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A feasibility study of the Crisis Management Warning System in the River Example of Keelung River


Recently, because of the over development in the urban area and the natural geological nature, people who lived in the Riverbank area will suffer a major flooding in a heavy rainstorm or Typhoon season. During this period, the whole economy will suffer a huge lost, government will increase the society cost, and moreover people will lose their life in this incident. The best way to reduce this circumstance is have a detail flood control planning and establish an emergency standard procedure to prevent the flooding and regulate all different government agencies (like FEMA) to handle the crisis. In Taiwan, the frame of the Crisis Organization involved from central to local government, which included three levels. During a crisis, these three levels will evaluate the current situation and report to the Executive Yuan or Headquarter. However, many people are always complained that government were too slow to involve or too late to take any action, that is why it is very important to have a Crisis Management Concept in the existing Warning System. The new Crisis Management Warning Method will use the Keelung River as a sample and served as a model to the nationwide; this new method will be more effective to handle all the crisis, to protect the elder and the younger, to prevent or reduce the damage not only from the flooding but also other major disaster. ii




2-1 2-2 2-3...8...9 87...11 2-4 2-5 2-6 3-1 3-2 4-1 4-2 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9...12...13...13...18...25...31...35...38...40...44...52...59...67...69...72...73 5-10...74 5-11...75 5-12...78 5-13...79 5-14...80 5-15...79 5-16...87 5-17...92 vi

5-18...92 5-19...93 5-20...94 5-21...95 5-22...96 5-23...96 6-1 6-2 7-1...105...112...119 vii

viii 2-1...5 2-2...7 2-3...14 2-4...15 3-1...17 3-2...19 3-3...20 3-4...21 3-5...23 3-6...27 3-7...29 4-1...30 4-2...33 4-3...34 4-4...36 5-1...51 5-2...54 5-3...55 5-4...56 5-5...57 5-6...61 5-7...62 5-8...63 5-9...64 5-10...65 5-11...66 5-12...102 5-13...68

5-14...81 5-15...82 5-16...83 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 7-1...108...107...115...116...116...120...121...125 ix

(1) (2) (3) 1


















' 20


Billings,R. S.;Miburn,T.W.& Schaalmam,M.L.,odel of Crisis Perspection A Theoretical, Empical Analysis,Administrative Science Quarterly Vo1.25June,1988 22











4-3 33


1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4-4 35















1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. () 7. ( ) 5-1 50


5.3.2 (5-2) (5-3) (5-4) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 (5-5) 52

( ) ( ) ( ) 53

5-3 54

55 5-4

' ' 5-5 56

5.3.3 62 74 74 76 10 22 74 77 7 79 6 79 10 20 87 106 49289 87 345 343 87 11 5 10 (1) 21 11 10 121.85 89 4 6 12 1050 (5-5 57

2 3 5-5 8,674,500 1,336,200 366,800 121,300 3,100 15 1 2 58

11 11.5 3 Q10 8.1 9 3.5 59

( ) 5 5-6 60

61 1. 1. 2. ' 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5-7

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3-4 ( ) 83 30252 5-8 62

1 3-3 83 30252 3 5-9 63

119 5-10 64

5-11 65 78 82 77 5-6 cms km 2 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 490.77 4180 3910 3600 3180 2770 2310 1560 401.07 3200 3000 2760 2400 2120 1780 1210 314.45 2940 2750 2520 2180 1910 1580 1040 n=1 274.19 2820 2640 2400 2080 1810 1480 960 n=1 247.12 2740 2560 2330 2010 1740 1420 906 n=1 208.31 2630 2450 2220 1910 1650 1330 830 154.46 1920 1780 1620 1390 1200 976 614 n=1 113.20 1380 1260 1160 992 862 705 448 n=1 91.20 1090 990 910 780 680 560 360 200 66

