interest: Examining the role of self-transcendence on expressive suppression and well-being, Journal of Happiness Studies. (SSCI) (IF: 1.846; SSCI ran

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interest: Examining the role of self-transcendence on expressive suppression and well-being, Journal of Happiness Studies. (SSCI) (IF: 1.846; SSCI ranking: 31.8%,10.5%) 張仁和 * 林宣旭 黃金蘭 林以正,2016, 中文版關愛與自我形象目標量表信效度考驗及自我調節之關聯, 中華輔導與諮商學報,47, 頁 1-24 (TSSCI) 丁仁傑, 2016, 台北三峽地方史中的人類學觀察, 台灣文獻, 67(4): 125-156. Shu-li Huang, 2016, The Ahmao (Miao) schism: the problem of spiritual agency in encounters between church and state in southwest China,, Asian Ethnicity, special issue: religion and ethnicity in China, 1-18. 呂心純,2016, 跨文化表演的研究途徑 : 台灣一場緬甸音樂表演的互為主體與多點民族誌研究, 民俗曲藝,193: 11-62 (TSSCI) Yu, Shuenn-Der, 2016, The Authentic Taste of Puer Tea and Transnational Interests, 臺灣人類學刊, 14(1),89-110. (TSSCI) 余舜德,2016, 導言 : 食物的 道地 與跨國 / 跨文化脈絡, 臺灣人類學刊, 第 14 卷第 1 期, 頁 1-6 (TSSCI) Wen-Te Chen, 2016, Naming and Social Life: The Case of the Pinuyumayan (Puyuma) People in Eastern Taiwan, Pacific Studies, 39(1/2), 80-107. Yu, Shuenn-Der, 2016, Taiwan and the Globalization of Puer Tea: The Role of the Taste of Aging, Culture and Religious Studies, 4(5): 310-320. 張珣,2016, 同神異貌的宗教人類學考察 : 港台天后信仰比較初探, 台北城市科技大學通識學報, 第 5 期, 頁 87-100 Shaw-wu Jung, 2016, Landscapes and governance: Practicing citizenship in the construction of an eco-village in Taiwan, Citizenship Studies, 20(3-4): 510-526. (SSCI) (IF: 0.621; SSCI ranking: 65%) Yueh-po Huang, 2016, Embracing Ritual Healing: The Case of Sazuke in Tenrikyo in Contemporary Taiwan, Journal of Religion and Health, ():1-18 (Online First). (SSCI, A&HCI) (IF: 0.977; SSCI ranking: 73.9%) Huang, Yueh-Po, 2016, Colonial encounter and inculturation: the birth and development of Tenrikyo in Taiwan, Nova Religio - Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, 19(3), 78-103. (A&HCI) Shu-min Huang & Shao-hua Liu, 2016, Discrtimination and incorporation of Taiwanese indigenous Austronesian peoples., Asian Ethnicity, Vol. 17, No. 2; pp 294-312.. (Scopus, TSSCI) 丁仁傑,2016, 一個失控的成長團體 : 日月明功個案初探, 思想,30:229-262 Cheng-Hong Liu*, Po-Sheng Huang, Jen-Ho Chang, Ching-Yi Lin, Ching-Chun Huang, 2016, Helpful or unhelpful? Self-affirmation on challenge-confronting tendencies for students who fear being laughed at, LEARNING AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES, 46, 43-52. (SSCI) (IF: 1.631; SSCI ranking: 38.6%) Hsin-chun Tasaw Lu, 2016, Cultural Homogeneity, Embodied Empathy: Incorporating the Musical Pasts amongst Burmese Chinese Peoples Worldwide, Ethnomusicology Forum, 25(1): 14-34. (A&HCI) Allen Chun, 2016, On Geoffrey Benjamin s Deep Sociology of the Nation-State, INTER-ASIA CULTURAL STUDIES, 17(2): 324-31. (SSCI) (IF: 0.212; SSCI ranking: 71.1%,90.5%) 胡台麗, 2016, 傳承的挑戰 : 排灣古樓巫師傳統的衰微與復振, 民俗曲藝, 192,11-46. (TSSCI)

