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3c. Compulsory Quarantine The Company shall reimburse the Insured Person up to the Maximum Benefit as stated in the Schedule of Benefits for the amoun

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Journey and remains missing after twelve (12) months from the date of the Accident, and the Company has reas on to believe that the Insured Person has


29/F, BEA Tower, Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍觀塘道 418 號創紀之城 5 期東亞銀行中心 29 樓 Tel 電話 : 3608 2988 Fax 傳真 : 3608 2988 www.bluecross.com.hk TravelSafe Plus Insurance INSURING CLAUSE The Policyholder, the Insured Person and Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited (the Company ) agree that: 1. This policy document, the certificate of insurance, the schedule of benefits and any endorsement to this Policy shall be read together as one contract. 2. The application, proposal and declaration that have been completed and provided to the Company are the basis of this contract and are deemed to be incorporated herein. 3. This Policy comes into force on the condition that the Policyholder has paid the premium specified in the certificate of insurance in full and the application has been approved by the Company. 4. The Company shall provide insurance subject to the limits, terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy. 5. The due observance of the terms, conditions and endorsements of this Policy relating to anything to be done or not to be done or to be complied with by the Insured Person or any other person claiming to be indemnified; and the truth of the contents of the application, proposal and declaration, shall be conditions precedent to any liability of the Company. TERRITORIAL SCOPE OF INSURANCE COVER All benefits described in this Policy are subject to the respective territorial scope: 1. If the Policyholder has selected Global Cruise, Global Diamond, or Global Gold plan, the Company will cover any Journey the Insured Person makes to any countries other than the Place of Origin. 2. If the Policyholder has selected China Basic plan, the Company will cover any Journey the Insured Person makes to China but excluding the Place of Origin and Hong Kong. DEFINITIONS The definitions below apply to the following words and phrases wherever they appear in this Policy unless the context otherwise requires: 1. Accident shall mean an event occurring entirely beyond the Insured Person's control and caused by violent, external and visible means. 2. Act of Terrorist or Terrorist Act shall mean an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof, of any person or group of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation or government, committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear. 3. Age or Aged shall mean the age last birthday of the Insured Person on the commencement date of the Period of Insurance. Age less than 1 shall be considered as 1 under this Policy. 4. China shall mean The People s Republic of China. 5. Chinese Medicine Practitioner shall mean a Chinese medical practitioner who is duly registered with the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong pursuant to the Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Cap. 549) of the laws of Hong Kong, but in no circumstance shall include the Insured Person, the Policyholder, an insurance intermediary, an employer, employee, Immediate Family Member or business partner of the Policyholder and/or Insured Person. 6. Close Business Partner shall mean a business associate that has a share in the Insured Person s business. 7. Compulsory Quarantine shall mean a compulsory quarantine in a Hospital or at a specific place appointed by the government. 8. Contents shall mean all the Insured Person's furniture, furnishings, home appliances, household and personal effects including household appliances hired to the Insured Person or the Insured Person's family members. 9. Eligible Expense shall mean those medical expenses necessitated by an Injury or a Sickness covered by this Policy and incurred on the recommendation of a Surgeon or Physician but shall not exceed reasonable and customary charges for the same. The Eligible Expenses shall not in any event exceed the actual charges incurred. 10. Fracture Leg or Patella with Established Non-union shall mean complete breakage into 2 or more pieces of the patella or leg bone which cannot mend properly and function normally. This condition will last for the remainder of the Insured Person s life. 11. Hong Kong shall mean the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 12. Hospital shall mean an establishment duly constituted and registered as a hospital for the care and treatment of sick and injured person as paying bed-patients, and which has all of the following: a) facilities for diagnostic procedures and surgery; b) 24-hour nursing services rendered by registered nurses; and c) supervision of a Physician, and is not primarily a clinic; a place for alcoholics or drug addicts; a nursing, rest or convalescent home; or a home for the aged or similar establishment. 13. Hospital Confinement or Confined shall mean being confined in a hospital as an in-patient for medical treatment for a minimum continuous period of 24 hours upon the recommendation of a Physician for stay in the hospital prior to his discharge. 14. Immediate Family Member shall mean a person s Spouse, children, parents, parents-in-law, brothers or sisters, grandparents, grandchildren or legal guardian. 15. Infectious Disease shall mean any kind of infectious disease for which a pandemic alert is issued by the World Health Organisation and Compulsory Quarantine is enforced. 16. Injury shall mean any bodily injury which (i) is caused by an Accident, (ii) solely and independently of any other cause, and (iii) (a) occasions the death within 12 calendar months of the date of the Accident or (b) necessitates medical and/or surgical treatment. 17. Insured Person wherever used in this Policy shall mean any person named as Insured Person in the certificate of insurance or by way of subsequent endorsement to this Policy. 18. Journey shall mean, with respect to the journey the Company insures for, the journey that commences when the Insured Person completes the immigration departure clearance procedure at the Place of Origin on or after the departure date specified in the certificate of insurance for the purpose of commencing such journey and ends (a) on the last day of the Period of Insurance specified in the certificate of insurance or (b) when the Insured Person completes the immigration arrival clearance procedure for returning to the Place of Origin after such journey, whichever is earlier. 