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目 錄 壹 目 的... 1 一 計 畫 背 景... 1 二 計 畫 目 的... 1 三 預 期 效 應... 2 貳 過 程... 3 一 計 畫 期 程... 3 二 學 生 活 動 安 排 時 程... 3 三 活 動 檢 核 表... 4 四 組 織 與 分 工... 5 五 活 動 行



EUROPE 13Days 10Nights Imperial EASTERN EUROPE World Behind The Wall Poland / Slovakia / Hungary / Austria / Czech Republic VALIDITY: APR 2016 ONWARDS 2016 起出发! HIGHLIGHTS Warsaw, Poland Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Poland Danube River dinner cruise, Budapest Grinzing Wine Village, Vienna Schonbrunn Palace tour, Vienna Český Krumlov UNESCO World Heritage www.appleholiday.com 03-2143 3939 ENG

ENTRANCES / FEES INCLUDED Wawel Castle, Krakow Wielicska Salt Mine, Krakow Auschwitz Concentration Camp Danube River Dinner Cruise Fishermen's Bastion, Budapest Schonbrunn Palace, Vienna Mirabell Gardens, Salzburg Mozart s Birthplace Prague Castle & St Vitus Cathedral HOTELS ACCOMMODATION Premium tourist class hotels, majority with free wifi (at least at the lobby). 1N Warsaw - Mercure Centrum or sml 2N Krakow - Novotel City West or sml 2N Budapest - Courtyard by mariott city or sml 2N Vienna - Renaissance Vienna or sml 1N Salzburg - Wyndham Grand Salzburg or sml 2N Prague - NH Hotel Prague or sml *Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels. DAY 01 Check in KLIA DAY 02 Kuala Lumpur Warsaw (- / Chinese lunch / Western dinner) Warsaw city tour (Poland) Start with a walking tour of the Old Town of Warsaw, from the Old Town Market Place to the Zamkowy Square that is flanked by the Royal Castle and St Anne's Church with the Sigismund's Column at the centre. Walk and drive through the Royal Route and admire the exquisite Baroque architecture that is presented through buildings such as the Polonia Palace Hotel, the Kazimierz Palace and the Radziwill Palace, official residence of the Polish President. The Royal Lazienki Park is another highlight after the lunch break. Free time at leisure for some shopping in downtown Warsaw thereafter. DAY 03 Warsaw -370km - Krakow (Hotel Breakfast / Western lunch / Chinese dinner) Wieliczka Salt Mine, Krakow (Poland) Entrance into this unique phenomena where tour commences at 65m underground, moving through rooms, passages and great chambers. Highlights include a stunning underground lake and the beautiful Chapel of St. Kinga, where every feature is carved from solid salt. Wieliczka Salt Mine DAY 04 Krakow - 69km - Auschwitz -69km Krakow (Hotel Breakfast / - / Western dinner) Krakow city tour (Poland) Tour starts at the main market square, dominated by the 14th century Cloth Hall and St Mary's Church. Drive past the Royal Route to the majestic site of Wawel Hill and visit the Wawel Castle with entrance into the Zamek Wawelski Staterooms. Next, proceed to Kazimierz district, the main cultural centre of the Jewish community in Poland where the haunting holocaust movie Schindler's List was filmed. Auschwitz tour (Poland) Witness one of the most chilling and yet memorable lessons of modern European history. You will visit Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II (Birkenau), both large extermination and imprisonment camps. A visit to the Memorial Museum is included to watch a documentary on life in the camp and the subsequent liberation. DAY 05 Krakow - 216km Banska Bystrica - 183km Budapest (Hotel Breakfast / Western lunch / Cruise dinner) Banska Bystrica orientation (Slovakia) A short orientation tour includes photostop at Slovak Uprising Square to view the Black Obelisk and St Francis Xavier Cathedral before continuing your journey to Budapest. Danube River Dinner Cruise, Budapest (Hungary) A stylish welcome to Budapest awaits you. Tuck into the buffet spread, and don't forget to view the exceptionally beautifully illuminated icons of Budapest like the Parliament building, Buda Castle and more.

