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2014 Sunbeam Products, Inc. doing business as Jarden Consumer Solutions. All rights reserved. Distributed by Dongguan Huixun Electrical Products Co. Ltd., No. 30-32, Hu Jing Road, Hong Ye Industrial Estate, Tangxia Town, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, PRC. One Year Limited Warranty - please see inside for details. Sunbeam Products, Inc. and Dongguan Huixun Electrical Products Co. Ltd. are subsidiaries of Jarden Corporation (NYSE: JAH). 版权所有 一年有限保修 : 详情请参阅内页 有关产品及客户服务问题, 请联络 : 中国总代理 : 广东新宝电器股份有限公司地址 : 佛山市顺德区勒流镇政和南路电话 :4008236628 Part Name 部件名称 Plug pin ( 电源线插头片 ) 产品中有毒有害物质或元素的名称及含量 铅 (Pb) Toxic and hazardous substances and elements 有毒有害物质或元素 汞 (Hg) 镉 (Cd) 六价铬 (Cr(VI)) 多溴联苯 (PBB) 多溴二苯醚 (PBDE) X o o o o o Cable( 引线 ) X o o o o o : 表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下 : 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求 MODELS/ 型号 BVMC-EM1008-073 Instruction Manual 用户手册 ESPRESSO/CAPPUCCINO MAKER 意式咖啡机 READ AND SAVE ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THIS APPLIANCE 使用产品前先阅读此用户手册并妥善保管 P.N. 9100240000412 Printed in China 中国印刷 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1 GCDS-MRC36862-JC BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 1-2

IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and/or injury to persons, including the following: 1. READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCE. 2. Check if the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponding to the local mains voltage before you connect the appliance. For Mainland China, standard electrical outlet is 220V~50Hz. 3. DO NOT touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs. 4. To protect against electric shock, DO NOT immerse cord, plug or appliance in water or other liquids. 5. Press the switch located on the side of the unit to the off position O and unplug unit from electrical outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow it to cool before putting on or taking off parts and before cleaning it. 6. DO NOT operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug or after the appliance malfunctions or has been damaged in any manner. 7. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. 8. The use of accessory attachments not recommended for MR. COFFEE products may result in fire, electric shock or injury to persons. 9. DO NOT use outdoors or for commercial purposes. 10. DO NOT let cord hang over edge of table or countertop or touch hot surfaces. 11. DO NOT place this appliance on or near a hot gas or electric burner or in a heated oven. 12. To disconnect, turn selector knob to the center position, press the power switch located on the side of the unit to off O position, then remove plug from wall outlet. 13. DO NOT use appliance for anything other than its intended use. 14. Use on a hard, flat level surface only, to avoid interruption of airflow underneath the appliance. 15. Always be sure to place the water reservoir tightly back in the unit with its lid closed and fill with water before turning appliance on. 16. DO NOT remove the porta-filter while brewing coffee. Please make sure the brew/ steam control knob is in the center position before you remove the porta-filter to make additional coffee. Caution should also be taken while removing the porta-filter since the metal parts will be hot. Please make sure to hold it by the handle and to use the filter retention clip to dispose the grounds. Caution should be taken when moving unit with hot liquids. 17. DO NOT remove the water reservoir until unit is turned off. 18. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they DO NOT play with the appliance. 19. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or near children, or incapacitated individuals. 20. This appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or separate remote-control system. 