19. Loss of Hearing shall mean the total and irrecoverable loss of hearing for all sounds of both ears where, If a db Hearing loss at 500 Hertz If b db Hearing loss at 1,000 Hertz If c db Hearing loss at 2,000 Hertz If d db Hearing loss at 4,000 Hertz 1/6 of (a+b+c+d) is above 80db. 20. Loss of Limb shall mean permanent and irrecoverable loss by physical severance at or above the wrist or ankle joint. 21. "Loss of Sight" shall mean the entire, permanent and irrecoverable loss of sight. 22. Loss of Speech shall mean the disability in articulating any three of the four sounds which contribute to the speech such as the Labial sounds, the Alveololabial sounds, the Palatal sounds and the Velar sounds or total loss of vocal cord or damage of speech centre in the brain resulting in Aphasia. 23. Loss of Thumb, Finger or Toe shall mean complete severance through or above the metacarpophalangeal joints or metatarsophalangeal joints. 24. Loss of Use shall mean total functional disablement. 25. Money shall mean cash, currency note, coins, cheques, postal orders, bankers drafts, travellers cheques, travel tickets, saving certificates, stamps, gift tokens/coupon and cash coupon. 26. Period of Insurance shall mean the period of time specified in the certificate of insurance during which this Policy is effective. 27. Permanent Total Disablement shall mean a result of an Accident that prevents the Insured Person from attending to his normal occupation for a minimum of 52 consecutive weeks certified at the end of that time by a Physician acceptable to the Company to be a condition that will permanently and totally disable the Insured Person from engaging in any gainful occupation and that is beyond any hope of improvement. 28. Physician or Surgeon shall mean only a medical practitioner who is (i) duly registered with the Medical Council of Hong Kong pursuant to the Medical Registration Ordinance (Cap. 161) of the laws of Hong Kong or in relation to jurisdictions outside of Hong Kong, the body of equivalent standing, and (ii) legally authorised in the geographical area of his practice to render medical and surgical service as a practitioner of western medicine, but in no circumstance include the Insured Person, the Policyholder, an insurance intermediary, an employer, employee, Immediate Family Member or business partner(s) of the Policyholder and/or the Insured Person. 29. Place of Origin shall mean the place where the Journey of the Insured Person commences. Place of Origin will be considered to be Hong Kong unless otherwise specifically mentioned on the application form by the applicant. 30. Policy shall mean and refer to the entire policy contract among the Policyholder, the Insured Person and the Company including this policy document, application, proposal, declaration and/ or beneficiary designation form submitted or made by the Policyholder or the Insured Person or his authorised representatives, the schedule of benefits, certificate of insurance issued hereunder and any endorsements thereto. 31. Policyholder shall mean the person named as certificate holder in the certificate of insurance or as Policyholder by way of subsequent endorsement to this Policy. 32. Prescribed Medicine or Drugs shall respectively mean any medicine or drug for which a Physician s prescription has been issued and has been dispensed in a Physician s surgery or by a licensed pharmacist in respect of treatment covered under this Policy. 33. Public Conveyance shall mean all common public transport carriers which are mechanically propelled and are licensed to carry passenger for hire by the relevant authorities but exclude a contractor, chartered or private carriers, aircraft other than multi-engine fixed-wing aeroplane, and any other carriers which are operated primarily for sight-seeing service and amusement of the passenger. 34. Serious Bodily Injury or Serious Sickness shall mean Injury or Sickness which requires treatment by a Physician and certified by that Physician as being dangerous to life. Where the Insured Person and Travel Companion are concerned, the Physician shall also certify that they are unfit to travel or continue with the Insured Person s Journey. 35. Sickness shall mean a condition marked by a deviation from the normal healthy state of human being. 36. Spouse, in relation to a married person, shall mean the husband or wife of that person by a valid marriage. 37. Travel Companion shall mean the person travelling with the Insured Person for the whole Journey. POLICY BENEFITS Note: All benefits payable to the Insured Person (or his legal representative) pursuant to Sections 1-19 below are subject to the maximum limits and sub-limits as stated in the schedule of benefits for the plan selected by the Insured Person, AND subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the Policy herein. SECTION 1 MEDICAL EXPENSES BENEFIT 1.1 Medical Expense during the Journey The Company will reimburse the Eligible Expenses reasonably incurred for the hospitalisation, surgery, ambulance and paramedic services, diagnostic tests, consultation by Physicians and Prescribed Medicines and Drugs arising from the Insured Person's Injury or Sickness contracted or sustained during the Journey: Room and Board Where Eligible Expenses for hospitalisation are payable under this Section, the sub-limit for Room and Board shall apply. For the purpose of this section, Room and Board shall mean hospital accommodation charges including meals and general nursing services reasonably incurred by the Insured Person who is registered as an in-patient in a Hospital. 1.2 Follow-up Medical Expenses in Hong Kong The Company will also pay a claim under this benefit for the Eligible Expenses reasonably incurred by the Insured Person in Hong Kong within 90 days of the last day of his Journey for the continuation of medical treatment from a Physician, Surgeon, provided that (i) Hong Kong is the final destination of the Journey and (ii) the medical treatment for such Injury or Sickness has first been sought outside of the Place of Origin from a Physician or Surgeon during the Journey. Bone-setting & Acupuncture Expenses The Follow-up Medical Expenses in Hong Kong benefit shall cover treatment received from a Chinese Medicine Practitioner in Hong Kong for Chinese bonesetting and acupuncture arising from an Injury. 1.3 Trauma Counselling In the event that the Insured Person is diagnosed as suffering from a post-traumatic stress disorder by a Physician as a direct result of his being a victim or eye-witness with first-hand information of a Serious Bodily Injury, armed robbery, fire, explosion, natural disaster, hijack or Act of Terrorist occurred during the Journey and requiring counselling service from a registered psychiatrist or registered clinical psychologist, the Company will pay the reasonable and necessary medical expenses incurred for such counselling service (i) during the Journey; and/or (ii) in Hong Kong within 90 days of the Insured Person s return to Hong Kong upon the completion of the Journey. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the maximum amount of benefit payable to the Insured Person at Age over 70 under this section shall not exceed of the benefit limit applicable to the Medical Expenses Benefit stated in the schedule of benefits of the Policy. Exclusions Applicable to Section 1 1. any expenses related to additional cost of a single or private room at Hospital or charges in respect of special or private nursing; wheelchair, crutch or any other similar equipments; 2. any expenses related to cosmetic surgery, apparatus to correct visual acuity or refractive error, contact lenses, glasses or hearing aids, prosthesis, and medical equipment, appliances and accessories; 3. any expenses related to psychiatric, psychological disorder, mental or nervous disorders (including any related primary/basic signs and symptoms) (not applicable to Section 1.3 (Trauma Counselling)); 4. any expenses related to treatment or services undertaken without the related recommendation of a Physician; routine physical examinations or health check-ups not incidental to the treatment or diagnosis of a suspected covered Injury or Sickness sustained during the Journey covered by this Policy and occurring or arising during the Period of Insurance; 5. any medical expenses incurred after 180 days of the date of the Injury or Sickness was sustained or contracted; 6. any medical expenses related to travel taken contrary to the advice of a medical practitioner or where the Journey is for the purpose of receiving medical or surgical treatment. SECTION 2 OVERSEAS HOSPITAL OR QUARANTINE CASH ALLOWANCE BENEFIT 2.1 Overseas Hospital Cash Allowance The Company will pay a cash allowance for each complete day (i.e. a continuous period of 24 hours) of the Insured Person s Hospital Confinement during the Journey. 2.2 Compulsory Quarantine Cash Allowance The Company will pay a cash allowance for each complete day (i.e. a continuous period of 24 hours) of Compulsory Quarantine imposed on the Insured Person during the Journey or within 7 days of his return to Hong Kong for reason of being suspected or confirmed to have infected with Infectious Disease. Exclusions Applicable to Section 2 The Company shall not be liable: 1. for any dwelling quarantine; 2. if the planned destination has been declared as an infected area by the local government and/or the World Health Organisation on or before the commencement date of the Period of Insurance; 3. if the confinement or quarantine period is less than a continuous period of 24 hours; 4. if the Hospital Confinement is due to a medical condition which is not covered by the plan. SECTION 3 24-HOUR WORLDWIDE EMERGENCY AID Emergency Medical Assistance - If the Insured Person suffers Serious Bodily Injury or Serious Sickness during the Journey, the Insured Person or his representative may contact 24-hour Worldwide Emergency Aid hotline for the following services, provided that such journey is not undertaken (i) against medical advice or (ii) for the purpose of seeking or obtaining any medical treatment abroad, or resting and recuperation following any accident or illness prior to the Journey. 3.1 Emergency Evacuation If the Insured Person s condition must require immediate medical treatment which is not available in the place of Accident or sickness, emergency evacuation to the nearest appropriate medical facility will be arranged. 3.2 Repatriation Following an emergency evacuation arranged under this section, necessary repatriation of the Insured Person to the medical facility in his Place of Origin by scheduled airline flight or other appropriate means of transportation can be arranged, provided that (i) the Insured Person s original travel ticket is not valid for travel, (ii) the Insured Person shall surrender any unused portion of his travel ticket to the Company and (iii) the fare class of the scheduled Public Conveyance shall not exceed the fare class of the original travel ticket of the Insured Person. Any decision in relation to repatriation, in particular, whether a repatriation is necessary, shall be made jointly and exclusively by both the attending Physician and the Company. 3.3 Hospital Deposit Guarantee The Company will guarantee or provide hospital admission deposit to the Hospital on behalf of the Insured Person, provided that (i) any payment made hereunder shall be deducted from the Medical Expense benefits payable under this Policy and (ii) the Policyholder and/or the Insured Person must repay the Company any hospital admission deposit which cannot be offset by the benefit payable within the period of time requested by the Company. Under all circumstances the Insured Person shall settle the full payment of the medical expenses direct with the Hospital prior to his discharge, including hospital admission deposit guaranteed by the Company. 3.4 Additional Costs of Travel and Accommodation (including Caring Visit) a) Additional Costs of Travel and Accommodation The Company will reimburse additional costs MC163/01.2014...1

of economy class travel returning to the Place of Origin for the Insured Person and additional costs of accommodation reasonably incurred by the Insured Person, when such costs arise from Serious Bodily Injury or Serious Sickness necessitating medical treatment of the Insured Person. b) Caring Visit In case of the Insured Person s death or Hospital Confinement for over 3 consecutive days, the Company will reimburse additional accommodation and travelling expenses reasonably incurred by the following person: i) two Immediate Family Members to join the Insured Person; or ii) one Immediate Family Member and one Travel Companion to join the Insured Person or to stay behind to take care of the Insured Person. 3.5 Return of Unattended Dependent Children The Company will reimburse additional accommodation and travelling expenses reasonably incurred for returning to the Place of Origin of the Insured Person s dependent child under the age of 18 who is left unattended overseas as a result of the Serious Bodily Injury, Serious Sickness or hospitalisation of the Insured Person. 3.6 Repatriation of Mortal Remains The Company will reimburse the transportation charges reasonably incurred for the repatriation of the mortal remains of the Insured Person to the Place of Origin. 3.7 Burial and Funeral Expenses The Company will reimburse the burial and funeral expenses reasonably incurred during the Journey or within 180 days of the end of Journey for necessary burial and funeral formalities if the Insured Person passes away as a result of the Serious Bodily Injury or Serious Sickness suffered during the Journey. 