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Here is a short list of the delegation, some of them UK Integrated Health and Care Business matching 英国优质医养结合整合医疗专场商务对接会 Hangzhou 杭州 /2016 年 12 月 5 日 Narada Hotel, No.122 ShuGuang Road, Hangzhou 浙江世贸君澜大饭店, 曙光路 122 号 A unique chance to meet best practice in Integrated Health and Care from the UK We invite you to meet a range of leading UK healthcare companies and institutions visiting Shanghai later this year. These service providers have an impressive track record in delivering top-class integrated care and are keen to develop effective commercial partnerships in the China market. These companies represent all stages of care outside hospital including: preventative care, primary care, rehabilitation service, elderly care, home care, digital service etc. Highlight of the mission: Showcase of UK-China PPP initiative On-site business matching with UK businesses Demo course of UK top level GP training Key project showcase Elderly care and urbanisation More than 30 UK Health and Care companies Direct linkage between UK and China Organiser: UK Department for International Trade Health and Family Planning Commission of Zhejiang Province Zhejiang Council for Health s Promotion China-Britain Business Council 零距离接触英国整合医疗最佳案例与合作 我们诚邀您与即将访华的英国一批专注于医养结合产业的机构会晤, 他们在英国本土有丰富的行业经验, 并且希望在中国拓展业务 此次代表团企业的范围涵盖从医院到家庭之间的各个阶段, 包括 : 预防医学, 全科医生服务, 康复服务, 机构养老, 居家养老, 数字医疗技术等 他们代表了英国最顶尖的医疗, 教育以及科技水平 活动亮点 : 三十家来自英国的健康医疗专业公司 直接联通中国与英国的贸易合作渠道 现场与英国企业实时对接 ( 需提前注册 ) 英国全科医生培训示范课 中英公私合营医疗项目倡议 医养结合与城镇化转型设计主办方 : 英国国际贸易部, 英国驻沪总领事馆 浙江省卫生和计划生育委员会 浙江省健康服务业促进会 英中贸易协会

此次代表团企业有些已经进入中国市场, 有些初次来到中国市场, 正在积极寻求共同开发中国市场的合作伙伴 Some of these companies are new to China while others have established, but all of them are proactively looking for partners to develop China market together.

China-UK Integrated Care Business matching Event in Hangzhou 中英优质整合医疗 / 医养结合 / 杭州商务对接会日程 UK China Integrated Health and Care Model 中英医养结合模式探讨 09:00 Registration 到场注册 09:30 Opening remarks Speaker: Representative from Zhejiang Health Commission 中方开幕词, 演讲嘉宾 : 浙江省卫生计生委领导 09:40 Opening Remark Speaker: Healthcare UK 英方开幕词, 演讲嘉宾 : 英国医疗局局长 09:50- Mott Macdonald Presentation PPP Initiative in Zhejiang 10:10 中英浙江公私合营实现模式 10:10- 中方企业代表发言 ( 待定 ) 10:25 10:25-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 The signing ceremony between Healthcare UK and Zhejiang Health Commission 英国医疗局与浙江省卫生计生委, 谅解备忘录续签仪式 Tea Break 茶歇 Prearranged Business Matching Session A On-site registration open for business matching Venue: Harvest Room 三楼嘉禾厅商务对接环节 A 开放现场商务对接注册通道 12:30 14:00 Working Lunch, Narada Hotel 3 rd floor 工作午餐茶歇, 世贸君澜大饭店, 三楼公共区域 Venue 地点 14:00-15:30 Business Matching Session 中英商务对接会 杭州世贸君澜酒店, 三楼嘉禾厅 Harvest Room 3 rd Floor Business matching Session B 商务对接环节 B 15:30 Tea Break 茶歇 15:30-17:00 Business matching Session C 商务对接环节 C Missioners Presentation 三十家英方企业论坛展示与介绍英国医疗局 Venue: Grand Ball room 三楼世贸厅 UK Healthcare Showcase Seminar 英国优质医疗论坛 浙江世贸君澜大饭店, 三楼世贸厅 Grand Ball Room,3 rd Floor End of the Hangzhou programme 活动结束英方企业前往上海 14:00 英国整合医疗经验与案例介绍 14:30 医养结合与城镇规划展示 15:00 英国投资与合作前景 15:30 英国的医疗保险制度 16:00 医疗信息化 16:30 英国全科医师培训公开课 17:00 主旨论坛闭幕 ( 具体演讲顺序和内容将以当天日程表为准 )

