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NOTES TO PURCHASERS OF FIRST-HAND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES You are advised to take the following steps before purchasing first-hand residential properties. For all first-hand residential properties 1. Important information Make reference to the materials available on the Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Electronic Platform (SRPE) on the first-hand residential property market. Study the information on the website designated by the vendor for the development, including the sales brochure, price lists, documents containing the sales arrangements, and the Register of Transactions of a development. Sales brochure for a development will be made available to the general public at least 7 days immediately before a date of sale while price list and sales arrangements will be made available at least 3 days immediately before the date of sale. Information on transactions can be found on the register of transactions on the website designated by the vendor for the development and the SRPE. 2. Fees, mortgage loan and property price Calculate the total expenses of the purchase, such as solicitors fees, mortgage charges, insurance fees and stamp duties. Check with banks to find out if you will be able to obtain the needed mortgage loan, select the appropriate payment method and calculate the amount of the mortgage loan to ensure it is within your repayment ability. Check recent transaction prices of comparable properties for comparison. Check with the vendor or the estate agent the estimated management fee, the amount of management fee payable in advance (if any), special fund payable (if any), the amount of reimbursement of the deposits for water, electricity and gas (if any), and/or the amount of debris removal fee (if any) you have to pay to the vendor or the manager of the development. 3. Price list, payment terms and other financial incentives Vendors may not offer to sell all the residential properties that are covered in a price list. To know which residential properties the vendors may offer to sell, pay attention to the sales arrangements which will be announced by the vendors at least 3 days before the relevant residential properties are offered to be sold. Pay attention to the terms of payment as set out in a price list. If there are discounts on the price, gift, or any financial advantage or benefit to be made available in connection with the purchase of the residential properties, such information will also be set out in the price list. 4. Property area and its surroundings Pay attention to the area information in the sales brochure and price list, and price per square foot/metre in the price list. According to the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (Cap. 621) (the Ordinance), vendors can only present the area and price per square foot and per square metre of a residential property using saleable area. Saleable area, in relation to a residential property, means the floor area of the residential property, and includes the floor area of every one of the following to the extent that it forms part of the residential property (i) a balcony; (ii) a utility platform; and (iii) a verandah. The saleable area excludes the area of the following which forms part of the residential property air-conditioning plant room; bay window; cockloft; flat roof; garden; parking space; roof; stairhood; terrace and yard. Visit the development site and get to know the surroundings of the property (including transportation and community facilities). Check town planning proposals and decisions which may affect the property. Take a look at the location plan, aerial photograph, outline zoning plan and cross-section plan that are provided in the sales brochure. 5. Sales brochure Ensure that the sales brochure you have obtained is the latest version. According to the Ordinance, the sales brochure made available to the public should be printed or examined, or examined and revised within the previous 3 months. Read through the sales brochure and in particular, check the following information in the sales brochure - Whether there is a section on relevant information in the sales brochure, under which information on any matter that is known to the vendor but is not known to the general public, and is likely to materially affect the enjoyment of a residential property will be set out. Please note that information contained in a document that has been registered with the Land Registry will not be regarded as relevant information ; The cross-section plan showing a cross-section of the building in relation to every street adjacent to the building, and the level of every such street in relation to a known datum and to the level of the lowest residential floor of the building. This will help you visualize the difference in height between the lowest residential floor of a building and the street level, regardless of how that lowest residential floor is named; interior and exterior fittings and finishes and appliances; the basis on which management fees are shared; whether individual owners have obligations or need to share the expenses for managing, operating and maintaining the public open space or public facilities inside or outside the development, and the location of the public open space or public facilities; and whether individual owners have responsibility to maintain slopes. 6. Government land grant and deed of mutual covenant (DMC) Read the Government land grant and the DMC (or the draft DMC). Information such as ownership of the rooftop and external walls can be found in the DMC. The vendor will provide copies of the Government land grant and the DMC (or the draft DMC) at the place where the sale is to take place for free inspection by prospective purchasers. Check the Government land grant on whether individual owners are liable to pay Government rent. Check the DMC on whether animals can be kept in the residential property. 7. Agreement for sale and purchase Ensure that the preliminary agreement for sale and purchase (PASP) and agreement for sale and purchase (ASP) include the mandatory provisions as required by the Ordinance. Pay attention that fittings, finishes and appliances to be included in the sale and purchase of the property are inserted in the PASP and ASP. Pay attention to the area plan annexed to the ASP which shows the total area which the vendor is selling to you. The total area which the vendor is selling to you is normally greater than the saleable area of the property. A preliminary deposit of 5% of the purchase price is payable by you to the owner (i.e. the seller) on entering into a PASP. If you do not execute the ASP within 5 working days (working day means a day that is not a general holiday or a Saturday or a black rainstorm warning day or gale warning day) after entering into the PASP, the PASP is terminated, the preliminary deposit (i.e. 5% of the purchase price) is forfeited, and the owner (i.e. the seller) does not have any further claim against you for not executing the ASP. If you execute the ASP within 5 working days after the signing of the PASP, the owner (i.e. the seller) must execute the ASP within 8 working days after entering into the PASP. The deposit should be made payable to the solicitors firm responsible for stakeholding purchasers payments for the property. AB1

NOTES TO PURCHASERS OF FIRST-HAND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES 8. Expression of intent of purchasing a residential property Note that vendors (including their authorized representative(s)) should not seek or accept any specific or general expression of intent of purchasing any residential property before the relevant price lists for such properties are made available to the public. You therefore should not make such an offer to the vendors or their authorized representative(s). Note that vendors (including their authorized representative(s)) should not seek or accept any specific expression of intent of purchasing a particular residential property before the sale of the property has commenced. You therefore should not make such an offer to the vendors or their authorized representative(s). 9. Appointment of estate agent Note that if the vendor has appointed one or more than one estate agents to act in the sale of any specified residential property in the development, the price list for the development must set out the name of all the estate agents so appointed as at the date of printing of the price list. You may appoint any estate agent (not necessarily from those estate agency companies appointed by the vendor) to act in the purchase of any specified residential property in the development, and may also not appoint any estate agent to act on your behalf. Before you appoint an estate agent to look for a property, you should - find out whether the agent will act on your behalf only. If the agent also acts for the vendor, he/she may not be able to protect your best interests in the event of a conflict of interest; find out whether any commission is payable by you to the estate agent and, if so, its amount and the time of payment; and note that only licensed estate agents or salespersons may accept your appointment. If in doubt, you should request the estate agent or salesperson to produce his/her Estate Agent Card, or check the Licence List on the Estate Agents Authority website: www.eaa.org.hk. 10. Appointment of solicitor Consider appointing your own solicitor to protect your interests. If the solicitor also acts for the vendor, he/she may not be able to protect your best interests in the event of a conflict of interest. Compare the charges of different solicitors. For first-hand uncompleted residential properties 11. Pre-sale Consent For first-hand uncompleted residential properties and completed residential properties pending compliance 13. Estimated material date Check the estimated material date 1 for the development in the sales brochure. Please note that: For development which is subject to the Lands Department Consent Scheme, the vendor shall notify the purchaser in writing that it is in a position validly to assign the property within one month after the issue of the Certificate of Compliance or the Consent to Assign, whichever first happens. For development which is not subject to the Lands Department Consent Scheme, the vendor shall notify the purchaser in writing that it is in a position validly to assign the property within 6 months after the issue of the Occupation Document including Occupation Permit. For first-hand completed residential properties 14. Vendor s information form Ensure that you obtain the vendor s information form(s) printed within the previous 3 months in relation to the residential property/properties you intend to purchase. 15. Viewing of property Ensure that, before you purchase a residential property, you are arranged to view the residential property that you would like to purchase or, if it is not reasonably practicable to view the property in question, a comparable property in the development, unless you agree in writing that the vendor is not required to arrange such a comparable property for viewing for you. You are advised to think carefully before signing any waiver. You may take measurements, take photographs or make video recordings of the property, unless the property is held under a tenancy or reasonable restriction(s) is/are needed to ensure safety of the persons viewing the property. For complaints and enquiries relating to the sales of first-hand residential properties by the vendors which the Ordinance applies, please contact the Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Authority Telephone : 2817 3313 Email : enquiry_srpa@hd.gov.hk Fax : 2219 2220 Other useful contacts: For uncompleted residential property under the Lands Department s Consent Scheme, seek confirmation from the vendor whether the Pre-sale Consent has been issued by the Lands Department for the development. Telephone Fax 12. Show flats While the vendor is not required to make any show flat available for viewing by prospective purchasers or the general public, if the vendor wishes to make available show flats of a specified residential property, the vendor must first of all make available an unmodified show flat of that residential property and that, having made available such unmodified show flat, the vendor may then make available a modified show flat of that residential property. In this connection, the vendor is allowed to make available more than one modified show flat of that residential property. If you visit the show flats, you should always look at the unmodified show flats for comparison with the modified show flats. That said, the Ordinance does not restrict the discretion of the vendor in arranging the sequence of the viewing of unmodified and modified show flats. Sales brochure of the development should have been made available to the public when the show flat is made available for viewing. You are advised to get a copy of the sales brochure and make reference to it when viewing the show flats. Consumer Council 2929 2222 2590 6271 Estate Agents Authority 2111 2777 2598 9596 Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong 2826 0111 2845 2521 1 Generally speaking, material date means the date on which the conditions of the land grant are complied with in respect of the development, or the date on which the development is completed in all respects in compliance with the approved building plans or the conditions subject to which the certificate of exemption is issued. For details, please refer to section 2 of the Ordinance. You may take measurements in modified and unmodified show flats, and take photographs or make video recordings of unmodified show flats, subject to reasonable restriction(s) which may be set by the vendor for ensuring safety of the persons viewing the show flat. AB2

NOTES TO PURCHASERS OF FIRST-HAND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 621 (i) (ii) (iii) 5. 6. 7. 5% 五個工作日 5% 8. 9. www.eaa.org.hk 10. AB3

NOTES TO PURCHASERS OF FIRST-HAND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES 11. 12. 13. 1 14. 2817 3313 enquiry_srpa@hd.gov.hk 2219 2220 其他相關聯絡資料 : 2929 2222 2590 6271 2111 2777 2598 9596 2826 0111 2845 2521 1 2 15. AB4

INFORMATION ON THE PHASE Name of the Phase of the Development (the Phase ) Phase 1A of Park Vista Development (Towers 9A, 9B, 10A, 10B, 11A and 11B of the residential development in the Phase are called Park Vista 1A ) Name of the street and street number 18 Castle Peak Rd Tam Mi # # The provisional street number is subject to confirmation when the Phase is completed. The Phase consists of 3 multi-unit buildings Towers 9, 10 and 11 Total number of storeys of each multi-unit building Tower 9 (Tower 9A, Tower 9B) : 17 storeys Tower 10 (Tower 10A, Tower 10B) : 16 storeys Tower 11 (Tower 11A, Tower 11B) : 16 storeys The above number of storeys does not include the basement floor and the roof floor. Floor numbering in each multi-unit building as provided in the approved building plans for the Phase Tower 9 (Tower 9A, Tower 9B) : B/F, G/F, 1/F to 3/F, 5/F to 12/F, 15/F to 19/F Tower 10 (Tower 10A, Tower 10B) : B/F, G/F, 1/F to 3/F, 5/F to 12/F, 15/F to 18/F Tower 11 (Tower 11A, Tower 11B) : B/F, G/F, 1/F to 3/F, 5/F to 12/F, 15/F to 18/F Omitted floor numbers in each multi-unit building in which the floor numbering is not in consecutive order 4/F, 13/F and 14/F are omitted in each tower Refuge floor (if any) of each multi-unit building There is no refuge floor in each tower This Phase is a completed development pending compliance (a) The estimated material date for the Phase, as provided by the Authorized Person for the Phase is 31 October 2016. (b) The estimated material date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase. (c) For the purpose of the agreement for sale and purchase, under the land grant, the consent of the Director of Lands is required to be given for the sale and purchase, without limiting any other means by which the completion of the Phase may be proved, the issue of a certificate of compliance or consent to assign by the Director of Lands is conclusive evidence that the Phase has been completed or is deemed to be completed (as the case may be). 1A 9A9B10A10B11A 11B 1A 18 3 910 11 9 9A 9B 17 10 10A 10B 16 11 11A 11B 16 9 9A 9B 1 3 5 12 15 19 10 10A 10B 1 3 5 12 15 18 11 11A 11B 1 3 5 12 15 18 4 13 14 (a) 2016 10 31 (b) (c) AC1

INFORMATION ON VENDOR AND OTHERS INVOLVED IN THE PHASE Vendor Bright Strong Limited Holding companies of the vendor Fourseas Investments Limited Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited Authorized person for the Phase, and the firm or corporation of which an authorized person for the Phase is a proprietor, director or employee in his or her professional capacity Dr. Ronald Lu of Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Limited Building contractor for the Phase Chun Fai Construction Company Limited The firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of the residential properties in the Phase Mayer Brown JSM Winston Chu & Company Woo Kwan Lee & Lo Wong & Poon Authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the Phase The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Phase Sun Hung Kai Properties Holding Investment Limited FourseasInvestmentsLimited SunHungKaiPropertiesHoldingInvestmentLimited AD

RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PARTIES INVOLVED IN THE PHASE (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is an individual, and that vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an authorized person for the phase. The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is a partnership, and a partner of that vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of such an authorized person. The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that vendor) is an immediate family member of such an authorized person. The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is an individual, and that vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an associate of such an authorized person. The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is a partnership, and a partner of that vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an associate of such an authorized person. The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that vendor) is an immediate family member of an associate of such an authorized person. The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is an individual, and that vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the phase. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) The vendor, a holding company of the vendor, or a building contractor for the phase, is a listed company, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors holds at least 1% of the issued shares in that vendor, holding company or contractor. The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is a corporation, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors is an employee, director or secretary of that vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that vendor. The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is a partnership, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors is an employee of that vendor or contractor. The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is a corporation, and the corporation of which an authorized person for the phase is a director or employee in his or her professional capacity is an associate corporation of that vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that vendor. The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is a corporation, and that contractor is an associate corporation of that vendor or of a holding company of that vendor. Not Applicable A proprietor of Messers. Woo Kwan Lee & Lo, Solicitors for the Vendor, is a director of a holding company of the Vendor Not Applicable Not Applicable The Building Contractor for the Phase, Chun Fai Construction Company Limited, is an associate corporation of the Vendor and the holding companies of the Vendor (h) The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is a partnership, and a partner of that vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the phase. Not Applicable (i) The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that vendor) is an immediate family member of a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors. Not Applicable (j) The vendor, a holding company of the vendor, or a building contractor for the phase, is a private company, and an authorized person for the phase, or an associate of such an authorized person, holds at least 10% of the issued shares in that vendor, holding company or contractor. Not Applicable (k) The vendor, a holding company of the vendor, or a building contractor for the phase, is a listed company, and such an authorized person, or such an associate, holds at least 1% of the issued shares in that vendor, holding company or contractor. Not Applicable (l) The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is a corporation, and such an authorized person, or such an associate, is an employee, director or secretary of that vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that vendor. Not Applicable (m) The vendor or a building contractor for the phase is a partnership, and such an authorized person, or such an associate, is an employee of that vendor or contractor. Not Applicable (n) The vendor, a holding company of the vendor, or a building contractor for the phase, is a private company, and a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the phase holds at least 10% of the issued shares in that vendor, holding company or contractor. Not Applicable AE1

RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PARTIES INVOLVED IN THE PHASE (a) (b) (s) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) 10% 1% 10% 1% AE2

INFORMATION ON DESIGN OF THE PHASE There will be non-structural prefabricated external walls forming part of the enclosing walls of the Phase. The thickness of the non-structural prefabricated external walls of each block is 150mm. 150 Schedule of total area of the non-structural prefabricated external walls of each residential property Tower Floor Flat Total area of the non-structural prefabricated external walls of each residential property (sq.m.) Tower Floor Flat Total area of the non-structural prefabricated external walls of each residential property (sq.m.) A 0.552 A 0.615 Tower 9A 9A 1/F to 18/F 118 19/F 19 B 0.552 C 0.874 D 0.874 A Nil B Nil C Nil Tower 10B 10B 1/F to 17/F 117 18/F 18 B 0.615 C 0.585 D 0.585 A Nil B Nil A 0.586 A 0.874 1/F to 17/F B 0.586 1/F to 18/F 118 B 0.874 C 0.900 Tower 11A 11A 117 C 0.578 D 0.578 Tower 9B 9B D 0.900 A Nil 18/F 18 A B Nil Nil 19/F B Nil A 0.551 19 C 0.900 1/F to 17/F B 0.551 Tower 10A 1/F to 17/F 117 D 0.900 A 0.604 B 0.604 C 0.900 D 0.900 Tower 11B 11B 117 18/F 18 C 0.604 D 0.604 A Nil B Nil C Nil 10A A Nil Note: 4/F, 13/F and 14/F are omitted. 18/F B Nil 4 13 14 18 C 0.900 D 0.900 AF1

INFORMATION ON DESIGN OF THE PHASE There will be curtain walls forming part of the enclosing walls of the Phase. The thickness of the curtain walls of each building is 300mm. 300 Schedule of total area of the curtain walls of each residential property Tower Floor Flat Totalareaofthecurtainwalls ofeachresidentialproperty(sq.m.) Tower Floor Flat Totalareaofthecurtainwalls ofeachresidentialproperty(sq.m.) A 1.710 A 0.743 Tower 9A 9A 1/Fto18/F 118 19/F 19 B C D A B C 1.410 1.380 1.380 4.940 1.380 1.380 Tower 11A 11A 1/Fto17/F 117 18/F 18 B 0.743 C 0.713 D 0.713 A 2.815 B 2.815 A 1.710 Tower 9B 9B 1/Fto18/F 118 19/F 19 A 1.380 B 1.380 C 0.713 D 0.713 A 1.380 B 1.380 C 0.713 Tower 11B 11B Note: 4/F, 13/F and 14/F are omitted. 1/Fto17/F 117 18/F 18 B 1.710 C 1.380 D 1.380 A 4.940 B 1.380 C 1.380 D 0.713 4 13 14 A 1.380 Tower 10A 1/Fto18/F 118 B C 1.380 0.713 D 0.713 A 0.743 Tower 10B 1/Fto17/F 117 B C 0.743 0.713 10B D 0.713 18/F 18 A B 2.840 2.842 AF2

INFORMATION ON PROPERTY MANAGEMENT The manager of the Phase to be appointed under the latest draft deed of mutual covenant Supreme Management Services Limited 根據公契的最新擬稿將獲委任期數的管理人 AG

LOCATION PLAN OF THE DEVELOPMENT 發展項目的所在位置圖 This Location Plan is prepared by the Vendor with reference to the Survey Sheet (Series HP5C), Sheet No. 6-NE-A dated 17 July 2015 from Survey and Mapping Office of the Lands Department, with adjustments where necessary. 此位置圖是參考於 2015 年 7 月 17 日出版之地政總署測繪處之測繪圖 組別編號 HP5C 圖幅編號 6-NE-A 並由賣方擬備 有需要處經修正處理 Notation 圖例 San Tin Highway 新田公路 Sewage Treatment Works and Facilities 污水處理廠及設施 Power Plant (including Electricity Sub-stations) 發電廠 包括電力分站 Pylon 輸電塔架 Cemetery 墳場 Refuse Collection Point 垃圾收集站 Market (including Wet Market and Wholesale Market) 青山公路 潭尾段 Pok Wai South Road 壆圍南路 市場 包括濕貨市場及批發市場 Public Convenience 公廁 Public Utility Installation 公用事業設施裝置 Religious Institution (including Church, Temple and Tsz Tong) 宗教場所 包括教堂 廟宇及祠堂 Sports Facilities (including Sports Ground and Swimming Pool) 體育設施 包括運動場及游泳池 Location of the Development 發展項目的位置 The map reproduced with permission of the Director of Lands. The Government of the Hong Kong SAR. Licence No. 85/2015. 地圖版權屬香港特區政府 經地政總署准許複印 版權特許編號 85/2015 Yuen Long Highway 元朗公路 Yuen Long Highway 元朗公路 Note: 1. The Vendor advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. 2. The plan may show more than the area required under the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to technical reasons that the boundary of the Development is irregular. Nam Sang Wai Road 南生圍路 備註 1. 賣方建議準買方到有關發展地盤作實地考察 以對該發展地盤 其周邊地區環境及附近的 公共設施有較佳了解 Yuen Long Highway 元朗公路 Scale比例 0 50 Ko Po Road 高埔路 100 150 Chi Ho Road 治河路 200 2. 由於發展項目的邊界不規則的技術原因 此圖所顯示的範圍可能超過 一手住宅物業銷售 條列 所規定的範圍 250M 米 AH

Aerial Photograph of the Phase 期數的鳥瞰照片 161(W) x 184.5 (H)mm at a flying Adopted from part of the aerial photograph taken by the Survey and MappingSize: Office of the Lands Department height of 2,500 feet, photo No. CW115888, date of flight: 3 August 2015. 摘錄自地政總署測繪處在 2,500 呎的飛行高度拍攝之鳥瞰照片 照片編號 CW115888 飛行日期 2015 年 8 月 3 日 Location of the Phase 發展項目期數的位置 Note: 1. Copy of the aerial photograph of the Phase is available for free inspection at the sales office during opening hours. 2. The aerial photograph may show more than the area required under the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to technical reasons that the boundary of the Phase is irregular. 備註 1. 發展項目期數的鳥瞰照片之副本可於售樓處開放時間內免費查閱 2. 由於發展項目期數的邊界不規則的技術原因 此鳥瞰照片所顯示的範圍可能超過 一手住宅物業銷售條例 所 規定的範圍 This blank area falls outside the coverage of the aerial photograph. 此空白範圍不為本鳥瞰照片所覆蓋 Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department, The Government of HKSAR Copyright reserved reproduction by permission only. 香港特別行政區政府地政總署測繪處 版權所有 未經許可 不得翻印 SPN_1A_aerial photo_cw115888 AI1

Aerial Photograph of the Phase 期數的鳥瞰照片 161(W) x 184.5 (H)mm at a flying Adopted from part of the aerial photograph taken by the Survey and MappingSize: Office of the Lands Department height of 2,500 feet, photo No. CW116073, date of flight: 3 August 2015. 摘錄自地政總署測繪處在 2,500 呎的飛行高度拍攝之鳥瞰照片 照片編號 CW116073 飛行日期 2015 年 8 月 3 日 This blank area falls outside the coverage of the aerial photograph. 此空白範圍不為本鳥瞰照片所覆蓋 Location of the Phase 發展項目期數的位置 Note: 1. Copy of the aerial photograph of the Phase is available for free inspection at the sales office during opening hours. 2. The aerial photograph may show more than the area required under the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to technical reasons that the boundary of the Phase is irregular. 備註 1. 發展項目期數的鳥瞰照片之副本可於售樓處開放時間內免費查閱 2. 由於發展項目期數的邊界不規則的技術原因 此鳥瞰照片所顯示的範圍可能超過 一手住宅物業銷售條例 所 規定的範圍 Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department, The Government of HKSAR Copyright reserved reproduction by permission only. 香港特別行政區政府地政總署測繪處 版權所有 未經許可 不得翻印 SPN_1A_aerial photo_cw116073 AI2

