Ensure efficient operations and restructure your organisation for the better 保本增收, 组织升级 InterContinental Hotel Shanghai Pudong

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Ensure efficient operations and restructure your organisation for the better 保本增收, 组织升级 15 16.9.2020 InterContinental Hotel Shanghai Pudong www.hrds-sh.com Knowledge partner

Prestigious speakers 领导品牌专家汇集 演讲嘉宾阵容强大 ALTEN China HR Director 人力资源总监 Amy Wang 王凌澈 Central Elite Management Consulting Co Ltd Founder 创始人 Feng Xiao 萧峰 Deloitte Consulting (China) Partner of Human Capital Advisory Service 人力资本合伙人 Carol Zheng 郑骅 Deloitte Consulting (China) Consulting Director 咨询总监 Ning Li 厉宁 Eisai HRBP Director 人力资源业务伙伴总监 Lei Jin 金雷 Ford China HR Vice President 人力资源副总裁 Steven Majer 沈孟杰 GEA Process Engineering China Limited Vice President, Head of HR APAC 亚太区人力资源副总裁 Tina Jiang 姜天剑 IKEA HRBP Leader, Head of Learning and Development (East Asia) 人力资源业务伙伴 学习与 发展部门东亚区负责人 Wallace Fang MaxMara Fashion Group Chief People Officer 首席人力官 Sharon Shu 舒茵茵 Melaleuca HR Vice President 人力资源副总裁 Johnson Wu 吴泽锋 Polestar China Head of HR 人力资源总监 Lina Li 李海娜 OYO China Senior HR Director 人力资源高级总监 Stephen Yu 余玮 Samsung Electronics HR Director of Greater China 大中华区人力资源总监 Tony Liu 刘伟 Sanofi China Head of Leadership Development and Learning 中国区领导力发展负责人 Grace Sun 孙怡 Savencia HR Director China 中国区人力资源总监 Jiefen Peng 彭洁芬 Semir Group Group Vice President, CHRO 副总裁 首席人力资源官 Meade Zhang 张伟 Siemens Healthineers China Ex-Head of Talent Acquisition, China region 前中国区人才招募负责人 Tim Zhou 周一心 SHRM President & CEO 主席兼首席执行官 Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., SHRM-SCP Shanghai Disney Resort Head of Workforce Management 劳动力管理部门负责人 Theresa Hudzinski 夏倩琪 Swiss Re Corporate Solutions Insurance China Ltd HR Vice President 人力资源副总裁 Vicky Wang 王威 Takeda China Learning and Development Center Head 学习发展中心负责人 Yanping Lv 吕艳萍 Talent Spot International Director 总监 Richard Pang VHR President 会长 Owen Qian 钱国新 HR Expert 人力资源专家 Cathy Cang 仓迪颖

Day 1 Reduce costs and increase efficiency 第一天降本增效 保障生存 09:00 09:20 Registration and morning coffee 签到 早茶 09:20 09:30 Opening speech 开幕演讲 Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., SHRM-SCP: President & CEO at SHRM 人力资源管理协会 (SHRM) 主席兼首席执行官 09:30 10:00 From understanding to helping business grow sustainably 从理解业务到助力业务可持续发展 Owen Qian: President at VHR 钱国新 : 智领荟会长 10:00 10:30 Future organisation starts from continuous performance management 未来组织始于持续绩效管理 Vicky Wang: HR Vice President at Swiss Re Corporate Solutions Insurance China Ltd 王威 : 瑞再企商保险有限公司人力资源副总裁 10:30 10:50 Coffee break and networking 茶歇及交流环节 10:50 11:20 HR practices in organisational planning and design 人力资源管理实践之组织规划与设计 Amy Wang: HR Director at ALTEN China 王凌澈 : 欧立腾中国人力资源总监 11:20 11:50 Leading in post pandemic world: your work & your people 疫情时代领导力思考 : 工作和团队 Theresa Hudzinski: Head of Workforce Management at Shanghai Disney Resort 夏倩琪 : 上海迪士尼度假区劳动力管理部门负责人 11:50 13:30 Lunch break 午餐 13:30 14:00 Build and improve the HRBP-SSC-COE management 构建与完善 HRBP-SSC-COE 管理机制 Tony Liu: HR Director of Greater China at Samsung Electronics 刘伟 : 三星电子大中华区人力资源总监 14:00 14:30 Smart recruitment: make recruitment more scientific and agile 智慧云招聘 : 让招聘更加科学和敏捷 Steven Majer: HR Vice President at Ford China 沈孟杰 : 福特汽车 ( 中国 ) 有限公司人力资源副总裁 14:30 15:00 How to improve HR value in post epidemic era from the perspective of Top Employee? 从最佳雇主视角, 如何在后疫情时代提高 HR 价值? Lei Jin: HRBP Director at Eisai 金雷 : 卫材中国药业有限公司人力资源业务伙伴总监 15:00 15:30 How to keep up with the era of flexible staffing? 如何跟上灵活用工的大时代? Richard Pang: Director at Talent Spot International Richard Pang: 力德国际总监 15:30 15:50 Coffee break and networking 茶歇及交流环节 15:50 16:20 Exploring and practicing the Teal Organisation 青色组织的探索与实践 Tina Jiang: Vice President, Head of HR APAC at GEA Process Engineering China Limited 姜天剑 : 基伊埃工程技术 ( 中国 ) 有限公司亚太区人力资源副总裁 16:20 17:00 Panel discussion:how to improve learning and development ability of the organisation with cost cutting? 小组讨论 : 如何在成本削减的情况下提升组织的学习与发展能力? Feng Xiao: Founder at Central Elite Management Consulting Co Ltd (Moderator) 萧峰 : 正昭管理咨询创始人 ( 主持人 ) Grace Sun: Head of Leadership Development and Learning at Sanofi China 孙怡 : 赛诺菲中国区领导力发展负责人 Stephen Yu: Senior HR Director at OYO China 余玮 :OYO 中国人力资源高级总监 Tim Zhou: Ex-Head of Talent Acquisition, China region at Siemens Healthineers China 周一心 : 西门子医疗前中国区人才招募负责人 Yanping Lv: Learning and Development Center Head at Takeda China 吕艳萍 : 武田中国学习发展中心负责人