21. This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as: staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments farm houses by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments bed and breakfast type environments. THIS UNIT IS FOR HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY. 1 SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAUTION: PRESSURE In order to avoid possible burns to body parts and/or other injury from hot steam and water or damages to the unit, never remove the water reservoir or the porta-filter while your Mr. Coffee espresso/cappuccino maker is brewing coffee or frothing. The brew/steam selector knob should be in the center position before you can remove the porta-filter to make additional cups of coffee. If you need to add more water to the reservoir, please turn the brew/steam selector knob to the center position. Open the reservoir lid and fill water in the reservoir. CORRECT USE OF GROUND COFFEE FOR ESPRESSO MAKERS Do not use sugar roasted* ground coffee or sugar roasted coffee beans as these will clog the filter and damage the appliance. If sugar roasted coffee is accidentally used, stop using the unit and contact Consumer Service for maintenance. We recommend descaling the machine periodically to keep it in good working condition. Contact our Consumer Service number as listed on the back page of this manual to learn about this process. (*) GROUND WITH SUGAR 2 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 3-4

DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLIANCE INTRODUCTION Congratulations! You have selected a quality Mr. COFFEE Espresso/Cappuccino Maker. This unique appliance has been designed to help you prepare delicious espresso/ cappuccino quickly and conveniently. 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 ESPRESSO A unique method of coffee brewing in which hot water is forced through finely ground coffee. Popular in Europe, it is a far richer and more full-bodied brew than regular drip coffee. Because of its richness, espresso is usually served in 44 to 59 ml portions, in demitasse cups. CAPPUCCINO A drink made with about ⅓ espresso, ⅓ steamed milk, and ⅓ frothed milk. Preparing espresso or cappuccino is very different from brewing regular drip coffee since this appliance is under pressure and requires special attention. Please read ALL of the instructions, cautions, notes and warnings included in this instruction manual carefully before you begin to use this appliance. When this unit is used, some parts and accessories get hot and need to cool down. Proper care and maintenance will ensure the long life of the Mr. COFFEE Espresso/Cappuccino Maker and its trouble-free operation. Save these instructions and refer to them often for cleaning and care tips. IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 5 4 13 1. Water Reservoir Lid 2. Removable Water Reservoir 3. Power Indicator Light 4. Power Switch I/O 5. Measuring Scoop/Tamper 6. Steam Knob 7. Ready Indicator Light 8. Brew/Steam Selector Knob 9. Frothing Tube 10. Frothing Tube Cap 11. Drip Grid 12. Removable Drip Tray 13. Filter for Single Shot of Espresso 14. Filter for Double Shot of Espresso 15. Porta-Filter 16. Porta-Filter Retention Clip 17. Porta-Filter Handle 12 14 15 16 17 Please follow these important safety instructions while using your unit: 1. Before removing any of the parts and accessories, make sure the power switch is at the off position O and unplug the appliance. 2. Do not remove the porta-filter at any time during the brewing process. 3. Use caution when removing the porta-filter. The metal parts may still be very hot. Also, there may be hot water floating on the top of the filter. Hold it only by its handle and dispose of the brewed coffee ground by using the filter retention clip. 4. If coffee does not drip, the filter is blocked. Turn off the appliance and allow it to cool down. The blockage may be caused by the coffee being too finely ground. See the PROBLEMS AND CAUSES section. 5. WHEN CLEANING THE FROTHING TUBE: Place a frothing pitcher or large cup, half full of water under the frothing tube cap. Make sure the tip of the frothing tube is submerged in liquid before turning the brew/steam selector knob to the Steam position. Then rotate the Steam Knob on top of the unit counter-clockwise to increase the steam level. Froth the water for approximately 15 seconds the wipe clean the frothing tube and cap. Ensure to rotate the Steam Knob back to minimum position - after each use. NOTE: In order for your unit to work properly time after time, clean the frothing tip and tube after every use. 3 4 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 5-6

