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319 1300 1311

320 21 1 1315 23 23 81 2018-2019

321 24 1313 1314 1315 1321 24 2026

322 21 1 F90:W2 F90:W1 5 7 557 25 10 7 10 29 46 25 6 11 7

323 26 27 3 26 11 1 7 27 1965 300

324 21 1 28 1733 29 1803-1804 1808 30 1884 31 1935 32 1840 1861 1 33 34 35 28 3 1993 3 34 29 1995 525 30 1996 274 31 4 32 1940 33 1 920 671 34 1968 306 35 1-2

325 36 1911 37 36 37 25

326 21 1 1814 1907 38 38 4 1990 446

327 39 7 10 29 4 40 3 39 5 4 40 4 1959 101

328 21 1 41 1293 28 312 42 F90:W1 41 3 1990 496 42 312 1986 19 15644

329 1983 1984

330 21 1 3 F90:W3-1 3 43 44 2 45 43 3 1936 39 44 1959 162 45 2 1987 62 2 9

331 1330 1321 46 F39:W1 Y1:W99 1344 F77:W1 1355 46 81 2032-2033

332 21 1 47 77 6 48 49 47 195 48 1992 138 49 81 2028 58 1378 91 2318

333 2002 5 3 21 2002 6 9

334 21 1 The Textual Study and Reconstruction of the Manuscripts of Xinbian daiwen from Khara-khoto Wanli Yu Abstract The five damaged pages unearthed in Khara-khoto (F90: W3-1, 2, etc.) were entitled Xinbian daiwen. They are actually a section of the Sishu yijie by Yuan Junweng of the Yuan dynasty. This book has been included in the Siku quanshu (, A Complete Library of the Four Treasuries). The Siku tiyao mentions that Yuan Junweng participated in the imperial civil service examination. But this is absurd, since the examinations were abandoned in the early part of the Yuan dynasty. The pages comprised the first printed edition of the book in the Zhizhi years. In this essay, the author researches Yuan Junweng s entire life, and examines the differentiation between various editions. The discovery and investigation of these pages are important to the exploration of the examination system of the Yuan dynasty as well as the culture of the Etsina Region, including its formation, development, and its relations with inland culture. Keywords: Unearthed Khara-khoto manuscripts, Shishu yijie, Yuan dynasty, editions, Yuan Junweng * Wanli Yu is an associate research fellow in the Institute of History at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.