Cafe Deco Group offers 1. Offer is applicable to American Express Platinum Credit Card issued by American Express International Inc. ("American Expres

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AMERICAN EXPRESS PLATINUM CREDIT CARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS WELCOME OFFERS 1. The mentioned Welcome Offer is only valid for American Express Platinum Credit Card online applications that received by American Express International, Inc. between August 14, 2014 and July 31, 2015 (both dates are inclusive). 2. The mentioned Welcome Offer is only applicable for the American Express Platinum Credit Card application submitted online through and has successfully been approved. 3. Welcome offer cannot be changed after the online application is submitted. 4. Redemption letter with five $100 Yahoo Dollars ecodes (valued at HK$100 each) will be sent to qualifying Basic Cardmember within 8 weeks after Card approval. HK$500 Yahoo Dollars are valid for use at Yahoo Deals, Yahoo OUTLET and Yahoo Supermart in Hong Kong. Terms and Conditions of Yahoo Dollars apply. 5. 4 complimentary movie tickets for use at Broadway, PALACE and AMC Cinemas (a total of 2 movie coupons, redeemable for 2 movie tickets each). Movie coupons will be sent to the Basic Cardmember within 8 weeks upon card approval. Terms and Conditions of Broadway, PALACE and AMC Cinemas movie coupons apply. 6. Provided the Cardmember spends an aggregate of at least HK$5,000 on his or her Basic and Supplementary cards within the first 3 months from the date of approval of the Basic Card, the Basic Cardmember will receive city'super Cash Vouchers for the total value of HK$500. city'super Cash Vouchers will be sent to qualifying Basic Cardmember within 8 weeks upon the Cardmember reaching the spending threshold set out above. Terms and Conditions of city'super Cash Vouchers apply. 7. Cardmember will earn 5 Membership Rewards points for every HK$1 spent (including 2 points earned under the Membership Rewards Turbo Program forturbo Program enrollees or 1 point earned under the Membership Rewards Basic Program for Basic Program enrollees) in the first 3 months, subject to the spending cap of 600,000 points. 8. American Express Membership Rewards Program terms and conditions apply. The following types of charges are not eligible for cash vouchers and Membership Rewards Points under the Welcome Offers stated in Clause (6) and (7) above and the below Membership Rewards Enrollment Program: finance charges, late payment charges and other fees and charges (including charges for dishonoured cheques), balance transfers, Express Cash, refunds (including tax refunds for overseas purchases), tax bill payment and other credits to your account. The following transactions are also not eligible for cash vouchers and Membership Rewards Points: amounts billed for gas, electricity and other utilities and the purchase of American Express Travellers Cheque. For further details, please refer to 9. American Express International, Inc. reserves the right to decline applicants including applicants who have unsatisfactory credit history or do not meet its credit criteria. 10. Existing American Express Platinum Basic Credit Card members and applicants who held American Express Platinum Credit Card (Basic card) at any time within the past 12 months from the date of this application are not eligible for these Welcome Offers. 11. If Basic Cardmember cancels the American Express Platinum Credit Card within 12 months of card issuance, American Express reserves the right to debit the original price of the Welcome Offers. 12. The annual fee for the American Express Platinum Credit Card (Basic card) is HK$1,600, with the entitlement of two Supplementary Platinum Credit Cards. Additional Supplementary Platinum Credit Card carries an annual fee of HK$800. 13. American Express International, Inc. reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions and to terminate this program without prior notice. 14. Should any dispute arise, the decision of American Express International, Inc. shall be final. 15. In case of inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms, the English version shall prevail. AMERICAN EXPRESS GOURMET CLUB Maxim's Chinese Cuisine Restaurants and m.a.x. concepts restaurants offers 1. Offer is only applicable to Basic Cardmember of American Express Platinum Credit Card issued by American Express International Inc. ("American Express") in Hong Kong but not valid for Supplementary Cardmember. 2. Each Basic Cardmember can only enjoy the offer for one table on each occasion, with the number of diners being no less than 2 and no more than 12. Splitting of the table and/or bill is not allowed for the purpose of enjoying the offer. 3. Offer is applicable to à la carte food menu for dine-in dinner after 6pm only (not lunch), excluding all beverages, wines, tea charge, hotpot, pre-meal snacks charge, 10% service charge, festive products, set menus and discounted food items. 4. Offer is not applicable to private room bookings, banquets and takeaways. 5. Offer is valid from January 1 to December 31, 2015. For Maxim's Chinese Cuisine restaurants, the offer is not valid on on January 1, February 14-22, May 1-3 & 9-10, June 13-14 & 20-21, July 1, September 25-28, October 1, December 12-13, 19-25 & 31, 2015. For m.a.x. concepts restaurants, the offer is not valid on January 1, February 14, May 9-10, June 13-14 & 30, July 1, September 30, October 1, December 22, 24-26 & 31. 6. Children aged 6 years or above will be counted as 1 person for the purpose of this offer. 7. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with set menus, any other promotional offers, or whenever a discounted food item is ordered. 8. Maxim's Caterers Limited is solely responsible for all products, services, consultations and advice offered to Cardmembers. American Express is not the provider of any of these products and/or services herein and makes no representation or warranty in relation to the same. 9. American Express shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss), or for personal injury which is suffered or sustained, as a result of taking or using any of the complimentary offer, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law. 10. American Express and Maxim's Caterers Limited reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 11. In case of any dispute, American Express and Maxim's Caterers Limited reserve the right of final decision. 12. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.

