2015 2, )? DouglasBiber 1984, (Biber1988) 30,, Haliday ( 1988:162),, (McEnery& Hardie2012:104),,, ( Biber1995,2006;McEneryetal.2006; Xiao2009;Cao&Xiao

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An b.PDF

1 引 言 大 陆 与 台 湾 两 地 之 间 的 交 流 与 日 剧 增, 大 量 与 台 湾 有 关 的 信 息 进 入 了 大 陆 居 民 的 生 活 随 着 交 流 的 不 断 深 入, 我 们 发 现 台 湾 国 语 和 我 们 所 使 用 的 普 通 话 存 在 一 定 的 差 别 台


2015 3 47 2 ( ) Mar.2015 ForeignLanguageTeachingandResearch (bimonthly ) Vol.47No.2 基于语料库的商务英语 语域特征多维分析 江进林 许家金 : (MF/MD), : 6 ( / / / ), 67, ( ) ( ); ( ) ( ), : [ 中图分类号 ]H315 [ 文献标识码 ]A [ 文章编号 ]1000-0429(2015)02-0225-12 1. (EnglishforSpecificPurposes,ESP),,,, ( ),, / (multi-feature/multi-dimensionalanalysis,mf/md, 225

2015 2, )? DouglasBiber 1984, (Biber1988) 30,, Haliday ( 1988:162),, (McEnery& Hardie2012:104),,, ( Biber1995,2006;McEneryetal.2006; Xiao2009;Cao&Xiao2013;Sardinha&Pinto2014), 10 ( 2001; 2001,2004; 2009; 2010; 2010; 2012; 2014),, 2. Biber(1988) Biber LLC(London LundCorpus) LOB(Lancaster-Oslo-Bergen), 67 10 : 67, ;, 67 5 7, (dimension), ( 0.35),,? style genre register,,, (registervariation) 226

江进林许家金,,,,,67, Z (Zscore) (factorscore) :( - )/, Biber(1988) 67 7 : 1 (involvedversusinformationalproduction); 2 (narrativeversusnon-narrativeconcerns); 3 (explicitversussituation-dependentreference); 4 (overtexpressionofpersuasion); 5 (abstractversusnon-abstractinformation); 6 (onlineinformationelaboration); 7 (aca- demichedging ), (featureswithpositiveloadings, ), (featureswith negativeloadings, ) 1,, that ;,, / Biber, 7,,, 7 6, 5 (Biber&Finegan1989) (McEneryetal.2006) (Kanoksilapatham 2003;Biberetal.2007) (Biber2006) (Connor- Linton1989) ( 2001; 2007) ( 2001; 2006; 2010; 2004) 2001, (2001) (JDEST) LOB,, (2004), (2009) 46 227

2015 2 FLOB,, (2010),,, :, ;, 3. 3.1 研究语料,, ( ), 2,060,063, 2003-2010, 1 1. (BG) 29,3968 (CJ) 27,7894, Busines Week TheEconomist The FinancialTimes (FL) 29,5100, InternationalBusinesLaw Jour- (XH) 29,1160 nal JournalofInternationalEconomicLaw (XS) 30,4285, Accounting, Busines&Finan- cial Decisionsin Economics&Finance (YJ) 30,3016 (ZF) 29,4640 WTO BE06 AmE06, 2,059,753 PaulBaker, 100, 1000, 2000, 2003-2008 228

江进林许家金, 15 : (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) : (H) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N) (P) (R) 3.2 研究工具 McEneryetal.(2006), 58, Biber(1988), McEneryetal.(2006) Biber(1988) Nini(2014) MultidimensionalAnalysisTagger1.1(MAT) Biber(1988) (StanfordPOSTagger),, ( anybody anyone anything ) ( each al every many ) MAT Biber(1988) 67 6 Nini(2014) MAT Biber(1988), MAT Biber(1988) 4. MAT, (Z ), Biber(1988:172),, (Z ), SPSS t, 1 2 4 6 ( p<0.01 )( 2), 3 5 229

2015 2 2. t t p 1: 20.905 2204.762.000 7.02 2: -22.857 4087.000-3.23 3: -.455 2169.979.649 -.07 4: 28.351 3746.290.000 4.27 5: -1.639 3191.406.101 -.20 6: 10.600 3802.803.000.72 1, 1 0,,, 4, 2,, MAT, (involvedpersuasion), (narrativeexposition) 1., (Z 2) ( y ou y our y ours) ( socialandpoliticalconditions) that t, 57 ( 85%) 3 10, :, / / 112.504, 221.442, 230

