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Ecology and Population of the Mandarin Duck at the Chichiawuan Stream (IV)

From January to November 2002, we studied the population, food habit, and breeding behavior of the Mandarin ducks (Aix galericulata) along the Tachia Stream and its upper tributaries, Chichiawuan and Jiozen Stream, in the Shapa National Park. The duck population doubles the size of last year one that declining, and typhoon is less than last year as well. Animal matter in the diet increased in spring, while decreasing in fall. In Jiozen Stream, duck diet had higher plant matter in proportion than in Chichiawuan Stream, as a result of higher coverage of plant in Jiozen. There is a greater number of ducks breeding in Jiozen Stream, in which original forest is more abundance. Nineteen bird nests established in our study area have not been used by ducks yet, and it is assumed that nest height are too low to be accepted.

From January to November 2002, we studied the population, food habit, and breeding behavior of the Mandarin ducks (Aix galericulata) along the Tachia Stream and its upper tributaries, Chichiawuan and Jiozen Stream, in the Shapa National Park. The duck population doubles the size of last year one that declining, and typhoon is less than last year as well. Animal matter in the diet increased in spring, while decreasing in fall. In Jiozen Stream, duck diet had higher plant matter in proportion than in Chichiawuan Stream, as a result of higher coverage of plant in Jiozen. There is a greater number of ducks breeding in Jiozen Stream, in which original forest is more abundance. Nineteen bird nests established in our study area have not been used by ducks yet, and it is assumed that nest height are too low to be accepted.

(Aix galericulata) (Aix) (A.sponsa) (Johnsgard1978) 10,000 2000 (Carboneras 1992) II ( 1988)

(Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) - 1,800-2,200 m (Pinus taiwanensis) :(1) 9 km(2) 1 km 2? 1~2

19 g( 3~3.5%) 164.00~164.90 MHz TR-4 H (TelonicsLTD.)

19 30 10 1-6 0-30 ( ) Conover1980 0.05 SPSS 1-2 10-20 177

~ 90 33 ( 47 15) (2001) 1 ( ) 4 (LWOLYRRRO) LWOLY LWO (no.87) LY (no.86) RR (no.85) RO 6 / 4

2K 6.29 2.22 (n=17) 173 ( 358 ) (46.1%) / (25.8%) (15.1%) (13.0%) ( ) 5 3 17 47 (Bellrose and Holm, 1994) ( 2 =20.7df=1P =0.001) ( 2 =32.7df=1P =0.001)

~ ~ ~ ( ) ~ Drobney and Fredrickson(1979) 46%25% (Landers et al., 1977) 2~5 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (

~ ( ) ( ) 1995 Bellrose and Holm, 1994 Bellrose and Holm, 1994

Bellrose and Holm (1994) 12 5 5 7 ( ) (no.81) 87 4 (no.72) (no.37) 5 3 75-160 15-20 8 50-100 ( ) 12 ( ) 210 ( ) 3-11 ( ) ( ) 70 35% (22%)

( 199719992000) (n=10) 8 6 7 1 3 ( ) (G03614) ( ) 2 ( ) 38 76 19 10 50%( )26.3%( ) 1.9( 2 =4.52df=1P =0.034) ( 2001)

1997 30(4):401-411 1999 I 2000 II 2001 III 1995 ( ) 400 1993 619 1988 297 Andersson, M. 1994. Sexual selection. Princeton University Press, Princeton. Armbruster, J. S. 1982. Wood duck displays and pairing chronology. Auk 99:116-122. Bellrose, F.C. and D.J. Holm.1994. Ecology and management of the wood duck. Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburd, Pennsylvania. Carboneras, C. 1992. Order Anseriformes. Pages 528-628 in A. Elliot del Hoyo and J. Sargatal, eds. Handbook of the birds of the world. Vol.1 Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.

Davis, A.K. 1988.The distribution and status of the Mandarin ducks (Aix galericulata) in Britain. Bird Study 35:203-208. Drobney, R. D. and L. H. Fredrickson. 1979. Food selection by wood ducks inrelation to breeding status. J. Wildl. Manage. 43:109-120. Hester, F. E. and J. Dermid. 1973. The world of the wood duck. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphis. Landers, J. L., T. T. Fendley, and A. S. Johnson. 1977. Feeding ecology of wood ducks in south Carolina. J. Wildl. Manage. 41:118-127. Savage, C. 1952. The Mandarin duck. A. C. Black, London.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 7 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10

G03599 G03608 G03614 G03613 G03520 G03620 G03615 G03618 G03619 G03601 G03622 G03559 90.6.27 > 90.7.30 91.2.23 91.2.19 88.3.11 > 91.3.31 91.3.2 91.3.30 91.3.30 90.6.29 91.6.4 89.3.21 >

( ) ( )( ( ) G03599 >10 G03614 >10 6/7 G03620 >10 G03615 >5 G03618 5/22

1 () G03517 164.32 5 1999.9 G03533 164.10 2 1999.4 G03534 164.08 4 1999.6 G03539 164.50 10 1999.11 G03509 164.08 2 1999.10 G03513 164.12 4 1999.11 ( ) G03507 164.20 4 1999.12 G03531 164.22 3 1999.10 G03526 164.34 10 1999.11 G03528 164.18 1 1999.3 G03536 164.12 1 1999.3 G03549 164.32 4 2000.2 ( ) G03538 164.36 13 2000.3 G03545 164.68 5 2000.4 G03532 164.64 1 2000.4 G03590 164.67 1 2001.1 G03578 164.41 6 2001.1 G03579 164.55 5 2001.1 G03504 164.39 8 2001.2 G03558 164.32 11 2001.2 G03586 164.65 4 2001.3 G03584 164.55 12 2001.5 G03535 164.52 27 2001.5 G03607 164.17 1 2001.8 G03602 164.03 1 2001.8 G03600 164.11 1 2001.8 G03582 164.71 12 2001.8 G03593 164.61 5 2001.9

G03594 164.41 6 2001.10 () () G03633 164.11 2 2002.8 G03614 164.73 6 2002.8


