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SSReader Print.

中 國 學 研 究 期 刊 泰 國 農 業 大 學 บ นทอนเช นก น และส งผลก บการด ดแปลงจากวรรณกรรมมาเป นบทภาพยนตร และบทละคร โทรท ศน ด วยเช นก น จากการเคารพวรรณกรรมต นฉบ บเป นหล

Liao Mei-Yu Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract Yao Ying was a government official in Taiwan for more

:,,,,,, :,,?,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,, 1825, ( ),,, :,,,,, 1863,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,, 1844,, :,,, :19 20, , : g g g,, 1976,


台 灣 人 權 學 刊 第 三 卷 第 三 期 他 還 接 受 教 育 部 的 委 託, 長 年 擔 任 中 央 層 級 的 人 權 教 育 輔 善 團 的 指 導 教 授, 至 今 已 有 多 年 我 雖 然 不 是 很 了 解 為 什 麼 他 可 以 一 邊 承 擔 教 育 部 賦 予 的 任





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2006 3,,,,,, :, : ( [1996 ]1998 :396) : ( [1998 ]1999 :274), :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ([1962 ]1993 : ),,( ),,,, concordiadiscors ( ) 2, 2,,,, ( ),,,,


执 样 应 对 饥 间 领 导 为 AbstractThis paper attempts to throw a light on the communist leaders misguided actions, particularly those of Mao Zedong, which resulted in the starvation of millions. It blames the Chinese Communist Party for resolutely clinging to the Three Red Banners three ideological methods for improving China - while not feeding its own people, even when there was clearly enough food in storage to prevent starvation. It tries to prove that the government stored and exported outrageous amounts of food, all while denying the masses the food they themselves had produced. The hardline approach taken by the CCP to stalwartly continue with the Great Leap Forward only undermined China s economy and extended the democide of the Chinese people. Supported by CCP and export-related documents, it makes a strong case for the senselessness and irresponsibility of the CCP. Under totalitarian systems, no one dares to contradict or criticize the leader. The paper asserts that Mao based his choices and decisions upon falsified reports and did not believe the few accounts that did mention the devastation felt in the countryside. It instead concluded that those hardships were only temporary and isolated. For this reason, the Great Leap Forward lasted four years as the CCP hierarchy blindly followed Mao while watching millions of its own people starve to death. It further argues that in this sort of situation, anyone would have made the same mistakes as Mao Zedong as long as the totalitarian system goes rampant. 2000 1959 1961 1

1960 1961 1958 1959 1959 1959 4 6 4 9 15 2517 4 17 30 15 3 15 15 1 1959 4 23 26 2 1960 10 26 100 3 19581959 1958 7 1 1959 6 30 1125.44 22.32 1959 88.85 7.891959 1958 103.18 9.4519591960 21.29 19591960 67.56 191 192 1 1959 4 17 8 1993 209 2 2003 939 3 1960 10 26 9 1996 326 2

1960 19601961 1214.29 780.84 433.6 1960 342.53 164.4 269.2 19-1 1957-1958 1958-1959 1959-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 920.11 1125.44 1214.29 780.84 679.14 419.66 505.19 526.48 362.08 268.45 1962 8 25 19-2 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 875.80 1092.02 1195.20 852.67 682.48 20-1 1960 1 1959 1959 12 1142 10758 6 1959 12 25 1016 94 1960 19591960 1200 4 1960 19-3 1959 4 1960 4 887.03 1959 11 319.1960 5 1960 4 403.51 484 19-3 5758 5859 5960 6061 6162 354.85 388.94 338.79 265.88 157.46 401.90 398.71 395.84 289.11 191.30 486.31 417.23 503.15 341.02 234.81 560.21 418.12 655.21 386.93 304.95 4 1969 1 26 3

690.66 658.02 887.03 540.08 460.57 756.91 748.43 848.98 572.11 490.02 725.08 714.42 764.15 510.35 438.79 676.75 654.56 673.19 444.50 394.88 601.66 556.01 544.54 359.83 328.86 507.62 433.50 403.51 267.89 257.98 404.53 319.00 286.22 190.86 200.92 384.41 343.28 297.06 171.71 189.28 1962 8 25 1960 6 30 301.48 20-3 297.71 301.48 2.30 1.15 2.53 18.26 8.16 5.49 7.89 5.08 20.41 15.96 4.81 0.72 4.45 22.44 7.05 12.37 2.72 25.07 13.22 7.14 7.40 2.84 41.61 11.49 17.43 5 100 25.07 13.22 800 50 4 1957 1959 2500 6 1959 415.75 1957 20926 204 415.75 1.2 415.75 500 1959-1961 164 1957 204.5 1957 500 2450 1960 272.04 1959 1960 205 1959 4 19 5 6 1984 1984 141

