1. Accommodation on twin sharing basis at Srisuksant, Ao Nang Beach 2. Meals: 2 breakfasts, 2 Lunches, 2 Dinners 3. 4 island hoping by long tail boat.

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Krabi Full Board 3 days Ex Penang 甲米 + 公主湾全包 3 天 槟城出发 Highlights 热点 (Code KRA 002) The most amazing Chicken Island, Twin Couple Island, Poda Island & Coral Bay & Princess Cave 鸡头岛, 情人岛, 一柱惊天岛与公主洞 Thousand Years Forest 千年树林 Crystal Blue River & Hot Waterfall 水晶河与热瀑布 Day 1 (L/D) 5:00 am - Pick up from Beautiful Planet office or bus terminal or your house if it is on the way, as we start of our holiday to Trang and Krabi. 10:30 am - We arrive in the small Thai town of Trang. 12:00 noon - We have local food for lunch in Trang. 1:00 pm - After lunch, we proceed to visit Ley Cave (entrance at own cost), one of the biggest attractions in Trang. 1:45 pm - We arrive at Ley Cave. You have the opportunity to explore the cave which is accessible by boat ride. 2:45 pm - We leave Ley Cave and proceed to our next sightseeing stop, Namtok Ron Khlong Thom, also known as the Hot Waterfall. 3:45 pm - We arrive at Namtok Ron Khlong Thom, and you can enjoy a refreshing and invigorating dip in the mineral-rich hot spring (entry at own cost). Even if you have no desire of entering the water, it is beautiful enough just to sightsee. 4:45 pm - We leave Namtok Ron Khlong Thom and head for Krabi town. 6:00 pm - We arrive in Krabi town and check into our hotel. 6:00-7:00 pm - We go enjoy the sunset view of Krabi. This is if weather permits. 7:30 pm - We enjoy a seafood dinner in Krabi. 8:30 pm - The rest of the evening is free at your own leisure. You may opt to get a Thai traditional massage; your tour guide can help in making the arrangements for you. Day 2 (B/L/D) 7:30 am - Breakfast at your hotel. 9:30 am - We leave the hotel and head for Tha Pom, also called the Crystal River. 10:15 am - Arrive at Tha Pom (entrance fees at times collected). Often known as the Jiuzhaigou of southern Thailand, you can enjoy Tha Pom while staying dry by using the network of walkways over the water, or get wet and take a swim in the river. In any case, it is one of the most beautiful river you can find in this part of Thailand. 11:15 am - We leave Tha Pom and head for the Elephant Village. 11:45 am - We arrive at the Elephant Village. Here, you can take a ride on the elephants, which will take you into the jungle and across the streams. Riding the elephants is an optional activity and comes at your own cost. 1:00 pm - Enjoy Thai food for lunch. 2:00 pm - Take an Island Hopping Tour by long tail boat (Included). This tour takes you off the coast of Krabi, to visit the offshore islands including Koh Poda, Chicken Island, Phra Nang Beach and Twin Island (Koh Tap and Koh Mor). 6:00 pm - Return to hotel to rest and freshen up. 7:30 pm - We take you to dinner, which is Thai Chinese food. 8:30 pm - The rest of the evening is free at your own leisure. You may choose to retire early after the long day, or explore the nightmarkets or go for massage. Day 3 (B) 8:00 am - Breakfast at the hotel. 9:00 am - We check out of the hotel, and on the way visit Wat Thamsua, the Tiger Cave Temple & Thousand Year Forest. 11:00 am - Depart for Hatyai via Trang. 1:00 pm - Lunch in Trang, (at own cost). 3:00 pm - Arrive in Hatyai. 5:00 pm - Leave Hatyai for Penang. 8:00 pm - Arrive in Penang. 第一天 ( 午餐 / 晚餐 ) 5:00 am - 由槟城出发 10:30 am - 抵达董里 12:00 noon - 享用午餐于董里 1:00 pm - 前往神仙洞 1:45 pm - 乘小舟探讨神仙洞之神奇 ( 乘小舟自费 ) 2:45 pm - 参观热瀑布 ( 自费国家公园费 ) 6:00 pm - 入住旅馆 6:00-7:00 pm - 于公主湾看日落 7:30 pm - 享用海鲜餐 8:30 pm - 夜晚自由活动或自费按摩 第二天 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 7:30 am - 享用早餐于旅馆 9:30 am - 前往水晶河 10:15 am - 欣赏犹如九塞沟, 碧绿且清澈见底的水晶河 11:15 am - 前往大象村 11:45 am - 自费骑大象 1:00 pm - 泰式午餐 游船河 4 岛游, 于甲米最著名的莫过于以下岛屿 宝塔岛 ( 壮观的一柱擎天宝塔岛是最佳摄影背景 ) 鸡头岛 ( 奇导特别, 如鸡头般的怪岛 ) 情人岛 ( 浪漫洁白沙滩紧连双岛 ) 珊瑚湾 ( 浮潜看珊瑚 ) 6:00 pm - 回返旅馆休息 7:30 pm - 享用中泰式晚餐 8:30 pm - 自由活动或自费享受按摩 第三天 ( 早餐 ) 8:00 am - 早餐于旅馆 9:00 am - 前往老虎洞庙及探索千年森林 11:00 am - 前往合艾 1:00 pm - 自费午餐于董里 3:00 pm - 逛街购物于合艾 5:00 pm - 回返槟城 9:00 pm - 抵达槟城 下次再见 Inclusions

