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探索国际深层次合作模式 促进汕头产业结构转型升级 Seek for Further International Cooperation & Promote the Transition and Upgrading of Shantou s Industrial Structure 汕头市委副书记孙光辉 Sun Guanghui, Deputy Secretary, Municipal (Shantou city) Committee of the Communist Party of china 中国 汕头 2016 年 3 月 19 日 China Shantou March 19, 2016

一起探讨中欧城市发展理念分享中欧城市发展的成功经验以及最佳实践案例 Gather together with all of you to further discuss the concept of EU-China urban development as well as share valuable experience and best practice cases

一 汕头市经济社会发展情况 The Economic and Social Development Status of Shantou

中国五个经济特区之一 现代化港口城市 粤东中心城市 One of the five special economic zones in China A modern port city and the central city of Eastern Guangdong Province

汕头是一座开放包容的城市 Shantou is open and inclusive

Shantou Port was first opened in 1860 1860 年开埠 曾被恩格斯誉为 唯一有一点商业意义的口岸 Praised as The Only Port with Certain Commercial Significance by Engels

潮汕籍 1500 多万人 Over 10,000,000 of them are from Chaoshan region 目前中国约有 6000 万海外华侨华人 At present, there are about 60,000,000 overseas Chinese in the world

李嘉诚 Li Ka-shing 谢国民 Xie Guomin 一批商界巨子形成了一个具有世界影响力的潮商群体 The Chaoshan Merchant Group has born considerable global influence

汕头是一座因港而兴的城市 Shantou thrives on port

天然良港众多 Many natural harbors E D 拥有大小岛屿 40 多个 Embracing 40 islands 海岸线长 336 公里 A coastline stretching for 336 kilometers 汕头港临近太平洋国际黄金航道 Adjacent to the International Golden Seaway of Pacific A C B 与 268 个港口有货物往来 Deals with the cargos from and to 268 ports 全国 25 个主要港口之一 One of the 25 Major Ports in China

汕头港集装箱吞吐量居世界港口百强行列 Shantou port ranked among the World s Top 100 Ports by dint of its high and steady cargo throughput 被国家列为 一带一路 重点建设的 15 个支点港之一 Became one of the 15 key ports to be further constructed under the instruction of China s One Belt, One Road initiative

汕头是一座人文荟萃的城市 Shantou is also a city where talents convene and cultures deposit

北回归线横贯市区, 气候冬暖夏凉加上山水相间水碧天蓝, 风光秀丽, 生态优良 Apart from Shantou s gorgeous natural and geographical environment, the Tropic of Cancer goes right through Shantou so it is warm in winter and cool in summer

创立于 1981 年的汕头大学是国家 211 工程 重点建设综合性大学已跻身 泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名榜 Founded in 1981, Shantou University is a key comprehensive university listed in China s 211 Project which is also inscribed on the Times Higher Education World University Rankings

去年汕头获准设立广东以色列理工学院 The Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology was approved to established in Shantou last year

潮剧 潮乐 潮菜 潮州工夫茶 Chaozhou opera, Chaozhou music, Chaozhou Cuisines and Chaoshan Kongfu Tea

潮汕陶瓷 抽纱 剪纸 潮绣 金漆木雕等工艺品享誉海内外 Exquisite arts and crafts, including Chaoshan ceramics, Drawn-work Pieces, Paper cutting, Chaozhou Embroidery and Gold-Lacquered Wood Carving, enjoy worldwide popularity

汕头是一座充满希望的城市 Shantou is a promising city

2015 年全市实现 GDP 1850 亿元 The GDP of Shantou reached the amount of RMB 185,000,000,000 in 2015 固定资产投资总额 1274 亿 Total fixed-asset investment amount rised up to RMB 127,400,000,000 社会消费品零售总额 1339 亿元 The total retail sales volume of social consumer goods amounted to RMB 133,900,000,000

2014 年 9 月国务院正式批准同意在汕头经济特区设立 华侨经济文化合作试验区 In September 2014, the State Council approved the proposal to set up the Pilot Zone of Economic and Cultural Cooperation for Overseas Chinese in Shantou

汕头正规划建设中以科技创新合作区与华侨试验区形成双轮驱动 Shantou is also planning to build The Sino-Israel Science and Technology Innovative Cooperation Park, which will form the Dual-Wheel Drive together with the Pilot Zone

二 华侨经济文化合作试验区情况 Overview of the Pilot Zone of Economic and Cultural Cooperation for Overseas Chinese