DAY 06 Budapest (Hotel Breakfast / Chinese lunch / Western dinner) Budapest city tour (Hungary) Entrance into the hill top Fisherman's Bastion, a classy 13th century castle complex for fabulous views of the Buda & Pest cities divided by the Danube River. View the Matthias Coronation Church and Royal Palace before adjourning to Gellert's Hill for a truly panoramic perspective of the Hungarian capital. In the afternoon, have a photostop at the Heroes' Square, with its iconic statues and Millennium Memorial complex. Spend the rest of the day shopping at the Champs Elysees of Budapest, Andrassy Avenue and the central food market. DAY 07 Budapest-243km Vienna (Hotel Breakfast / - / Western dinner) The Designer Outlet, Parndorf (Austria) Spend time at this shopping outlet, which offers over 170 international designer brands as well as restaurants and entertainment in a unique and stylish atmosphere. Grinzing Wine Village, Vienna (Austria) Tonight, get yourself ready for a fun time feasting and merry making at a Heurigen in Grinzing Wine Village (April to October only) DAY 08 Vienna Grinzing Wine Village (Hotel Breakfast / - / Western dinner) Schonbrunn Palace tour, Vienna (Austria) Entrance into Schonbrunn Palace & Gardens, a former residence of the imperial Habsburg family. Tour the apartment museums and stroll through a few sections of the vast Gardens for some amazing photographs. Vienna city tour (Austria) A drive along the major ringroad, Ringstrasse takes you past grand Baroque architecture such as the City Hall, Parliament & Hofburg Palace. Photostop at the St Stephen s Cathedral, known for its tall spires; and spend some shopping time at shopping streets like Mariahilferstrasse and Karntnerstrasse. DAY 09 Vienna 295km- Salzburg (Hotel Breakfast / Chinese lunch / Western dinner) Salzburg city tour (Austria) Start the tour with entrance to the famous Mirabell Gardens; featured in The Sound of Music movie, and admire its immaculate terraces, large symmetrical flower-beds, statues & fountains. View Europe's largest preserved fortress, Festung Hohensalzburg and the Salzburg Cathedral. Entrance to Mozart s Birthplace before browsing through the shopping street of Getreidegasse for souvenirs & chocolates etc. DAY 10 Salzburg 203km Ceske Krumlov 178km Prague (Hotel Breakfast / Western lunch / Western dinner) Český Krumlov orientation (Czech Republic) Truly a precious gem, this deserving UNESCO World Heritage medieval town is the second most visited place in Czech Republic. Simply walk around its cobblestoned old town, market square and marvel at the historic Český Krumlov Castle. DAY 11 Prague (Hotel