BEFORE USING YOUR APPLIANCE FOR THE FIRST TIME CLEANING AND PRIMING THE UNIT PRIOR TO FIRST USE Please refer to the Description of the Appliance section to familiarize with the product and identify all parts. 1. Please make sure the unit is off O by pressing the power switch I/O located on the side of the unit. Make sure it is unplugged from the electrical outlet. 2. First remove and then wash the water reservoir, the porta-filter, the 2 filters and measuring scoop in a mixture of mild detergent and water. Rinse each thoroughly and place them back into the unit. 3. Refer to the instructions on PLACING THE PORTA-FILTER section before placing or removing the porta-filter and filter from the unit. 4. To clean the inside of the appliance, follow the steps listed on the PREPARING CAPPUCCINO section using water in reservoir and no coffee in the filter. Do not immerse the appliance in water or attempt to reach any of its internal parts. IMPORTANT - PRIME THE UNIT To prime unit, run the steam cycle for 30 seconds by following the steps below: 1. Fill water reservoir up to the MAX level. 2. Select one of the filters and place it on the porta-filter. Place the porta-filter in the unit ensuring it is properly locked and place a cup under it. Also, make sure the tip of the frothing tube is pointing inside the cup. 3. Plug the appliance into the appropriate outlet. 4. Turn the power switch on I, the red power indicator light ( ) will illuminate. 5. The coffee maker will start pre-heating, wait for the Ready Light to become solid green. 6. Place a cup underneath the brew head and turn the brew/steam selector knob to the Brew position. 7. After 30 seconds, turn the knob to the centre position (some water and/or steam may release during process). Now your unit has been primed and is ready to be used. SELECTING THE RIGHT COFFEE THE COFFEE The coffee should be freshly ground and dark roasted. You may want to try a French or Italian roast ground for espresso. Pre-ground coffee will only retain its flavor for 7 8 days, provided it is stored in an airtight container and in a cool, dark area. Do not store in a refrigerator or freezer. Whole beans are recommended to be ground just before use. Coffee beans stored in an airtight container will keep its flavor for up to 4 weeks. THE GRIND This is a vital step in the espresso making process if you are grinding your own coffee and takes practice. The coffee must be of a fine grind. The correct grind should look like salt. If the grind is too fine, the water will not flow through the coffee even under pressure. These grinds look like powder and feel like flour when rubbed between fingers. If the grind is too coarse, the water flows through the coffee too fast, preventing a full-flavored extraction. Be sure to use a quality grinder for uniform consistency. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FILLING THE WATER RESERVOIR A. Fill the reservoir with water, you may either use a jar to fill it up or remove it from the unit and then fill it up under the tap. If you have removed it from the unit to fill up with water, please make sure to place it back tightly in its place. Fill the reservoir with the desired amount of water ensuring NOT past the MAX line on the reservoir. Never use warm or hot water to fill the water reservoir. B. Close the water reservoir lid and place it back in the unit ensuring it fits tightly. 5 6 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 7-8

CHOOSING THE FILTER Select the filter to be used as follows: a. FOR A SINGLE SHOT use the filter for a single shot of espresso if using ground coffee. FILLING WITH COFFEE a. Fill the filter with fresh, fine ground espresso coffee (do not overfill). b. Tamp and compress firmly and evenly ground coffee. Coffee should be 3mm below top of filter after tamping. c. Clean any excess coffee from the rim to ensure proper fit under brew head and avoid leaks. a. b. c. b. FOR A DOUBLE SHOT OR TWO SINGLE SHOTS use filter for a double shot. INSERTING THE FILTER a. To insert the selected filter in the porta-filter, make sure to align the notch on the filter with the groove inside the porta-filter. PLACING THE PORTA-FILTER a. Position porta-filter underneath the brew head, attach porta-filter by first moving retainer clip back. b. Position handle so that the handle lines up with the open lock icon on the unit and fits into the groove. c. Then, slowly turn it to the right until the retention clip is aligned with the closed lock Custom symbol on the unit. Sur mesure Froth Mousse a. b. Clean Nettoyer Manual Manuel c. b. Turn the filter to the left or right to lock in place. This will help secure the filter in the