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免 過 往 只 有 聖 座 才 有 權 赦 免 的 罪 教 宗 強 調, 慈 悲 是 支 撐 教 會 生 活 的 基 礎, 是 檢 驗 誰 是 天 主 真 正 子 女 的 標 準 慈 悲 絕 不 是 軟 弱 的 表 現, 而 是 天 主 全 能 的 特 性 實 際 上, 我 們 眾 人 都 蒙 召

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單 國 璽 樞 機 的 祝 福 From: Date: 2007/9/13 上 午 10:49 Subject: 單 樞 機 給 彭 保 祿 神 父 的 題 辭 To: ching6028 wong meic

建國科大 許您一個海闊天空的未來 建國科大本著術德兼修五育並重的教育方針 持續努力的朝向專業教學型大學邁進 期許建國的學生能成為企業所樂用的人才 建國科大多元性發展與延伸觸角 如 教學卓越計畫 產官學合作 國際交流活動等等 讓師生能充實基礎實力 更提升競爭力 不管將來是要升學或是就業 都能一帆風順

儿 童 主 日 请 安 静 默 祷 预 备 心 来 敬 拜 1. 序 乐 庄 淑 娴 师 母 2. 默 祷 肃 静 诗 会 众 3. 宣 召 彭 汉 勤 执 事 4. 敬 拜 彭 汉 勤 执 事 5. 祷 告 黄 萍 萍 姐 妹 6. 启 应 传 道 书 4: 1-16 会 众

義 工 樂 園 講 座 隨 筆 生 楂 子 前 列 腺 位 於 膀 胱 之 下 與 蔭 莖 底 部, 圍 繞 著 尿 道, 其 主 要 功 能 是 製 造 和 運 送 精 液 前 列 腺 的 毛 病 為 前 列 腺 增 生 ( 肥 大 ) 或 前 列 腺 炎 或 前 列 腺 癌 前 列 腺 癌 的


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99 學年度班群總介紹 第 370 期 班群總導 陳怡靜 G45 班群總導 陳怡靜(河馬) A 家 惠如 家浩 T 格 宜蓁 小 霖 怡 家 M 璇 均 蓁 雴 家 數學領域 珈玲 國燈 英領域 Kent

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起 初, 距 離 出 版 日 期 還 有 大 半 年, 大 家 雀 躍 萬 分 之 餘 還 滿 盤 大 計, 他 答 應 做 這 樣 她 應 承 安 排 那 樣 你 負 責 做 三 件 事 我 就 辦 兩 件 大 家 都 是 成 年 而 又 自 律 的 人, 一 切 猶 如 入 了 自 動 波, 不

Love Actually 真 的 戀 愛 了!? 焦 點 主 題 2035 年 一 個 寒 冷 卻 又 放 晴 的 下 午, 爸 媽 一 大 清 早 已 上 班, 只 得 小 奈 獨 個 兒 待 在 家 中, 奢 侈 地 享 受 著 她 的 春 節 假 期 剛 度 過 了 期 考 的 艱 苦 歲

推 荐 序 实 践 家 教 育 集 团 林 伟 贤 2014 年, 文 珊 参 加 了 实 践 家 主 办 的 华 人 营 销 联 盟 (Chinese Marketing and Sales Alliance CMSA) 课 程, 在 淑 茵 和 Ken 两 位 老 师 的 带 领 下, 文 珊

A 类 大 作 文 题 目 教 育 Some people think that older schoolchildren should learn wide range subjects and develop knowledge, other people think that they sho

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目 錄 實 施 計 畫 1 專 題 演 講 因 應 十 二 年 國 民 基 本 教 育 課 程 綱 要 學 校 本 位 課 程 的 整 體 布 局 A-1 推 動 十 二 年 國 民 基 本 教 育 課 程 綱 要 相 關 配 套 措 施 A-10 分 組 研 討 法 規 研 修 B-1 課 程 教

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目 錄 壹 目 的... 1 一 計 畫 背 景... 1 二 計 畫 目 的... 1 三 預 期 效 應... 2 貳 過 程... 3 一 計 畫 期 程... 3 二 學 生 活 動 安 排 時 程... 3 三 活 動 檢 核 表... 4 四 組 織 與 分 工... 5 五 活 動 行