5-13 67

5-7 0 11.30 12.80 1,919 11.66 13.16 2,199 11.74 13.24 3,325 12.31 13.81 3 4,601 12.82 14.32 4 5,939 13.29 14.79 7,238 14.07 15.57 7,278 14.18 15.68 9,225 15.54 17.04 2 10,307 15.98 17.48 1 11,055 16.03 17.53 11,750 16.28 17.78 12,853 16.88 18.38 13,809 17.30 18.80 13,863 17.66 19.16 15,877 18.55 20.05 17,097 19.13 20.63 18,345 19.81 21.31 19,360 20.26 21.76 19,996 21.10 22.60 20,837 22.00 23.50 22,030 22.74 24.24 22,096 23.06 24.56 23,200 25.52 27.02 23,954 27.90 29.40 25,620 29.86 31.36 26,527 33.08 34.58 26,699 33.42 34.92 28,374 37.68 39.18 29,150 39.88 41.38 32,659 50.02 51.52 33,205 51.34 52.84 33,315 51.39 52.89 35,218 61.19 62.69 35,250 61.43 62.93 37,935 86.82 88.32 68

200 (5-7) U 1. 4 2. 3. 69

4. 5. 1,380 6. 1.5 1. 1 1,900 2 4,412 (5-8) 2. 17,720 14,260 (5-9) 70

5-8 m m 1,900 1,900 48 828 246 270 320 200 300 300 1,900 4,412 71

5-9 m 1 2,548 3 250 5 5,176 7 250 9 160 101 2,304 13 1,220 15 2,260 17 1,380 18-1 690 19 1,020 21 200 23 320 30 680 11,248 7,210 2 3,916 4 250 6 1,884 8 500 10 672 12 360 14 450 16 2,260 18 710 20 400 22 170 24 1,230 26 430 28 290 6,472 7,050 17,720 14,260 90 95 (5-10) (5-11) 72

5-10 73

5-11 74

1. 10 200 2. 3. 4. 0.5 5. 6. 10 25 (5-12) (5-13) (5-14) 200 75

1. 200 (5-14) 200 2. 10 (5-15) 1. 76

2. 19 39 5-12 cms 10 25 96 69 66 77 77 176 180 180 193 203 203 110 93 102 77 102 92 92 84 55 84 5.4 100 5.4 5.4 36 67 24 16 24 311 95 295 207 295 3 3 3 3 255 96 245 159 245 27 27 33 33 26 100 26 26 28 80 22 22 292 192 292 111 84 111 54 89 49 49 21 85 18 18 11 11 77

Q = CIA /360 5-13 96 69 93 100 92 80 100 67 95 Q 200 89 Q 200 85 Q 200 10 200 (5-16) 5-15 10 50 100 200 10 50 100 200 196 514 615 690 11 171 191 263 55 84 101 131 62 69 85 141 430 514 559 11 109 122 178 78

5-14 79

5-14 80

5-14 81

5-15 82

5-16 10 55 141 11 152 55 10 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 83

