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Dept. of Human Anatomy, Si Chuan University Zhou hongying eaglezhyxzy@163.com Vertebral canal & its contents OUTLINE spinal cord spinal cord & spinal nerve spinal cord & its coverings spinal cord & its blood vessels

Vertebral canal

Normal vertebral column and spinal cord

Spinal cord in situ cervical enlargement (C4 to T1 segments) lumbar enlargement (L2 to S3 segments)

Spinal cord in situ medullary cone cauda equina filum terminale

Vertebra, intervertebral foramen, spinal cord, & spinal nerve

Nerve Fibers of the Spinal Nerve spinal nerve (mixed) anterior root (motor) posterior root (sensory)

CLINICAL NOTE The Reffered Pain The Map of Reffered Pain

spinal segments & spinal nerve filament (rootlet) ventral root dorsal root spinal ganglion menigeal branch dorsal ramus ventral ramus rami communicants

31 segments of spinal cord 31 segments in corresponding to the spinal nerves: 8 cervical segments, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal.

Relationship of the spinal cord and spinal nerves Each spinal nerve leaves the vertebral canal at the same number of the intervertebral foramen

Relationship between the segments of spinal cord and vertebral column spinal segments upper cervical region (C1~C4) lower cervical and upper thoracic region (C5~T4) middle thoracic region (T5~T8) lower thoracic region (T9~T12) lumber segments sacral and coccygeal segments vertebral levels (spines) = CV1 ~ CV4 1 = CV4 ~ TV3 2 = TV3 ~ TV6 3 = TV6 ~ TV9 = TV10 ~ TV12 = LV1 as a rule: cervical cord segments lie almost 1 spine higher than their corresponding vertebrae, thoracic segments lie almost 2 spines higher and lumbar segments 3-4 spines higher than their corresponding vertebrae

CLINICAL NOTES Herniation of Nucleus Pulposus in lumbar region

The Dermatomes an area of skin supplied by the dorsal (sensory) root of a spinal nerve. Each segment is horizontally disposed. there is considerable overlapping of adjacent dermatomes. each segmental nerve overlaps a part of area of its neighbors

Coverings of the spinal cord vertebral canal meninges of spinal cord dura mater arachnoid mater pia mater

Spaces Associated with the Spinal Meninges Epidural space Subdural space Subarachnoid space

Structures formed by spinal meninges Spinal cord, spinal nerves, and spinal meninges

Inferior end of spinal dural sac dural root sheaths filum terminale

dural root sheaths

denticulate ligaments

CLINICAL NOTE Epidural Blocks & Spinal Blocks The needle is inserted in the midline between the spinous processes of the LV3 and LV4 (or the LV4 and LV5). At these levels in adults, there is little danger of damaging the spinal cord.

CLINICAL NOTE Caudal Epidural Anesthesia

Blood Supply of the Spinal Cord vertebral artery ascending cervical artery intercostal arteries lumbar arteries

Arterial supply 3 longitudinal vessels run the length of the spinal cord. An anterior spinal a. paired posterior spinal a.

Originations of the Anterior & Posterior Spinal Arteries

Segmental Spinal Artery Central branches (Sulcal Artery) & Pial plexus

Segmental Spinal Artery segmental medullary artery radiculary artery

Major Anterior Segmental Medullary Artery (Artery of Adamkiewicz)

the artery of Adamkiewicz in a 78-year-old man with a true thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm. MR angiography in a 74-year-old man with an aortic aneurysm. the oblique thin-slab maximum intensity projection images

Venous Drainage of the Spinal Cord 6 longitudinal interconnecting venous channels - anterior & posterior spinal veins - anterolateral & posterolateral veins radicular veins basically, follows a similar pattern to arterial supply

Venous Drainage of the Spinal Cord Pial Venous Plexus ant. & post. radicular / segmental veins drain back into internal vertebral venous plexus Internal & External vertebral Venous Plexuses

Veins of spinal cord & vertebral venous plexus vertebral venous plexus deep cervical vein in neck azygos venous system in thorax ascending lumbar veins in abdomen dural venous sinuses

Vertebral Canal & Its Contents

Normal cervical vertebral column and spinal cord

Guide to Dissection remove the muscles of vertebral column to exposure the boney structure open the vertebral canal by using a chisel, angled at 45 to the vertical cut open the meninges of spinal cord, then observe

Structures to Observe

CASE STUDY 患者 60 岁, 男性, 主诉腹部脉搏搏动显著增强, 感觉像是第二个心脏, 并伴腹部 背部和腹股沟区疼痛 X 线片发现患者腹主动脉钙质沉积并伴有动脉瘤表现 CT 示直径 11cm 的腹主动脉瘤 住院治疗前, 患者在回家途中遭遇小型车祸 患者被立即送往医院行破裂性动脉瘤修复术 手术中患者的主动脉多处被移位, 并结扎了几支节段性动脉 虽然使用聚酯纤维对动脉进行了成功的修复, 患者在术后仍发生了截瘫和阳痿, 膀胱和直肠的功能也丧失了意识支配 患者术后发生症状的解剖学基础是什么? 18 岁女性从马上摔落, 由于落地时颈部处于过伸位导致脊髓受损 虽然患者通过正确的方式被迅速送往医院, 但仍在约 5 分钟后死亡 尸检显示 : 数块颈椎发生骨折, 寰椎两侧椎动脉沟处发现骨折线,CV6 CV7 存在多发性骨折 脊髓严重受损, 颈部软组织广泛出血 上述哪些损伤可能由椎骨骨折引起? 脊柱的哪些相关结构也可能发生了破裂? 通常能够考虑到颈髓横断会导致四肢瘫痪, 但导致该患者死亡的原因是什么? 颈椎骨折通常会导致死亡吗?