St. Columba Roman Catholic Church Rectory Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9am to 3pm Fridays : 9am - 12 noon Saturday & Sunday: Closed Love God, Serve Others SCHEDULE OF LITURGIES THE LORD S DAY MASSES St. Columba + Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday + 7:30am, 9:00am,10:30am & 12 noon Twenty - Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time October 10, 2021 Website: Email: Blog: Facebook: @StColumbaHJ (photo albums here!) Instagram: @StColumbaHJ Soundcloud:StColumbaHJ Flocknotes: - Parish Code: Y98H69 NY Catholic Radio: St. Denis + Spanish Mass Sunday at 5:00pm St. Kateri + Sunday at 5:30pm Drop your contribution envelope in the collection, It will be returned to your home parish. DAILY MASS St. Columba + M - F + 7:00am, SA + 8:00am St. Denis and St. Kateri + 9:00am ADORATION St. Columba + Monday - Friday + 4:00pm - 8:00pm Compline & Benediction + Monday - Friday + 7:40pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION St. Columba + Saturdays 8:30 9:00 am & 4:00 5:00 pm St. Denis + Saturdays 8:00 8:45 am & 3:30 4:30 pm St. Kateri + Monday 7:00 8:15pm & Wednesday 9:30 10:30 am & Saturday + 4:00-4:45pm DEVOTIONS Miraculous Medal Novena - Monday s after 7:00am Mass SACRAMENTS BAPTISM + Most Saturdays & Sundays at 1:30 & 3:00pm. Call the Church Office to speak with Deacon Dennis McCormack. To obtain Godparent and Sponsor forms, please call the Rectory and speak to a Priest. RCIA CHRISTIAN INITIATION + For more information about becoming a member of the Catholic Church or Completing your Initiation in the Church, call the Church Office or Deacon Chris Merenda. MARRIAGE + Please call the Church Office to make an appointment with a priest. We generally need about six months to complete Pre-Cana, Pre-Marital Inventory and necessary paperwork. ANOINTING OF THE SICK + After any Weekend or Weekday Mass. Please speak to a priest. In an Emergency, call the Parish Office at any time. HOLY ORDERS AND RELIGIOUS LIFE + Please speak to our priests, deacons or religious sisters. St. Columba Religious Education Grades 1-8 845-221-4900 Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9am - 3pm Director: Sister Marie Pappas, CR THE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS OF HOPEWELL JUNCTION St. Denis-St. Columba School Grades K - 8 845-227-7777 Email: Principal: Sr. Kathleen Marie Gerritse, CR St. Aloysius Happy House Learning Center Nursery, Pre-K & K 845-226-1917 Director: Sr. Madeline Soto St. Denis - Ark & Dove Pre-School Pre-K 2, 3 & 4 845-227-5232 Director: Jennifer Corsano & Julie Roth

Mass Intentions for the Week ST. COLUMBA PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Please pray for our recently deceased parishioners, family & friends: Roberto Munoz, Kevin J McGrath, Carolyn Pallett Brophy & The Holy Souls in Purgatory Thank you for your continued prayers and support throughout the year. With out your help we could never assist those in need! If you need to reach us, please call us at: 227-7863. This week the pantry is in need of: Sugar, Jello/Pudding (regular & sugar free), Ramen Noodles Our next meeting : October 13th in the Bishop Dominick Meeting Room at 7pm. Baptisms We congratulate the parents and families of the children who were born again in the new life of Christ, and who became a part of our parish family through the sacrament of Baptism. Aiden Michael Race Peter James Zelek