劉璧榛, 2016, 太平洋藝術節中的傳統醫療 : 區域組織關島 Haya 基金會與太平洋原住民醫療師聯合會, 原教界, 71,58-61. 專書 ( 論文集 ) 之一章黃淑莉,accepted, 岑毓英與清末雲南社會的 亂 與 治, 藍美華編, 邊民在內地, 台北 : 國立政治大學人文中心 胡台麗, accepted, 21 世紀初期台灣原住民族紀錄片的開展 : 台灣國際民族誌影展之映照, 順益台灣原住民博物館, editor(s): 劉璧榛, 文化 觀光 博物館與影像媒體 : 當代台灣原住民族的文化展演. Hu Tai-Li, accepted, The Decline and Revitalization of Shamanic Traditions in a Paiwan Village in Taiwan, editor(s): Hsun Chang and Benjemin Penny, Religion in Taiwan and China: Locality and Transmission, Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.. 余安邦 廖欽彬,accepted, 倫理的回歸或者遠去 台灣人文臨床與日本臨床哲學的對話攀引, 余安邦編, 人文臨床與倫理療癒 余德慧教授紀念文集, 台北 : 五南圖書公司 余安邦,accepted, 文化諮商與宗教療癒 : 人文臨床現場的基礎探問, 陳秉華編, 多元文化諮商, 台北 : 心理出版社 胡台麗, accepted, 阿美族太巴塱 Kakita an 祖屋重建 : 文物 歸還與 傳統 復振的反思, 跨 文化, 台北 : 中研院民族學研究所. 陳文德,2016, 當代地方社會的面貌 : 以一個卑南族聚落空間的發展為例, 黃應貴 陳文德編, 21 世紀的地方社會 : 多重地方認同下的社群性與社會想像, 頁 131-175, 臺北 : 群學出版有限公司 夏黎明 林玉茹 黃宣衛,2016, 差距與差異 : 國家內部次區域發展議題, 王振寰 簡旭伸編, 發展研究與臺灣社會, 頁 103-129, 臺北 : 巨流出版社 Shu-Li Wang, 2016, Civilization and the Transformation of Xiaotun Village at China's Yinxu Archaeological Site, editor(s): BELINER, D., BAUMMAN, C., World Heritage on the Ground: Ethnographic Perspectives, pp. 171-192, New York and Oxford: Berghahn. 彭仁郁,2016, 反叛中建構的主體 318 公民運動中所彰顯的象徵秩序傳承, 林秀華 吳叡人編, 照破, 頁 325-372, 臺北 : 左岸文化 Shao-hua Liu & Shu-min Huang, 2016, Waterscape and Social Transformation in Southern Taiwan: The Damming of Mudan Creek., editor(s): Ts ui-jung Liu and James Beattie, Environment, Modernization and Development in East Asia: Perspective from Environmental History., pp. 111-135, London: Palgrave. Yu, Shuenn-Der, 2016, Authenticity, Terroir, And Invention Of Tradition: French Wine Versus Taiwanese Tea, editor(s): May Y.H. Chang, Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Chinese Food Culture, pp. 85-102, Taipei: Foundation of Chinese Dietary Culture. Ho Ts ui-p ing, 2016, People s Diplomacy and Borderland History through Chinese Jingpo Manau Zumko Festival, editor(s): Mandy Sadan, War and Peace in the Borderlands of Myanmar: the Kachin Ceasefire, 1994-2011, pp. 169-201, Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS). 學術會議 ( 研討會 ) 論文 Shu-Yuan Yang, 2016, Disruption, Contestation, and Large Scale Development Project: The Bugkalot (Ilongot) and the Casecnan Dam in Northern Philippines, paper presented at Australian Anthropological Association 2016 Annual Conference, Sydney: University of