Cafe Deco Group offers 1. Offer is applicable to American Express Platinum Credit Card issued by American Express International Inc. ("American Express") in Hong Kong but not valid for Supplementary Cardmember. 2. Each Basic Cardmember can only enjoy the offer for one table on each occasion, with the number of diners being no less than 2 and no more than 12. Special table arrangement, splitting of the table and/or bill is not allowed for the purpose of enjoying the offer. 3. Offer is applicable to a la carte food menu for dine-in dinner after 6pm only (not lunch), excluding all beverages, wines, buffet, 10% service charge, festive products, set menus, seasonal menus or promotional menus, charge for tea and condiments, discounted food items, corkage fee, cake-cutting fee, private or corporate functions, banquets, deliveries and takeaways (including unfinished portion of food items ordered). Any unfinished à la carte food item requested for takeaway is not eligible for this discount offer and the full price of the said item will be applied. 4. Offer is valid from January 1 to December 31, 2015. The offer is not valid on January 1, February 14 & 18-21, April 2-7 & 30, May 1, 10 & 24-25, June 19-21 & 30, July 1, September 27-28 & 30, October 1 & 20-21, December 24-26 & 31, 2015. 5. Children aged 6 years or above will be counted as 1 person for the purpose of this offer. 6. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with Cafe Deco Group VIP Card, set menus, any other promotional offers, or whenever a discounted food items is ordered. 7. Cafe Deco Group is solely responsible for all products, services, consultations and advice offered to Cardmembers. American Express is not the provider of any of these products and/or services herein and makes no representation or warranty in relation to the same. 8. American Express shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss), or for personal injury which is suffered or sustained, as a result of taking or using any of the complimentary offer, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law. 9. American Express and Cafe Deco Group reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 10. In case of any dispute, American Express and Cafe Deco Group reserve the right of final decision. 11. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail. MOVIE PRIVILEGES 1. The Buy-1-Get-1-Free movie ticket offer on Fridays is valid from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015. 2. Enjoy 15% savings on eligible regular-priced movie tickets (including 3D movie tickets) with Centurion Card, The Platinum Card, American Express Platinum Credit Card and American Express Charter Card issued by American Express International, Inc. ( American Express ) in Hong Kong. The above 15% savings are collectively referred to herein as Discount Offer. 3. Discount Offer is subject to a maximum of 8 tickets per transaction. 