1. Accommodation on twin sharing basis at Srisuksant, Ao Nang Beach 2. Meals: 2 breakfasts, 2 Lunches, 2 Dinners 3. 4 island hoping by long tail boat. 4. Transfer: Ex-Penang by mini coach 5. Activities: Sightseeing (national park fee NOT included) 6. Thai Travel Insurance (Loss of life, dismemberment, loss of sight or total permanent disability: sum insured Baht 200,000 per pax; Medical expenses each accident: Baht 100,000 per pax) 配套包含双人住宿于 Srisuksant, Ao Nang Beach 2 早餐,2 午餐,2 晚餐 4 岛游船河乘坐豪华旅车由槟城出发观光行程表中注明的景点 ( 不包国家公园保护区费 ) 泰国旅游保险 Package Price This package tour does NOT include: 1. Tips. Please pay tips to the tour guide and driver together. Tip at least RM5/guest/day. 2. Meals if not mentioned within the itinerary, or stated as own cost 3. Any optional activities. 4. National Park fees. At many tourist spots in Thailand, entrance fees are sometimes collected, and sometimes not. To avoid having to inflate the fare, we prefer to let the guest settle the National Park fees on arrival. 配套不包含任何未注明已包含项目导游司机小费 每日每位客人 RM 5 关口出入境费 RM 4/ 人任何自由选择活动国家公园保护区费 ** Malaysia public holiday departure is subject to surcharge of RM50/pax 于大马公共价期出发需付附加费 50 令吉一人 ** Thailand Water Festival departure is subject to surcharge of RM50/pax 于泰国泼水节出发需付附加费 50 令吉一人 ** Chinese New Year departure is subject to surcharge of RM80/pax 农历新年出发需付附加费 80 令吉一人 Passengers on all tours leaving the country must have a valid passport withat least six months validity Krabi 4 Island Hoping Hotel Category Travel Period 3 Days 2 Nights (Per pax) Twin / Triple Single Child No Bed Extension + ABF (Per pax) Single Twin Child ABF Compulsory Gala Dinner / Room Surcharge / Promotion Xmas 24Dec10 New Year 31Dec10 Sripet Hotel 30/04/2012 500 600 390 140 90 50 490 580 390 130 85 50 Ascot Apasari Krabi Hotel 20/12/11& 06/01/12-24/04/12 05/01/12 30/11/11 500 600 390 140 90 50 520 640 390 160 100 50 480 560 390 120 80 50 580 760 450 220 130 80 01-23/12/11 620 840 450 260 150 80 24/12/11-05/12/12 690 980 450 330 185 80 06/01/12-17/04/12 640 880 450 280 160 80 200/100 220/110 18/04/12-520 640 450 160 100 80

