重要事項 滙豐強積金精選計劃 智選計劃 易選計劃及自選計劃為強制性公積金計劃 在作出投資選擇前, 您必須衡量個人可承受風險的程度及您的財政狀況 在選擇基金時, 如您就某一項基金是否適合您 ( 包括是否符合您的投資目標 ) 而有任何疑問, 請徵詢財務及 或專業人士的意見, 並因應您的個人狀況而選擇最適

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重要事項 滙豐強積金精選計劃 智選計劃 易選計劃及自選計劃為強制性公積金計劃 在作出投資選擇前, 您必須衡量個人可承受風險的程度及您的財政狀況 在選擇基金時, 如您就某一項基金是否適合您 ( 包括是否符合您的投資目標 ) 而有任何疑問, 請徵詢財務及 或專業人士的意見, 並因應您的個人狀況而選擇最適合您的基金 滙豐強積金精選計劃及智選計劃內各項保證基金只投資於由滙豐人壽保險 ( 國際 ) 有限公司提供以保單形式成立的核准匯集投資基金, 而有關保證亦由滙豐人壽保險 ( 國際 ) 有限公司提供 因此, 您於有關保證基金的投資 ( 如有 ) 將受滙豐人壽保險 ( 國際 ) 有限公司的信用風險所影響 有關信用風險的詳情, 請參閱有關 主要推銷刊物 的第二部分 基金結構內 保證基金 下的 忠告 有關保證基金所提供的保證只適用於指定的條件 有關保證特點 ( 包括分期支付權益情形下的保證特點 ) 及保證條件的詳情, 請參閱有關 主要推銷刊物 的第二部分 基金結構內 保證基金 下的 保證特點 在成員年滿 65 歲之日或者於其年滿 60 歲之日或之後提早退休時所應支付的強積金的權益和自願性供款的權益, 可由成員選擇 ( 採用信託人在不被 強積金條例 或一般規例禁止的範圍內訂定的形式, 並且按照信託人在不被 強積金條例 或一般規例禁止的範圍內訂定的條款和條件 ) 整筆支付或分期支付 詳情請參閱有關 主要推銷刊物 的第一部分 產品資料內 權益支付 下的 支付強積金的權益及自願性供款的權益 您應該參閱有關 主要推銷刊物, 而不應只根據這文件作出投資 投資涉及風險 往績不能作為未來表現的指標 金融工具 ( 尤其是股票及股份 ) 之價值及任何來自此類金融工具之收入均可跌可升 有關詳情, 包括產品特點及所涉及的風險, 請參閱有關 主要推銷刊物 Important notes The HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund SuperTrust, SuperTrust Plus, SimpleChoice and ValueChoice are mandatory provident fund schemes. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. When, in your selection of funds, you are in doubt as to whether a certain fund is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek financial and/or professional advice and choose the fund(s) most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances. The respective Guaranteed Fund under HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund SuperTrust and SuperTrust Plus invests solely in an approved pooled investment fund in the form of an insurance policy provided by HSBC Life (International) Limited. The guarantee is also given by HSBC Life (International) Limited. Your investments in the relevant Guaranteed Fund, if any, are therefore subject to the credit risks of HSBC Life (International) Limited. Please refer to the Warning section under Guaranteed Fund in Part II Fund Structure of the relevant Principal Brochure for details of the credit risk. The guarantee in the relevant Guaranteed Fund only applies under certain conditions. Please refer to the Guarantee features section under Guaranteed Fund in Part II Fund Structure of the relevant Principal Brochure for full details of the guarantee features and Guarantee Conditions, including the guarantee features in the context of payment of benefits in instalments. MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits payable on a member s 65th birthday or early retirement on or after his/her reaching age 60 can be paid in one lump sum or in instalments, at the member s election (in such form and on such terms as the Trustee may, to the extent not prohibited by the MPF Ordinance or General Regulation, prescribe). Please refer to the Payment of MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits section under Payment of benefits in Part I Product Information of the relevant Principal Brochure for full details. You should not invest based on this document alone and should read the relevant Principal Brochure. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of financial instruments, in particular stocks and shares, and any income from such financial instruments, may go down as well as up. For further details including the product features and risks involved, please refer to the relevant Principal Brochure. 滙豐強積金網頁設有最新的強積金表格及指定分行名單 Latest MPF forms and designated branches lists are available at HSBC MPF website 為了令客戶能掌握最新的資訊, 我們已經在滙豐強積金網頁上載最新設有 強積金服務及查詢 及 滙豐強積金寄存辦理箱 的指定分行名單 此外, 最新版本的強積金表格亦已上載到滙豐強積金網頁 www.hsbc.com.hk/mpf To keep our customers well-informed, we have updated our lists of the designated branches with MPF services and enquiries and HSBC MPF Drop-In Box and have published them on our HSBC MPF website. On the other hand, the latest version of MPF forms are also available on our website www.hsbc.com.hk/mpf.

