EF2021 全港青少年搏擊大賽 章程

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Energy Fight 2021 全港 少年搏擊 賽 l 暨成 業餘新星賽 主辦單位 : 中國香港綜合搏擊運動總會 協辦單位 : Life Fitness 賽事資料 1. 比賽 期 :2021 年 7 1 ( 星期四 ) 2. 比賽地點 : 九 灣德福花園德藝會 3. 比賽時間 : 下午 12 時開賽 4. 賽例 :Boxing Shoot Boxing 散打 5. 組別 : 兒童組 少年組 年組 成 業餘組及專業組 6. 報名 法每位參賽者請填妥電 報名表格 (https://cutt.ly/hxvxycy), 連同入數紙副本電郵 (info@energyfight.com.hk) 或 WhatsApp (+852 5506 9377) 本會 報名選 將於 7 個 作天內透過 WhatsApp 收到申請編號, 報名以申請編號作實 報名 經接受, 報名費 將不獲發還及不能轉讓 7. 報名費 每位港幣 $300 入賬銀 : 匯豐銀 HSBC 賬 名稱 : CHINA HK MIXED COMBAT SPORTS FEDERATION 號碼 : 023-786650-001 轉數快 : (852) 5506 9377 8. 過磅安排 ( 所有運動員及其教練代表必須出席 ) 期 :2021 年 6 30 ( 星期三 ) 拳 集合及試磅時間 :5:30pm 賽例會議及正式過磅時間 :6:00pm 地點 : 待定 9. 報名截 期 :2021 年 4 30 P. 1 of 12

10. 比賽組別 ( 每組別分為男 女 組作賽 ; 每位運動員只可以參加 個組別 ) A) 兒童組 6-11 歲 (2010-2015 年出 ): 體重級別 : 22.5kg 25kg 27.5kg 30kg 32.5kg 35kg 37.5kg 40kg 42kg 45kg 48kg 51kg 53kg 55kg B) 少年組 12-16 歲 (2005-2009 年出 ): 體重級別 : 42kg 45kg 48kg 51kg 53kg 55kg 57kg 60kg 63kg 65kg 67kg 70kg C) 年組 17-20 歲 (2001-2004 年出 ): 體重級別 : 48kg 51kg 53kg 55kg 57kg 60kg 63kg 65kg 67kg 70kg 72kg 75kg 80kg +80kg D) 業餘組 18 歲或以上 (2003 年或以前出 ): 體重級別 : 48kg 51kg 53kg 55kg 57kg 60kg 63kg 65kg 67kg 70kg 72kg 75kg 80kg +80kg E) 專業組 18 歲或以上 (2003 年或以前出 ): 體重級別 : 48kg 51kg 53kg 55kg 57kg 60kg 63kg 65kg 67kg 70kg 72kg 75kg 80kg +80kg 11. 助 團隊規限及指引 i) 每位個 參賽者可申請 位助 名額 ; 屬會代表每位參賽者可申請兩位助 名額 ; 如屬會代表參加者 數多於 4 位, 會將按個別需要額外分配助 名額 ii) iii) iv) 每名助 或教練必需配帶助 證才可進入 助 區, 助 證於比賽當 由 會提供 助 團隊必須穿著整齊隊服 長褲及密頭鞋 ; 如服飾不合規格, 會註冊裁判團有權禁 該助 進入 助 區 每場比賽只可有兩位助 留在擂台旁邊準備 援, 但比賽期間不得接觸擂台任何部分 P. 2 of 12