江进林许家金 (2009),, ; I me y ou y our, (1) (2) (1) 2007 Wecanreduceemissionswhilepromotingeco- nomicgrowth, (2), our, she her he him it, (3) (1)Iamgratifiedthatsomanyofyouhavecometothisevent.Bybeinghere, youhave signaledthatyousharemyconcern.andyouarereadytoact. (2)OECDpublicationscanbepurchasedfromouronlinebookshop. (3)Sometimesfansyawnandsaythey reboredbyuskiljoysmoaningaboutit,even thoughtheycan tposiblybeasboredasweare,., ( p redictive modal), wil would shal, (4) (5),, (6) (4)TheGlobalIntelectualPropertyAcademyisofferingaprogrammethatwilfocuson thechalengesofoperatinganefficientintelectualpropertyoffice. (5)Ifrecognizedinfutureperiods,$882thousandofthebalanceatDecember31,2007 wouldreducetheeffectivetaxrate.theremaining $7.8 milionrelatestotiming differenceswhich,wouldhavenoeffectonthecompany seffectivetaxrate. (6)Thisinternationalforumcontinualyseekstopromoteinternationalcooperationand IntelectualPropertyRights(IPR)training.,that ( ),, (7),, (8),, (9), (10) (7)Itwassungbyoldpeoplewearingsilyhatswhochurnedouttuneswhichalsounded thesame,withlyricsthat madeyoufeelnauseous. (8)EarliertodayIfound myselfsharinganelevatorwithoneofthebelboys,and,to makeconversation,iaskedhim whethertheyhadanycelebritiesstayinginthehotel. 231

2015 2 (9)HerecogniseditasthefamousRosevalehair,inheritedfrom thefirstbarones,cen- turiesbefore,butnotfoundinanyoneonhissideofthefamily. (10)Eachyear,asboththe mechanicaldesignsandtheartificialinteligencepowering themimprove,theplayersgrow morelifelikeandproficient. 3. 10 p / -4.42 0.82.000 5.24 2.16-0.28.000 2.44 1.63 0.04.000 1.59 1.69 0.22.000 1.47-1.08 0.08.000 1.16 that ( ) 1.02 2.11.000 1.09 0.67-0.35.000 1.02-0.84 0.13.000 0.97 1.07 1.98.000 0.91 1.36 2.19.000 0.83, (CJ) (A B C) (XS) (J), ( 2) 1, 0,, 2. t, 1 4 5 1 (MD=-5.37), 4 5 (MD=0.68,0.46),,,,,, 232

江进林许家金, 49 ( 73%), 4 ( ) ( p ublic verbs, acknowledge alege report ) ( ) that ( ); ( and ) (Biber1988),, 5, 1 2 Biber (1988), 1, (, ) ( ),,,,,, 4. 8 p 6.23 2.56.000 3.67 3.42 2.09.000 1.33 1.15 0.09.000 1.06-0.2 0.71.000 0.91-0.77 0.08.000 0.85-0.13 0.66.000 0.79 1.28 0.55.000 0.73 that ( ) 1.04 0.48.000 0.56 t, 1 2 6 1 6 (MD=2.5,0.94), 2 (MD =-0.87), 22 ( 33%), 233

2015 2 8 ( 5), : that ( ) ; : 2, ( 5 0),that ( ), ( ) ( ) 5. 8 3.95 3.21.021 0.74 that ( ) 0.72 0.03.000 0.69 2.80 3.46.036 0.67 0.13 0.78.001 0.65 1.03 0.41.014 0.62-0.10-0.69.000 0.59-0.58-1.16.000 0.58 that ( ) 2.47 1.91.000 0.56 5.,, ( ) ( ); ( ) ( ) 85%,, ( );, ( ),,, ; 73%, ( ), ( that ), 33% 234