OUTLINE ZONING PLAN ETC. RELATING TO THE DEVELOPMENT Adopted from part of the approved Kam Tin North Outline Zoning Plan No. S/YL-KTN/9, gazetted on 12 December 2014, with adjustments where necessary as shown in red. 2014 12 12 S/YL-KTN/9 San Tin Highway Castle Peak Road - Tam Mi San Tam Road Railway Reserve Fung Kat Heung Road NOTATION ZONES COMMERCIAL COMPREHENSIVEDEVELOPMENTAREA RESIDENTIAL(GROUPB) RESIDENTIAL(GROUPD) INDUSTRIAL(GROUPD) GOVERNMENT,INSTITUTIONORCOMMUNITY VILLAGETYPEDEVELOPMENT OTHERSPECIFIEDUSES OTHERSPECIFIEDUSES(AMENITYAREA) AGRICULTURE CONSERVATIONAREA COMMUNICATIONS MAJORROADANDJUNCTION ELEVATEDROAD RAILWAYANDSTATION RAILWAYANDSTATION(ELEVATED) RAILWAYANDSTATION(UNDERGROUND) MISCELLANEOUS BOUNDARYOFPLANNINGSCHEME DRAINAGERESERVE NON-BUILDINGAREA BUILDINGHEIGHTCONTROLZONEBOUNDARY MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT (IN NUMBER OF STOREYS) Yuen Long Highway Tsing Long Highway Kam Tin River Chi Ho Road Mass Transit Railway (West Rail Line) Shui Tau Tsuen Shui Mei Tsuen Note: LocationoftheDevelopment ThisareaisnotcoveredunderOutlineZoningPlanorDevelopment PermissionAreaPlan,ortheplandeemedtobeadraftplan. 1. The last updated Outline Zoning Plan and the attached schedule as at the date of printing of the sales brochure are available for free inspection at the sales office during opening hours. 2. The Vendor advises prospective purchasers to conduct on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. 3. The plan may show more than the area required under the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to technical reasons that the boundary of the Development is irregular. 4. The plan, prepared by the Planning Department under the direction of the Town Planning Board, is reproduced with the permission of the Director of Lands. The Government of the Hong Kong SAR. 1. 2. Scale 100 0 100 200 300 400 500M 3. 4. AJ1

OUTLINE ZONING PLAN ETC. RELATING TO THE DEVELOPMENT Adopted from part of the approved Nam Sang Wai Outline Zoning Plan No. S/YL-NSW/8, gazetted on 27 October 2006, with adjustments where necessary as shown in red. 2006 10 27 S/YL-NSW/8 San Tin Highway NOTATION ZONES RESIDENTIAL(GROUPD) INDUSTRIAL(GROUPD) OPENSTORGE GOVERNMENT,INSTITUTIONORCOMMUNITY OPENSPACE OTHERSPECIFIEDUSES UNDETERMINED GREENBELT CONSERVATIONAREA COMMUNICATIONS MAJORROADANDJUNCTION ELEVATEDROAD WESTRAILANDSTATION(UNDERGROUND) WESTRAILANDSTATION(ELEVATED) MISCELLANEOUS BOUNDARYOFPLANNINGSCHEME DRAINAGERESERVE Proposed Yuen Long Bypass Floodway Yuen Long Highway LocationoftheDevelopment Tung Shing Lei Scale West Rail 100 0 100 200 300 400 500M Note: 1. The last updated Outline Zoning Plan and the attached schedule as at the date of printing of the sales brochure are available for free inspection at the sales office during opening hours. 2. The Vendor advises prospective purchasers to conduct on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. 3. The plan may show more than the area required under the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to technical reasons that the boundary of the Development is irregular. 4. The plan, prepared by the Planning Department under the direction of the Town Planning Board, is reproduced with the permission of the Director of Lands. The Government of the Hong Kong SAR. 1. 2. 3. 4. AJ2

Layout Plan of the Development 發展項目的布局圖 The estimate date(s) of completion of the buildings and facilities within subsequent Phases as provided by the Authorized Person for the Development is 15/9/2016 (for areas covering Towers 12 to 36) and 15/1/2017 (for areas covering Tower 8). 本發展項目的認可人士提供的在後續期數內的建築物及設施的預計落成日期為 ( 就涵蓋第 12 至 36 座的範圍而言 )2016 年 9 月 15 日及 ( 就涵蓋第 8 座的範圍而言 ) 2017 年 1 月 15 日 Site Boundary of the Development 發展項目的界線 Boundary Line for Phase 1A of the Development 發展項目第 1A 期的分界線 Phase 1A of the Development 發展項目第 1A 期 Phase 1B of the Development 發展項目第 1B 期 Phase 1C of the Development 發展項目第 1C 期 Scale 比例 : 0 50 100M( 米 ) AK1

Layout Plan of the Development 發展項目的布局圖 Legend of Terms and Abbreviations used on Layout Plan of the Development 發展項目的布局圖中所使用名詞及簡稱之圖例 Access Lane to Channel = 道路通往隧道 ACCESS ROAD TO CHEUNG CHUN SAN TSUEN = 道路通往長春新村 Carpark Entrance = 停車場出入口 Clubhouse (at B/F and G/F) = 會所 ( 於地庫及地下 ) DSD Maintenance Access Road = Drainage Services Department Maintenance Access Road = 渠務署維修通道 Development Entrance = 發展項目的入口 Ecological Enhancement Area = 生態保育區 Entrance to Transport Terminus (at G/F) = 交通總匯出入口 ( 於地下 ) Existing Track = 現有道路 E.V.A. = Emergency Vehicular Access = 緊急車輛通道 Flat Roof = 平台 Indoor Swimming Pool = 室內游泳池 Internal Driveway = 內部車道 Kindergarten (at G/F) = 幼稚園 ( 於地下 ) Landscaped Area = 園景區 Lawn = 草坪 Outdoor Swimming Pool = 室外游泳池 Planter = 花槽 Private Street = 私家路 Residential Clubhouse = 住客會所 SAN TAM ROAD = 新潭路 SHA PO TSUEN ROAD = 沙埔村路 Shop (at G/F) = 商店 ( 於地下 ) SUBSEQUENT PHASES = 後續期數 TOWER * = 第 * 座 Transport Terminus (at G/F) = 交通總匯 ( 於地下 ) AK2

FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE Towers 9A & 9B 1/F 9A9B 1 FixedWindow(FixedGlazing) Scale 0 2 4M 1. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 2. Please refer to page AL13 - AL14 of this sales brochure for legend of the terms and abbreviations shown on the floor plan above and the explanatory notes that are applicable thereto. 1. 2. AL13 AL14 Note: The dimensions of the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residentialproperty(mm) Tower9A 9A Tower9B 9B Flat A B C D A B C D 150 150 150,175 150,175 150,175 150,175 150 150 Thefloor-to-floorheightofeachresidentialproperty(mm) 2700,3000 2700,3000 2800, 3000 2800, 3000 2800, 3000 2800, 3000 2800, 3000 2800, 3000 AL1

FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE Towers 9A & 9B 2/F 3/F, 5/F 12/F, 15/F18/F 9A9B 2 51518 1. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 2. Please refer to page AL13 - AL14 of this sales brochure for legend of the terms and abbreviations shown on the floor plan above and the explanatory notes that are applicable thereto. 1. 2. AL13 AL14 Note: The dimensions of the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. FixedWindow(FixedGlazing) Scale 0 2 4M Tower9A 9A Tower9B 9B Floor 2/F-3/F, 5/F-12/F, 15/F-17/F 2 3 5 12 15 17 18/F 18 2/F-3/F, 5/F-12/F, 15/F-17/F 2 3 5 12 15 17 18/F 18 Flat A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D Thethicknessofthefloorslabs(excludingplaster)of eachresidentialproperty(mm) 150 150 150, 175 150, 175 150, 225, 300 150, 300 150, 175 150, 175 150, 175 150, 175 150 150 150, 175 150, 175 150 150 Thefloor-to-floorheightofeachresidentialproperty(mm) 3000 3000 3000 3000 2950, 3000, 3150, 3250, 3150, 3300, 3300 3100, 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3100, 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 AL2

FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE Towers 9A & 9B 19/F 9A9B 19 FixedWindow(FixedGlazing) Scale 0 2 4M 1. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 2. Please refer to page AL13 - AL14 of this sales brochure for legend of the terms and abbreviations shown on the floor plan above and the explanatory notes that are applicable thereto. 1. 2. AL13 AL14 Note: The dimensions of the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residentialproperty(mm) Tower9A 9A Tower9B 9B Flat A B C A B C D 150, 250 150 150 150 150 150 150 Thefloor-to-floorheightofeachresidentialproperty(mm) 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 AL3

FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE Towers 9A & 9B Roof 9A9B Scale 0 2 4M 1. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 2. Please refer to page AL13 - AL14 of this sales brochure for legend of the terms and abbreviations shown on the floor plan above and the explanatory notes that are applicable thereto. 1. 2. AL13 AL14 Note: The dimensions of the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. Tower9A 9A Tower9B 9B Flat A B C A B The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residentialproperty(mm) NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable Thefloor-to-floorheightofeachresidentialproperty(mm) NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable AL4

FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE Towers 10A & 10B 1/F 10A10B 1 Scale 0 2 4M 1. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 2. Please refer to page AL13 - AL14 of this sales brochure for legend of the terms and abbreviations shown on the floor plan above and the explanatory notes that are applicable thereto. 1. 2. AL13 AL14 Note: The dimensions of the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residentialproperty(mm) Tower10A 10A Tower10B 10B Flat A B C D A B C D 150, 175 150, 175 150 150 150, 175 150, 175 150 150 Thefloor-to-floorheightofeachresidentialproperty(mm) 2800, 3000 2800, 3000 2800, 3000 2800, 3000 2760, 3000 2760, 3000 2800, 3000 2800, 3000 AL5

FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE Towers 10A & 10B 2/F 3/F, 5/F 12/F, 15/F17/F 10A10B 2 51517 1. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 2. Please refer to page AL13 - AL14 of this sales brochure for legend of the terms and abbreviations shown on the floor plan above and the explanatory notes that are applicable thereto. 1. 2. AL13 AL14 Note: The dimensions of the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. Scale 0 2 4M Tower10A 10A Tower10B 10B Floor 2/F-3/F, 5/F-12/F, 15/F-16/F 2 3 5 12 15 16 17/F 17 2/F-3/F, 5/F-12/F, 15/F-16/F 2 3 5 12 15 16 17/F 17 Flat A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D Thethicknessofthefloorslabs(excludingplaster)of eachresidentialproperty(mm) 150, 175 150, 175 150 150 150, 175 150, 175 150 150 150, 175 150, 175 150 150 150, 175, 300 150, 175, 300 150, 225, 300 150, 225, 300 Thefloor-to-floorheightofeachresidentialproperty(mm) 3000 3000 3000 3000 3100, 3300 3100, 3300 3300 3100, 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3150, 3300 3150, 3300 3000, 3150, 3000, 3150, 3200, 3300 3300 AL6

FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE Towers 10A & 10B 18/F 10A10B 18 Scale 0 2 4M 1. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 2. Please refer to page AL13 - AL14 of this sales brochure for legend of the terms and abbreviations shown on the floor plan above and the explanatory notes that are applicable thereto. 1. 2. AL13 AL14 Note: The dimensions of the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residentialproperty(mm) Tower10A 10A Tower10B 10B Flat A B C D A B 150 150 150 150 150, 175 150, 175 Thefloor-to-floorheightofeachresidentialproperty(mm) 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 AL7

FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE Towers 10A & 10B Roof 10A10B Scale 0 2 4M 1. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 2. Please refer to page AL13 - AL14 of this sales brochure for legend of the terms and abbreviations shown on the floor plan above and the explanatory notes that are applicable thereto. 1. 2. AL13 AL14 Note: The dimensions of the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residentialproperty(mm) Thefloor-to-floorheightofeachresidentialproperty(mm) Tower10A 10A Tower10B 10B Flat A B A B NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable AL8

FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE Towers 11A & 11B 1/F 11A11B 1 Scale 0 2 4M 1. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 2. Please refer to page AL13 - AL14 of this sales brochure for legend of the terms and abbreviations shown on the floor plan above and the explanatory notes that are applicable thereto. 1. 2. AL13 AL14 Note: The dimensions of the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residentialproperty(mm) Tower11A 11A Tower11B 11B Flat A B C D A B C D 150, 175 150, 175 150 150 150 150 150 150 Thefloor-to-floorheightofeachresidentialproperty(mm) 3000 3000 3000 3000 2700, 3000 2700, 3000 2800, 3000 2800, 3000 AL9

FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE Towers 11A & 11B 2/F 3/F, 5/F 12/F, 15/F17/F 11A11B 2 51517 1. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 2. Please refer to page AL13 - AL14 of this sales brochure for legend of the terms and abbreviations shown on the floor plan above and the explanatory notes that are applicable thereto. 1. 2. AL13 AL14 Note: The dimensions of the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. Scale 0 2 4M Tower11A 11A Tower11B 11B Floor 2/F-3/F, 5/F-12/F, 15/F-16/F 2 3 5 12 15 16 17/F 17 2/F-3/F, 5/F-12/F, 15/F-16/F 2 3 5 12 15 16 17/F 17 Flat A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D Thethicknessofthefloorslabs(excludingplaster)of eachresidentialproperty(mm) 150, 175 150, 175 150 150 150, 175, 300 150, 175, 300 150, 225, 300 150, 225, 300 150 150 150 150 150, 225, 300 150, 300 150, 175 150, 175 Thefloor-to-floorheightofeachresidentialproperty(mm) 3000 3000 3000 3000 3150, 3300 3150, 3300 3000, 3150, 3000, 3150, 3200, 3300 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 2950, 3000, 3150, 3250, 3150, 3300 3100, 3300 3100, 3300 3300 AL10

FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE Towers 11A & 11B 18/F 11A11B 18 Scale 0 2 4M 1. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 2. Please refer to page AL13 - AL14 of this sales brochure for legend of the terms and abbreviations shown on the floor plan above and the explanatory notes that are applicable thereto. 1. 2. AL13 AL14 Note: The dimensions of the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residentialproperty(mm) Tower11A 11A Tower11B 11B Flat A B A B C 150, 175 150, 175 150, 175 150 150 Thefloor-to-floorheightofeachresidentialproperty(mm) 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 AL11

FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE Towers 11A & 11B Roof 11A11B Scale 0 2 4M 1. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 2. Please refer to page AL13 - AL14 of this sales brochure for legend of the terms and abbreviations shown on the floor plan above and the explanatory notes that are applicable thereto. 1. 2. AL13 AL14 Note: The dimensions of the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residentialproperty(mm) Thefloor-to-floorheightofeachresidentialproperty(mm) Tower11A 11A Tower11B 11B Flat A B A B C NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable AL12


FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE LegendofTermsandAbbreviationsusedonFloorPlans R.S.M.R.R.REFUSESTORAGEANDMATERIALRECOVERYROOM S.H.SAFETYHOOK STORE TEL.DUCTTELEPHONEDUCT TIEBEAM TIEBEAMABOVE TIEBEAM(AT2F,6F,9F,12F17FONLY) 2 6 9 12 17 U.P.UTILITYPLATFORM U.P.ABOVEUTILITYPLATFORMABOVE UP V.D/V.D.VENTILATIONDUCT VERTICALALUM.FEATUREVERTICALALUMINIUMFEATURE VERTICALMETALFEATURE VOID W.C.WATERCLOSET W.M.CABINET/W.MCABINETWATERMETERCABINET W.R.DUCTWATERRISERDUCT WATERRISER Explanatory note: 1. Symbols of fittings and fitments shown on the floor plans, such as bathtubs, sink, water closets, shower, sink counter, etc, are architectural symbols retrieved from the latest approved general building plans and for general indication only. 2. There may be architectural features and exposed pipes on external walls. 3. There may be ceiling bulkheads and sunken slab of the above units at living room, dining room, bedrooms, bathrooms, water closet, stores, kitchen and/or corridors of some residential units for the air-conditioning system and/or mechanical and electrical services. 4. The internal ceiling height within some units may vary due to structural, architectural and/or decoration design variations. 5. There may be communal pipes and/or mechanical and electrical services within the balconies, utility platforms and roofs of some residential units. 6. Balconies and utility platforms are non-enclosed areas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. AL14

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 63.425(683) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 16.818 (181) Verandah 63.125(679) B Balcony UtilityPlatform 16.751 (180) Tower9A 1/F Verandah 9A 1 56.106(604) C Balcony UtilityPlatform 18.653 (201) Verandah 55.366(596) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 18.716 (201) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM1

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 55.574(598) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 18.833 (203) Verandah 55.444(597) B Balcony UtilityPlatform 18.671 (201) Tower9B 1/F Verandah 9B 1 45.347(488) C Balcony UtilityPlatform 36.260 (390) Verandah 45.348(488) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 22.383 (241) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM2

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 66.322(714) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.898(31) Verandah 66.023(711) Tower9A 2/F3/F, 5/F12/F, 15/F18/F B Balcony UtilityPlatform Verandah 2.898(31) 9A 2 3 5 12 15 18 C Balcony UtilityPlatform 60.509(651) 2.850(31) 1.553(17) Verandah 59.716(643) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.850(31) 1.500(16) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM3

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 59.829(644) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.755(30) 1.500(16) Verandah 59.751(643) Tower9B 2/F3/F, 5/F12/F, 15/F18/F B Balcony UtilityPlatform Verandah 2.755(30) 1.553(17) 9B 2 3 5 12 15 18 C Balcony UtilityPlatform 49.389(532) 2.541(27) 1.500(16) Verandah 49.389(532) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.541(27) 1.500(16) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM4

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 102.179(1100) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 12.692 (137) 77.654 (836) 3.348 (36) Verandah 69.186(745) Tower9A 9A 19/F 19 B Balcony UtilityPlatform Verandah 2.850(31) 42.564 (458) 2.667 (29) 69.458(748) C Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.850(31) 35.951 (387) 2.667 (29) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM5

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 68.049(732) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.755(30) 50.712 (546) 2.667 (29) Verandah 67.949(731) B Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.755(30) 36.026 (388) 2.667 (29) Tower9B 19/F Verandah 9B 19 48.909(526) C Balcony UtilityPlatform Verandah 2.541(27) 1.500(16) 48.909(526) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.541(27) 1.500(16) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM6

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 56.881(612) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 18.582 (200) Verandah 56.751(611) B Balcony UtilityPlatform 18.601 (200) Tower10A 1/F Verandah 10A 1 45.348(488) C Balcony UtilityPlatform 13.157 (142) Verandah 45.348(488) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 12.138 (131) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM7

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 50.122(540) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 13.737 (148) Verandah 50.122(540) B Balcony UtilityPlatform 24.488 (264) Tower10B 1/F Verandah 10B 1 46.596(502) C Balcony UtilityPlatform 15.975 (172) Verandah 46.711(503) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 16.327 (176) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM8

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 59.636(642) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.755(30) Verandah 59.506(641) Tower10A 2/F3/F, 5/F12/F, 15/F17/F B Balcony UtilityPlatform Verandah 2.755(30) 10A 2 3 5 12 15 17 C Balcony UtilityPlatform 49.389(532) 2.541(27) 1.500(16) Verandah 49.389(532) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.541(27) 1.500(16) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM9

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 54.164(583) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.541(27) 1.500(16) Verandah 54.164(583) Tower10B 2/F3/F, 5/F12/F, 15/F17/F B Balcony UtilityPlatform Verandah 2.541(27) 1.500(16) 10B 2 3 5 12 15 17 C Balcony UtilityPlatform 49.138(529) 2.541(27) Verandah 49.252(530) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.541(27) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM10

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 68.121(733) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.755(30) 50.392 (542) 2.667 (29) Verandah 68.471(737) B Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.755(30) 39.340 (423) 2.667 (29) Tower10A 18/F Verandah 10A 18 49.389(532) C Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.541(27) 1.500(16) Verandah 48.909(526) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.541(27) 1.500(16) Verandah 95.384(1027) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 6.124 (66) 76.298 (821) 1.813 (20) Tower10B 18/F Verandah 10B 18 94.505(1017) B Balcony UtilityPlatform 6.124 (66) 48.524 (522) 1.817 (20) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM11

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 50.123(540) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 13.640 (147) Verandah 50.123(540) B Balcony UtilityPlatform 24.163 (260) Tower11A 1/F Verandah 11A 1 46.671(502) C Balcony UtilityPlatform 15.900 (171) Verandah 46.789(504) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 16.045 (173) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM12

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 63.444(683) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 22.950 (247) Verandah 63.444(683) B Balcony UtilityPlatform 1.887 (20) Tower11B 1/F Verandah 11B 1 57.414(618) C Balcony UtilityPlatform 33.247 (358) Verandah 56.629(610) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 18.647 (201) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM13

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 54.164(583) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.541(27) 1.500(16) Verandah 54.164(583) Tower11A 2/F3/F, 5/F12/F, 15/F17/F B Balcony UtilityPlatform Verandah 2.541(27) 1.500(16) 11A 2 3 5 12 15 17 C Balcony UtilityPlatform 49.213(530) 2.541(27) Verandah 49.330(531) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.541(27) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM14

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 66.342(714) A Balcony UtilityPlatform Verandah 2.898(31) 66.342(714) Tower11B 2/F3/F, 5/F12/F, 15/F17/F B Balcony UtilityPlatform Verandah 2.898(31) 11B 2 3 5 12 15 17 C Balcony UtilityPlatform 60.264(649) 2.850(31) Verandah 59.479(640) D Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.850(31) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM15

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE PHASE BlockName Descriptionof ResidentialProperty Floor Unit SaleableArea(Includingbalcony, utilityplatformandverandah,ifany) sq.metre(sq.ft.) Air-conditioning BayWindow PlantRoom Cockloft Areaofotherspecifieditems(NotincludedintheSaleableArea) sq.metre(sq.ft.) FlatRoof Garden ParkingSpace Roof Stairhood Terrace Yard 95.450(1027) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 6.167 (66) 69.048 (743) 1.821 (20) Tower11A 18/F Verandah 11A 18 94.630(1019) B Balcony UtilityPlatform 6.167 (66) 55.771 (600) 1.814 (20) Verandah 102.593(1104) A Balcony UtilityPlatform 12.666 (136) 77.829 (838) 3.193 (34) Verandah 69.284(746) Tower11B 11B 18/F 18 B Balcony UtilityPlatform Verandah 2.850(31) 35.117 (378) 2.667 (29) 68.959(742) C Balcony UtilityPlatform 2.850(31) 35.987 (387) 2.667 (29) Verandah The saleable area and the floor area of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any) are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance; and the areas of the other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot. 8 2 2 AM16

FLOOR PLANS OF PARKING SPACES IN THE PHASE BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN KEYPLAN ResidentialCarParkingSpace Residential(Disabled)ParkingSpace ResidentialVisitors CarParkingSpace ResidentialMotorCycleParkingSpace Location,Number,DimensionsandAreaofParkingSpacesfor Basement TypeofParkingSpace Location Number Dimensions(LxW)(m.) x Areaofeachparkingspace (sq.m.) ResidentialCarParkingSpace Residential(Disabled)ParkingSpace ResidentialVisitors CarParkingSpace ResidentialMotorCycleParkingSpace B/F B/F B/F B/F 92 5.0 x 2.5 12.5 2 5.0 x 3.5 17.5 15 5.0 x 2.5 12.5 9 2.4 x 1.0 2.4 Note: Apart from the parking spaces mentioned above, the other parking spaces shown in the floor plan belong to subsequent phase(s) of the Development. AN1