3.8 Referral Services Upon request of the Insured Person or his representative, referral services for legal assistance, interpreter and replacement of lost travel document or travel pass will be provided through 24-hour Worldwide Emergency Aid. Exclusions Applicable to Section 3 1. any expenses incurred after 180 days of the date on which the Serious Bodily Injury or Serious Sickness is sustained or contracted (except for expense under sub-clause 3.7 (Burial and Funeral Expenses)) ; 2. any benefits under sub-clauses 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.6 of this section if the Company s prior approval has not been obtained by the Insured Person or his representatives before any assistance is provided or payment of deposits is guaranteed. Procedure: The Insured Person or his representative shall call the following 24-hour Worldwide Emergency Aid hotline for the services set out in this section. Tel: (852) 3608 6083 Fax: (852) 3608 6082 The party making such call will be required to provide the Insurance Certificate Number as shown in the certificate of insurance, the name and Hong Kong Identity Card or Passport number of the Insured Person, the nature and the location of the emergency and his contact details. After validation, the services under the 24-Hour Worldwide Emergency Aid will be provided. Limitations to Liabilities 1. All service providers rendering services to the Insured Person under this term and conditions (including but not limited to the emergency assistance provider, physicians, and hospitals) (the Service Providers ) are not employees, agents or servants of the Company. Accordingly, the Service Providers shall be responsible for their own acts, and the Insured shall not have any recourse or claim against the Company in connection with any services rendered by the Service Providers. 2. The Company assumes no liability in any manner and shall not be liable for any loss arising out of or howsoever caused by any advice given or services rendered by or any acts or omissions of any Service Providers. 3. The Company and the Service Providers shall not be held responsible for any failure to provide the 24-hour Worldwide Emergency Aid services and/or delays if caused by or contributed to by acts of God, or any circumstances and conditions beyond their control, including but not limited to, any administrative, political or government impediment, strike, industrial action, riot, civil commotion, or any form of political unrest (including but not limited to war, terrorism, insurrection), adverse weather conditions, flight conditions or situations where the rendering of such service is prohibited or delayed by local laws, regulators or regulatory agencies. 4. In no event shall the Company be liable under this terms and conditions or in the course of the provision of the 24-hour Worldwide Emergency Aid services, for any incidental, special, consequential or indirect loss, damages, costs, charges, fees or expenses. 5. The Company may cancel this 24-hour Worldwide Emergency Aid services by giving 30 days prior notice to the Policyholder or Insured Person at the address last known to the Company. 6. The use of the 24-hour Worldwide Emergency Aid services is of the Insured Person s own accord. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or liabilities arising from such use. SECTION 4 PERSONAL ACCIDENT BENEFIT The Company will pay this benefit according to the table of benefits as shown in this section (the Table of Benefits ) in the event that an Accident on the Journey results in the Insured Person s death or any Permanent Disablement as listed in the Table of Benefits within 12 months from the date of the Accident. Provided that 1. the maximum limit for the benefits under Section 4.1 (Accident on Public Conveyance) and 4.2 (Other Accidents) for the Insured Person under the Age of 18 or over the Age of 70 shall be HK$300,000 and HK$150,000 respectively; 2. the total benefits payable under Section 4.1 (Accident on Public Conveyance) and 4.2 (Other Accidents) shall not exceed of the maximum limit for the Personal Accident Benefit regardless of the number of Insured Event occurs to the Insured Person during the Journey. For the avoidance of doubt, a claim can only be made under either Section 4.1 (Accident on Public Conveyance) or Section 4.2 (Other Accidents). Table of Benefits Insured Events Benefit Limit for Each Insured Event* 1. Accidental death 2. Permanent disablement (2.1 to 2.18) 2.1 Permanent Total Disablement 2.2 Permanent and incurable paralysis of all limbs 2.3 Permanent total Loss of Sight of both eyes 2.4 Permanent total Loss of Sight of one eye 2.5 Loss of or permanent total Loss of Use of two Limbs 2.6 Loss of or permanent total Loss of Use of one Limb 2.7 Permanent total Loss of Speech and Hearing 2.8 Permanent total Loss of Hearing in a) both ears b) one ear 2.9 Permanent total Loss of Speech 2.10 Permanent total loss of the lens of one eye 2.11 Removal of the lower jaw by surgical operation 2.12 Loss of or permanent total Loss of Use of Thumb and four Fingers of a) right hand b) left hand 2.13 Loss of or permanent total Loss of Use of four Fingers of a) right hand b) left hand 2.14 Loss of or permanent total Loss of Use of one Thumb a) both right joints b) one right joint c) both left joints d) one left joint 2.15 Loss of or permanent total Loss of Use of Fingers a) three right joints b) two right joints c) one right joint d) three left joints e) two left joints f) one left joint (In the event that the Insured Person is left-handed, the applicable percentages for left and right hands as shown in 2.12 to 2.15 shall be reversed.) 2.16 Loss of or permanent total Loss of Use of Toes a) all one foot b) great both joints c) great one joint d) other toe 2.17 Fractured Leg or Patella with Established Non-Union 2.18 Shortening of leg by at least 5 cm 75% 15% 70% 40% 15% 20% 10% 10% 7.5% 5% 7.5% 5% 2% 15% 5% 3% 2% 10% 7.5% *It is calculated as a percentage of the applicable limits of the Personal Accident Benefit (i.e. respective limits for Accident on Public Conveyance and Other Accidents ) which are set out in the schedule of benefit of this Policy. 4.1 Accident on Public Conveyance The Company will pay this benefit according to the limit for each Insured Event set out in the Table of Benefits if the Insured Event occurs while the Insured Person is travelling as a fare-paying passenger on board a Public Conveyance or a mechanical propelled vehicle or vessel arranged by the travel agency, provided that no benefit will be payable under this section in any of the following circumstances: a) the Insured Person has made any statement that disclaims or discharges the liability of the Public Conveyance provider; b) the mechanical propelled vehicle or vessel is driven by a Travel Companion, a tour member or any person who is not registered and qualified to do so; c) any Injury or death that is attributable to any Act of Terrorist. 