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摘 要 三 板 头 新 村 成 立 于 1951 年 当 时 英 殖 民 政 府 颁 发 紧 急 法 令, 把 附 近 郊 区 外 的 居 民 迁 移 至 此 而 成 立 新 村 这 个 小 乡 镇 位 于 柔 佛 州 里 的 丰 盛 港 县 三 板 头 也 称 为 任 罗 宏 (Jemaluang


EUROPE 欧洲 11D8N Jewels of Romantic CENTRAL EUROPE Timeless Beauty 中欧罗曼蒂克的瑰宝 - 永恒之美 Czech Republic / Austria / Germany 捷克共和国 / 奥地利 / 德国 : DITY VALI 9 201D R P A WAR S ON 起出发 中文 03-2143 3939 ENG

ENTRANCES / FEES INCLUDED Prague Castle Pilsen Brewery Hallstatt Salt Mine, Hallstatt (alt. Hallein) Swarovski Crystal Worlds Neuschwanstein Castle HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Premium tourist class hotels, majority provide free Wi-Fi (at least available at the lobby). 2N Prague - Clarion Congress Hotel 4* or similar 1N Plzen - Courtyard by Marriott Pilsen 4* or similar 1N Linz - Courtyard by Marriott Linz 4* or similar 1N Salzburg - Crown Plaza the Pitter 4* or similar 1N Innsbruck - Hilton Innsbruck 4* or similar 1N Fussen - Luitpoldpark 4* or similar 1N Rothenburg - Hotel Eiserhurt 4* or similar Note: Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels DAY 01 Depart at KLIA DAY 02 Arrive Prague (Western Dinner) Prague City Tour (I) (Czech Republic) Today, we will explore the beautiful Prague with a walking tour of the Old Town. Cross one of the most famous bridge in the world ; the lovely Charles Bridge and walk towards the Old Town Square where you will find the world famous Astronomical Clock and the imposing Tyn Church. DAY 03 Prague (Hotel Breakfast / Chinese Lunch / Western Dinner) Prague City Tour (II) (Czech Republic) There is nowhere more appropriate to start this mesmerizing tour programme than the largest castle complex in the world; Prague Castle. Within the enormous fortified walls, the highlights as you walk through the courtyards include St Vitus Cathedral with its magnificent Great South Tower; the gothic Old Royal Palace with the great Vladislav Hall; the Romanesque style St George Basilica and the Golden Lane. Lastly, short stop at the extensive Letna Park or some stunning photographs. DAY 04 Prague -127km- Karlovy Vary - 83km- Plzen (Hotel Breakfast / Western Lunch / Western Dinner) A pleasant 2 hour drive leads you to the city with the most curative hot springs in the world ; Karlovy Vary Karlovy Vary Orientation (Czech Republic) Visit the various Colonnades along the Telpa River including the phenomenal Hot Springs Colonnade, the wooden Swiss-styled Market Colonnade and the largest and most impressive Mill Colonnade. Each houses several hot spring taps for your convenience and enjoyment. Pilsner Urquell Brewery Tour (Czech Republic) Explore the history of the legendary Pilsner Urquell in the Pilsen Brewery and since that time its fame has spread throughout the world, making it the inspiration for more than two-thirds of the beer produced in the world today. DAY 05 Plzen -157km- Cesky Krumlov - 85km- Linz (Hotel Breakfast / - / Western Dinner) Český Krumlov Orientation (Czech Republic) Truly a precious gem, this deserving UNESCO World Heritage medieval town is the second most visited place in Czech Republic. Simply walk around its cobblestoned Old Town, market square and marvel at the historic Český Krumlov Castle. DAY 06 Linz -125km- Hallstatt -72km- Salzburg (Hotel Breakfast / Western Lunch / Western Dinner) Hallstatt Village and Salt Mine Tour (Hallstatt or Hallein) (Austria) Be mesmerized by Austria s oldest Alpine village as the arresting scenery of this tiny village tucked between mountains and waters comes to view. A few minutes walk from the market square lead you to the spot where the most famous picture of Austria can be taken. Take a short boat ride for more stunning views. Walk through the tunnel of the Salt Mine to reach the slides to view the sub-terrane and lake below. Inside the mine, watch a slide show on how salt is mined before taking a miner s train back up to the surface.

DAY 07 Salzburg -170km- Wattens -17km- Innsbruck (Hotel Breakfast / Chinese Lunch / Western Dinner) Salzburg City Tour (Austria) Start with entrance to the famous Mirabell Gardens; featured in The Sound of Music movie, and admire its immaculate terraces and large symmetrical flower-beds. View Europe's largest preserved fortress, Festung Hohensalzburg and Salzburg Cathedral. Mirabell Gardens Swarovski Crystal Worlds, Wattens (Austria) Nearing Innsbruck, step through the head of The Giant into this wonderful world of crystals. Marvel at its 16 Chambers of Wonders and The Garden where you will find its crowning feature Crystal Cloud, consist of 800,000 hand-mounted crystals drifting above a black Mirror Pool. Simply stunning! DAY 08 Innsbruck -64km- Garmisch Partenkirchen -61km- Fussen (Hotel Breakfast / - / Western Dinner) Innsbruck City Orientation (Austria) Explore the Old Town with rich Tyrolese architecture such as the Baroque Helbling House and Innsbruck s most famous icon ; Goldenes Dachl The Golden Roof, made up of 2,657 gilded copper tiles. Walk cross to the new town along Maria-Theresien Strasse and at St Anne s Column, look back at the shimmering sight of the Golden Roof with the mighty mountain range on top as the perfect background. Garmisch-Partenkirchen City Tour The city was once two separate towns, and merged together for the 1936 Winter Olympics. Both side of town has its own characteristic, Garmisch is more towards 21stcentury style, while Partenkirchen retains more of an old-world Alpine village vibe, filled with narrow, cobblestoned streets lined with Bavarian gasthaus style of historic buildings. DAY 09 Fussen -247km- Rothenburg ob der Tauber (Hotel Breakfast / Western Lunch / Chinese Dinner) Neuschwanstein Castle, Hohenschwangau (Germany) Embark on the tour of Neuschwanstein Castle built by King Ludvig II and an inspiration behind Cinderella's Castle in Walt Disney World. Reach the entrance and marvel at the opulent interior and expansive view of the Hohenschwangau valley below. Proceed to drive past the Romantic Road region and enjoy spectacular views nearing the Bavarian Alps. Rothenburg Tour, Romantic Road (Germany) This medieval walled town is easily the gem of the Romantic Road. Take in the spirit of the Middle Ages as you stroll through quaint streets and alleys of this beautiful and very popular town. DAY 10 Rothenburg ob der Tauber -93km- Wertheim -89km- Frankfurt/ Depart for home (Hotel Breakfast / -) Outlet Shopping Enjoy shopping at Wertheim Village, over 120 luxury outlet boutiques and enjoy fantastic discounts of up to 70% off your favourite brands. Transfer to Frankfurt airport to board your flight home. DAY 11 Arrival home Arrival home with sweet memories. Garmisch-Partenkirchen

以下入场费用全包 酒店住宿 布拉格城堡 皮尔森啤酒厂 哈尔斯塔特盐矿 ( 或哈莱恩 ) 施华洛世奇水晶世界 新天鹅城堡 优质酒店一般都设有免费无线网络连接, 尤其是酒店大堂 2 晚布拉格 - 布拉格嘹亮国会 4* 酒店或同级 1 晚皮尔森 - 皮尔森万怡 4* 酒店或同级 1 晚林茨 - 林茨万怡 4* 酒店或同级 1 晚萨尔茨堡 - 萨尔茨堡皇冠假日 4* 酒店或同级 1 晚因斯布鲁克 - 希尔顿 4* 酒店或同级 1 晚福森 - 路易波德公园 4* 酒店或同级 1 晚罗腾堡 - 艾森胡特 4* 酒店或同级 注释 : 所有酒店供应每日热早餐 第 1 天从吉隆坡国际机场出发 第 2 天抵达布拉格 布拉格市区游 (I)( 捷克共和国 ) 今天我们漫步越过布拉格城曝光率最高的著名景点 -- 查理大桥, 来到旧城区广场, 观赏屹立不朽 雄伟壮观的天文钟 雄伟的泰恩教堂 布拉格 卡罗维发利温泉小镇 ( 捷克共和国 ) 这里是捷克最著名 最大的温泉疗养地, 并拥有世界上温泉疗效效果最佳的美誉 沿着泰培拉河两岸的步行道浏览两岸独特的建筑风格及各种柱廊, 更可达到养生目的 包括惊人的热温泉回廊 瑞士风格的市集温泉回廊, 最大及最华丽的的磨坊温泉回廊 除此之外, 您可用溫泉瓷杯啜饮温泉水 皮尔森啤酒厂 ( 捷克共和国 ) 探索皮尔森啤酒厂的传奇历史 从那时起它的名声已扬名世界各地, 扩盖今日世界三分之二的啤酒灵感 第 5 天皮尔森 -157 公里 - 捷克克鲁姆洛夫 - 85 公里 - 林茨 第 3 天布拉格 布拉格市区游 (II)( 捷克共和国 ) 参观世界最大的古堡 -- 雄伟的布拉格城堡, 以及与城堡毗邻的圣维特大教堂与其宏伟的南大楼 继续步行到圣乔治大教堂 故皇宫和金街 认识捷克克鲁姆洛夫 ( 捷克共和国 ) 这一座位于捷克共和国, 为该国游客访问率第二高的中世纪小镇, 仿佛是一颗闪亮珍贵的宝石, 被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产 您只要在该古老城区的鹅卵石铺道, 市场广场悠然自在的步行游览, 就能深深享受当地的迷人魅力, 当然, 您也会惊叹于历史悠久的契斯凯布达洛夫城堡的雄伟壮观 第 6 天林茨 -125 公里 - 哈尔斯塔特 -72 公里 - 萨尔茨堡 第 4 天布拉格 -127 公里 - 卡罗维发利 -83 公里 - 皮尔森 我们将乘坐两个小时的车程去捷克共和国的温泉之乡 - 卡罗维发利 哈尔斯塔特村庄 卡罗维发利温泉小镇 哈尔斯塔特村 & 盐矿游览 ( 哈尔斯塔特或哈莱恩 )( 奥地利 ) 今天让您被奥地利最悠久的阿尔卑斯村庄着迷, 因为这小村庄位于青山绿水间夹着优美的风景 由广场徒步数分钟, 领您来到奥地利最佳摄像的地方, 然后乘搭船游湖欣赏美如一幅绚丽图画的村庄

接着 徒步穿过盐矿的隧道 你可以走过矿 工们开挖的深洞 在这您可观赏幻灯片演示 盐矿开采的过程 在整个导览结束后 乘搭 木头列车离开盐洞 第7天 萨尔茨堡 -170公里- 瓦腾斯 -17公里- 茵斯布鲁克 (酒店早餐 / 中式午餐 / 西式晚餐) 加米施-帕腾基兴之游 这个城市曾经是两个独立的城镇 并在 1936年的奥运会上合二为一 城镇两侧各 有独特风格 加米施倾向于现代风格 而帕 腾基兴保留了复古阿尔卑斯乡村氛围 在狭 窄的鹅卵石街道上充满了历史悠久巴伐利亚 风格的建筑物 第9天 福森 -247公里- 罗腾堡 (酒店早餐 / 西式午餐 / 中式晚餐) 萨尔茨堡都市之旅 奥地利 旅途的开始 带您进入著名的米拉贝尔花 园; 这所在著名电影 音乐之声 内出现的 优美庭院 就像是一座世外桃源 为您呈 现完美无暇的梯田 大型对称的花坛 雕 塑和喷泉 参观欧洲最大的保存堡垒 霍 亨萨尔斯堡要塞和萨尔茨堡大教堂 新天鹅堡 旧天鹅堡 德国 往新天鹅城堡出发 这座城堡是由国王路 德维希二世所建 陛下的灵感源自于迪斯 尼世界里灰姑娘城堡 抵达入口处 观赏 城堡华丽的内置装潢 及往下观望一望无 际的旧天鹅山谷 罗腾堡之旅 浪漫之路 德国 水晶世界 这个中世纪壁镇简直就是浪漫之路的宝 漫步穿梭在古色古香的街道和小巷 感受 中世纪时代留下的风情 新天鹅城堡 施华洛世奇水晶世界 瓦腾斯 奥地利 进入水晶世界 这个巨大的地下奇妙展室里 有多面水晶颜色和形状展 惊叹于他16个 分庭和花园 在那里你会发现水晶加冕制 成的云 由80万手工水晶体漂流于黑镜池 高处 简直令人叹为观止 第8天 因斯布鲁克 -64公里- 加米施 帕藤基兴奇 -61公里- 福森 第10天 罗腾堡 -93公里- 威尔特海姆 - 89公里- 法兰克福 返回家园 (酒店早餐 / -) 购物村 (酒店早餐 / - / 西式晚餐) 因斯布鲁克市区游览 奥地利 在旧城区漫步 这儿具有丰富的蒂罗尔建 筑风格 就好像巴洛克海尔布陵屋和这里 最著名的地标 黄金屋顶 这个屋顶是 由2,657镀金铜瓦合成的 接下来 沿着玛 丽亚特蕾莎大街步行到新镇并在圣安妮列 以不同的角度看那金光闪烁的黄金屋顶 在威尔特海姆购物村这里拥有超过120间的 奢侈精品店 您一定可以在这里找到您喜 爱的品牌且享有高达70 的折扣 接着 接送到法兰克福机场及乘搭傍晚的 航班返回家园 威尔特海姆购物村 第11天 抵达家园 黄金屋顶 带着甜蜜回忆抵达家园

GERMANY Karlovy Vary FRANCE Frankfurt Wertheim Garmisch Partenkirchen SWITZERLAND Rothenburg ob der Tauber Fussen Salzburg Wattens Innsbruck ITALY Plzen Prague Cesky Krumlov Linz Hallstatt AUSTRIA CZECH REPUBLIC Hallstatt Salt Mine KEY ITINERARY FEATURES Comprehensive inclusions with sufficient free time for your preferred activity. Meticulously planned logistics for a well-paced journey. A mixture of Special Cuisines, Western, and Chinese meals on your own to optimize your dining pleasure. MEAL PLAN Duck Leg Confit Roast Pork Neck Austrian Apple Strudel German Pork Platter Menu Note : Specific restaurants mentioned will be replaced if closed for private functions. 主要行程特点 包罗万象的丰富综合旅程, 并让您有足够的空闲时间进行您所喜欢的活动 精心策划及节奏适中的旅程编排 丰富特别的料理组合, 包括道地美食, 西餐 中餐和您自选的美食佳肴, 和您自选的餐饮, 让您尽情享受餐饮的乐趣 餐饮安排 捷克鸭肉佳肴 烤猪颈肉料理 奥地利苹果卷 德国猪蹄餐注释 : 如以上特定餐馆因私人活动关闭将以其他餐馆替代 Number of Meals : Lunch - 5 ; Dinner - 8 餐饮数量 : 午餐 - 5; 晚餐 - 8 Charles Bridge, Prague Travel Essentials: Passport & Visas - Each tour member is responsible to ensure their passport is valid for at least six (6) months from the return date of the trip and all necessary visas and permits have been acquired. Travel Insurance - It s essential that you take out a comprehensive travel insurance before travel. Terms & Conditions: 1. Itineraries, meals, hotels and transportation are subject to change without prior notice. 2. AVC reserves the right to make changes to or cancel the itinerary at any time due to unforeseen circumstances, especially during peak periods or in the event of a force majeure. 3. AVC is not responsible for omissions, printing and/or presentation errors in brochures or in any media where such information may be presented; AVC reserves the right to make corrections as required. 4. Every person participating in AVC s tours shall travel at his/her own risk. AVC shall not be held liable to any person for additional expenses that may be incurred due to delays or changes in any transport services, sickness, weather, strikes, war or other causes. 5. For other terms & conditions, refer overleaf of invoice or visit Note: AVC refers to Apple Vacations & Conventions Sdn Bhd West Tours - Additional Terms & Conditions: For Agent Use Only: 1. Tours are conducted in English, with simple translation in Mandarin or Cantonese if required. 2. Triple Room - Third person shall be based on a roll-away bed. (Apply on Europe & Other Countries itineraries) 3. Triple Room is based on two double bed. (Apply on America itineraries, except Hawaii) 4. Triple Room only allowed 2 Adults and 1 Child, with a roll-away bed for child. For 3 adults, two rooms required with one person paying the Single Supplement. (Apply on South Africa itineraries only, except Kenya & Morocco) 旅行必备 : 护照或签证 - 团员有责任确保护照有效期需至少 6 个月 ( 从返程日期算起 ), 并且取得必要的签证和准证 旅游保险 - 出发前, 建议您购买全面的旅游保险 条规 : 1. 行程 膳食 酒店住宿和交通可能会有所更动, 恕不另行通知 2. 若出现无法预测的特殊情况, 特别是在旅游旺季期间, 苹果旅游将保留更改或取消行程的权利 3. 若苹果旅游的宣传手册或任何传播媒介, 出现任何形式的印刷失误或遗漏, 本公司一概不负责, 并且保留更正的权利 4. 每位参与苹果旅游团的成员, 必须为自身安全或行为负责 若出现无法预测的特殊情况 ( 例如 : 交通延误 / 取消 天气 疾病 示威 战争等等 ), 因而引发额外支出的问题, 苹果旅游一概不负责, 旅客需自行负责额外的费用 5. 详情条规, 请参阅单据背页或浏览 欧美团 - 附加条规 : 1. 所有行程以英文讲解为主 若有需要, 将提供简单的中文或粤语翻译 2. 三人房 - 房内第三名住客的床褥, 将以折叠式为准 ( 仅限于欧洲及其他国家行程 ) 3. 三人房均以两张双人床为准, 恕不添加折叠式床褥 ( 仅限于美国行程, 唯夏威夷除外 ) 4. 三人房均以折叠式床褥为准, 仅供两位成人及一位小孩 ( 十二岁以下 ) 若三位成人入住, 则须订购两间客房并填补差价 ( 仅限于全南美洲行程, 唯肯亚与摩洛哥除外 ) Tour Code / 团号 : EEKPRG11 Printed Date August 2018