; 3/2, Buck-Boost, 3 Buck-Boost DC-DC ; Y, Fig. 1 1 BBMC The topology of three phase-three phase BBMC 3 BBMC (Study on the control strategy of

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26 2 2009 2 Control Theory & Applications Vol. 26 No. 2 Feb. 2009 : 1000 8152(2009)02 0203 06 Buck-Boost 1,2, 3, 2, 4, 1 (1., 411201; 2., 410083; 3., 411105; 4., 410004) :, Buck-Boost,.,,. :,,,, : Buck-Boost ; ; ; : TM46 : A A double-loop control strategy for the new Buck-Boost matrix converter ZHANG Xiao-ping 1,2, ZHU Jian-lin 3, TANG Hua-ping 2, ZHANG Bing-gen 4, SONG Fang 1 (1. College of Information and Electrical Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan Hunan 411201, China; 2. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha Hunan 410083, China; 3. College of Information Engineering, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan Hunan 411105, China; 4. Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Hunan Communication Polytechnic, Changsha Hunan 410004, China) Abstract: Because of the low voltage transfer ratio in a conventional matrix converter and no improvement can be made by employing different control strategies, a new Buck-Boost matrix converter is proposed by employing a doubleloop control strategy. The fundamental principle of this control strategy and its design method are introduced. Various characteristics are then compared among this control strategy, the sliding mode control and the discrete sliding mode control. The validity of this control strategy is also tested by simulation. The results show that the double-loop control strategy makes the system in better dynamic performance and stronger harmonic suppression than the sliding mode control and the discrete sliding mode control, and achieves lower harmonic distortion and higher steady-state precision. These are the most valuable advantages of the proposed converter in engineering applications. Key words: Buck-Boost matrix converter; double-loop control strategy; comparison analysis; simulation 1 (Introduction) [1,2], [3],, [4], Buck-Boost (Buck- Boost matrix converter, BBMC).,,. [5] BBMC,,,,, 2 BBMC (Brief introduction on topology of BBMC) BBMC 1 [4]. AC DC AC, : 2007 01 17; : 2007 09 25. : (50575228).

204 26 ; 3/2, Buck-Boost, 3 Buck-Boost DC-DC ; Y, Fig. 1 1 BBMC The topology of three phase-three phase BBMC 3 BBMC (Study on the control strategy of BBMC) BBMC,. 3.1 (The control strategy of the rectifier) BBMC [6]. u a = U m cos θ a = U m cos(ωt), u b = U m cos θ b = U m cos(ωt 2π 3 ), (1) u c = U m cos θ c = U m cos(ωt + 2π 3 ). : ω, U m. [6],, PWM u dc = 3U m 2 cos θ in, (2) cos θ in = max( cos θ a, cos θ b, cos θ c ). 3.2 (The control strategy of the inverter), 3.2.1 (Brief introduction on sliding mode control and discrete sliding mode control) [4]. :,,,, Buck-Boost,, [5,7].,, 2, 3.2.2 (The fundamental principle of double-loop control and its design method) [8] Buck- Boost,,,,,., 1 Buck-Boost DC-DC ( ), u L1 = d 1 u dc (1 d 1 )u C1, (3) i C1 = (1 d 1 )i L1 + i 1. (4) : u C1 i C1 C 1, u L1 i L1 L 1, u dc, i 1, d 1, 1 Buck-Boost L 1 C 1 I L1 (s) U L1 (s) = 1 r L1 + L 1 s, (5) U C1 (s) I C1 (s) = 1 + r C1C 1 s, C 1 s (6)

2 : Buck-Boost 205 r L1 r C1 L 1 C 1 Buck-Boost,, 2, (3)(5).,, PI : 2, PI, u L1ref. (3) d 1 = u C1 + u L1ref u C1 + u dc. (7) d 1, d 1 Buck-Boost, T 1 T 2,. PI, 2 Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of the inner control loop for inductor current 3, (4)(6).,,,, PI : PI, i C1ref. (4) : i L1ref = i C1ref i 1 1 d 1. (8) d 1,, (1 d 1 ). u dc 1 d 1. (9) u C1 + u dc, d 1,,. 3 Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of the outer control loop for capacitor voltage 4 (Simulation and analysis), MATLAB 3,, :, : 220 V/50 Hz; : L i = 450 µh, C i = 70 µf, i = 1 3;, : R j = 50 Ω, L j = 300 µh, j=1 3; : k 1 = 0.1, k 2 = 0.09; 2 : λ 1 = 1.89, λ 2 = 0.89; PI : k P = 5.5, k I = 8 10 4 ; PI : k P = 50, k I = 1.24 10 4 ; PWM 20 khz. BBMC, : 4.1 (Steady-state analysis) 450 V/75 Hz 150 V/25 Hz(/ ). 4 6 4 a u a i a,, i a u a ; 5 6 450 V/75 Hz 150 V/25 Hz3 ; 1 2, THD. Fig. 4 4 a The simulation waveforms of a phase voltage and current

206 26 1 450 V/75 Hz Table 1 The simulation results under expect output 450 V/75 Hz / /THD (a) 449.2 V/75 Hz/1.74% 457.8 V/75 Hz/1.24% 448.9 V/75 Hz/0.53% 2 150 V/25 Hz Table 2 The simulation results under expect output 150V/25Hz / /THD 5 Fig. 5 (b) (c) 450 V/75 Hz The simulation waveforms of three-phase output voltage under expect output 450 V/75 Hz 148.3 V/25 Hz/1.71% 149.3 V/25 Hz/0.98% 148.7 V/25Hz/0.60% 4.2 (Dynamic-state analysis), : 1,. 311 V/50 Hz 150 V/25 Hz, 450 V/75 Hz. 7 2, 311 V/50 Hz, 50 Ω 25 Ω 50 Ω, 8 (a) (a) (b) (b) 6 Fig. 6 (c) 150 V/25 Hz The simulation waveforms of three-phase output voltage under expect output 150 V/25 Hz (c) 7 Fig. 7 Simulation waveforms of three-phase output voltage for a sudden change in the reference signal

2 : Buck-Boost 207 : 1) 3 : (a) (b) (c) 8 50 Ω 25 Ω 50 Ω Fig. 8 Simulation waveforms of three-phase output voltage for a sudden change in the load from 50 Ω to 25 Ω and then to 50 Ω 5 3 (Comparison of the three control strategy for the inverter), 3BBMC, 1 1;,. 3BBMC, 2) 3 :,,,,,,,, ;,, ;,, ;,,,,. 3) 3 :, ;,,,., ;,,,, ;,,

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