4.2 Other Accidents The Company will pay this benefit according to the limit for each Insured Event set out in the Table of Benefits if the Insured Event occurs other than those accidents referred to in Section 4.1(Accident on Public Conveyance). 4.3 Extension of Personal Accident Benefit Benefits under this section are extended to cover an Accident causing an Insured Event to the Insured Person when travelling on a direct route: a) from his residence or regular place of employment in the Place of Origin to the immigration departure clearance control point within 3 hours prior to the scheduled time of departure of the Public Conveyance, for the purposes of commencing the Journey; b) from the immigration arrival clearance control point to his residence or regular place of employment in the Place of Origin within 3 hours of the scheduled time of arrival of the Public Conveyance upon completion of the Journey. For the purpose of this section, if the whereabouts of the Insured Person cannot be located within 1 year after the date of the disappearance, sinking or wrecking of an aircraft or other conveyance in which he is travelling either on land or at sea during the Journey, it will be presumed that the Insured Person suffered an accidental death. Exclusions Applicable to Section 4 The Company shall not be liable for loss caused by an Injury which is a consequence of any kind of disease or Sickness. SECTION 5 MAJOR BURNS BENEFIT The Company will pay this benefit if the Insured Person suffers any third-degree burn (i.e. The destruction of the skin to its full depth and damage to the tissues beneath with burnt areas equal to or greater than 5% of the Insured Person s head or 10% of the Insured Person s total body surface area) arising from an Accident during the Journey, provided that the assessment of the burns is certified by a Physician with medical reports and full diagnosis. Such benefit can only be claimed once for each Accident during the Journey. SECTION 6 TRIP CANCELLATION BENEFIT The Company will reimburse the deposits or any part of the payment made in advance for travel ticket, accommodation, tour package or admission tickets to any major sporting event, musical, concert, museum or theme park (the Travel Arrangement ) which are forfeited and irrecoverable from the relevant tour operator, airline or any sources upon cancellation prior to the Journey as a direct result of the following events: 1. death, Serious Bodily Injury or Serious Sickness of the Insured Person, or his Immediate Family Members, Close Business Partner or Travel Companion; 2. compliance with a witness summons, jury service or compulsory quarantine of the Insured Person; 3. natural disaster, unanticipated outbreak of epidemic disease or industrial action involving Public Conveyance, riot or civil commotion (notwithstanding General Exclusion 2(c)) at the planned destination of the Journey within 1 week before the scheduled departure date of the Journey which prevents the Insured Person from commencing the Journey; 4. severe damage to the Insured Person's principal home in Hong Kong arising from a fire or flood within 10 days prior to the scheduled departure date. The benefit payable under this section is subject to the following conditions: 1. With respect to any event stated in sub-paragraph 1 in this section, the benefit will only be payable if it happens (i) 24 hours after the issue date of the Policy and (ii) within 90 days prior to the commencement date of the Period of Insurance. 2. With respect to any event stated in sub-paragraph 2 in this section, the benefit will only be payable if an order or notice of compliance is issued to the Insured Person (i) 24 hours after the issue date of the Policy and (ii) within 90 days prior to the commencement date of the Period of Insurance. 3. The Insured Person shall provide and surrender the original unused tickets to the Company. 4. Once a claim is made under this section, no other benefits shall be payable and all coverage under this Policy shall cease. Exclusions Applicable to Section 6 1. any loss if the Journey commences outside of Hong Kong; 2. any loss arising from death, Serious Bodily Injury or Serious Sickness of the Travel Companion if he is travelling in the capacity of a travel agent or tour escort or tour leader or tour organiser for remuneration; 3. any loss arising out of Act of Terrorist. Travel Companion in this Section 6 shall mean a Travel Companion (having the meaning ascribed to it in the Definition section of this Policy) whose absence from the Journey will, within the reasonable contemplation of the Company, result in the abortion of the Journey. SECTION 7 CURTAILMENT OF TRIP BENEFIT If the travel is interrupted after the commencement of the Journey, the Company will pay this benefit on a pro-rata basis for each complete day of the Journey which is interrupted for (i) loss of the prepaid and unused portion of the Travel Arrangement which are forfeited and irrecoverable from the relevant tour operator, airline or any source and (ii) reasonable additional travel expense which is necessary for the Insured Person to return to the Place of Origin by Public Conveyance (i.e. The expense shall not exceed the fare of the economy class for such Public Conveyance) due to a necessary, unforeseen and unavoidable curtailment of the Journey, as a direct result of: 1. death, Serious Bodily Injury or Serious Sickness of the Insured Person or his Immediate Family Members, Close Business Partner or Travel Companion*; 2. hijack of an aircraft or conveyance or any mechanical propelled vehicles and vessels arranged by travel agency in which the Insured Person is travelling as a fare-paying passenger; 3. any adverse weather conditions, natural disasters, unanticipated outbreak of epidemic disease or industrial action involving Public Conveyance, riot or civil commotion (notwithstanding General Exclusion 2(c)) at the planned destination of the Journey which prevents the Insured Person from continuing with the Journey. Provided that the Insured Person shall surrender any unused portion of his travel ticket to the Company if his original ticket is not valid for travel. Exclusions Applicable to Section 7 1. any loss and expenses arising from death, Serious Bodily Injury or Serious Sickness of the Travel Companion* if he is travelling in the capacity of a travel agent, tour escort, tour leader or tour organiser for remuneration; 2. any loss and expenses arising from the aircraft, mechanical propelled vehicle or vessel driven by a Travel Companion* or a tour member; 3. any loss and expenses directly resulting from any death, Serious Bodily Injury or Serious Sickness or hijack arising out