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參 加 第 二 次 pesta 的 我, 在 是 次 交 流 營 上 除 了, 與 兩 年 沒 有 見 面 的 朋 友 再 次 相 聚, 加 深 友 誼 外, 更 獲 得 與 上 屆 不 同 的 體 驗 和 經 歴 比 較 起 香 港 和 馬 來 西 亞 的 活 動 模 式, 確 是 有 不 同 特

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7 Days 5 Nights Charming HOKKAIDO Chitose Noboribetsu Lake Toya Furano Hakodate Sapporo Otaru 迷人北海道 千岁 登别 洞爷湖 富良野 函馆 札幌 小樽 All Season 四季 Mt Usuzan Rop

IBM 全 球 企 业 咨 询 服 务 部 中 国 五 矿 筑 起 人 力 资 源 信 息 大 厦 2 回 顾 篇 慎 选 巧 选 软 件 平 台 由 于 五 矿 集 团 下 属 的 很 多 公 司 是 最 近 几 年 才 加 盟 的 新 成 员 企 业, 这 些 公 司 所 应 用 的 人 力 资

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07 JUN ~ 30 JUN 体验 : 天然温泉 / 采果乐 / 伊达时代村 ( 忍者村 ) / 冰之美术馆 景点 : 有珠山 / 小樽 / 北海道神宫 / 尼克斯海洋城堡 / 大雪山国家公园 享受 : 购物乐于狸小路 / 日本大型名牌厂商直销 品尝 : 豪华海鲜宴 :- 烤帝王蟹 + 鲍鱼 +

A 类 大 作 文 题 目 教 育 Some people think that older schoolchildren should learn wide range subjects and develop knowledge, other people think that they sho


8 Days 7 Nights This tour is valid for: December to February HIGHLIGHTS Day 1 KOTA KINABALU HONG KONG (Meals on Board) Assemble at Kota Kinabalu International Airport (Terminal 1) for your departure flight to Hong Kong. Overnight stay in Hong Kong. ASAHIKAWA Asahiyama Zoo SOUNKYO Sounkyo Gorge Ryusei no Taki Ginga no Taki NOBORIBETSU Noboribetsu Date Jidaimura Jigokudani Valley (Hell Valley) Shiraoi Ainu Museum Village SHOWA SHINZAN Showa Shinzan Bear Ranch OTARU Otaru Canal Otaru Music Box Museum Kitaichi Glass Workshop SAPPORO Mitsui Factory Outlet Tanukikoji Shopping Arcade Nijo Market Hokkaido Shrine Shiroi Koibito Park (Ishiya Chocolate Factory) Asahi Beer Museum Sapporo Underground Shopping Mall Odori Park Sapporo TV Tower Sapporo Tokeidai Clock Tower Former Hokkaido Government Building Susukino District + Ramen Street MEALS HIGHLIGHT King Crab Buffet Sushi Meal Shabu Shabu Teppanyaki Local Japanese Meals HOKKAIDO HOTELS 1 Night at Sounkyo Sounkyo Kankou hot spring or similar 1 Night at Akaigawa Kiroko Ski Resort or similar 1 Night at Toyako Toya Sun Palace hot spring or similar 2 Nights at Sapporo Tokyo Dome Sapporo or similar HONG KONG HOTEL 2 Nights at Hong Kong Best Western Harbour View or Regal Riverside or similar

