Silk Road Travel Management Ltd 絲路旅遊管理有限公司 Licence No.: 天神秘波斯之旅 : 德克蘭 設拉子 伊斯法罕 卡尚 揭開五千年文明古國的面紗 ( 逢星期五 / 日出發 ) 參考編號 : IRN 9 D 前往五千多年歷史文明國 伊朗,

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9 天神秘波斯之旅 : 德克蘭 設拉子 伊斯法罕 卡尚 揭開五千年文明古國的面紗 ( 逢星期五 / 日出發 ) 參考編號 : IRN 9 D 前往五千多年歷史文明國 伊朗, 把一千零一夜幻化為現實的探究之旅 在皇宮中穿行體驗古代波斯 的民俗風情 瞭解伊朗文化, 體會聞名於世的神奇 香港 曼谷 德克蘭 Tehran 考古博物館 古列斯坦皇宮 國家珠寶博物館 達爾班德 薩德阿巴德皇宮博物館 塔季里什市集 阿扎迪廣場 設拉子 Shiraz 伊爾姆花園 納西爾莫克清真寺 瓦基爾市集及清真寺 詩人哈菲茲及薩迪陵墓 鏡宮之稱的光明王之墓 古蘭經城門伊斯法罕 Isfahan 波斯波利斯 羅斯塔姆浮雕及陵墓 柏薩爾加德居魯士皇陵 伊瑪目廣場 伊斯法罕大巴扎 四十柱殿 凡克主教座堂阿卜亞內赫村落卡尚 Kashan 玫瑰水工作坊 費恩花園 塔巴塔巴依古宅德克蘭 曼谷 香港 ( 團費由 : HK$19,980/ 位起 ) 旅程亮點 暢遊波斯古代及現代首都 : 德克蘭 設拉子 伊斯法罕 ; 及綠州城市卡尚暢遊伊朗境內聯合國世界文化遺產 : 古列斯坦皇宮 波塞波里斯遺址 帕薩爾高德 伊爾姆花園 伊瑪目廣場巴扎, 波斯語為市集的意思, 行程安排三個代表性的市集, 親身接觸波斯民族的熱情友善 : 德克蘭塔季里什市集 ; 設拉子瓦基爾市集及伊斯法罕大巴扎 ( 傳說中 一千零一夜 天方夜譚 市集 ) 國家珠寶博物館珍藏著波斯皇朝珠寶首飾 獨特體驗 設拉子餐廳現場傳統音樂表演設拉子家訪及品嚐波斯燉飯於千年歷史阿卜亞內赫村落, 穿著當地傳統服飾於伊斯法罕大巴扎的老茶館品嚐正宗伊朗紅茶 地道美食 於卞尚市參觀玫瑰花水工坊, 更可即席品嚐前往德克蘭世外桃源達爾班德呼吸新鮮空氣, 山谷裡綠樹和溪流環繞, 遠離繁囂, 可於自由時間在茶館品嚐地道的黑茶全程 21 餐 : 7 早餐 7 午餐 7 晚餐 服務承諾 以獨立包團形式, 提供專業貼心服務 度身編訂出發日期及時間, 設計所屬您的行程 當地專業英語導遊講解 全程四 / 五星級或同級酒店 不設定點購物及自費項目 2 人成行 10 人或以上香港領隊隨團出發 6 人或以上同行, 可安排普通話導遊 ( 需附加費 ) 配備無線導覽耳機, 可清晰地聆聽導遊講解 Suite 1001A, 10/F, Chinachem Century Tower, 178 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Printed on 印刷日期 :27 Aug 2018

精選行程 第一天 香港 曼谷 TG603 0745-0925 曼谷 德克蘭 TG527 1530-2030 乘飛機經曼谷前往德克蘭 (Tehran) 住宿於 Enghelab 或同級 (4 星 ) 第二天德克蘭 (Tehran) 德黑蘭是伊朗的首都, 早於 5,000 年前伊朗就創建了燦爛的古代文明,1960 年代後, 伊朗石油財富劇增, 使這座城市獲得空前的發展, 成為西亞地區最大的城市之一 全天參觀德克蘭 前往考古博物館 (Archaeological Museum), 它建於 1937 年現位於伊朗國家博物館內, 藏有史前文物 公元初到伊斯蘭時期的文物和伊斯蘭後期文物等等, 是伊朗最大的歷史博物館 古列斯坦皇宮 (Golestan Palace Complex) 名字解作 花之宮殿, 現存建築主要是 1848-1896 年間的君主所建, 在巴列維王朝時是接見外賓的地方 國立珠寶博物館 (National Jewellery Museum) 藏有世界上最昂貴的珠寶, 館內展示了波斯皇帝的傳世收藏 : 鑲滿寶石的皇冠 權杖 寶座和其他各種各樣的珠寶首飾 晚餐於德克蘭世外桃源達爾班德 (Darband), 山谷裡綠樹和溪流環繞, 遠離繁囂 住宿於 Enghelab 或同級 (4 星 ) 早餐 午餐 晚餐 第三天德克蘭 設拉子 ( 乘飛機約 1.5 小時 ) 薩德阿巴德皇宮博物館 (Saad Abad Complex), 原為巴勒維國王皇親貴族的夏宮, 十多座宮都裝潢得富麗堂皇 伊斯蘭革命後成為博物館, 展出了歐洲上世紀以前的傢俱擺設 前往塔季里什市集 (Tajrish Bazaar), 可看到伊朗盛產無花果 開心果 玫瑰花乾等等 往機場前到阿扎迪廣場塔 (Azadi Square) 參觀阿扎迪自由紀念塔 (Azadi Tower) 後乘飛機前往設拉子 (Shiraz), 到達後前往當地餐廳晚餐及欣賞歌舞表演 住宿於 Eliseh 或同級 (4 星 ) 早餐 午餐 晚餐 第四天設拉子 (Shiraz) 伊朗波斯花園聞名於世, 多達九個花園進入世界遺產名錄 位於設拉子的伊爾姆花園 (Eram Garden) 是其中之一, 被稱為 天堂花園, 在古蘭經中, Iram 意為天堂 納西爾莫克清真寺 (Nasir Ol Molk Mosque) 俗稱 粉紅清真寺 該清真寺的立面大量採用彩色玻璃, 室內則大量採用粉紅色的瓷磚, 因而俗稱為粉紅清真寺 瓦基爾清真寺 (Vakil Mosque) 建於 1773 年, 屬於卡里姆汗時期建造, 在愷加王朝時期重新修建 清真寺由 48 個柱子支撐, 上面有美麗的花紋與雕刻 後逛瓦基爾市集 (Vakil Bazaar) 設拉子有兩個偉 大詩人的墓園, 分別是哈菲茲墓與薩迪墓 (Tomb of Hafez & Saadi), 他們所作的詩對波斯文化有深遠影響, 更為他們的故鄉設拉子添上一份風雅的書卷氣息 晚上外觀有鏡宮之稱的光明王之墓 (Holy Shrine of Shah Cheragh) 住宿於 Eliseh 或同級 (4 星 ) 早餐 午餐 晚餐 第五天設拉子伊斯法罕 ( 乘車約 5.5 小時 ) 早上出發前往伊斯法罕 (Isfahan), 經過可蘭經城門 (Qoran Gate) 門上奉有一部可蘭經, 遠行的遊子離家時經過可蘭門下可以獲得阿拉的庇祐 經過著名古城波斯波里斯 (Persepolis), 有 2,500 多年歷史的波斯波利斯代表著波斯最輝煌的成就, 卻也見證著波斯被希臘打敗的歷史, 古城本身也因此被焚毀 羅斯塔姆浮雕及陵墓 (Naqsh-e Rustam Necropoli) 位於距波斯波利斯不遠處的一座山崖, 有四個在岩壁上鑿出來的十字形帝陵, 分別為薛西斯一世 大流士一世 阿塔薛西斯一世和大流士二世 帕薩爾加德 (Pasargadae) 為大流士一世以前的阿契美尼德王朝首都, 在波斯帝國開國皇帝居魯士主持下於公元前 546 年興建 遺址包括居魯士大帝陵寢 居魯士私人宮殿遺跡和一個古城堡 住宿於 Abbasi 或同級 (5 星 ) 早餐 午餐 晚餐 第六天伊斯法罕 (Isfahan) 伊斯法罕是伊朗最古老的城市之一, 建於西元前 4 5 世紀的阿黑門尼德王朝時期, 多次成為王朝首都 作為富饒的綠洲 擁有雄心大略的國王 宏偉的建築 開放而外國人群聚的城市, 所以伊朗人給了伊斯法罕這樣的稱號 伊斯法罕乃世界之半! 伊瑪目廣場 (Imam Square) 是世界第二大廣場 圍繞廣場四周是多座 16 世紀薩非王朝的建築物 : 伊瑪目清真寺 (Imam Mosques) 羅德菲拉清真寺 (Sheikh Lotfollah Mosques) 及阿里卡普宮殿 (Ali Qapou Palace) 伊斯法罕大巴扎 (Gheysarieh Bazaar) 是中東最大 最古老的集市之一 傳說中 天方夜譚 的故事就發生在這市集, 在巴扎你可以在古老茶館品嚐當地紅茶 位於伊斯法罕伊瑪目廣 Suite 1001A, 10/F, Chinachem Century Tower, 178 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Printed on 印刷日期 :27 Aug 2018

場外面以西不遠的四十柱殿 (Chehel Sotun Palace) 最著名的建築特色是豎有二十條高高而精雕細琢木柱的大廳, 木柱倒影在殿前的水池上便變成四十條柱, 伊斯法罕扎因代河 (Zayandeh) 上共有十一座橋樑, 其中最著名和最多遊客到訪的當數三十三孔橋及哈鳩橋 住宿於 Abbasi 或同級 (5 星 ) 早餐 午餐 晚餐 第七天伊斯法罕阿卜亞內赫卡尚 (Kashan) 凡克主教座堂 (Vank Church) 是當地亞美尼亞使徒教會的一座主教座堂, 內部裝潢非常華麗, 融合了伊斯蘭建築的穹頂和瓷磚鑲嵌, 並且掛滿了精美繪畫和浮雕, 混合了伊斯蘭和天主教兩種風格 從伊朗中部伊斯法罕往卡尚 (Kashan) 的郊外有一些古村落, 其中擁有約 2,500 年歷史的阿卜亞內赫古村 (Abyaneh) 是唯一的陶土紅牆古村, 位於海拔約 2,235 米, 人們仍操古老的巴列維語, 被認為是波斯文化的活化石 於村內你可以試穿當地服飾, 與居民打成一片 下午續往卡尚 (Kashan) 住宿於 Saraye Ameriha 或同級 (4 星 ) 早餐 午餐 晚餐 15 人或以上 : HK$19,980/ 位起 ( 包括香港領隊 ) 單人房附加費 : HK$3,600/ 位起 4 晚升級到 5 星級酒店附加費 : HK$1,800 起 5 星級酒店單人房附加費 : HK$5,200 起德克蘭 2 晚 : Azadi Hotel 或同級設拉子 2 晚 : Homa 或同級酒店升級不適用於卡尚酒店 備註 : - 團費包括全程經濟客位機票 當地導遊 汽車接送 觀光門票 酒店住宿 (2 人一房 ) 註明餐飲 每人每天瓶裝水 2 支 HK$300,000 團體旅遊保險及 0.15% 旅遊業議會印花稅 ; - 如人數 10 人或以上, 將安排香港領隊隨團出發 ; - 團費不包括領隊 導遊及司機服務費 ( 全程建議服務費 : HK$1,260/ 位 ) 機場稅及航空公司燃油附加費 ; - 團費及行程因應出發日期 航班變動 機票價格變動及天氣惡劣影響而更改 ; - 以上行程及價格有效期至 2019 年 12 月 31 日 ; - 旅行團受條款及細則約束 查詢熱線 : (852) 2736 8828 電子郵箱 : 其他伊朗行程 5 天伊朗之旅 : 德克蘭及加茲溫 由 HK$11,980/ 位起 第八天卡尚德克蘭 ( 乘車約 3 小時 ) 德克蘭 曼谷 TG528 2200-0655+1 於卡尚古村內可參觀玫瑰水工作坊, 更可親自品嚐 參觀費恩花園 (Fin Garden), 此花園為伊朗現存最古老的傳統波斯園林 遊覽建於 1880 年的古代私人豪宅塔巴塔巴依家族古宅 (Tabatabaie) 晚上乘飛機前往德克蘭機場轉機往曼谷 第九天曼谷 香港 TG600 0800-1145 早上乘機返回香港 團費 2 人 : HK$27,880/ 位起 3-5 人 : HK$25,880/ 位起 6-9 人 : HK$23,380/ 位起 10-14 人 : HK$22,980/ 位起 ( 包括香港領隊 ) Suite 1001A, 10/F, Chinachem Century Tower, 178 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Printed on 印刷日期 :27 Aug 2018

(Departs on Friday & Sunday) Ref. No.: IRN - 9D IRAN is an extraordinary country. You will be amazed by surrounding yourself with beautiful landscapes and amazing architecture, from breathtaking mosques to stepped hillside villages, bustling bazaars and more. Join Silk Road Travel to unveil one of the world s most fascinating countries! Hong Kong Bangkok Tehran Archaeological Museum, Golestan Palace Complex, National Jewellary Museum, Darband, Saad Abad Complex, Tajrish Bazaar Shiraz Eram Garden, Nasir ol Mulk Mosque, Vakil Bazaar & Mosque, Tomb of Hafez & Saadi, Holy Shrine of Shah Cheragh, Qoran Gate Isfahan Persepolis, Naghshe-e-Rostam, Pasargadae, Imam Square, Gheysarie Bazaar, Chehel Sotun Palace, Vank Church Abyaneh Village Kashan Rose water workshop, Fin Garden, Tabatabaie House Tehran Bangkok Hong Kong (Tour price from: HK$19,980/person) Tour Highlights Modern and ancient capitals of Iran: Tehran, Shiraz & Isfahan; and the oasis city of Kashan Exploring UNESCO Cultural Sites: Golestan Palace Complex, Persepolis, Pasargadae, Eram Garden, Imam Square Dynamic and bustling Iranian bazaars: Tehran Tajirish Bazaar, Shiraz Vakil Bazaar and Isfahan Gheysarie Bazaar National Jewellery Museum to see breathtaking royal treasures of Iran Unique Experience Enjoy live traditional music in Shiraz during dinner Dinner in a local house in Shiraz and try Polow (Persian rice) Wear local costumes in Abyaneh Village, built entirely in red clay Visit an old tea house in Isfahan Gheysarie Bazaar and taste Iranians black Tea Local Cuisine Visit a rose water workshop and taste it in Kashan Chill out and dine at Darband, an ideal respite away from the bustling Tehran city All-inclusive total 21 meals: 7 breakfasts, 7 lunches, 7 dinners Service Commitment Tailor-made departure date, time & itinerary Private English-speaking tour guide Private air conditioned vehicle with licensed driver Accommodation at 4- or 5-star hotels or similar No shopping & optional tour arrangements Minimum 2 persons. For group size of 10 persons or above traveling together, a Hong Kong tour escort will be arranged For 6 persons or above traveling together, Mandarin-speaking guide can be arranged (subject to surcharge) Tour commentary headset per traveler during sightseeing Suite 1001A, 10/F, Chinachem Century Tower, 178 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Printed on 印刷日期 : 27 Aug 2018

Detailed Itinerary major ruins of Achaemenian Empire: Persepolis and Pasargadae, both inscribed as UNESCO Cultural sites. Day 1 Hong Kong Bangkok TG603 0745-0925 Bangkok Tehran TG527 1530-2030 Take a flight to Tehran via Bangkok. Meet our tour guide and transfer you to hotel for rest. Accommodation at Enghelab (4-star) or similar Day 2 Tehran Tehran the soul of Iran, the most secular and liberal city with wide range of ethnic and international restaurants, chic cafes and plenty of art galleries which attracts visitors from across the world. Tehran city tour: visit Archaeological Museum that hosts historical monuments and medieval Iranian antiques and Golestan Palace Complex (UNESCO Cultural site) and the National Jewellery Museum where most of the royal jewelries of Iran from Safavid, Afsharid, Ghajarid and Pahlavid dynasties are in display. Enjoy dinner in Darband, located in a secluded valley with enchanted greenery. You may savour tea in tea house during your free time. Accommodation at Enghelab (4-star) or similar Breakfast, lunch and dinner Day 3 Tehran Shiraz (approx. 1.5 hours by flight) After breakfast, visit Saad Abad Complex and after that walk through Tajrish Bazaar. Later, transfer to airport for the flight to Shiraz. Enjoy live traditional music during dinner. Accommodation at Eliseh (4-star) or similar Breakfast, lunch and dinner Day 4 Shiraz After breakfast, visit Eram Garden (UNESCO Cultural site) and Nasir ol Mulk Mosque from Qajar Era, which includes extensive colored glass in its facade. It is also named the Pink Mosque, due to the usage of considerable pink color tiles for its interior design. Stroll around Vakil Bazaar and Vakil Mosque. The mosque was built between 1751 and 1773, during Zand Period. Vakil means regent, which was the title used by Karim Khan, the founder of Zand Dynasty. Visit the Tomb of Hafez and Saadi who were great Persian poets. At night visit the Holy Shrine of Shah Cheragh from outside. Dinner in a local house and savour Polow (Persian rice). Accommodation at Eliseh (4-star) or similar Breakfast, lunch and dinner Day 5 Shiraz Isfahan (approx. 5.5 hours by car) On the way to Isfahan, you will drive through a gate called Qoran Gate. Before arriving Isfahan, visit two Persepolis was built in 518 BC by Darius the Great who made it the capital of the Persian Empire and began to house there the greatest treasures, literary works and works of art in all the empire. Naqsh-e Rostam Necropolis is an archaeological site lies a few hundred meters from Naqsh-e Rajab. Four tombs belong to Achaemenid kings are carved out of the rock face. Pasargadae was the first capital of Achaemenid Empire under Cyrus the Great who had issued its construction; it was also the location of his tomb. After the visits, drive to Isfahan. Accommodation at Abbasi (5-star) or similar Breakfast, lunch and dinner Day 6 Isfahan Full day city tour in Isfahan, visit Imam Square (UNESCO Cultural site) also known as Naghshe Jahan Square constructed between 1598 and 1629. It is surrounded by buildings from Safavid Era, including Imam Mosques & Sheikh Lotfollah Mosques and Ali Qapou Palace. Take a short walk to Gheysarieh Bazaar where you can visit an old tea house and taste Iranians black tea. Also you can find shops for miniature painting, metal works, ceramics etc. Later visit Chehel Sotun Palace (Palace of Forty Columns). Located in a vast beautiful garden, we will see ancient bridges, Khajo Bridge and Siosipol Bridge across the River of Zayanderood. Accommodation at Abbasi (5-star) or similar Breakfast, lunch and dinner Day 7 Isfahan Abyaneh Kashan Visit Vank Church, also known as The Holy Saviour Cathedral or The Church of the Saintly Sisters, is an Armenian cathedral in Isfahan. Famous for its depiction of heaven, earth, and hell inside. Onward to Kashan, enroute visit Abyaneh Village with its Suite 1001A, 10/F, Chinachem Century Tower, 178 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Printed on 印刷日期 : 27 Aug 2018

Single Supplement: From HK$3,600 Upgrade to 5-star hotels for 4 nights: From HK$1,800 Single Supplement at 5-star hotels: From HK$5,200 Tehran 2 nights: Azadi Hotel or similar Shiraz 2 nights: Homa or similar Upgrade is not available in Kashan architectural style entirely in red clay. You will have a chance to get familiar with the culture of Abyaneh people and wear their local costumes in village. Drive to Kashan afterwards. Accommodation at Saraye Ameriha (4-star) or similar Breakfast, lunch and dinner Remarks: - Tour price includes economy class air tickets, local English-speaking tour guide, private AC car/van transfer to the sightseeing spots with headset, entrance ticket, hotel accommodation (twin-sharing), meals where applicable, 2 bottles of water per day, group travel insurance of HK$300,000 and TIC levy. - Tour price includes Hong Kong tour escort for 10 people or more persons traveling together. - Tour price excludes gratuities to escort, tour guide and driver (we suggest the gratuities per trip: HK$1,260 per person), airport tax and fuel surcharge, and personal travel insurance. - Itinerary and prices are subject to change in response to departure date, flight schedule, airfare and bad weather. - The above itinerary and price are valid till 31 Dec 2019. - Tour is subject to Terms and Conditions. Enquiry hotline: (852) 2736 8828 Email: Day 8 Kashan Tehran (approx. 3 hours by car) Tehran Bangkok TG528 2200-0655+1 Visit Rose Water Workshop where you will have a chance to taste rose water. Then visit Fin Garden and Traditional Tabatabaie House. After dinner, transfer to airport for the flight to Bangkok. Breakfast, lunch and dinner 5 Days Iran (Tehran & Qazvin) Tour is also available from HK$11,980 per person Day 9 Bangkok Hong Kong TG600 0800-1145 Tour Price (per person): 2 persons: From HK$ 27,880 3 5 persons: From HK$ 25,880 6 9 persons: From HK$ 23,380 10 14 persons*: From HK$ 22,980 15 persons or above*: From HK$ 19,980 (* Including a Hong Kong Tour Escort) Suite 1001A, 10/F, Chinachem Century Tower, 178 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Printed on 印刷日期 : 27 Aug 2018