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GIS ChiromoBangula 1997 GIS JICA DoDMA 1 2012 2 2 13:0016:45 2 Tikwere House 3 13:0013:05 13:0513:35 by 13:3515:00 GIS by 15:0015:15 15:1515:45 15:4516:15 by 16:1516:30 16:3016:45 by 2 DoDMA Lands Department, Ministry of Lands, Housing & Urban Development Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Water Development Land Resources Conservation Department Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development 22

Ministry of Health Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services Environmental Affairs Department Malawi Defense Forces (From the Malawi Army) Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development Surveys Department Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Transport and Public Infrastructure Water Resources Board Water Resources Department Surface Water Section Water Resources Department Hydrology Section Water Resources Department Ground Water Development Section by 20092011 JICA 3 Since 2008 we launched a new training course at JICA Obihiro Centre, "Adaptive Watershed Management for Flood Countermeasures by Climate Change and Conservation of Ecosystem". The program aims to give the participants from four countries (Malawi, Senegal, Bangladesh and Tajikistan) the fundamentals for making a management planing adapt to the global climatic changes, especially from a view point of flood control and biodiversity conservation. Each year JICA received two participants from each country. Basic structure of training course is that the participants are sent from the same organization during three years so that the output of the training is transmitted to the followers. As a course leader, I beleive that Malawi showed the best result among four countries. The trainees could propose a very important idea of flood control to adapt the climatic changes, although there remain much works to be done to make a final action plan. I would like to introduce what we did in our training course and what Malawi participants proposed in their progress reports. GIS by Floods are among the most devastating natural hazards in the world, widely distributed leading to significant economic and social damages than any other natural phenomenon. Each year they cause considerable damage to people s lives and properties. To contribute for the development of geospatial 23

database and knowledge system for planning and management of river basin systems in the context of integrated flood damage assessment. Increase local capacity and expertise in new remote sensing technologies for effective and integrated river basin management. Remote sensing and GIS technologies are excellent tools in the mapping of the spatial distribution of disaster related data within a relatively short period of time. Applications of using data from satellites to predict weatherrelated disastrous phenomena, such as extreme storms and rainfall, are widely known and frequently utilized. Satellite data can be used before, during and after a disaster, for prevention, monitoring, mitigation and relief operations, respectively. Areas affected by flooding are typically large in size. Many different types of flooding occur, each with different requirements for satellite imagery. Two general categories are first, river floods, which can be seasonal and are related to big rivers or flash floods in smaller catchments, and second, coastal floods, frequently related to tropical cyclones or to high tides. Flood monitoring should supply real time information for local relief efforts; therefore data with high spatial and temporal resolution is needed. Depending on the requirements, temporal analysis of the flood requires high temporal resolution, detailed spatial analysis high spatial resolution, the optimum sensors or sensor combination should be used. We need to develop a decision support system for flood prediction and monitoring that integrates hydrological modeling and GIS. Usually, hydrological models have been used to calculate hydrological parameters of a flood such as water depth, flood wave velocity etc. to estimate flood hazard. Remote sensing technology along with geographic information system (GIS) has become the key tool for flood monitoring in recent years. Metrological satellite or Earth observation satellite (such as NOAA, MODIS), microwave satellite (such as SAR) and digital elevation model (DEM) to classify flood hazard and flood risk zone. However, DEM was used to classify water depth on remote sensing data instead of calculating water depth from DEM directly because of the coarse resolution of DEM. In this study, we introduce the free satellite data and DEM file were how to extract water depth using GIS tools. 1 GIS ASTER GDEM30m30m SRTM90m 90mstream GIS DEM Digital Elevation Model 24

㧠㧙㧝 ᵹ ℂ ᵩ ኻ ߦᔅⷐߥᵹ ၮᧄGIS 2 ᵩ ⵍኂߩ ⵍⷒߩ ߥ ࡌ ࠍ ߒ ޔ ᒻ ޔ ޔ ᶐ ᴫ 㧔 㧕ߩ ࠍ㊀ߨวࠊߖ ޔ ᵩ ⵍኂࠍ ߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ ࠆ ޕ ᴡᎹਔጯߩ ญ ࡈ ޔ ߥߤߩ ળ ߥߤߩ ᔅⷐߢ ࠆ ࠍ ߩࠄࠇߎޕ 㧠㧙㧞ߩࠃ߁ߦ GIS ߢ ࡗ ߏߣߦᐳ ߥߤࠍ ℂߒ ࠆ߈ߢ ࡃ ߢߟ ޔ ᘒߦ ߊᔅⷐ߇ ࠆ ޕ 㧠㧙㧞 ࡌ ߩࡑ ࡗ ߩ ࠍGIS ߢ ℂߔࠆ 25 㧙25㧙

GIS 1m1km GIS UTMThe Universal Transverse Mercator GIS GIS GIS GIS 40 1972 30m 26

ԙ Google ߩ ᬌ ᯏ ߢ NASA ޔ The Global Land Cover Facility 㧔 GLCF ޔ http://glcf.umiacs.umd.edu/㧕߆ࠄ ਛߩ ࠨ ࠍήఘߢᚻߦ ࠇࠆߎߣ ߇ߢ߈ࠆ ޔߚ ޕ ᩏᚲ㧔United States Geological Survey㧦USGS㧕ߩ Earth explorer㧔http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/㧕߆ࠄ ߩ ࠍ ᚻน ߢ ࠆ ޕ Ԛ UTM ߆ࠄ ᐲ ᐲߩᐳ ᄌൻߦߪࡈ ߩ QGIS㧔http://www.qgis.org/㧕ߣ ߁ ࡈ ࠚࠕࠍ ߁ߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆ ޕ Quantum GIS㧔QGIS㧕ߪ㕖Ᏹߦ GIS ߢ ࠆ ޕ ߚ ಽ㘃ߦߪ Multispec ߣ ߁ ࡈ ࠚࠕ߇㕖Ᏹߦ ലߢ ࠆ ޕ ὼⅣⴚ ޔ ญ ޔ ળᖱ ߥߤߩ ࡌ ߩ ᚑߦߪ DIVAGIS ߩ ࡈ ࠚࠕ߇ ޕ http://www.divagis.org/߆ࠄ ࡈ ࠚࠕࡊ ࡓ ήఘ ࠍᚻߦ ࠇࠆߎߣ߇ น ߢ ࠆ ޕ ԛ ⑳ߩ ࠍฃߌࠆߦߪ JICA ߩ ߦ ടߔࠆ߆ ߚ ޔ ᣣᧄ㧔⑳ߤ ߩᄢቇ㧕 ቇߔࠆ ࠆߛࠈ߁ ޕ 㧠㧙㧠 ࡈࠔ ᴧ㧔Elephant Marsh㧕 ౮ 㧠㧙㧝 GIS ࡒ ߩ ሶ 27 㧙27㧙

GIS 28

by SRTM iric 2 1 2 Google Earth Q1 A1 Bangula Bangula Q2 A2 24 Q3 A3 13:00 20 DoDMA James Chiusiwa Prince W. C. Mleta 3 21 Department of Disaster Management Affairs 4 Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Water Development 4 Land Resources Conservation Department Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development 2 29

Environmental Affairs Department 2 Malawi Defense ForcesFrom the Malawi Army1 Surveys Department 1 Ministry of Transport and Public Infrastructure 2 Water Resources Board Water Resources Department 3 Ground Water Development Section 1 JICA Malawi Office 1 GIS GIS GIS 30