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2015 2 Theinteractionofsyntax,semantics,andpragmatics AcomparisonbetweenChineselingwai/ qitaandenglishother/another ( p.204 ) JIN Jing (Dept.ofChineseLanguageStudies,TheHongKongInstituteofEducation,TaiPo,New Territories,HongKong China) SHI Dingxu (Dept.ofChineseandBilingualStudies,TheHongKongPolytechnicUniversity,HungHom,Kowloon,Hong Kong,China) Thispaperprovidesacomprehensiveanalysisofthesyntactic,semantic,andpragmaticprop- ertiesoflingwaiandqitainchinesenominalphrases,incomparisonwithotherandanotherin English.Itisdiscoveredthatalbeitbothareusedtorefertomembersapartfromagivensubsetof aknownsetinthecontext,[lingwai-x]mayreferineitheraninclusiveoranon-inclusivefashion (correspondingtodefiniteandindefinitereadingsrespectively ) andimposesnoconstraintsonthe numberpropertyoftheasociatedreferent(s),whereas[ qita-x]hastorefertopluralentitiesin aninclusivemanner,henceanobligatorydefiniteinterpretation.itisfurthershownthattoprop- erlydeterminetheenglishcounterpartoflingwai/ qita outofthecandidatessuchasotherand another (withbothotherandanotheralsobeingusedtorefertomembersinadditiontoanal- readymentionedsubsetinacontextualygivenset),oneneedstotakeintoconsiderationthepar- ticularsemanticandsyntacticpropertiesoftheother /another-containedexpresioninquestion. Acorpus-basedcontrastivestudyoflinkingadverbialsinEnglishandChineseliteraryworks( p.214 ) XU Wensheng (SchoolofForeignLanguages,TongjiUniversity,Shanghai200092,China) Theirreplaceablefunctionofadverbialsliesnotonlyinthereinforcementofeuphemistic, humorous,exquisiteandinsightfulefects,butalsointheimprovementoftextualcoherenceand preciseandsuitablesemanticexpresions.linkingadverbialsweighalotinthelogicrelationships betweensentencesforgreaterlogicalfluencyinappropriateintegrationofvariousideasthrough conditional,suppositional,causal,emphatic,declarativeandevenadversativerelations.onthe basisofeccc,thispaper,fromtheperspectiveofgrammaticalcategory, focusesonthequanti- tativeanalysesoflinkingadverbialsinenglishandchinesediscourses. Acorpus-basedmulti-dimensionalanalysisofbusinessEnglishregisters( p.225 ) JIANG Jinlin (SchoolofInternationalStudies,UniversityofInternationalBusinesandEconomics,Beijing100029,China) XU Jiajin (NationalResearchCentreforForeignLanguageEducation,BeijingForeignStudiesUniversity,Beijing100089, China) Thispaperpresentsamulti-feature/multi-dimensional(MF/MD)analysisoftheregisterfea- turesofbusinesenglishandtwosub-registers(i.e.economicnewsandeconomicacademicdis- course)basedonthecomparablecorporaofbusinesandgeneralenglishtexts.theresultsshow thatthe MF/MD methodisefectiveindiferentiatingbusinesenglishtextsvis- -visgeneraleng- lishones,economic newsvis- -visgeneralnews,and economicacademic discourse vis- -vis generalacademicdiscourse.thevariationacrosbusinesandgeneralenglishregistersandtheir respectivesub-registersisidentifiedalongsixfunctionaldimensions(involvedversusinformational production,narrativeversusnon-narrativeconcerns,explicitversussituation-dependentreference, overtexpresionofpersuasion,abstractversusnon-abstractinformation,andonlineinformation elaboration),andtheprominentlexico-grammaticalfeatures(basedona67-itemfeatureset)in individualregistersaresingledout.fromthediscoursefunctionperspective,businesenglishex- hibitsmoreinteractivenes(e.g.theoveruseoffirstandsecondpersonpronouns)andpersuasive- nes(e.g.theoveruseofpredictivemodalsandinfinitives); generalenglish,however,demon- stratesmoreinformationalfoci(e.g.theoveruseofpastparticipialclauses)andnarrativeconcerns (e.g.theoveruseofthirdpersonpronounsandpasttense).thestudyconcludesthatthemacro- andmicro-featuresofdiscoursefunctionandlexico-grammaticalformrevealedfromthecorporaof thebusinesenglishregisteranditssub-registersprovidearelativelyobjectivedescriptiveframeof referenceforbusinesenglishsylabusdesigners,andcurriculumandcoursedevelopers. 320