FLOOR PLANS OF PARKING SPACES IN THE PHASE G/F FLOOR PLAN KEYPLAN ResidentialLoadingandUnloadingSpace ResidentialBicycleParkingSpace Location,Number,DimensionsandAreaofParkingSpacesforG/F TypeofParkingSpace Location Number Dimensions(LxW)(m.) x Areaofeachparkingspace (sq.m.) ResidentialLoadingand UnloadingSpace G/F 3 11x3.5 38.5 ResidentialBicycle ParkingSpace G/F 15 1.8x0.5 0.9 AN2

SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE 1. A preliminary deposit of 5% is payable on the signing of the preliminary agreement for sale and purchase (the "preliminary agreement"); 2. The preliminary deposit paid by the purchaser on the signing of the preliminary agreement will be held by a firm of solicitors acting for the owner, as stakeholders; 3. If the purchaser fails to execute the agreement for sale and purchase within 5 working days after the date on which the purchaser enters into the preliminary agreement (i) the preliminary agreement is terminated; (ii) the preliminary deposit is forfeited; and (iii) the owner does not have any further claim against the purchaser for the failure. 1. 5% 2. 3. 5 (i) (ii) (iii) AO

SUMMARY OF DEED OF MUTUAL COVENANT The draft Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement of the Development (the DMC ) provides that :- A. The common parts of the Phase 1. Common Areas and Facilities means collectively the Development Common Areas and Facilities, the Residential Common Areas and Facilities, the Carpark Common Areas and Facilities, the Commercial Common Areas and Facilities and all those parts and such of the facilities of the Development designated as common areas and facilities in any Sub- Deed(s); 2. Development Common Areas and Facilities means and includes:- (a) in so far as they are within Phase 1A, Phase 1B, Phase 1C and/or Site V:- (i) the Decks over the Drainage Reserve, the Existing Tracks, the Internal Access Road, the New Tracks, Site V, the Transport Terminus, the Wetland within the Lot; (ii) other parts of Phase 1A, Phase 1B, Phase 1C and Site V which are intended for common use and benefit of the Development including but not limited to the external walls, the emergency vehicular access, loading and unloading spaces (excluding the Residential Loading and Unloading Spaces and Commercial Loading and Unloading Spaces), passages, entrances, walkways, stairways, landings, platforms, boundary fence walls, lobbies, Greenery Areas (in so far as the same are within the Development Common Areas and Facilities), the space for the loading and unloading of refuse collection vehicles, service areas, driveways, roadways and pavements, ramps, chiller plant rooms, drainage connection, electrical rooms, extra low voltage rooms, emergency generator room, fire services control rooms, fire services water pump rooms, fan rooms, fuel tank rooms, generator rooms, intake shafts, main switch rooms, master water meter rooms, pipe ducts for underground utilities lead-in, refuse collection & material recovery chamber, refuse room, sewage pump room, sprinkler pump rooms, street fire hydrant pump room, telecommunication broadcasting equipment room, town gas kiosks, transformer room, transformer room intake shaft, transport terminus intake shaft, store rooms, landscaped areas, water features, planters and such of the drains, channels, water mains, sewers, wires, cables and other facilities whether ducted or otherwise which are or at any time may be in under or over or passing through the Lot through which fresh or salt water, sewage, gas, telephone, electricity and other services are supplied to the Development, trees, shrubs and other plants and vegetation, lamp posts and other lighting facilities, fire prevention and fighting equipment and apparatus, security systems and apparatus, ventilation system and any other mechanical systems, devices or facilities installed or provided in the Development intended for common use and benefit of the Development; (iii) to the extent not specifically provided in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) above, such other parts of Phase 1A, Phase 1B, Phase 1C and Site V:- (A) covered by paragraph (a) of the definition of common parts set out in section 2 of the Building Management Ordinance (Cap.344); and/or (B) fall within the categories as specified in Schedule 1 to the Building Management Ordinance (Cap.344) and included under paragraph (b) of the definition of common parts set out in section 2 of the Building Management Ordinance (Cap.344); which are (insofar as they are capable of being identified and shown on plans) for the purposes of identification only shown coloured Green on the plans certified by the Authorized Person and annexed to the DMC; and (b) such other areas, apparatus, devices, systems and facilities of and in the Lot and the Development as may from time to time be designated as the Development Common Areas and Facilities in accordance with the DMC or any Sub-Deed(s) or any other deed(s) but excluding:- (i) the Residential Common Areas and Facilities, the Carpark Common Areas and Facilities, the Commercial Common Areas and Facilities; and (ii) such areas within the Development the exclusive right and privilege to hold, use, occupy and enjoy which belongs to any particular Owner and such facilities within the Development serving only any particular Owner. 3. Residential Common Areas and Facilities means and includes:- (a) in so far as they are within Phase 1A, Phase 1B and/or Phase 1C:- (i) the curtain walls (excluding all windows forming part of the Residential Units), external walls, architectural fin. noise barriers, reinforced concrete parapet wall acting as noise barrier and surfaces of the Residential Accommodation; (ii) the Recreational Areas and Facilities, the Visitor Parking Spaces, the Bicycle Parking Spaces, the Residential Loading and Unloading Spaces, the acoustic fins, covered landscape areas, and such of the passages, common corridors and lift lobbies (including widened common corridors and lift lobbies for the purposes of identification only as shown coloured Yellow Stippled Black on the plans annexed to the DMC), entrances, landings, halls, entrance lobbies, caretaker rooms, Greenery Areas (in so far as they same are within the Residential Common Areas and Facilities), guard houses, horizontal screens/trellis, structural walls, stairways, air handling unit rooms, air conditioning platforms, cleaning water plant rooms, communal television and radio aerial systems for reception of television and radio broadcast, telecommunications and broadcasting distribution networks, electrical cabinet, electrical ducts, electrical rooms, electrical meter cabinet, electrical rooms, extra low voltage ducts, emergency generator rooms, fire services & sprinkler pump room, fire services control rooms, fire services pump rooms, fire services riser ducts, fire services water pump and tank rooms, fan rooms, filtration plants rooms, flushing water pump rooms, office for Owners Committee (if any) or Owners Corporation (when formed), pipe ducts, potable and flushing water pump rooms, refuse storage and material recovery rooms, sprinkler control valve rooms, sprinkler pump rooms, sprinkler pump and water tank rooms, switch rooms, telecommunication broadcasting equipment rooms, telecommunication ducts, transformer rooms, variable refrigerant volume rooms, water meter cabinet, store rooms, common flat roofs, roofs and flat roofs not forming parts of Residential Units, meter rooms and meter spaces and roof thereof and such of the lifts, lift shafts, firemen s lifts, lighting, drains, channels, sewers, salt and fresh water intakes and mains, wires, cables, air conditioning and ventilation system and other facilities whether ducted or otherwise through which fresh or salt water, sewage, gas, electricity and other services are supplied to the Residential Accommodation, pumps, tanks, sanitary fittings, electrical installations, fittings, equipment and apparatus, fire prevention and fighting equipment and apparatus, security systems and apparatus, ventilation system, permanent artificial lighting at staircases and the backup automatic activated emergency lighting system; and (iii) such other areas, apparatus, devices, systems and facilities of and in the Residential Accommodation within Phase 1A, Phase 1B and/or Phase 1C intended for the common use and benefit of the Owners, residents or tenants of the Residential Accommodation and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees, which are (insofar as they are capable of being shown on plans) for the purposes of identification only shown coloured Yellow and Yellow Stippled Black on the plans certified by the Authorized Person and annexed to the DMC; and (b) such other areas, apparatus, devices, systems and facilities of and in the Residential Accommodation as may from time to time be designated as the Residential Common Areas and Facilities in accordance with the DMC or any Sub-Deed(s) or any other deed(s) but excluding:- (i) the Development Common Areas and Facilities, the Carpark Common Areas and Facilities, the Commercial Common Areas and Facilities; and (ii) such areas within the Development in respect of which the exclusive right and privilege to hold, use, occupy and enjoy the same belongs to any particular Owner and such facilities within the Development serving only any particular Owner; 4. Carpark Common Areas and Facilities means and includes:- (a) in so far as they are within Phase 1A, Phase 1B and/or Phase 1C:- (i) all the driveways, passages, ramps, permanent artificial lighting at staircases and the backup automatic activated emergency lighting system; and AP1

SUMMARY OF DEED OF MUTUAL COVENANT (ii) such other areas, apparatus, devices, systems and facilities of and in the Carpark Areas intended for the common use and benefit of the Owners, occupiers or licensees of the Parking Spaces and their bona fide guests, visitors, tenants, servants, agents, licensees or invitees, which are (insofar as they are capable of being shown on plans) for the purposes of identification only shown coloured Grey on the plans certified by the Authorized Person and annexed to the DMC; and (b) such other areas, apparatus, devices, systems and facilities of and in the Carpark Areas as may from time to time be designated as the Carpark Common Areas and Facilities in accordance with the DMC or any Sub-Deed(s) or any other deed(s) but excluding:- (i) the Parking Spaces; (ii) the Development Common Areas and Facilities, the Residential Common Areas and Facilities and the Commercial Common Areas and Facilities; and (iii) such areas within the Development the exclusive right and privilege to hold, use, occupy and enjoy which belongs to any particular Owner and such facilities within the Development serving only any particular Owner; 5. Commercial Common Areas and Facilities means and includes:- (a) the external walls of such parts of the Commercial Accommodation which are (in so far as they are capable of being shown on plan) for the purposes of identification only shown and coloured Indigo on the elevation plans certified by the Authorized Person as annexed to the DMC; (b) (i) the Commercial Loading and Unloading Spaces, air handling unit rooms, primary air unit rooms, flushing water pump and tank rooms, potable water pump rooms, electrical rooms, telecommunication broadcasting equipment room, lavatories, permanent artificial lighting at staircases and the backup automatic activated emergency lighting system; and (ii) such other areas, apparatus, devices, systems and facilities of and in the Commercial Accommodation intended for the common use and benefit of the Owners, occupiers or licensees of the Commercial Accommodation and their bona fide guests, visitors, tenants, servants, agents, licensees or invitees, which are (insofar as they are capable of being shown on plans) for the purposes of identification only shown coloured Indigo on the plans certified by the Authorized Person and annexed to the DMC; and (c) such other areas, apparatus, devices, systems and facilities of and in the Commercial Accommodation as may from time to time be designated as the Commercial Common Areas and Facilities in accordance with the DMC or any Sub-Deed(s) or any other deed(s) but excluding:- (i) the Development Common Areas and Facilities, the Carpark Common Areas and Facilities, the Residential Common Areas and Facilities; and (ii) such areas within the Development in respect of which the exclusive right and privilege to hold, use, occupy and enjoy the same belongs to any particular Owner and such facilities within the Development serving only any particular Owner. B. Number of undivided shares assigned to each residential property in the Phase Tower 9A Floor Flat A B C D 1/F 1303 1297 1162 1147 2/F-18/F 1274 1268 1131 1116 19/F 2325 1493 1484 - Tower 9B Floor Flat A B C D 1/F 1152 1149 983 955 2/F-18/F 1120 1118 915 915 19/F 1488 1456 905 905 Tower 10A Floor Flat A B C D 1/F 1178 1175 935 933 2/F-17/F 1144 1141 915 915 18/F 1489 1473 915 905 Tower 10B Floor Flat A B C D 1/F 1032 1054 966 969 2-17/F 1010 1010 937 939 18/F 2132 2059 - - Tower 11A Floor Flat A B C D 1/F 1032 1055 968 971 2/F-17/F 1011 1011 939 941 18/F 2118 2076 - - Tower 11B Floor Flat A B C D 1/F 1318 1273 1219 1173 2/F-17/F 1275 1275 1155 1139 18/F 2329 1480 1485 - Note: 4/F, 13/F, 14/F are omitted in Tower 9A, Tower 9B, Tower 10A, Tower 10B, Tower 11A and Tower 11B. AP2

SUMMARY OF DEED OF MUTUAL COVENANT C. The term of years for which the manager of the Phase is appointed The Manager will be appointed for an initial term of not exceeding 2 years from the date of the DMC. The appointment of the Manager may be terminated in accordance with the provisions of the DMC. D. The basis on which the management expenses are shared among the owners of the residential properties in the Phase Each Owner of a Residential Unit shall contribute towards the management expenses (which shall be based on the budget prepared by the Manager) of the Development in such manner, amount and proportion as provided in the DMC by reference to the Undivided Shares allocated to his Residential Unit and the principles provided in the DMC. E. The basis on which the management fees deposit is fixed The management fees deposit is equal to three (3) months contribution towards the management expenses payable in respect of a Unit based on the first annual management budget. F. Area (if any) in the Phase retained by the owner for the owner s own use Not Applicable. Note: For full details, please refer to the latest draft of the DMC which is free for inspection during open hours at the sales office. A copy of the latest draft DMC is available upon request and payment of the necessary photocopying charges. AP3

SUMMARY OF DEED OF MUTUAL COVENANT A. 1. 2. (a) 1A 1B 1C V (i) V (ii) 1A 1B 1C V (iii) 1A 1B 1C V (i) (ii) (A) 344 2 (a) (B) 344 1 344 2 (b) (b) (i) (ii) 3. (a) 1A 1B 1C (i) (ii) (iii) 1A 1B 1C (b) (i) (ii) 4. (a) 1A 1B 1C (i) (ii) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) 5. (a) (b) (i) (ii) (c) (i) (ii) AP4

SUMMARY OF DEED OF MUTUAL COVENANT B. C. 9A (2) A B C D 1 1303 1297 1162 1147 2 18 1274 1268 1131 1116 19 2325 1493 1484-9B A B C D 1 1152 1149 983 955 2 18 1120 1118 915 915 19 1488 1456 905 905 10A A B C D 1 1178 1175 935 933 2 17 1144 1141 915 915 18 1489 1473 915 905 D. E. (3) F. 10B A B C D 1 1032 1054 966 969 2 17 1010 1010 937 939 18 2132 2059 - - 11A A B C D 1 1032 1055 968 971 2 17 1011 1011 939 941 18 2118 2076 - - 11B A B C D 1 1318 1273 1219 1173 2 17 1275 1275 1155 1139 18 2329 1480 1485 - : 9A 9B 10A 10B 11A 11B 4 13 14 AP5

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT A. Lot number of the land on which the Phase is situated 1. The Phase is constructed on Remaining Portion of Lot No.1927 in Demarcation District No.107 (the Land ). B. Term of years 2. The Land is granted under New Grant No.21263 (as varied and/or modified by (i) a Modification Letter dated 1 June 2015 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No.15061102490020; (ii) a Consent Letter dated 1 June 2015 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No.15061102490030; and (iii) a Consent Letter dated 1 June 2015 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No. 15061102490049) (collectively the Land Grant ) for a term of 50 years commencing from 12 August 2011. C. User restrictions applicable to the Land 3. Special Condition No.(16) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) Subject to sub-clause (b) of this Special Condition, the lot or any part thereof or any building or part of any building erected or to be erected thereon shall not be used for any purpose other than for non-industrial (excluding godown, office, hotel and petrol filling station) purposes. (b) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition, the lot or any part thereof or any building or part of any building erected or to be erected thereon shall not be used for any purpose other than for the purposes which it was designed, constructed, intended and designated for in accordance with these Conditions, the master layout plan to which approval is granted under the Town Planning Ordinance (Cap. 131) and the building plans approved by the Building Authority and the Director including any approved amendments thereto. D. Facilities that are required to be constructed and provided for the Government, or for public use 4. Formation of the Green Area (time limit, manner and purpose) Special Condition No.(5) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall: (i) on or before the 31st day of March, 2018 (or such other extended dates as may be approved by the Director), at his own expense, in such manner with such materials and to such standards, levels, alignment and design as the Director shall approve and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director;- (I) lay and form that portion of the future public road shown coloured green on PLAN I annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Green Area"); and (II) provide and construct such bridges, tunnels, over-passes, under-passes, culverts, viaducts, flyovers, pavements, roads or such other structures as the Director in his sole discretion may require (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Structures") so that building, vehicular and pedestrian traffic may be carried on the Green Area; (ii) on or before the 31st day of March, 2018 (or such other extended dates as may be approved by the Director), at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Director, surface, kerb and channel the Green Area and provide the same with such gullies, sewers, drains, fire hydrants with pipes connected to water mains, street lights, traffic signs, street furniture and road markings as the Director may require; and (iii) maintain at his own expense the Green Area together with the Structures and all structures (excluding the Existing High Pressure Gas Main and the Existing Water Mains referred to in Special Condition No. (51) hereof), surfaces, gullies, sewers, drains, fire hydrants, services, street lights, traffic signs, street furniture, road markings and plant constructed, installed and provided thereon or therein to the satisfaction of the Director until such time as possession of the Green Area has been re delivered to the Government in accordance with Special Condition No. (6) hereof, (b) In carrying out any works in the Green Area, the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition Nos. (52) and (55) hereof. (c) In the event of the non-fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. (d) The Director shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person whether arising out of or incidental to the fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition or the exercise of the rights by the Government under sub-clause (c) of this Special Condition or otherwise, and no claim for compensation or otherwise shall be made against the Government or the Director or his authorized officers by the Grantee in respect of any such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. 5. Possession of Green Area Special Condition No.(6) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- For the purpose only of carrying out the necessary works specified in Special Condition No. (5) hereof, the Grantee shall on the date of this Agreement be granted possession of the Green Area. The Green Area shall be re-delivered to the Government on demand and in any event shall be deemed to have been re-delivered to the Government by the Grantee on the date of a letter from the Director indicating that these Conditions have been complied with to his satisfaction. The Grantee shall at all reasonable times while he is in possession of the Green Area allow free access over and along the Green Area for all Government and public vehicular and pedestrian traffic and shall ensure that such access shall not be interfered with or obstructed by the carrying out of the works whether under Special Condition No. (5) hereof or otherwise. 6. Restriction on use of the Green Area Special Condition No.(7) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- The Grantee shall not without the prior written consent of the Director use the Green Area for the purpose of storage or for the erection of any temporary structure or for any purposes other than the carrying out of the works specified in Special Condition No. (5) hereof. 7. Access to the Green Area for inspection Special Condition No.(8) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall at all reasonable times while he is in possession of the Green Area: (i) permit the Director, his officers, contractors and any other persons authorized by him, the right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot and the Green Area for the purpose of inspecting, checking and supervising any works to be carried out in compliance with Special Condition No. (5)(a) hereof and the carrying out, inspecting, checking and supervising of the works under Special Condition No. (5)(c) hereof and any other works which the Director may consider necessary in the Green Area; (ii) permit the Government and the relevant public utility companies authorized by the Government the right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot and the Green Area as the Government or the relevant public utility companies may require for the purpose of any works to be carried out in, upon or under the Green Area or any adjoining land including but not limited to the laying and subsequent maintenance of all pipes, wire, conduits, cable-ducts, the Existing High Pressure Gas Main and other conducting media and ancillary equipment necessary for the provision of telephone, electricity, gas (if any) and other services intended to serve the lot or any adjoining or neighbouring land or premises. The Grantee shall co-operate fully with the Government and also with the relevant public utility companies duly authorized by the Government on all matters relating to any of the aforesaid works to be carried out within the Green Area; and AQ1

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT (iii) permit the officers of the Water Authority and such other persons as may be authorized by them the right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot and the Green Area as the officers of the Water Authority or such authorized persons may require for the purpose of carrying out any works in relation to the operation, maintenance, repairing, replacement, alteration or diversion of the Existing Water Mains referred to in Special Condition No. (51) hereof and any other waterworks installations within the Green Area. (b) The Government, the Director, the Water Authority, its or their officers, agents, contractors or workmen and other authorized persons shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person arising out of or incidental to the exercise of the rights by the Government, the Director, the Water Authority, its or their officers, agents, contractors or workmen and any other authorized persons or public utility companies under sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition and no claim for compensation or otherwise shall be made against any of them by the Grantee in respect of such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. 8. Provision of rights-of-way Special Condition No.(9) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) (i) The Grantee acknowledges that there are existing tracks and access roads over portions of the lot as marked "Existing Tracks" on PLAN I annexed hereto (which tracks and access roads are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Existing Tracks"). No variation of the alignment or diversion of the Existing Tracks is allowed except with the prior written consent of the Director. (ii) Save and except as that provided in sub-clause (b) of this Special Condition, the Grantee shall throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted allow members of the public for all lawful purposes with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles at all times to pass and repass freely and without payment of any nature whatsoever on, along, over and through the Existing Tracks. (b) The Grantee shall at all times allow the Director of Drainage Services, his officers, contractors, his and their workmen and any other persons authorized by him or them the right of ingress, egress and regress to, from or through the lot between the points M and N through O and P and Q through R all shown and marked on PLAN I annexed hereto or at such other points as may be approved in writing by the Director as he or they may require with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles for the purpose of inspecting, carrying out, checking and supervising any works in relation to the laying, maintenance, repairing, replacement and alteration of any drains and channels situated within the Drainage Reserve referred to in Special Condition No. (14) hereof or adjacent to the lot. (c) The Grantee shall at his own expense manage, uphold, repair and maintain the Existing Tracks in good and substantial repair and condition in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director. The Grantee shall permit the Director, his officers, contractors and any other persons authorized by him or them to, from and through the lot and the Existing Tracks for the purpose of inspecting, checking and supervising any works to be carried out in compliance with this sub-clause (c). (d) The Government and its officers shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person arising out of or incidental to the fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (a), (b) and (c) of this Special Condition or the use of the Existing Tracks by members of the public and no claim whatsoever shall be made against the Government or its officers by the Grantee in respect of any such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (e) The Grantee hereby indemnifies and shall keep indemnified the Government from and against all liabilities, claims, costs, demands, actions or other proceedings whatsoever arising whether directly or indirectly out of or in connection with anything done or omitted to be done by the Grantee in connection with sub-clauses (a), (b) and (c) of this Special Condition. (f) It is hereby expressly agreed, declared and provided that by imposing the obligations on the part of the Grantee contained in sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition, neither the Grantee intends to dedicate nor the Government consents to any dedication of the Existing Tracks to the public for the right of passage. (g) It is hereby expressly agreed and declared that the obligations on the part of the Grantee contained in sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition will give rise to no expectation of, or claim for or in respect of, any concession or right in respect of additional site coverage or plot ratio whether under Regulation 22(1) of the Building (Planning) Regulations, any amendment thereto, substitution therefor, or otherwise and for the avoidance of doubt the Grantee expressly waives any and all claims in respect of or for any concession in respect of, or right to, additional site coverage or plot ratio under Regulation 22(1) of the Building (Planning) Regulations, any amendment thereto or substitution therefor. Pursuant to a Consent Letter dated 1 June 2015 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No.15061102490030, the alignments of parts of the Existing Track has been varied and diverted in accordance with Phase I of the approved revised Master Layout Plan referred to in the Planning Department s letter dated 16 September 2013 under Planning Application No. A/YL-KTN/118-2 with effect from 1 June 2015 subject to the following conditions:- (1) You shall complete the formation of the Diverted Tracks at your own expense, in such manner with such materials and to such standards, levels, alignment and design as the Director of Lands (hereinafter referred to as "the Director") shall approve and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director on or before the 31st day of March 2018. (2) Before completion of the formation of the Diverted Tracks at your own expense and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director, you shall continue to observe and perform all the obligations contained in Special Condition No. (9) of the Conditions in relation to the Existing Tracks. (3) Upon completion of the formation of the Diverted Tracks at your own expense and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director, all references in the Conditions to the Existing Tracks shall at all times thereafter be read and construed as references to the New Tracks and all the obligations contained in Special Condition No. (9) of the Conditions to be observed and performed on your part shall apply to the New Tracks. 9. Wetland Master Plan Special Condition No.(10) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall within six calendar months from the date of this Agreement (or such other extended periods as may be approved by the Director) submit or cause to be submitted to the Director for his approval a wetland master plan (hereinafter referred to as "the Wetland Master Plan") for the wetland situate within the respective areas of the lot shown coloured pink stippled black, pink stippled black hatched blue and pink stippled black hatched red on PLAN I annexed hereto (which areas are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Wetland"). (b) The Wetland Master Plan shall be at a scale of 1:500 or larger and shall contain information on the ecological enhancement and improvement proposals of the Wetland. The Wetland Master Plan shall also include the habitat creation and management plan on the management of habitat characteristics, hydrological management, vegetation management, control of human access and disturbance, the implementation programme, the ecological monitoring programme and such other information as the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation may require. The Wetland Master Plan shall also indicate the disposition of the Existing Track within the Wetland and any pedestrian walkway or boardwalk or footpaths or such other associated facilities for the residents of the residential units in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees to pass and repass the Wetland on foot. No building works or any other works (including site formation works but excluding the demolition and removal works referred to in Special Condition No. (2)(a) hereof) shall be commenced on the lot or any part thereof until the Wetland Master Plan has been approved in writing by the Director. For the purpose of these Conditions, "building works" and "site formation works" shall be as defined in the Buildings Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation. (c) The Grantee shall at his own expense implement and carry out the ecological enhancement and improvement proposals and all works identified in or arising from the approved Wetland Master Plan in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation. No amendment, variation, alteration, modification or substitution of the Wetland Master Plan shall be made without the prior written consent of the Director. AQ2