30/11/11 600 800 450 240 140 80 01-23/12/11 640 880 450 280 160 80 24/12/11-05/12/12 710 1020 450 350 195 80 06/01/12-17/04/12 660 920 450 300 170 80 18/04/12-540 680 450 180 110 80 Srisuksant Aonang Nagaura & Spa Beach terrace Hotel Palm paradise Sea Breeze Access Garden Villa or Building 01-30/11/11 & 01/02/12-01/12011-01-30/11/11 & 01/02/12-01/12011- - - - - 570 740 410 210 125 60 600 800 410 240 140 60 520 640 410 160 100 60 600 800 410 240 140 60 630 860 410 270 155 60 540 680 410 180 110 60 670 940 410 310 175 60 720 1040 410 360 200 60 580 760 410 220 130 60 720 1030 410 360 200 60 770 1140 410 410 225 60 640 880 410 280 160 60 640 880 410 280 160 60 670 940 410 310 175 60 530 660 410 170 105 60 586 770 410 225 133 60 606 810 410 245 143 60 520 640 410 160 100 60 180/90 200/100 180/90 200/100 180/90 200/100

Ayodhaya Suite & Spa Sanda Success Wing Success Wing Suite On Ayodhaya Wing Garden view room 01-30/11/11 570 740 430 210 125 70 01-11/01-3/04/12 710 1020 430 350 195 70 810 1220 430 450 245 70 540 680 430 180 110 70 01-30/11/11 610 820 430 250 145 70 01-11/01-3/04/12 740 1080 430 380 210 70 840 1230 430 480 260 70 610 820 430 250 145 70 01-30/11/11 1020 1640 430 660 350 70 01-11/01-3/04/12 1020 1640 430 660 350 70 1120 1840 430 760 400 70 870 1340 430 510 275 70 600 800 390 240 140 50 680 960 390 320 180 50 560 720 390 200 120 50 500 600 Ao nang Princeville Krabi Hotel Bungalow 20/12/11 & 16/01/12-20/12/11 & 16/01/12-810 1220 420 450 245 65 860 1320 420 500 270 65 610 820 420 250 145 65 840 1280 420 480 260 65 910 1420 420 550 295 65 630 860 420 270 155 65 Aonang Paradise

side Krabi Tipa Duang Jai pool side Timber House Buri Tara 20/12/11 & 16/01/12-676 952 396 316 178 53 716 1032 396 356 198 53 540 680 396 180 110 53 660 920 410 300 170 60 760 1120 410 400 220 60 560 720 410 200 120 60 690 980 410 330 185 60 590 780 410 230 135 60 730 1060 410 370 205 60 200/100 220/110 Access 830 1260 410 470 255 60 620 840 410 260 150 60 Aonang Buri

09/12/11 546 690 390 185 113 50 Aonang Cliff view resort Standard 10/12/11-16/12/12-570 740 390 210 125 50 546 690 390 185 113 50 500 600 390 140 90 50 Krabi La Praya The Small Krabi Aree Tara Studio Access 740 1080 410 380 210 60 860 1320 410 500 270 60 630 860 410 270 155 60 910 1420 410 550 295 60 680 960 410 320 180 60 720 1040 410 360 200 60 820 1240 410 460 250 60 630 860 410 270 155 60 890 1380 410 530 285 60 700 1000 410 340 190 60 660 920 410 300 170 60 760 1120 410 400 220 60 560 720 410 200 120 60 690 980 330 185 60 590 780 230 135 60 200/100 220/110