Best FinTech Award 2016

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Organiser 最佳金融科技獎


最佳金融科技獎 背景 The Hong Kong ICT Awards aims at recognising and promoting outstanding information and communications technology (ICT) inventions and applications, thereby encouraging innovation and excellence among Hong Kong s ICT talents and enterprises in their constant pursuit of creative and better solutions to meet business and social needs. The Hong Kong ICT Awards was established in 2006 with the collaborative efforts of the industry, academia and the Government. Steered by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, and organised by Hong Kong ICT industry associations and professional bodies, the Awards aims at building a locally espoused and internationally acclaimed brand of ICT awards. There are eight categories under the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2016. There is one Grand Award in each category, and an Award of the Year is selected from the eight Grand Awards by the Grand Judging Panel. 目的 In encouraging the development of FinTech innovation and solutions (such as payment solutions, clearing and settlement systems, big data management, etc.) for enhancing operations and fostering new modes of business for the financial sector, the Best FinTech Award aims to develop Hong Kong into a financial technology hub. The financial sector includes banking, insurance, securities trading, as well as fund and asset management. This FinTech Award would synergise, promote and recognise our FinTech community as a major player and force in the strategic development of Hong Kong as an innovative financial hub. The Best FinTech Award is composed of three streams: 1. Banking and Insurance 2. Capital Market 3. Emerging Solutions 1

Message from Chief Executive Officer of Organiser 籌辦組織行政總裁獻辭 The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) is honoured and excited to be the Leading Organiser of the new Best FinTech Award under the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2016. The Best FinTech Award aims to encourage the development of FinTech solutions, such as payment solutions or clearing and settlement systems, which enhance business operations and foster new lines of business for the financial sector. The Award covers three categories, namely Banking and Insurance, Capital Markets and Emerging Solutions. It is extremely encouraging to have already received so many high quality and innovative applications for this inaugural Award. Strong support from our stakeholders has contributed to the great success of this inaugural Award. In particular, I would like to thank the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Securities & Futures Commission, the HKIB Council and Executive Committee member banks and the banking and financial services sector, as well as academic and professional bodies including the Hong Kong Computer Society. Our heartfelt appreciation also goes to our team of 18 judges and assessors, and a special tribute to Ir Stephen Lau, JP, Chairman of the Judging Panel and Mr Leo Tong, Chief Assessor, whose valuable support has helped to make the first Best FinTech Award such a success. I would like to express my whole-hearted congratulations to the winners on their achievements. The Best FinTech Award contributes to bringing together, recognising and promoting our FinTech community as a major force in the strategic development of Hong Kong as an innovative financial hub. We look forward to collaborating more closely with the government, regulators and other stakeholders to deliver our shared vision of making Hong Kong a recognised FinTech hub in the years ahead! 2

JP JP I am honoured to be the Chief Judge of the first Best FinTech Award of the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2016. With the recent establishment of the Innovation and Technology Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government, a core objective of which is to promote and develop relevant initiatives in FinTech. This new Best FinTech Award is timely as a vehicle to recognise relevant and innovative Hong Kong based products, services and applications for the financial industry. Though a first time award, the Judging Panel is impressed by the quality and innovation of the entries, which reinforce our position as the financial centre of Asia, and reinforce our reputation as a talented ICT hub. With the healthy increase startups in the FinTech arena in Hong Kong, it is foreseeable that the Best FinTech Award will further flourish in both quality and quantity of entries in the year to come. I congratulate The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers is crowned with complete success of organising this 2016 Best FinTech Award, and thank our distinguished Assessors and Judges for their valuable advice and efforts in bringing the Award to its fruitful outcome. 3