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT (d) Subject to Special Condition No. (11)(d) hereof, the Grantee shall at his own expense keep, maintain, monitor and manage the Wetland in a safe, clean, neat, tidy and healthy condition all to the satisfaction of the Director throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted. (e) In the event of the non-fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (c) and (d) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. (f) The Grantee shall at all reasonable times permit the Government, the Director and their officers, agents, contractors, workmen and any other persons authorized by them with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles the free and unrestricted right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot or any part thereof for the purposes of: (i) inspecting, checking and supervising any works to be carried out by the Grantee in compliance with subclauses (c) and (d) of this Special Condition; and (ii) the carrying out, inspecting, checking and supervising of the works under sub-clause (e) of this Special Condition and any other works which the Director may consider necessary within the Wetland or any part thereof (g) The Government, the Director and their officers, agents, contractors, workmen and any other persons authorized by them shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person arising out of or incidental to the exercise by any of them of the rights conferred under sub-clauses (e) and (f) of this Special Condition, and no claim shall be made against any of them by the Grantee in respect of any such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (h) The Wetland shall be designated as and form part of the Common Areas referred to in Special Condition No. (32)(a) (v) hereof. (i) The Director shall at his sole discretion decide whether the pedestrian walkway or boardwalk or footpaths or associated facilities referred to in sub-clause (b) of this Special Condition may be excluded from the calculation of the total gross floor area stipulated in Special Condition No. (20)(c) hereof. (j) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the area shown coloured pink stippled black hatched blue on PLAN I annexed hereto, which is the overlapping area of the Wetland and the Railway Reserve (as defined in Special Condition No. (11)(a) hereof) (which overlapping area is hereinafter referred to as "the first Overlapping Area"), the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No. (11) hereof. (k) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the areas shown coloured pink stippled black hatched red on Plan I annexed hereto, which are the overlapping areas of the Wetland and the Utilities Reserve (as defined in Special Condition No.(52)(b) hereof) (which overlapping areas are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the second Overlapping Area"), the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No.(52) hereof. 10. Railway Reserve Special Condition No.(11) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) Save as required or approved by the Director under Special Condition Nos. (10)(a) or (13)(a) hereof or otherwise with the prior written consent of the Director, no building or structure or support for any building or structure (except boundary walls, fence, temporary landscaping works, the Existing Track within the Railway Reserve and the internal roads or pedestrian walkways referred to in Special Condition No. (63) hereof) shall be erected or constructed or placed on, over, under, above, below or within the respective areas of the lot shown coloured pink stippled black hatched blue, pink hatched blue and pink circled black hatched blue on PLAN I annexed hereto, the Pink Edged Red Hatched Blue Area and the Pink Circled Black Edged Red Hatched Blue Area (which areas are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Railway Reserve"). (b) The Grantee shall carve out the Railway Reserve by way of a Deed Poll in such form and containing such provisions as the Director shall require or approve in writing. The Deed Poll shall be registered by the Grantee at his own expense by Memorial in the Land Registry. No transaction (except a building mortgage under Special Condition No. (29)(d) hereof or the assignment of the whole of the lot under Special Condition No. (30) hereof or such other transactions as the Director may approve in writing) affecting the lot or any part thereof or any building or part of any building erected or to be erected thereon shall be entered into prior to such registration. (c) Save and except as provided in Special Condition Nos. (29)(d) and (30) hereof and in sub-clauses (b) and (d) of this Special Condition, the Grantee shall not assign, mortgage, charge, underlet, part with the possession of or otherwise dispose of the Railway Reserve or any part or parts thereof or any interest therein or enter into any agreement so to do. (d) The Grantee shall, when called upon by the Director so to do, at his own expense surrender the Railway Reserve or any part or parts thereof as the Director shall specify with vacant possession to the Government free of costs and consideration and free from incumbrances in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director and for this purpose the Grantee shall at his own expense and within such time as may be specified by the Director, execute a deed or deeds of surrender and any other necessary documents in such form and containing such provisions as the Director shall require or approve in writing provided that the Government shall not be under any obligation to accept the surrender of the Railway Reserve or any part or parts thereof at the request of the Grantee, but may only do so as and when the Government sees fit. The Grantee shall have no right to claim against the Government for any loss, damage or compensation whatsoever directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with the surrender. (e) Subject to Special Condition No. (10)(a) hereof, the Grantee shall at his own expense landscape the Railway Reserve or any part or parts thereof and thereafter maintain and keep the same in a safe, clean, neat, tidy and healthy condition all to the satisfaction of the Director until the Railway Reserve shall have been surrendered to the Government in accordance with sub-clause (d) of this Special Condition. (f) It is expressly agreed and declared that the obligations on the part of the Grantee contained in sub-clause (d) of this Special Condition will give rise to no expectation of, or claim for or in respect of any concession or right in respect of additional site coverage or plot ratio whether under Regulation 22(2) of the Building (Planning) Regulations, any amendment thereto, substitution therefor, or otherwise and for the avoidance of doubt the Grantee expressly waives any and all claims in respect of or for any concession in respect of, or right to, additional site coverage or plot ratio under Regulation 22(2) of the Building (Planning) Regulations, any amendment thereto or substitution therefor. (g) No parking space or lay-by or loading or unloading space shall be allowed on, over, under, above, below, or within the Railway Reserve or any part or parts thereof. (h) The Grantee acknowledges and accepts that upon development or redevelopment of the lot or any part thereof after the surrender of the Railway Reserve or any part or parts thereof referred to in sub-clause (d) of this Special Condition: (i) the Grantee may not be able to construct the maximum gross floor area permitted under Special Condition No. (20)(c) hereof due to the reduction in the area of the lot; and (ii) the Government shall have no liability whatsoever to the Grantee in respect of any reduction in the maximum gross floor area that can be constructed on the lot and the Grantee shall have no right to claim against the Government in respect of such reduction. (i) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the first Overlapping Area, the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No. (10) hereof. (j) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the area shown coloured pink circled black hatched blue on Plan I annexed hereto and the Pink Circled Black Edged Red Hatched Blue Area, which are the overlapping areas of the Railway Reserve and the Drainage Reserve (as defined in Special Condition No. (14)(a) hereof) (which overlapping areas are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the third Overlapping Area"), the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No. (14) hereof. AQ3

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT 11. Formation of the Yellow Area Special Condition No.(12) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall on or before the 31st day of March, 2018 (or such other extended dates as may be approved by the Director) at his own expense and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director lay, form and surface the area shown coloured yellow on PLAN I annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Yellow Area"). (b) The Grantee shall at his own expense uphold, manage, maintain and repair the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof of which the Grantee has retained possession and everything thereon, therein or thereunder in good and substantial repair and condition to the satisfaction of the Director until such time as possession of the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof has or have been re-delivered to the Government in accordance with sub-clause (e) of this Special Condition. (c) In the event of the non-fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. (d) The Director shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person whether arising out of or incidental to the fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition or the exercise of the rights by the Government under sub-clause (c) of this Special Condition or otherwise, and no claim for compensation or otherwise shall be made against the Government or the Director or his authorized officers by the Grantee in respect of any such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (e) For the purpose only of carrying out the necessary works specified in sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition, the Grantee shall on the date of this Agreement be granted possession of the Yellow Area. The Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof shall be re-delivered to the Government by the Grantee on demand of the Director without any payment or compensation whether monetary or otherwise and in any event shall be deemed to have been re delivered to the Government by the Grantee on the date or dates to be specified by the Director in writing provided that the Government shall not be compelled to take back possession of the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof but may only do so as and when the Government sees fit. (f) The Grantee shall not without the prior written consent of the Director use the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof for the purpose of storage or for the erection of any temporary structure or for any purposes other than the carrying out of the works specified in sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition. (g) The Grantee shall at all reasonable times while he is in possession of the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof permit the Director, his officers, contractors and any other persons authorized by him, with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles the free and unrestricted right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot and the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof for the purpose of inspecting, checking and supervising any works to be carried out in compliance with sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition and the carrying out, inspecting, checking and supervising of the works under sub-clause (c) of this Special Condition and any other works which the Director may consider necessary in the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof. 12. Construction of the Internal Access Road Special Condition No.(13) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall on or before the 31st day of March, 2018 (or such other extended dates as may be approved by the Director) at his own expense and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director lay, form, provide, construct and surface an internal access road within the lot (hereinafter referred to as "the Internal Access Road") in such manner with such materials and to such standards as the Director shall require or approve so that vehicular and pedestrian access to the Yellow Area from San Tam Road and vice versa can be gained through the Internal Access Road. (b) The position, design, disposition, alignment, level and width of the Internal Access Road shall be subject to the prior approval in writing of the Director. (c) No building works (other than the demolition and removal works referred to in Special Condition No. (2)(a) hereof and site formation works) shall be commenced on the lot until the approval required under sub-clause (b) of this Special Condition shall have been obtained by the Grantee. (d) The Grantee shall throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted at his own expense manage and maintain the Internal Access Road in good and substantial repair and condition in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director. (e) The Grantee shall at all times during day and night throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted permit the Government, the future owners, lessees, tenants, occupiers and licensees of the Yellow Area and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees for all lawful purposes connected with the proper use and enjoyment of the Yellow Area (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the inspection thereof by the Government, its officers and other authorized persons) the right, and the Grantee further covenants to permit them, to pass and repass with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles free of any charge on, along, over, by and through the Internal Access Road for ingress, egress and regress to and from the Yellow Area. (f) The Grantee shall throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted permit the Government, the future owners, lessees, tenants, occupiers and licensees of the Yellow Area the right of, and the Grantee further covenants to permit them, free passage, flow, supply, conveyance and discharge of utility services, including but not limited to water, electricity, gas, telephone and telecommunication services to and from the Yellow Area through such gutters, pipes, wires, cables, sewers, drains, nullahs, culverts, ducts, flues, conduits and water mains passing along, through, over, upon or under the Internal Access Road, for the proper use and enjoyment of the Yellow Area and for such purpose, the right for the Government, the future owners, lessees, tenants, occupiers and licensees of the Yellow Area or any other persons duly authorized by any of them, and the Grantee further covenants to permit them, to enter the lot through the Internal Access Road at all reasonable times (except in case of emergency) with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles for the purpose of carrying out inspection, maintenance, repair, alteration, removal, renewal, replacement and installation works to all and any of the said gutters, pipes, wires, cables, sewers, drains, nullahs, culverts, ducts, flues, conduits and water mains referred to in this sub-clause. (g) In the event of the non-fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (a) and (d) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. For the purpose of carrying out the works aforesaid, the Government, its officers, agents, contractors, workmen or other duly authorized personnel shall have free and uninterrupted right at all reasonable times with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles to enter into the lot or any part thereof and any building or buildings erected or to be erected thereon. (h) The Government, its officers, agents, contractors, workmen or other duly authorized personnel shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person arising out of or incidental to the exercise of the rights conferred under sub-clause (g) of this Special Condition, and no claim for compensation or otherwise shall be made against any of them by the Grantee in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (i) The Grantee shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Government, its officers, agents, contractors, workmen and other duly authorized personnel from and against all liabilities, claims, costs, demands, actions or other proceedings whatsoever whether arising out of or in connection with anything done or omitted to be done by the Grantee, his servants, workmen and contractors in connection with sub-clauses (e) and (f) of this Special Condition. (j) There is no right of ingress or egress to and from the Yellow Area through the Internal Access Road for the passage of motor vehicles except between the points S and T through U shown and marked on PLAN I annexed hereto or at such other points as may be approved in writing by the Director. (k) It is hereby expressly agreed, declared and provided that by imposing the obligations on the part of the Grantee contained in sub-clause (e) of this Special Condition, neither the Grantee intends to dedicate nor the Government consents to any dedication of the Internal Access Road to the public for the right of passage. AQ4

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT (l) It is hereby expressly agreed and declared that the obligations on the part of the Grantee contained in sub-clause (e) of this Special Condition will give rise to no expectation of, or claim for or in respect of, any concession or right in respect of additional site coverage or plot ratio whether under Regulation 22(1) of the Building (Planning) Regulations, any amendment thereto, substitution therefor, or otherwise and for the avoidance of doubt the Grantee expressly waives any and all claims in respect of or for any concession in respect of, or right to, additional site coverage or plot ratio under Regulation 22(1) of the Building (Planning) Regulations, any amendment thereto or substitution therefor. 13. Construction of Decks over Drainage Reserve Special Condition No.(14) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall on or before the 31st day of March, 2018 (or such other extended dates as may be approved by the Director), at his own expense construct and provide decks and their supports (hereinafter referred to as "the Decks") over the drainage channels erected or to be erected on the respective areas of the lot shown coloured pink circled black, pink circled black hatched blue, pink circled black hatched red on PLAN I annexed hereto, the Pink Circled Black Edged Red Area and the Pink Circled Black Edged Red Hatched Blue Area (which areas are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Drainage Reserve") in such manner with such materials and to such levels, designs, positions and standards as shall be required and approved by the Director and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director. (b) Save as required or approved by the Director under sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition or otherwise with the prior written consent of the Director, no building or structure or support for any building or structure (except the Existing High Pressure Gas Main, the Existing Water Mains referred to in Special Condition No. (51) hereof and the Highway Structures referred to in Special Condition No. (52)(a) hereof) shall be erected or constructed or placed on, over, under, above, below or within the Drainage Reserve or any part or parts thereof. (c) Subject to Special Condition No. (11)(d) hereof, the Grantee shall upon completion of the Decks at his own expense uphold, maintain, repair and manage the Decks in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted. (d) In the event of the non-fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (a) and (c) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. (e) The Grantee shall, subject to Special Condition No. (11)(d) hereof, permit the Government, the Director, its or his officers, agents, contractors, workmen and any other persons authorized by them with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles the free and unrestricted right of ingress, egress and regress at all times to, from and through the lot or any part or parts thereof for the purposes of: (i) inspecting, checking and supervising any works to be carried out in compliance with sub-clauses (a) and (c) of this Special Condition; (ii) carrying out, inspecting, checking and supervising of the works under sub-clause (d) of this Special Condition and any other works which the Director may consider necessary in the Drainage Reserve or any part or parts thereof; and (iii) constructing, inspecting, maintaining, repairing and desilting the drainage channels in or adjoining the lot or any part or parts thereof. (f) The Government, the Director, its or his officers, agents, contractors, workmen and any other persons authorized by them shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee whether arising out of or incidental to the fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (a) and (c) of this Special Condition or the exercise by any of them of the rights conferred under subclauses (d) and (e) of this Special Condition or otherwise, and no claim shall be made against any of them by the Grantee in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (g) No parking space or lay-by or loading or unloading space shall be allowed on, over, under, above, below, or within the Drainage Reserve or any part or parts thereof. (h) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the third Overlapping Area, the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No. (11) hereof. (i) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the area shown coloured pink circled black hatched red on PLAN I annexed hereto, which is the overlapping area of the Drainage Reserve and the Utilities Reserve (as defined in Special Condition No. (52)(b) hereof) (which overlapping area is hereinafter referred to as the fourth Overlapping Area ), the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No. (52) hereof. 14. Right of Way over Government Land (Brown Areas) Special Condition No.(64) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The lot is granted together with a right for the Grantee and his servants, visitors, workmen and other persons authorized by him in that behalf from time to time and at all times during the term hereby agreed to be granted for all purposes connected with the proper use and enjoyment of the lot to pass and repass on, along, over, by and through those areas shown coloured brown on PLAN A annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Brown Areas ) at such levels as may be approved by the Director. (b) The Grantee shall, on or before the 31st day of March 2018 (or such other extended dates as may be approved by the Director), at his own expense, in such manner, with such materials and to such standards as the Director shall require or approve, construct a paved way with such associated street furniture, traffic aids, street lighting, sewers, drains, channels, catchpits, culverts and other structures as the Director may consider necessary on the Brown Areas over and along which a right of way referred to in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition is given with minimum disturbance to the owners of any other lots in the vicinity to whom rights of way over the whole or any portion of the Brown Areas may have been granted. (c) The Grantee shall at his own expense uphold, maintain and manage the Brown Areas and everything forming a portion of or pertaining to it, all to be done to the satisfaction of the Director and the Grantee shall be responsible for the whole as if he were the absolute owner thereof. (d) Any alteration to any public road absorbing a portion of the Brown Areas over and along which a right of way is given or affecting the gradient thereof, shall not give rise to any claim by the Grantee who shall at his own expense carry out all consequent alterations to the paved way constructed by him on the Brown Areas in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director. (e) The grant of the right of way referred to in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition shall not give the Grantee the exclusive right over the Brown Areas or any part thereof. The Government shall have the right to grant rights of way over the Brown Areas or any part thereof to the owners of any other lots in the vicinity now or at any time in the future, or to take over the whole or any portion of the Brown Areas for the purposes of a public street or for any other purposes as the Government considers appropriate without payment of any compensation to the Grantee or to other owners to whom rights of way over the whole or any portion of the Brown Areas may have been granted. (f) In the event of the non-fulfilment of any of the Grantee s obligations under sub-clauses (b), (c) or (d) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary construction, maintenance, repair or alteration works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. (g) Notwithstanding the grant of the right of way referred to in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition, the Government shall have the full right and power, upon giving to the Grantee, not less than fourteen days written notice (save in case of emergency) to lay, install, relay, divert, remove, reprovision, replace, inspect, operate, repair, maintain and renew any Government or other drain, channel, catchpit, culvert, waterway or watercourse, sewer, nullah, water main, pipe, cable, wire, line, utility service or other works or installations (all together hereinafter referred to as the Brown Areas Services ) which are now or may hereafter be upon, over, under or adjacent to the Brown Areas or any part thereof as the Director may in his absolute discretion deem fit, making good any and all damage caused thereby, and the Director, his officers, contractors and any other persons authorized by him, his or their workmen with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles shall have the right of free ingress, egress and regress at all times to and from the Brown Areas or any part thereof for the purposes aforesaid. The Grantee shall not disturb or allow anybody to disturb the Brown Areas Services without the prior written approval from the Director. Save in respect of making good any and all damage caused by any exercise of the aforesaid rights and powers, the Government, the Director, his officers, contractors and any other persons AQ5

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT authorized by him, his or their workmen shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee arising out of or incidental to the exercise of the rights conferred under this sub-clause, and no claim nor objection shall be made against him or them by the Grantee. 15. Management and Maintenance of the Yellow Stippled Black Areas Special Condition No.(65) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall at his own expense uphold, manage, maintain and repair those areas shown coloured yellow stippled black on PLAN A annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Yellow Stippled Black Areas ) and everything forming a portion of or pertaining to it or any part or parts thereof of which the Grantee has not redelivered possession and everything thereon, therein or thereunder in good and substantial repair and condition all to be done to the satisfaction of the Director until such time as possession of the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof has or have been re-delivered to the Government in accordance with sub-clause (d) of this Special Condition. (b) In the event of the non-fulfilment of the Grantee s obligations under sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. (c) The Director shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person whether arising out of or incidental to the fulfilment of the Grantee s obligations under sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition or the exercise of the rights by the Government under sub-clause (b) of this Special Condition or otherwise, and no claim for compensation or otherwise shall be made against the Government or the Director or his authorized officers by the Grantee in respect of any such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (d) For the purpose only of carrying out the necessary works specified in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition, the Grantee shall on the 1st day of June 2015 be granted possession of the Yellow Stippled Black Areas. The Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof shall be re-delivered to the Government by the Grantee on demand of the Director without any payment or compensation whether monetary or otherwise and in any event shall be deemed to have been re-delivered to the Government by the Grantee on the date or dates to be specified by the Director in writing provided that the Government shall not be compelled to take back possession of the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof but may only do so as and when the Government sees fit. (e) The Grantee shall not without the prior written consent of the Director use the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof for the purpose of storage or for the erection of any temporary structure or for any purposes other than the carrying out of the works specified in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition. (f) The Grantee shall at all reasonable times while he is in possession of the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof permit the Director, his officers, contractors and any other persons authorized by him, with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles the free and unrestricted right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot and the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof for the purpose of inspecting, checking and supervising any works to be carried out in compliance with sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition and the carrying out, inspecting, checking and supervising of the works under sub-clause (b) of this Special Condition and any other works which the Director may consider necessary in the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof. E. Grantee s obligation to lay, form or landscape any areas, or to construct or maintain any structures or facilities, within or outside the Land 16. Building covenant Special Condition No.(15) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- The Grantee shall develop the lot by the erection thereon of a building or buildings complying in all respects with these Conditions and all Ordinances, bye-laws and regulations relating to building, sanitation and planning which are or may at any time be in force in Hong Kong, such building or buildings to be completed and made fit for occupation on or before the 31st day of March, 2018. 17. Landscape Master Plan Special Condition No.(19) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall submit or cause to be submitted to the Director of Planning for his approval a landscape master plan indicating the landscaping proposals for the lot. (b) The landscape master plan shall be at a scale of 1:500 or larger and shall contain information on the landscaping proposals including a survey and treatment of existing trees, site layout and formation levels, conceptual form of building development, illustrative layout of hard and soft landscaping areas and such other information as the Director of Planning may require. No site formation works shall be commenced on the lot or any part thereof until approval, if required, has been given in respect of the proposals for the preservation of trees under Special Condition No. (17) hereof. No superstructure work shall be commenced on the lot or any part thereof until the relevant submission has been approved in writing by the Director of Planning. (c) The Grantee shall at his own expense landscape the lot in accordance with the approved landscape master plan and no amendment, variation, alteration, modification or substitution shall be made without the prior written consent of the Director. (d) The Grantee shall thereafter at his own expense keep and maintain the landscaped works in a safe, clean, neat, tidy, functional and healthy condition all to the satisfaction of the Director. 18. Development conditions Special Condition No.(20) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- Subject to these Conditions, upon development or redevelopment (which term refers solely to redevelopment contemplated in General Condition No. (6) hereof) of the lot or any part thereof : (a) any building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot shall in all respects comply with the Buildings Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation; (b) no building or buildings may be erected on the lot or any part thereof or upon any area or areas outside the lot specified in these Conditions, nor may any development or use of the lot or any part thereof, or of any area or areas outside the lot specified in these Conditions take place, which does not in all respects comply with the requirements of the Town Planning Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation; (c) (i) the total gross floor area of any building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot shall not be less than 131,859 square metres and shall not exceed 219,765 square metres; (ii) out of the total gross floor area stipulated in sub-clause (c)(i) of this Special Condition, the total gross floor area of any building or part of any building erected or to be erected on the lot designed for and intended to be used for private residential purposes shall not exceed 209,765 square metres; (iii) out of the total gross floor area stipulated in sub-clause (c)(i) of this Special Condition, the total gross floor area of any building or part of any building erected or to be erected on the lot designed for and intended to be used for non-industrial (excluding private residential, godown, office, hotel and petrol filling station) purposes (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the total gross floor area of the Kindergarten as defined in Special Condition No. (26) hereof and the total gross floor area of the Transport Terminus as defined in Special Condition No. (27) hereof) shall not exceed 10,000 square metres; (d) notwithstanding the maximum gross floor areas as stipulated in sub-clause (c) of this Special Condition, it is hereby expressly agreed and accepted by the Grantee that there is no guarantee that the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot or part thereof can attain the maximum gross floor area of 219,765 square metres permitted under sub-clause (c) of this Special Condition and that no compensation shall be claimed against the Government in the event that the stipulated maximum gross floor area cannot be achieved; AQ6