1 ASAHIKAWA Asahiyama Zoo 2 SOUNKYO Ginga no Taki 3 NOBORIBETSU Jigokudani Valley Day 2 HONG KONG CHITOSE SAPPORO (Meals on Board/ D) Early morning transfer to Hong Kong International Airport for your departure flight to Chitose, Hokkaido. Upon arrival at Chitose Airport, transfer to Sapporo city, visit Mitsui Outlet Park, one of the largest outlet malls in Hokkaido. Proceed to Tanukikoji Shopping Arcade, Sapporo s oldest shopping area. Overnight at Sapporo. Day 3 SAPPORO ASAHIKAWA SOUNKYO (B/ L/ D) After breakfast, visit Nijo Market, a public market in central Sapporo that occupies about one city block. Both locals and tourists visit the market to shop for fresh local produce and seafood. Next, visit Hokkaido Shrine, built in 1869 when the development of Hokkaido first started. There are 1,500 cherry trees, and many people enjoy blossom viewing during Sakura season in late April. Proceed to visit Shiroi Koibito Park (Ishiya Chocolate Factory), a theme park by Ishiya, a local chocolate company. The company's flagship product is the Shiroi Koibito cookie. Proceed to Asahikawa city. Visit Asahiyama Zoo, which houses native Hokkaido wildlife. Here you can witness the popular penguin parade. Overnight at Sounkyo area. Day 4 SOUNKYO AKAIGAWA (B/ L/ D) After breakfast, visit Sounkyo Gorge, bordered by 100m high cliffs formed by the erosion of tuff, it forms the center of Daisetsuzan National Park. See the Ryusei no Taki (Shooting Star Falls), it shows a robust appearance with water strongly falling about 90m, and Ginga no Taki (Milky Way Falls), a graceful waterfall with water flowing like white threads. During winter season, both waterfalls are frozen with snow. Proceed to a ski resort at Akaigawa. Enjoy snow activities such as snow banana boat, sledge boat, snow mobile, skiing, snow bubble ball, snow park for kids, snow buggy and more. (All snow activities and ski suit rental at your own expenses). Overnight at a ski resort at Akaigawa. Day 5 AKAIGAWA OTARU SHOWA SHINZAN TOYAKO (B/ L/ D) After breakfast, proceed to Otaru city. Visit the beautiful Otaru Canal. Later, visit Otaru Music Box Workshop and Kitaichi Glass Workshop. Proceed to Showa Shinzan Bear Ranch, where you can observe brown bears and hot springs scattered from the crater to the foot of the mountain. Overnight at Toyako area. Day 6 TOYAKO NOBORIBETSU SAPPORO (B/ L/ D) After breakfast, proceed to Noboribetsu city. Visit Noboribetsu Date Jidaimura, a history theme park highlighting the Edo Period, one of the most attractive era in Japanese history. Enjoy traditional games, activities, theaters, street performances and more. Here you can meet the Ninja and Oiran courtesans too. Later, visit Jigokudani Valley or known as Hell Valley, a spectacular valley above the town of Noboribetsu Onsen, which displays hot steam vents, sulfurous streams and other volcanic activity. The autumn color season adds further colors to the already spectacular valley scenery in mid-october. Proceed to visit Shiraoi Ainu Museum Village, one of the country's best museums about the Ainu, the indigenous people of northern Japan. The open air museum, which is also commonly known as Porotokotan is a replica village consisting of five thatched houses along the shore of Lake Poroto. Each of the houses at Porotokotan demonstrates different aspects of Ainu culture and lifestyle. Later proceed back to Sapporo city. Visit Asahi Beer Museum. Later shopping at Sapporo Underground Shopping Mall. Overnight at Sapporo. Day 7 SAPPORO CHITOSE HONG KONG (B/ Meals on Board) After breakfast, visit Odori Park and photo stop in front of Sapporo TV Tower. Pass by Clock Tower Building and Hokkaido Government Building. Visit Susukino District, Sapporo s main entertainment area, and Ramen Street, a narrow lane lined with shops serving Sapporo's famous ramen. (Lunch at Ramen Street at your own expense).then, transfer to Chitose Airport for your departure flight to Hong Kong. Overnight stay in Hong Kong. Day 8 HONG KONG KOTA KINABALU (Meals on Board) In the morning, free and easy at Hong Kong until transfer time to Hong Kong International Airport for your departure flight back to Kota Kinabalu.

Tour Price Includes Return International Economy Class Air Tickets Local Standard 4 Star Hotel Accommodations Delicious Japanese Meals Transportation and Entrance Fees as per itinerary Chinese or English Speaking Guide FLIGHT SCHEDULE BKI/ HKG 2000/ 2255 KA 68 HKG/ CTS 0915/ 1450 CX 580 CTS/ HKG 1600/ 2055 CX 581 HKG/ BKI 1600/ 1905 KA 67 Tour Price Excludes Airport Taxes, Fuel Surcharge, and Tippings (Subject to change. To be charged upon full payment) Travel Insurance (Advised to purchase. Contact us for more information) Personal Expenses (Street snacks, laundry services, hotel mini-bar, telephone bills etc.) Terms and Conditions A deposit of RM800 per pax (non-refundable) is payable upon booking together with photocopy of travelers passport(s) and traveler s name(s) list. Full payment within 45 days before departure (subject to change depending on airlines special fares or promotion deadline). Tour prices are subject to change due to the fluctuation of the currency exchange rate and subject to final booking confirmation. Airport taxes are subject to change. Departure dates, flight schedule, itinerary, meals, and hotels are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances (including weather) beyond our control and jurisdiction without prior notice. If for any reason a place of visit is closed, tour will proceed with another destination for alternative. All tour participants must have at least 6 months validity of their international passport. All tour participants are advised to purchase travel insurance. You may purchase from our office, please contact us for more information. The company reserves the right to cancel or withdraw at any time bookings made by or on behalf of tour members prior to departure for any reason whatsoever, including insufficient number of passengers for which no liabilities what so ever shall be borne by the company in respect of such cancellations or withdrawal. The decision of the company shall be final and conclusive. Money paid by such tour members towards booking fees shall then be refunded to them. Visa fees and other administrative expenses will be charged accordingly. In any case, if the group size is below 16 person, the company reserves the right to proceed with the tour on agreement of all participant members who have to add additional supplement to make up the cost of the minimum group size of 16 persons. Muslim tour is available upon request. Pork-free/ seafood meals can be arranged. Please contact us. In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010, Eternal Holidays Sdn Bhd hereby informs you that your personal data collected from your registration with our tours will be processed, retained and used by Eternal Holidays Sdn Bhd in relation to our tours. Your personal data may also be retained and used by Eternal Holidays Sdn Bhd to market and promote other tour packages organised by Eternal Holidays Sdn Bhd or jointly with partners or supported by Eternal Holidays Sdn Bhd. PRICE PER PAX (RM) DEPARTURE DATE REMARKS: ITEMS TOUR PRICE TAXES & TIPS INSURANCE TOTAL ADULT TWIN ROOM ADULT SINGLE ROOM CHILD EXTRA BED CHILD NO BED (Authorized Personnel Signature)