11. 備註 i) 切裁決由 會註冊裁判團擔任, 並以裁判長之決定為最後決定, 不設上訴 ii) iii) iv) 最終對賽表將由本會競賽總監以運動員的經驗值配對, 將於比賽前四星期公佈 曾參加三場或以上搏擊比賽的 年組及業餘組的運動員可與對 協議是否穿著護甲及 / 或戴頭盔 ( 頭盔協議只適 於業餘組, 年組不論過往經驗均必須配戴頭盔 ) 運動員必須詳列所有過往比賽資料作紀錄, 包括及不限於比賽年齡 比賽 期 所參與的搏擊比賽類型 / 規例, 如 :Shoot Boxing 站立綜合格 /Muay Thai 泰拳 /Kick Boxing 踢拳道 /MMA 綜合格 等 若運動員遞交申請時未能提供上述資料, 則所有 年組及業餘組運動員必須穿著護甲及戴頭盔, 運動員之間即時或賽前的 頭護具協議均不會被接納! 如未能成功配磅, 相關報名費將於 2021 年 7 10 或之前退回 v) 參賽運動員需於 2021 年 6 20 或之前通知本會其助 姓名及相 以製作助 證, 逾期通知者將不獲安排 vi) vii) viii) ix) 如運動員於過磅的指定時間內未能到磅, 最後出賽權將由本會裁判長決定 運動員與其團隊於場內應保持克 禮讓的態度, 競賽總監和裁判團有權對違反規則的運動員教練助 進 告誡, 嚴重違規者可能會被驅逐出場或者取消作賽資格 報名者提供及填寫的資料必須確實無誤, 並以真實 份參與比賽 如發現資料失實或不符合資格的情況, 會被取消參賽資格 ; 於比賽中所得分數及名次亦作無效 本會建議參賽運動員 購買相關保險 ; 及作 體檢查以確保其 狀況適合作賽 12. 如本章程有未盡善處, 會有權隨時修改, 無須另 通知 查詢 電郵 :info@energyfight.com.hk WhatsApp:(852) 5506 9377 P. 3 of 12

賽例總覽 - Boxing 洋拳 比賽組別 A) 兒童組 B) 少年組 C) 年組 D) 業餘組 E) 專業組 比賽年齡 6-11 歲 (2010-2015 年出 ) 12-16 歲 (2005-2009 年出 ) 17-20 歲 (2001-2004 年出 ) 18 歲或以上 (2003 年或 以前出 ) 18 歲或以上 (2003 年或以前出 ) 合法攻擊 拳擊 擊打頭部以下位置 拳擊 拳擊 搽油不可以不可以 紮 帶 拳峰位不可有膠紙 可使 繃帶以合規格要求 之紮 拳套 10oz 8oz 頭盔必需, 有 罩必需必需 3 場經驗或以下必需配戴, 3 場經驗或以上可協議 不使 護甲必需可協議不使 不使 拳 服飾 背 或短袖 Tee shirt, Boxing 褲及鞋, 腰線需清晰外露 根據所屬紅 / 藍 穿著紅或藍 上衣, 服飾不恰當將被扣分 下 穿著 Boxing 褲及 Boxing 鞋 個 裝備 護陰 護 每回合 1.5 mins 2 mins 2 mins 2 mins 3 mins 回合休息 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 正式回合 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 額外回合 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 注意事項 P. 4 of 12

賽例總覽 - WSB Shoot Boxing 站立綜合格 比賽組別 A) 兒童組 B) 少年組 C) 年組 D) 業餘組 E) 專業組 比賽年齡 6-11 歲 (2010-2015 年出 ) 12-16 歲 (2005-2009 年出 ) 17-20 歲 (2001-2004 年出 ) 18 歲或以上 (2003 年或 以前出 ) 18 歲或以上 (2003 年或以前出 ) 合法攻擊 拳擊 踢擊 膝擊 前投摔 擊打頭部以下位置 拳擊 踢擊 膝擊 前投摔 ( 不能後橋 ) 及鎖技 拳擊 踢擊 膝擊 前後投摔 及鎖技 肘 ( 可協議 ) 搽油不可以不可以 紮 帶 拳峰位不可有膠紙 可使 繃帶以合規格要求 之紮 拳套 10oz 8oz 護腳必需必需必需必需不使 頭盔必需, 有 罩必需必需 3 場經驗或以下必需配戴, 3 場經驗或以上可協議 不使 護甲必需必需 3 場經驗或以下必需配戴, 3 場經驗或以上可協議 不使 拳 服飾 背 或短袖 Tee shirt 及緊 Shoot Boxing 長褲, 腰線需清晰外露 根據所屬紅 / 藍 穿著紅或藍 上衣, 服飾不恰當將被扣分 下 穿著緊 Shoot Boxing 長褲連腰帶腳套 ( 不限顏 ) 個 裝備 護陰 護 每回合 1.5 mins 2 mins 2 mins 2 mins 3 mins 回合休息 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 正式回合 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 額外回合 N/A N/A N/A 1 round 無限 注意事項 每讀秒 次扣兩分 有效投摔 SHOOT 扣對 分 每讀秒 次扣兩分 有效投摔 SHOOT 扣對 分 有效鎖技 CATCH 後進 讀秒扣兩分 每讀秒 次扣兩分, 有效投摔 SHOOT 扣對 分, 後投 SHOOT 兩分 ; 有效鎖技 CATCH 後直 解開或 TapOut (KO) P. 5 of 12

