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GB CH List of approved cars 已认证车辆列表 CHILD SEAT, BOOSTER SEAT/KIDFIX SL 儿童座椅, 儿童增高座椅 /KIDFIX SL


List of approved cars VOLVO CHILD SEAT, BOOSTER SEAT/KIDFIX SL en-gb de-de de de The Volvo child seat, booster seat/ Kidfix SL is approved for two different methods of installation: 1. Semi-universal with the Volvo child seat, booster seat/kidfix SL locking arms into the ISOFIX fastening points This means: You can additionally fasten the child safety seat into the ISOFIX fastening points of the vehicle using the Volvo child seat, booster seat/kidfix SL locking arms. However, this method of installation may only be used in those vehicles cited in the following vehicle type list. This list is constantly updated. The latest version can be obtained from the website: If you fasten the Volvo child seat, booster seat/kidfix SL with the Volvo child seat, booster seat/kidfix SL locking arms in these vehicles, it may not be possible to use the child seat up to a body height of 1.50 m. This may be the case, for example, if the Volvo child seat, booster seat/kidfix SL headrest hits the vehicle s C-pillar. Please observe the heights shown in the type list. 2. Universal with the vehicle s 3-point seatbelt This means: The child car seat is universally approved for installation using the tested 3-point retractor seatbelt (in accordance with ECE R 16 or comparable standard) in all vehicles. all, vehicle seats. The correct installation described by the vehicle manufacturer in the owner s manual presumably refers to the vehicle s suitability for a universal child restraint system for this age group. This child restraint system has been categorised under stringent conditions as universal, as was the case with earlier models that do not bear this label. If in doubt, please refer to the manufacturer or the vendor of the child restraint system. Caution! Always secure your child with the vehicle s 3-point seatbelt. Please note: In some vehicles the headroom in the rear seat is limited. This is a semi-universal child restraint system. It is approved in accordance with GB 27887-2011 & ECE R 44/04 for general use in vehicles and will fit most, although not 5

zh-cn 已认证车辆列表 沃尔沃儿童座椅, 儿童增高座椅 /KIDFIX SL 沃尔沃儿童座椅, 儿童增高座椅 / KIDFIX SL, 经认证有两种安装方式 : 1. 使用沃尔沃儿童座椅, 儿童增高座椅 /KIDFIX 的锁紧臂锁入 ISOFIX 紧固点的 半通用型 方式 即, 您可另外使用沃尔沃儿童座椅, 儿童增高座椅 /KIDFIX 的锁紧臂将儿童安全座椅锁入车辆的 ISOFIX 紧固点 但此种安装方式, 可能仅适用于下述车型列表对应的车辆 将持续更新此列表 可从以下网址获取最新的版本 : 注意! 务必确保儿童始终佩戴三点式安全带 请注意 : 部分车辆中后排座椅的头顶空间有限 如果用沃尔沃儿童座椅 儿童增高座椅 /KIDFIX 的锁紧臂紧固沃尔沃儿童座椅, 儿童增高座椅 /KIDFIX SL, 可能无法使用椅身高度超过 1.50 m 的儿童座椅 可能出现, 例如, 沃尔沃儿童座椅, 儿童增高座椅 /KIDFIX 的安全头枕撞到车辆 C 柱的情况 请遵循车型列表中指明的高度要求 2. 带三点式安全带的 通用型 这意味着 : 在所有车辆上, 普遍批准使用经测试的三点式伸缩安全带 ( 符合 ECE R 16 或可比标准 ) 安装儿童座椅 这是 通用型 儿童安全系统 它符合 ECE R 44/04 有关车辆通用要求的认证, 适用于 ( 尽管并非所有 ) 绝大部分的车辆座椅 车辆制造商的 车主手册 中关于正确安装的说明是指本年龄组 通用型 儿童安全系统在车辆上的适用性说明 此儿童安全系统在严格的条件下被归为 通用型, 以前未贴有此标签的早期型号也是如此 如果存在疑问, 请咨询儿童安全系统的制造商或供应商 6

已认证车辆列表 沃尔沃儿童座椅, 儿童增高座椅 /KIDFIX SL en-gb No. of doors zh-cn 车门数 en-gb de-de zh-ch de de No. of seats Starting from the year of manufacture Before you purchase the vehicle, check that it is equipped with ISOFIX anchoring points Maximum body height Approved seats Approved seats without SICT Saloon Estate Convertible Hatchback MPV 座椅数最早的生产年份订购产品前, 检查确认车辆配备有 ISOFIX 安装点椅身最高高度经认证的座椅经认证的不带 SICT 的座椅轿车旅行车敞篷车掀背车多用途车双门轿跑车 Coupe 1) Due to the rearward location of the ISOFIX anchorage points and interaction with the vehicle seat upholstering, care must be taken to ensure that ISOFIX is correctly latched. 1) 必须注意 ISOFIX 固定点的后向位置以及与车辆座椅面料的配合安装, 确保 ISOFIX 固定装置正确连接 7

zh-cn 已认证车辆列表 沃尔沃儿童座椅, 儿童增高座椅 /KIDFIX SL 2 3 4 1 沃尔沃 V40 1996-2004 V40 (facelift 2000) 1996-2004 V40 2013 - S40 2004-2012 S40 (facelift 2007) 2004-2012 S80L 2008-2015 V60 2011-2018 V60 (facelift 2013) 2011-2018 S60 2011 - S60L 2013 - XC60 2009-2017 XC60 (facelift 2013) XC90 XC90(facelift 2006) XC90(facelift 2012) S90 S90L XC60 2009-2017 2003-2015 2003-2015 2003-2015 2017-2 4 XC90 2016-2017 - 2018 - V60 2019-8

31659361 2018-05. Copyright - Volvo Car Corporation