华侨经济文化合作试验区建设 The Construction of The Pilot Zone of Economic and Cultural Cooperation for Overseas Chinese 一个平台 One Platform 海外华侨华人聚集发展创新平台 Cultural Exchange Platform for Overseas Chinese 两个基地 Two Bases 华侨文化交流基地 华侨文化对外传播基地 Overseas Chinese Cultural Exchange Base and Overseas Chinese Cultural Diffusion Base 三个中心 Three Centers 跨境金融服务中心 国际采购商贸物流中心 旅游休闲中心 Cross-border Financial Service Center, Business Logistic Center of International Procurement, Tourism and Leisure Center 九大产业 Nine Industries 跨境金融 商务会展 资源能源交易 文化创意 旅游休闲 教育培训 医疗服务 信息 海洋产业 Cross-border Finance, Commercial Conference and Exhibition, Resources and Energy Trade, Cultural Originality, Tourism and Leisure, Education and Training, Medical Service, Information, and Ocean Industry

华侨试验区规划面积约 480 平方公里其中起步区 26 平方公里核心区约 55 平方公里 The Pilot Zone covers a land space of about 480 square kilometers with a core area of 55 square kilometers, starting from an area of 26 square kilometers

东海岸新城 East Coast New Town 珠港新城 Zhugang New Town 南滨新城 Nanbin New Town 汕头保税区 Shantou Free Trade Zone 广澳港区 Guang'ao Harbor Area 广澳物流园区 Guang'ao Logistics Park

创办全国首个以华侨为概念的 区域股权交易市场 华侨板 Initiated the Overseas Chinese Board, the first regional equity market featuring overseas Chinese as its core concept

加快探索具有华侨特色的金融创新道路 与全国最大的资产管理公司 中国华融合作打造华侨华人资产管理中心 An Asset Management Center for the overseas Chinese around the world was built by cooperating with China Huarong, the largest asset management company in China

构建跨境金融生态圈 A Cross-Border financial ecosphere has been established 规划建设共 7 大项目 Including 7 Projects 一个平台, 四个专业市场, 一个基金, 一座众创大厦 One Platform, Four Professional Markets, One Fund and One Building.

发展理念 Development Ideology 创新 Innovative 协调 Harmonious 绿色 Green 开放 Open 共享 Sharing

华侨试验区六大战略 The Pilot Zone Implement Six Strategies 改革开放主导 Dominated by reform and opening up 自主创新驱动 Driven by innovation 港城融合互动 Port-city interaction 高端产业支撑 Supported by high-end industries 中华文化引领 Led by Chinese culture 绿色低碳发展 Develop in low carbon

华侨试验区发展目标 The Pilot Zone will Adhere to Its Planning 到 2018 年, 起步区建设初见成效, 试验区开放型经济体制初步建立 By 2018, initial success will be achieved in the starting area, and an open economy system in the pilot zone will be established. 到 2022 年, 核心区建设初具规模, 开放型经济新体制基本形成 By 2022, the core area will take shape and an open economy system will be formed. 到 2030 年, 现代化新区基本建成, 实现海外华侨华人与祖国经济文化的深度融合发展 By 2030, the new modern zone which profoundly integrates the overseas Chinese, China economy and culture for further integration and development will be built.

三 中欧区域政策合作试点工作 进展情况 Work Status of Pilot Zone of EU-China Regional Policy Cooperation

( 一 ) 高度重视 加强组织领导 Pay High Attention and Build Up The Organizational Leadership 汕头市委 市政府把中欧区域合作作为城市创新发展的重要动力 The Shantou CPC Committee and the municipal government takes EU- China regional cooperation as an important impetus of the urban innovation development.

( 二 ) 建章立制做好基础性工作 Establish Constitutions for Groundwork of the Pilot Zone 编制 中欧区域合作试点地区 ( 华侨试验区 ) 发展规划 (2016~2020 年 ) Compile the Development Planning of the EU-China Regional Cooperation Pilot Areas (the Overseas Chinese Pilot Zone) (Year of 2016-2020).

明确近期重点在各方面与欧盟开展合作 Devised the work plan which highlights the cooperation with EU in several aspects 高等学科共建影视动漫创意创作服装内衣设计智慧城市智能制造进出口商品检验检测认证 Common establishment of advanced subjects Creation of movie and animation Clothing design Smart City Intelligent manufacturing Inspection, detection and authentication of import-export commodities

( 三 ) 加强交流 推进与结对地区的合作 Improve Exchange And Promote The Cooperation With The Twinning Areas

落实与安达卢西亚签署的合作备忘录 Fulfilled the Memorandum between Shantou and Andalusia from Spain

举办 2015 年中欧 ( 汕头 ) 中小企业科技创新合作峰会 China-EU (Shantou) Summit of SMEs Technological Innovation Cooperation

与汕头检验检测协会 高新区电子商务产业园 等企业签订合作项目和协议 Agreements signed with local enterprises Such as Shantou Society of Testing and Inspection And Shantou Tech-zone E-commerce Industry Park