最佳金融科技獎評審委員會 JP JP 4 JP JP

最佳金融科技獎評審小組 5

Best FinTech Grand Award and Best FinTech (Banking and Insurance) Gold Award 最佳金融科技大獎及最佳金融科技 ( 銀行與保險 ) 金獎 The first of its kind in Hong Kong, the Digital Branch is a fully digitised future operational model which showcases BEA s new way to bank. Its paperless, straight-through process improves customer experience and has far-reaching applications for the bank, within the industry, and more widely as a way of doing business. The Digital Branch is equipped with a suite of next-generation banking tools, developed 100% in-house and in rapid order, which use advanced technology to streamline services and improve efficiency. i-window 6 i-counter

i-counter: converts from an interactive touch-screen to a video interface (i-teller), providing direct communication with remote-site service staff, and enables transactions and applications 9am-8pm, Mon-Sun. i-window: is an all-in-one interactive aide for financial planning i-kit: uses OCR and digital signature to complete application forms automatically i-zone: offers self-application for credit cards i-panel: allows customers to browse products and download brochures/forms The new branch model is highly flexible and mobile, with half the footprint of a traditional branch, a much smaller back-office area, and reduced manpower. BEA s Digital Branches have yielded an increase in deposit balance per customer of 35% and have seen a 65% increase in average mortgage drawdown compared to other branches. i-kit i-panel Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 The Digital Branch is a local solution for Hong Kong market. This holistic solution proves well the integration of online and offline operation models. It is comprehensive, involving nearly all branch services. The Digital Branch is a breakthrough comparing to the traditional branch services. It is very useful to customers and can enhance the Bank s image. Moreover, the Digital Branch can fully leverage different kinds of technology tools. The application is professional and of high quality. It has demonstrated a success which has good benefits to the market. 7

Best FinTech (Banking and Insurance) Silver Award 最佳金融科技 ( 銀行與保險 ) 銀獎 The flagship 121 System enables financial advisors to sell life insurance to consumers and manage sales activity through mobile devices. It is the first and only solution in Hong Kong that fully automates the entire sales cycle from financial needs analysis, quotation, benefit illustration, application with biometric signature all the way to policy issuance. This dramatically shortens the time it takes to close sales and, with offline access, allows financial advisors to do business anytime, anywhere. With a simple and intuitive user interface, it also greatly enhances customer experience. Customers using 121 System include AXA Hong Kong and Prudential Singapore. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 The 121 System covers all major functionalities of an insurance sales cycle. It is a comprehensive end-to-end product. It configures new products with flexibility and provides offline capabilities. It is believed that this helpful and user-friendly system can save company s cost and raise income. 8

Best FinTech (Banking and Insurance) Certificate of Merit 最佳金融科技 ( 銀行與保險 ) 優異證書 The UBS Wealth Management app covers our clients wherever they may be, no matter what device they re on. It is one of the first wealth management apps on Android, iphone, ipad and Apple Watch in English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese. Portfolio health checks help our clients whenever their investments begin to stray from their strategy. But it s not just alerts or information, we also tell them how to get their portfolio back on track with specific recommendations from our team of over 900 analysts and strategists. Clients can also contact their Client Advisor with a single tap should they wish to act. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 Design of the UBS Wealth Management app involves plentiful customer engagement, which helps to retain customers. They show good understanding of customer needs and pains. Also, it displays good use of Apple Watch in interacting with client advisors. The application aims to serve high-net-worth individuals. 9

Best FinTech (Banking and Insurance) Certificate of Merit 最佳金融科技 ( 銀行與保險 ) 優異證書 In Hong Kong, connected with 20+ banks licensed by HKMA, Yintran allows anyone or any business to transfer money safely with privacy and bank-grade security. An individual or a business may create a Yintran account with (1) name, (2) email, and (3) mobile phone, and may receive money and transfer the money received. If the user would like to cash out or refill the user s Yintran account, the user may link the user s bank account. With the linked bank account, the user may cash out the user s Yintran account the next business day. A world without cheques. Login Page Menu Page Summary Page Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 Yintran grasps the opportunity of deregulation to offer a long awaiting P2P solution. It puts forward a new concept of money transfer. Although there are rivals in both local and international market, Yintran will have its competitiveness. 10