4. Discount Offer is not applicable to tickets priced at HK$35 or below, all shows on Tuesday and morning shows. Morning shows shall mean shows screening from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at PALACE IFC and AMC PACIFIC PLACE, and shows screening from 8:00 a.m. to 11:35 a.m. at all other participating cinemas. 5. Enjoy the Buy-1-Get-1-Free movie tickets for selected movies on Fridays with Centurion Card, The Platinum Card, American Express Platinum Credit Card and American Express Charter Card issued by American Express in Hong Kong. The above Buy-1-Get-1-Free movie tickets are referred to herein as Buy-1-Get-1-Free offer. 6. Buy-1-Get-1-Free offer is only applicable to shows screening during the period commencing Friday 8:00 a.m. to ending on the following Saturday 4:00 a.m. and is not applicable to 3D movies and movies screened at Film Festivals. 7. The above Discount Offer and Buy-1-Get-1-Free offer are collectively referred to herein as Movie Privileges. 8. Movie Privileges are applicable to purchase of movie tickets at Broadway, PALACE or AMC Cinemas ticket counters or through participating cinema websites. 9. A handling fee will be charged by Cinema.Com.HK Ltd on bookings via Broadway, PALACE or AMC Cinemas websites. Movie Privileges exclude the handling fee, which is to be borne by Cardmember. 10. Discount Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers. 11. Movie Privileges are not applicable to films with special arrangements with film distributors. Cardmembers are advised to check with the respective cinemas on the validity of Movie Privileges before booking. 12. Movie Privileges are not applicable to tickets purchased through cinema hotlines; American Express Corporate Card, American Express Cards that are not issued in Hong Kong and credit cards bearing the American Express name, brand or logo issued by AEON Credit Service (Asia) Co. Ltd., DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited or Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited in Hong Kong. 13. American Express and Edko Films Ltd. ( Edko Films ) reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 14. Should any dispute arise, the decision of American Express and Edko Films shall be final. 15. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail. PLATINUM REWARDS Membership Rewards Enrollment Program 1. The chosen option of the Membership Rewards Enrollment Program cannot be changed in the first 3 months after the card is approved. 2. You will be automatically enrolled in the free Membership Rewards Basic program if your Membership Rewards Enrollment Program option is not specified. 