カテゴリー Ⅰ 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 80 巻第 714 号, ,2015 年 8 月 J. Archit. Plann., AIJ, Vol. 80 No. 714, , Aug., 2015 北カリフォルニア サンノゼにおける日本街の人種構成と空間構成に関

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カテゴリー Ⅰ 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 80 巻第 714 号,1733-1743,2015 年 8 月 J. Archit. Plann., AIJ, Vol. 80 No. 714, 1733-1743, Aug., 2015 北カリフォルニア サンノゼにおける日本街の人種構成と空間構成に関する研究 A STUDY ON RACE STRUCTURE AND SPACE STRUCTURE OF JAPANTOWN IN SAN JOSE, NORTHERN CALIFORNIA * 北原玲子 Reiko KITAHARA This study is focusing on race structure and space structure of Japantown, the role of Japanese American business and Japanese American community in San Jose, northern California. Japantown in San Jose was formed from 1890, along Southern Pacic Railroad and Chinatown. In Japantown center, the building owners and tenants were Japanese, Chinese and other races. Japanese buildings were the most and space segregation by races has been shown. Japanese group like Hawaiian Japanese American, Shin Issei and Japanese American companies were developed in Japantown. Many Chinese were owing out and other races like Filipino, Vietnamese and Korean were owing in. Japanese Americans who closed their business are renting tenants to Hawaiian Japanese American, Shin Issei and other races. To maintain Japantown, to understand and participate in Japanese American business and community are necessary. How Japanese American and association will accept Hawaiian Japanese American, Shin Issei and other races is the future problem. Keywords : Japanese American, Japantown, Race structure, Space structure, San Jose, Northern California * 名古屋女子大学家政学部生活環境学科 講師 博士 ( 工学 ) Lect., Dept. of Home Economics and Business, Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Sciences, Nagoya Womenʼs University, Dr. Eng. 1733










A STUDY ON RACE STRUCTURE AND SPACE STRUCTURE OF JAPANTOWN IN SAN JOSE, NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Reiko KITAHARA * * Lect., Dept. of Home Economics and Business, Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Sciences, Nagoya Womenʼs University, Dr. Eng. This study is focusing on race structure and space structure of Japantown, the role of Japanese American business and Japanese American community in San Jose, northern California. About 340,000 Japanese workers immigrated to the United States from 1868 to 1941. Most of Japanese immigrants had gone to the State of Hawaii and California. Before 1970, the State of Hawaii became the most and after 1980, the State of California became the most. From 1950 to 1970, Japanese had lived the most out of all Asians in San Jose. Before the World War II, many of Japanese immigrants worked as unskilled workers for agriculture, manufacturing industry and domestic work. After the war, they shifted to commercial business, service industry and profession. Japanese American business and community were developed in Japantown. 27 Japantown existed in northern California in 1940, but only San Francisco and San Jose are left in 2014. Japantown in San Jose is located along the railway line of Southern Pacic Railroad. Neighboring Chinatown moved from downtown in 1887, Japantown was formed from 1890. The rst public facility by Japanese were Japanese Methodist Church in 1895. Many of public facilities, like Japan Hospital, Buddhist Church, San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin and Nihonjin Kai, were expanded in the beginning of 1910 s. In Japantown center of 1921, the building owners were Japanese, Chinese and the Caucasian. Japanese buildings were the most and space segregation by races has been shown. Japanese and Chinese established Buddhist church and Christian church respectively. Japanese also established business facilities for participating in medical treatment and for entertaining like baseball stadiums and sumo ring. In Japantown center of 1940, Japanese commercial facilities established the most. Japanese Salvation Army and sewing school were involved in public facilities. Many Chinese were owing by the inuence of Chinese Exclusion Act and the most in Chinatown was demolished. Fruit and vegetable processing factories and pottery factory were established, and the labor demand and consumption activity supported Japanese America business. In Japantown center of 2014, Japanese commercial facilities established the most. Japanese group like Hawaiian Japanese American, Shin Issei and Japanese American companies were increasing in Japantown from 2000 s as well as Japanese American and Japanese American association. Philippine association, African association and Ethiopia association were also increasing and other races started to own buildings in Japantown from 2000 s. Nihonjin Kai played the central role and offered job and money support for Japanese workers until 1940 s. The ofce of Kumamoto Kaigai Kyokai and Hiroshima Kenjin Kai were located once and the boarding houses where Japanese workers from Kumamoto-ken and Wakayama-ken stayed cooperated with Kenjin Kai at their hometown in Japan. Japanese American Citizens League, Japantown Business Association, Japantown Community Congress of San Jose, Japnanese American Museum of San Jose and Yu-Ai Kai are active in 2014. To maintain Japantown, to understand and participate in Japanese American business and community are necessary. How Japantown will accept Hawaiian Japanese American, Shin Issei and the other races is the future problem. (2015 年 3 月 2 日原稿受理,2015 年 5 月 8 日採用決定 ) 1743