porta-filter. NOTE: To remove and clean the filter, turn filter to the left or right to align the filter notch with the groove inside the porta-filter. WARNING: Make sure the filter has cooled before attempting to remove the filter. PLACING THE CUP(S) a. Make sure the drip grid is in place on the drip tray. Place the drip tray in the unit. b. Make sure the brew/steam selector knob is in the center position, and the steam knob on top is turned to Minimum -. c. Place 1 or 2 cups (demitasses) under the porta-filter or if you prefer, place a small jar or carafe. If you wish to prepare up to 4 cups at a time, you should use a small jar, carafe or regular cup and then pour the espresso into the demitasses. If you will be brewing up to 2 demitasses at a time, you can place the 2 small cups under the porta-filter ensuring each of them is directly under the 2 outlet spouts located under the porta-filter. a. 7 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 9-10 c. b. 8

BREWING ESPRESSO 1. Make sure unit is plugged in. 2. Press the power switch on side of the unit to ON I position. The power indicator light ( ) will become solid red while the unit is on. 3. When the Ready Light becomes solid green, turn the Brew/ Steam Selector Knob to the Brew position. This will initiate the brewing process and espresso will begin to flow in just a few seconds. 4. When the cup/carafe is filled to the desired level, turn the Brew/ Steam Selector Knob to the center position. Using less water will provide a stronger espresso taste. CAUTION: Do not leave unit unattended while brewing since the brewing process requires to be manually stopped. This will avoid overflow, spillage and potential hazards and damages. The unit requires to be turned off manually. 5. Once you have prepared the desired amount of espresso, turn the power switch to off O, and unplug the unit. Allow the unit to cool down before removing parts and accessories prior to cleaning. 6. After the unit has cooled down, remove the porta-filter from the brew head. Using the filter retention clip to secure the filter in the filter holder, porta-filter upside down to remove the used espresso grounds. Rinse the filter and porta-filter with water. 7. If you wish to brew additional espresso, repeat the process by following the above steps. CAUTION: The metal parts of the porta-filter might still be very hot. Make sure to use the filter retainer clip when discarding the grounds. Cool these parts by running under cold water. 8. For cleaning instructions, please refer to CLEANING YOUR ESPRESSO/ CAPPUCCINO MAKER section. NOTE: If the unit has not been used for several days, it is recommended to prime the unit for 30 seconds according to the previous section. PREPARING CAPPUCCINO Cappuccino is espresso topped with steamed and frothed milk. Frothing milk for cappuccino takes practice. Do not be discouraged if it is not perfect the first time. The milk should be half steamed (bottom of pitcher) and half froth (top of pitcher). It may take a few times before you perfect this process. For best results, we recommend frothing the milk in a separate pitcher and pouring the steamed milk into your coffee. The milk and pitcher should be cold. Do not use a pitcher, which has just been washed in warm water. We also recommend a stainless steel frothing pitcher and a beverage thermometer, if you own one, for preparing the best froth and steamed milk. 1. The first step in making cappuccino is to make espresso. Therefore, fill the water reservoir with cold water. Never use warm or hot water to fill the water reservoir. 2. Follow the steps in the BREWING ESPRESSO section. 3. Fill a small stainless steel or ceramic pitcher 1/2 full with cold milk and set next to machine. Skim or 2% milk will be the easiest to froth. 4. You are now ready to froth and steam your milk. Wait until the Ready Light becomes solid green, turn Brew/Steam selector knob to STEAM position. Hold the pitcher under the frothing tube (which can be swiveled) so that the tip of the frothing tube is slightly immersed in the milk. Turn the Steam knob on top counter-clockwise to the increase the steam level towards + position. Hold the pitcher for about 50 seconds (for 120ml of milk) or longer if warmer milk is desired. REMEMBER: The milk and the pitcher should be very cold prior to frothing. 