3. If you have enrolled in the Membership Rewards Basic program and would like to upgrade to the Membership Rewards Turbo program in future, American Express will charge the Basic Cardmember a HK$240 annual program fee and a Transfer fee of HK$150 for transferring all existing accrued Membership Rewards points to the Membership Rewards Turbo program. Cardmembers may opt-out the Membership Rewards Turbo Program by calling the number printed on the back of your Amex Card or 2277 1010 and enroll in the free Membership Rewards Basic program which gives 1 point for every HK$1 spent and points can be used to redeem Non-Frequent Traveler Rewards only. Point accrual is subject to the American Express Membership Rewards Program Terms and Conditions.

4. A spending cap applies to the Membership Rewards Turbo Program, double points are applicable to the first HK$160,000 spent for each program year. From HK$160,001 and onwards, each HK$1 will entitle you to 1 point. Point accrual is subject to the American Express Membership Rewards Program Terms and Conditions. 5. 15 points can be converted to 1 air mile. An administration fee will be applied to each air mile conversion: 120,000 points or below costs HK$100; 120,001 points to 180,000 points costs HK$150; 180,001 points or above costs HK$200. GOLF BENEFITS 1. Heavily Subsidized Green Fees are applicable to Basic and Supplementary Cardmembers ("Cardmembers") of American Express Platinum Credit Card. 2. Golf Club Charges: a. Golf Clubs in China: RMB100 (weekdays) / RMB200 (weekends and public holidays*) for 18-hole green fee b. Golf Club in Hong Kong: HK$100 (weekdays) / HK$200 (weekends and public holidays*) for 9-hole green fee c. The Cardmember and his/her guest(s) will pay for the use of Golf Cart, Caddies and Lockers at the normal published rates unless otherwise indicated. d. Surcharge may apply for night time golf, please contact Platinum Assist for further details. 3. Course Access Policy: a. Minimum two balls per flight on weekdays (Monday to Friday) and four balls per flight on weekend including Public Holidays (Hong Kong and China). b. Maximum two Cardmember golfers per flight. c. At peak times during weekdays, American Express International, Inc. reserves the right to only accept bookings of four players. In addition, the golf clubs reserve the right to pair fewer than four players together. 4. Booking Policy: a. All bookings must be made at least 4 days in advance. b. Cardmembers cannot book more than 7 days in advance. c. Green fees for Cardmembers' guest(s) are subject to change at any time. Please call Platinum Assist for details. d. Bookings will be fulfilled on a first come first served basis. In the event that the American Express allocation is fully booked at the requested club,american Express will endeavour to fulfill the Cardmembers' golf request at the other golf clubs. e. There will be an administration fee of $100 for any changes made upon confirmation of booking. 