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50% 10% BB+Ba1 i. 70% ii. iii. 30% 10% 2

(i) (ii) CNH CNH CNY 3


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Issuer: BOCHK Asset Management Limited PRODUCT KEY FACTS BOCHK Wealth Creation Series BOCHK All Weather RMB High Yield Bond Fund March 2013 This statement provides you with key information about BOCHK All Weather RMB High Yield Bond Fund. This statement is a part of the offering document. You should not invest in this product based on this statement alone. Quick facts Manager: Trustee: Custodian: Dealing frequency: Base currency: Dividend policy: Financial year end of this fund: Min. investment: BOCHK Asset Management Limited BOCI-Prudential Trustee Limited Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited Daily RMB No distribution for the period ending 30 September 2013; thereafter declared and paid on a quarterly basis, i.e. March, June, September and December (subject to the Manager s discretion) 30 June Class A (RMB): RMB10,000 initial, RMB10,000 additional Class B (USD): US$1,000 initial, US$1,000 additional Class C (HKD): HK$10,000 initial, HK$10,000 additional What is this product? BOCHK All Weather RMB High Yield Bond Fund (the Sub-Fund ) is a sub-fund of BOCHK Wealth Creation Series which is an umbrella unit trust governed by the laws of Hong Kong. Objective and Investment Strategy Objective The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to generate long-term capital growth and income in RMB terms by investing primarily in fixed income and debt securities (hereinafter collectively referred to in this investment objective and policy as Debt Securities ) that are denominated in RMB or other currencies. The Sub-Fund may also invest in RMB denominated deposits. In order to achieve its investment objective, the Sub-Fund will directly invest in a managed pool of Debt Securities issued and traded outside mainland China. 1

Investment Strategy The Sub-Fund will primarily invest in Debt Securities that are denominated in RMB but may invest in non-rmb denominated Debt Securities. For non-rmb denominated Debt Securities, the Manager will dynamically perform currency hedging to hedge the non- RMB currency exposure back to RMB, subject to the allocation of investments below. The Manager may also actively hedge against interest rate risks for any Debt Securities. For the purpose of currency and interest rate hedging, the Manager will make use of derivative instruments such as swaps, futures and deliverable and non-deliverable currency forwards. The Sub-Fund will not invest in derivative instruments for investment purposes. The Sub- Fund will not invest in structured products or structured deposits for any purposes. The Sub-Fund may at any time invest over 50% of its Net Asset Value in higher-yielding Non-Investment Grade Debt Securities and unrated Debt Securities. However, to mitigate counterparty risks, the Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% of its Net Asset Value in securities issued by or guaranteed by any single country that is rated Non-Investment Grade (including its government and a public or local authority of that country). Non-Investment Grade refers to a credit rating of BB+ or below from Standard & Poor s, Ba1 or below from Moody s or an equivalent rating from an internationally recognised rating agency. In selecting unrated Debt Securities, the Manager may apply its internal credit rating to determine the credit quality. The allocation of the investments of the Sub-Fund will be as follows: i. at least 70% of its Net Asset Value in investments that are denominated and settled in RMB (including RMB-denominated collective investment schemes); ii. up to 30% of its Net Asset Value in non-rmb denominated investments, provided that the Manager will hedge the value of such investments back to RMB by currency forwards; iii. up to 10% of its Net Asset Value in non-rmb denominated investments without performing any RMB currency hedge. The Manager will not engage in securities lending, repurchase and reverse repurchase transactions or similar over-the-counter transactions on behalf of any Sub-Fund. Prior approval will be sought from the SFC and not less than 1 month s notice will be given to affected Unitholders if there is a change in such practice. Different strategies including, but not limited to, duration strategies, yield curve strategies, credit strategies, sector allocation strategies may be used. The Sub-Fund may at any time use any additional and/or alternative methods or strategies deemed appropriate by the Manager so as to take advantage of any investment opportunities that arise. 2

What are the key risks? Investment involves risks. Please refer to the offering document for details including the risk factors. Market risk The Sub-Fund is an investment fund. The Sub-Fund s investment portfolio may fall in value and therefore your investment in the Sub-Fund may suffer losses. Risks relating to RMB RMB is not a freely convertible currency and it is subject to exchange control policies and restrictions. Currency conversion is also subject to availability of RMB at the relevant time (i.e. it is possible there is not sufficient RMB for currency conversion in case of sizeable subscriptions in non-rmb classes) and this may affect the investors investment in the Sub-Fund. There is no guarantee that RMB will not depreciate. Investors may suffer losses if (i) they convert another currency into RMB so as to invest in the RMB class(es) and subsequently convert the RMB redemption proceeds back into such other currency or (ii) they invest in non-rmb classes in case of depreciation of RMB, as the majority of the Sub-Fund s investments will be held in RMB denominated securities. The Sub-Fund may invest in securities that are denominated in RMB but settled in other currencies (such as USD or HKD). Its performance may be adversely affected by the movements in the exchange rates between RMB and such other currencies. When calculating the value of a non-rmb denominated or settled asset or the price of a non-rmb denominated class of Units, the Manager will normally apply the exchange rate for offshore RMB in Hong Kong (the CNH ). The CNH rate may be at a premium or discount to the exchange rate for onshore RMB in China (the CNY ) and there may be significant bid and offer spreads. The value of the Sub-Fund thus calculated will be subject to fluctuation. Credit risk Debt Securities are typically unsecured debt obligations not supported by any collateral. The Sub-Fund is exposed to the credit/insolvency risk of issuers which may be unable or unwilling to make timely payments on principal and/or interest. If the issuers of any of the securities default in payment, investors may suffer a significant loss. Investment grade securities may be subject to the risk of being downgraded. In the event of downgrading, the risks of default may be higher, and the Sub-Fund s investments in such securities may be adversely affected. High-yield and unrated securities The Sub-Fund may make significant investments in Non-Investment Grade Debt Securities or unrated Debt Securities, which may be subject to higher risk, because of generally lower credit worthiness and liquidity, greater fluctuation in value and higher chance of default than investment grade securities. In the event of a default, investors may suffer a significant loss. 3

