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Exercises for Your Back Most back pain is due to a lack of exercise or an injury. These exercises will help you move better and strengthen the muscles that support your back. Do the exercises slowly. If you have pain while doing these exercises, stop doing the exercises and talk to your doctor or physical therapist. Lie on your back on a firm surface such as the floor or a mat. Repeat each exercise times. Pelvic Tilt Tighten your stomach and buttocks. Push your lower back towards the floor. Hold for 10 seconds then relax. Knee to Chest Pull one knee toward your chest until you feel a light stretch in your lower back and buttocks. Hold for 10 seconds then put your foot back down. Repeat this with the other knee. 1

背部锻炼 大多数背痛是由于缺乏锻炼或受伤所致 下面的锻炼会帮助您较好地活动并加强支撑后背的肌肉 做锻炼请循序渐进 锻炼时若感到疼痛, 请停止练习并告知您的医生或理疗师 请躺在坚实的表面, 如地面或垫子上 每一练习重复 次 骨盆抬起 收紧腹部和臀部 将腰部紧地面靠 保持 10 秒钟然后放松 膝部抵胸 将一个膝部拉向胸部, 直到您的腰和臀部有轻微的拉伸感 保持 10 秒钟然后把脚放下 用另一个膝部重复这一步骤 Exercises For Your Back. Simplified Chinese. 1

Double Knee to Chest Slowly bring both knees to your chest. Hold for 5 seconds and keep your back relaxed and flat on the floor. Curl Up Bend your knees. Fold your arms across your chest and raise your shoulders until they come off the floor. Then slowly return to the starting position. Diagonal Curl Up With your arms held forward, lift your shoulders off the floor. Bring your right shoulder toward your left knee. Return to the floor. Then bring your left shoulder to your right knee. 2

双膝抵胸 慢慢地将双膝拉向胸部 保持 5 秒钟并使背部放松, 平躺在地面 屈起 弯起膝部 双臂抱于前胸并抬起双肩直到肩膀离地 然后慢慢回复到开始的姿势 斜向屈起 双臂抱于前胸, 将双肩抬离地面 将右肩靠向左膝 回到地面 然后将左肩靠向右膝 Exercises For Your Back. Simplified Chinese. 2

Hip Rolls With your knees together, roll your hips slowly from side to side. Keep your shoulders on the floor. Bridge Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Lift your buttocks slowly up and then slowly return them to the floor. Low Back Stretch On your hands and knees, push your chest toward the floor, reaching forward as far as you can. Sit back on your feet. Cat Stretch Start on your hands and knees. Tuck your chin in toward your chest and tighten your stomach muscles while arching your back. 3

髋部翻转 并拢双膝, 慢慢地将髋部从一侧翻向另一侧 将肩部保持靠地面 搭桥 弯起膝部并将双脚平放于地面 慢慢地抬起臀部, 然后慢慢地回到地面 腰部伸展 用手和膝部撑住身体, 将胸部尽量向地面贴靠 向后坐在双脚上 猫伸展 从双手和膝部开始 将下巴缩向胸部, 收紧腹肌并弯起背部 Exercises For Your Back. Simplified Chinese. 3

Hamstring Stretch Lie on your back. Bend your hip and knee to 90 degrees. Then straighten your knee as far as possible. Repeat this exercise with the other leg. Wall Slide Stand with your back against a wall and your feet about 12 inches or 30 centimeters from the wall. Bend your knees as you slowly lower your buttocks while sliding down the wall. Hold for 10 seconds. Press Ups Lie on your stomach. Push up with your arms while keeping your back and stomach muscles relaxed. Keep a slight bend in your elbows. Aerobic exercises are also needed to have a healthy back. Aerobic exercises such as walking or swimming should be done 3 to 4 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes. Talk to your doctor before beginning any form of exercise. 2005 2/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www.healthinfotranslations.org for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 4

韧带伸展 请仰卧 弯曲髋部和膝部至 90 度角 然后尽量伸直腿 用另一条腿重复此练习 沿墙下滑 背靠墙站, 双脚离墙 12 英寸或 30 公分 弯膝沿墙下滑时, 慢慢地将臀部放低 保持 10 秒钟 撑起 腹卧 用双臂撑起上身, 同时保持背部和腹部肌肉放松 肘部略微保持弯曲 健康的背部也需要有氧锻炼 有氧锻炼, 例如走路或游泳, 应该一星期进行 3-4 次, 每次 30-45 分钟 在以任何方式开始锻炼前先和询问您的医生 2005 2/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www.healthinfotranslations.org for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Exercises For Your Back. Simplified Chinese. 4