賽例總覽 - 散 例 比賽組別 A) 兒童組 B) 少年組 C) 年組 D) 業餘組 E) 專業組 比賽年齡 6-11 歲 (2010-2015 年出 ) 12-16 歲 (2005-2009 年出 ) 17-20 歲 (2001-2004 年出 ) 18 歲或以上 (2003 年或 以前出 ) 18 歲或以上 (2003 年或以前出 ) 合法攻擊 拳 踢 ( 可連擊, 擊打頭部以下位置 ) 及 摔撻 拳 ( 可連擊 ) 踢及摔撻 拳 踢 ( 可連擊 ) 及摔撻 ; 膝 肘 ( 可協議 ) 搽油不可以不可以 紮 帶 拳峰位不可有膠紙 可使 繃帶以合規格要求 之紮 拳套 10oz 8oz 護腳必需必需必需必需不使 頭盔必需, 有 罩必需必需 3 場經驗或以下必需配戴, 3 場經驗或以上可協議 不使 護甲必需必需 3 場經驗或以下必需配戴, 3 場經驗或以上可協議 不使 拳 服飾 背 或短袖 Tee shirt 及短褲, 腰線需清晰外露 根據所屬紅 / 藍 穿著紅或藍 上衣, 服飾不恰當將被扣分 下 穿著短褲 ( 不限顏 ) 個 裝備 護陰 護 每回合 1.5 mins 2 mins 2 mins 2 mins 3 mins 回合休息 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 正式回合 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 額外回合 N/A N/A N/A 1 round 無限 注意事項 沒有推枱 10 分制計分 P. 6 of 12

Energy Fight 2021 Youth Challengel & Nova Cup Organizer: Co-organizer: China Hong Kong Mixed Combat Sports Federation (MCSF) Life Fitness Details of Competition 1. Date: 1st July, 2021 (Thursday) 2. Venue: Telford Recreation Club, Telford Gardens, Kowloon Bay 3. Starting Time: 12:00nn (Starting) 4. Rules: Boxing, Shoot Boxing & Sanda 5. Divisions: Cadet, Teen, Youth, Amateur & Professional 6. How to apply All participants should submit the online application form (https://cutt.ly/hxvxycy), and send the bank transfer slip/advice of application fee to us by email info@energyfight.- com.hk or WhatsApp (852) 5506 9377. Participant will receive the application number by WhatsApp within 7 working days once the application is accepted. The application fee will not be refunded and non-transferable upon confirmation. 7. Application Fee HK$300 per Athlete Name of Bank: HSBC Name of account: CHINA HK MIXED COMBAT SPORTS FEDERATION Bank account number: 023-786650-001 FPS: (852) 5506 9377 8. Weight-In Schedule (All Athletes & their Coaches MUST attend) Date: 30th June, 2021 (Wed) Call time: 5:30pm Regulation Meeting & Weight-In Start Time: 6:00pm Venue: To be advised 9. Application Deadline: 30th April, 2021 P. 7 of 12