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT (e) no part of any building or other structure erected or to be erected on the lot together with any addition or fitting (if any) to such building or structure may in the aggregate exceed a height of 60.2 metres above the Hong Kong Principal Datum, provided that : (i) with the prior written approval of the Director, machine rooms, air-conditioning units, water tanks, stairhoods and similar roof top structures may be erected or placed on the roof of the building so as to exceed the above height limit; and (ii) the Director at his sole discretion may in calculating the height of a building or structure exclude any structure or floor space referred to in Special Condition No. (59)(b)(i)(II) hereof; (f) any building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot shall not exceed 16 storeys including any floor or space below the level of the ground provided that: (i) for the purpose of calculating the number of storeys referred to in this sub-clause (f) there shall not be taken into account any floor or space for the Kindergarten, the Transport Terminus, carparking or for the purposes stipulated in Special Condition No. (20)(c)(iii) hereof and any floor or space solely or, in the opinion of the Director (whose opinion shall be final and binding on the Grantee) predominantly used for the purpose of entrance lobby, the Facilities referred to in Special Condition No. (22)(a) hereof, mechanical service floor, water tank and plant room; and (ii) the Director at his sole discretion may in calculating the number of storeys referred to in this sub-clause (f) exclude (in addition to the floor or space excluded in sub-clause (f)(i) of this Special Condition): (I) any floor or space that he is satisfied is constructed or intended to be occupied solely by machinery or equipment for any lift, air-conditioning or heating system or any similar service; and (II) any structure or floor space referred to in Special Condition No. (59)(b)(i)(II) hereof; and (g) the design and disposition of any building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot shall be subject to the approval in writing of the Director and no building works (other than demolition works and removal works referred to in Special Condition No. (2)(a) hereof and site formation works) shall be commenced on the lot until such approval shall have been obtained. 19. Kindergarten Special Condition No.(26) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- The Grantee shall at his own expense and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director erect, construct, provide and maintain within the lot accommodation for a kindergarten comprising not less than 8 classrooms and other ancillary facilities having a total gross floor area of not less than 840 square metres (hereinafter referred to as the Kindergarten ). For the avoidance of doubt, the area so provided for the Kindergarten shall be taken into account for the purpose of calculating the gross floor area stipulated in Special Condition No. (20)(c)(iii) hereof. The Kindergarten shall not be used for any purposes other than as a kindergarten in accordance with this Special Condition. 20. Provision of the Transport Terminus Special Condition No.(27) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall at his own expense and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director erect, construct, provide and operate within the lot a transport terminus with ancillary facilities having a total gross floor area of not less than 3,000 square metres (hereinafter referred to as the Transport Terminus ) in such manner with such materials and to such standards, level, position and design as the Director shall approve. The Transport Terminus shall be completed and made fit for operation on or before the 31st day of March, 2018. (b) The Grantee shall throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted at his own expense maintain the Transport Terminus in good and substantial repair and condition to the satisfaction of the Director. (c) For the avoidance of doubt, the area so provided for the Transport Terminus in accordance with sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition shall be taken into account for the purpose of calculating the gross floor area stipulated in Special Condition No. (20)(c)(iii) hereof. (d) The Transport Terminus shall not be used for any purposes other than a transport terminus in accordance with subclause (a) of this Special Condition and shall be designated as and form part of the Common Areas referred to in Special Condition No. (32)(a)(v) hereof. 21. Parking requirements Special Condition No.(36) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) (i) Spaces shall be provided within the lot to the satisfaction of the Director for the parking of motor vehicles licensed under the Road Traffic Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation, and belonging to the residents of the residential units in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot and their bona fide visitors or invitees (hereinafter referred to as the Residential Parking Spaces ) at a rate to be calculated by reference to the respective size of the residential units erected or to be erected on the lot as set out in the table below (unless the Director consents to a rate for or to a number of Residential Parking Spaces different from those set out in the table below). Size of each residential unit Less than 40 square metres Not less than 40 square metres but less than 70 square metres Not less than 70 square metres but less than 100 square metres Not less than 100 square metres but less than 160 square metres Not less than 160 square metres No. of the Residential Parking Spaces to be provided One space for every 10 residential units or part thereof One space for every 6 residential units or part thereof One space for every 3 residential units or part thereof Five spaces for every 6 residential units or part thereof One space for every 1.5 residential units or part thereof (ii) For the purpose of sub-clause (a)(i) of this Special Condition,the total number of Residential Parking Spaces to be provided shall be the aggregate of the respective number of the Residential Parking Spaces calculated by reference to the respective size of each residential unit set out in the table of sub-clause (a)(i) of this Special Condition. For the purpose of these Conditions, the term size of each residential unit in terms of gross floor area shall mean the sum of (I) and (II) below: (I) the gross floor area in respect of a residential unit, exclusively used and enjoyed by the resident of that unit, which shall be measured from the exterior of the enclosing walls or parapet of such unit except where such enclosing walls separate two adjoining units in which case the measurement shall be taken from the middle of those walls, and shall include the internal partitions and columns within such unit, but, for the avoidance of doubt, shall exclude all floor area within such unit which are not taken into account for the calculation of gross floor area stipulated in Special Condition No. (20)(c) hereof; and (II) the pro-rata gross floor area of Residential Common Area (as hereinafter defined) in respect of a residential unit. In so calculating, the total gross floor area of residential common area, which is for common use and benefit of all residents of the residential portion of the development erected or to be erected on the lot, outside the enclosing walls of the residential units but, for the avoidance of doubt, excluding all floor area which are not taken into account for the calculation of gross floor area stipulated in Special Condition No. (20)(c) hereof (which residential common area is hereinafter referred to as the Residential Common Area ) shall be apportioned to a residential unit by the following formula : AQ7

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT The total gross floor area of Residential Common Area x The gross floor area in respect of a residential unit as calculated under sub-clause (a)(ii)(i) of this Special Condition The total gross floor area of all residential unit as calculated under sub-clause (a)(ii)(i) of this Special Condition (iii) If more than 75 residential units are provided in any block of residential units erected or to be erected on the lot, additional spaces for the parking of motor vehicles licensed under the Road Traffic Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation, and belonging to the bona fide guests, visitors or invitees of the residents of the residential units in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot shall be provided at a rate of 5 spaces for every such block of residential units or at such other rates as may be approved by the Director subject to a minimum of one space being provided. (iv) The spaces provided under sub-clauses (a)(i) and (a)(iii) of this Special Condition shall not be used for any purpose other than those respectively stipulated therein and in particular the said spaces shall not be used for the storage, display or exhibiting of motor vehicles for sale or otherwise. (b) (i) Spaces shall be provided within the lot to the satisfaction of the Director for the parking of motor vehicles at the rate of one space for every 200 square metres or part thereof of the gross floor area of the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot to be used for non-industrial (excluding private residential, godown, office, hotel and petrol filling station) purposes unless the Director consents to another rate. (ii) For the purpose of calculating the number of spaces to be provided under sub-clause (b)(i) of this Special Condition, any floor area to be used for the Transport Terminus, parking, loading and unloading purposes shall be excluded. (iii) The spaces provided under sub-clause (b)(i) of this Special Condition shall not be used for any purpose other than for the parking of motor vehicles licensed under the Road Traffic Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation, and belonging to the occupiers of the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot for the purpose stipulated in the said sub-clause and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees and in particular the said spaces shall not be used for the storage, display or exhibiting of motor vehicles for sale or otherwise. (c) (i) Out of the spaces provided under sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition, the Grantee shall reserve and designate spaces for the parking of motor vehicles by disabled persons as defined in the Road Traffic Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation (hereinafter referred to as the Parking Spaces for Disabled Persons ), at the following rates or at such other rates as may be approved by the Director:- (I) not less than one space for every 200 spaces provided in accordance with sub-clause (a)(i) of this Special Condition (as may be adjusted pursuant to Special Condition No. (38) hereof) or part thereof if such part exceeds 100 spaces (subject to a minimum of one space being reserved and designated); (II) not less than one space for every 200 spaces provided in accordance with sub-clause (b)(i) of this Special Condition (as may be adjusted pursuant to Special Condition No. (38) hereof) or part thereof if such part exceeds 100 spaces (subject to a minimum of one space being reserved and designated); and (III) one space out of the spaces provided in accordance with sub-clause (a)(iii) of this Special Condition. (ii) The Parking Spaces for Disabled Persons shall be located at such position and level as shall be approved in writing by the Director. (iii) The Parking Spaces for Disabled Persons shall not be used for any purpose other than for the parking of motor vehicles by disabled persons as defined in the Road Traffic Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation, and belonging to the residents or occupiers of the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees and in particular the said spaces shall not be used for the storage, display or exhibiting of motor vehicles for sale or otherwise. (d) (i) Spaces shall be provided within the lot to the satisfaction of the Director for the parking of motor cycles licensed under the Road Traffic Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation, at the following rates unless the Director consents to another rate: (I) 10 percent of the total number of Residential Parking Spaces required to be provided under sub-clause (a)(i) of this Special Condition (as may be adjusted pursuant to Special Condition No. (38) hereof) (hereinafter referred to as the Residential Motor Cycle Parking Spaces ); and (II) 10 percent of the total number of spaces required to be provided under sub-clause (b)(i) of this Special Condition (as may be adjusted pursuant to Special Condition No. (38) hereof); provided that if the number of spaces to be provided is a decimal number, the same shall be rounded up to the next whole number. (ii) The Residential Motor Cycle Parking Spaces shall not be used for any purpose other than for the parking of motor cycles licensed under the Road Traffic Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation, and belonging to the residents of the residential units in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees and in particular the said spaces shall not be used for the storage, display or exhibiting of motor vehicles for sale or otherwise. (iii) The spaces provided under sub-clause (d)(i)(ii) of this Special Condition shall not be used for any purpose other than for the parking of motor cycles licensed under the Road Traffic Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation, and belonging to the occupiers of the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot for the purpose stipulated in sub-clause (b)(i) of this Special Condition and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees and in particular the said spaces shall not be used for the storage, display or exhibiting of motor vehicles for sale or otherwise. (e) Spaces shall be provided within the lot to the satisfaction of the Director for the parking of bicycles belonging to the residents of the residential units in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees at a rate of one space for every 15 units or part thereof for those residential units, size of each residential unit is less than 70 square metres or at such other rates as may be approved by the Director. (f) (i) Each of the spaces provided under sub-clause (a) and (b) of this Special Condition (except the Parking Spaces for Disabled Persons) shall measure 2.5 metres in width and 5.0 metres in length with a minimum headroom of 2.4 metres. (ii) Each of the Parking Spaces for Disabled Persons shall measure 3.5 metres in width and 5.0 metres in length with a minimum headroom of 2.4 metres. (iii) Each of the spaces provided under sub-clause (d) of this Special Condition shall measure 1.0 metre in width and 2.4 metres in length with a minimum headroom of 2.4 metres or such other minimum headroom as may be approved by the Director. (iv) Each of the spaces provided under sub-clause (e) of this Special Condition shall be of such dimensions as may be approved in writing by the Director. 22. Loading and Unloading requirements Special Condition No.(37) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) Spaces shall be provided within the lot to the satisfaction of the Director for the loading and unloading of goods vehicles at the following rates: (i) one space for every 800 residential units or part thereof in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot or at such other rates as may be approved by the Director subject to a minimum of one loading and unloading space for each block of residential units erected or to be erected on the lot, such loading and unloading space to be located adjacent to or within each block of residential unit; and AQ8

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT (ii) one space for every 1,000 square metres or part thereof of the gross floor area of the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot to be used for non-industrial (excluding private residential, godown, office, hotel and petrol filling station) purposes. (b) Each of the spaces provided under sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition shall measure 3.5 metres in width and 11.0 metres in length with a minimum headroom of 4.7 metres. Such spaces shall not be used for any purpose other than for the loading and unloading of goods vehicles in connection with the building or buildings referred to therein. (c) For the purpose of calculating the number of spaces to be provided under sub-clause (a)(ii) of this Special Condition, any floor area to be used for the Transport Terminus, parking, loading and unloading purposes shall be excluded. 23. Anchor maintenance Special Condition No.(46) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- Where prestressed ground anchors have been installed, upon development or redevelopment of the lot or any part thereof, the Grantee shall at his own expense carry out regular maintenance and regular monitoring of the prestressed ground anchors throughout their service life to the satisfaction of the Director and shall supply to the Director such reports and information on all such monitoring works as the Director may from time to time in his absolute discretion require. If the Grantee shall neglect or fail to carry out the required monitoring works, the Director may forthwith execute and carry out the monitoring works and the Grantee shall on demand repay to the Government the cost thereof. 24. Construction of drains and channels Special Condition No.(49) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall construct and maintain at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Director such drains and channels, whether within the boundaries of the lot or on Government land, as the Director may consider necessary to intercept and convey into the nearest stream-course, catchpit, channel or Government storm-water drain all storm-water or rain-water falling or flowing on to the lot, and the Grantee shall be solely liable for and shall indemnify the Government and its officers from and against all actions, claims and demands arising out of any damage or nuisance caused by such storm-water or rain-water. (b) The works of connecting any drains and sewers from the lot to the Government storm-water drains and sewers, when laid and commissioned, may be carried out by the Director who shall not be liable to the Grantee for any loss or damage thereby occasioned and the Grantee shall pay to the Government on demand the cost of such connection works. Alternatively, the said connection works may be carried out by the Grantee at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Director and in such case any section of the said connection works which is constructed within Government land shall be maintained by the Grantee at his own cost and upon demand be handed over by the Grantee to the Government for future maintenance thereof at the expense of the Government and the Grantee shall pay to the Government on demand the cost of the technical audit in respect of the said connection works. The Director may, upon failure of the Grantee to maintain any section of the said connection works which is constructed within Government land, carry out such maintenance works as he considers necessary and the Grantee shall pay to the Government on demand the cost of such works. 25. Treatment and disposal of sewage Special Condition No.(53) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall at his own expense and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director provide, operate and maintain within the lot throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted suitable works installations and equipments at such position as may be approved by the Director of Environmental Protection and in accordance with such requirements as may be prescribed by the Director of Environmental Protection for the treatment and disposal of sewage from the lot (hereinafter referred to as the Sewage Treatment Works ). (b) The Government, its officers, contractors, workmen or other duly authorized personnel with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles, shall have the right of free ingress, egress and regress to and from the lot or any part thereof for the purpose of inspecting, sampling, testing, gauging, making measurements and taking records of the Sewage Treatment Works. The Government, its officers, contractors, workmen or other duly authorized personnel shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee arising out of or incidental to the exercise by it or them of the rights conferred under this sub-clause, and no claim shall be made against it or them by the Grantee in respect of any such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (c) The Grantee shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Government against all actions, claims and demands for any loss, damage or nuisance caused by pollution arising out of any discharge from the lot of sewage, foul or contaminated water. (d) The area occupied by the Sewage Treatment Works shall not be taken into account for the purposes of calculating the total gross floor area stipulated in Special Condition No. (20)(c)(iii) hereof. (e) The Grantee acknowledges and accepts that no public sewage connection maintained by the Government is currently available for the lot and the Government does not guarantee that public sewage connection would be provided in near future. F. Lease conditions that are onerous to a purchaser 26. Indemnify Government against existing buildings and structures Special Condition No.(2) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee acknowledges that there are some buildings and structures existing on the lot (hereinafter collectively referred to as the said buildings and structures ). Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of General Condition Nos. 2 and 3 hereof, the Grantee shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to and have accepted the state and conditions of the lot as existing on the date of this Agreement subject to the existence of the said buildings and structures including the Existing Overhead Powerlines and the Existing High Pressure Gas Main as defined in sub-clause (b) of this Special Condition and no objection or claim of whatever nature shall be made or raised by the Grantee in respect of or on account of the same. The Grantee shall demolish and remove at his own expense the said buildings and structures (other than the Existing Overhead Powerlines and the Existing High Pressure Gas Main) from the lot. The Government will accept no responsibility or liability for any damage, nuisance or disturbance caused to or suffered by the Grantee by reason of the presence of the said buildings and structures including the Existing Overhead Powerlines and the Existing High Pressure Gas Main and the Grantee hereby indemnifies and shall keep indemnified the Government from and against all liabilities, claims, costs, demands, actions or other proceedings whatsoever arising whether directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the presence of the said buildings and structures including the Existing Overhead Powerlines and the Existing High Pressure Gas Main and subsequent demolition and removal of the said buildings and structures (other than the Existing Overhead Powerlines and the Existing High Pressure Gas Main). (b) Without prejudice to the generality of the provision of sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition, the Grantee acknowledges and accepts the presence of the existing high voltage overhead powerlines (hereinafter referred to as the Existing Overhead Powerlines ) situated within the area of the lot marked Powerline Reserves as shown on PLAN I annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to the the Powerline Reserves ) and the existing 600mm High Pressure Gas Main as shown by orange line on PLAN I annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Existing High Pressure Gas Main ). The Government gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the physical state, condition or safety of the Existing Overhead Powerlines and the Existing High Pressure Gas Main or any part of them. 27. Preservation of trees Special Condition No.(17) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- No tree growing on the lot or adjacent thereto shall be removed or interfered with without the prior written consent of the Director who may, in granting consent, impose such conditions as to transplanting, compensatory landscaping or replanting as he may deem appropriate. AQ9

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT 28. Master Layout Plan Special Condition No.(18) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The lot or any part or parts thereof shall not be developed or redeveloped except in accordance with Phase I of the Master Layout Plan as approved by the Director of Planning on 15 September 2010 as amended by a letter dated 10 March 2011 under Planning Application No.A/YL-KTN/118-1 (hereinafter referred to as the Master Layout Plan ). (b) No amendment, alteration, variation, modification or substitution of the Master Layout Plan shall be made except with the prior written consent of the Director who may in granting such consent impose such conditions including payment of additional fee and premium as he may in his absolute discretion determine. Pursuant to a Consent Letter dated 1 June 2015 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No. 15061102490049, the Master Layout Plan has been substituted with Phase I of the approved revised Master Layout Plan referred to in the Planning Department s letter dated 16 September 2013 under Planning Application No. A/YL-KTN/118-2 with effect from 1 June 2015. 29. Non-building area Special Condition No.(35) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- No building or structure or support for any building or structure (except vehicular access) shall be erected or constructed or placed on, over, under, above, below or within the area shown coloured pink hatched black on PLAN I annexed hereto. 30. Restriction on alienation of the Residential Parking Spaces and the Residential Motor Cycle Parking Spaces Special Condition No.(40) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Residential Parking Spaces and the Residential Motor Cycle Parking Spaces shall not be : (i) assigned except (I) together with undivided shares in the lot giving the right of exclusive use and possession of a residential unit or units in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot; or (II) to a person who is already the owner of undivided shares in the lot with the right of exclusive use and possession of a residential unit or units in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot; or (ii) underlet except to residents of the residential units in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot. Provided that in any event not more than three in number of the total of the Residential Parking Spaces and the Residential Motor Cycle Parking Spaces shall be assigned to the owner or underlet to the resident of any one residential unit in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot. (b) Notwithstanding sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition, the Grantee may, with the prior written consent of the Director, assign all the Residential Parking Spaces and the Residential Motor Cycle Parking Spaces as a whole, but only to a wholly-owned subsidiary company of the Grantee. (c) Sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition shall not apply to an assignment, underletting, mortgage or charge of the lot as a whole. 31. Cutting away Special Condition No.(44) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) Where there is or has been any cutting away, removal or setting back of any land, or any building-up or fillingin or any slope treatment works of any kind whatsoever, whether with or without the prior written consent of the Director, either within the lot or on any Government land, which is or was done for the purpose of or in connection with the formation, levelling or development of the lot or any part thereof or any other works required to be done by the Grantee under these Conditions, or for any other purpose, the Grantee shall at his own expense carry out and construct such slope treatment works, retaining walls or other support, protection, drainage or ancillary or other works as shall or may then or at any time thereafter be necessary to protect and support such land within the lot and also any adjacent or adjoining Government or leased land and to obviate and prevent any falling away, landslip or subsidence occurring thereafter. The Grantee shall at all times during the term hereby agreed to be granted maintain at his own expense the said land, slope treatment works, retaining walls or other support, protection, drainage or ancillary or other works in good and substantial repair and condition to the satisfaction of the Director. (b) Nothing in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition shall prejudice the Government s rights under these Conditions, in particular Special Condition No. (43) hereof. (c) In the event that as a result of or arising out of any formation, levelling, development or other works done by the Grantee or owing to any other reason, any falling away, landslip or subsidence occurs at any time, whether in or from any land within the lot or from any adjacent or adjoining Government or leased land, the Grantee shall at his own expense reinstate and make good the same to the satisfaction of the Director and shall indemnify the Government, its agents and contractors from and against all costs, charges, damages, demands and claims whatsoever which shall or may be made, suffered or incurred through or by reason of such falling away, landslip or subsidence. (d) In addition to any other rights or remedies herein provided for breach of any of these Conditions, the Director shall be entitled by notice in writing to call upon the Grantee to carry out, construct and maintain the said land, slope treatment works, retaining walls, or other support, protection, and drainage or ancillary or other works or to reinstate and make good any falling away, landslip or subsidence, and if the Grantee shall neglect or fail to comply with the notice to the satisfaction of the Director within the period specified therein, the Director may forthwith execute and carry out any necessary works and the Grantee shall on demand repay to the Government the cost thereof, together with any administrative and professional fees and charges. 32. Spoil or debris Special Condition No.(47) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) In the event of earth, spoil, debris, construction waste or building materials (hereinafter referred to as the waste ) from the lot, or from other areas affected by any development of the lot being eroded, washed down or dumped onto public lanes or roads or into or onto road-culverts, foreshore or seabed, sewers, storm-water drains or nullahs or other Government properties (hereinafter referred to as the Government properties ), the Grantee shall at his own expense remove the waste from and make good any damage done to the Government properties. The Grantee shall indemnify the Government against all actions, claims and demands arising out of any damage or nuisance to private property caused by such erosion, washing down or dumping. (b) Notwithstanding sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition the Director may (but is not obliged to), at the request of the Grantee remove the waste from and make good any damage done to the Government properties and the Grantee shall pay to the Government on demand the cost thereof. 33. Damage to Services Special Condition No.(48) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- The Grantee shall take or cause to be taken all proper and adequate care, skill and precautions at all times, and particularly when carrying out construction, maintenance, renewal or repair work (hereinafter referred to as the Works ), to avoid causing any damage, disturbance or obstruction to any Government or other existing drain, waterway or watercourse, water main, road, footpath, street furniture, sewer, nullah, pipe, cable, wire, utility service or any other works or installations being or running upon, over, under or adjacent to the lot or any part thereof or the Green Area, the Yellow Area, the Brown Areas, the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part of any of them (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Services ). The Grantee shall prior to carrying out any of the Works make or cause to be made such proper search and enquiry as may be necessary to ascertain the present position and levels of the Services, and shall submit his proposals for dealing with any of the Services which may be affected by the Works in writing to the Director for his approval in all respects, and shall not carry out any work whatsoever until the Director shall have given his written approval to the Works and to such aforesaid proposals. The Grantee shall comply with and at his own expense meet any requirements which may be imposed by the Director in respect of the Services in granting the aforesaid approval, including the cost of any necessary diversion, relaying or reinstatement. The Grantee shall at his own expense in all respects repair, make good and reinstate to the satisfaction of the Director any damage, disturbance or obstruction caused AQ10