Limited pool of investments RMB denominated Debt Securities available for investment by the Sub-Fund are relatively limited. Although the Manager expects that there will be sufficient issues of Debt Securities for the Sub-Fund to construct its investment portfolio, the choice of investments may not be as diverse as other types of funds. Securities held by the Sub-Fund may be issued by a limited number of issuer(s) or financial institution(s), and accordingly, there will be additional credit risk. China market/emerging markets risk The Sub-Fund may be subject to the risks of investing in the China market or emerging markets generally, such as greater political, social, economic, foreign exchange, liquidity and regulatory risks. Concentration risk The Sub-Fund focuses its investments on the offshore RMB Debt Securities market and its portfolio of investments may not be diversified compared to other broad-based funds. It may be subject to additional concentration risk. Valuation risk Valuation of the Sub-Fund s investments may involve uncertainties and judgmental determinations, and independent pricing information may not at all times be available. If such valuations should prove to be incorrect, the Net Asset Value of the Sub-Fund may be adversely affected. The value of Debt Securities may be affected by changing market conditions or other significant market events affecting valuation. Liquidity risk There is currently no active secondary market for RMB denominated Debt Securities issued outside mainland China. The Sub-Fund may need to liquidate its investments at a substantial discount in order to satisfy redemption requests. The bid and offer spreads of the price of the relevant RMB denominated Debt Securities may be high and the Sub-Fund may incur significant costs and may therefore suffer losses when trading such instruments. Interest rate risk Debt Securities are sensitive to changes in interest rates. Generally, the prices of Debt Securities rise when interest rates fall, vice versa. Longer term Debt Securities are usually more sensitive to interest rate changes. Derivative/Hedging risk The Sub-Fund may use derivative instruments (e.g. swaps and forwards) for hedging purposes. There can be no assurance that any hedging techniques will fully and effectively eliminate the risk exposure of the Sub-Fund. The price of a derivative instrument can be very volatile. A derivative instrument is subject to the risk that the counterparty of the instrument will not fulfil its obligations to the Sub-Fund, and this may result in losses to the Sub-Fund. The availability of RMB forwards that could be used by the Sub-Fund for hedging purposes may be limited and costly. Therefore, the effectiveness of the hedging techniques used by the Manager may be subject to limitations. Derivative instruments may be illiquid and are complex in nature. In adverse situations, the Sub-Fund s use of derivatives for hedging may become ineffective and the Sub-Fund may suffer significant losses. 4

Is there any guarantee? The Sub-Fund does not have any guarantees. You may not get back the full amount of money you invest. What are the fees and charges? Charges which may be payable by you You may have to pay the following fees when dealing in the units of the Sub-Fund. Fee What you pay Subscription fee Class A (RMB): up to 5.25% (Preliminary charge) Class B (USD): up to 5.25% (% of Issue Price) Class C (HKD): up to 5.25% Switching fee Class A (RMB): up to 5.25% (% of Issue Price Class B (USD): up to 5.25% of the new class) Class C (HKD): up to 5.25% Redemption fee Class A (RMB): nil* (% of Redemption Price) Class B (USD): nil* Class C (HKD): nil* Ongoing fees payable by the Sub-Fund The following fees will be paid out of the Sub-Fund. They affect you because they reduce the return you get on your investments. Annual rate (as a % of the Sub-Fund s net asset value) Management fee Class A (RMB): 1.25%* Class B (USD): 1.25%* Class C (HKD): 1.25%* Trustee fee Custody fees Performance fee Class A (RMB), Class B (USD) and Class C (HKD): up to 0.125%, subject to a minimum monthly fee of US$2,500 Class A (RMB), Class B (USD) and Class C (HKD): up to 0.3% Class A (RMB): not applicable Class B (USD): not applicable Class C (HKD): not applicable * The fees and charges may also be increased up to maximum level as specified in the offering document by giving at least one month s prior notice to investors. Please refer to the offering document for further details. 5

Other fees You may have to pay other fees and charges when dealing in the Sub-Fund. Additional Information You generally buy and redeem units at the Sub-Fund s next-determined subscription price and redemption price with reference to the net asset value after the Authorised Distributors, the Manager or the Trustee receive your request in good order on or before 5 p.m. (HK Time), being the dealing cut-off time. Authorised Distributors may impose different dealing deadlines for receiving requests from investors. The net asset value of the Sub-Fund is calculated and the price of units published on each Business Day. Important If you are in doubt, you should seek professional advice. The SFC takes no responsibility for the contents of this statement and makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness. 6