CANDY SALES THIS WEEKEND The Sisters of St. Aloysius will have their annual Candy Sale after all Masses this weekend. They are grateful for your support. YOUTH GROUP MEETING THIS SATURDAY High School Teens join us this Saturday, October 9 after the 5:30 pm Mass until 8:00 pm for Youth Group. We will have pizza, an ice-breaker, and watch Alpha Youth Episode 1 Life Is This It? There will be time for small group and large group discussion. Come and bring a friend! YOUTH GROUP SERVICE PROJECTS BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN During Respect Life month, we distribute Baby Bottles and ask you to fill them with donations. Please take one after Mass today and return it at the end of October. Your donations will fund Respect Life activities at St. Columba, including donations to Birthright and CareNet here in Dutchess County. If there is a bus trip to the March for Life, it will also help with the cost. Thank you for your generosity. COLUMBUS DAY HOLIDAY This Monday is Columbus Day. Morning Mass will be at 8:00 a.m. All parish offices will be closed and there will be no Adoration. LECTORS, EM S AND SERVERS We would be happy to put you back on the schedule just contact Laura at the Parish Office 227-8380. Father Walter will soon announce dates for Altar Server Training 5 th Grade and up. NOTE When you arrive at church, please let the Deacon know that you are there. Thank you. APPLE PICKING DAY is at Fishkill Farms this Monday, October 11. All high school teens of the parish are welcome. Meet at Fishkill Farms parking lot by 9:30 am sharp. We will be taking a hayride to the orchards so do not be late. Fishkill Farms is giving us a special price because they are being donated. If you want to pick for yourself or your family, you will need to pay the current rate. You may also wish to bring money for treats and apple cider donuts! APPLE PIE MAKING DAY is Sunday, October 17 at 2:30 pm in the school cafeteria. All teens welcome bring a friend the time can be used for service hours. Bring with you an apple corer and a peeler. We will try to make at least 30 pies. They will be donated to Meals on Wheels and delivered to their clients. AMERICA NEEDS FATIMA ROSARY RALLY All over the country, groups will gather to pray for our country on Saturday, October 16 at 12:00 noon. Last year there were 20,613 rallies. As we did last year, our parish will host a rally on the front lawn of the church along Rt 82. The program will be: Immaculate Mary The Angelus The Holy Rosary Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary Prayer of Total Consecration The Divine Praises O Sanctissima Prayer booklets will be provided. Bring your rosary. Bring your family. Come and pray for America. MASS BOOK OPENING Our book for Mass Intentions will open on Thursday, October 28th at 9:00am. Please meet at the Bishop Dom Meeting Room located to the right of the Convent building. III Thomas Woods & Jessica Tullo II Michael Prisciotta & Gina Marie Lauria

TRI - PARISH NEWS TRI-PARISH NEWS: ST. COLUMBA, ST. DENIS, ST. KATERI TEKAKWITHA THE SILVER LININGS LEISURE CLUB ACTIVITIES Movie Tuesday continues on October 5; the movie will be The Guardian, starring Kevin Costner, an actionpacked drama that takes you inside the never-beforeseen world of the elite Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers. Movie Tuesday will meet in the Church Meeting Room 9:45 a.m. to 11 a.m. on the first Tuesday of each month through June. Senior Stretch Exercise Class continues on Wednesday, October 6, 9:45 a.m.-10:30 a.m. in the Church Meeting Room. Dress comfortably, bring water or other hydration, and bring light weights if you have them. Stretch will meet every Wednesday morning through end of June. Book Club will meet on Thursday, October 28, 10 a.m.-11a.m. in the Church Meeting Room and will be discussing The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World, by The Dalai Lama & Archbishop Desmond Tutu and also Hallelujah Anyway: Rediscovering Mercy by Anne Lomatt. Book Club will continue to meet on the last Thursday of each month through June. HOWEVER, THERE WILL BE NO BOOK CLUB IN NOVEMBER. We are in the planning stages for a trip to Radio City Music Hall on November 5 to see the Christmas Spectacular Show. So far the only info i can give you is the ticket price will be $65 for orchestra seats on the main level. Cost of the bus will be determined by the amount of participants. If you are interested in this trip, please call Gerry Natale at 845-227-2807 or email me at Nickel Social TODAY, October 10 th the St. Mary Columbiettes will host a Nickel Social at the 4065 Club (home of the Knights of Columbus) 339 Route 82, Hopewell Junction. Doors open at 12:00pm. Calling starts at 1pm. Admission is $5.00 (includes 5 sheets & a beverage). Our fund-raising events help us to support our local Churches as well as the local food pantries, families in need, Holiday Gifting, Birthright, and various other Charities who come to us for donations. For questions or to donate gift cards from our local merchants, email:

Our Lady of Lourdes High School Open House October 16 & 17 - Registration Now Open! Exceptional Academics. Extraordinary Futures! Come and experience all the great things that are happening at Our Lady of Lourdes High School! We offer a rigorous College Prep curriculum that provides exciting and innovative learning experiences for our students. Join us at our Open House as we showcase teaching and learning in our next generation classrooms AND view our brand new 7,000 sq. ft. fitness facility. Our Class of 2021 have moved on to many fine institutions such as Boston College, Catholic University, Colgate, Cornell, Holy Cross, Mount Holyoke, NYU Tisch School of the Arts, Notre Dame, Purdue, and many more. They received over $53 million in college scholarships, and 95% of these graduates earned an average of 33 college credits. See how Lourdes will provide you with your Extraordinary Future! We look forward to seeing you on October 16 or 17. Registration is required so please visit to register. If you need additional information, please contact Kathleen Powers at 845-463-0400, ext. 1009 or NOTICE! NOTICE! COMMUNITY NEWS: Archdiocese of New York Adult Faith Formation Presents: Manning Up In The Face of Adversity A Men s Spirituality Conference - Saturday, October 23rd - 8:00am - 4:00pm St. Joseph s Seminary, Yonkers, NY Guest Speakers to include: Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Fr. Don Calloway MIC, Michael Piazza, & Dr. Greg Bottaro For more information and Registration, please visit: Please join the Little Sisters of the Poor for our 9 th Annual Dinner by the Bite at X20 Xaviars on the Hudson Sunday, October 24 th 6pm 9pm. A cocktail reception with substantial hor d oeuvres and live entertainment by The Differents. Help us celebrate a Night of Renewed Hope as we begin to emerge from the COVID pandemic. Proof of vaccination required. See website for details. The Women's Parish Club of St. Joachim / St. John the Evangelist Church will AGAIN be holding its Annual Fall Garage and Rummage Sale on Thursday, October 21 st from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday, October 22 nd from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday, October 23 rd from 9:00 am to 12:00 p.m. in St. Joachim's School Gym, Leonard Street, in Beacon, NY. ******************************** We ask for your patience as we follow COVID guidelines. Social Distancing and Masks may be required. If you ve been here before, you know it s worth the trip! If you this will be your first time, you won t be disappointed! Come in and shop! Have lunch! Values galore!

Served By: PARISH LISTINGS Alpha/ChristLife Carolyn Torella ( Adoration Chapel Stephen Broussard (845) 591-4030 Deacon Chris Merenda (914) 419-6314 Adult Education John Thompson (914) 216-8999 Altar Servers, Lectors & Extraordinary Ministers Father Walter Genito (845) 227-8380 Child Baptism Deacon Dennis McCormack (845) 227-8380 Bereavement Deacon Bill Alvarado (845) 227-8380 Care Ministry Lori Loehr (845) 227-7430 Terri Powers Christian Initiation Deacon Chris Merenda- (845) 227-8380 Columbiettes Maryann McGivney - 845-453-2806 CYFM and DDA Weekends Rosemary Thorn Helping (845) 226-8896 Knights of Columbus Nick Longo (845) 297-2674 Parent - Child Connection Megan Zupan (585) 738-1051 Parish Council Bill Carey - Call the Rectory Parish Picnic Barbara Falcone (845) 227-8380 Parish Youth Group (God Squad) Barbara Falcone (845) 227-8380 Pastoral Care of the Sick & Homebound Please contact the Rectory (845) 227-8380 Scheduling Parish Events Gary Bartilucci (845) 227-8380 St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Joyce Pfirman (845) 227-7863 St. Joseph s Men Group Eric Winogradoff - Social Media Carolyn Torella & Cecilia Rohrs Student Leadership Mass Betsy Thompson (845) 475-4416 Tri - Parish Altar Rosary Society Joyce Moroney (845) 592-1360 Tri - Parish Youth Group TLC Dave and Kathy Bell - Tri Parish Respect Life Society George (845) 226-6896/Eileen (845) 242-1842 Ushers and Greeters Pat Moore - VBS - Catholic Kids Camp Sr. Cherree Ann Power (732) 245-1107 Wedding & Music Ministry Cathy Reale - Women s Group Sr. Marie Pappas - (845) 221-4900