( 四 ) 拓宽思路 开拓与欧洲的合作领域 Broaden the Horizons for More Cooperation Fields with Europe

广东以色列理工学院启动建设期间欧洲 20 多位犹太籍教授和企业家来到汕头开展系列学术经贸活动 More Than 20 Jewish Professors and Entrepreneurs from Europe Conducted A Series of Academic and Business Events

郑人豪市长带队考察希腊和阿尔巴尼亚 Mr. Zheng Renhao, mayor of the Shantou City, led a group to visit Greece and Albania 与阿尔巴尼亚最大海港城市都拉斯签署友好城市合作备忘录 Signed the Memorandum of Friendship and Cooperation with Durres The Largest Seaport of Albania

访问考察希腊中远 比雷埃夫斯集装箱码头公司 Visiting the Piraeus Container Terminal S.A. in Greece

推进汕头企业到欧盟地区投资 Encourage Shantou enterprises to make investments in EU areas. 国内最大的动漫玩具上市公司奥飞动漫 2015 年底在英国设立了全资控股子公司 Alpha Animation, The Largest Listed Company for Animation and Toy in China, Has Gained A Foothold in The Uk by Setting Up A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary

互动娱乐于 2015 年 11 月收购 皇家西班牙人足球俱乐部 50.1% 股权 Another Listed Company, Rastar Group Co., Ltd. Purchased 50.1% stock equity of RCD Espanyol last November

四 下一步工作重点 Work Focuses on the Next Step

( 一 ) 突出务实合作 提升与结对地区的合作水平 Emphasize Pragmatic Cooperation And Enhance The Cooperation With Other Pilot Zones In Twinning Areas

与安达卢西亚智慧城市联盟签署了合作谅解合作备忘录 The Pilot Zone and Andalucia Smart City Cluster just signed a MoU.

重点推进中以合作区与 EBN 西班牙马拉加分部深度合作为汕头企业和科技园分享欧洲资源开展国际化业务铺平道路 The Focus Of This Year Will Be On The Development Of In-Depth Cooperation between The Sino-Israel (Shantou) Science And Technology Innovative Cooperation Park and The Bic Euronova s.a, Ebn In Malaga, Along With The Emphasis On The Construction of Exchange And Cooperation Platforms.

( 二 ) 突出差别化发展 拓展产业转型合作新领域 Emphasize Differentiated Development That Centers On The Industrial Transition And Explore New Cooperation Domains

华侨试验区与中国广州分析测试中心 全球领先的质量和安全服务机构 英国天祥检测 (Intertek) 在汕头合作设立专业检测机构 The Pilot Zone will collaborate with the China (Guangzhou) Analyzing and Testing Center and the Intertek Testing Services, a global leading institute of quality and security services to establish a professional testing center in Shantou.

( 三 ) 以科技文化为桥梁 开展高等教育 职业教育合作 Develop Higher Education and Vocational Education Based on The Bridge of Scientific and Technological Culture

Establish An Incubation Base of Sci-Tech Innovation with The Assistance of the University of Nottingham 与英国诺丁汉大学合作设立科技创新孵化中心

Pilot Zone of Economics and Cultural Cooperation for Overseas Chinese Leicester Financial Institute 与英国莱斯特大学合作设立技术转移平台建立 华侨试验区 莱斯特金融研究院

( 四 ) 打造国际化营商环境 加强政府服务机构和行业协会的交流合作 Construct International Business Environment and Strengthen Exchange And Cooperation with Governmental Organizations and Industrial Councils in The EU

汕头市政府将与英国投资贸易总署签署合作备忘录 Shantou Municipal Government is going to sign a memorandum of understanding with the UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) on the convenient services for bilateral trading and investment. 华侨试验区将与英中贸易协会签署合作协议 The Pilot Zone and the China-British Business Council (CBBC) will sign a cooperation agreement. 积极推进与英国文化协会开展在文化创意领域的合作 The Pilot Zone will encourage its cooperation with the British Council in cultural innovation.

在中国国家发改委地区经济司 欧盟委员会地区经济 与城市政策总司的指导下 汕头与中欧各试点地区协调发展 并肩前进 We Hope To Stride Forward Side By Side With The Eu Member Countries And Other Pilot Zones In China Under The Guidance Of The Directorate-General For Regional And Urban Policy Of European Commission As Well As The Regional Economy Department Of China s National Development And Reform Commission.

Together, we will embrace a better future! 共同构筑我们美好的明天!

探索国际深层次合作模式促进汕头产业结构转型升级 Seek for Further International Cooperation & Promote the Transition and Upgrading of Shantou s Industrial Structure 谢 谢 Thank you