如何透過網頁查閱最新的強積金表格? How to locate the latest MPF forms from the website? 2 3 選擇 僱主 僱員或自僱人士 或 個人賬戶 部分 2 於左方點擊 下載表格及文件 3 透過進入 下載表格及文件 頁面, 您便可以查閱最新版本的強積金表格 請注意, 如您使用舊版本的強積金表格作出對強積金計劃的指示, 我們或許未能處理您的指示 您亦可能需要重新使用新版本的表格再次遞交有關指示 有關的處理時間可能比一般較長 請您亦與您的僱員分享相關資訊 Select Employers, Employees or Self-Employed or Personal Accounts section 2 Click Download Forms and Documents from the menu on the left-hand side 3 By going to Download Forms and Documents page, you can locate the latest MPF forms. Please note that, if you are using the outdated MPF forms to place any instructions for the MPF scheme, we may not be able to process your instruction and you may be required to submit your instructions using the updated form again. The processing time may take a longer than the usual time. Please also share this information with your employees. 如何透過網頁查閱最新設有 滙豐強積金寄存辦理箱 及 垂詢強積金服務及查詢 的指定分行名單? How to find the latest list of designated branches with HSBC MPF Drop-In Box and MPF services and enquiries on our website? 2 3 選擇 僱主 僱員或自僱人士 或 個人賬戶 部分 2 您可於右方找到 匯豐分行名單 的欄位, 分別列出 設有強積金寄存辦理箱 及 垂詢強積金服務及查詢 的連結 3 您只須點擊有關連結, 便可查閱有關服務的最新指定分行名單 Select the Employer, Employees or Self-Employed or Personal Accounts section 2 From the HSBC Branch List on the right-hand side column, you can find the links with HSBC MPF drop-in boxes and for MPF services and enquiries respectively 3 Simply click on the relevant link to check the latest list of the designated branches for the corresponding service.

強積金獎項 Our MPF awards 滙豐強積金於 205 年第四季獲得兩個業界的獎項 : 分別為由財經雜誌 資本壹週 頒發的資本壹週智選品牌大獎 205 強積金, 和由香港客戶中心協會及香港品質保證局頒發的 205 香港客戶中心協會大獎 神秘客戶撥測大獎 ( 金獎 ) 這是連續第三年滙豐強積金同時獲頒發這兩個獎項 滙豐強積金很高興能夠獲得這兩個獎項, 這鼓勵我們繼續提供優質的服務, 讓成員更輕鬆地管理自己的強積金及退休資產 The service provided by HSBC MPF were recognised by the industry and the public in the fourth quarter of 205 through two industry awards, the PROchoice Award 205 (MPF category) granted by the finance magazine Capital Weekly, and the 205 Mystery Caller Assessment Gold Award granted by the Hong Kong Call Centre Association and Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency. This is the third consecutive year that HSBC MPF won these two awards. We are delighted to have received these awards, that once again inspire us to continue providing excellent service that allows members to manage their MPF and retirement assets efficiently. 由香港客戶中心協會及香港品質保證局頒發的 205 香港客戶中心協會大獎 神秘客戶撥測大獎 ( 金獎 ) The Hong Kong Call Centre Association and Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency awarded HSBC MPF a Gold Award for their Mystery Caller Assessment Award in 205. 由財經雜誌 資本壹週 頒發的資本壹週智選品牌大獎 205 強積金 Finance magazine Capital Weekly awarded HSBC MPF their PROchoice Award 205 in the MPF category. 強積金保守基金的訂明儲蓄利率 Prescribed savings rates for MPF Conservative Fund 資料來源 : 強制性公積金計劃管理局 ( 積金局 ) 網頁 www.mpfa.org.hk 積金局會於每月第二個工作日在 南華早報 及 信報 刊登訂明儲蓄利率 Source: The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority s (MPFA) website at www.mpfa.org.hk The MPFA publishes the prescribed savings rate in the South China Morning Post and Hong Kong Economic Journal on the second working day of each month. 日期 Date 年率 Annual rate -30//205 0.007% -3/2/205 0.007% -3/0/206 0.007%

