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1979 2

1 2 3 4 60 4 3

1985 1978 4

19 20 27 70 60 1979 3 167 5

1985 1979 1988 6

65 1985 7

65 8

1940 9

1985 30 1937 Robert Park 1935 Radcliffe-Brown 10

30 R.Firth M.Freedman R.Redfield 40 40 80 11

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1985 14

21 21 21 1992 30 15

50 21 16


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60 70. 1980 1982 1982 3 2 3 Sidney Goldstein 20 Sidney Goldstein 19

1985 41 1987 1 3 10. 1. 2. 19 30 12 3 3. 20

4. 30 5. 30 1932-1935 30-40 21

1 2 3 19861-3 6. 30 80 1992 7. 30 8. 1937 a new lead society197995 30 60 60 22

9. 10. 23

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7 1988 4 a1994 37 b1995 9 c1997 16 5 7. 12 1. 1 2 30-40 3 2. 1985 1 10 2 26

3. 1 90 2 3 1990. 1988-1991 1 2 3 437 50 100 400 3 8 4 1 1 6 1992 27

30-40 30-40. 1 23 4 30 5 28

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2 30


3 32




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