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BIBLID 1026-5279 (2005) 94:1 p. 165-187 (2005.6) 165 1293 1288 1 298 1206 1 368 Keywords Lan Ts a i - h o Yuan Play The Work Age Te s t s The Edition Te s t s S a n Wang Ting Chen Lin Hu Tien

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BIBLID 1026-5279 (2005) 94:1 p. 165-187 NATIONAL CENTRAL LIBRARY BULLETIN 2005 no.1 (2005.6) 187 The Work Age and the Edition Tests of Lan Ts ai-ho Wan-nia Chen Abstract Lan Ts ai-ho was written by anonym in Yuan Dynasty. The drama based on the story of Eight Immortals described the living way of drama performers. The generation written by the drama was unknown; however, it could be conjectured between AD. 1288 and AD. 1298 according to the contents of the drama. The article also narrates four kinds of existed editions as reference. Key wo rd s Lan Ts a i - h o Yuan Play The Work Age Te s t s The Edition Te s t s S a n Wang Ting Chen Lin Hu Tien Wan-nia Chen: Retired Research, The National Palace Museum P r o f e s s o r, Department of Music, National Taiwan Normal University