Sydney, 2016-12-12 ~ 2016-12-15. Huang, Shin-wey, 2016, The Aborigines and the Ecology of Eastern Taiwan under the Influence of Politico-economic and Socio-Environmental Transformation, 5 pages, paper presented at "Renewing Humanities: Global Asia in Action Symposium, Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016-12-09. 周玉慧,2016, 代間支持與代間衝突對年輕夫妻之影響, 發表於 2016 台灣青少年成長歷程研討會 成年初期的發展, 臺北南港 : 中央研究院社會學研究所,2016-12-02 ~ 2016-12-03 Hsun CHANG, 2016, Cultural Learning and Training on Bodily Way of Filial Piety in Taiwan, paper presented at Cultural Learning through Body and Narrative in Asia, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 2016-11-30 ~ 2016-12-01. Fung, H.*, Wang, T. P., & Mai, T. T., 2016, Embodied learning of social hierarchy: The socialization of vòng tay with young children in southern Vietnam, paper presented at Conference on Cultural Learning Through Body and Narrative in Asia, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 2016-11-30 ~ 2016-12-01. Teri J. Silvio, 2016, Blank Faces, Ambivalent Identities, and Transnational Address in the Graphic Novels of Lin Li-Ching and Troy Chin, paper presented at 美國人類學協會 American Anthropological Association 年度會議 Evidence, Accident, Discovery, 美國 Minneapolis, Minnesota: 美國人類學協會 American Anthropological Association, 2016-11- 16 ~ 2016-11-19. 胡台麗, 2016, 巫珠因緣 : 排灣族女巫師的成巫之道, paper presented at 當代巫文化的多元面貌, 台北 : 中研院民族學研究所, 2016-11-02 ~ 2016-11-04. 劉璧榛 林正春,2016, 母系社會邏輯變遷與男性口語文本 : 台灣都蘭阿美的竹占與治病儀式展演, 發表於 當代巫文化的多元面貌 國際學術研討會, 中研院民族所 : 中研院民族所,2016-11-02 ~ 2016-11-04 王勁之 陳文德,2016, 社會文化的媒介者 : 當代一個卑南族成巫的例子, 共 19 頁, 發表於 當代巫文化的多元面貌 學術研討會, 臺北南港 : 中央研究院民族學研究所,2016-11-02 ~ 2016-11-04 周玉慧,2016, 當代日本人的婚戀對象偏好及其幸福觀, 共共 24 頁頁, 發表於 2016 年愛情教育與研究 : 社會學與心理學的對話學術研討會, 台北木柵 : 世新大學社會心理系,2016-10-28 ~ 2016-10-29 Pi-chen Liu, 2016, Female Shamans and Oral Texts: the Performance of Healing Rituals among the Amis of Taiwan., paper presented at International Conference on World Culture Research, Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu China: Inter-Culture Research Center, University of Ottawa and Southwest Minzu University., 2016-10-18 ~ 2016-10-19. Hsun CHANG, 2016, Material Cultural and Shentigan, paper presented at 2016 Annual Meeting of East Asian Anthropological Association, Hokkaido University, Japan: Hokkaido University, Japan, 2016-10-15 ~ 2016-10-16. 張仁和 *, 2016, 心理學的危機與轉機 : 複製研究的全面進攻, paper presented at 第 55 屆台灣心理學年會, 台南成功大學 : 台灣心理學會, 2016-10-15 ~ 2016-10-16. 劉璧榛,2016, 阿美竹占與性別 經濟及母系社會邏輯變遷的互動關係, 發表於 亞太區域的文化地景 學術研討會, 中研院民族所 : 中研院亞太區域研究中心,2016-10-

14 ~ 2016-10-15 彭仁郁, 2016, 臨床田野 : 研究者與療癒者的交界, paper presented at 民族學研究所 60 週年所慶 跨 文化 研討會, 中央研究院民族所 : 中央研究院民族所, 2016-09- 17 ~ 2016-09-19. Shu-li Huang,2016, Emplacing Desire: A Modernist Tale of Christian Salvation at the Provincial Border of Guizhou and Yunnan in Southwest China, 發表於 2016 年台灣人類學年會, 台北 : 台灣人類學會,2016-09-10 ~ 2016-09-11 郭佩宜, 2016, 我做故我在?: 從民族誌比較思考所羅門群島 Langalanga 人的社會性質, paper presented at 2016 台灣人類學暨民族學學會年會, 台灣大學 : 台灣人類學暨民族學學會, 2016-09-10 ~ 2016-09-11. 