10. Divisions (Female and Male are separated by groups for each Division; each participant can select ONE Division only.) A) Cadet 6-11 Yrs old (was born in between 2010-2015): Weight Division: 22.5kg 25kg 27.5kg 30kg 32.5kg 35kg 37.5kg 40kg 42kg 45kg 48kg 51kg 53kg 55kg B) Teen 12-16 Yrs old (was born in between 2005-2009): Weight Division: 42kg 45kg 48kg 51kg 53kg 55kg 57kg 60kg 63kg 65kg 67kg 70kg C) Youth 17-20 Yrs old (was born in between 2001-2004): Weight Division: 48kg 51kg 53kg 55kg 57kg 60kg 63kg 65kg 67kg 70kg 72kg 75kg 80kg +80kg D) Amateur 18 Yrs old or above (was born in between or before 2003): Weight Division: 48kg 51kg 53kg 55kg 57kg 60kg 63kg 65kg 67kg 70kg 72kg 75kg 80kg +80kg E) Professional 18 Yrs old or above (was born in between or before 2003): Weight Division: 48kg 51kg 53kg 55kg 57kg 60kg 63kg 65kg 67kg 70kg 72kg 75kg 80kg +80kg 10. Regulation of Second Crew i) A participant on individual basis is allowed to apply ONE second. Every affiliate participant can apply two seconds for their Team/Gym. Organizer will consider an additional quota of second for the affiliate participants are more than 4 from their Team/Gym. ii) iii) iv) Badges will be provided by the organizer on the day of competition. All seconds must wear the badges of permit for entering to the Ringside. Seconds must wear official uniform of their Team/Gym, no shorts, slippers or sandals will be allowed. Only 2 seconds are allowed to stay aside from the Ring for supportive preparation. However, there should not be any contacts from the Ring during matches. P. 8 of 12

11. Important Notes i) Our qualified judges have the rights to make final decision to match results, no appeal will be accepted. ii) iii) iv) Participants will be matched up by Competition Executive of MCSF and which according to Fighters s. Fight Card listing will be announced 4 weeks prior to the competition. For Youth and Amateur bouts, where body protector and or the head guards are negotiable if the fighters has 3 or. (Negotiations regarding the head guards are only applicable to Amateur bouts. Head guards are compulsory and non-negotiable for Youth bouts, neglecting the fighter s s.) Details of the bouts/fight record must be listed in full. This includes but is not exhaustive to the age, date of bout, types/rules of bout e.g. Shoot boxing/boxing/muay Thai/ Kick Boxing/ MMA etc. Failed to provide such details or fight records during application, all body protectors and head guards are deemed necessary for Youth and Amateur bouts. On site or orally agreed negotiations between the two fighters will not be admissible. Application fee will be refunded to unsuccessful match up participant on or before 2021/7/10. v) Each participant should submit their second's name and photo before 2021/6/20, late submission will be considered as abandoning of seconds quota. vi) For participants who failed to weight-in on time, their application fee will not be refunded. Chief Referee also has the rights to judge if the participants may need to quit the contest under the aforesaid situation. vii) Athletes and their team should maintain a gentle behaviour. Our competition executive and judges have the right to warn the athlete coaches who violate the rules. Serious offenders may be expelled or disqualified. viii) Participants are responsible to provide true and correct personal information to MCSF. For those who failed to comply will be disqualified and the application fee will not be refunded. ix) We recommend that participating athletes purchase the relevant insurance on their own; and conduct physical examinations to ensure that their physical and mental condition is suitable for the competition. 12. If any amendments necessarily to the articles, the organizer reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions at anytime without prior notice. Inquiry Email: info@energyfight.com.hk WhatsApp: (852) 5506 9377 P. 9 of 12

Rules Overview - Boxing Division A) Cadet B) Teen C) Youth D) Amateur E) Professional Age 6-11 Yrs old between 2010-2015) 12-16 Yrs old between 2005-2009) 17-20 Yrs old between 2001-2004) 18 Yrs old or above between or before 2003) 18 Yrs old or above between or before 2003) Legal Techniques Punches (No striking on head is allowed) Punches Punches Oil not allowed on body not allowed on body Hand Wraps Tapes not allowed on hand wraps & knuckles Bandages allowed only for approved hand wraps method Boxing Gloves 10oz 8oz Shinpads N/A Head Guard w/ Face Mask if less than N/A Body Protector if less than if less than N/A Fight Wear Vest or Short Sleeves Tee, Boxing shorts & shoes (waist must be shown clearly) Red or Blue Clothing (Points will be deducted if failed to comply) Boxing shorts & shoes (No limited on colours) Personal Protective Gear Hand wraps, Groin guard, Non-red colour Hand wraps, Groin guard, Nonred colour mouth guard Hand wraps, Groin guard, Non-red colour Hand wraps, Groin guard, Non-red colour Groin guard, Mouth guard Every Round 1.5 mins 2 mins 2 mins 2 mins 3 mins Time Between Rounds Official Rounds 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds Extra Round N/A N/A N/A 1 round Unlimited Notes P. 10 of 12