由 206 年 3 月 3 日起可使用 電子支票 支付供款 Use of e-cheque for contribution payment available from 3 March 206 onwards 由 206 年 3 月 3 日起, 僱主 自僱人士只要通過以下幾個步驟, 便可透過 電子支票 這種既方便 安全又環保的方法支付滙豐強積金及 或職業退休計劃之供款及 或附加費 : 透過聯絡下列熱線的客戶服務代表或客戶服務主任, 向滙豐強積金 職業退休計劃的行政管理人申請使用 電子支票 繳付供款及 或附加費 From 3 March 206, you may start paying contributions in respect of HSBC MPF and ORSO schemes by e-cheque. By following the steps below, employers and self-employed persons can enjoy this convenient, safe and eco-friendly means to settle contributions and surcharges for their HSBC MPF and/or ORSO scheme(s): Employer/Self-employed person sends request of using e-cheque to settle contributions and/or surcharges to the administrator of HSBC MPF/ORSO schemes, either through our customer service representatives by ringing the hotlines as stated below, or through their Account Services Manager. 2 將提供 (i) 滙豐強積金 職業退休計劃下用作支付供款及 或附加費的銀行戶口號碼, 及 (ii) 僱主 自僱人士在發出及存入 電子支票 後向滙豐強積金 職業退休計劃的行政管理人發出確認簽收書的指定傳真號碼及電郵賬戶 The administrator of HSBC MPF/ORSO schemes will provide (i) the bank account number for the contributions and/or surcharges under HSBC MPF/ORSO schemes, and (ii) the designated facsimile number and email account for employer/self-employed person to send the acknowledgement receipt to the administrator of HSBC MPF/ ORSO schemes after issuing and depositing the e-cheque. 3 可透過滙豐網頁的 電子支票存入服務 存入 電子支票 ( 毋須登入滙豐網上理財 ), 或者可使用香港銀行同業結算有限公司網頁的 電子支票存票服務 存入電子支票 Employer/Self-employed person may deposit the e-cheque through the e-cheque Deposit Box service at HSBC s website (Log on to HSBC Internet Banking is not required) or deposit the e-cheque by using the e-cheque Drop Box Service available at the website of the Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited. 4 發送以 電子支票 支付供款及 或附加費的確認簽收書及強積金的付款結算書 職業退休計劃的每月供款表至上述步驟 2 提供的指定傳真號碼或電郵賬戶 Employer/Self-employed person submits the acknowledgement receipt of e-cheque for contribution payment and the remittance statement for MPF/ Schedule of Contribution for ORSO using the designated facsimile number or email account provided under step 2 above. 請注意, 當使用 電子支票 時, 滙豐職業退休計劃的僱主仍需郵寄每月供款表以匯報供款詳情 如欲查詢更多資料, 請於辦公時間聯絡以下熱線 我們的辦公時間是星期一至五, 上午八時三十分至晚上七時三十分及星期六, 上午八時三十分至下午一時, 公眾假期除外 Please note that employer of HSBC ORSO schemes is also required to mail the Schedule of Contribution for reporting the contribution details to us when using e-cheque. For further information, please contact the following hotlines during operating hours from 8.30 am to 7.30 pm on Monday to Friday and from 8.30 am to pm on Saturday (except public holiday). 滙豐強積金僱主 HSBC MPF employers 滙豐強積金自僱人士 HSBC MPF self-employed persons 滙豐職業退休計劃僱主 HSBC ORSO employers 滙豐強積金僱主熱線 2583 8033 HSBC MPF Employer Hotline at 2583 8033 滙豐強積金成員熱線 328 028 HSBC MPF Member Hotline at 328 028 滙豐職業退休計劃熱線 2288 6655 HSBC ORSO Services Hotline at 2288 6655

分期提取強積金已於 206 年 2 月 日生效 Withdrawal of MPF by instalments commenced on February 206 隨着強制性公積金 ( 強積金 ) 制度制度日趨成熟及人口日漸老化, 優化強積金的提取安排變得更為重要 強制性公積金計劃管理局早前的相關建議已獲立法會通過, 成員在退休或提早退休而提取強積金時, 可增加一個新選擇 由 206 年 2 月 日起, 當成員年滿 65 歲, 可選擇分多次提取賬戶內的強積金 一次過提取全部強積金, 或把全部強積金保留在賬戶內繼續投資 若成員年滿 60 歲, 並以提早退休為理由提取強積金, 亦可選擇以分期或一筆過的方式提取強積金 假若成員選擇分期提取強積金, 必須留意, 留在賬戶內的強積金仍會按成員的選擇繼續投資, 資產值亦將隨着市場變化 此外, 受託人亦會如常收取管理費等相關費用 法例規定, 受託人須免費 處理成員每年首四期的提取 如果成員有意在每年作出多於四次的提取, 必須留意是否會涉及額外收費, 成員宜向所屬受託人查詢詳情 這項新選擇是強積金制度重要的改革, 能夠讓成員更靈活處理其退休資產 成員在決定如何提取自己的強積金前, 應考慮不同提取選擇與其個人退休安排的配合 除必需交易費用外, 即受託人為了支付強積金予成員而進行買賣投資所招致的 或合理地相當可能如此招致的 ; 及須向某方 ( 該受託人除外 ) 支付的款額 With the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) System getting more mature and the population continuing to age, improving the withdrawal arrangement has emerged as an issue of increasing importance. The Legislative Council earlier passed the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority s proposal that members be provided with an additional choice when they withdraw their MPF upon retirement or early retirement. From February 