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Culinary Skills Lesson Dainties with Homemade Sauces

Preface 002

Quality ingredients married with the right sauce and condiment is the formula to a guaranteed delectable dish. But when you shop for pre-packaged sauce and condiment from supermarkets, grocery other additives into your food. Prolonged consumption of such harmful chemicals sure has negative implications on health. On the contrary, making your own sauces and condiments from scratch saves yourself from such concerns. On top of that, you may adjust the flavour and palate balance if you make your own sauces from scratch. You could make it sweeter, spicier or lighter in taste according to your yours. A well-made sauce or condiment takes your food up a notch in terms of fragrance and flavour: companion to steamed chicken with sesame oil. home for dinner! You may even make more sauces and condiments than you need. Just pack them wholeheartedly adore them! grateful if you can write and let me know. Thank you very much.

Cooked Homemade Sauces Lesson 2 Black Bean and Lesson 3 Lesson 1 Pan-fried Pork Patties with

Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Dried Tangerine Peel and Lesson 6 Jinhua Ham Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Olive-pickled Leaf Mustard File Fish and Beancurd Puffs with Lesson 9 Lesson 10 and Bitter Melon

Stirred Homemade Sauces Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16 Tamarind Paste Braised Duck with Potato in Tamarind Paste Tamarind Paste

Homemade Sauces, Packed with Goodness have to. Have you ever thought about making your own sauces from scratch? Pre-packaged sauces and condiments usually contain preservatives, colourings and other artificial additives. They tend to accumulate in the body in a long run, harming your control over their ingredients. Use only the freshest ones. Never pick any with artificial the first rule of a healthy diet. 007

sweeter. Making your own sauces from scratch means you can come up with the perfect taste tailor-made to gratify your every taste bud. You can make it lighter to making your dishes, you have full control over the taste. signature sauce! Making your own sauces from scratch not only gratifies your culinary cravings, but also adds a personal affection to your dishes. Your loved ones will sure feel the care and love you pack in them. 008

7 Tricks to Make the Best Sauces and Condiments How do you pick the ingredients? Always pick the freshest ones you can get. For instance: Dried scallops: Pick those completely dry, with a strong seafood smell. Salted fish: Dried black mushrooms: Pick those in whole with the stems attached and skin Pineapple:

How do you pick the right oil? taste and colour. They would not cover up or interfere with the authentic flavours of the ingredients. What heat should it be cooked on? heat. Otherwise, the ingredients may burn and make the sauce or condiment taste bitter. Why should all ingredients be stir-fried until dry? After you heat the wok and add oil, the aromatics and ingredients should be stir Why should sauces and condiments be soaked in oil? The oil cut the condiments off from getting in touch with air, so as to prevent moulding. The oil also helps seal in their authentic taste. 010

What are the tricks in storing the sauce or condiment? months. spoon to scoop it out so as to prevent water from getting in and shortening its shelf life. How do you mix and match different sauces for versatility? a Three-cup sauce are sesame oil, rice wine, light soy sauce and rock sugar. Then you should understand the property and nature of the key ingredient in a dish. Finally, think about what condiment or seasoning would accentuate the palate of that ingredient. Add that condiment or seasoning to your usual sauce cook seafood, you may add a dash of Zhenjiang black vinegar for its herbal

Cookery Lesson 1 Flaked Salted Salmon with Dried Scallops Taste Combinations Secret trick Make sure you stir fry the dried scallops and salmon until thoroughly dry so as to remove all moisture. That would ensure its shelf life. Shelf life It last well in the fridge for up to 6 months. 012

Method for Salted Salmon Thaw 1 piece of frozen salmon. Rinse well and wipe dry. Line a ceramic or plastic container with a layer of coarse sea salt. Put in the salmon and top with more sea salt until full. Cover the lid and seal well. Store in the crisper compartment of your fridge for 2 to 3 weeks.