of Act of Terrorist; 4. any loss and expenses which are recoverable under Section 8 (Travel Delay Benefit) below. *Save for exclusion (2) of this section, Travel Companion in this Section 7 shall mean a Travel Companion (having the meaning ascribed to it in the Definition section of this Policy) whose absence from the Journey will, within the reasonable contemplation of the Company, result in the abortion of the Journey. SECTION 8 TRAVEL DELAY BENEFIT 8.1 Delay Coverage The Company will pay the benefits under Section 8.1.1 (Cash Allowance), 8.1.2 (Additional Travel Expenses) or 8.1.3 (Cancellation - Departure from Hong Kong) stated below in the event that the arranged Public Conveyance, in relation to the scheduled time of departure and/or arrival, is delayed by a period of time specified below due to adverse weather conditions, natural disasters, unanticipated outbreak of industrial action, riot or civil commotion (notwithstanding General Exclusion 2(c)), Act of Terrorist, closure of the airport, hijack or mechanical breakdown of a Public Conveyance (the Covered Delay ). In respect to Covered Delay of departure, the delay will be calculated from the originally scheduled time of departure of the Public Conveyance to the actual departure time of the first available alternative transportation offered by the relevant Public Conveyance provider. 8.1.1 Cash Allowance The Company will pay a cash allowance for each and every period of 6 consecutive hours of a Covered Delay of the scheduled departure or arrival, provided that no other benefits under this Section 8.1 (Delay Coverage) will be payable. 8.1.2 Additional Travel Expenses a) Public Conveyance Expenses for Delayed Departure The Company will reimburse additional Public Conveyance expenses reasonably and inevitably incurred for alternative means of transport at the same fare class originally selected by the Insured Person as a direct consequence of a Covered Delay by at least 6 consecutive hours from the scheduled time of departure b) Overseas Accommodation Cost The Company will reimburse additional accommodation expenses reasonably and inevitably incurred overseas as a direct result of: MC163/01.2014...2

i) a Covered Delay by at least 6 consecutive hours; or ii) the Insured Person s failure to catch a prepaid connecting Public Conveyance according to his itinerary as a direct consequence of such Covered Delay. 8.1.3 Cancellation - Departure from Hong Kong In the event that the departure of the scheduled Public Conveyance from Hong Kong is delayed by at least 10 consecutive hours directly resulting in the Insured Person s failure to proceed with the Journey or cancellation of the Journey, the Company will reimburse the deposits or any part of the payment for travel ticket, accommodation or tour package which is forfeited and irrecoverable from the relevant tour operator, airline or any source, provided that: i) such delay is a Covered Delay; ii) the Insured Person shall provide and surrender the original unused ticket to the Company; and iii) once a claim is made under this Section 8.1.3, no other benefits shall be payable and all coverage under this Policy shall cease. 8.2 Special Allowance - Airline Wind-up The Company will reimburse the additional expenses reasonably incurred for alternative travel ticket under this section if the Insured Person has prepaid an air ticket of the airline which publicly announces bankruptcy or winding-up prior to the Journey. Exclusions Applicable to Section 8 The Company shall not be liable if: 1. the travel delay arises from an act of omission on the part of the Insured Person, including the failure to check in or arrive at the departure gate at the scheduled time suggested by the Public Conveyance provider or immigration clearance control point; 2. the Insured Person has not secured a confirmed advanced booking prior to the commencement of the Covered Delay; 3. the travel delay arises from the Insured Person s refusal or failure to take the first available alternative transportation offered by the relevant Public Conveyance provider; 4. the cause or condition leading to or resulting in the delay exists or is known to exist, or announcement contemplating such cause or condition including the information of any typhoon signals has been made by the carrier, tour operator, observatory or the authorities before the issue date of the certificate of insurance in respect of the Insured Person. SECTION 9 BAGGAGE DELAY BENEFIT The Company will pay a cash allowance if the Insured Person s baggage has been misdirected or delayed by his Public Conveyance provider and is not returned to the Insured Person within 6 hours from the time of arrival at a destination overseas. Exclusions Applicable to Section 9 The Company shall not be liable: 1. if the delay is as a result of detention or confiscation by customs or other law enforcing officials; 2. under this section if baggage is lost which results in a claim under Section 10 (Baggage Benefit); 3. any loss which occurred after the Insured Person returns to the Place of Origin or reaches his final destination. SECTION 10 BAGGAGE BENEFIT The Company will pay the baggage benefit for loss, physical breakage or damage that occurs to the Insured Person's baggage and certain items therein including the personal properties he brings along and the purchases during the Journey but excluding Money (the Baggage and Item ) directly resulting from theft, robbery, burglary, accident or mishandling by carriers. The Company will at its option pay the benefit under this section for such loss or damage, or the reasonable costs for repair or replacement of such lost, damaged baggage or personal property, provided that: 1. the Insured Person shall take reasonable precautions to safeguard the Baggage and Item insured, including but not limited to making sure that the Baggage and Item will not be left unsupervised in a public place; 2. all Baggage and Item must be examined by the Insured Person upon receipt from the carrier. Exclusions Applicable to Section 10 1. loss or damage in consequence of delay, confiscation, detention or examination by customs authorities or other officials; 2. loss of Money, negotiable instruments, bonds or securities, deeds, credit cards, stored-value devices including the Octopus card and other prepaid electronic ticketing and other instruments of payment or documents of any kind, passports, visas, and transportation, accommodation or any other travel vouchers or coupons; 3. loss of or damage to any pager, portable telecommunication equipment, computer equipment, software and accessories; 4. loss of or damage to fragile or brittle articles of every description, china, glassware, porcelains, objects of art, set and unset precious or semiprecious gemstones or foodstuff; 5. loss or damage