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT to the lot or any part thereof or the Green Area, the Yellow Area, the Brown Areas, the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part of any of them or any of the Services in any manner arising out of the Works (except for nullah, sewer, stormwater drain or water main, the making good of which shall be carried out by the Director, unless the Director elects otherwise, and the Grantee shall pay to the Government on demand the cost of such works). If the Grantee fails to carry out any such necessary diversion, relaying, repairing, making good and reinstatement of the lot or any part thereof or the Green Area, the Yellow Area, the Brown Areas, the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part of any of them or any of the Services to the satisfaction of the Director, the Director may carry out any such diversion, relaying, repairing, making good or reinstatement as he considers necessary and the Grantee shall pay to the Government on demand the cost of such works. 34. No salt water supply for flushing Special Condition No.(50) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- Consent to use temporary mains fresh water for flushing will be given provided that the Grantee will be required to install plumbing suitable for the use of salt water and to accept salt water supply if available in future. 35. Diversion of Existing Water Mains Special Condition No.(51) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- Subject to Special Condition No.(52) hereof, the Grantee shall pay to the Government on demand the total cost incurred or to be incurred by the Government in diverting the existing water mains which are located on, under or over the lot and land adjacent thereto as shown and marked by blue lines on PLAN I annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Existing Water Mains ). The final costs of diverting the Existing Water Mains shall be determined by the Government. Such determination shall be final and binding on the Grantee. 36. Utilities Reserve Special Condition No.(52) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee acknowledges and accepts the presence of an existing 700mm diameter water main and an existing 1400mm diameter water main and the ancillary waterworks installations situated and running across, through, within, under and adjacent to the lot as shown by blue lines and marked 700mm Watermain and 1400mm Watermain respectively on PLAN I annexed hereto (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Watermains ) and the highway structures situated within the respective areas of the lot shown coloured pink stippled black hatched red and pink circled black hatched red on PLAN I annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Highway Structures ). (b) Subject to sub-clause (c) of this Special Condition and except with the prior written consent of the Director, no building or structure or support for any building or structure (other than the features or structures provided in accordance with Special Condition Nos. (10) and (14) hereof, the Highway Structures, the Existing High Pressure Gas Main and the Watermains) shall be erected or constructed and no material or object of whatsoever nature shall be placed or stored on, over, under, above, below or within the respective areas shown coloured pink stippled black hatched red, pink hatched red and pink circled black hatched red on PLAN I annexed hereto (which areas are hereinafter collectively referred to as the Utilities Reserve ). (c) Except with the prior written consent of the Director, no building or structure or support for any building or structure (other than the features or structures provided in accordance with Special Condition Nos. (10) and (14) hereof, the Existing High Pressure Gas Main and the Highway Structures) shall be erected or constructed and no material or object of whatsoever nature shall be placed or stored within the Utilities Reserve encircling the Watermains at a radius of 3 metres measuring from the centre line of the Watermains. (d) The Government, the Water Authority, the Highways Department, its or their officers, contractors and workmen with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles shall have the right of free ingress, egress and regress to and from the lot or any part thereof at all times for the purposes of inspecting, operating, maintaining, repairing, renewing, altering and diverting the Existing Water Mains (including the Watermains) and the Highways Structures and for carrying out any other works as may be required by the Government, the Water Authority or the Highways Department. The Government, the Water Authority, the Highways Department and its or their officers, contractors and workmen shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee arising out of or incidental to the exercise by it or them of the rights conferred under this Special Condition, and no claim shall be made against it or them by the Grantee in respect of any such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (e) In the event that the Grantee shall require the diversion of the Watermains, the diversion proposal and the proposed routing have to be approved by the Water Authority. The diversion works and the works for capping off the Watermains will be carried out by the Water Authority at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Government whose determination shall be final and binding on the Grantee. There is no guarantee that the diversion proposal or the proposed routing will be approved by the Water Authority. (f) In the event of the diversion of the Watermains, whether or not upon the requirement of the Grantee, to other locations whether within or outside the lot, the Watermains shall be deemed to refer to and include the Watermains as diverted, and such part or parts of the lot which lie within 3 metres from either side of the centre line of the Watermains as diverted shall form part of the Utilities Reserve and shall be subject to this Special Condition, and any part or parts of the lot from where the Watermains were diverted shall cease to be part of the Utilities Reserve. The decision of the Water Authority as to which part of the lot ceases to be part of the Utilities Reserve and which part of the lot shall become part of the Utilities Reserve shall be final and binding on the Grantee. (g) The Grantee shall pay to the Government on demand the costs of repair and reinstatement of the Existing Water Mains (including the Watermains) which shall become necessary at any time during the term hereby agreed to be granted as a result of any damage caused by the Grantee or any works carried out on, over, under, above, below or within the lot by the Grantee, his servants, workmen and contractors and shall indemnify the Government against any claim, action or demand arising therefrom. (h) The Government or the Director or his authorized officers shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee arising out of or incidental to the bursting or leakage of the Existing Water Mains (including the Watermains), and no claim for compensation or otherwise shall be made against the Government or the Director or his authorized officers by the Grantee in respect of any such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (i) For the purpose of this Special Condition, the decision of the Director as to what constitutes the Highway Structures shall be final and binding on the Grantee. (j) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the second Overlapping Area, the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No. (10) hereof. (k) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the fourth Overlapping Area, the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No. (14) hereof. 37. Drainage Impact Assessment Special Condition No.(54) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall within 6 calendar months from the date of this Agreement (or such other extended periods as may be approved by the Director) at his own expense and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director submit or cause to be submitted to the Director for his written approval a Drainage Impact Assessment (hereinafter referred to as the Drainage Impact Assessment ) for all proposed drainage works in connection with the development of the lot or any part thereof. (b) The technical aspects of the Drainage Impact Assessment shall be undertaken by a chartered civil engineer or a member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers with civil engineering as the specialist discipline. (c) The Drainage Impact Assessment shall identify all adverse drainage impact resulting from the development of the lot or any part thereof and the mitigation works therefor, Upon receipt of the written approval of the Drainage Impact Assessment by the Director, the Grantee shall at his own expense and within such time limit as may be stipulated by the Director carry out the approved mitigation works in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director. (d) No building, site formation or any other works (other than the demolition and removal works referred to in Special Condition No. (2)(a) hereof) shall be commenced on the lot or any part thereof until the Drainage Impact Assessment has been approved in writing by the Director. AQ11

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT 38. Gas safety Special Condition No.(55) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall comply with the Gas Safety Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation concerning the presence of and avoidance of damage to the Existing High Pressure Gas Main and the requirements of the Code of Practice on Avoiding Danger from Gas Pipes issued by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department for any works to be carried out in the vicinity of the Existing High Pressure Gas Main. (b) The Grantee acknowledges that no diversion, modification or improvement of the Existing High Pressure Gas Main shall be permitted. (c) No building or structure or support for any building or structure (other than the features or structures provided in accordance with Special Condition Nos. (5), (10), (14) and (52) hereof and the Highway Structures) shall be erected or constructed and no material or object of whatsoever nature shall be placed or stored within the area at a radius of 3 metres measuring from the centre line of the Existing High Pressure Gas Main. Prior to the commencement of any works to be carried out in the vicinity of the Existing High Pressure Gas Main, the Grantee shall consult the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Gas Company ) so as to ensure that any such works will not damage, interfere with, obstruct or endanger the operation of the Existing High Pressure Gas Main and if required by the Director, the Grantee shall, at his own expense, take such precautions as may be required by the Gas Company to ensure the safety of the Existing High Pressure Gas Main. (d) The Grantee shall at all reasonable times permit the Director, the Gas Company, their officers, agents, contractors, workmen and any other persons authorized by them the right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles as the Director or the Gas Company may require for the purpose of any works to be carried out in relation to the Existing High Pressure Gas Main in, upon or under the lot or any adjoining land including but not limited to the routine inspection, maintenance and handling of emergency operations of the Existing High Pressure Gas Main. The Grantee shall co-operate fully with the Director and the Gas Company on all matters relating to any of the aforesaid works to be carried out within the lot. (e) The Government, the Director, their officers, agents, contractors, workmen and any other persons authorized by them shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee arising out of the exercise by any of them of the rights conferred under sub-clause (d) of this Special Condition, and no claim shall be made against any of them by the Grantee in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. 39. The electricity network under the Order Special Condition No.(56) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee acknowledges that the Existing Overhead Powerlines form part of an electricity network approved under an order made pursuant to Section 7 of the Electricity Networks (Statutory Easements) Ordinance and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No. YL256485 against some of the old lots described in the Second Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Order ). The Grantee hereby indemnifies and shall keep indemnified the Government from and against all liabilities, claims, costs, demands, actions or other proceedings whatsoever arising whether directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the Order. (b) The Grantee acknowledges that no diversion, modification or improvement of the Existing Overhead Powerlines shall be permitted. The Grantee shall, before carrying out any works adjoining or within the Powerline Reserves, consult all relevant Government departments (including Electrical and Mechanical Services Department) and the CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Power Company ) to ensure that any such works will not damage, interfere with, obstruct or endanger the operation of the Electricity Transmission Network and the Installations (as hereinafter defined). The Grantee shall at his own expense take such measures, precautions and comply with such requirements as may be imposed by the Director to protect the Electricity Transmission Network and the Installations. The Grantee shall also comply with the Code of Practice on Working near Electricity Supply Lines approved under the Electricity Supply Lines (Protection) Regulation and the guidelines for overhead transmission lines as specified in Chapter 7 of the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines issued by the Planning Department, and any amendment thereto when carrying out any works adjoining or within the Powerline Reserves or in the vicinity of the Existing Overhead Powerlines. (c) In the event that as a result of or arising out of any works done by the Grantee whether within the lot or any adjacent or adjoining Government or leased land any damage is caused to the Electricity Transmission Network and the Installations, the Grantee shall at his own expense make good the same to the satisfaction of the Director and shall indemnify the Government, its agents and contractors from and against all costs, charges, damages, demands and claims whatsoever which shall or may be made, suffered or incurred through or by reason of such damage to the Electricity Transmission Network and the Installations. (d) For the purpose of these Conditions, the Electricity Transmission Network and the Installations shall include the Existing Overhead Powerlines, cables, ducts, pylons, electric poles, substations, transformers, wires, pillars, kiosks within and in the vicinity of the Powerline Reserves and the decision of the Director as to what constitutes the Electricity Transmission Network and the Installations shall be final and binding on the Grantee. 40. Reservation of rights to the Power Company over the Powerline Reserves Special Condition No.(57) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) Notwithstanding the acceptance by the Government of the surrender of the old lots pursuant to Special Condition No. (1) hereof, the Grantee acknowledges and agrees that the lot is granted subject to the following rights: (i) there is reserved to the Power Company and the officers duly authorized by it the right to place and retain any electric line above or below the ground across the Powerline Reserves; (ii) there is reserved to the Power Company and the officers duly authorized by it the right to carry out any works required for the purposes of sub-clause (a)(i) of this Special Condition including the right to excavate, drain, remove or cover over any part of the soil of the Powerline Reserves, and to lop, cut or remove any trees, shrubs, growing crops or vegetation of any kind on the Powerline Reserves which obstruct or interfere with any electric line; and (iii) there is reserved to the Power Company and the officers duly authorized by it the right to enter on and pass over or under the Powerline Reserves with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles and to carry out all such works thereon as may be necessary for or incidental to the exercise of the rights referred to in sub-clauses (a)(i) and (a)(ii) of this Special Condition. For the avoidance of doubt, the Power Company shall have no right to place, construct, erect or retain any permanent structure, pole, mast or pylon within the Powerline Reserves. (b) The Grantee shall at all reasonable times permit the Director and the Power Company and their officers, agents, contractors, workmen and any other persons duly authorized by them the right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles as the Director or the Power Company may require for the purpose of carrying out any works in connection with the Electricity Transmission Network and the Installations in, upon or under the lot or any adjoining land including but not limited to the laying and subsequent maintenance of all pipes, wire, conduits, cable-ducts and other conducting media and ancillary equipment necessary for the provision of electricity intended to serve the lot or any adjoining land. The Grantee shall co-operate fully with the Director and the Power Company on all matters relating to any of the aforesaid works to be carried out within the lot. (c) The Government, the Director, their officers, agents, contractors, workmen and any other persons duly authorized by them shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee arising out of the exercise of the rights conferred under sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition, and no claim shall be made against any of them by the Grantee in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (d) For the purpose of these Conditions, electric line shall be as defined in the Electricity Networks (Statutory Easements) Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation. 41. No grave or columbarium permitted Special Condition No.(60) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- No grave or columbarium shall be erected or made on the lot, nor shall any human remains or animal remains whether in earthenware jars, cinerary urns or otherwise be interred therein or deposited thereon. AQ12

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT 42. Removal of graves and Kam Tap Special Condition No.(61) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- The Grantee shall on his own accord and at his own expense arrange for the removal of any existing graves and burial urns commonly known as Kam Taps on the lot, the Green Area, the Yellow Area or any part of any of them and the Grantee shall indemnify the Government against all actions, claims and damages that may arise as a result of such removal. 43. Indemnity to the Government Special Condition No.(62) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- The Grantee shall indemnify the Government against all actions, claims and demands that may arise as a result of the development of the lot or any part thereof, both during construction and thereafter, and shall further indemnify the Government against any actions, claims and demands that may arise as a result of injurious affection that may be caused to adjoining or neighbouring lands, graves or Kam Taps. 44. Internal roads or pedestrian walkways Special Condition No.(63) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- The Government does not guarantee that any internal roads or pedestrian walkways connecting the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot can be constructed and the Grantee shall at his own expense and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director make his own arrangement for acquiring and construction of such internal roads or pedestrian walkways. Note: For full details, please refer to the Land Grant. Full script of the Land Grant is available for free inspection upon request at the sales office during opening hours and copies of the Land Grant can be obtained upon paying necessary photocopying charges. AQ13

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT A. 1. 107 1927 B. 2. 21263 (i) 2015 6 1 15061102490020 (ii) 2015 6 1 15061102490030 (iii) 2015 6 1 15061102490049 2011 8 12 50 C. 3. (16) (a) (b) (b) (a) 131 D. 4. (5) (a) (i) 2018 3 31 (I) I (II) (ii) 2018 3 31 (iii) (51) (6) (b) (52) (55) (c) (a) (d) (a) (c) 5. (6) (5) (5) 6. (7) (5) 7. (8) (a) (i) (5)(a) (5)(c) (ii) (iii) (51) (b) (a) 8. (9) (a) (i) I (ii) (b) (b) I M N O P Q R (14) AQ14

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT (c) (c) (d) (a)(b) (c) (e) (a)(b) (c) (f) (a) (b) (g) (a) (b) 22(1) 22(1) 2015 6 1 15061102490030 AYL-KTN118-2 2013 9 16 I 2015 6 1 (1) 2018 3 31 (2) (9) (3) (9) 9. (10) (a) 6 I (b) 1:500 (2)(a) (c) (d) (11)(d) (e) (c) (d) (f) (i) (c) (d) (ii) (e) (g) (e) (f) (h) (32)(a)(v) (i) (20)(c) (b) (j) I ( (11)(a) ) (11) (k) I (52)(b) (52) 10. (11) (a) 10(a) 13(a) I (63) (b) (29)(d) (30) (c) 29(d) (30) (b) (d) (d) AQ15

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT (e) (10)(a) (d) (f) (d) 22(2) 22(2) (g) (h) (d) (i) (20)(c) (ii) (i) (10) (j) I (14)(a) (14) 11. (12) (a) 2018 3 31 I (b) (e) (c) (a) (b) (d) (a) (b) (c) (e) (a) (b) (f) (a) (b) (g) (a) (b) (c) 12. (13) (a) 2018 3 31 (b) (c) (b) (2)(a) (d) (e) (f) (g) (a) (d) (h) (g) (i) (e) (f) (j) I S T U (k) (e) (l) (e) 22(1) 22(1) AQ16

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT 13. (14) (a) 2018 3 31 I (b) (a) (51) (52)(a) (c) (11)(d) (d) (a) (c) (e) (11)(d) (i) (a) (c) (ii) (d) (iii) (f) (a) (c) (d) (e) (g) (h) (11) (i) I (52)(b) (52) 14. (64) (a) A (b) 2018 3 31 (a) (c) (d) (e) (a) (f) (b)(c) (d) (g) (a) 14 15. (65) (a) A (d) (b) (a) (c) (a) (b) (d) (a) 2015 6 1 (e) (a) AQ17

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT (f) (a) (b) E. 16. (15) 2018 3 31 17. (19) (a) (b) 1:500 (17) (c) (d) 18. (20) (6) (a) (b) (c) (i) 131859 219765 (ii) (c)(i) 209765 (iii) (c)(i) (26) (27) 10000 (d) (c) (c) 219765 (e) 60.2 (i) (ii) (59)(b)(i)(II) (f) 16 (i) (f) (20)(c)(iii) (22)(a) (ii) (f) (f)(i) (I) (II) (59)(b)(i)(II) (g) (2)(a) 19. (26) 8 840 (20)(c)(iii) 20. (27) (a) 3000 2018 3 31 (b) (c) (20)(c)(iii) (d) (a) (32)(a)(v) AQ18

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT 21. (36) (a) (i) (ii) (a)(i) (a)(i) (I) (II) (I) (20)(c) (II) (20)(c) (iii) 75 5 (iv) (a)(i) (a)(iii) (b) (i) 200 (ii) (b)(i) (iii) (b)(i) (c) (i) (a) (b) (I) (a)(i) (38) 200 ( 100 (II) (b)(i) (38) 200 100 (III) (a)(iii) (ii) (iii) (d) (i) (I) (a)(i) (38) (II) (b)(i) (38) (ii) (iii) (d)(i)(ii) (b)(i) (e) 15 70 (f) (i) (a) (b) 2.5 5.0 2.4 (ii) 3.5 5.0 2.4 (iii) (d) 1.0 2.4 2.4 (iv) (e) AQ19

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT 22. (37) (a) (i) 800 (ii) 1000 (b) (a) 3.5 11.0 4.7 (c) (a)(ii) 23. (46) 24. (49) (a) (b) 25. (53) (a) (b) (c) (d) (20)(c)(iii) (e) F. 26. (2) (a) 23 (b) (b) (a) I I 600mm 27. (17) 28. (18) (a) AYL-KTN118-1 2010 9 15 I 2011 3 10 (b) 2015 6 1 15061102490049 AYL-KTN118-2 2013 9 16 I 2015 6 1 AQ20

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT 29. (35) I 30. (40) (a) (i) (I) (II) (ii) (b) (a) (c) (a) 31. (44) (a) (b) (a) (43) (c) (d) 32. (47) (a) (b) (a) 33. (48) 34. (50) 35. (51) (52) I 36. (52) (a) 700mm 1400mm I 700mm 1400mm I AQ21

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT (b) (c) I (10) (14) (c) 3 (10) (14) (d) (e) (f) 3 (g) (h) (i) (j) (10) (k) (14) 37. (54) (a) 6 (b) (c) (d) (2)(a) 38. (55) (a) (b) (c) 3 (5)(10)(14) (52) (d) (e) (d) 39. (56) (a) 7 YL256485 (b) ( ) 7 (c) (d) AQ22

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT 40. (57) (a) (1) (i) (ii) (a)(i) (iii) (a)(i) (a)(ii) (b) (c) (a) (b) (d) 44. (63) 41. (60) 42. (61) 43. (62) AQ23

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES A. Facilities that are required under the land grant to be constructed and provided for the Government, or for public use 1. Description (a) The Green Area as referred to in Special Condition No.(5)(a)(i)(I) of the Land Grant; (b) The Structures as referred to in Special Condition No.(5)(a)(i)(II) of the Land Grant; (c) The Existing Tracks as referred to in Special Condition No.(9)(a)(i) of the Land Grant; (d) The Diverted Tracks and the New Tracks as referred to in a Consent Letter dated 1 June 2015 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No.15061102490030; (e) The Wetland as referred to in Special Condition No.(10)(a) of the Land Grant; (f) The Railway Reserve as referred to in Special Condition No.(11)(a) of the Land Grant; (g) The Yellow Area as referred to in Special Condition No.(12)(a) of the Land Grant; (h) The Internal Access Road as referred to in Special Condition No.(13)(a) of the Land Grant; (i) The Decks as referred to in Special Condition No.(14)(a) of the Land Grant; (j) The Brown Areas as referred to in Special Condition No.(64)(a) of the Land Grant; (k) The Yellow Stippled Black Areas as referred to in Special Condition No. (65) of the Land Grant. Remark: The Railway Reserve has been carved out from Lot No. 1927 in Demarcation District No. 107 pursuant to Special Condition No. (11)(b) of the Land Grant, and does not form part of the Lot on which the Development is situated. 2. The general public has the right to use the facilities mentioned in paragraphs 1(a), (b), (c), (d), (h) and (j) in accordance with the Land Grant. Remarks: i. According to Special Condition (13)(e) of the Land Grant, the scope of the person permitted to use the Internal Access Road is: the Government, the future owners, lessees, tenants, occupiers and licensees of the Yellow Area and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees. For details, please refer to the Land Grant. ii. According to Special Condition (64)(e) of the Land Grant, the use of the Brown Areas is subject to the Government s granting of rights of way to the owners of any other lots in the vicinity now or at any time in the future. For details, please refer to the Land Grant. B. Facilities that is required under the land grant to be managed, operated or maintained for public use at the expense of the owners of the residential properties in the Phase 3. Description (a) The Green Area; (b) The Structures; (c) The Existing Tracks; (d) The Diverted Tracks and the New Tracks; (e) The Internal Access Road; and (f) The Brown Areas. 4. The general public has the right to use the facilities in accordance with the Land Grant. Remarks: i. According to Special Condition (13)(e) of the Land Grant, the scope of the person permitted to use the Internal Access Road is: the Government, the future owners, lessees, tenants, occupiers and licensees of the Yellow Area and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees. For details, please refer to the Land Grant. ii. According to Special Condition (64)(e) of the Land Grant, the use of the Brown Areas is subject to the Government s granting of rights of way to the owners of any other lots in the vicinity now or at any time in the future. For details, please refer to the Land Grant. 5. The facilities are required to be managed, operated or maintained at the expense of the owners of the residential properties in the Phase. 6. The owners of the residential properties in the Phase are required to meet a proportion of the expense of managing, operating or maintaining the facilities through the management expenses apportioned to the residential properties concerned. C. Open space that is required under the land grant to be managed, operated or maintained for public use at the expense of the owners of the residential properties in the Phase 7. Not applicable. D. Any part of the land (on which the Phase is situated) that is dedicated to the public for the purposes of section 22(1) of the Building (Planning) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. Leg. F) 8. Not applicable. E. A plan that shows the location of those facilities and open spaces, and those parts of the land The following plans are reproduced/prepared at the end of this section:- (a) PLAN I annexed to New Grant No.21263 (b) PLAN A annexed to the Modification Letter dated 1 June 2015 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No. 15061102490020 (c) PLAN No. YLM8646d annexed to the Consent Letter dated 1 June 2015 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No. 15061102490030 (d) Plan annexed to the Wetland Management Agreement dated 5 November 2015 (e) Plan showing the location of the Internal Access Road and the Decks. F. Provisions of the Land Grant that concern those facilities and open spaces, and those parts of the land 9. Special Condition No.(5) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall: (i) on or before the 31st day of March, 2018 (or such other extended dates as may be approved by the Director), at his own expense, in such manner with such materials and to such standards, levels, alignment and design as the Director shall approve and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director; (I) lay and form that portion of the future public road shown coloured green on PLAN I annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Green Area"); and AR1