5. When the milk has doubled in volume, or if you are using a beverage thermometer, when the milk has reached 38 C (100 F), insert the frothing tube deeper into the milk so that the top of the frothing tube cap is just under the surface of the milk. This will draw the froth back through the frothing tube cap creating a finer textured froth. Do not heat milk above 65 C (150 F). To avoid splattering of hot milk, do not let the tip of the frothing tube go above the surface of the milk. After frothing is completed, turn the selector knob back to the center position. NOTE: If you choose to run an espresso brew cycle immediately after steaming milk, it is normal for the unit to run briefly and a small amount of steam to appear from the drip tray. 6. You are now ready to make cappuccino. REMEMBER: It is 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and 1/3 frothed milk. Pour the espresso into a cup, which has the capacity of at least 150 ml. Then add the steamed milk to the espresso and spoon on the frothed milk. 7. IMPORTANT CLEANING TIP: When you are finished steaming milk, follow the previous instructions to flush out any residual milk from the frothing tube. It is important to properly clean your frothing tube and wash its cap after each use to ensure it continues to work properly. 8. Unplug the power cord and allow the machine to cool. 9 10 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 11-12

CLEANING YOUR ESPRESSO/CAPPUCCINO MAKER 1. Make sure the Steam Knob on top is turned clockwise to Minimum - position. Turn the Brew/Steam selector knob to the center position and the Power Switch to the OFF O position, then unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet. 2. The frothing tube may still be hot. Do not touch it with your hands until it has cooled. Remove and wash the frothing tube cap and wipe frothing tube with a damp cloth. Clean the frothing tube with a needle or toothpick. 3. The water reservoir, filters, drip tray and drip grid can be washed with soapy water or placed in the top rack of your dishwasher (avoid washing the filter holder in your dishwasher). CAUTION: Do not immerse appliance in water. 4. Discard the remaining water by removing the reservoir and turning it upside down over the sink. It is recommended to empty the water reservoir between uses and use fresh water for each brew. Do not immerse appliance in water. 5. Wipe housing with a soft wet cloth. Do not use abrasive cleaners or scouring pads, as they will scratch the finish. 6. Do not store the filter holder in the brew head. This can adversely affect the seal between the brew head and the filter holder while brewing espresso. IMPORTANT: The Filter Holder is NOT Dishwasher safe. TO DELIME INTERNAL PARTS: 1. Make sure you delime the inside of the water reservoir first by following the Deliming steps above. 2. Make sure to turn the power switch to the off O position and the power cord is disconnected from the electrical outlet. Fill the reservoir with white vinegar. 3. Insert the porta-filter (with filter and no coffee) and place jar/carafe or regular cup on top of the drip tray and under the porta-filter. 4. Plug the power cord into the electrical outlet. 5. Press the power switch to on I, once the ready light becomes solid green, turn the Brew/Steam selector knob to the Clean position. The vinegar will start flowing through the unit. Once all vinegar has been drained from the reservoir, turn the control knob back to the center position. 6. To remove any remaining traces of vinegar from the internal parts, repeat steps 2-5 above, replacing the vinegar with water, as often necessary. 7. Place a pitcher or large cup (with at least 325 ml/ 11-ounce capacity) under the tube. Wait until the Ready Light becomes solid green, turn the Brew/Steam selector knob to Steam position. Turn the Steam Knob on top counter-clockwise to increase the steam level. Let the steam comes out for about 10 seconds, and then turn the Steam Knob clockwise to minimum - position. This will clean any residue left in the frothing tube from frothing milk. 8. Turn the Brew/Steam selector knob to the center position, press the power switch to OFF O. 9. Repeat Steps 1 8 as necessary using only tap water to rinse any remaining traces of vinegar out of the machine. DELIMING Mineral deposits built-up in the unit will affect the operation of the appliance. Your appliance must be delimed when you begin to notice an increase in the time required to brew espresso, or when there is excessive steaming. Also, you may notice a build-up of white deposits on the surface of the brew head. The frequency of cleaning depends upon the hardness of the water used. The following table gives the suggested cleaning intervals. Type of Water Soft Water (Filtered Water) Hard Water (Tap Water) SUGGESTED CLEANING INTERVALS Cleaning Frequency Every 80 Brew Cycles Every 40 Brew Cycles TO DELIME WATER RESERVOIR: 1. Make sure the Brew/Steam selector knob is in the center position, the power switch is OFF O, and the power cord is disconnected from the electrical outlet. 