caused by wear and tear, moth, vermin or inherent vice, mechanical, electrical or electronic breakdown or derangement, faulty design or workmanship, cleaning, repairing or restoring process, atmospheric or climatic changes, depreciation in value and such depreciation shall be applied at the sole discretion of the Company; 6. loss of or damage to business merchandises or samples; 7. loss of or damage to any Baggage and Item that is left behind or unsupervised in a Public Conveyance or public place; 8. loss of or damage to Insured Person s baggage sent in advance or articles mailed or shipped separately; 9. loss of jewellery and watches unless such loss occurs while such jewellery and watches are being worn or is being stored in a hotel safety deposit box; 10. any unexplained loss or mysterious disappearance; 11. loss of or damage to any Baggage and Item while in the custody of a carrier, unless the Insured Person reports immediately in writing to the carrier, or in the event that the carrier is an individual to his employer, within 24 hours upon discovery, who must acknowledge receipt of such report and, in the event of loss or damage occurred in an airline, a Property Irregularity Report must also be obtained; 12. any loss not reported to the local police within 24 hours of the discovery of the loss; 13. any claim for damaged personal property unless the Insured Person can produce the personal property for inspection by the Company. SECTION 11 LOSS OF TRAVEL DOCUMENTS BENEFIT The Company will pay this benefit for loss of the Insured Person s travel document and/or travel pass as a direct result of theft, robbery, burglary or accidental loss during the Journey. The Company will reimburse such Insured Person for (a) the replacement cost of travel document and/or travel pass charged by the issuing body during the Journey; and/or (b) additional travel and accommodation expenses reasonable incurred by such Insured Person for the sole purpose of obtaining a replacement travel document and/or travel pass in the issuing body which is nearest to the place where the Insured Person is first aware of the loss of such document. In respect to the replacement cost of travel document under sub-section (a) in this clause, the benefit is also extended to cover the replacement fees charged by the issuing body which is incurred within 30 days of returning to the Place of Origin or the expiry of this Policy, whichever is earlier. For each lost or stolen travel document and/or travel pass, the Company will only pay the benefit under this section once. For the avoidance of doubt, in case where the Insured Person obtains both the temporary and regular travel document, only one of those replacements will be reimbursed by the Company. Exclusions Applicable to Section 11 1. any loss which the Insured Person fails to report to police within 24 hours or as soon as practicable upon discovery of such loss; 2. any loss contributed to by the Insured Person leaving the travel document or travel pass unsupervised in a public place; 3. any benefit under this section if the lost or stolen travel document or travel pass is not necessary for completing the Journey; 4. any loss of the travel document or travel pass arising from the confiscation by a government authority, customs official or police. SECTION 12 PERSONAL MONEY BENEFIT The Company will pay this benefit for loss of the Insured Person s personal money in the form of banknotes, cash or travellers cheques directly arising only from theft, robbery or burglary during the Journey. Exclusions Applicable to Section 12 1. any loss which the Insured Person fails to report to police within 24 hours or as soon as practicable upon discovery of such loss; 2. any loss of travellers cheques not immediately reported to the local branch or agent of the issuing body; 3. any loss or shortages of personal money arising due to an error or omission by any third party, any fluctuation in any rate of currency exchange, devaluation, or confiscation by any governmental authorities of any kind; 4. if the Insured Person contributed to his own loss by leaving the personal money unsupervised in a public place; 5. any loss occurring to Insured Person below the Age of 10; 6. any loss of personal money not belonging to but being carried by the Insured Person. Extensions of Cover in Sections 11 and 12 Emergency Cash Assistance If the Insured Person requires emergency cash assistance in China as a result of a covered loss under Sections 11 (Loss of Travel Documents Benefit) or 12 (Personal Money Benefit), the Company will provide an emergency cash in advance to the Insured Person through the designated branches of The Bank of East Asia (China) Limited during its business hours in China, subject to the additional terms set out below: 1. prior approval has to be given by the Company before any emergency cash under this section or other assistance under this section is provided; 2. the Insured Person shall provide the relevant information as required by the Company in processing the application, including the Insurance Certificate Number as shown in the certificate of insurance, his name and Hong Kong Identity Card or passport number; 3. the emergency cash should be drawn from The Bank of East Asia (China) Limited within 3 business days after the approval for emergency cash is given; 4. the maximum emergency cash the Company will advance to the Insured Person under this extension shall not exceed the lower of (i) the benefit payable to the Insured Person under Sections 11 (Loss of Travel Documents Benefit) or 12 (Personal Money Benefit) or (ii) the applicable limit of this benefit. For the avoidance of doubt, this is an extension of benefits under Sections 11 (Loss of Travel Documents Benefit) or 12 (Personal Money Benefit). The Insured Person can only claim this Emergency Cash Assistance benefit once during the Period of Insurance; 5. any payment made hereunder shall be deducted from the benefit payable under the relevant Sections 11 (Loss of Travel Documents Benefit) or 12 (Personal Money Benefit) under which the claim for this extension benefit is made. SECTION 13 LOSS OF HOME CONTENTS BENEFIT The cost of replacement or repair of the Insured Person s household Contents and personal effects (excluding Money) is payable if the Insured Person suffers loss of or damage to the same as a result of burglary committed in the Insured Person s principal home in Hong Kong (the Home ) which is unoccupied during the Journey. The burglary needs to be evidenced by visible marks of force or violence on the exterior of or inside the premise. Exclusions Applicable to Section 13 1. any loss or damage due to use of any key or duplicate thereof to gain access to the Home irrespective whether the key belongs to the Insured Person; 2. any loss or