Confirmation Form: China-UK Integrated Care Business matching Event in Hangzhou 单位名称 Company Name 参会人姓名 Attendee Name 电邮 ( 大写 ) Email 中英整合医疗 杭州商务对接会参会报名表职位电话 Title Tel 微信 ID Wechat 单位网站 Website 因主题论坛席位有限, 请于 11 月 22 日之前发送参会回执到 : Due to limited number of seats, please send this page back by 22 nd November to: Jam Wang, E: Tel: 021-31007900-124, 13761637019 Please select the target companies you would like to meet at the workshop in the afternoon of 5th December 2016. We will pre-arrange your one-to-one meeting. 12 月 5 日, 为了方便您与英国公司代表进行快速 契合的合作交流, 请选择您有意商谈的公司 届时, 我们将为提前注册的企业优先安排一对一的会面 请注意 : 现场注册将不保证一定有见面机会 建议提前预约对接会 请填写英国公司名称编号并留下您的现场联系电话 : If you wish to set up pre-arranged meeting with particular UK companies, please indicate the company name. Mobile 手机 : Company Reference 英国公司编号 : ( 最多填写 6 个 Limited to 6 selections) 请在下列列表中选择您的企业性质 Please select the type of your business in the list below: 政府机构 / 行业协会 government bodies / industry associations 养老院 / 社区医疗机构运营者 Operator of elderly / community care facilities 投资机构 Investment institution 房地产商 Real estate 保险公司 Insurance 专业培训机构 University, vocational school or professional training institution 咨询公司 IT 公司 IT company 产品经销商 / 中介 Product dealer / agent 其他, 请说明 Others, please state here

UK Company Introduction 英国企业信息 Company Name 机构名称 Nature of Business 业务性质 Products and services offered 产品 / 服务描述 (I) 医疗服务平台 / 对接 : 医院, 医疗机构, 诊所, 医学平台, 社区医疗等 1 Biomed 2 BMJ 英国医学杂志出版集团 3 Bupa 英国保柏 4 Imperial College Health Partner 帝国理工学院健康联盟 5 PHE 英格兰公共卫生部 6 Royal Free Hospital 英国皇家自由医院 Healthcare Agency 医疗中介 Healthcare Knowledge / Diagnosis Tool Provider, 医学信息平台, 诊断工具 Health Insurance and provision 医疗保险, 诊所 Training / 培训 / 服务 Public Health 公共卫生服务 Training / 培训 / 服务 Private patient referrals. Doctor training programs. 私人病人转诊 医生培训计划. Publish more than 60 medical and allied science journals which includes some of the most influential specialty journals globally. Developed a series of tools to support medical education and the wider application for better clinical decision and quality improvement. 出版 60 余种世界一流的专业医学期刊 除此之外, 公司也提供一系列工具, 协助医学教育和临床决策 改善医疗质量 Health insurance and health and care provision (hospitals, clinics, care homes and retirement villages, dental centres, and optical outlets). 健康保险 健康和医疗的提供 ( 医院, 诊所, 护理院和全龄社区, 牙科中心和眼科中心 ) ICHP is a partnership bringing together 20 leading universities and hospitals in London. Key product offer includes clinical and management training, service design, data analytics, service delivery, and governance and quality assurance support. 包含 20 家伦敦顶尖的大学院校和医院 提供临床和管理培训, 服务体系设计与落地, 数据分析, 管理体系和质量管控支持等 Executive agency of the UK Department of Health. Licensing of intellectual property, training, consulting, specialist R&D. 英国卫生部的直属单位, 负责国家公共卫生 提供的服务包括 : 知识产权许可 培训 咨询 专科研发等 A leading UK teaching hospital. Offers hospital education training programmes both in the UK and in country; hospital management consultancy and hospital development, research collaborations. telemedicine and tele radiology 英国顶尖的教学医院 提供在英国或在中国当地的医院教育培训课程, 医院管理咨询, 医院建立咨询, 科研合作, 远程医疗和远程放射学等 7 TPP Digital Health 数字医疗技术 UK leading provider of integrated Electronic Health Records across health and social care. 英国领先的整合电子病历系统提供商

(II) 教育与培训 / 对接 : 医院, 医学机构, 培训平台, 医疗项目投资方 8 Annie Barr 9 Celeritas Medical 10 Global Health Alliance 11 Jin Shi Healthcare 12 Manchester Metropolitan University 曼切斯特城市大学 13 Northumbria Health NHS Trust 诺森布里亚医院 14 University of Central Lancashire 中央兰开夏大学 15 University of Hull 英国赫尔大学 16 University of Salford 索尔福德大学 17 University of the West of Scotland 西苏格兰大学 Training / 培训 / 服务 Healthcare training/ education and consultancy services, predominantly for primary, community and elderly care. 提供医疗保健和咨询服务, 主要针对社区基础医疗和老年人医疗 al Platform called UKeMED to Share Healthcare Experience & Knowledge, using healthcare education & training from top UK institutions. courses Live & recorded, healthcare consulting, second opinion. 开发了教育平台 UKeMED, 用于分享医疗经验和知识 来自顶尖英国教育机构的课程, 通过直播或者录制形式传播 提供医疗保健咨询服务第二诊疗意见 Short and long term accredited healthcare courses 短期和长期的医疗保健认证课程 Healthcare training and consultancy provision of executive training within NHS, including executive level Msc, Reminiscence therapy courses for supervisors, online healthcare training, operational investments. 对于英国国民医疗服务体系管理人员的医疗培训和咨询服务, 包括高管硕士, 怀旧治疗课程, 在线培训课程, 运营投资等 Health and social care professional education Training and consultancy in system leadership and management Research - system, organisation, communities and families Evaluation- policy, care models and systems, public health interventions. 健康与社会医疗专业教育 ; 医疗保健系统领导力和管理的培训与咨询 ; 针对医疗系统 机构 社区和家庭的研究 ; 针对政策 医养模式和公共卫生干预的评估 One of the UK s top performing trusts. Offers a wide-range of services including consultancy and training across a number of healthcare disciplines, healthcare management and service delivery, predominantly relating to integrated care and emergency care. 英国顶尖的医院之一 提供服务包括咨询, 多项医疗学科培训, 医疗管理, 服务提供等 主要针对医养结合和急救护理 Provide education and Training Nursing (adult, children and mental health), midwifery, allied health; undergraduate and postgraduate courses, CPD, Research 提供护理教育和培训 ( 成人, 儿童和心理健康 ) 助产 专职医疗; 本科和研究生课程, 进修 研究 Provide educational programmes and health workforce training and development expertise 提供医疗教育课程 医疗人力资源培训和发展咨询 Leading providers of courses in nursing, midwifery and allied health (including professional registration courses) as well as advanced practice, cognitive behaviour therapies, counselling and psychotherapy, leadership and management for health care, mental health, social work and social policy. 英国领先的护理学院, 涵盖护理 助产 辅助医疗 ( 包括专业注册课程 ) 高级执业 认知行为疗法 心理咨询和心理治疗 医疗系统领导力和管理 心理健康 社会福利工作以及政策 Specialist in delivery of education and research in Health, Nursing and Midwifery 专注于提供健康 护理和助产教育, 并在这些领域开展广泛的科研工作

(III) 养老服务及初级医疗服务 / 对接 : 社区医疗, 养老运营, 养老培训机构, 项目开发商, 投资人 18 Accendo Care 服务 19 Age UK 英国老龄慈善机构 20 Agencia Consulting 服务 咨询服务 21 Cerno Health Medical Equipment Distributor 高端医疗设备代理 22 Clarity Asia Ltd Digital Health 数字医疗技术 23 Docobo Ltd Digital Health 数字医疗技术 24 Jones Lang LaSalle 仲量联行 25 PRP 鹏锐 ( 上海 ) 建筑设计咨询有限公司 26 Shaw healthcare 孝尔健康集团 Property s 物业管理 Design / 设计 / 咨询 Training /Operation 培训 / 机构管理 Primary care and community care services and supporting. Management consultancy, service redesign, clinical transformation, operational delivery of services, training, applications and supporting technology 初级医疗服务 社区护理服务及支持 管理咨询 服务优化设计临床转型 业务交付 培训 应用和支持技术 Design and build of whole system and service delivery in primary and community settings. Deliver targeted person centred care for older people. Analysis, Design and Build; operational service delivery support and training. Development of performance management and outcomes framework. 分析, 设计和建立社区基础医疗体系, 特别针对老年人 ; 培训, 服务支持 ; 绩效管理体系建立 Provides a range of change management and related management consultancy services to develop organizations and their people. 提供一系列社区医疗变革管理和相关机构及人员发展方面的咨询服务 Currently the UK distributor for United Imaging Healthcare equipment in the UK and ROI 上海联影的医疗影像设备在英国和爱尔兰的唯一代理商 Digital systems for prevention, intervention and control, education and doctor and nurse development. Mobile app personal care record, doctors and nurses toolkits, clinical knowledge summaries etc.. 开发了针对疾病的预防, 干预和控制, 以及医护人员培训的数字医疗系统 产品包括手机应用, 个人医疗信息记录, 医护人员工具箱, 临床知识整合等 Provide digital health solutions that fully support integrated care, business intelligence and remote home management of patients with long-term conditions. 提供数字医疗解决方案, 用于支持综合护理, 商业智能和远程家庭慢性病管理 Development and Investment Advisory, Design and Construction Management, Facilities Management. 开发和投资咨询, 设计和施工管理, 设施管理 Leading UK designer in integrated care market. Design and master plan of elderly care, specialist housing and primary care facilities; Feasibility studies of elderly care, specialist housing and primary care projects 英国领先的养老及特殊住宅建筑设计事务所 提供针对养老护理机构, 社区医疗机构, 以及其他特殊住宅的设计, 总体规划和可行性研究服务 Training, advisory services, operation and management of healthcare facilities 培训 咨询服务 医疗机构格的经营和管理 27 IHG 英国国际医疗集团 Management and / 管理, 服务与咨询 experienced international healthcare services company, providing healthcare consultancy, turnkey design and construction of new hospitals, medical equipping and the operation and management of healthcare facilities around the world. 国际医疗集团 (IHG) 是全球最具经验的国际医疗服务公司, 为全球医院及其他医疗服务机构提供专业的医疗咨询 医院建设承包 医疗设备装配和运营管理服务