8 天 7 晚 北海道经典冬季之旅 此团出发月份 :12 月至 2 月 行程特色 第一天亚庇香港 ( 机上用餐 ) 集合于亚庇国际机场 Terminal 1, 乘搭航机飞往香港, 于香港过夜 旭山 旭山动物园 层云峡 层云峡 银河瀑布 流星瀑布 登别 登別伊达時代村 登别地狱谷 白老爱奴民族博物馆 小樽 小樽运河 音乐盒堂 玻璃工房 札幌 三井奥特莱斯购物城 狸小路商店街 二条市场 北海道神宫 白色恋人公园 ( 石屋巧克力工厂 ) 朝日啤酒工厂 札幌地下商城 大通公园 札幌电视塔 札幌钟楼 北海道厅旧本厅舍 薄野区 + 拉面横町街 昭和新山 昭和新山熊牧场 日式美食 北海道帝王蟹自助餐 寿司餐 涮涮锅 铁板烧 日式套餐 北海道酒店 层云峡 1 晚 层云峡观光温泉酒店或同级 赤井川 1 晚 喜乐乐度假酒店或同级 洞爷湖 1 晚 托亚太阳宫温泉酒店或同级 札幌 2 晚 札幌东京圆顶酒店或同级 香港酒店 香港 2 晚 贝斯特韦斯特华丽海景酒店或丽豪酒店或同级