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES (II) provide and construct such bridges, tunnels, over-passes, under-passes, culverts, viaducts, flyovers, pavements, roads or such other structures as the Director in his sole discretion may require (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Structures") so that building, vehicular and pedestrian traffic may be carried on the Green Area; (ii) on or before the 31st day of March, 2018 (or such other extended dates as may be approved by the Director), at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Director, surface, kerb and channel the Green Area and provide the same with such gullies, sewers, drains, fire hydrants with pipes connected to water mains, street lights, traffic signs, street furniture and road markings as the Director may require; and (iii) maintain at his own expense the Green Area together with the Structures and all structures (excluding the Existing High Pressure Gas Main and the Existing Water Mains referred to in Special Condition No. (51) hereof), surfaces, gullies, sewers, drains, fire hydrants, services, street lights, traffic signs, street furniture, road markings and plant constructed, installed and provided thereon or therein to the satisfaction of the Director until such time as possession of the Green Area has been redelivered to the Government in accordance with Special Condition No. (6) hereof, (b) In carrying out any works in the Green Area, the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition Nos. (52) and (55) hereof. (c) In the event of the non-fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. (d) The Director shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person whether arising out of or incidental to the fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition or the exercise of the rights by the Government under sub-clause (c) of this Special Condition or otherwise, and no claim for compensation or otherwise shall be made against the Government or the Director or his authorized officers by the Grantee in respect of any such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. 10. Special Condition No.(6) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- For the purpose only of carrying out the necessary works specified in Special Condition No. (5) hereof, the Grantee shall on the date of this Agreement be granted possession of the Green Area. The Green Area shall be re-delivered to the Government on demand and in any event shall be deemed to have been re-delivered to the Government by the Grantee on the date of a letter from the Director indicating that these Conditions have been complied with to his satisfaction. The Grantee shall at all reasonable times while he is in possession of the Green Area allow free access over and along the Green Area for all Government and public vehicular and pedestrian traffic and shall ensure that such access shall not be interfered with or obstructed by the carrying out of the works whether under Special Condition No. (5) hereof or otherwise. 11. Special Condition No.(7) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- The Grantee shall not without the prior written consent of the Director use the Green Area for the purpose of storage or for the erection of any temporary structure or for any purposes other than the carrying out of the works specified in Special Condition No. (5) hereof. 12. Special Condition No.(8) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall at all reasonable times while he is in possession of the Green Area: (i) permit the Director, his officers, contractors and any other persons authorized by him, the right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot and the Green Area for the purpose of inspecting, checking and supervising any works to be carried out in compliance with Special Condition No. (5)(a) hereof and the carrying out, inspecting, checking and supervising of the works under Special Condition No. (5)(c) hereof and any other works which the Director may consider necessary in the Green Area; (ii) permit the Government and the relevant public utility companies authorized by the Government the right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot and the Green Area as the Government or the relevant public utility companies may require for the purpose of any works to be carried out in, upon or under the Green Area or any adjoining land including but not limited to the laying and subsequent maintenance of all pipes, wire, conduits, cable-ducts, the Existing High Pressure Gas Main and other conducting media and ancillary equipment necessary for the provision of telephone, electricity, gas (if any) and other services intended to serve the lot or any adjoining or neighbouring land or premises. The Grantee shall co-operate fully with the Government and also with the relevant public utility companies duly authorized by the Government on all matters relating to any of the aforesaid works to be carried out within the Green Area; and (iii) permit the officers of the Water Authority and such other persons as may be authorized by them the right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot and the Green Area as the officers of the Water Authority or such authorized persons may require for the purpose of carrying out any works in relation to the operation, maintenance, repairing, replacement, alteration or diversion of the Existing Water Mains referred to in Special Condition No. (51) hereof and any other waterworks installations within the Green Area. (b) The Government, the Director, the Water Authority, its or their officers, agents, contractors or workmen and other authorized persons shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person arising out of or incidental to the exercise of the rights by the Government, the Director, the Water Authority, its or their officers, agents, contractors or workmen and any other authorized persons or public utility companies under sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition and no claim for compensation or otherwise shall be made against any of them by the Grantee in respect of such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. 13. Special Condition No.(9) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) (i) The Grantee acknowledges that there are existing tracks and access roads over portions of the lot as marked "Existing Tracks" on PLAN I annexed hereto (which tracks and access roads are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Existing Tracks"). No variation of the alignment or diversion of the Existing Tracks is allowed except with the prior written consent of the Director. (ii) Save and except as that provided in sub-clause (b) of this Special Condition, the Grantee shall throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted allow members of the public for all lawful purposes with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles at all times to pass and repass freely and without payment of any nature whatsoever on, along, over and through the Existing Tracks. (b) The Grantee shall at all times allow the Director of Drainage Services, his officers, contractors, his and their workmen and any other persons authorized by him or them the right of ingress, egress and regress to, from or through the lot between the points M and N through O and P and Q through R all shown and marked on PLAN I annexed hereto or at such other points as may be approved in writing by the Director as he or they may require with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles for the purpose of inspecting, carrying out, checking and supervising any works in relation to the laying, maintenance, repairing, replacement and alteration of any drains and channels situated within the Drainage Reserve referred to in Special Condition No. (14) hereof or adjacent to the lot. (c) The Grantee shall at his own expense manage, uphold, repair and maintain the Existing Tracks in good and substantial repair and condition in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director. The Grantee shall permit the Director, his officers, contractors and any other persons authorized by him or them to, from and through the lot and the Existing Tracks for the purpose of inspecting, checking and supervising any works to be carried out in compliance with this sub-clause (c). (d) The Government and its officers shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person arising out of or incidental to the fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (a), (b) and (c) of this Special Condition or the use of the Existing Tracks by members of the public and no claim whatsoever shall be made against the Government or its officers by the Grantee in respect of any such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. AR2

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES (e) The Grantee hereby indemnifies and shall keep indemnified the Government from and against all liabilities, claims, costs, demands, actions or other proceedings whatsoever arising whether directly or indirectly out of or in connection with anything done or omitted to be done by the Grantee in connection with sub-clauses (a), (b) and (c) of this Special Condition. (f) It is hereby expressly agreed, declared and provided that by imposing the obligations on the part of the Grantee contained in sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition, neither the Grantee intends to dedicate nor the Government consents to any dedication of the Existing Tracks to the public for the right of passage. (g) It is hereby expressly agreed and declared that the obligations on the part of the Grantee contained in sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition will give rise to no expectation of, or claim for or in respect of, any concession or right in respect of additional site coverage or plot ratio whether under Regulation 22(1) of the Building (Planning) Regulations, any amendment thereto, substitution therefor, or otherwise and for the avoidance of doubt the Grantee expressly waives any and all claims in respect of or for any concession in respect of, or right to, additional site coverage or plot ratio under Regulation 22(1) of the Building (Planning) Regulations, any amendment thereto or substitution therefor. Pursuant to a Consent Letter dated 1 June 2015 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No.15061102490030, the alignments of parts of the Existing Track has been varied and diverted in accordance with Phase I of the approved revised Master Layout Plan referred to in the Planning Department s letter dated 16 September 2013 under Planning Application No. A/YL-KTN/118-2 with effect from 1 June 2015 subject to the following conditions:- (1) You shall complete the formation of the Diverted Tracks at your own expense, in such manner with such materials and to such standards, levels, alignment and design as the Director of Lands (hereinafter referred to as "the Director") shall approve and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director on or before the 31st day of March 2018. (2) Before completion of the formation of the Diverted Tracks at your own expense and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director, you shall continue to observe and perform all the obligations contained in Special Condition No. (9) of the Conditions in relation to the Existing Tracks. (3) Upon completion of the formation of the Diverted Tracks at your own expense and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director, all references in the Conditions to the Existing Tracks shall at all times thereafter be read and construed as references to the New Tracks and all the obligations contained in Special Condition No. (9) of the Conditions to be observed and performed on your part shall apply to the New Tracks. 14. Special Condition No.(10) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall within six calendar months from the date of this Agreement (or such other extended periods as may be approved by the Director) submit or cause to be submitted to the Director for his approval a wetland master plan (hereinafter referred to as "the Wetland Master Plan") for the wetland situate within the respective areas of the lot shown coloured pink stippled black, pink tippled black hatched blue and pink stippled black hatched red on PLAN I annexed hereto (which areas are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Wetland"). (b) The Wetland Master Plan shall be at a scale of 1:500 or larger and shall contain information on the ecological enhancement and improvement proposals of the Wetland. The Wetland Master Plan shall also include the habitat creation and management plan on the management of habitat characteristics, hydrological management, vegetation management, control of human access and disturbance, the implementation programme, the ecological monitoring programme and such other information as the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation may require. The Wetland Master Plan shall also indicate the disposition of the Existing Track within the Wetland and any pedestrian walkway or boardwalk or footpaths or such other associated facilities for the residents of the residential units in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the lot and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees to pass and repass the Wetland on foot. No building works or any other works (including site formation works but excluding the demolition and removal works referred to in Special Condition No. (2)(a) hereof) shall be commenced on the lot or any part thereof until the Wetland Master Plan has been approved in writing by the Director. For the purpose of these Conditions, "building works" and "site formation works" shall be as defined in the Buildings Ordinance, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation. (c) The Grantee shall at his own expense implement and carry out the ecological enhancement and improvement proposals and all works identified in or arising from the approved Wetland Master Plan in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation. No amendment, variation, alteration, modification or substitution of the Wetland Master Plan shall be made without the prior written consent of the Director. (d) Subject to Special Condition No. (11)(d) hereof, the Grantee shall at his own expense keep, maintain, monitor and manage the Wetland in a safe, clean, neat, tidy and healthy condition all to the satisfaction of the Director throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted. (e) In the event of the non-fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (c) and (d) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. (f) The Grantee shall at all reasonable times permit the Government, the Director and their officers, agents, contractors, workmen and any other persons authorized by them with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles the free and unrestricted right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot or any part thereof for the purposes of: (i) inspecting, checking and supervising any works to be carried out by the Grantee in compliance with subclauses (c) and (d) of this Special Condition; and (ii) the carrying out, inspecting, checking and supervising of the works under sub-clause (e) of this Special Condition and any other works which the Director may consider necessary within the Wetland or any part thereof. (g) The Government, the Director and their officers, agents, contractors, workmen and any other persons authorized by them shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person arising out of or incidental to the exercise by any of them of the rights conferred under sub-clauses (e) and (f) of this Special Condition, and no claim shall be made against any of them by the Grantee in respect of any such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (h) The Wetland shall be designated as and form part of the Common Areas referred to in Special Condition No. (32)(a) (v) hereof. (i) The Director shall at his sole discretion decide whether the pedestrian walkway or boardwalk or footpaths or associated facilities referred to in subclause (b) of this Special Condition may be excluded from the calculation of the total gross floor area stipulated in Special Condition No. (20)(c) hereof. (j) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the area shown coloured pink stippled black hatched blue on PLAN I annexed hereto, which is the overlapping area of the Wetland and the Railway Reserve (as defined in Special Condition No. (11)(a) hereof) (which overlapping area is hereinafter referred to as "the first Overlapping Area"), the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No. (11) hereof. (k) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the areas shown coloured pink stippled black hatched red on Plan I annexed hereto, which are the overlapping areas of the Wetland and the Utilities Reserve (as defined in Special Condition No.(52)(b) hereof) (which overlapping areas are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the second Overlapping Area"), the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No.(52) hereof. 15. Special Condition No.(11) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) Save as required or approved by the Director under Special Condition Nos. (10)(a) or (13)(a) hereof or otherwise with the prior written consent of the Director, no building or structure or support for any building or structure (except boundary walls, fence, temporary landscaping works, the Existing Track within the Railway Reserve and the internal roads or pedestrian walkways referred to in Special Condition No. (63) hereof) shall be erected or constructed or placed on, over, under, above, below or within the respective areas of the lot shown coloured pink stippled black hatched blue, pink hatched blue and pink circled black hatched blue on PLAN I annexed hereto, the Pink Edged Red Hatched Blue Area and the Pink Circled Black Edged Red Hatched Blue Area (which areas are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Railway Reserve"). AR3

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES (b) The Grantee shall carve out the Railway Reserve by way of a Deed Poll in such form and containing such provisions as the Director shall require or approve in writing. The Deed Poll shall be registered by the Grantee at his own expense by Memorial in the Land Registry. No transaction (except a building mortgage under Special Condition No. (29)(d) hereof or the assignment of the whole of the lot under Special Condition No. (30) hereof or such other transactions as the Director may approve in writing) affecting the lot or any part thereof or any building or part of any building erected or to be erected thereon shall be entered into prior to such registration. (c) Save and except as provided in Special Condition Nos. (29)(d) and (30) hereof and in sub-clauses (b) and (d) of this Special Condition, the Grantee shall not assign, mortgage, charge, underlet, part with the possession of or otherwise dispose of the Railway Reserve or any part or parts thereof or any interest therein or enter into any agreement so to do. (d) The Grantee shall, when called upon by the Director so to do, at his own expense surrender the Railway Reserve or any part or parts thereof as the Director shall specify with vacant possession to the Government free of costs and consideration and free from incumbrances in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director and for this purpose the Grantee shall at his own expense and within such time as may be specified by the Director, execute a deed or deeds of surrender and any other necessary documents in such form and containing such provisions as the Director shall require or approve in writing provided that the Government shall not be under any obligation to accept the surrender of the Railway Reserve or any part or parts thereof at the request of the Grantee, but may only do so as and when the Government sees fit. The Grantee shall have no right to claim against the Government for any loss, damage or compensation whatsoever directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with the surrender. (e) Subject to Special Condition No. (10)(a) hereof, the Grantee shall at his own expense landscape the Railway Reserve or any part or parts thereof and thereafter maintain and keep the same in a safe, clean, neat, tidy and healthy condition all to the satisfaction of the Director until the Railway Reserve shall have been surrendered to the Government in accordance with sub-clause (d) of this Special Condition. (f) It is expressly agreed and declared that the obligations on the part of the Grantee contained in sub-clause (d) of this Special Condition will give rise to no expectation of, or claim for or in respect of any concession or right in respect of additional site coverage or plot ratio whether under Regulation 22(2) of the Building (Planning) Regulations, any amendment thereto, substitution therefor, or otherwise and for the avoidance of doubt the Grantee expressly waives any and all claims in respect of or for any concession in respect of, or right to, additional site coverage or plot ratio under Regulation 22(2) of the Building (Planning) Regulations, any amendment thereto or substitution therefor. (g) No parking space or lay-by or loading or unloading space shall be allowed on, over, under, above, below, or within the Railway Reserve or any part or parts thereof. (h) The Grantee acknowledges and accepts that upon development or redevelopment of the lot or any part thereof after the surrender of the Railway Reserve or any part or parts thereof referred to in sub-clause (d) of this Special Condition: (i) the Grantee may not be able to construct the maximum gross floor area permitted under Special Condition No. (20)(c) hereof due to the reduction in the area of the lot; and (ii) the Government shall have no liability whatsoever to the Grantee in respect of any reduction in the maximum gross floor area that can be constructed on the lot and the Grantee shall have no right to claim against the Government in respect of such reduction. (i) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the first Overlapping Area, the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No. (10) hereof. (j) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the area shown coloured pink circled black hatched blue on Plan I annexed hereto and the Pink Circled Black Edged Red Hatched Blue Area, which are the overlapping areas of the Railway Reserve and the Drainage Reserve (as defined in Special Condition No. (14)(a) hereof) (which overlapping areas are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the third Overlapping Area"), the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No. (14) hereof. 16. Special Condition No.(12) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall on or before the 31st day of March, 2018 (or such other extended dates as may be approved by the Director) at his own expense and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director lay, form and surface the area shown coloured yellow on PLAN I annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Yellow Area"). (b) The Grantee shall at his own expense uphold, manage, maintain and repair the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof of which the Grantee has retained possession and everything thereon, therein or thereunder in good and substantial repair and condition to the satisfaction of the Director until such time as possession of the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof has or have been re-delivered to the Government in accordance with sub-clause (e) of this Special Condition. (c) In the event of the non-fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. (d) The Director shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person whether arising out of or incidental to the fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition or the exercise of the rights by the Government under sub-clause (c) of this Special Condition or otherwise, and no claim for compensation or otherwise shall be made against the Government or the Director or his authorized officers by the Grantee in respect of any such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (e) For the purpose only of carrying out the necessary works specified in sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition, the Grantee shall on the date of this Agreement be granted possession of the Yellow Area. The Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof shall be re-delivered to the Government by the Grantee on demand of the Director without any payment or compensation whether monetary or otherwise and in any event shall be deemed to have been redelivered to the Government by the Grantee on the date or dates to be specified by the Director in writing provided that the Government shall not be compelled to take back possession of the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof but may only do so as and when the Government sees fit. (f) The Grantee shall not without the prior written consent of the Director use the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof for the purpose of storage or for the erection of any temporary structure or for any purposes other than the carrying out of the works specified in sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition. (g) The Grantee shall at all reasonable times while he is in possession of the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof permit the Director, his officers, contractors and any other persons authorized by him, with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles the free and unrestricted right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot and the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof for the purpose of inspecting, checking and supervising any works to be carried out in compliance with sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this Special Condition and the carrying out, inspecting, checking and supervising of the works under sub-clause (c) of this Special Condition and any other works which the Director may consider necessary in the Yellow Area or any part or parts thereof. 17. Special Condition No.(13) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall on or before the 31st day of March, 2018 (or such other extended dates as may be approved by the Director) at his own expense and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director lay, form, provide, construct and surface an internal access road within the lot (hereinafter referred to as "the Internal Access Road") in such manner with such materials and to such standards as the Director shall require or approve so that vehicular and pedestrian access to the Yellow Area from San Tam Road and vice versa can be gained through the Internal Access Road. (b) The position, design, disposition, alignment, level and width of the Internal Access Road shall be subject to the prior approval in writing of the Director. (c) No building works (other than the demolition and removal works referred to in Special Condition No. (2)(a) hereof and site formation works) shall be commenced on the lot until the approval required under sub-clause (b) of this Special Condition shall have been obtained by the Grantee. (d) The Grantee shall throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted at his own expense manage and maintain the Internal Access Road in good and substantial repair and condition in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director. AR4

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES (e) The Grantee shall at all times during day and night throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted permit the Government, the future owners, lessees, tenants, occupiers and licensees of the Yellow Area and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees for all lawful purposes connected with the proper use and enjoyment of the Yellow Area (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the inspection thereof by the Government, its officers and other authorized persons) the right, and the Grantee further covenants to permit them, to pass and repass with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles free of any charge on, along, over, by and through the Internal Access Road for ingress, egress and regress to and from the Yellow Area. (f) The Grantee shall throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted permit the Government, the future owners, lessees, tenants, occupiers and licensees of the Yellow Area the right of, and the Grantee further covenants to permit them, free passage, flow, supply, conveyance and discharge of utility services, including but not limited to water, electricity, gas, telephone and telecommunication services to and from the Yellow Area through such gutters, pipes, wires, cables, sewers, drains, nullahs, culverts, ducts, flues, conduits and water mains passing along, through, over, upon or under the Internal Access Road, for the proper use and enjoyment of the Yellow Area and for such purpose, the right for the Government, the future owners, lessees, tenants, occupiers and licensees of the Yellow Area or any other persons duly authorized by any of them, and the Grantee further covenants to permit them, to enter the lot through the Internal Access Road at all reasonable times (except in case of emergency) with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles for the purpose of carrying out inspection, maintenance, repair, alteration, removal, renewal, replacement and installation works to all and any of the said gutters, pipes, wires, cables, sewers, drains, nullahs, culverts, ducts, flues, conduits and water mains referred to in this sub-clause. (g) In the event of the non-fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (a) and (d) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. For the purpose of carrying out the works aforesaid, the Government, its officers, agents, contractors, workmen or other duly authorized personnel shall have free and uninterrupted right at all reasonable times with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles to enter into the lot or any part thereof and any building or buildings erected or to be erected thereon. (h) The Government, its officers, agents, contractors, workmen or other duly authorized personnel shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person arising out of or incidental to the exercise of the rights conferred under sub-clause (g) of this Special Condition, and no claim for compensation or otherwise shall be made against any of them by the Grantee in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (i) The Grantee shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Government, its officers, agents, contractors, workmen and other duly authorized personnel from and against all liabilities, claims, costs, demands, actions or other proceedings whatsoever whether arising out of or in connection with anything done or omitted to be clone by the Grantee, his servants, workmen and contractors in connection with sub-clauses (e) and (f) of this Special Condition. (j) There is no right of ingress or egress to and from the Yellow Area through the Internal Access Road for the passage of motor vehicles except between the points S and T through U shown and marked on PLAN I annexed hereto or at such other points as may be approved in writing by the Director. (k) It is hereby expressly agreed, declared and provided that by imposing the obligations on the part of the Grantee contained in sub-clause (e) of this Special Condition, neither the Grantee intends to dedicate nor the Government consents to any dedication of the Internal Access Road to the public for the right of passage. (l) It is hereby expressly agreed and declared that the obligations on the part of the Grantee contained in sub-clause (e) of this Special Condition will give rise to no expectation of, or claim for or in respect of, any concession or right in respect of additional site coverage or plot ratio whether under Regulation 22(1) of the Building (Planning) Regulations, any amendment thereto, substitution therefor, or otherwise and for the avoidance of doubt the Grantee expressly waives any and all claims in respect of or for any concession in respect of, or right to, additional site coverage or plot ratio under Regulation 22(1) of the Building (Planning) Regulations, any amendment thereto or substitution therefor. 18. Special Condition No.(14) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall on or before the 31st day of March, 2018 (or such other extended dates as may be approved by the Director), at his own expense construct and provide decks and their supports (hereinafter referred to as "the Decks") over the drainage channels erected or to be erected on the respective areas of the lot shown coloured pink circled black, pink circled black hatched blue, pink circled black hatched red on PLAN I annexed hereto, the Pink Circled Black Edged Red Area and the Pink Circled Black Edged Red Hatched Blue Area (which areas are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Drainage Reserve") in such manner with such materials and to such levels, designs, positions and standards as shall be required and approved by the Director and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director. (b) Save as required or approved by the Director under sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition or otherwise with the prior written consent of the Director, no building or structure or support for any building or structure (except the Existing High Pressure Gas Main, the Existing Water Mains referred to in Special Condition No. (51) hereof and the Highway Structures referred to in Special Condition No. (52)(a) hereof) shall be erected or constructed or placed on, over, under, above, below or within the Drainage Reserve or any part or parts thereof. (c) Subject to Special Condition No. (11)(d) hereof, the Grantee shall upon completion of the Decks at his own expense uphold, maintain, repair and manage the Decks in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director throughout the term hereby agreed to be granted. (d) In the event of the non-fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (a) and (c) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. (e) The Grantee shall, subject to Special Condition No. (11)(d) hereof, permit the Government, the Director, its or his officers, agents, contractors, workmen and any other persons authorized by them with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles the free and unrestricted right of ingress, egress and regress at all times to, from and through the lot or any part or parts thereof for the purposes of: (i) inspecting, checking and supervising any works to be carried out in compliance with sub-clauses (a) and (c) of this Special Condition; (ii) carrying out, inspecting, checking and supervising of the works under sub-clause (d) of this Special Condition and any other works which the Director may consider necessary in the Drainage Reserve or any part or parts thereof; and (iii) constructing, inspecting, maintaining, repairing and desilting the drainage channels in or adjoining the lot or any part or parts thereof. (f) The Government, the Director, its or his officers, agents, contractors, workmen and any other persons authorized by them shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee whether arising out of or incidental to the fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (a) and (c) of this Special Condition or the exercise by any of them of the rights conferred under subclauses (d) and (e) of this Special Condition or otherwise, and no claim shall be made against any of them by the Grantee in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (g) No parking space or lay-by or loading or unloading space shall be allowed on, over, under, above, below, or within the Drainage Reserve or any part or parts thereof. (h) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the third Overlapping Area, the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No. (11) hereof. (i) For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the area shown coloured pink circled black hatched red on PLAN I annexed hereto, which is the overlapping area of the Drainage Reserve and the Utilities Reserve (as defined in Special Condition No. (52)(b) hereof) (which overlapping area is hereinafter referred to as "the fourth Overlapping Area"), the Grantee shall also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Special Condition No. (52) hereof. AR5

