not reserve the venue and dates for exhibition if the applicant does not confirm with TAM within two weeks upon receipt of the approval notice. 5. Approval process for International Exhibition International exhibition should be approved by competent authorities. TAM can assist applicant in the procedures to provide necessary documents for approval. Exhibition agreement will be in force once it was approved by competent authorities. 6. Exhibits Transportation At least 7 days prior to the installation, the museum must be informed of the transportation information, including staffing, contact information of the person(s) in charge, list of the transported items, full name of the logistic company, schedule, license number of the vehicles). Exhibits must arrive the museum according to the specified date. The museum will facilitate the campus traffic for the truck to come through as well as unloading of the exhibits inside the museum. Packaging needs to be looked after by the exhibitor. 23

展览申办须知 7. 展览布 撤展馆方将按照通用标准为展览提供必要的展厅内温度 湿度 光照和通风条件, 委派工作人员指导申办方进行布撤展事宜, 并提供基本设备, 如有特殊需求, 需根据展览情况提出相关申请 布展前, 申办方须事先阅读 临时展览施工须知, 并于进场前 60 天向馆方提供书面的布展方案 ( 包括装修及电气图纸 展厅效果图 公共区导引方案等 ) 方案审核通过后, 由申办方自行完成展览搭建及撤展的施工工作, 并在进场前 20 天向馆方提出施工申请 展览撤展结束后, 双方核算展览期间的费用情况, 按照实际发生费用进行结算 8. 展品交接 申办方需自行为展品购买保险, 并按约定时间与馆方完成展品交接 9. 资料存档 展览结束后, 申办方需向馆方提供与展览有关的宣传资料以备留档, 包括 展览画册 论文集 请柬 海报等 24

Information on Exhibition Application 7. Installation and Dismantlement The museum will provide the needed temperature, humidity, lighting, and ventilation in accordance with general standard. Staffs from the museum will guide the exhibitor on installation and dismantlement and will provide basic equipment. If the exhibitor has any special requirement, please propose the application to the museum. Exhibitor shall read the Notice on Construction of Temporary Exhibition and provide installation plan in written text to the museum 60 days prior to entry to the museum. Installation plan should include technical drawings and electricity scheme, the perspective rendering of exhibition space and guidance plan on pubic area. It is the exhibitor s sole duty to inform the museum 20 days prior the installation and complete the construction work for installation and dismantle upon the approval of the installation plan. 8. Exhibits Delivery It is the exhibitor's sole duty to buy insurance for exhibits and handling exhibits with the museum according to the appointed time. 9. Filing and Documentation Upon the completion of the exhibition, exhibitor needs to provide related campaigning materials relevant to the exhition, including catalogue, proceedings, invitation, posters, etc. 25

相关服务 清华大学艺术博物馆借鉴先进的管理模式, 结合实际经验总结高效的展览 服务流程, 建立服务质量监督机制, 提供最专业的展览服务 1. 展览开幕式筹备馆方具备展览开幕式所需的场地 设备及专业的配套服务, 配合展览开幕式的筹备工作 馆方可提供以下展览开幕式相关服务 : > 人员配合 : 馆方将在开幕式期间为申办方提供基本安保人员和保洁人员, 如申办方有特殊需求请提前向馆方提交申请 > 环境布置 : 提供开幕式背景板及现场环境的布置 > 桌椅提供 : 开幕式现场馆方将为申办方提供签到桌及观众座椅 > 音响提供 : 为确保申办方开幕式现场的音响效果, 馆方将提供一套音响及一支立麦, 如申办方有其他音响设备需求, 馆方也将提供音响设备的租赁服务 > 酒会 : 当展览开幕式配有餐饮服务时, 申办方需在活动开始前 4 周向馆方提出申请并缴纳押金, 以便管理餐饮方对场馆地面及基础设施的保护 申办方也可以委托馆方安排展览开幕酒会, 申办方须提前 8 周向馆方提供参会人数, 馆方会及时与申办方确认开幕酒会的餐单与报价, 并另行签订协议 如需在馆内举办展览开幕式, 申办方须在开幕式前 15 天将开幕式流程 场地方案 VIP 嘉宾名单 自邀媒体名单提交给馆方 28