劉璧榛,2016, 新族群新儀式 : 噶瑪蘭族創新的祭祖傳統, 發表於臺灣民族學與人類學學會 2015 年年會, 台大人類系 : 臺灣民族學與人類學學會,2016-09-10 ~ 2016-09- 11 蘇羿如 黃宣衛,2016, 正名運動 身分感知與族籍登記 : 撒奇萊雅族的個案初探, 共 12 頁, 發表於人類學與族群研究, 台灣大學文學院 : 臺灣人類學與民族學學會, 2016-09-10 ~ 2016-09-11 周玉慧,2016, 夫妻間衝突因應策略及其影響 : 行動者 - 伴侶者互依模型之探討, 共共 20 頁頁, 發表於 2016 年滬台家庭研究研討會, 中國上海 : 上海社會科學研究院, 2016-09-07 Teri J. Silvio, 2016, Localizing the Japanese manga system and making folk religion mangaesque: Wei Zongcheng s Ming Zhan-Lu: Final Destiny of the Formosan Gods, paper presented at Taiwan Imagined under the global gaze: The interplay of 'inside' and 'outside' perspectives in the formation of the idea of Taiwan, 英國倫敦 : Centre of Taiwan Studies, the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, 2016-08-31 ~ 2016-09-02. 周玉慧,2016, 家庭價值觀之三代間關聯 : 以臺灣家庭為例, 發表於 2016 年兩岸家庭研究研討會, 台北南港 : 中央研究院人社中心調查研究專題中心,2016-08-29 ~ 2016-08-30 Yuh-Huey Jou, 2016, Supportive Interaction and Power in Married Couples, paper presented at The 23rd International Congress for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan: The 23rd IACCP Organizing Committee, 2016-07-30 ~ 2017-08-03. Yuh-Huey Jou, 2016, Power and Autonomy in Married Couples: A Typology and Multilevel Approach, paper presented at The 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan: The ICP2016 Organizing Committee, 2016-07-24 ~ 2016-07-29. Shu-Yuan Yang, 2016, Ancestral Domain as Cultural Heritage: Indigenous Resistance on a Philippine Frontier, paper presented at Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth 2016 Conference., Durham: Durham University, 2016-07-04 ~ 2016-07-07. Shu-Yuan Yang, 2016, Protestantism, Cargo, and Treasure: The Acquisition of Wealth among the Bugkalot (Ilongot) of Northern Luzon, Philippines, paper presented at AAS-in-Asia 2016 Conference, Kyoto: Doshisha University, 2016-06-24 ~ 2016-06-27. Hu Tai-Li, 2016, The Development of Indigenous People Ethnographic films in Early Twentyfirst Century Taiwan, paper presented at AAS-in-Asia Conference, June 24-27, Kyoto, Japan., Kyoto, Japan: AAS-in-Asia, 2016-06-24 ~ 2016-06-27. 黃約伯,2016, 當代台灣日系新宗教在地化的法律面向, 共 1-12 頁, 發表於國家與宗教團體之關係 - 歐亞國家之比較, 東吳大學城中校區第五大樓 5211 會議室 : 東吳大學

法學院法律與宗教研究中心,2016-06-14 Yuh-Huey Jou, 2016, Dyadic Humor and Relationship Satisfaction of Married Couples in Taiwan, paper presented at Family, Life course and Wellbeing in Asia and Beyond, 台北南港 : 中央研究院人社中心亞太區域研究專題中心, 2016-05-24 ~ 2016-05-25. Guo, Pei-yi, 2016, How to Draw the Paths of the Past? Active Participation and Negotiation of Islanders in Portraying Their History in the British Protectorate of Solomon Islands, paper presented at Pacific History Association 22th Biennial Conference Mo na: Our Pasts Before Us, Guam: Pacific History Association, 2016-05-19 ~ 2016-05-21. Pi-chen Liu, 2016, Site of Memory and Spatial Management in Kavalan Ritual Healing (Taiwan)., 1-12 pages, paper presented at 22nd Pacific History Association Biennial Conference, University of Guam: University of Guam, 2016-05-19 ~ 2016-05-21. 