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FUNERAL HOME, INC. HOPEWELL JUNCTION SAVE A LIFE Mary Ann Servidio, MSN, RN Certified Instructor Learn BLS/CPR Heartsave First Aid 914-419-5176 When a Family Needs a Family 845.221.2000 895 ROUTE 82 HOPEWELL JCT., NY 12533 845.896.2000 1089 MAIN STREET FISHKILL, NY 12524 Pat P Real Estate PATRICIA PETROSILLO REAL ESTATE BROKER Wine & Spirits 410 Route 376, Suite 7 Hopewell Jct., NY 12533 845-227-6661 Mon.-Sat. 9am-8pm Sun. 12-6pm Dr. Kurt C. Kish Chiropractor 748 Freedom Plains Rd., Pok. 1+ mile west of Taconic Pkwy. 485-4488 2425 NY-52 Hopewell Junction modern american bistro 845-447-1700 With a Touch of Italian Flair! Private Party Room Available Take Out Outdoor Dining Cassidy Memorials Inc. Peter & Lori Cassidy 226-2828 Route 82, Hopewell Jct. Route 9 at the Poughkeepsie Galleria 845.298.4700 Commercial and Residential Refuse Removal and Recycling Systems 845-896-6000 845-227-7235 Family Dentistry Crowns Implants Bridges Whitening Preventative Care Mon. - Sat. ~ Hours By Appointment 1007 Route 82 Hopewell Junction, NY (845) 226-1000 Dine-In / Take-Out - 7 Days a Week Cell: 845-705-7130 Office: 845-298-8939 Consulting Certified Financial Planning Income Tax Returns Victor J. Coster, CPA VJCOSTER69@GMAIL.COM 147 Pine Ridge Dr Hopewell Jct., NY 12533 917-273-6617 (845) 221-9195 (845) 226-9934 Fax: (845) 221-9028 Fax: (845) 226-4351 2449 Route 52 567 Old Hopewell Rd Book With Us 845-592-1276 Hopewell Plaza Route 376 Hopewell Junction 59 Merritt Boulevard Fishkill 1891 Route 6 Carmel 145 Route 22 Pawling 1833 Main Street Peekskill HV GYRO GRILL & MARKET 1116 ROUTE 82 HOPEWELL JCT 845-592-GYRO HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING HEAT PUMPS Ask about our HUGE Heat Pump Rebates NYSERFDA Grants & Low Income Financing (845) 297-4000 John Tremblay ~ Diocesan Member General Contractor Construction Management Fishkill, NY 845-896-5496 Haitham J. Ennabi, D.D.S. Cosmetic & Preventative Dentistry General Dentistry Oral Surgery Periodontist Endodontist Orthodontist Quality Dental Care, Pc 260 Lake Walton Rd. Suite A Hopewell Jct, NY 12533 845-227-1996 871 Route 82 Suite 4 Hopewell JCT, NY 12533 Quality Dental Care, Pc of Pawling The Morrison Building 36 Charles Colman Blvd. Pawling, NY 12564 845-289-0094 Cell: 845-656-7380 Email: Have you found FABERM TM 845-227-8707 810 Rt. 82 Hopewell Jct. NY 12533 184 Exit 13 (9 North) Home Improvement Licensed Contractor CATERING ON/OFF PREMISES TO MEET ALL YOUR EVENT NEEDS Btwn. 184 & Red Line Diner No Job is 826 Route 376 Store: to Big or Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 845-202-7367 Small 845-226-3570 Deli: Fax 845-227-6875 845-202-7369 Cell 845-656-1858 Italian Cuisine 4014 Saint Columba, Hopewell Junction, NY (back) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. 1.800.333.3166