5. Caddy Policy: a. Golf Clubs in China: The golf clubs will provide one caddy for every two golfers; however, the ratio may be amended by the golf club subject to the availability of caddies at that time. b. Golf Club in Hong Kong: Caddies are subject to availability on the day of play. 6. All golf expenses incurred at the golf club including the guest's green fees and other related expenses for services provided by the golf club must be charged to Platinum Credit Card. 7. Cardmember is required to pay for his/her own golf insurance at the respective clubs unless otherwise indicated. 8. The golf club may require golfers to provide their handicap card upon registration. 9. For SkyCity Nine Eagles, Cardmembers and their guests must present their Frequent Flyer Membership card in order to play. 10. The cancellation of transportation and/or hotel accommodation is subject to golf club's decision where applicable. 11. American Express International, Inc. is not the provider of the services or related goods, pursuant to this offer, and makes no representation or warranty in relation to the same. American Express International, Inc. will also not be liable to Cardmembers, in relation to the services or related goods provided pursuant to this offer. 12. American Express International, Inc. reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 13. In case of any dispute, American Express International, Inc. reserves the right of final decision. 14. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail. Cancellation Policy: Monday to Friday Any cancellation of booking (except for Mission Hills and Xili Golf Club) must be made 3 days in advance prior to the tee-off date. Cancellation Policy: Saturday and Sunday Any cancellation must be made 5 days in advance prior to the tee-off date. Cancellation Policy: Public Holidays * Any cancellation must be made 7 days in advance prior to the tee-off date. If the above is not adhered to, cancellation fee will apply. No charge will be made for cancellations if weather prevents play due to the event of a Typhoon 8 or above and/ or Black Rain as determined by the Hong Kong Observatory, or by the ferry company where sea transportation is halted or cancelled due to bad weather conditions. If the golfer has started his/her round and for any other adverse weather conditions that prohibit play, this will subject to golf club's decisions. *For Public Holiday definition of each golf club and any other enquiries, please call The Platinum Assist on 2277 2028. NO WORRIES GUARANTEE, SELECT AND YEAR AROUND OFFERS 1. Please call Platinum Assist for terms and conditions.