2.6 7 1960 4 7 6 8 19-4 19561965 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 265.12 209.26 288.34 415.75 272.04 135.50 103.09 149.01 182.08 241.65 3.85 1.93 2.86 4.24 2.66 0.62 0.42 0.81 0.98 1.19 35.04 23.93 6.80 6.44 3.45 0.05 0.39 0.33 2.66 5.83 2.13 3.08 3.84 1.34 1.31 1.11 2.08 2.99 3.19 3.76 54.46 50.70 79.14 71.87 78.75 37.92 81.79 130.19 164.67 171.86 12.23 5.41 11.81 10.96 7.43 0.93 0.34 1.54 6.21 14.25 10.72 8.76 13.50 11.55 9.48 1.12 1.64 2.46 4.98 9.33 838 1222 1455 612 824 492 659 1044 1658 2141 7 1960 4 19 8 5659 1960 5 3 19603011326 5

4525 5890 9569 4202 4755 3055 2175 2963 3860 4013 221 802 650 926 643 2304 3620 2431 2680 4.49 5.78 8.85 8.62 9.46 4.23 4.60 5.94 9.25 12.00 4.76 6.67 9.24 10.11 10.75 4.99 6.35 6.02 7.53 8.06 7.00 7.11 8.82 7.69 6.32 3.41 2.97 3.36 3.75 3.72 0.96 1.01 3.20 2.88 1.41 0.89 0.57 1.38 3.26 3.51 1.46 1.88 3.81 3.40 1.96 1.92 1.83 2.62 2.75 2.52 0.32 0.69 1.28 1.30 0.62 0.63 0.81 1.06 1.15 1.08 3.47 8.27 4.22 10.25 7.38 7.91 7.99 15.03 29.46 41.82 0.35 0.46 0.39 0.45 0.39 0.39 0.24 0.26 0.31 0.41 0.55 0.54 0.26 0.55 0.45 0.20 0.17 0.28 0.43 0.51 502 491 475 414 331 128 184 269 396 469 1266 1158 1186 1318 1147 875 994 806 1057 1393 526 224 371 224 179 27 34 58 128 204 0.23 0.46 0.32 0.46 0.34 0.27 0.67 0.63 0.88 1.29 0.39 0.17 0.41 0.44 0.45 0.22 0.26 0.40 0.75 1.29 1981 47 50 1982 47 48 6 1959 303000 110.8 1958 28.9

23.3 2 125 5200 6208 954 7022 10.2 9.1 9 19-5 19561965 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 14.92 16.68 22.35 0.2 6.63 580.97 492.3 595.2 657.01 640.52 2.62 4.99 14.83 3.87 338.17 353.56 558.77 536.87 607.27 17.61 11.93 20.91 2.6 23.38 118.66 99.56 49.69 59.88 70.79 20-4 1960 1958 50 1961 2 2 10 1962 11 1960 1960 1958 10 1959 3000 2000 1800 1959 1650 1387 1960 1800 1960 1800 2000 1960 1960 416.58 1959 1958 49 93 1961 9 1959 1960 1 8 60 97 10 1961 4 25 1961 4 26 11 ( 1999 7

23-3 1954 102.68 99.07 1955 105.24 100.36 1956 160.84 155.28 1957 151.23 143.32 1958 279.06 269.00 1959 368.42 349.72 1960 416.58 388.69 1961 156.06 127.42 1962 87.28 71.26 1963 116.66 98.16 1964 165.89 144.12 1984 1984 301 1960 1 7 17 12 1960 1960 1959 1960 1840 6000 13 1960 7 1960 12 19491976 2003 1044 13 19491976 2003 1045 8

8 12 1860 1961 1 1961 1900 1.6% 43100 2.6% 4100 10.8% 1961 1961 8 9 9 15 14 30.9% 29.7% 1958 1958 1960 1959 1960 1 40 14 1993 1073 9

3 1960 1960 2 24 80% 151960 3 161960 2 27 3 21 173 5 18 3 5 88% 66% 19. 20 21 1958 8 13 10 10 22 23 1958 1 15 9 1996 4446 16 9 1996 6465 17 9 1996 6263 18 9 1996 68 19 9 1996 7475 20 9 1996 73 21 2000 219 22 2000 220 23 2000 258 10

24 1961 40 1848 1958 1956 25 1959 7 19 24 2000 221 25 1959 7 19 11