damage caused or facilitated by the reckless or wilful act of the Insured Person or the Insured Person s family members. SECTION 14 PERSONAL LIABILITY BENEFIT The Company will pay this benefit if the Insured Person incurs legal liability to a third party (inclusive of legal costs and expenses) for: 1. accidental bodily injury to a third party; or 2. accidental loss or damage to third party's property, as a direct result of the Insured Person's negligence towards the third party during the Journey. Exclusions Applicable to Section 14 The Company shall not be liable for any liability, loss or claim: 1. where the Insured Person or his authorised representative has admitted liability or entered into any agreement or settlement without notifying and obtaining the prior written consent of the Company; 2. in respect of loss or damage to properties belonging to or in the care, custody or control of the Insured Person; 3. arising directly or indirectly from: a) employers liability, contractual liability or liability to the Immediate Family Members of the Insured Person; b) pursuit of a trade business or profession; c) ownership or occupation of lands or buildings (other than occupation only of any temporary residence); d) ownership, possession, hire, use or operation of vehicles, aircraft, watercraft or weapons; e) legal costs or penalties resulting from any criminal proceedings; f) bailment, contractual licences or conveyances of real estate or personal property. SECTION 15 CREDIT CARD PROTECTION BENEFIT In the event of a claim is payable under this Policy for the death of the Insured Person as a result of an Accident, the Company will also reimburse the outstanding balance charged to the Insured Person s credit card for goods purchased by the Insured Person during the Journey. Exclusions Applicable to Section 15 The Company shall not be liable for any interest accrued or financial charges on the outstanding balance. SECTION 16 GOLFER HOLE-IN-ONE BENEFIT If the Insured Person hits a hole-in-one in a competition or friendly game at any recognised golf courses during the Journey, the Company will pay the one-off bar expenses incurred at the same golf course. Exclusions Applicable to Section 16 The Company shall not be liable if: 1. the Insured Person is below the Age of 18; 2. the Insured Person is a professional golfer. SECTION 17 RENTAL VEHICLE EXCESS PROTECTION BENEFIT The Company will reimburse the Insured Person the vehicle insurance excess or deductible for a car accident, parking damage or theft during the Journey under a rental agreement of a private car or motor home, provided that the Insured Person: 1. has hired a vehicle from a registered vehicle rental company and taken out the motor vehicle insurance policy on his hired vehicle covering the rental period; 2. is nominated as a driver on the rental agreement; 3. is driving the hired vehicle at the relevant time of the car accident; 4. is a licensed driver in the country where he operates the hired vehicle; 5. has fulfilled all the terms and conditions of the rental agreement and the applicable motor vehicle insurance. Exclusions Applicable to Section 17 1. any condition under the influence of alcohol or drugs of the Insured Person who is controlling of a rental vehicle during the rental period; 2. any illegal or unlawful use of the rental vehicle by the Insured Person during the rental period; 3. any liability other than loss of or damage to the rental vehicle. For the avoidance of doubt, a hired vehicle or private car in this section shall mean any motor vehicle but excluding all kinds of commercial vehicles, motor cycles, and any vehicle with more than 9 seats. CRUISE BENEFITS Sections 18-19 SECTION 18 CRUISE CANCELLATION AND INTERRUPTION BENEFITS The Company will pay the benefits under (i) section 18.1 (Cruise Cancellation) or (ii) section 18.2 (Cruise Interruption) of this Policy for loss in the event that the scheduled Public Conveyance in which the Insured Person has arranged for travelling to the port of departure is delayed by at least 8 consecutive hours counting from the scheduled time of arrival specified in the itinerary due to adverse weather conditions, natural disasters, unanticipated outbreak of industrial action involving Public Conveyance, riot or civil commotion (notwithstanding General Exclusion (2)), Act of Terrorist, hijack or mechanical breakdown of Public Conveyance during the Journey. Such delay must be the direct cause of the Insured Person s failure to board the cruise at the designated boarding port. 18.1 Cruise Cancellation The Company will pay the deposits or any part of the payment made in advance for the cruise tour which is forfeited and irrecoverable from the tour operator, cruise ship company or any source resulting from the cancellation of the cruise tour by the Insured Person during the Journey. 18.2 Cruise Interruption a) Additional Travel Expenses The Company will pay the benefit under this section for additional travel expenses which are reasonably and inevitably incurred from the port of departure to the next scheduled port of call specified in the original itinerary to catch up with the cruise tour. b) Cash Allowance The Company will pay a daily cash allowance for each complete day (i.e. a continuous period of 24 hours) from the day the Insured Person has missed the port of departure until the day the Insured Person boards the cruise ship at the next scheduled port of call specified in the original itinerary. SECTION 19 POST-DEPARTURE CRUISE BENEFITS 19.1 Shore Excursion Cancellation The Company will pay the deposits or any part of the payment made in advance for shore excursion tour organised by the cruise management which are forfeited and irrecoverable from the tour operator, cruise ship company or any source upon cancellation of the shore excursion as a direct result of: 1. Serious Bodily Injury or Serious Sickness suffered by the Insured Person or Travel Companion or; 2. adverse weather conditions, natural disaster, unanticipated outbreak of epidemic disease or industrial action, riot or civil commotion (notwithstanding General Exclusion 2(c)) or Act of Terrorist at the scheduled destination of the shore excursion tour which prevents the Insured Person from continuing with the Journey. 19.2 Missed Ports of Call Boarding after Shore Excursion The Company will reimburse additional travel expense not exceeding the cost of an economy class fare and/or accommodation expense which are reasonably and inevitably incurred by the Insured Person for travelling to the next scheduled port of call specified in the itinerary if the Insured Person fails to board the cruise ship by the scheduled time of departure at the relevant port of call after an shore excursion tour, as a direct result of the following event: MC163/01.2014...3