Day 2 Accelerate organisational upgrading and transformation 第二天加快组织升级与转型 09:00 09:20 Registration and morning coffee 签到 早茶 09:20 10:00 2020 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends Social enterprise in practice 2020 德勤全球人力资源趋势报告 践行中的社会企业 Carol Zheng: Partner of Human Capital Advisory Service at Deloitte Consulting (China) 郑骅 : 德勤管理咨询人力资本合伙人 10:00 10:30 HR strategy transformation: new normal business model 人力资源战略转型之新常态下的业务工作模式 Lina Li: Head of HR at Polestar China 李海娜 : 极星中国区人力资源总监 10:30 10:50 Coffee break and networking 茶歇及交流环节 10:50 11:20 Change under crisis, lead through organisation transformation 危中求变, 组织升级 Meade Zhang: Group Vice President, CHRO at Semir Group 张伟 : 森马股份公司副总裁 首席人力资源官 11:20 11:50 Activate future leadership in organisation 激活组织的未来领导力 Johnson Wu: HR Vice President at Melaleuca 吴泽锋 : 美乐家人力资源副总裁 11:50 12:10 2020 HRSSC Trends 2020 中国 HRSSC 趋势 Ning Li: Consulting Director at Deloitte China 厉宁 : 德勤中国管理咨询总监 12:10 13:30 Lunch break 午餐 13:30 14:30 Workshop: The business model of "maximisation of sales and minimisation of expenditure" with full staff participation Workshop: 全员参与的 销售额最大化 经费最小化 经营模式 Cathy Cang: HR Expert 仓迪颖 : 人力资源专家 14:30 15:00 Change management in leading digital transformation 变革管理 : 领导组织进行数字化转型 Wallace Fang: HRBP Leader, Head of Learning and Development (East Asia) at IKEA Wallace Fang: 宜家集团人力资源业务伙伴 学习与发展部门东亚区负责人 15:00 15:20 Coffee break and networking 茶歇及交流环节 15:20 15:50 Risk management of talent structure adjustment and case study 人才结构调整中的风险管理及实例研究 Jiefen Peng: HR Director China at Savencia 彭洁芬 :Savencia 集团中国区人力资源总监 15:50 16:20 Evolve organisation for growth 组织发展中的设计与应用 Sharon Shu: Chief People Officer at MaxMara Fashion Group 舒茵茵 :MaxMara 时尚集团首席人力官 16:20 16:50 Development trend of talents in the new economy 2020 Crossing new borders and leading a new economy 2020 新经济人才发展趋势报告 跨越新边界, 引领新经济 Ken Xu: Deputy General Manager at liepin.com Shanghai 徐传侃 : 猎聘上海分公司副总经理

