~ 4 mm h 8 60 min 1 10 min N min 8. 7% min 2 9 Tab. 1 1 Test result of modified

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85% NCEP CFS 10 CFS CFS BP BP BP ~ 15 d CFS BP r - 1 r CFS 2. 1 CFS 10% 50% 3 d CFS Cli


be invested on the desilting of water sources and to paved canals with cement mortar while drinking water project can focus on the improvement of wate



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m K K K K m Fig. 2 The plan layout of K K segment p

0 1 / m m 2 ~ 3. 9m 3. 2m 1 / m 23. 6m mm 3 300mm 32. 1% 38. 1% 250mm C60 ~ C50 ~ C40 C



30 1 2013 1 Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development Vol. 30 No. 1 Jan. 2013 doi 10. 3969 /j. issn. 1002-0268. 2013. 01. 004 1 2 2 2 2 1. 400074 2. 400067 240 U416. 217 A 1002-0268 2013 01-0017 - 05 High Temperature Performance of Gussasphalt Based on Different Epithermal Temperatures HAO Zengheng 1 2 WU Wenjun 2 SHENG Xingyue 2 HUANG Lei 2 1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture Chongqing Jiaotong University Chongqing 400074 China 2. China Merchants Chongqing Communications Research and Design Institute Co. Ltd. Chongqing 400067 China Abstract Gussasphalt is always paved at 240 which leads to serious epithermal aging of asphalt and there is rarely report about influence regularity of epithermal aging temperature on high temperature performance of gussasphalt. Static and dynamic penetration tests were conducted for this influence regularity respectively. The results show that 1 static penetration and dynamic penetration are both highly linear with epithermal aging temperature 2 the higher the epithermal aging temperature the smaller the penetration values what is more considering elastic recovery performance of modified asphalt the dynamic penetration values are always smaller than static penetration values. Thus appropriate measures should be taken to improve high temperature anti-deforming of gussasphalt while improving the fatigue performance of gussasphalt by reducing epithermal aging temperature. Key words road engineering gussasphalt high temperature performance epithermal aging penetration 0 1-2 3-5 240 2012-04 - 24 2011M501396 2011GGC411 1978 -. haozengheng@ cmhk. com

18 30 1 ~ 4 mm 11 50 6-7 24 h 8 60 min 1 10 min 0 490. 5 N 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 60 min 8. 7% 1 190 210 230 250 45 min 2 9 Tab. 1 1 Test result of modified gussasphalt 25 /dmm 38. 1 JTJ 052 2000 T0604 / 92. 8 JTJ 052 2000 T0606 10 /cm 18. 5 JTJ 052 2000 T0605 135 / mpa s 2 864 JTJ 052 2000 T0625 25 /% 92 JTJ 052 2000 T0662 1 / 250 JTJ 052 2000 T0611 Fig. 1 Penetration testing device 2 2. 2 Tab. 2 Designed gradation and gradation range of gussasphalt mixture 2 5 min /mm 13. 2 9. 5 4. 75 2. 36 1. 18 0. 6 0. 3 0. 15 0. 075 /% 100 99. 2 72. 5 53. 5 45. 9 37. 1 31. 0 29. 1 26. 8 10 min 5 min /% 100 80 ~ 100 63 ~ 80 48 ~ 63 38 ~ 52 32 ~ 46 27 ~ 40 24 ~ 36 20 ~ 30 2 2. 1 2 10 40 Fig. 2 Static penetration curve of gussasphalt at different epithermal temperatures 60

1 19 2 500 mm 2 56. 42 mm Φ150 mm 60 mm 30 min 2 500 1 3 5 mm 2 30 min 60 min 0. 98 0. 97 5 3 Tab. 3 Testing conditions of dynamic penetration 3 air atmosphere Fig. 3 Linear fitting of static penetration of gussasphalt at σ different epithermal temperatures o /kn σ u /kn /s /s 3 3. 2 3. 1 2 500 5 mm 1 2 500 6 12 6 4 Fig. 5 4 Fig. 4 Testing device and sample for dynamic penetration of gussasphalt 5 Loading time curve of dynamic penetration test 3 0. 875 0. 20 0. 2 1. 5 7 7 0. 97 4

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