彭仁郁, 2016, 亂倫創傷主體的心靈地景 : 以精神分析取向臨床田野個案為例, paper presented at 社會秩序與犯罪防治研討會 : 心理學與犯罪學的跨域對談研討會, 新竹玄奘大學 : 新竹 : 玄奘大學應用心理學系, 2016-05-05. Shu-Yuan Yang, 2016, Neoliberalism, Ancestral Domain and Indigenous Resistance: The Bugkalot(Ilongot) and the Casecnan Dam in Northern Philippines, paper presented at the IUAES (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences) 2016 Conference, Dubrovnik: IUAES, 2016-05-04 ~ 2016-05-09. Yueh-po Huang, 2016, The Enculturation of A University in A Local Atayal District in Northern Taiwan: Its Implication for Public Anthropology, paper presented at World Anthropologies and Privatization of Knowledge: Engaging Anthropology in Public, Dubrovnik, Croatia: IUAES, 2016-05-04 ~ 2016-05-09. 陳文德,2016, 從 部落 到 族 : 以臺灣東部的卑南族為例, 共 27 頁, 發表於 臺灣原住民族群關係的歷史 現狀與未來國際學術研討會, 福建廈門 : 廈門大學人類學研究中心,2016-04-30 ~ 2016-05-02 Hsun CHANG, 2016, Multiple Religious Identification and performance: Mazu Pilgrimage across the Taiwan Strait after 1987, paper presented at New Religious Nationalism in Chinese Societies, Leiden University, Nederland: Internaitonal Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden University, 2016-04-21 ~ 2016-04-22. Hsun CHANG, 2016, Transmission of the Mazu Belief in Taiwan and its Modernity, paper presented at Mazu/Tianfei Symposium, Munchen, Germany: Ludwig-maximilian Universitat Munchen, Institute of Sinology, 2016-03-18 ~ 2016-03-19. Hsin-Chun Lu, 2016, Intercultural Negotiation and Reconciliation: The Sino-Myanmar Festival Performances in Macau, paper presented at Music, Modernity, and Public Sphere, Delhi, India: University of Chicago Center, 2016-02-27 ~ 2016-02-28. 楊淑媛, 2016, 勞動 自我剝削與自由 : 從霧鹿布農人的砍菜班談起, paper presented at 財政金融經濟與文化或地方產業, 新竹 : 清華大學, 2016-02-27 ~ 2016-02-28. 何翠萍,2016, 文化產業中的 歷史 與 文化 : 從中國景頗族目瑙縱歌談起, 發表於景頗族文化傳承與創新發展暨紀念景頗文創制 120 周年學術研討會, 芒市, 德宏, 雲南 :2016 中國德宏景頗族國際目瑙縱歌節組委會,2016-02-20 Yueh-po Huang,2016, 天理教の海外伝道 イギリスを事例に, 發表於東 ASIA 宗教研究의現在와未來, 濟州大學校國際交流會館 : 東 ASIA 宗教研究 FORUM,2016-02-19 ~ 2016-02-21 周玉慧,2016, 青少年至成年前期的自我發展變化及其影響, 共共 24 頁頁, 發表於台

灣青少年成長歷程研究第六次研討會, 臺北南港 : 中央研究院社會學研究所,2016-01- 18 ~ 2016-01-20 研究 / 計畫報告丘延亮 陳永龍,2016, 原住民主體性與部落發展 (Indigenous Subjectivity and Community Development)- 行腳山崖間的舊社生活與文化繁衍之探究, 國科會委託 周玉慧,2016, 權與角力 : 夫妻間之權力與互動歷程探討, 共共 77 頁頁, 科技部委託 呂心純,2016, 藝術學學門熱門與前瞻學術議題研究計劃報告 _ 民族音樂學門, 科技部人文社會科學研究中心委託 技術報告 簡淑瑩 黃宣衛,2016, 台東縣池上鄉的元宵節祈福平安遶境, 共田野與文獻 84:11-14 頁 他類論文 王舒俐,2016, 論博物館 當代典藏與公共史學, 芭樂人類學,6557 王舒 俐,2016, 當代人類學博物館的挑戰與議題 - 以荷蘭熱帶博物館的去殖民計劃為例, 芭樂人類學,6528 黃宣衛,2016, 阿美人的 kawas 觀念與宗教生活, 原住民族文獻,26 期, 頁 4-13 何翠萍,2016, 木瑙紀實 : 克欽的精靈信仰 中譯文序, 中央研究院民族學研究所資料彙編, 第 24 卷, 頁 49-56 吉田敏浩著 蔡蕙光 何翠萍譯,2016, 譯 克欽的精靈信仰, 中央研究院民族所資料彙編, 第 24 卷, 頁 59-80 學術書評 劉斐玟,2016, 敘說越界 : 緬甸雲南移民的故事, 考古人類學刊, 第 85 期, 頁 173-176 Guo, Pei-yi, 2016, The Chief s Country: Leadership and Politics in Honiara, Solomon Islands. (Michael Kwa ioloa and Bwen Burt), Journal of Pacific History, 51(1):83-84. 資料彙編 ( 含口述歷史 ) 余安邦,accepted, 人文臨床與倫理療癒 余德慧教授紀念文集, 台北 : 五南圖書公司