Conference background A series of 'black swan' incidents have occurred in 2020: the global COVID-19 outbreak, four circuit breakers trigged in the US stock market within just 10 days, US oil prices turning negative for the first time in history and more. Global turmoil and an economic downturn are unfolding. Facing these unstable external factors, companies have an opportunity to reevaluate and improve their business structures. New technologies can help companies restructure, explore new operating models, and introduce agile management methods and flexible office schedules. 会议背景 2020 年注定是不断见证历史的一年, 世界各地 黑天鹅 事件频发 : 全球疫情爆发 美股 10 天内四次熔断 美国原油期货 WTI 史上首次跌入负值等, 全球局势动荡 经济下行趋势明显 有 危 就有 机, 疫情加快了组织升级和转型 我们的竞争环境正在变化, 对于管理者来说, 要做好充分准备以应对未来的诸多不确定 随着技术快速发展, 数字化解决方案可以帮助我们在业务模式多样化 组织重构 敏捷管理 灵活办公上实现降低运营成本和增加营收 About the summit The fifth edition of HR Directors Summit, themed "Ensure efficient operations and restructure your organisation for the better" provides an effective communication platform for HR experts and decision makers within leading companies. The summit gathers top HR professionals from the likes of Alibaba Group, China Cosco Shipping, China Post, Costa Coffee, Google, GSK, Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group, LVMH, Merck, Roche, Sony, SUMEC and more. Through mutual learning and information exchange, the summit helps you find solutions to future challenges. 关于峰会 第五届 HRD 高峰会议以 保本增收, 组织升级 为会议主题, 为顶尖企业的 HR 管理者和决策者提供一个相互交流的社群和平台 峰会将与来自阿里巴巴 中远海运集团 中国邮政 咖世家 谷歌 葛兰素史克 伊利 路威酩轩 默克 罗氏 索尼 苏美达集团等企业的 HR 专家们, 在相互学习中找到解决方案应对未来的挑战 Delegate community 参会群体 Get the digital brochure 查看电子版会议手册 B C A A: 60% Director 总监 B: 30% CEO / GM / VP 总裁 / 总经理 / 副总裁 C: 10% Manager 经理 Pre-registration HRD2021 预报名

About the organiser Messe Frankfurt is the world s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. With about 2,600 employees at 29 locations, the company generates annual sales of around 736 million. We have close ties with our industry sectors and serve our customers business interests efficiently within the framework of our Fairs & Events, Locations and Services business fields. One of the Group s key USPs is its closely knit global sales network, which extends throughout the world. Our comprehensive range of services both onsite and online ensures that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility when planning, organising and running their events. The wide range of services includes renting exhibition grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services. Headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, the company is owned by the City of Frankfurt (60 percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent). For more information, please visit our website at www.messefrankfurt.com 关于主办方 法兰克福展览集团是全球最大的拥有自主展览场地的展会主办机构, 其业务覆盖展览会 会议及活动, 在全球 29 个地区聘约 2,600 名员工, 每年营业额约 7.36 亿欧元 集团与众多行业领域保持紧密联系, 在展览活动 场地和服务业务领域, 高效满足客户的商业利益和全方位需求 遍布世界各地的庞大国际行销网络, 堪称集团独特的销售主张之一 多元化的服务呈现在活动现场及网路管道的各个环节, 确保遍布世界各地的客户在策划 组织及进行活动时, 能持续享受到高品质及灵活性 ; 可提供的服务类型包括租用展览场地 展会搭建 市场推广 人力安排以及餐饮供应 集团总部位于德国法兰克福市, 由该市和黑森州政府分别控股 60% 和 40% 有关公司进一步资料, 请浏览网页 :www.messefrankfurt.com.cn Subject to change, info as of September 2020 资料截至 2020 年 9 月, 如有更改恕不通知 Igniting the impossible Ignite the conference division of Messe Frankfurt, produces events where great minds, strong purposes and impacts converge. The role of Ignite in the business environment is to inspire growth and innovation by bringing together top-level professionals, leading businesses and industries. For more information, please visit our website at www.ignite-conferences.com 奕格 点燃无限可能 奕格是法兰克福展览有限公司的会议部门, 在其举办的会议活动中, 汇聚了顶级专家 领先企业和行业翘楚, 以商业环境中的确切目标, 不断成长 推动创新 共同发展 有关奕格进一步资料, 请浏览网页 : www.ignite-conferences.com Partners 合作单位 Strategic partner 战略支持 Partners 合作伙伴 Speech sponsors 演讲赞助 Booth sponsors 展台赞助 Supporting partner 活动支持 Contact 联络我们 Chris Hu Tel: + 86 21 6160 8581 Chris.Hu@china.messefrankfurt.com Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd 法兰克福展览 ( 上海 ) 有限公司 Room 1001, Office Tower 1 Century Metropolis, 1229 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China 中国上海浦东新区世纪大道 1229 号世纪大都会 1 号楼 1001 室 Tel: +86 400 613 8585 Panel sponsor 圆桌赞助 Event partner 活动伙伴