LAMP system and relative tools like SNMP, Expect, Nmap, etc. to build a cross- platform, lo

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Transcription: LAMP system and relative tools like SNMP, Expect, Nmap, etc. to build a cross- platform, low cost and modulized monitoring, managing, and recovering system. In this system, a manager can view all the assets information of systems and devices in network services, and all of their operating status. Such that, it does not only save the manpower and time of management, but also make the management of assets information more easier and more effective. LAMP Keywords: LAMP system SNMP Expect Nmap SNMP Expect Nmap 1. : LAMP SNMP Expect Nmap Abstract To a system manager, it is very hard to get the real-time status of all systems and devices. Additionally, the system manager has to learn different kinds of query instructions and management methods due to a variety of systems and devices involved. Therefore, getting to know the status of all devices immediately, entering the recovering procedures automatically while abnormal status happened on the devices, and rendering a list of records and reports correctly, are great expectations of many system managers. These are also the main reasons that we develop a real-time and auto-recovering system. In this paper, we utilize a ( ) IPSwitch WhatsUp Gold Standard ) IPSentry IPSwitch WhatsUp Gold Premium ping port scan SNMP WMI

) Information Security Management System Log ( Log Log ) E-mail 4 E-mail IP Query Time IP IP CPU Loading 2. 2.1 LAMP Internet LAMP Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP [5][7] Linux Apache MySQL PHP GNU Log ((GNU General Public License)

2.2 Expect 1.#!/usr/bin/expect 2.spawn ftp $argv 6.send\r 7.interact 4.send anonymous\r 5.expect password: SNMP telnet telnet 2.3 SNMP SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)[8] Expect[1][2] Expect TCL SNMP 1990 3 Linux Unix OS 3.expect name SNMPv1 SNMPv2 SNMPv3 Expect SNMPv2 SNMPv2c : SNMPv1: RFC1155-RFC1158 SNMPv2c: Expect : Send Expect SNMPv2 Spawn 1 Anonymous FTP SNMPv2p spawn RFC1901-RFC1906 ftp SNMPv3: Name SNMPv2u expect SNMPv2* send RFC2271-RFC2275 \r interact MIB(Management information Base) SNMP, TCP/IP MIB-II Layer 2 Bridge MIB 2

SNMP (MRTG) 1 2. OID $oid_mac = snmpwalkoid("$system_ip", "$comm_string", ".") 2.4 Nmap Nmap Network Mapper [3] open source Nmap port port Nmap 1. Nmap 3.2 3. 3.1 Log Script E-mail

IP MRTG IP IP Query time IP Log Swtich IP CPU utilization IP script IP script

3.3 3. 2 3 4 4. 5 2. 5.

IP Shell Script 6 6. IP 7 8. 9. Swtich 7. Swtich MRTG 10 8 Swtich Swtich IP Shell Script CPU Loading CPU Loading 5 1 5 Swtich 9 10. Switch MRTG

Swtich FTP 11 ISMS SGS ISO 27001 2005 [1] D. Libes, Expect: Curing Those Uncontrollable Fits of Interaction, Proceedings of the Summer 1990 USENIX Conference, Anaheim, California, June, 1990. 4. [2] D. Libes, Using Expect to Automate Systems Administration Tasks, Proceedings of the Fourth ISMS( ) USENIX Large Installation Systems Adminidtration (LISA) Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Oct, 1990. [3] D. Lujambio, Learning with nmap. Available at ISMS /article170.shtml, 2001. [4] J. D. Murray, Simple Network Management Protocol, O REILLY, 1999. [5] L. Welling and L. Thomson, PHP & MySQL 2003. [6] SNMP Research, Available at ISMS 5. [7] Linux. [8] SNMP O REILLY, 2007. ISMS