1 2 3 4 5 6 (5-16) 84

1 1 2 4 4 44 1.06 2 85

5-16 0 160 11.30 12.80 342 12.19 1945 150 11.66 13.16 270 13.44 2282 150 11.74 13.24 270 13.03 3395 140 12.31 13.81 126.4 11.01 4710 100 12.72 14.22 160 15.10 4 4747 140 12.82 14.32 150 13.88 5367 130 13.03 14.53 133 14.50 5487 130 13.07 14.57 258 21.88 5568 130 13.09 14.59 320 22.57 5599 130 13.10 14.60 240 15.23 5705 130 13.14 14.64 194 16.11 6A 6041 110 13.28 14.78 152 15.10 3 6091 130 13.29 14.79 120 15.00 6105 110 13.51 15.01 152 15.17 7460 130 14.07 15.57 104 11.60 7521 130 14.18 15.68 110 12.43 8263 130 14.53 16.03 357 16.00 9530 130 15.54 17.04 108 11.30 2 10627 120 15.98 17.48 180 16.48 1 11377 120 16.03 17.53 120 15.88 11791 120 16.16 17.66 12115 120 16.28 17.78 90 16.01 13265 120 16.88 18.38 90 16.65 14270 120 17.30 18.80 90 15.54 14305 100 17.66 19.16 148 24.31 15162 135 17.99 19.49 135 17.09 16422 120 18.55 20.05 175 18.42 17632 120 19.13 20.63 128 18.75 18880 110 19.81 21.31 229 19.63 19845 110 20.26 21.76 73 19.60 20481 110 21.10 22.60 75.3 22.22 21318 110 22.00 23.50 140 31.31 21890 110 22.29 23.79 110 23.80 22545 110 22.74 24.20 92 21.45 22565 110 23.06 24.56 93 27.60 23685 100 25.52 27.02 57 25.72 24439 100 27.90 29.40 139 31.04 26200 100 29.86 31.36 90 35.33 27114 100 33.08 34.58 160 38.14 27264 100 33.42 34.92 100 35.77 28915 100 37.68 39.18 120 40.08 29689 100 39.88 41.38 60 40.80 33047 70 50.02 51.52 69 50.24 33526 90 51.34 52.84 113 50.48 33619 60 51.39 52.89 45 53.32 35076 72 58.90 60.40 73 59.50 35509 120 61.19 62.69 120 63.17 35539 120 61.43 62.93 120 64.31 38375 60 86.82 88.32 56 92.14 13.96 15.46 17 12.10 14.26 15.76 17 11.21 15.61 17.11 26.4 9.86 13.96 15.46 15 12.93 14.26 15.76 15 10.78 15.61 17.11 38.3 10.41 86

23 1 1 2 11 1 3 87 11 25 28,491 9,795 4,437 7,126 7,133 5,410 87

1 2 1 1. 23,081 53-87 16,947 6,134 2. (5-17) 6,643 8,838 1,466 3. (5-18) 1,224 4,337 61 512 4. 2 1. 21,267.86 1,800.59 1,564.95 1,031.10 580.02 ( 5-19) 2. 5.9824 3 88

6,134 5 368 1 1. A. a. b. A. 22,088.43 2,833.33 432.29 3,123.33 89

B. (5-19) a. b. c. 2 1. A. 21,660 213 8,000 1 770 B. a. 5 106 5 5 15 500 b. 4 4 92,000m 2 90

1,222 2. 2 490 306 7,827 577 3,240 99 269 4,125 14 32 7 53 306 82 22 38 448 327 983 198 1,508 1,224 4,337 61 512 6,134 91

5-19 92

5-20 15 15-30 30-40 40-50 55 24.50 247.50 505.00 388.50 3,535.39 4,700.89 352.89 5,053.78 0.52 5.26 10.74 8.26 75.21 100 195.25 81.25 315.50 521.25 5,129.25 6,242.50 671.85 6,914.35 3.13 1.30 5.05 8.35 82.17 100 158.25 294.00 1,261.95 770.25 3,021.75 5,506.20 418,83 5,925.03 2.87 5.34 22.92 13.99 54.88 100 378.00 622.75 2,082.45 1,680.00 11,686.39 16,449.59 1,443.57 17,893.16 2.30 3.79 12.66 10.21 71.04 100 188.40 206.70 739.35 1,769.18 6,279.35 9,182.98 1,219.68 10,402.66 2.05 2.25 8.05 19.27 68.38 100 566.40 829.45 2,821.80 3,449.18 17,965.74 25,632.57 2,663.25 28,295.82 2.21 3.24 11.01 13.46 70.09 100 93

5-21 3 2 3 4 12 11 5 0 2 18 12 0 1 7 20 3 1 0 3 7 29 8 4 16 57 94

5-22 550 2,170 5 500 9 62 22 3 30 1 910 1,650 5 3 500 2 103 25 4 625 1 1 420 620 9 56 280 80 3 2 1,860 3,300 40 1 16 196 20 200 1 3,740 7,740 10 47 36 417 1,000 40 925 7 310 3 2 3 1 90 91 92 93 94 5-23 400 19 30 500 1 3 40 20 1,610 97 15 7 605 10 400 30 1 1 18 3 1,460 1,82 3 200 1 7 190 10 1 1 1 340 2,30 4 11 130 80 1 1 2 1 300 2,15 5 13 200 95