Best FinTech (Emerging Solutions) Gold Award 最佳金融科技 ( 新興解決方案 ) 金獎 The Lattice EPD Platform offers 4 engines: 1) Basket Generation allows you to create any custom investment factors; 2) Portfolio Construction, empowered by our proprietary V2P technology, is the first-ever genuine view-driven portfolio optimiser, compared with traditional constraint-driven Markowitz optimiser; 3) Portfolio Analytics, empowered by our Basket Analytics invention, is the most comprehensive portfolio analytics tool on offer; and 4) Backtesting simulates the historical performance of a strategy. Building on the harmony of these 4 engines, EPD enables a new but long-desirable Elegant Portfolio Discovery (EPD) Process with unprecedented transparency and precision. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 Lattice Elegant Portfolio Discovery (EPD) Decision-Support Platform is a very innovative and highly sophisticated solution solving a real problem by advanced and fast analytical engine. It is a great platform from regulator s perspective and management. It sees good potential for fund management market. Also, the application of V2P (view-to-portfolio) concept is brand new to Hong Kong market. 11

Best FinTech (Emerging Solutions) Bronze Award 最佳金融科技 ( 新興解決方案 ) 銅獎 appsdollar, a digital loyalty points redemption open platform, infiltrates into the daily consuming routine of the young digital generation by offering a wide range of rewards with exclusive bundled digital items, supporting credit card points and sports credits, and extending the loyalty points category to air miles, beauty and more in the near future. The instant "one-stop solution" allows users to redeem and get mobile paid app, in-app items and physical Items with its patent-pending technology on hybrid loyalty points and online payment. The use of unique mobile web interface facilitates easy redemption in terms of compatibility across different mobile device and findability on search engines comparing with native apps. Best FinTech (Emerging Solutions) Gold Award 最佳金融科技 ( 新興解決方案 ) 金獎 Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 The appsdollar - Redeem your joyous rewards is a new idea in the market and bridging the gap of credit card points utilisation. It is interesting and closely related to the Hong Kong market. Also, it integrates lots of functionalities. Adoption may be difficult but potential is there. 12

Best FinTech (Emerging Solutions) Certificate of Merit 最佳金融科技 ( 新興解決方案 ) 優異證書 China CITIC Bank International Limited brings customers the new trend of Smart Living with the latest mobile and social media technologies to provide the best Fintech services in a secure way. It pioneers to launch the WeChat Pay Travel Insurance that allows customers to apply for and pay travel insurance simply with a few clicks on the mobile phone ; and Touch Balance Service using the customer s unique fingerprint to view account balances, latest transactions, credit card and loan overview in a fast, convenient, secure and innovative way. PHOTO LOW RESOLUTION Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 The use of WeChat Pay is innovative in Hong Kong. And, Touch Balance is convenient in use. The solution probably is the fast one for the banks in Hong Kong; nonetheless, there are already many similar products existed in the market. Expansion of the concept and functionalities is needed to stand out from the encirclement. 13

籌辦組織簡介 Established in 1963, The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) is a non-profit making and the only professional institution serving the local banking community in the provision of education and professional training. Our objective is to enhance and further develop the territory s status as an international financial centre by upholding the professional standards of bankers qualifications through education, training and development. Through nurturing banking talent, the Institute has played an important role in fostering inter-industry, cross-sectorial and cross-regional cooperation for over half-a-century. HKIB seeks to provide a professional environment that supports and encourages the personal development of individual banking practitioners. Mission: The mission of HKIB is to strive for excellence whilst upholding the professional standards of bankers qualifications. This is achieved through provision of efficient and effective education, training and development, certifying and accrediting service. These are aligned to the growing needs of the banking and financial industries considering both Hong Kong and other regional standards. For further details, please visit Enquiry 查詢 14

鳴謝 16 評審委員會 - 獎項類別 : 銀行與保險 JP JP 評審委員會 - 獎項類別 : 新興解決方案 JP JP

鳴謝 評審小組 - 獎項類別 : 銀行與保險 評審小組 - 獎項類別 : 新興解決方案 17

18 Acknowledgement 鳴謝

Cyber Security Summit 2016 16-18 May 2016 - Hong Kong

Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Organiser The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers Strategic Partner Supporting Organisations PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER