Microsoft PowerPoint - 2-the locomotor system -skull

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中轴骨骼 axial skeleton z z 躯干骨 The bones of trunk 颅 skull Cerebral Cranium 脑颅骨(8) Facial Cranium 面颅骨(15) 颅的整体观 skull as a whole 新生儿颅的特征及生后的变化 skull at birth

frontal bone 额骨 1 ethmoid bone 筛骨 1 sphenoid bone 蝶骨 1 occipital bone 枕骨 1 Cerebral Cranium temporal bone 颞骨 2 parietal bone 顶骨 2 颅腔顶 - 穹庐形的颅盖 : 额骨 顶骨 枕骨颅腔底 : 额骨 筛骨 蝶骨 颞骨 枕骨

Cerebral Cranium Frontal bone 额骨 Three portions: squama frontalis 额鳞 pars orbitolis 眶部 nasal portion 鼻部 pneumatic bone: frontal sinuses 额窦

Cerebral Cranium Parietal bone 顶骨和 Occipital bone 枕骨 Parietal bone:paired, forms part of the cranial roof Occipital bone: contains the foramen magnum 枕骨大孔

Cerebral Cranium Ethmoid bone 筛骨 Properties: 呈巾字型, pneumatic bone-ethmoidal sinus 筛窦 Location: at the roof of the nose, between the two orbits Three parts: cribriform plate 筛板, ethmoidal labyrinth 筛骨迷路 and perpendicular plate 垂直板

Cerebral Cranium Ethmoid bone 筛骨

Cerebral Cranium Sphenoid bone 蝶骨 Properties: butterfly shaped, sphenoidal sinus 蝶窦 Location: in the middle of the skull front: 额骨和筛骨 back: 颞骨和枕骨

Cerebral Cranium Sphenoid bone 蝶骨 Portions: Body 体 Lesser wings 小翼 Greater wings 大翼 Pterygoid processes 翼突

Cerebral Cranium Temporal bone 颞骨 Location: at the side and base of the skull portions: aquamous part 鳞部 tympanic part 鼓部 petrous part 岩部 岩部 petrous part

The Facial Cranium 面颅骨 Maxilla 上颌骨 2 nasal bone 鼻骨 2 lacrimal bone 泪骨 2 zygomatic bone 颧骨 2 inferior nasal bone 下鼻甲 2 palatine bone 腭骨 2 Vomer 犁骨 1 Mandible 下颌骨 1 hyoid bone 舌骨 1 面颅上颌为中心, 上鼻泪, 下下颌, 外颧内甲后犁腭, 舌骨颈前单落脚

Facial Cranium Mandible 下颌骨 The largest and lowest in the facial cranium Portions: 体 body of mandible and 两支 two rami, junction of them called gonial angle 下颌角 Forms temporomandibular joints 颞下颌关节 with two temporal bones

Facial Cranium Mandible 下颌骨

Facial Cranium Maxilla 上颌骨 Location and properties: paired, locate in the middle of face, connect with most of cranial bones, contain maxillary sinus 上颌窦 Composition: 一个体和四个突起 : 颧突 额突 牙槽突 腭突

Facial Cranium Palatine bone 腭骨 Paired, L-shape, locate at the back part of the nasal cavity between the palatine process of the maxilla and the pterygoid process of the sphenoid 蝶骨翼突 Perpendicular plate 垂直板 lateral wall of nasal cavity Horizontal plate 水平板 posterior part of the hard palate ( 骨腭 ) 腭骨

Facial Cranium Nasal bone 鼻骨 paired,bridge of nose Lacrimal bone 泪骨 the smallest, at the front part of the medial wall of the orbit Inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲 on the lateral wall of the nasal cavity

Facial Cranium Zygomatic bone 颧骨 situated at the upper and lateral part of the face and forms the prominence of the cheek Vomer 犁骨 Unpired, located in the midsagittal line, forms the posterior part of the nasal septum( 鼻中隔 )

Facial Cranium Hyoid bone 舌骨 No direct articulation with other bone, connected with muscles or ligaments Located in front of neck (C3 level) Aids in tongue and mandible movement and swallowing Portions: a body, two greater horns ( 大角 )and two small horns ( 小角 )

颅的整体观 颅顶面观 The apical view of skull 颅后面观 The back view of skull 颅底内面观 The interior view of skull 颅底外面观 The inferior view of skull 颅侧面观 The lateral view of skull 颅前面观 The front view of skull

Apical view of skull Frontal bone Parietal bone Occipital bone Coronal suture 冠状缝 Sagittal suture 矢状缝 Lambdoid suture 人字缝

Back view of skull superior nuchal line 上项线 external occipital protuberance 枕外隆凸

Interior view of skull Base of skull forms three fossae Anterior cranial fossa 颅前窝 Middle cranial fossa 颅中窝 Posterior cranial fossa 颅后窝

Interior view of skull Anterior cranial fossa: formed by orbital part of frontal bone, cribriform plate of ethmoid, and lesser wings of sphenoid Structures: crista galli 鸡冠 cribriform plate 筛板 筛孔 CNⅠ 颅前窝 额骨眶部筛骨筛板蝶骨小翼 cribriform foramina 筛孔 颅中窝 颅后窝

Interior view of skull Middle cranial fossa: formed by the body and greater wings of sphenoid, petrous part of temporal bone Structures: body of sphenoid bone 蝶骨体 hypophysial fossa 垂体窝 anterior clinoid process 前床突 posterior clinoid process 后床突 sella turcica 蝶鞍 carotid sulcus 颈动脉沟 optic canal 视神经管 superior orbital fissure 眶上裂 视神经管 CNⅡ 颅前窝 颅中窝 颅后窝 眶上裂 CNⅢ/Ⅳ/Ⅴ 1 /Ⅵ 蝶骨体蝶骨大翼颞骨岩部

Interior view of skull Posterior cranial fossa:formed by occipital and the petrous part of temporal Structures: foramen magnum 枕骨大孔 clivus 斜坡 internal occipital protuberance 枕内隆凸 sulcus for transverse sinus 横窦沟 sulcus for sigmoid sinus 乙状窦沟 jugular foramen 颈静脉孔 internal acoustic pore 内耳门 internal opening of hypoglossal canal 舌下神经管内口 颅前窝 颅中窝 小脑窝 枕骨大孔 舌下神经管内口 CNⅫ 颅后窝 枕内隆突 内耳门 CNⅦ/Ⅷ 颈静脉孔 CNⅨⅩⅪ 乙状窦沟 枕骨颞骨岩部后面 横窦沟

Inferior view of skull 上颌骨 Structures: alveolar arch 牙槽弓 bony palate 骨腭 incisive foramina 切牙孔 greater palatine foramen 腭大孔 posterior nasal apertures 鼻后孔 pterygoid process 翼突 occipital condyle 枕髁 styloid process 茎突 stylomastoid foramen 茎乳孔 mandibular fossa 下颌窝 articular tubercle 关节结节 腭骨犁骨蝶骨颞骨枕骨

Lateral view of skull Formed by cerebral cranium: frontal 额骨, parietal 顶骨, sphenoid 蝶骨, temporal 颞骨 and occipital bones 枕骨 ; facial cranium:zygomatic bone 颧骨, maxilla 上颌骨 and mandible 下颌骨 Structures: external acoustic pore 外耳门 mastoid process 乳突 zygomatic arch 颧弓 temporal fossa 颞窝 pterion 翼点 颞窝 颧弓 颞下窝

Lateral view of skull Pterion 翼点 ( 位置 组成 ): The region where the frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid join together, in temporal fossa, H-shape. The anterior division of the middle meningeal artery ( 脑膜中动脉 )runs underneath the pterion

Frontal view of skull Frontal area 额区 : 眶以上部分 Orbit 眶 : 四面锥体形深腔 Nasal cavity 骨性鼻腔 : 介于两眶和上颌骨间, 犁骨和筛骨垂直板构成鼻中隔 Oral cavity 骨性口腔 : 上颌骨 颚骨和下颌骨围成

Frontal view of skull Orbit 眶 额骨眶部

Bony nasal cavity 骨性鼻腔 Roof: cribriform plate of ethmoid 筛板 Floor: bony palate 骨腭 Lateral wall Frontal view of skull Three nasal conchae (superior, middle and inferior) 上 中 下鼻甲 Nasal meatus underlying each concha (superior, middle and inferior) 上 中 下鼻道 Sphenoethmoidal recess 蝶筛隐窝 Anterior piriform aperture 梨状孔 Posterior posterior nasal aperture 鼻后孔

Frontal view of skull Bony nasal cavity 骨性鼻腔

Paranasal Sinuses 鼻旁窦 frontal sinus 额窦 sphenoidal sinus 蝶窦 ethmoidal sinus 筛窦 maxillary sinus 上颌窦

Paranasal sinuses 鼻旁窦 Frontal sinus 额窦 Lies in frontal bone, deep to superciliary arch Drain to anterior part of middle meatus

Paranasal sinuses 鼻旁窦 Maxillary sinus 上颌窦 Largest paired sinus, lie in the body of maxilla; Opening into middle nasal meatus

Paranasal sinuses 鼻旁窦 Ethmoidal cellules 筛窦 Lie in ethmoidal bone, contains large number of air cells, divided into anterior, middle and posterior groups Anterior and middle groups drain into middle nasal meatus, while posterior group drains into superior nasal meatus Sphenoidal sinus 蝶窦 Lies in body of sphenoid bone Drain into sphenoethmoidal recess

Paranasal sinuses 鼻旁窦 The openings of the paranasal sinuses frontal frontal sphenoidal maxillary ethmodial

General characters of the skull at birth The skull at birth is large in proportion to rest of the skeleton 1/4 (adult 1/7) The facial portion equals about 1/8 that of the cranium in size (adult 1/4) Cranial frontanelles 颅囟 unossified membrane between the bones at the angles of parietal Anterior frontanelle 前囟 closes during middle of 2nd year Posterior frontanelle 后囟 closes by the end of 2nd month after birth Mastoid fontanelle Sphenoidal fontanelle 前囟 蝶囟 前囟 矢状缝 冠状缝 乳突囟 后囟

颅骨连结 颅骨的纤维连结和软骨连结 颅骨的滑膜关节

颅骨的纤维连结和软骨连结 纤维连结 冠状缝 Coronal suture 矢状缝 Sagittal suture 人字缝 Lambdoid suture 蝶顶缝 软骨连结 蝶枕软骨结合 蝶岩软骨结合 岩枕软骨结合

Synovial joint 颞下颌关节 temporomandibular joint 组成 : Head of mandible 下颌头 Mandiblar fossa 下颌窝 and articular tubercle 关节结节 of temporal bone 特点 : 含关节盘, Cooperating joint 联合关节 运动 : 上提 下降 前进 后退 侧方

Middle cranial fossa Interior view of skull foramen rotundum 圆孔 foramen ovale 卵圆孔 foramen spinosum 棘孔 sulcus for middle meningeal artery 脑膜中动脉沟 foramen lacerum 破裂孔 internal opening of carotid canal 颈动脉管内口 trigeminal impression 三叉神经压迹 颅前窝 颅中窝 视神经管 CNⅡ 眶上裂 CNⅢ/Ⅳ/Ⅴ 1 /Ⅵ 圆孔 CNⅤ 2 卵圆孔 CNⅤ 3 棘孔 ( 脑膜中动脉 ) 颈动脉管内口 颅后窝 破裂孔

Lateral view of skull Infratemporal fossa ( 颞下窝 ): An irregularly shaped cavity, situated below and medial to the zygomatic arch, where masticatory muscles, nerves and vessels locate.

Inferior view of skull Structures: external acoustic pore 外耳门 external opening of hypoglossal canal 舌下神经管外口 external opening of carotid canal 颈动脉管外口 枕骨大孔 破裂孔 卵圆孔 棘孔 颈动脉管外口 外耳门颈静脉孔 舌下神经管外口