Rules Overview - Shoot Boxing Division A) Cadet B) Teen C) Youth D) Amateur E) Professional Age 6-11 Yrs old between 2010-2015) 12-16 Yrs old between 2005-2009) 17-20 Yrs old between 2001-2004) 18 Yrs old or above between or before 2003) 18 Yrs old or above between or before 2003) Legal Techniques Punches, Kicks, Knees, Forward Throws (No striking on head is allowed) Punches, Kicks, Knees, Forward Throws (Suplex is not allowed), Joint locks & Chokes Submission Punches, Kicks, Knees, Throws, Joint locks & Chokes Submission, Elbows (negotiable) Oil not allowed on body not allowed on body Hand Wraps Tapes not allowed on hand wraps & knuckles Bandages allowed only for approved hand wraps method Boxing Gloves 10oz 8oz Shinpads N/A Head Guard w/ Face Mask if less than N/A Body Protector if less than if less than N/A Fight Wear Vest or Short Sleeves Tee & Shoot Boxing leggings (waist must be shown clearly) Red or Blue Clothing (Points will be deducted if failed to comply) Leggings (No limited on colours) Personal Protective Gear Hand wraps, Groin guard, Non-red colour Hand wraps, Groin guard, Nonred colour mouth guard Hand wraps, Groin guard, Non-red colour Hand wraps, Groin guard, Non-red colour Groin guard, Mouth guard Every Round 1.5 mins 2 mins 2 mins 2 mins 3 mins Time Between Rounds Official Rounds 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds Extra Round N/A N/A N/A 1 round Unlimited Notes 2 points deduction for every Count, 1 point deduction to opponent for SHOOT 2 points deduction for every Count, 1 point deduction to opponent for SHOOT, 2 points deduction for Count upon CATCH 2 points deduction for every Count, 1 point deduction to opponent for SHOOT, 2 points for Suplex SHOOT, CATCH until TapOut (KO) P. 11 of 12

Rules Overview - Sanda (Revised) Division A) Cadet B) Teen C) Youth D) Amateur E) Professional Age 6-11 Yrs old between 2010-2015) 12-16 Yrs old between 2005-2009) 17-20 Yrs old between 2001-2004) 18 Yrs old or above between or before 2003) 18 Yrs old or above between or before 2003) Legal Techniques Punches, Kicks, Knees, Forward Throws (No striking on head is allowed) Punches, Kicks Forward Throws (Suplex is not allowed) Punches, Kicks, Throws; Knees & Elbows (negotiable) Oil not allowed on body not allowed on body Hand Wraps Tapes not allowed on hand wraps & knuckles Bandages allowed only for approved hand wraps method Boxing Gloves 10oz 8oz Shinpads N/A Head Guard w/ Face Mask if less than N/A Body Protector if less than if less than N/A Fight Wear Vest or Short Sleeves Tee & shorts (waist must be shown clearly) Red or Blue Clothing (Points will be deducted if failed to comply) Shorts (No limited on colours) Personal Protective Gear Hand wraps, Groin guard, Non-red colour Hand wraps, Groin guard, Nonred colour mouth guard Hand wraps, Groin guard, Non-red colour Hand wraps, Groin guard, Non-red colour Groin guard, Mouth guard Every Round 1.5 mins 2 mins 2 mins 2 mins 3 mins Time Between Rounds Official Rounds 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds 3 rounds Extra Round N/A N/A N/A 1 round Unlimited Notes No award point falls off of platform 10 point must system P. 12 of 12