206, when members reach the age of 65, they can choose to: withdraw their MPF by instalments, withdraw all their MPF in a lump sum, or retain all MPF in their accounts for continued investment. If members reach the age of 60 and decide to withdraw their MPF on the ground of early retirement, they can also choose to withdraw their MPF by instalments or in a lump sum. If members choose to withdraw their MPF by instalments, the MPF retained in their accounts will continue to be invested in their chosen fund(s). The values of these assets may change due to market fluctuations. In addition, their accounts will, as usual, be subject to management fees and other charges by the trustees. The law stipulates that trustees have to process free of charge withdrawals for the first four instalments of a member in a year. If members intend to withdraw their MPF by more than four instalments within a year, they must take note of any extra fee that may be incurred. They should contact their trustee for further details of the withdrawal arrangements. This new choice is an important improvement to the MPF System, giving members greater flexibility in the management of their retirement assets. Members should consider their retirement arrangements when deciding withdrawal option is the best for them. Other than necessary transaction costs which are incurred or are reasonably likely to be incurred by the trustee in selling or purchasing investments in order to give effect to the payment; and are payable to a party other than that trustee. 以上資料由強制性公積金計劃管理局提供 The above information is provided by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority. 熱線 Hotline:298 002 網頁 Website:www.mpfa.org.hk 有關的強積金服務, 包括但不限於網上服務 自動櫃員機 綜合銀行結單 分行網絡及部分熱線服務乃透過香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司提供 The MPF associated services, including but not limited to the internet service, ATM, consolidated bank statement, branch network and part of the hotline service, are provided through The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. 本刊物所載資料僅供參考, 詳情以強制性公積金計劃條例 其他生效的法例 規例及強制性公積金計劃管理局發出的指引或公布為準 如對本刊物內容的涵義或效力有任何疑問, 請徵詢獨立專業人士的意見 The information contained in this publication is for reference only and the provisions of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance, other applicable legislation/regulations and guidelines or announcements published by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority shall prevail. If you are in doubt about the meaning or the effect of the contents of this publication, you should seek independent professional advice. 投資涉及風險 往績不能作為未來表現的指標 金融工具 ( 尤其是股票及股份 ) 之價值及任何來自此類金融工具之收入均可跌可升 有關詳情, 包括產品特點及所涉及的風險, 請參閱有關 主要推銷刊物 Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of financial instruments, in particular stocks and shares, and any income from such financial instruments, may go down as well as up. For further details including the product features and risks involved, please refer to the relevant Principal Brochure. 客戶有權要求不得使用其個人資料作直接促銷用途 如有需要, 可致函九龍中央郵政信箱 73770 號 (c/o 滙豐人壽保險 ( 國際 ) 有限公司 ), 向 HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited 資料保護主任提出 Customers have a right to request that personal data about them not be used for direct marketing purposes. Requests can be made in writing to the Data Protection Officer, HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited, c/o HSBC Life (International) Limited, PO Box 73770 Kowloon Central Post Office. 由滙豐人壽保險 ( 國際 ) 有限公司刊發 Issued by HSBC Life (International) Limited L-MPF05B v0/036(036)