1 14,685.75 5,689.48 20,375.23 0.85 91.21 2 21,420 1,827 643.5 1,722 684.2 125.49 133.2 3 72 7 96

74 74 90 140,869 76 86 139,764 99.2 4 1. 80 2. 3. 4. 5. 35 97

159 2726 56, 60 62 62 65 66, 78 86 5 98

(Doppler) (Kriging) (Nonlinear implicit method) 1-6 ; 99

() 1. 2. 3. () 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 100

5-12 6.1 101

6.2 1/800 102

6-1 6-1 380 15 6-2 21 82 103

6-1 M M 3.95 87 10 29 0+000 4.06 87 10 29 1+530 4.72 87 10 30 2+030 5.55 87 10 30 4+430 6.33 87 11 02 8+630 6.57 87 11 02 11+130 6.83 87 11 04 11+250 7.61 87 11 04 14+100 9.16 87 11 04 15+760 10.78 87 11 04 17+310 11.88 87 11 05 21+310 13.15 87 11 05 23+500 12.47 87 11 05 25+950 13.41 87 11 05 26+980 13.55 87 11 06 27+790 76 78 82 87 10 104

752 150 1 2 105

6-1 106

6-2 107


6.3 89 200 200 200 1 2 109

11.24 10.6 200 GIS 110

6-2 1. 3. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 111

8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. G1S 1. 112

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 113

6-3 114

115 6-4 6-5

119 1 1. 2. 3. 2 1. 2. 3 116

3 1. 2. 117

7.1 A A 1 B (7-1) 7-1 A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 B 1 B 2 C 1 C 2 D 1 D 2 D 3 E 1 E 2 118

(6-5 (6-6 7-1 B 2 A1A2, A1A3, A1A4, A1A5, A2A3, A2A4, A2A5, (A1) A3A4, A3A5, A4A5, A1A2A3A4, A1A3A4A5, A1A4A5A2, (A2) A1A5A2A3, A2A3A4A5, (A3) A1A2A3A4A5 (B1) B1(A1), B1(A2), B1(A3), B2(A1), B2(A1), B2(A2), B1B2(A2), B1B2(A1), B2(A3), (B2) B1B2(A3), (C1) C1C2(B1), C1 (B1),C2(B1) (C2) C1(B2), C2(B2),C1C2(B2) D1(C1), D2(C1), D3(C1),D1D2(C1), D1D3(C1), (D1) D2D3(C1) D1(C2), D2(C2), D3(C2), D1D2(C2), D2D3(C2),, (D2) D1D3(C2) (E1) E1(D1), E2(D1),E1E2(D1) (E2) E1(D2), E2(D2), E1E2(D2) 119

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2 E1 E2 7-2 7.2 120

B1 B2 B2 B2(A1) B2A1A2 (B2) B2(A2) B2A1A2A3A4 B2A1A3 B2A1A3A4A5 B2A1A4 B2A1A4A5A2 B2A1A5 B2A1A5A3 B2A2A3 B2A2A3A4A5 B2A2A4 B1B2(A1) B2A2A5 B1B2(A3) B2A3A4 B1B2(A2) B2A3A5 B2A4A5 B2A2A4 737mm 121


B2 7.3 200 (7-3) 123

7-3 124

8.1 1 2 3 200 125

1 2 3 8.2 126

GIS 127

1. 87 11 2. 87 11 3. 89 5 4. Intigrated Governing Plan Over Keelung River BasinStudy on Flood Control Reservoir89 9 5. 89 1 6. 1999 9 7. 2000 1 8. 88 7 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 89 5 14. 89 7 15. 89 4 16. 17. Harvard Business Review on Managing Uncertainty2000 12 18. 1998 19. 87 11 128

20. 891106 89 11 6 21. 89 3 129