2. Fill the reservoir with fresh, undiluted white household vinegar. 3. Allow appliance to sit overnight with the vinegar solution in the water reservoir. 4. Discard vinegar by removing the reservoir and turning it upside down over the sink. 5. Rinse the water reservoir thoroughly with tap water by filling reservoir half full with water and then pouring the water back out into the sink, repeating this step twice. 11 12 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 13-14

PROBLEMS, CAUSES AND SOLUTIONS PROBLEM CAUSES SOLUTIONS Coffee does not come out. Coffee comes out around the edge of the porta-filter. Milk is not foamy after frothing or it is not coming out of the frothing tube. No steam is generated. Coffee comes out too quickly. Coffee is too weak. No water in reservoir. Coffee grind is too fine. Too much coffee in the filter. Appliance was not turned on or plugged in. Coffee has been tamped/ compressed too much. Porta-filter not rotated to full lock position. Coffee grounds around the filter basket rim. Too much coffee in the filter. Ran out of steam. Milk is not cold enough. Frothing tube is blocked. Water reservoir is empty. Appliance is not turned on. Frothing tube is blocked. Ground coffee is too coarse. Not enough coffee in filter. Using small filter for double shot of espresso. Ground coffee is too coarse. Add water. Grind medium ground coffee. Fill filter with less coffee. Plug unit into electrical outlet and turn it on. Refill filter basket with coffee DO NOT TAMP too much. Rotate filter holder to full lock position. Wipe off rim. Fill with less coffee. Ensure there is enough water in the water reservoir. Chill milk and frothing pitcher prior to making cappuccino. Follow the instructions to clean the frothing tube. Fill reservoir with correct amount of water. Turn on unit and follow the operating instructions. Following frothing stage, operate the frothing function for 1-2 seconds to extract excess milk. Or turn off the unit and allow it to cool, unplug unit and clean out frothing tube with a needle or toothpick. Use a finer grind. Use more coffee. Use large filter for double shot of espresso. Use a finer grind. 重要安全注意事项 为减少起火 电击和人身伤害的风险, 在使用本电器产品时应遵循以下基本的安全注意事项 : 1. 在使用本产品前, 先阅读此用户手册. 2. 在接通电源前, 请先检查当地的供电电压是否与本电器产品上标示的电压相符 在中国大陆, 插座上输出的标准电源为 220V~50Hz 3. 切勿触摸灼热表面 请使用手柄或旋钮 4. 为了防止触电, 切勿将电线 插头或本产品置于水中或其它液体中 5. 当不使用及清洁本产品之前, 请按下本产品旁边的开关至关闭位置 O, 然后从插座上将本产品的电源插头拔掉 在安装或取下零件之前以及清洁本产品前, 请冷却本产品 6. 切勿使用损坏的电源线或插头 在本产品出现故障或者已经损坏后, 请勿进行任何操作 7. 如果电源软线损坏, 为了避免危险, 必须由制造商 其维修部或类似部门的专业人员更换 8. 本公司不推荐使用那些非厂家生产的零配件, 因为使用此等零配件可能会导致危险或人身伤害 9. 请勿将咖啡机用于户外或商业目的 10. 请勿让电线悬挂在桌子或柜台边缘, 也不要让电线与高温表面接触 11. 请勿将咖啡机放在煤气炉或电炉之上或其附近, 也不要放到加热的烤箱内 12. 如果要切断电源, 请将控制开关调到关闭位置 O, 然后再从墙壁插座上拔下电源插头 13. 请按照本手册中所述, 将本产品用于预期用途 14. 为了避免中断本产品底部的气流, 只能在硬质 平整的水平面上使用本产品 15. 在接通本产品电源之前, 请确保水箱始终紧紧地安装在本产品上及盖子必须紧盖着, 而且为水箱装水 16. 在煮咖啡时, 切勿取下便携式过滤器 在您取下便携式过滤器另煮咖啡之前, 请确保冲煮 / 泡沫控制旋钮指在中央 预热 位置 在取下便携式过滤器时, 由于金属件会烫手, 务必请注意 请确保拿着过滤器的手柄, 而且使用过滤器的固定夹处理滤渣 当移动装有滚烫液体的咖啡机时, 务必请注意 13 14 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 15-16

17. 在本产品电源切断之前, 切勿取下水箱 18. 本产品不适合那些体能差 敏感度或智力较弱者, 或者缺乏使用经验和不了解本产品的人士 ( 包括小孩 ) 使用, 除非已有负责安全的人员监管他们或者告知他们本产品的正确使用方法 需对小孩进行监管, 确保他们不要玩弄本产品 19. 当小孩或残疾人士使用本产品, 或者在小孩或残疾人士旁边使用本产品时, 必须进行严密监管 20. 本产品不适合使用外部计时器或者独立的遥控系统进行操作 21. 本产品适合居家以及类似的环境中应用, 如 : 商店中的员工厨房区 办公室和其它工作环境, 农庄 酒店 汽车旅馆和其它居住环境中的客人使用, 以及其他住宿内附早餐的环境使用 1 2 产品介绍 6 本产品仅适合居家使用 请保存这些说明 3 7 8 9 注意 : 压力 为了避免烧伤身体部位和 / 或被高温蒸汽和热水烫伤或损坏咖啡机, 当 Mr. Coffee 意式咖啡机正在冲煮咖啡或发泡时, 切勿取出储水箱或便携式过滤器 在取出便携式过滤器另煮一杯咖啡之前, 应该将冲煮 / 蒸汽控制旋钮调节到中央的 预热 位置 如果想要往储水箱中加更多的水, 请将冲煮 / 蒸汽控制旋钮调节到中央位置 打开储水箱的盖子, 往储水器中加水 用于意式浓缩咖啡机时, 正确使用咖啡粉的方法 : 请勿使用糖焙炒的 (*) 咖啡粉或糖焙炒的咖啡豆, 因为这些咖啡粉会堵塞过滤器并损坏本产品 如果不小心使用了糖焙炒的咖啡, 请停止使用本产品, 并联络客户服务查询 5 4 13 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 建议定期清除本产品中的污垢, 使本产品保持良好的性能 详情可联络我们的客户服务专线 ( 印在此用户手册封底 ) (*) 加糖研磨咖啡粉 1. 水箱盖 2. 水箱 3. 电源指示灯 4. 电源开关 5. 咖啡勺 6. 蒸汽旋钮 7. 工作指示灯 8. 冲煮 / 泡沫控制旋钮 9. 蒸汽发泡管 10. 发泡管盖 11. 滴水格板 12. 可拆卸滴水盘 13. 单份意式浓缩咖啡滤网 14. 双份意式浓缩咖啡滤网 15. 便携式过滤器 16. 便携式过滤器固定夹 17. 便携式过滤器手柄 17 18 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 17-18