Breakfast / Chinese lunch / Western dinner) Prague city tour (Czech Republic) Walk across the most photographed icon of Prague; Charles Bridge to the Old Town Square where the beautiful Astronomical Clock, Týn Church and St Nicholas Church have stood for years. Next, walk to the pedestrian street of Na Příkopě & Wenceslas Square, Prague s major shopping precinct. Entrances into the imposing Prague Castle, the world's largest ancient castle and the adjoining St. Vitus Cathedral. Walk down to view the St George Basilica and the old Royal Palace. DAY 12 Prague / Depart for home (Hotel Breakfast) Free time at leisure for some last minute shopping in downtown Prague. Transfer to airport for your flight back home. DAY 13 Arrival Home Arrive home with sweet memories.

克拉科夫瓦维尔城堡 克拉科夫维利奇卡盐矿 奥斯威辛集中营 多瑙河游船及晚餐 布达佩斯渔人的堡垒 维也纳美泉宫 米拉贝尔花园, 萨尔茨堡 莫扎特的出生地 布拉格城堡和圣维特大教堂 高级旅游酒店, 大部分都有提供免费 WiFi 否则至少在酒店大堂也可以无限上网 1 晚华沙 - 美居中心酒店或同级 2 晚克拉科夫 - 诺富特市西酒店或同级 2 晚布达佩斯 - 布达佩斯市中心万豪庭院酒店或同级 2 晚维也纳 - 维也纳万丽酒店或同级 1 晚萨尔茨堡 - 萨尔茨堡温德姆酒店或同级 2 晚布拉格 - NH 布拉格酒店或同级 * 所有酒店供应每日热早餐 第 1 天往吉隆坡国际机场登机 第 2 天抵达华沙 华沙都市之旅由徒步游览旧城区开始, 一路从旧城区广场直到 Zamkowy 广场, 后者两侧肃立着雄伟的皇家城堡和圣安妮教堂, 再以 Sigismund 圆柱列于正中央 漫步或驱车沿着皇家大道, 继续欣赏精致典雅的巴洛克式建筑, 如波尼亚宫殿和波兰的总统官邸拉齐维尔宫 参观皇家瓦津基公园 在晚餐时间前, 享有自由活动时间 第 3 天华沙 370 公里 - 克拉科夫 欢迎来到这座独特奇景, 由地下通道, 进入宽大的地下室, 体验难忘 65 米的地下城之旅 独特景点包括一座让人叹为观止的地下湖泊和美丽的圣金加教堂, 还有由扎实的盐的雕刻成的雕像 心 这里也是让大家萦绕心头的著名大屠杀电影 辛德勒的名单 的摄制地点 见证现代欧洲历史上最令人不寒而栗却又一生难忘的教诲之一 您将参观奥斯威辛 I 和奥斯威辛 II( 集中营 ), 两所专用于毁灭及监禁的大本营 随后, 参观纪念博物馆, 观看讲述集中营生活百态以及随后的解放运动之纪录片 第 5 天克拉科夫 -216 公里 - 班斯卡比斯特里察 - 183 公里 - 布达佩斯 一趟精简的行程, 走入班斯卡比斯特里察 来到斯洛伐克民族起义广场留影, 接下来观赏黑丰碑尖塔和圣方济各大教堂 下一站, 来到布达佩斯继续精彩旅程 充满高雅时尚的布达佩斯式欢迎礼正等待着您 尽情在游船上享用美味丰富的自助餐, 并沿途欣赏在夜幕里, 灯火璀璨的市标和夜景 如 : 布达佩斯的议会大厦, 布达城堡等, 在漆黑的夜幕里, 披上亮丽光彩的锦袍, 以灿烂明媚的光芒刷新布达佩斯的夜景 瓦维尔城堡 第 4 天克拉科夫 - 69 公里 - 奥斯威辛 -69 公里 - 克拉科夫 旅程从主广场开始, 一览该广场主导地标之 14 世纪布馆和圣玛丽教堂的华丽风采 驾驶通过皇家大道, 来到雄伟的瓦维尔山, 并参观瓦维尔城堡, 通过城堡入口来到等 Zamek Wawelsk 国宾馆 接着, 前往 Kazimierz 区 - 波兰犹太社区的主要文化中 第 6 天布达佩斯 多瑙河游船晚餐 进入位于山顶端的渔人堡垒, 一座优雅的 13 世纪城堡, 从山顶高处仰望由多瑙河分割两方的布达市和佩斯市, 景色之美, 让人为之着迷 离开前, 到马蒂亚斯加冕教堂和皇宫一游, 再来到圣盖勒特山, 居高临

下把匈牙利首都布达佩斯城的全景尽收眼帘, 让您感受真正完美的辽阔视野 当天下午, 前往英雄广场拍照留念, 并欣赏位于该广场的著名地标千禧年纪念馆, 一座壮观的雕像综合建筑 过后, 再到布达佩斯的香榭丽舍大街, 安德拉什大道和中央食品市场, 尽情享受整个下午的购物乐趣 园 ; 这所在著名电影 音乐之声 内出现的优美庭院, 就像是一座世外桃源, 为您呈现完美无暇的梯田, 大型对称的花坛, 雕塑和喷泉 参观欧洲最大的保存堡垒, 霍亨萨尔斯堡和萨尔茨堡大教堂 随后参观莫扎特的出身地 之后再前往购物街, 尽情浏览购买令郎满目的纪念品和巧克力等 第 7 天布达佩斯 - 243 公里 - 维也纳 在下午时间享受购物的乐趣 T h e Designer Outlet 拥有超过 170 家国际品牌, 这里的环境优美, 充满独特和时尚的餐厅和娱乐场所 今晚, 在维也纳葡萄酒村庄, 让自己度过一个吃喝玩乐 灯红酒绿并充满乐趣的美好夜晚 ( 四月至十月 ) 第 8 天维也纳 踏入美泉宫花园 -- 哈布斯堡帝国皇族的故居, 亲身体验这美丽庭院的风光明媚 游览博物馆后, 续后漫步于广阔园林间, 捕捉美轮美奂的景观 沿着环城大道主要环形路驱车兜风, 经过宏伟的巴洛克式建筑, 如 : 市政厅, 国会议厅和 Holfburg 宫殿 参观以高耸尖塔闻名的圣斯蒂芬大教堂, 也趁机会捕捉这里的美景 之后, 您可尽情在 Mariahilferstrasse 和 Kärntnerstrasse 街购物 帕恩多夫购物乐 维也纳市政厅 第 10 天萨尔茨堡 - 203 公里 - 克鲁姆洛夫 - 178 公里 - 布拉格 这一座位于捷克共和国, 为该国游客访问率第二高的中世纪小镇, 仿佛是一颗闪亮珍贵的宝石, 被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产 您只要在该古老城区的鹅卵石铺道, 市场广场悠然自在的步行游览, 就能深深享受当地的迷人魅力, 当然, 您也会惊叹于历史悠久的契斯凯布达洛夫城堡的雄伟壮观 第 11 天布拉格 参观世界最大的古堡 -- 雄伟的布拉格城堡, 以及与城堡毗邻的圣维特大教堂 步行到圣乔治大教堂和故皇宫 接着, 参观犹太隔区, 欣赏林立该区的独特豪宅, 犹太教堂和名牌商店. 