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curator keeperconservateur curator curatus (Merriam-Webster, 1985) keeper (Teather, 1990) curator Conservateur conservare conservator conservateur (conservateur) 1 1862 (Dictionnaire de l Administration Fran- 23

çaise) (Octobre, 1999a: 12) conservateur 1990 5 16 (Chatelain, 1993: 517) i 1999: 32 2 (Poulot, 1999: 31) (Audier, 1993, 1994; DiMaggio, 1983; Prince & Higgins-McLouglin, 1987) Alexander (Alexander, 1995) Glaser Zenetou 58 1996 (Glaser & Zenetou, 1996) curator (Glaser & Zenetou, 1996: 80) (Octobre, 1996) 1022 (Boylan, 1987; Teather, 1991; Costa de Beauregard, 1999) (ICOM) (International Committee for the Training of Personnel, ICTOP) 3 1989 24

1989 1989 1998 2004 2004 4 (Antoine Watteau) (Octobre, 1999a: 12) (Matthew Maty)(Charles Morton) (William Alexander) (Miller, 1974: 60) (culture of curiosities) (Histoire de L art de L antiquité) (Schaer, 1993: 42~43) (Holert, 1995) (Glaser & Zenerou, 1996: 15) 5 (Ripley, 1978: 51) 1882 (conservateur) (Octobre, 1999a: 13) 1882 1 24 (Antonin Proust) (L Ecole du Lou- 25

vre) (Chatelain, 1993: 473~474) 1990 1959 (Chatelain, 1993: 487) 1889 (Museums Association) (Kavanagh, 1991: 44) (South Kensington Museum Victoria and Albert Museum) Henry Cole (Alexander, 1995: 141~175) Paul Sachs 1932 (University of Leicester) (American Association of Museums) 19061922 (L Association des conservateurs des collections publiques de France) (International Council of Museums) 1945 1925 (Codes of Ethics for Museum Works) 1978 (dilettantes) 6 18% (Octobre, 26

1999b: 55) (Paton, 1894: 97) 3~4 (Donnat, 1994) (Octobre, 1999b: 51) (Kavanagh, 1991: 48) 1990 (Octobre, 1999a: 13~14) 27

(Weil, 1990) (Octobre, 1999c: 357) Glaser & Zenetou (Glaser & Zenetou, 1996: 81) concours 1990 (Ecole national du patrimoine) (Institut national du patrimoine) (Audier, 1994; Bady, 1999) 2004 examen 28

62 7 (Petzet, 1994) (Viterbe) (Negri- Arnoldi, 1994) (Bady, 1999) i i 1999 2004 (Glaser & Zenetou, 1996: 81) (Petzet, 1994) (magister artium) (Costa de Beauregard, 1999: 66) (Octobre, 1999c) (Negri-Arnoldi, 1994) (Pouw, 1994) 29

(Petzet, 1994) (Negri-Arnoldi, 1994) (Octobre, 1999c) (Glaser & Zenetou, 1996) 8 (discipline-based) (Bady, 1999) (Petzet, 1994) (Bady, 1999) (Chatelain, 1993) (Reinwardt Academy) (Pouw, 1994) (Negri-Arnoldi, 1994) (University of Manchester)(City University) (St Andrews) (Göteborg) (Umeä) (Costa de Beauregard, 1999) 30

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The Past, Present and Future of the Museum Curator: Trends and Processes in the Development of Curatorial Work and Professional Training Wan-Chen Chang* Abstract Research on the museum curator, that most specialized of members of the museum profession, remains as limited as ever. The purpose of this article is primarily to explore the nature of the museum curator s work and the developmental history of curator training, as well as to discuss the ideal characteristics of curators for the contemporary museum. This article first defines the museum curator and describes the curator s work. By discussing the origins of the profession, and the development of professional training, it illustrates the specialized nature of the curator s role and the diversity required of that role under the demands presented by contemporary society. Finally, the article concludes with a summary of the professional training of the contemporary museum curator, to prove that society places heavy demands on museum curators. Keywords: museum curator, curator s work, curator s training * Assistant Professor, Department of Arts and Design, National Hsinchu University of Education 35