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES 19. Special Condition No.(64) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The lot is granted together with a right for the Grantee and his servants, visitors, workmen and other persons authorized by him in that behalf from time to time and at all times during the term hereby agreed to be granted for all purposes connected with the proper use and enjoyment of the lot to pass and repass on, along, over, by and through those areas shown coloured brown on PLAN A annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Brown Areas") at such levels as may be approved by the Director. (b) The Grantee shall, on or before the 31st day of March 2018 (or such other extended dates as may be approved by the Director), at his own expense, in such manner, with such materials and to such standards as the Director shall require or approve, construct a paved way with such associated street furniture, traffic aids, street lighting, sewers, drains, channels, catchpits, culverts and other structures as the Director may consider necessary on the Brown Areas over and along which a right of way referred to in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition is given with minimum disturbance to the owners of any other lots in the vicinity to whom rights of way over the whole or any portion of the Brown Areas may have been granted. (c) The Grantee shall at his own expense uphold, maintain and manage the Brown Areas and everything forming a portion of or pertaining to it, all to be done to the satisfaction of the Director and the Grantee shall be responsible for the whole as if he were the absolute owner thereof. (d) Any alteration to any public road absorbing a portion of the Brown Areas over and along which a right of way is given or affecting the gradient thereof, shall not give rise to any claim by the Grantee who shall at his own expense carry out all consequent alterations to the paved way constructed by him on the Brown Areas in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director. (e) The grant of the right of way referred to in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition shall not give the Grantee the exclusive right over the Brown Areas or any part thereof. The Government shall have the right to grant rights of way over the Brown Areas or any part thereof to the owners of any other lots in the vicinity now or at any time in the future, or to take over the whole or any portion of the Brown Areas for the purposes of a public street or for any other purposes as the Government considers appropriate without payment of any compensation to the Grantee or to other owners to whom rights of way over the whole or any portion of the Brown Areas may have been granted. (f) In the event of the non-fulfilment of any of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clauses (b), (c) or (d) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary construction, maintenance, repair or alteration works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. (g) Notwithstanding the grant of the right of way referred to in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition, the Government shall have the full right and power, upon giving to the Grantee, not less than fourteen days' written notice (save in case of emergency) to lay, install, relay, divert, remove, reprovision, replace, inspect, operate, repair, maintain and renew any Government or other drain, channel, catchpit, culvert, waterway or watercourse, sewer, nullah, water main, pipe, cable, wire, line, utility service or other works or installations (all together hereinafter referred to as "the Brown Areas Services") which are now or may hereafter be upon, over, under or adjacent to the Brown Areas or any part thereof as the Director may in his absolute discretion deem fit, making good any and all damage caused thereby, and the Director, his officers, contractors and any other persons authorized by him, his or their workmen with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles shall have the right of free ingress, egress and regress at all times to and from the Brown Areas or any part thereof for the purposes aforesaid. The Grantee shall not disturb or allow anybody to disturb the Brown Areas Services without the prior written approval from the Director. Save in respect of making good any and all damage caused by any exercise of the aforesaid rights and powers, the Government, the Director, his officers, contractors and any other persons authorized by him, his or their workmen shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee arising out of or incidental to the exercise of the rights conferred under this sub-clause, and no claim nor objection shall be made against him or them by the Grantee. 20. Special Condition No.(65) of the Land Grant stipulates that:- (a) The Grantee shall at his own expense uphold, manage, maintain and repair those areas shown coloured yellow stippled black on PLAN A annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Yellow Stippled Black Areas") and everything forming a portion of or pertaining to it or any part or parts thereof of which the Grantee has not redelivered possession and everything thereon, therein or thereunder in good and substantial repair and condition all to be done to the satisfaction of the Director until such time as possession of the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof has or have been re-delivered to the Government in accordance with sub-clause (d) of this Special Condition. (b) In the event of the non-fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition, the Government may carry out the necessary works at the cost of the Grantee who shall pay to the Government on demand a sum equal to the cost thereof, such sum to be determined by the Director whose determination shall be final and shall be binding upon the Grantee. (c) The Director shall have no liability in respect of any loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance whatsoever caused to or suffered by the Grantee or any other person whether arising out of or incidental to the fulfilment of the Grantee's obligations under sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition or the exercise of the rights by the Government under sub-clause (b) of this Special Condition or otherwise, and no claim for compensation or otherwise shall be made against the Government or the Director or his authorized officers by the Grantee in respect of any such loss, damage, nuisance or disturbance. (d) For the purpose only of carrying out the necessary works specified in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition, the Grantee shall on the 1st day of June 2015 be granted possession of the Yellow Stippled Black Areas. The Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof shall be re-delivered to the Government by the Grantee on demand of the Director without any payment or compensation whether monetary or otherwise and in any event shall be deemed to have been re-delivered to the Government by the Grantee on the date or dates to be specified by the Director in writing provided that the Government shall not be compelled to take back possession of the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof but may only do so as and when the Government sees fit. (e) The Grantee shall not without the prior written consent of the Director use the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof for the purpose of storage or for the erection of any temporary structure or for any purposes other than the carrying out of the works specified in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition. (f) The Grantee shall at all reasonable times while he is in possession of the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof permit the Director, his officers, contractors and any other persons authorized by him, with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles the free and unrestricted right of ingress, egress and regress to, from and through the lot and the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof for the purpose of inspecting, checking and supervising any works to be carried out in compliance with sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition and the carrying out, inspecting, checking and supervising of the works under sub-clause (b) of this Special Condition and any other works which the Director may consider necessary in the Yellow Stippled Black Areas or any part or parts thereof. G. Provisions of every deed of mutual covenant in respect of the specified residential property that concern those facilities and open spaces, and those parts of the land 21. Section 2(1) of the draft Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement ( DMC ) stipulates that:- In this Deed the following expressions shall have the following meanings except where the context otherwise permits or requires:- Brown Areas means areas referred to as the Brown Areas in Special Condition No. (64)(a) of the Government Grant and shown coloured Brown on PLAN A annexed thereto together with such associated street furniture, traffic aids, street lighting, sewers, drains, channels, catchpits, culverts and other structures constructed or to be constructed over and along the Brown Areas; AR6

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES Decks over the Drainage Reserve means the decks and supports over the drainage channels erected or to be erected on the Drainage Reserve referred to as the Decks in Special Condition No. (14) of the Government Grant; Diverted Tracks means, when formed, those parts of the Existing Track as varied and diverted pursuant to a Consent Letter dated 1 June 2015 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No. 15061102490030 and referred to as the Diverted Tracks therein and as marked on PLAN No. YLM8646d annexed thereto; Existing Tracks means the existing tracks and access roads referred to as the Existing Track in Special Condition No. (9) of the Government Grant and as marked on PLAN I annexed to the Government Grant, which may be varied and diverted in accordance with Special Condition No. (9) of the Government Grant; Green Area means the portion of future public road referred to as the Green Area in Special Condition No. (5)(a)(I) of the Government Grant and shown coloured Green on PLAN I annexed thereto together with such bridges, tunnels, over-passes, under-passes, culverts, viaducts, flyovers, pavements, roads or such other structures provided or to be provided therein in accordance with Special Condition No. (5)(a)(II) of the Government Grant; Internal Access Road means the internal access road within the Lot referred to as the Internal Access Road in Special Condition No. (13) (a) of the Government Grant; New Tracks means collectively the Diverted Tracks when formed together with the remaining parts of the Existing Track not having been varied or diverted pursuant to a Consent Letter dated 1 June 2015 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No. 15061102490030 and referred to as the New Tracks therein; Wetland Management Agreement means the Wetland Management Agreement dated [ ] in respect of the management and maintenance of an ecological enhancement area (Sha Po Marsh in the north of Sha Po Tsuen Road) comprising:- (a) portion of Section A of Lot No.1927 in Demarcation District No.107; (b) the Wetland within the Lot; (c) portion of The Remaining Portion of Sub-section 7 of Section B of Lot No. 1744 in Demarcation District No.107; and (d) portion of The Remaining Portion of Sub-section 4 of Section C of Lot No. 1743 in Demarcation District No.107 according to the Habitat Creation and Management Plan and the Wetland Master Plan (Phase 1) (both approved by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and include any amendments thereto from time to time approved by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department) and the contribution to the costs for management and maintenance of the same by the owners of the above lots and shall include such amendments, supplements, extensions or variations to such Wetland Management Agreement as may from time to time be entered into between the relevant parties; Wetland within the Lot means collectively:- (a) portion of the Wetland as referred to in Special Condition No.(10)(a) of the Government Grant being the respective areas shown coloured pink stippled black, pink stippled black hatched blue and pink stippled black hatched red on PLAN I annexed to the Government Grant in so far as the same are within the Lot, which are for the purposes of identification only shown coloured Green Stippled Black on the Wetland plan certified by the Authorized Person and annexed hereto; and (b) portions of ecological enhancement area within the Lot (other than the areas referred to in paragraph (a) above), which are for the purposes of identification only coloured Green Hatched Black on the Wetland plan certified by the Authorized Person and annexed hereto; Yellow Area means the area referred to as the Yellow Area in Special Condition No. (12) of the Government Grant and shown coloured Yellow on PLAN I annexed to the Government Grant; and Yellow Stippled Black Areas means the areas referred to as the Yellow Stippled Black Areas in Special Condition No. (65)(a) of the Government Grant and shown coloured Yellow Stippled Black on PLAN A annexed to the Government Grant. 22. Clause 15 of the DMC stipulates that:- The Manager shall prepare the annual budget for the ensuing year in consultation with the Owners Committee (if already formed) except the first budget which shall cover the period from the date of this Deed until the following 31st day of December. Subject to the provisions of this Deed, the annual budget shall be in four parts:- (a) The first part shall cover all expenditure which in the opinion of the Manager (whose decision shall be conclusive save for manifest error) is to be expended for the benefit of all Owners or required for the proper management of the Development and the Development Common Areas and Facilities therein including but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing:- (i) the maintenance, operation, repair and cleansing of all Development Common Areas and Facilities and the lighting thereof and the provisions and operation of emergency generators and lighting for the Development Common Areas and Facilities. For avoidance of doubt, maintenance and management of the Wetland within the Lot shall be according to the Habitat Creation and Management Plan and the Wetland Master Plan (Phase 1) (both approved by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and include any amendments thereto from time to time approved by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department); (v) the cost and expenses of inspecting, maintaining and repairing of, and all cost incurred in connection with the Green Area (until the possession thereof is re-delivered to the Government in accordance with the Government Grant), the Yellow Area (until the possession thereof is re-delivered to the Government in accordance with the Government Grant), the Yellow Stippled Black Areas (until the possession thereof is redelivered to the Government in accordance with the Government Grant), the Brown Areas and the Wetland within the Lot; (vi) all the cost, expense, contribution and payment attributable to or payable by the Owners under or pursuant to the provisions of the Wetland Management Agreement; 23. Clause 38 of the DMC stipulates that:- The management of the Lot and the Development shall be undertaken by the Manager for an initial period of not exceeding two (2) years and shall continue until terminated as provided under Clause 10 of this Deed and each Owner hereby irrevocably APPOINTS the Manager as agent for all Owners in respect of any matter concerning the Common Areas and Facilities duly authorised in accordance with the provisions of this Deed and to enforce and carry into effect all provisions of this Deed subject to the Building Management Ordinance (Cap.344). In addition to the other powers expressly provided in this Deed, the Manager shall have authority to do all such acts and things as may be necessary or expedient for or in connection with the Lot and the Development and the management thereof including in particular but without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing:- AR7

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES (h) To repair, maintain, upkeep, improve, control, operate and manage the Recreational Areas and Facilities, the Green Area (until the possession thereof is re-delivered to the Government in accordance with the Government Grant), the Yellow Area (until the possession thereof is re-delivered to the Government in accordance with the Government Grant), the Yellow Stippled Black Areas (until the possession thereof is re-delivered to the Government in accordance with the Government Grant), the Brown Areas, the Wetland within the Lot, the Decks over the Drainage Reserve, the Internal Access Road, the Existing Tracks, the New Tracks, and the Transport Terminus in good conditions in accordance with the Government Grant. The Wetland within the Lot shall be managed and maintained in accordance with the Habitat Creation and Management Plan and the Wetland Master Plan (Phase 1) (both approved by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and include any amendments thereto from time to time approved by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department); 24. Clause 74 of the DMC stipulates that:- The Manager shall uphold, maintain and repair the Brown Areas and everything forming a portion of or pertaining to them, all to be done to the satisfaction of the Director of Lands in accordance with Special Condition No.(64)(c) of the Government Grant and the Owners shall be responsible for the whole as if they were the absolute owner thereof. 25. Clause 75 of the DMC stipulates that:- Notwithstanding anything herein contained and until such time as the Green Area, the Yellow Area or the Yellow Stippled Black Areas shall be re-delivered or deemed to have been re-delivered to the Government in accordance with the Government Grant, the Manager shall be responsible for the management, maintenance and repair of the Green Area, the Yellow Area or the Yellow Stippled Black Areas in accordance with the Government Grant and the Owners shall be responsible for the costs and expenses for the management, maintenance and repair of the Green Area, the Yellow Area or the Yellow Stippled Black Areas as if they were part of the Development Common Areas and Facilities. 26. Paragraph (e) of Part B of the Second Schedule to the DMC stipulates that:- The right of members of the public, for all lawful purposes, with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles at all times to pass and repass freely without payment of any nature whatsoever on, along and through the New Tracks in accordance with Special Condition No. (9)(a)(ii) of the Government Grant. 27. Paragraph (g) of Part B of the Second Schedule to the DMC stipulates that:- The right of the Government, the future owners, lessees, tenants, occupiers and licensees of the Yellow Area to pass, flow, supply, convey and discharge utility services, including but not limited to water, electricity, gas, telephone and telecommunication services to and from the Yellow Area through such gutters, pipes, wires, cables, sewers, drains, nullahs, culverts, ducts, flues, conduits and water mains passing along, through, over, upon or under the Internal Access Road, for the proper use and enjoyment of the Yellow Area and for such purpose, the right for the Government, the future owners, lessees, tenants, occupiers and licensees of the Yellow Area or any other persons duly authorized by any of them to enter the Lot through the Internal Access Road at all reasonable times (except in case of emergency) with or without tools, equipment, plant, machinery or motor vehicles for the purpose of carrying out inspection, maintenance, repair, alteration, removal, renewal, replacement and installation works to all and any of the said gutters, pipes, wires, cables, sewers, drains, nullahs, culverts, ducts, flues, conduits and water mains in accordance with Special Condition No. (13)(f) of the Government Grant. Note: The Wetland Management Agreement has been entered into on 5 November 2015. AR8

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES A. 1. (a) (5)(a)(i)(I) (b) (5)(a)(i)(II) (c) (9)(a)(i) (d) 2015 6 1 15061102490030 (e) (10)(a) (f) (11)(a) (g) (12)(a) (h) (13)(a) (i) (14)(a) (j) (64)(a) (k) (65) (11)(b) 107 1927 2. 1(a)(b)(c)(d)(h) (j) i. (13)(e) ii. (64)(e) B. 3. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 4. i. (13)(e) ii. (64)(e) 5. 6. C. 7. D. 123 F 22(1) 8. E. (a) 21263 I (b) 2015 6 1 15061102490020 A (c) 2015 6 1 15061102490030 YLM8646d (d) 2015 11 5 (e) F. 9. (5) (a) (i) 2018 3 31 (I) I (II) AR9

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES (ii) 2018 3 31 (iii) (51) (6) (b) (52) (55) (c) (a) (d) (a) (c) 10. (6) (5) (5) 11. (7) (5) 12. (8) (a) (i) (5)(a) (5)(c) (ii) (iii) (51) (b) (a) 13. (9) (a) (i) I (ii) (b) (b) I M N O P Q R (14) (c) (c) (d) (a)(b) (c) (e) (a)(b) (c) (f) (a) (b) (g) (a) (b) 22(1) 22(1) 2015 6 1 15061102490030 AYL-KTN118-2 2013 9 16 I 2015 6 1 (1) 2018 3 31 (2) (9) (3) (9) AR10

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES 14. (10) (a) 6 I (b) 1:500 (2)(a) (c) (d) (11)(d) (e) (c) (d) (f) (i) (c) (d) (ii) (e) (g) (e) (f) (h) (32)(a)(v) (i) (20)(c) (b) (j) I (11)(a) (11) (k) I (52)(b) (52) 15. (11) (a) 10(a) 13(a) I (63) (b) (29)(d) (30) (c) 29(d) (30) (b) (d) (d) (e) (10)(a) (d) (f) (d) 22(2) 22(2) (g) (h) (d) (i) (20)(c) (ii) (i) (10) (j) I (14)(a) (14) 16. (12) (a) 2018 3 31 I (b) (e) (c) (a) (b) (d) (a) (b) (c) AR11

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES (e) (a) (b) (f) (a) (b) (g) (a) (b) (c) 17. (13) (a) 2018 3 31 (b) (c) (b) (2)(a) (d) (e) ( ) (f) (g) (a) (d) (h) (g) (i) (e) (f) (j) I S T U (k) (e) (l) (e) 22(1) 22(1) 18. (14) (a) 2018 3 31 I (b) (a) (51) (52)(a) (c) (11)(d) (d) (a) (c) (e) (11)(d) (i) (a) (c) (ii) (d) (iii) (f) (a) (c) (d) (e) (g) (h) (11) (i) I (52)(b) (52) AR12

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES 19. (64) (a) A (b) 2018 3 31 (a) (c) (d) (e) (a) (f) (b)(c) (d) (g) (a) 14 20. (65) (a) A (d) (b) (a) (c) (a) (b) (d) (a) 2015 6 1 (e) (a) (f) (a) (b) G. 21. 2(1) (64)(a) A (14) 2015 6 1 15061102490030 YLM8646d (9) I (9) (5)(a)(I) I (5)(a)(II) (13)(a) 2015 6 1 15061102490030 AR13

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES (a) 107 1927 A (b) (c) 107 1744 B 7 (d) 107 1743 C 4 (a) (10)(a) I (b) (a) (12) I (65)(a) A 22. 15 12 31 (a) (i) (v) (vi) 23. 38 (2) 10 344 (h) 24. 74 (64)(c) 25. 75 26. B (e) (9)(a)(ii) 27. B (g) (13) (f) : 2015 11 5 AR14

Information on Public Facilities and Public Open Spaces 公共設施及公眾休憩用地的資料 PLAN I annexed to New Grant No.21263 新批地規約第 21263 號夾附的圖則 I Legend 圖例 P Stippled Black Pink Stippled Black 粉紅色加黑點 P Hatched Blue Pink Hatched Blue 粉紅色加藍色斜線 P Stippled Black Hatched Blue Pink Stippled Black Hatched Blue 粉紅色加黑點加藍色斜線 P Hatched R Pink Hatched Red 粉紅色加紅色斜線 P Hatched Black Pink Hatched Black 粉紅色加黑色斜線 P Circled Black Pink Circled Black 粉紅色加黑圓圈 P Stippled Black Hatched R Pink Stippled Black Hatched Red 粉紅色加黑點加紅色斜線 P Circled Black Hatched R Pink Circled Black Hatched Red 粉紅色加黑圓圈加紅色斜線 P Circled Black Hatched Blue Pink Circled Black Hatched Blue 粉紅色加黑圓圈加藍色斜線 P Edged R Pink Edged Red 粉紅色加紅色邊 P Edged R Hatched Blue Pink Edged Red Hatched Blue 粉紅色加紅色邊加藍色斜線 P Circled Black Edged R Pink Circled Black Edged Red 粉紅色加黑圓圈加紅色邊 P Circled Black Edged R Hatched Blue Pink Circled Black Edged Red Hatched Blue 粉紅色加黑圓圈加紅色邊加藍色斜線 Y Yellow 黃色 G Green 綠色 Existing Water Mains 現有總水管 Existing High Pressure Gas Main 現有高壓供氣主喉 P Pink 粉紅色 AR15

Information on Public Facilities and Public Open Spaces 公共設施及公眾休憩用地的資料 PLAN A annexed to the Modification Letter dated 1 June 2015 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No. 15061102490020 2015 年 6 月 1 日訂立並在土地註冊處以註冊摘要編號 15061102490020 登記的批地條款修訂書所夾附的圖則 A Legend 圖例 Brown Areas 啡色區域 Yellow strippled black Areas 黃色加黑點區域 AR16

Information on Public Facilities and Public Open Spaces 公共設施及公眾休憩用地的資料 PLAN No. YLM8646d annexed to the Consent Letter dated 1 June 2015 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No. 15061102490030 2015 年 6 月 1 日訂立並在土地註冊處以註冊摘要編號 15061102490030 登記的同意書所夾附圖則編號 YLM8646d Legend 圖例 Diverted Track 改道道路 AR17