美國運通白金信用卡條款及細則 迎新優惠 1. 迎新優惠只適用於美國運通於 2014 年 8 月 14 日至 2015 年 7 月 31 日期間 ( 包首尾兩日 ) 收到之美國運通白金信用卡網上 申請 2. 迎新優惠只適用於透過 遞交美國運通白金信用卡申請, 並且被成功批核 3. 網上申請一經遞交, 所選之迎新優惠將不可更改 4. 5 張 Yahoo 購物券 ( 每張價值 HK$100) 將以郵寄方式於獲發新卡後的 8 星期內寄予基本卡會員 HK$500 Yahoo 購物券只適用 於雅虎香港的雅虎團購 雅虎 Outlet 及雅虎超市 Yahoo 購物券須受有關條款及細則限制 5. 4 張百老匯 PALACE 及 AMC 戲院戲票 : 每位基本卡會員將可獲一共 2 張戲票換領劵, 每張換領劵可換領 2 張戲票 戲票換 領券將於獲發新卡後的 8 星期內寄予基本卡會員並須受有關條款及細則限制 6. 會員須以基本卡批核後首 3 個月內之基本卡及附屬卡的累積簽賬額滿 HK$5,000 或以上方可獲取合共 HK$500 價值 之 city'super 現金券 city'super 現金券將於 8 星期內寄予乎合上述簽賬額之基本卡會員 須受有關 city'super 現金券之條款 及細則限制 7. 首 3 個月於任何本地或海外商戶每簽賬 HK$1, 可享 5 積分 ( 上限為 600,000 分 ), 包括於 加倍加賞 積分計劃所獲享之 2 積分或於基本積分計劃所獲享之 1 積分 8. 須受美國運通積分計劃之條款及細則限制 下列款項不會賺取條款 (6) 及 (7) 所列之現金劵及美國運通積分及積分奬賞 計劃所列之美國運通積分..財務費用 過期繳款附加費及其他費用及收費 ( 包括因不能兌現支票而收取之費用 ) 結餘轉 換 運通財 退款 ( 包括海外簽賬退稅 ) 繳附稅項及其他於閣下之賬戶扣除的款項 下列簽賬亦不會賺取現金券及美國 運通積分..經美國運通卡賬戶或綜合登記戶口繳付煤氣及電費之公營機構簽賬及購買美國運通旅行支票的款項 詳情請查閱 9. 美國運通國際股份有限公司保留拒絕有不良信貸記錄或未能符合信貸要求的申請 10. 迎新優惠不適用於現時或申請日期起過去 12 個月內, 曾為美國運通白金信用卡之基本卡會員 11. 如基本卡會員於 12 個月內取消該卡, 美國運通保留從會員之運通卡賬戶內扣除有關迎新禮待價值之權利 12. 美國運通白金信用卡之基本卡年費為 HK$1,600 並已包括兩張附屬白金信用卡, 而額外每張附屬白金信用卡之年費為 HK$800 13. 美國運通國際股份有限公司保留修改所有優惠條款及細則或終止推廣之權利而毋須事先通知 14. 如有任何爭議, 美國運通國際股份有限公司將保留最終決定權 15. 中文譯本與英文本意如有不合或爭議之處, 應以英文之解釋為據 美國運通美膳會 有關美心集團旗下中菜食府及 m.a.x. concepts 國際食府之優惠 : 1. 優惠適用於由美國運通國際股份有限公司 美國運通 香港簽發的美國運通白金信用卡之基本卡會員, 並不適用於附屬卡會員 2. 每位基本卡會員於同一場合下每次最多可享一檯的折扣優惠, 並只適用於一檯最少 2 人及不多於 12 人的晚膳消費 此優惠並不適用於分拆餐檯及 / 或分拆賬單 3. 折扣優惠只適用於下午六時後晚膳堂食 ( 不適用於午膳 ), 會員可自選主餐牌內食品, 優惠不包括一般飲品及酒類 茶位費 火鍋 前棻費 10% 服務費 節慶食品 套餐及特價食品 4. 優惠不適用於宴會 貴賓房及外賣食品 5. 優惠期由 2015 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日 美心中菜食府之優惠不適用於 2015 年 1 月 1 日 2 月 14-22 日 5 月 1-3 日及 9-10 日 6 月 13-14 日及 20-21 日 7 月 1 日 9 月 25-28 日 10 月 1 日 12 月 12-13 日 19-25 日及 31 日 m.a.x. concepts 國際食府之優惠不適用於 2015 年 1 月 1 日 2 月 14 日 5 月 9-10 日 6 月 13-14 日及 30 日 7 月 1 日 9 月 30 日 10 月 1 日 12 月 22 日 24-26 日及 31 日

6. 六歲或以上之小童將作 1 位成人計算 7. 優惠不可與套餐 其他推廣優惠或折扣一併使用, 或會員於任何情況下惠顧特價食品, 亦不可同時享用此優惠 8. 所有產品 服務 資訊及建議由美心食品有限公司負責提供予會員 美國運通並非上述服務或相關產品之供應者, 亦不對其作出任何表述或保證 9. 因享用產品及 / 或服務 ( 包括但不限於直接或間接 ) 而造成的損失或破壞, 或人身傷害, 美國運通概不負責, 法律規定之責任除外 10. 美國運通及美心食品有限公司將保留於任何時候更改條款及細則 暫停或終止此優惠之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 11. 如有任何爭議, 美國運通國際股份有限公司及美心食品有限公司將保留最終決定權 12. 條款及細則的中英文版如有任何差異, 一概以英文版為準 有關 Cafe Deco Group 之優惠 : 1. 優惠適用於由美國運通國際股份有限公司 美國運通 香港簽發的美國運通白金信用卡之基本卡會員 2. 每位基本卡會員於同一場合下每次最多可享一檯的折扣優惠, 並只適用於一檯最少 2 人及不多於 12 人的晚膳消費 此優惠並不適用於指定座位服務 分拆餐檯及 / 或分拆賬單 3. 折扣優惠只適用於下午六時後晚膳堂食 ( 不適用於午膳 ), 會員可自選主餐牌內食品, 優惠不包括一般飲品及酒類 自助餐 10% 服務費 節慶食品 套餐及特價食品 茶芥 減價食品 開瓶費 切餅費 私人或公司活動 宴會 食品速遞及外賣食品 ( 包括堂食外帶 ) 如外帶任何堂食時餘下之食品, 均不可享有折扣優惠, 且該食品須以正價結賬 4. 優惠期由 2015 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日 優惠不適用於 2015 年 1 月 1 日 2 月 14 日及 18-21 日 4 月 2-7 日及 30 日 5 月 1 日 10 日及 24-25 日 6 月 19-21 日及 30 日 7 月 1 日 9 月 27-28 日及 30 日 10 月 1 日及 20-21 日 12 月 24-26 日及 31 日 5. 六歲或以上之小童將作 1 位成人計算 6. 優惠不可與 Cafe Deco Group VIP 卡 套餐 其他推廣優惠或折扣一併使用, 或會員於任何情況下惠顧特價食品, 亦不可同時享用此優惠 7. 所有產品 服務 資訊及建議由 Cafe Deco Group 負責提供予會員 美國運通並非該等產品及 / 或服務之供應者, 亦不對其作出任何表述或保證 8. 因享用產品及 / 或服務 ( 包括但不限於直接或間接 ) 而造成的損失或破壞, 或人身傷害, 美國運通概不負責, 法律規定之責任除外 9. 美國運通及 Cafe Deco Group 將保留於任何時候更改條款及細則 暫停或終止此優惠之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 10. 如有任何爭議, 美國運通國際股份有限公司及 Cafe Deco Group 將保留最終決定權 11. 條款及細則的中英文版如有任何差異, 一概以英文版為準 電影禮遇 1. 逢星期五戲票買一送一優惠適用於 2014 年 1 月 1 日至 2015 年 12 月 31 日 2. 正價戲票及 3D 電影正價戲票 85 折優惠只適用於由美國運通國際股份有限公司 美國運通 香港簽發的 Centurion 卡 美國運通白金卡 美國運通白金信用卡及美國運通 Charter 卡 以上優惠可統稱為 折扣優惠 3. 