漫步越过布拉格城曝光率最高的著名景点 -- 查理大桥, 来到老城区的广场, 观赏屹立不朽 雄伟壮观的天文钟, 蒂恩教堂和圣尼古拉斯教堂 接下来, 到步行街和瓦茨拉夫广场 - 布拉格主要的购物区 第 12 天布拉格 / 启程返回家园 ( ) 米拉贝尔花园 早上自由活动时间, 之后接送前往机场, 乘搭班机飞返家园 第 13 天抵达家园 抵达吉隆坡国际机场, 结束这次难忘愉快的旅程 第 9 天维也纳 - 295 公里 - 萨尔茨堡 旅途的开始, 带您进入著名的米拉贝尔花

Warsaw POLAND GERMANY Prague Auschwitz CZECH REPUBLIC Krakow SLOVAKIA Banska Bystrica Ceske Krumlov Vienna Salzburg AUSTRIA Budapest HUNGARY ITALY Fishermen's Bastion SERBIA KEY ITINERARY FEATURES Bilingual commentaries with high emphasis on English Comprehensive inclusions with sufficient free time for your preferred activity. Meticulously planned logistics for a well paced journey A mixture of Special Cuisines, Western, Chinese and meals on your own to optimize your dining pleasure. 主要行程特点 以英语为主的双语评述 精心策划及节奏适中的旅程编排 包罗万象的丰富综合旅程 并让您有足够 的空闲时间进行您所喜爱的活动 美味丰富的特别美食料理组合 包括西餐 中餐和您自选的美食佳肴 让您尽情沉醉 在享受餐饮的乐趣 特别餐饮安排 DINING SPECIALS Number of Meals : Lunch - 7 ; Dinner - 10 Exclusive Polish Cuisine Polish Folklore Show + Dinner Polish Roast Duck Leg Danube River Dinner Cruise Smoked Pork Neck menu Austrian Apple Strudel Grinzing Wine Village Dinner 餐饮数量 : 午餐 - 7 ; 晚餐 - 10 独特的波兰料理 波兰民俗表演+晚餐 波兰烤鸭腿 多瑙河游船晚餐 熏猪肉料理 奥地利苹果卷 Grinzing村之葡萄酒晚宴 Prague Old Town, Czech Republic Terms & Conditions / 备注 1. Flight details, itinerary, hotel and meals which are stated on the itinerary above subject to change according to different departure dates without prior notice. Any changes after booking, will be informed accordingly. 2. The sequence of itinerary, meals and hotel arrangement are subject to the final adjustment of the local ground operator. 3. Triple room sharing will be based on extra roll in bed basis. For Agent use: 4. To ensure the benefit of consumers, please refer to the standard Terms & Conditions at the back page of your invoice. 1. 行程表所列载的航班资料, 交通, 行程, 酒店住宿及膳食安排 将 能因应不同出发日期而有所变动 恕可能不及时通知 然而如报名 有所更动的话 本公司将另作个别通知 2. 行程, 膳食及住宿的先后次序, 最终以当地地接待社(地接)安排为准 3. 任何三人房都以折叠式加床为标准 4. 为确保消费者权益 详情请参阅单据背页之基本条规细节 Tour Code / 团号 : EEEWAWG Printed Date 26 February 2016 以上行程供参考 最后行程确定是以最终航班确认及当地旅游社之最终确定为准 但以上夜宿 餐食及观光景点将会尽量保持不变 我们建议您在出发前购买 安心旅游保险 中文行程以英文版本为准 The above itinerary is subject to change ; i) Subject to the final confirmation and the local tour operator final discretion. Hovewer, the night stay, number of meals and sightseeing places will remain unchanged.