. 2011 mlearn OER. 2011 Sharples 2011 Sharples 1 Chee - Kit Looi Looi 2011 Sustainable Seamless Learning Wong 2010 2006 Chan et al. 2006 1 1 1 1 1 Sha

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17 6 2011 12 Open Education Research Vol. 17 No. 6 Dec. 2011 * 2011 mlearn 2011 10 G40-057 A 1007-2179 2011 06-0008-12 2011 10 18-21 The Inter- national Association for Mobile Learning IAmLearn the 10th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning mlearn2011 mlearn mlearn Sharples Mike Sharples 2010 Kinshuk 5R Chee - Kit Looi Access Gwo - Jen Hwang Seamless Learning 60 110 50 Contextual Learning Community Learning * 61073100 11YJC880069 8

. 2011 mlearn OER. 2011 Sharples 2011 Sharples 1 Chee - Kit Looi Looi 2011 Sustainable Seamless Learning Wong 2010 2006 Chan et al. 2006 1 1 1 1 1 Sharples 2007 Looi Augmented Learning Sharples 2011 Sharples 2007 9

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5 5R Kinshuk 3 Tan et al. 2011 3 5R 5R / 5R 5R e - Learning 2009 1 11. 2011 mlearn OER. 2011

2 3 4 5 Learning Cell 2009 Knowledge Network Social KNS 4 4 12. 2011 mlearn OER. 2011

1 SCORM 5 6 Web2. 0 2 7 13. 2011 mlearn OER. 2011

7 3 8 8 1 1 14. 2011 mlearn OER. 2011

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10 11 12 13 13 14 16. 2011 mlearn OER. 2011

3. Hwang 2011 X RFID QRcodeWiFi RFID PDA RFID Reader RFID 15 16 17 25 17 17. 2011 mlearn OER. 2011

. 2011 mlearn OER. 2011 7 1ChanT. W. RoschelleJ. HsiS. KinshukSharples 18 M. BrownT. et al. 2006. One-to-one technology-enhanced learning An opportunity for global research collaborationj. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 1 1 3-29. 2Hwang G. J. 2011. Research issues and applications of mobile and ubiquitous learningeb /OL. 2011-11-3. http / /mlearn. bnu. edu. cn / KeynotesSpeech. html. 18 3Kinshuk 2011. The 5R adaptation framework for locationbased mobile learning systemseb /OL. 2011-11-3http / /mlearn. 18 bnu. edu. cn / KeynotesSpeech. html. 4Looi C. K. 2011. Sustainable seamless learning What have we learned and where are we going EB /OL. 2011-11-3. http / / mlearn. bnu. edu. cn / KeynotesSpeech. html. 5RoyN. GuT. & DasS. 2010. Supporting pervasive computing applications with active context fusion and semantic context delivery J. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 6 21-42. 6Sharples M. 2011. Innovation in mobile learning An international perspectiveol. 2011-11-3. http / /mlearn. bnu. edu. cn /Key- notesspeech. html. 7Tan Q. Zhang X. K. Kinshuk & McGreal R. 2011. The 5R Adaptation Framework for Location-Based Mobile Learning Systems A. Proceeding of 10th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual LearningC. 87-94. 8WongL. H. 2010. From facilitated seamless learning to self-directed seamless learninga. Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in EducationC. 33-40. 9Yu Shengquan 2007. From knowledge transfer to cognitive construction and finally situated cognition Development and prospect of three generation of mobile learning in Chinese J. China Educational Technology 6 7-18. 2007. J. 6 7-18. 10Yu Shengquan& Liu Jun 2007. Application model of handheld online learning system into subject teaching in Chinese J. Dis- 1 tance Education in China 5 64-69. 2007. 2 J. 5 64-69. 11Yu ShengquanCheng Gang& Dong Jingfeng 2009. A new insight into e-learning Transformation of online education paradigm 3 in Chinese J. Journal of Distance Education 3 3-15. 2009. e-learning 4 J. 3 3-15. 11Yu ShengquanYang Xianmin & Cheng Gang 2009. Learning resource designing and sharing in ubiquitous learning environment The concept and architecture of leaning cell in Chinese J. Open Education Research 1 47-53. 5 2009. 6 J. 1 47-18

. 2011 mlearn OER. 2011 53 13Qinglong ZhanJingran ZhangYinjuan Shao& Yushun Li 2010. Theoretical study and practical exploration on mobile learing- Communication with Prof. Mike Sharples in Chinese J. China Educational Technology 3 1-7. 2011-11-14 2011-11-20 2010.. J. yusq@ bnu. edu. cn 3 1-7. Technology Resourcesand Learning Innovations of Seamless Learning Space Review of the 10th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning Journalist LIU Jun 1 QIU Qin 2 YU Shengquan 3 & XI Jianhua 4 1. Department of Educational Technology Captial Normal University Beijing 100048 China 2. Institute of Computer Science & Technology Peking University Beijing 100871 China 3. College of Educational Technology Beijing Normal University Beijing 100875 China 4. Journal of Open Education Research Shanghai 200086 China Abstract The 10th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning was successfully held at Beijing Normal U- niversity from Oct 18 to 21 2011. As an authoritative international conference on mobile learning it attracted well - known experts and scholars around the world and they shared their innovative research achievements in mobile learning. The keynote sessions and special topic forums focused on the structural modelsthe key technologiesresource modelsand innovative learning models of seamless learning spaces. Collectively these topics revealed the new trends of research and practice on mobile learning. Key words mobile learning seamless learning learning cell context awareness 19