256 微生物学通报 2009, Vol.36, No.2, 1 异养硝化菌的发现及其脱氮特性 ( ),,,,, [3,4],,,, [5], [5,6],, COD,,,, [7,8],,, 1 Table 1 表 1 一些异养硝化菌的脱氮特性 The denitrification charac

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微生物学通报 FEB 20, 2009, 36(2): 255~260 Microbiology tongbao@im.ac.cn 2009 by Institute of Microbiology, CAS 专论与综述 异养硝化细菌脱氮特性及研究进展 * 苟莎黄钧 ( 610041) 摘要 : 异养硝化细菌能够在利用有机碳源生长的同时将含氮化合物硝化生成羟胺 亚硝酸盐 硝酸盐等产物, 多数还能同时进行好氧反硝化作用, 直接将硝化产物转化为含氮气体 因此, 这类细菌已成为废水处理中生物脱氮新工艺的重要研究对象 本文综述了目前所分离出的一些异养硝化菌的脱氮特性, 分析了各种环境条件如温度 ph 溶解氧 碳源类型 C/N 以及抑制剂等对异养硝化菌的影响, 并介绍了异养硝化菌的应用现状及前景 关键词 : 异养硝化细菌, 异养硝化, 好氧反硝化 Advances in Denitrification Characteristics of Heterotrophic Nitrification Bacteria GOU Sha HUANG Jun * (Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China) Abstract: Heterotrophic nitrification bacteria are able to utilize organic carbon sources to grow and produce hydroxylamine, nitrite and nitrate from nitrogen compounds, and most of them can also denitrify these products to gaseous nitrogen compounds simultaneously. Therefore, more and more attentions are paid to heterotrophic nitrification bacteria for wastewater treatment. This paper reviews the denitrification characteristics of some isolated heterotrophic nitrification bacteria, and analyzes the influence of various conditions to the heterotrophic nitrification bacteria, such as temperature, ph, DO, carbon sources, C/N, and inhibitors, etc. At last, the present situation and potential applications of wastewater treatment by heterotrophic nitrification bacteria are introduced. Keywords: Heterotrophic nitrification bacteria, Heterotrophic nitrification, Aerobic denitrification,,,,,,, [1],, [2],, COD [1],,,, 基金项目 : 863 (No. 2006AA06Z330) * 通讯作者 :Tel: 86-28-85244876; Fax: 85222753; : huangjun@cib.ac.cn 收稿日期 :2008-06-17; 接受日期 :2008-08-29

256 微生物学通报 2009, Vol.36, No.2, 1 异养硝化菌的发现及其脱氮特性 ( ),,,,, [3,4],,,, [5], [5,6],, COD,,,, [7,8],,, 1 Table 1 表 1 一些异养硝化菌的脱氮特性 The denitrification characteristics of some heterotrophic nitrification bacteria Strain type Original place Nitrification product NO 2 Denitrification product NO 3 N 2 NO N 2 O Acinetobacter sp. [9] ABS (1) / + + / / / Acinetobacter sp. YY4* [10] / + / / / Alcaligenes faecalis NH17* [11] / + + + Alcaligenes faecalis No. 4* [12,13] + + + + + Alcaligenes faecalis subsp.parafaecalis* [14] / / + + / + + Arthrobacter sp. (strain9006) [15] / + / / / Arthrobacter B D [6] / + + / / / Bacillus sp. LY * [16] MBR + + + + Bacillus subtilis [17] / + Corynebacterium sp. [9] ABS (1) / + + / / / Diaphorobacter sp.* [18] / + / / / Pseudomonas azalaica PB16* [19] / / + + Pseudomonas alcaligenes AS-1* [20] / + + Pseudomonas putida [21] + + + / + Pseudomonas putida sp. DN1. 2* [22] / / / / Rhodococcus sp. HN* [8] / + / / / Thiosphaera pantotropha* [23] / + + / + Thermus sp.* [24], / + / / / Xanthomonas sp. [9] ABS (1) / + + / / / +: ; : ; /: ; : ; *: ; ABS (1) : (styrene). Note: +: Product detected; : No product detected; /: No mention in the reference; : Anaerobic denitrification; *: Aerobic or facultative aerobic denitrification; ABS (1) correspond to the wastewater contains acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene.

: 257 2 异养硝化菌脱氮影响因素,, [25], ( ) C/N ph 2.1 有机碳源类型, [26],,, Alcaligenes faecalis No. 4 [27] Arthrobacter BD α- [6] Arthrobacter sp., [15] Otani, Alcaligenes faecalis, [28] Hu Acinetobacter sp. Xanthomonas sp. 13 [9],, [17,26], [3,26,29] 2.2 底物浓度 ( 碳源 氮源 ), Mevel [26] C/N 3, ( ) ( ) 5, Bacillus MS30 5 mmol/l~30 mmol/l,, 0.65 μmol~0.87 μmol NO 2, ; 60 mmol/l, (1.80 μmol NO 2 /mg dry wt); 120 mmol/l,, 1.27 μmol NO 2 /mg dry wt [16] Bacillus sp. LY, 40 mg/l 80 mg/l 120 mg/l, (COD 400 mg/l); (COD 800 mg/l); (COD 1600 mg/l), 2.3 C/N C/NKim [17], C/N 8 C/N 4 Alcaligenes faecalis OKK17, C/NC/N 6,, [3] Alcaligenes faecalis No. 4, COD/TN 5,, ; COD/TN 20,, COD ; COD/TN 10,, COD [27], C/N, COD, C/N 2~10 [2,30] 2.4 ph, ph Arthrobacter B D ph 3~10 ph, ph<3 C, N, ph 3~7, ph 8.0~9.5 [6] Alcaligenes faecalis No. 4 ph 6 7 8 [12],, ph ph Arthrobacter B D, ph -, ph [6] ph ph Bacillus MS30 ph 6.0~6.5,

258 微生物学通报 2009, Vol.36, No.2 ph 7.5~8.0 ph 7.5, 75% [26], ph ph ph, ph 6~8 2.5 温度, 15 C 40 C, Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. parafaecalis N 2 O NO 28 C~35 C [31] Alcaligenes faecalis No. 4 30 C 37 C, 20 C,, [27], Acinetobacter sp. YY4 20 C~40 C,, 50 C, Acinetobacter sp. YY4, [10] Alcaligenes faecalis OKK17 35 C, 30 C [3] Bacillus MS30 55 C~60 C, 65 C, 75% [26], 28 C~37 C [10,27,31] 2.6 溶解氧浓度 (DO), Thiosphaera pantotropha (Nitrosomonas europaea), C/N Thiosphaera pantotropha Nitrosomonas europaea [4] Pseudonocardia ammonioxydans H9 DO 0.5 mg/l~1.5 mg/l (COD 1000 mg/l~3000 mg/l, 120 mg/l), ( >80%) [32], DO Robertson [23] Patureau DO (Microvirgula aerodenitrificans) DO ( DO 0.35 mg/l, Microvirgula aerodenitrificans DO 4.5 mg/l),, DO, [33] [4,23] Thiosphaera pantotropha DO, N 2 N 2 O DO, N 2 O, DO 95%, N 2 O [4],, 2.7 抑制剂, [21,23,29] (10 Pa) [21], Daum [21] 5% γ- (γ-aminobutyrate) Pseudomonas putida, NO, Paracoccus denitrificans, Thiosphaera pantotropha [23] Robertson [29] Thiosphaera pantotropha Pseudomonas denitrificans,,,, 3 异养硝化菌应用现状 3.1 异养硝化菌处理合成污水, [34] (105 mg/l) (95 mg/l) (69 mg/l)

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