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(, 100006) :,,,, : ; ; ; : K258 :A :1005-605X(2006) 04-0069 - 12 The Rural Reconstruction Movement during the Republican period XU Xiu - li ( Institute of Modern History,China Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100006,China) Abstract :The Republican period Rural Reconstruction Movement, that covered extensive fields large variety of visages, last2 ed for a long time and exerted profound influence, was not only resulted from the backwardness and dilapidation of rural areas at the time, but also a product of conscious realization of the intellectual circles to the importance of countryside. Main tasks of rural reconstruction includes eliminating illiteracy, spreading cultural education, introducing and popularizing fine animals and vegeta2 bles, building rural medical treatment and health care system, transforming social traditions, initiating cooperative organizations and strengthening rural self - guard, etc. The historical significance of the Rural Reconstruction Movement is not only providing some experiences for resolving real issues, but also leaving us rich spiritual heritages. Key words :during the Republican period ; rural reconstruction ; Yan Yangchu ; Liang Shuming 20,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : 1, 1935, :, 2002 4 : :, 2004 69

2006 4, ;,, 20,,,,,,,,,,, ;,, ;,20,,, ;, ;,, ;,,,,,,,,,,,, 30, 80 %, 61 %,, 90 %,,,,,,,, ;,,,,, 70,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30,,,,20 30 600, 1000,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,, ( ) ;,, ;, ;,, ;,, ; :,, 1934,, 1 : (1933 ), 1937, 12 :, 5, 1995, 533-534 535, : :, 1989, 1, ( ), 582

,,,,,, ;, ;,, ;,,,,,,,, 1933 7 1934 10 1935 10,,,, 35 76 99, 60 150 170,,,, (, ) ( ),,,,,,,,,,??,, 3. 2,,20,,,,,,,, 4, 24, 1 1, 1,4,,,,,,,, 4,, : (1) :,,, (2) :,,,,, :, 2002 6,, : 1, ( ) 1935, 161-163 166 158-159 :, : 1, 1989, 31 :, 1, 51 50 1,, 1927, 5 71

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; (3),, 10, ;,, 24,,,,,, 1934, 175,, : 7-9,,,, ( ),,,,, :,,,,, 1927,, 18,,,,,, 1929 6,,,,,, 1930 9,,,,,,,, 4,,,,,,,,, ;,,, 4,,,,,, ( ) ( 3 ) ;, 3,, ;,,,,, 45, 18-30 ;, ;, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!, ;,,,,!,,,,,, 30,,,,,,,, 1933 7,,,,, :, 244-248 : 2, 179 :, 1933, 147-158 : 1, 508 77

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