介绍 恭喜您选择高品质的 Mr. Coffee 意式咖啡机 这款独特的咖啡机有助于您快速 方便地冲煮美味可口的意式浓缩咖啡和卡布奇诺咖啡 意式浓缩咖啡 (ESPRESSO) 一种独特的咖啡冲煮方法 使用此种方法, 高压热水萃取细磨咖啡粉 意式浓缩咖啡风靡整个欧洲, 与常规的滴滤咖啡相比, 其气息更香浓 口感更醇厚 由于这种咖啡气息香浓, 所以需用小型咖啡杯盛载, 每杯的份量一般为 44 至 59 毫升 卡布奇诺 (CAPPUCCINO) 这种饮料, 使用 ⅓ 的意式浓缩咖啡 ⅓ 的发泡牛奶 以及 ⅓ 的奶泡调配而成 意式浓咖啡或卡布奇诺咖啡与普通的滴漏式咖啡在冲煮方法上大相径庭, 因为该款咖啡机是通过加压工作的, 需要特别小心 在您开始使用本产品之前, 请仔细阅读本用户手册中所有的操作说明 注意事项 备注以及警告 在使用本产品时, 某些零件和附件会变得高温烫手, 需让其冷却 正确的维护与保养方法可确保延长 Mr. Coffee 意式咖啡机的使用寿命, 而且让其在操作过程中不会出现故障 请保存这些操作说明作参考, 以了解其清洁与维护指示 重要安全指示 使用本产品时, 请遵守这些重要的安全指示 : 1. 在取下任何零件及配件之前, 确保电源开关位于关闭位置 O, 并且要拔掉咖啡机的电源插头 2. 在冲煮咖啡期间, 切勿取下便携式过滤器 3. 当取下便携式过滤器时, 务必小心, 金属件可能仍然非常烫手 此外, 过滤器顶端的水可能还是热的 拿住它的手柄, 然后使用过滤器固定夹处理冲煮的咖啡渣 4. 如果咖啡没有滴下, 代表过滤器被堵塞了 关闭本产品的电源, 然后让它冷却 堵塞可能是咖啡磨得太细引起的, 参考 故障与解决方法 一节 5. 当清洁发泡管时 : 将一个发泡水杯或大杯子 ( 装有半容器水 ) 放在发泡管盖子下 确保发泡管的顶端浸入液体中, 然后转动冲煮 / 蒸汽控制旋钮至 泡沫 位置 然后逆时针转动 蒸汽旋钮, 加大蒸汽量 让水发泡约 15 秒钟, 然后清洗发泡管与盖子 每次使用之后, 务必将 蒸汽旋钮 转动到最小量 - 位置 注意 : 为了让咖啡机能够不断地正确工作, 请于每次使用之后, 对发泡管和发泡端进行清洁 19 首次使用本产品之前 在首次使用之前, 清洁本产品以达到最佳的操作状态请参考 产品介绍 一节, 了解本产品与认知所有的零件 1. 请按下本产品旁边的 I/O 电源按钮, 确保本产品位于关闭位置 O 确保从电源插座上拔下了本产品的插头 2. 先将水箱 便携式过滤器 2 个滤网以及量匙取下, 然后将它们放入含有温和清洁剂的清水中进行清洗 彻底清洗每个零件, 然后将它们装回本产品 3. 在将便携式过滤器与滤网装回本产品或从本产品上将它们取下之前, 请参考 放置便携式过滤器 一节的说明指示 4. 如果要清洁本产品的内部, 请遵守 冲煮卡布奇诺 一节中列出的步骤, 于储存器中放入水, 勿将咖啡放入过滤网中 切勿将本产品浸入水中或触及它的任何内部零件 重要事项 - 令本产品进入最佳的操作状态如果要令本产品进入最佳状态, 按照下列步骤运行蒸汽 30 秒 : 1. 为水箱装水至 最大量 (MAX) 水位线 2. 选择其中一个滤网, 并将其置于便携式过滤器上 将便携式过滤器置于本产品中, 确保其正确锁定, 然后于其下方放置一个杯子 此外, 确保发泡嘴的端部指向杯子的内部 3. 将本产品的电源插头插入合适的电源插座中 4. 转动电源开关至 I 位置, 红色电源指示灯 ( ) 会发光 5. 转动 冲煮 / 蒸汽控制旋钮 至 冲煮 位置, 等候绿色工作指示灯 发亮 6. 将一个杯子放在冲煮头下面, 转动 冲煮 / 蒸汽控制旋转 至 冲煮 位置 7. 在 30 秒钟之后, 转动该旋钮到中心的 预热 位置 ( 在此过程中, 可能会释放出一些水和 / 或蒸汽 ) 现在本产品已经进入最佳操作状态, 您可以随时使用了 20 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 19-20

选择正确的咖啡 选择滤网 选择如下所示的滤网 a.单份咖啡 - 如果使用咖啡粉 请使用单份意式浓缩咖啡滤网: 咖啡 咖啡应该为新鲜磨制的 并要经过深度烘焙 您可能需要为意式浓 缩咖啡使用法式或意式的烘焙咖啡粉 预磨咖啡粉仅能保持香味7至 8天 除非将其存放在一个密封容器内 而且放置在一个阴凉的地 方 切勿将咖啡存放在冰箱或冷藏库中 使用之前 建议将所有咖 啡豆磨碎成粉 存放在密封容器中的咖啡豆香味能保持4个星期 b.双份咖啡或两杯单份咖啡 - 使用双份滤网: 研磨 如果您正在为自己磨制咖啡 则此步骤是意式浓缩咖啡制作过程中 的关键步骤 需要多加练习 咖啡必须进行细磨 正确的磨粉应该看起来像盐一样 如果粉磨得太细 即使加压力 水也不会流过咖啡 这些磨粉看 起来像粉末 而且用手指揉擦时 感觉像面粉 如果粉磨得太粗 水会很快地流过咖啡 有碍提取其浓郁的香味 为了获得均匀 一致的咖啡 请务必使用高品质的研磨机 操作说明 安装滤网 a. 将选择的滤网置于便携式过滤器上 确保滤网上的槽口对准过滤 器的沟槽 b. 将滤网向左或右转动直至锁定 以确保滤网固定于过滤器上 为水箱装水 A.为水箱装水时 您可以使用一个瓶子加水 或者将水箱从机器上取下放在水龙头下面加 水 请确保装入水箱中的水不可高于 最大 量 (MAX)水位线 切勿加入温水或热水 B.盖上水箱的盖子 并将其紧密地装回原位 注意 要取下并清洗滤网 将滤网向左或右转动直至滤网上的槽口 对准过滤器的沟槽 警告: 请确保滤网已完全冷却才准备取下滤网 加入咖啡 a. 将新鲜 细磨的意式浓缩咖啡粉装入滤网 勿装得太满 b. 将咖啡粉紧密 均匀地压紧 压紧后应于滤网顶端预留3毫米空间 c. 清除边缘上多余的咖啡 确保咖啡正确地放于冲煮头下以防溢漏 a. 21 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 21-22 b. c. 22

放置便携式过滤器 冲煮意式浓缩咖啡 a. 将便携式过滤器置于冲煮头下面 先向后移动固定夹连接便携式过滤器 b. 放置好手柄 以便手柄与本产品上的开锁图标 对齐 并装入沟槽中 c. 然后 慢慢地向右转动手柄 直至固定夹与本产品上的闭锁图标 Custom 对齐为止 Sur mesure 1. 确保插入了咖啡机的电源插头 2. Custom Sur按下咖啡机侧边的电源开关至 I 位置 当咖啡机启动时 红色电源指 mesure 示灯 ( ) 会发亮 3. 当绿色工作指示灯 发亮时 转动 冲煮/蒸汽控 制旋钮 至 冲煮 位置 开始冲煮咖啡 几秒钟之 后 就会有意式浓缩咖啡流出 4. 当杯子/玻璃水瓶中装入需要的咖啡量时 转动 冲煮/ 蒸汽控制旋钮 至中心的 预热 位置 用水量少 咖 啡的口感会更香醇 小心 冲煮咖啡时 请不要离开咖啡机 因为冲煮过程 需要手动停止 这样可以防止溢出 泄漏 以及潜在的 危险和损坏 咖啡机需要手动关闭 5. 当已经冲煮好了需要的意式浓缩咖啡量时 请转动电源开关至关闭位 置 O 然后拔掉电源插头 让咖啡机冷却 然后再拆下零件和配件进 行清洗 6. 当咖啡机冷却时 从冲煮头上将便携式过滤器取下 用过滤器固定夹将 过滤器固定在过滤座上 将便携式过滤器上端朝下 将用过的意式浓缩 咖啡粉取出 用水冲洗过滤器和便携式过滤器 7. 如果想要另外冲煮意式浓缩咖啡 请按照上述步骤重复操作 小心 便携式过滤器的金属零件仍然非常烫 当倒咖啡粉时 务必使用 过滤器固定夹 将这些零件放在冷水下进行冷却 8. 有关清洁使用说明 请参考 清洁意式咖啡机 小节 注意 如果咖啡机有几天没有使用了 建议按照前面章节的使用说 往 咖啡机中加水 清洗30秒钟 Froth Mousse a. b. Clean Nettoyer Manual Manuel c. 放置咖啡杯 a. 确保滴水格板位于滴水盘适当的位置上 将滴水盘放入咖啡机 b. 确保 冲煮/蒸汽控制旋钮 位于中心的 预热 位置 而且顶端的 蒸 汽旋钮 转动到了最小量 - 位置 c. 在便携式过滤器下面放置1或2只杯子 小型咖啡杯 如果您喜欢 也可 以放一个小型的水杯或玻璃水瓶 如果想要一次冲煮4杯咖啡 应该使用 一个小型的水杯 玻璃水瓶或普通的杯子 然后将意式浓缩咖啡倒入小 型咖啡杯中 如果想一次冲煮2小杯咖啡 可以在便携式过滤器下面放置2 个小杯子 确保每只杯子位于便携式过滤器的2个出口的正下方 a. c. b. 23 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 23-24 Froth Mousse Clean Nettoyer Manual Manuel 24