折扣優惠只適用於每次最多 8 張戲票之交易 4. 折扣優惠不適用於任何 HK$35 或以下戲票 星期二上映及 早場 上映之電影, 早場 指早上 8 時至 11 時或之前於 PALACE IFC 及 AMC 太古廣場 及早上 8 時至 11 時 35 分或之前於其他院線早場上映之電影 5. 星期五之戲票買一送一只適用於由美國運通香港簽發的 Centurion 卡 美國運通白金卡 美國運通白金信用卡及美國運通 Charter 卡 以上優惠統稱為 買一送一優惠 6. 買一送一優惠只適用於星期五上午 8 時至星期六凌晨 4 時之電影, 及不適用於任何 3D 電影及電影節上映之電影 7. 以上折扣優惠及買一送一優惠可統稱為 電影禮遇優惠 8. 電影禮遇優惠適用於在百老匯 PALACE 或 AMC 戲院的售票處或經其網站購買之戲票 9. 透過百老匯 PALACE 或 AMC 戲院網站購票,Cinema.Com.HK Ltd 將會收取手續費 電影禮遇不適用於手續費 10. 折扣優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 11. 電影禮遇優惠不適用於與電影發行商有特別協議之電影 會員可於預訂前與有關戲院查詢有關電影禮遇優惠 12. 透過購票熱線購買之戲票 美國運通公司卡 海外簽發的美國運通卡及由美國運通特許發卡公司於香港簽發有美國運通公司名稱 品牌及商標之運通卡如星展 / 渣打 / AEON/ 花旗, 均不適用於此優惠 13. 美國運通及安樂影片有限公司 安樂影片 將保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 14. 如有任何爭議, 美國運通及安樂影片將保留最終決定權 15. 條款及細則的中英文版如有任何差異, 一概以英文版為準

白金級獎賞 積分獎賞計劃 1. 卡獲批核後之首 3 個月, 自選的積分獎賞計劃將不可更改 2. 如閣下並無選擇積分獎賞計劃類別, 閣下將會免費自動加入美國運通基本積分計劃 3. 如已加入基本積分計劃的會員選擇於將來參加美國運通 加倍加賞 積分計劃, 本公司將會將閣下現有所累積的積分轉至 加倍加賞 積分計劃, 並將於基本卡會員賬戶收取 HK$240 之 加倍加賞 積分計劃年費及 HK$150 之積分轉換費 用 如不欲參加 加倍加賞 積分計劃, 則可致電記載於閣下的美國運通卡背面的號碼或 2277 1010 轉為參加美國運通基本積分計劃, 每簽賬 HK$1 可獲 1 分, 毋須繳付任何費用, 但只能以積分換領 非外遊常客 禮品 累積的積分須受美國運通積分計劃之條款及細則限制 4. 簽賬消費之最高上限適用於 加倍加賞 積分計劃, 雙倍積分適用於每個計劃年憑卡簽付之首 HK$160,000 而 HK$160,001 及其後之簽賬每 HK$1 可獲 1 分 累積的積分須受美國運通積分計劃之條款及細則限制 5. 每 15 分可兌換 1 飛行裡數 每次兌換之手續費 :120,000 分或以下為 HK$100;120,001 分至 180,000 分為 HK$150; 180,001 分或以上為 HK$200 白金級高爾夫球禮遇 1. 果嶺費之津貼優惠適用於美國運通白金信用卡之基本卡及附屬卡會員 ( 運通卡會員 ) 2. 球會費用 : a. 於中國的高爾夫球會 ( 棕櫚島 深圳航港高爾夫球會及珠海金灣高爾夫球俱樂部 ):18 洞球場果嶺費 RMB100 ( 平日 ) / RMB200 ( 週末及公眾假期 *) b. 於香港的高爾夫球會 ( 航天城高爾夫球場 ):9 洞球場果嶺費 HK$100 ( 平日 )/HK$200 ( 週末及公眾假期 *) c. 運通卡會員及其同行貴賓亦需以標準價目繳付球車 球僮及儲物櫃使用費用 ( 除非另行通知 ) d. 附加費適用於晚上打球, 詳情請致電白金信用卡會員服務查詢 3. 使用場地規則 : a. 平日 ( 星期一至五 ) 球場打球最少為二人一組, 於星期六 日及公眾假期 ( 香港及中國 ) 球場打球最少為四人一組 b. 每組最多只限二人為運通卡會員 c. 於平日高用量時間, 美國運通國際股份有限公司 美國運通 保留只接受四人一組預訂之權利 而個別球會亦保留安排其他顧客與少於四人一組之隊伍同場打球之權利 4. 預訂球場規則 : a. 須於發球日期最少四天前預訂 b. 超出七天前的預訂恕不接納 c. 會員同行之貴賓果嶺費或會隨時更改, 詳情請致電白金信用卡會員服務查詢 d. 所有預訂概以先到先得而定 任何情況下如指定球會之美國運通額滿, 美國運通將儘量安排會員於其餘參與之球會打球 e. 預訂場地確定後如有任何更改, 本公司將收取 HK$100 之行政費用 5. 球僮規則 : a. 於中國的高爾夫球會 : 球場將安排二人共用一名球僮, 然而球場將會因應當時實際情況更改有關球僮服務之人數比例 b. 於中國的高爾夫球會 : 球場將安排二人共用一名球僮, 然而球場將會因應當時實際情況更改有關球僮服務之人數比例 6. 各球會所收取之費用包括同行貴賓果嶺費用及其他有關款項, 必須以美國運通白金信用卡支付 7. 除非另行通知, 會員於個別球會須自費購買高爾夫球保險

8. 參與之高爾夫球會可能要求球員於登記時出示其讓桿評分證書 9. 會員及其同行貴賓須持有飛行常客計劃會員卡方可於航天城高爾夫球場打球 10. 有關取消任何交通及 / 或酒店住宿之安排, 須依據高爾夫球會的最終決定 11. 美國運通並非上述服務或相關產品之供應者, 亦不對其作出任何表述或保證 美國運通亦不對有關服務或相關產品負上任何責任 12. 美國運通將保留於任何時候修改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 13. 如有任何爭議, 美國運通將保留最終決定權 14. 條款及細則的中英文版如有任何差異, 一概以英文版為準 取消預訂球場規則 : 星期一至五 任何訂場取消通知須於發球日期前三天提出 取消預訂球場規則 : 星期六及日 任何訂場取消通知須於發球日期前五天提出 取消預訂球場規則 : 公眾假期 * 任何訂場取消通知須於發球日期前七天提出 如會員未能依照以上規則取消預訂, 我們將收取適當之費用 當香港天文台發出八號颱風或以上警告訊號及 / 或黑色暴雨警告時或當渡輪公司發出海上交通因惡劣天氣問題暫停, 球會之 訂場將會取消及不收取任何費用 如球員已開始球局, 或由於其他天氣因素妨礙球局進行, 將按高爾夫球會之規則處理及作 最終決定權 * 有關個別球會之公眾假期定義及其他疑問, 請致電白金信用卡會員服務 2277 2028 查詢 無憂消費主義 美國運通優選禮待及美國運通白金信用卡全年優惠 1. 查詢有關詳情及條款細則, 請致電白金信用卡會員服務