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WHERE UNIQUENESS BELONGS CHINA 7D5N EXPERIENCE THE TREASURE OF AN OLD BEIJING AND TIANJIN Beijing / Tianjin / Mutianyu Great Wall Tour Code : MH-CPB Highlights Tianjin Hottest tourist attractions: - A real "Porcelain House - Design Institute Tianjin Binhai Library - Former residence of Puyi - Jingyuan Garden Historical Sites : - Old Summer Palace - Summer Palace - Temple of Heaven - Yonghe Palace China Grand Palace - Forbidden City Dynasty Theater Show - Golden Mask Beijing National Aquatics and National Museum Experience Royal Cuisine at Bai Family Mansion Validity : September 2019 - August 2020 goldendestinations.com

7D5N Experience Th Treasure of An OLD BEIJING & TIANJIN Beijing / Tianjin / Mutianyu Great Wall Tour Code : MH-CPB SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS Complimentary Gift : 1 Mystery Gift Flowering Forecast - Imperial Palace : Apricot flower, Magnolia (March) : Begonia, Lilac, Peony (April to Jun) ** Subject to weather conditions Yong He Palace Cable car ride - Mutianyu Great Wall Forbidden City

Tianjin Binhai Library spring in Forbidden City Golden Mask Dynasty Show Day 1 KUL/ Beijing (Meal On Board) Depart for Beijing. Check-in hotel upon arrival. Day 2 Beijing Stroll along at the largest royal park, Kunming Lake and Summer Palace followed by a visit to the Old Summer Palace. You will be treated with Golden Mask Dynasty show. Day 3 Beijing Walking tour of Qianmen Street and Dashilan Street, a famous pedestrian street formed in Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911). Proceed to Forbidden City, the imperial palace of China for five centuries. Enjoy afternoon tea. Free and easy at Wang-Fujing in the evening. Day 4 Beijing/ Great Wall/ Beijing Depart to Mutianyu Great Wall (3hrs). Be amazed by the picturesque scenery with more gradual slope, the longest section of the Great Wall - Mutianyu Great Wall (include cable car ride). Photo stop at Beijing National Aquatics Center and National Stadium. Day 5 Beijing/ Tianjin Tianjin Binhai Library, a great architecture cultural center not to be missed. Visit Porcelain House, a contemporary museum of pottery and antiques in Tianjin. Visit Jingyuan (Garden of Serenity), the former residence of the last Emperor of China, Puyi. Italian Street - a Trans-cultures from Italian concession to commercial attraction town. After dinner, photo stop at Tianjin Eye. Day 6 Tianjin/ Beijing Visit the Temple of Heaven where the Emperors visited annually for ceremonies and prayers to heaven for good harvest. Visit Yonghe Palace, the residence palace of Prince Yong Zheng and now an active Tibetan Buddhist center in Beijing. Discover Hutong (narrow alleys). Stroll along the famous Shichahai historical street. Followed by an unforgettable experience of Beijing s famous delicacies at Bai Family Mansion. Transfer to airport for flight home. Day 7 Beijing/ KUL (Meal on Board) Arrival KUL. Sequence of itinerary may vary on actual tour

7 5

ACCOMMODATION (5-star) The St. Regis Tianjin or equivalent Wanda Vista Beijing Hotel or equivalent YOU ARE HERE Mutianyu Great Wall Beijing MEALS HIGHLIGHT Haidilao Hotpot Imperial cuisine at Bai Family Mansion Antique Courtyard Huajia Yiyuan Restaurant Donglaishun Hotpot Beijing Roasted Duck 99DingZhanFang - Beijing Mongolian food BEIJING Tianjin by GD Premium Experience 5-star hotel rating No Shopping Stop, No Optional Tour Relaxing Vacation Bilingual Tour Unlimited drinking water in the coach Free Wi-Fi in the coach Afternoon tea Temple of Heaven Forbidden City

Indulge in unique experience with GD Premium 5-star hotel rating No Shopping Stop, No Optional Tour Relaxing Vacation Bilingual Tour Unlimited drinking water in the coach Free Wi-Fi in the coach Afternoon Tea GD Premium Where Uniqueness Belongs 您专属的旅程 www.goldendestinations.com Golden Destinations golden_destinations_official GD Partner /