Other Services Tsinghua University Art Museum embraces an advanced model in its management and has a highly efficient process with abundant experiences and a quality supervision mechanism to provide the most professional exhibition services. 1. Exhibition Opening Event Planning and Preparation The museum has both the venue and the supporting facilities as well as services that an exhibition opening ceremony requires. In addition, the museum is willing to support the preparation and planning of the opening event. Services available are as follows: > Staff: The museum provides security staff and cleaning staff. Special request are possible upon the submission of application. > Setting: The museum can provides backboard and help with setting. > Tables and Chairs: The museum can provide check-in desk and chairs for audience. > Stereo System: The museum will provide a set of stereo equipment including standing microphone to the exhibitor. If exhibitor has other requirement, the museum provides stereo equipment for rent. > Reception events: Exhibitor shall submit an application and pay deposit four weeks in advance as deposit for the catering service of the event for the purpose of maintenance of the facilities and floor conditions. Exhibitor may also commission TAM to make arrangement of opening reception. The number of guests needs be provided by the exhibitor to TAM eight weeks prior to the event. TAM will confirm the menu and quote with exhibitor and a supplemental agreement need to be signed. If the opening is held within the museum, exhibitor should provide the following information 15 days prior to the opening event: schedule, floor plan, VIP guest list, list of media invited by exhibitor. 29

相关服务 2. 学术活动筹备馆方具备举办专题讲座及学术论坛等学术活动所需的场地 设备及专业配套服务, 配合学术活动的筹备工作 馆方可提供以下学术活动相关服务 : > 学术支持 : 学术建议 选题策划 嘉宾邀请 会议内容发表 ; > 会务服务 : 场地租赁 会场布置 音响设备 多媒体投射 影像拍摄 同声传译 速记 鲜花礼仪 签到接待 ; > 设计服务 ( 详见本手册 宣传品设计制作 相关内容 ); > 媒体推广 ( 详见本手册 媒体推广 相关内容 ); 如需在馆内举办学术活动, 申办方须在活动举办前 30 天向馆方提交申请及相关材料 ( 访问 www.artmuseum.tsinghua.edu.cn 下载 清华大学艺术博物馆学术活动申请表 ), 审核通过后方可开展相关筹备工作, 并提前 20 天向馆方提供活动宣传资料的设计样本进行确认 3. 宣传品设计制作馆方拥有一流的设计团队, 可为展方提供展览平面设计的最佳解决方案 馆方可提供以下宣传品设计制作相关服务 : > 展览配套设计 : 展签 展板设计 ; > 展览宣传品 : 海报 宣传单页 宣传折页 易拉宝 道旗 移动客户端视觉形象设计 网页形象图 请柬 PPT 模版 大型户外广告 ; > 公共关系用品 : 贵宾邀请函 普通邀请函 信封 手提袋 包装纸 笔记本 书签 ; > 影视制作 : 网络短片 展映纪录片 展览宣传片 ; > 印刷品 : 展览画册 论文集 参展证书 如委托馆方进行印刷品的设计和制作, 申办方须至少在展览开幕前 3 个月与馆方签订 宣传品设计委托协议 30

Other Services 2. Academic Activity Preparation TAM boasts the necessary academic venues, equipment and professional support services fully in compliance with the seminar and forum preparation, and offers the following related services: > Academic Support: academic advising, planning topics, invited guests and meeting content delivery; > Meeting Services: venue rental, venue design, audio equipment, multimedia projection, image capture, interpretation, shorthand, flowers etiquette and signing reception; > Design Services (see Publicity Materials Design ); > Media Campaign (See Media Campaign ); In case that the academic activity is hold inside the museum, the exhibitor shall submit an application (download Application Form of Tsinghua Art Museum from www.artmuseum.tsinghua.edu.cn) within 30 days prior to activity execution and may make preparation once approved. Publicity material drawings shall be submitted for confirmation 20 days in advance. 3. Publicity Materials Design TAM enjoys first-class design team dedicated to providing best design solutions and offers the following publicity materials design services: > Supporting Design: exhibition sign and poster design; > Publicity Materials: posters, leaflets, brochures, roll-up, road flags, mobile client visual image design, web image maps, tickets, PPT templates and largescale outdoor advertising; > Public Relations Supplies: VIP invitations, general invitations, envelopes, bag, wrapping paper, notebooks and bookmarks; > Film and Television Production: network movie, documentary screenings and advertising videos; > Prints: exhibition catalog and exhibitor certificate. For the entrusting design and production of prints, exhibitor shall sign Publicity Materials Design Agreement with TAM in 3 months prior to exhibition opening. 31