冲煮卡布奇诺 CAPPUCCINO 卡布奇诺是一种浓缩咖啡, 上面加上蒸牛奶和奶泡 为卡布奇诺加奶泡需要进行练习 如果首次没有做好, 不要灰心泄气 一半牛奶需要蒸煮 ( 水杯的底部 ), 另一半需要发泡 ( 水杯的顶部 ) 完全掌握该方法需要多练习几次 为了获得最佳的效果, 建议用一个单独的水杯对牛奶进行发泡, 将蒸煮的牛奶倒入咖啡中 牛奶和水杯都要冷却 当水杯刚刚用温水洗过, 切勿使用 同时建议使用不锈钢发泡水杯和饮料温度计 如果拥有其中一个, 可以调配出最佳的奶泡和蒸牛奶 1. 冲煮卡布奇诺的第一步是调配浓缩咖啡 因此, 请往储水箱中加冷水 切记不要往储水箱中加温水或热水 2. 按照 冲煮意式浓缩咖啡 小节中的说明进行操作 3. 往一只小型的不锈钢水杯或陶瓷水杯中加入半个水杯冷牛奶, 然后将它放在咖啡机旁边 脱脂或 2% 的低脂牛奶最容易发泡 4. 现在可以对牛奶进行发泡和蒸煮了 当绿色工作指示灯 发亮时, 转动 冲煮 / 蒸控制旋钮 至 泡沫 位置 将水杯拿到发泡管 ( 可以旋转 ) 的下面, 发泡管的管嘴会略浸入牛奶中 逆时针转动顶端的 蒸汽 旋钮至 + 位置, 加大蒸汽量 拿住水杯约 50 秒钟 (120 毫升牛奶 ) 或者如果需要更热的牛奶, 可以拿住水杯更长时间 记住 : 发泡之前, 牛奶和水杯均需要处于非常冷的状态 5. 当牛奶的量增加了一倍时, 用饮料温度计, 当牛奶的温度达到 38 (100 F) 时, 将发泡管深深地插入牛奶中, 使发泡管盖子的顶端刚好位于牛奶表面的下方 这样通过发泡管盖子可将泡沫吸回, 产生较好的泡沫 牛奶加热的温度不要超过 65 (150 F) 为了防止热牛奶喷溅, 切勿让发泡管的管嘴位于牛奶表面的上方 发泡完成之后, 转动控制旋钮至中心的 预热 位置 注意 : 在蒸煮牛奶之后, 如果选择立即冲煮浓缩咖啡, 咖啡机会短时间运行, 而且滴水盘会有少量的蒸汽溢出, 这是正常现象 6. 现在可以冲煮卡布奇诺了 记住 :1/3 量的浓缩咖啡 1/3 量的蒸牛奶 以及 1/3 量的奶泡 将浓缩咖啡倒入杯中 ( 杯子的容量至少要为 150 毫升 ) 然后将蒸牛奶加入浓缩咖啡中, 并且勺子掏出奶泡 7. 重要清洁提示 : 当牛奶蒸煮完成时, 请按照前面的说明将发泡管中的残留牛奶冲洗出来 每次使用之后, 必须正确清洗发泡管, 并清洗发泡管盖子, 以确保其能够继续正确工作 8. 拔掉电源线, 让咖啡机冷却 清洁意式咖啡机 1. 务必将顶端的 蒸汽旋钮 顺时针转动到最小量 - 位置 转动 冲煮 / 蒸汽控制旋钮 至中心的 预热 位置, 并将电源开关调节到关闭位置 O, 然后将电源线从电源插座上拔掉 2. 发泡管可能仍然很烫 在发泡管变冷之前, 切勿用手碰触 取下并清洗发泡管盖子, 并且一块洗布擦拭发泡管 用针或牙签清洁发泡管 3. 储水箱 过滤器 滴水盘 以及滴水格板可用肥皂水清洗, 或者将它们放在洗碗机的顶架上清洗 ( 切勿将过滤器座放在洗碗机里面清洗 ) 小心 : 切勿将咖啡机浸入水中 4. 取出储水箱, 将其拿到水槽的上方倒着放置, 将剩余的水倒掉 建议每次用完将储水箱中的水倒掉, 而且每次冲煮咖啡使用新鲜水 切勿将咖啡机浸入水中 5. 用一块软的湿布擦拭咖啡机的外壳 切勿使用磨擦性清洁剂或百洁布, 因为它们会划伤漆面 6. 切勿将过滤器座存放在冲煮头中 如果这样做, 在冲煮浓缩咖啡时, 会对冲煮头和过滤器座之间的密封性有不良的影响 重要提示 : 切勿将过滤器座放在洗碗机中清洗 除钙沉积在本产品中的矿物质会影响电器的操作性能 当您发现冲煮意式浓缩咖啡所需的时间开始延长, 或者蒸汽过多时, 您必须对本产品进行除钙处理 此外, 您可能会发现冲煮头的表面上堆有白色的沉淀物 清洁的次数取决于水的硬度 下表列出了推荐的清洁间隔时间 : 推荐的清洁间隔时间水的类型清洁次数软水 ( 过滤的水 ) 每 80 个冲煮周期硬水 ( 自来水 ) 每 40 个冲煮周期 如果要对水箱除钙 : 1. 确保 冲煮 / 蒸汽控制旋钮 位于中心的 预热 位置, 电源开关位于关闭位置 O, 而且从电源插座上拔掉了电源线 2. 往水箱中装入新鲜的 未稀释的家用白醋 3. 将醋溶液倒入水箱中并静置一个晚上 25 26 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 25-26

4. 取下水箱, 然后将醋溶液倒进水槽 5. 在水箱中装一半的自来水, 然后将水倒进水槽中, 重复此步骤两次, 直至将水箱冲洗干净 如果要对内部零件除钙 : 1. 确保先按照上述的 除钙 步骤对水箱的内部进行了除钙操作 2. 确保将电源开关切换至关闭位置 O, 并且将插头从电源插座上拔下 往水箱中倒入白醋 3. 插入便携式过滤器 ( 装入滤网, 但没加咖啡 ), 然后将瓶子 玻璃水瓶或普通杯子放在滴水盘的顶端和过滤器的下方 4. 将电源线插头插入电源插座中 5. 按下电源开关至 I 位置 当绿色工作指示灯 发亮时, 将 冲煮 / 蒸汽控制旋钮 转动到 清洗 位置 醋溶液会开始流入咖啡机 当醋溶液已经从储水箱中排出, 转动该控制旋钮到中心的 预热 位置 6. 如果要清除咖啡机内部零件上残留的醋溶液痕迹, 请按照步骤 2-5 的说明, 重复操作 经常需要用水替换醋溶液 7. 在管子的下方放入一个大杯子 ( 容量至少为 325 毫升 /11 盎司 ) 当绿色工作指示灯 发亮时, 转动 冲煮 / 蒸汽控制旋钮 至 泡沫 位置 逆时针转动项端的 蒸汽旋钮, 增加蒸汽量 让蒸汽溢出约 10 秒钟, 然后顺时针转动 清洁 / 蒸汽控制旋钮 至最小量 - 位置 这样可以清除残留在发泡管中的奶泡 8. 转动 冲煮 / 蒸汽控制旋钮 到中心的 预热 位置, 并按下电源开关至关闭位置 O 9. 如果有需要, 请用自来水重复步骤 1-8, 将任何残留的醋溶液从本产品中冲洗掉 故障 原因以及解决方法 故障 原因 解决方法 无咖啡流出 水箱中无水 咖啡粉太幼细 滤网中有过多的咖啡 本产品电源没有开启或电源线插头没有插入 咖啡压得过紧 加入水 将咖啡磨至中等颗粒 在滤网中减少咖啡量 将本产品的电源线插头插入电源插座, 然后开启电源开关 重新在滤网中装入咖啡, 切勿压得太紧实 咖啡流到便携式过滤器的边缘 牛奶发泡之后没有泡沫, 或发泡管中没有牛奶流出 没有蒸汽产生 咖啡出得太快 咖啡出得太慢 便携式过滤器没有转动到完全锁定位置 滤网周边有咖啡粉 滤网中咖啡过多 蒸汽用完 牛奶不够冷 发泡管被堵塞 储水箱中没有水 咖啡机的电源开关没有打开 发泡管堵塞 咖啡粉太粗 滤网中咖啡量不够 使用小型滤网取双份意式浓缩咖啡 咖啡粉太粗 转动滤网座至完全锁定位置 洗刷边缘 仅仅加少量咖啡 确保水箱中有足够的水 冲煮卡布奇诺或鲜奶咖啡之前, 冷冻牛奶和发泡罐 按照发泡管清洁说明进行清洁 往储水箱中加入适量的水 打开咖啡机的电源开关, 并按照使用说明操作 按照发泡流程, 操作发泡功能 1 至 2 秒钟, 将多余的牛奶取出来 或者, 关闭咖啡机, 让其冷却, 然后拔掉电源插头, 用针或牙签清洁发泡管 磨得更幼细 使用更多的咖啡 使用大型滤网取双份意式浓缩咖啡 磨得更幼细 29 30 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 27-28

全国售后统一 400 服务电话 :4008236628 省份地区网点名称地址联系人电话 恕 消费者保修卡 WARRANTY CARD 灾震 4008236628 则须酌情收取一定维修检测费用 非本公司指定维修部维修而自行拆装修理引起的损坏 29 安徽合肥合肥新站区雅美电器维修部合肥市新站区玫瑰苑 3 幢 107 室曾孟伢 安徽合肥合肥新站区雅美电器维修部 北京 北京 北京 北京 福建 广东 广东 广东 广东 北区 北区 北区 北区 泉州 广州 广州 广州 深圳 北京高科富强商贸有限公司 ( 崇文区, 总部 ) 北京高科富强商贸有限公司 ( 海淀区 ) 北京高科富强商贸有限公司 ( 东城区 ) 北京为民顺意家电维修中心 ( 朝阳区 ) 泉州市鲤城区福友电器维修店 广州市海珠区广弘电器服务部 广州市海珠区广弘电器服务部 广州市海珠区广弘电器服务部 深圳市鑫信诚制冷家电维修服务部 广西南宁南宁市弘远家电技术服务部 河南 湖北 湖南 郑州 武汉 长沙 郑州市中原区王志强家用电器维修店 武汉市武昌区诚星家电服务部 湖南长沙芙蓉区诚胜家电 ( 原亮华 ) 合肥市黄山路与岳西路交口向南 100 米 ( 皖和路华地公馆店面 ) 北京市崇文区天坛东里中区 10 号楼南侧店面 阜成路 26 号 ( 航天桥西南角九头鸟酒家往西 200 米路南 ) 北京市东城区安定门外大街 78 号隆和写字楼 212 号 北京朝阳区王四营乡马房寺村 51 号 泉州市鲤城区南片区土地路 8 幢 11 号 广东省广州市海珠区江南西路紫龙大街 41 号 101 天河区体育西横街 217 号 104 ( 天河南派出所正对面 ) 055162337107 13856055660 曾孟伢 18297935673 唐录军 01067168977 唐录军 (010)68452568 18211071863 唐录军 (010)64209008 郑小霞 01087390350 黄荣富 钱国财 059522397120 22850914.22397120 02034128691 13632379769.02084405305 钱国财 02087519964 番禺区市环城中路 92 号钱国财 02084820665 深圳市罗湖区水库新村 2 街 2 号唐春原 13428728756 075525992071 广西省南宁市北大北路 25 号梦泽园小区 2 号铺 蔡加钦 07713849295 13217802868 郑州市二七区孙八寨中街 10 号王志强 13014677601 武汉市武昌区中北路省地税局对面 刘小燕 13098814222.02787127771 长沙市车站北路 101 号王亮华 073182288029 吉林长春长春市卓北家电维修中心长春市南关区法治胡同 69 号赵广东 043188712886 江苏 江西 辽宁 辽宁 南京 南昌 沈阳 大连 南京市大厂区宏业机电电器服务中心 南昌市西湖区海洋电器服务部 沈阳市和平区昊跃电器维修服务中心 大连市沙河口区圳鑫电器维修部 山东烟台盛鑫家电售后服务中心 山西 陕西 上海 四川 太原 西安 虹口区 成都 太原市小店区永新家电服务部 陕西荣达家电商行宽望家电维修部 上海文帆贸易有限公司 成都市青羊区佰信电子产品经营部 天津天津天津河北区英华电器维修部 南京市下关区建宁路 88 号周福 (025)85601293 85525453 南昌市永叔路 6 号 ( 长途汽车站对面 ) 杜世红 079182175587 沈阳市和平区北市 2 街 4 号 2 门许金生 02422510730 大连市沙河口区升平街 66 号刘建国 041184610051 烟台市芝罘屯区三站家电市场 888 号 张瑞军 05356661984 太原市平阳路东二巷 1-6 郭刚 (0351)7232595 西安市西大街桥梓口十字向南 100 米如意大厦东侧 上海市虹口区辉河路 65 号 ( 虹口实验学校对门 ) 白宽望 02987613899 88421554 董文 02165542292 65546205.65528509 成都市贝森路贝新巷 28 号汪亚玲 02881705285 13880050341 河北区小革新道 23 号亚都服务中心 张玉强 02226233995 02226425695 浙江杭州杭州易休贸易有限公司下城区三塘汶苑汶野巷 42 号郑永珍 057156034036/15967179899 BVMC-EM1008-073_14ECM1.indd 29-30