1 旭山旭山动物园 2 层云峡银河瀑布 3 登别登别地狱谷 第二天香港千岁札幌 ( 机上用餐 / 晚 ) 早上前往香港国际机场乘搭航机飞往千岁, 北海道 抵达新千岁空港后, 前往札幌市, 自由购物时间在三井奥特莱斯购物城, 这里可以 2-7 折的优惠价格购买到日本的品牌商品 然后前往狸小路商店街, 是北海道最大的一条商业街, 长约 1 公里, 拥有百年以上的历史 于札幌过夜 第三天札幌旭川层云峡 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 早餐后, 前往二条市场是札幌的一个公共市场, 当地人和游客可以在这里购买本地生鲜产品和海产像螃蟹 鲑鱼蛋 海胆以及其他各式海鲜和特制鱼 之后, 参观北海道神宫 前往参观白色恋人公园, 北海道知名饼干 白色恋人 及 Ishiya 巧克力的生产工厂 前往旭川市, 参观旭山动物园, 动物成员中不但有北海道出身的的野生动物, 鹿 鹰 鹤 狼, 还有来自世界各地的动物朋友 冬季有特别活动, 比如著名的企鹅散步, 得到当地人和游客的喜爱 于层云峡区过夜 第四天层云峡赤井川 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 早餐后, 前往层云峡, 位于大雪山国家公园内的一个狭窄山谷中, 是一个观光温泉胜地, 拥有舒适的村落中心 怡人的浴池及美丽的瀑布 同时也是健行进入国家 公园的绝佳起点 之后, 前往参观酷似细细的白线一般优美的姿势悠悠流下来的是银河瀑布, 聚集成一个粗大瀑布强有力的流下来的是流星瀑布 前往赤井川的度假酒店 在这里可以体验各种不同的冰雪活动如 : 滑雪, 雪香蕉船, 雪橇船, 雪地车, 泡泡雪球, 儿童冰雪乐园等 ( 全部冰雪活动, 滑雪, 和滑雪备具自理自费 ) 于赤井川的滑雪度假酒店过夜 第五天赤井川小樽昭和新山洞爷湖 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 早餐后, 前往小樽市 参观小樽运河, 是小樽乃至北海道的一大标志性景观, 曾经是小樽的港口运输枢纽 参观小樽音乐盒堂, 共有 3000 种以上精致的古董与现代的音乐盒 小樽玻璃工房, 工房内可以看到玻璃匠人吹制玻璃的样子 之后, 参观昭和新山熊牧场, 饲养着 100 头左右 身长约 2 公尺的棕熊 牧场里有贩卖作为饲料的苹果饼干, 可以亲自喂食棕熊 于洞爷湖区过夜 第六天洞爷湖登别札幌 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 早餐后, 前往登别市 参观登別伊达時代村, 您可以体验得到江户时代的充满活气的武艺表演和大众文化 这里的建筑和街道的摆设, 都是按照江户时代鼎鼎有名的伊达藩, 伊达家而仿造的 前往登别地狱谷, 极其壮观, 且名副其实 在这里可以看到沸腾的岩浆 硫磺溶液及其他火山活动 之后, 参观白老爱奴民族博物馆, 又叫 Porotokotan( 阿伊努语 大湖旁村落 ), 是北海道较好的阿伊努人博物馆之一 该 博物馆重建了一个户外阿伊努人小村庄, 再加上传统的室内博物馆, 很好地展示了阿伊努人文化和生活方式 博物馆整天都会举办一些诸如阿伊努人传统舞蹈之类的表演 前往札幌市, 参观朝日啤酒工厂, 由专职的向导带领啤酒制作全过程 通过视频对朝日啤酒工厂进行解说, 原料展示, 制造工序参观, 最后可以试饮超爽朝日啤酒 前往札幌地下商城购物, 以地铁南北线与东西线的大通站为基点, 由向东延伸的 极光城 与向南延伸的 北极城 所构成 于札幌过夜 第七天札幌千岁香港 ( 早 / 机上用餐 ) 早餐后, 前往大通公园,1871 年作为将札幌市中心分为南北两块的防火线建造而成, 道路被称为后志通, 后来改称大通 平时是人们悠然休闲的场所, 同时也是北海道具有代表性的节庆活动的会场 在 1956 年建造完成的札幌电视塔前面可以拍照 路过札幌钟楼 ( 时计台 ), 其建筑特点是采用了被称为气球结构的木建筑式样, 这是开拓时期流行于美国中部及西部的建筑风格 路过北海道厅旧本厅舍 前往札幌市的薄野区购物与拉面横町街 ( 午餐在拉面街自理自费 ) 前往千岁机场飞往香港 于香港过夜 第八天香港亚庇 ( 机上用餐 ) 早上在香港自由活动, 然后前往香港机场乘搭航机飞往回亚庇

团费包含 : 返回国际经济客位机票 全程本地 4 星级酒店 美味日式风味餐 交通工具 + 入门卷 中文或英文导游 航班时刻表 BKI/ HKG 2000/ 2255 KA 68 HKG/ CTS 0915/ 1450 CX 580 CTS/ HKG 1600/ 2055 CX 581 HKG/ BKI 1600/ 1905 KA 67 团费不包含 : 机场税, 燃油附加费, 与小费 ( 并可随时更改, 与团费一起全额付款 ) 旅游保险 ( 建议购买, 请向本社询问 ) 个人消费 ( 街头小吃, 洗衣服务, 酒店迷你吧, 电话费等等 ) 条款和条件 : 预订时, 本社会向团员接收 RM800 的押金 ( 不可退还 ), 以及团员护照复印件和名单 团员必须在 45 天出发前全额付款 ( 并可随时更改, 例如航空公司的特价机票 / 促销期限 ) 由于货币汇率的波动及于最终的预订确认, 团费并可随时更改 机场税并可随时更改 出发日期, 航班时刻表, 行程, 景点, 餐食与酒店如有更改, 由于不可预见的情况下,( 包括天气 ) 超出了我们的控制和管辖, 恕不另行通知 若是景点关闭, 此团会前往参观其他的景点 团员的国际护照必须有至少 6 个月的有效期 本社建议团员购买旅游保险 请向本社询问仔细的资料 若在团体出发前或在任何情况下时团体人数不足, 本社有权利取消任何团员所给的预订 本社的决定将会是最终的决定 因此是否本社把任何的预订给取消了, 本社将会把预订费退款给团员 签证费以及其他的费用将会另外记算 若是团员人数不足或是少过 16 人, 团体还是可以继续出发, 但本社有权利向所有团员的同意下另加费用来弥补团体最低 16 人的成本 本社可以安排穆斯林团 无猪肉 / 海鲜的餐点都可以安排 请向本社询问 备注 : 每人价格 (RM) 出发日期项目两人一房单人一房小孩加床小孩无床 团费 税与小费 旅游保险 总计 (Authorized Personnel Signature)