相关服务 4. 媒体推广馆方拥有立体式媒体传播平台, 传播渠道覆盖平面纸媒 线上媒体 电视媒体, 合作机构具有极高业界知名度和极大的传播影响力, 可以为展览量身打造全方位 多角度的推广服务 馆方可提供以下媒体推广相关服务 : > 宣传稿件撰写 : 包括新闻通稿 专题策划 深度采访 广告 软文 展讯和特写等形式 ; > 推广物料设计及制作 :( 详见本手册 宣传品设计制作 相关内容 ); > 媒体发布 :PC 端门户首页及频道首页, 移动端微博 微信平台 业界内外报纸 杂志媒体邀请 ; > 推广效果评估 : 剪报反馈 如委托馆方进行媒体推广, 申办方须至少在展览开幕前 3 个月与馆方签订 媒体推广委托协议, 并按规定时间提交展览文字介绍及展览影像资料 5. 衍生品开发及销售馆方拥有专业的衍生品开发团队与馆内艺术品商店, 可对展览衍生品进行开发 制作及销售 如委托馆方进行衍生品开发及制作, 申办方须至少在展览开幕前 3 个月向馆方提出申请并签订 衍生产品开发项目委托协议, 双方具体沟通相关事宜 如需在馆内艺术品商店进行衍生品的销售, 申办方须在衍生品制作前一个月向馆方报审电子设计稿, 审核通过之后方可制作, 并按照馆方规定在艺术品商店内统一销售 销售收益划分双方另行商议 32

Other Services 4. Media Campaign TAM features three-dimensional media communication platform which enriches communication channels extended to plane paper media, online media and television media. In addition, cooperative agencies honor high popularity and great publicity influence and offer all-round/dimension publicity services: > Publicity manuscript writing: including press release, thematic planning, IDI, advertising, advertorial, spreadtrum and close-up; > Publicity Materials Design and Production: (see Publicity Materials Design ); > Media Press: PC-side portal and channel home, mobile microblog, Wechat, internal and external newspapers and magazine media invitation; > Publicity Effectiveness Assessment: clippings feedback. When the exhibitor entrusts TAM responsible for media campaign, Media Campaign Agreement shall be signed in 3 months prior to the opening of the exhibition and exhibition text description and image data shall be submitted within specified time. 5. Souvenir Design & Sales TAM boasts professional souvenir development team and internal souvenir shop conducive to the development, production and sales. In case that the exhibitor entrusts TAM responsible for souvenir development and production, it shall apply to and sign with TAM a Souvenir Development Program Entrusting Agreement in 3 months prior to the opening of the exhibition. Both parties shall make an elaborated discussion on specific issues related. In case that the exhibitor requires to sell souvenirs in the souvenir shop, it shall submit e-documents in 1 month prior to souvenir production and may not carry out the production without approval and shall be compliant with TAM requirements for souvenir sales. Sales revenue distribution shall be decided through friendly negotiation between the exhibitor and TAM. 33



展览申请表 Application Form of Tsinghua University Art Museum 展览名称 Exhibition name 申办单位 Host (individual or company) 申办方信息 Applicant Information 联络人信息 Applicants 联系人 Contact 联系电话 Tel 电子邮箱 E-mail 通讯地址 Address 展览信息 Exhibition Information 主办单位 Host 承办单位 Organizer 展览主题及概述 Exhibition concept 展品数量及形式 Exhibits quantity and form 参展艺术家 Artists 是否涉外展览 Concerning foreign affairs 是 / Y 否 / N 拟展时间 Expected dates / / - / / 拟申请展厅 Expected exhibition hall 1F 2F 3F 4F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 申请人签字 Signature: 日期 Date:

联系方式展览部电话 : 010-62796598 传真 : 010-62781023 邮箱 : exhibition-tam@tsinghua.edu.cn Contact Us Exhibition Department Tel: 010-62796598 Fax: 010-62781023 Email: exhibition-tam@tsinghua.edu.cn