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10DAYS 7NIGHTS Nasir-al-Mulk Mosque, Shiraz PERSIAN IRAN- A Heritage of Beauty & Sublimity Shiraz / Persepolis / Abarkuh / Yazd / Isfahan / Abyaneh / Kashan / Tehran Highlights Nasir-al-Mulk Mosque, Shiraz - Its pink-tiled interior & colorful stained-glass windows. Persepolis - Ancient ruins of terraced capital Cypress Of Abarkuh - The World's Oldest Cypress Naqsh-E-Jahan Square, Isfahan - The most important square in Isfahan, known as Image of the World Amir Chakhmaq Square, Yazd (UNESCO) Abyaneh Historical Village (UNESCO) Golestan Palace, Tehran 40

Naqsh-e Jahan Square Abyaneh Historical Village The Eagle Griffin Capitals, Persepolis Vank Cathedral Armenian fresco Ali ebn e Hamze Shrine Room of coloured light in Tabatabaei Historical House

ENTRANCES/FEES INCLUDED Nasir-Ol-Mulk Mosque, Shiraz Ali-ebn-e Hamzeh Shrine, Shiraz Persepolis (UNESCO) Jameh Mosque, Yazd Dowlat Abad Garden, Yazd Fire Temple, Yazd Pirnia traditional house, Nain Chehel Sotoun Palace, Isfahan (UNESCO) Shah Imam Mosque Isfahan (UNESCO) Ali Qapu Palace, Isfahan (UNESCO) Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Isfahan (UNESCO) Persian traditional historical house (Tabatabaei) Bagh-e Fin Garden, Kashan (UNESCO) Crown Jewel & National Museum, Tehran National Museum of Iran, Tehran Golestan Palace, Tehran (UNESCO) HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Premium tourist class hotels, majority with free wifi (at least at the lobby). 2N Shiraz - Zandiyeh/Chamran 5* or similar 2N Yazd - Safaiyeh 4* or similar 2N Isfahan - Kowsar 5* or similar 1N Kashan - Nagarestan 3* or similar 1N Tehran - Espinas Palace 5* or similar *Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels. DINING SPECIALS Taste variety of traditional Iranian flavors Fesenjan (Pomegranate Walnut Stew) Dizi (Lamb chickpea soup) Baghalipolo (herb rice) with fish Tabrizi Kufteh Estamboli Polow (Persian Tomato rice) Kebabs come in many kinds: beef, chicken, lamb *specific restaurants mentioned will be replaced if closed for private events. Lunch - 8 Meals Dinner - 8 Meals 10DAYS 7NIGHTS PERSIAN IRAN - A Heritage of Beauty & Sublimity D3 Shiraz 62km- Persepolis 234km- Abarkuh 155km- Yazd KUWAIT Tehran Kashan Isfahan Nain Abarkuh Persepolis Shiraz QATAR Yazd IRAN DUBAI AFGHANISTAN PAKISTAN Persepolis Excursion Discover one of the world s greatest archaeological sites, Persepolis, an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Literally means City of Persians, it was built on a huge platform at the foot of the Kuh-e Rahmat mountains. The tour of the ruins covers palatial buildings like Apadana Palace and Throne Hall. Abarkuh tour Enroute to Yazd from Shiraz, stop by Abarkuh and discover the unique Ice House, an ancient method of storing ice. View the 4,500 year-old cypress of Abarkuh, Iran's oldest living organism and the second oldest living organism of the world. D1 Depart Kuala Lumpur D2 Arrival Shiraz Upon arrival at Shiraz International Airport in the early morning, transfer to hotel for some rest before begining Shiraz city tour. Shiraz city tour A full day of discovery in the former Iranian capital of the Zand Dynasty awaits Entrance into the Ali ebn e Hamze Shrine, famous for its Shirazi dome and dazzling Venetian mirror works. Next, see the Hafez Tomb, where the body of Iran s most famous poet lies. At Nasir-Ol-Mulk Mosque, witness the breath-taking kaleidoscope of colours on its interior as the morning sun shines through the stained glass windows. Spend some time at the lovely Narenjestan Qavam Garden and view the opulent Qavam House. Entrance to the fortress of Karim Khan Citadel before indulging in souvenir shopping at the fabulous Vakil Bazaar. D4 Yazd (Hotel breakfast/local lunch/local dinner ) Yazd city tour View the imposing structure of Amir Chakhmaq Complex, built in the 15th century. Spend some time at the lovely Amir Chakhmaq Square before heading to the Jame Mosque. Visit The Fire Temple in Zoroastrianism the place of worship for Zoroastrians. Entrance to the Dowlat Abad Garden, one of the most beautiful gardens with authentic Iranian walled garden. D5 Yazd -167km- Nain -158km- Isfahan Nain orientation tour En-route to Isfahan, stop by Nain. Visit the Pirnia traditional house and desert ethnology museum, a perfect example of this region's desert houses in terms of architecture and art and; was constructed in the Safavid Period. Isfahan night tour View the famous Khaju Bridge (Si-o-se-pol) at night ; the oldest bridge in Isfahan and most famous example of Safavid Bridge design. 42

D6 Isfahan Isfahan city tour Be charmed by the irresistible Isfahan, Iran s top tourist destination. Start the tour at the Palace of Chehel Sotun, built as a pleasure pavilion and reception hall by Safavid kings. See the colourful frescoes on the walls and vaults of Vank Cathedral where locals of Armenian origin practise their faith. Continue head towards the centrepiece of Isfahan great architecture; Naqsh-e Jahan Square, listed as an UNESCO World Heritage Site. The 512m long /163m wide square is flanked by the imposing Shah (Imam) Mosque on one end and entrance to the Qayssarieh Bazaar on the other. On the sides, see the beautiful intricate tile works at Sheikh Lutfollah Mosque entrance and from the elevated pavilion of Ali Qapu Palace, enjoy a great panorama of the massive Square. Attire & Dress Code Information Women: Required to wear loose fitting clothes & trousers, Arms and legs should be covered down to the ankle. Headscarf/Hijab MUST be worn at all times in public area. Men: It s more simple dress the same manner like in Western Countries. However, shorts, short sleeves, Tight-Fitting shirts are not allowed. 10 7 Golestan Palace Tehran D7 Isfahan -155km- Kashan Abyaneh Historical Village Discover one of the Iranian historical villages; Abyaneh Historical Village, well known as Red Village in Iran. One can see Sassanid Pahlavic words in daily conversation as well as villagers' clothing that is rooted in earlier times. Kashan city tour Visit Fin Garden (UNESCO World Heritage Sites), a traditional Persian Garden containing Kashan's Fin Bath. Entrance to the Tabatabaei Historical House, another fine example Persian architecture masterpiece. D8 Kashan -245km- Tehran Tehran city tour (I) Iran s capital and largest city is set against the breath-taking backdrop of the Alborz Mountains. Visit the National Museum for its archaeological collections. Stroll the lavish Golestan Palace, showcasing the successful integration or earlier Persian crafts and architecture with Western influences. D9 Tehran / Depart for home Tehran city tour (II) Visit the Saleh Holy Shrine and have some leisure time to hunt for the local Persian handicrafts and fruits. Lastly, entrance into the National Jewellery Museum which holds many Qajar monarchs jewels. Transfer to airport for flight home in the late evening D10 Arrival home Tour ends upon reaching KLIA with fond memories of a vacation. REMARKS *The entrances are subject to the Iran s public holiday schedule and opening hours (may change from time to time). - Narenjestan Qavam Qavam - 43

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