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Terms & Conditions of Welcome Offers General Terms & Conditions: 1. All welcome offers are not applicable to U.S. persons, except deposit interest rate. 2. All welcome offers, the continuous HK stock buy fee waiver offer, Stock transfer-in for HK$3,000 cash coupon rewards, No Minimum Brokerage Fee Offer and credit card welcome offer are not applicable to Citibank staff. 3. Unless otherwise specified, all welcome offers are not eligible for overseas clients (with an overseas correspondence address), not applicable to existing banking clients of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited ( the Bank ) and clients who had a banking relationship with the Bank in the last 12 months. 4. Unless otherwise specified, the Promotion Period is valid from October 1 to December 31, 2018, inclusive of both dates ("Promotion Period"). 5. Each client can only enjoy the offer once during the promotion period. For joint accounts, only one offer will be given to the Primary Account Holder. 6. Cash rebate will be credited to eligible clients HKD account only and the account status of each client must remain valid and normal at the time when the corresponding offer is rewarded or delivered to the client. Otherwise, the reward will be forfeited absolutely. 7. To be eligible for the British Airways Avios ( Avios ) offer, the client must be a member of British Airways Executive Club and register at designated Citibank webpage (www.citibank.com.hk/aviosoffer) within the first 2 calendar months from account opening (including the month of account opening and the month following). Overdue registrations will not be eligible for the Avios offer. Once successfully registered, no cancellation or change can be made. Client who does not register online will be rewarded with corresponding cash rebate welcome offer. 8. During online registration, the client is required to provide a valid British Airways Executive Club membership number, member's surname as it appears on your British Airways Executive Club account, and the 16-digit Citibank ATM Card number. No Avios will be rewarded in case of any incorrect information provided by clients. 9. The client's registered British Airways Executive Club membership number, member's surname and the eligible quantity Avios to be credited will be submitted to British Airways Executive Club for the purpose of fulfillment. British Airways Executive Club terms and conditions applies for the use of Avios. For details, please refer to www.britishairways.com/executive-club/termsand-conditions 10. The Bank reserves the right to claim for the refund of the gift should the new account be closed/downgraded within 6 months from the date of account opening, or the new client's "Average Daily Combined Balance" falls below the minimum balance requirement within 6 months from the date of account opening. The gift value will be debited from the client s account at the time of account closure or downgrade, or 1 month from the first day the account balance falls below the required level whichever is earlier. 11. If the new client closes all of his/her accounts within 6 months from his/her account opening date, an account closure fee of HK$500 (or equivalent) will be charged. 12. The Bank reserves the right to amend the above Terms and Conditions from time to time and is entitled at any time without any liability in any manner whatsoever to alter the program without prior notice. Should there be any dispute, the Bank s decision will be final. 13. Welcome Offers cannot be used in conjunction with other special promotions, discounts or promotional coupons, nor be transferred or exchanged for cash or other offers. 14. The English version of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail wherever there is a discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions. Terms & Conditions of Welcome Offers: 1. Unless otherwise specified, welcome offers (cash rebate or Avios) will be credited to each eligible client s banking account or British Airways Executive Club account by the date as specified in the table below. Account Opening Date Cash rebate will be credited Avios will be credited October 1 to October 31, 2018 On or before April 30, 2019 Within 6 weeks after April 30, 2019 November 1 to November 30, 2018 On or before May 31, 2019 Within 6 weeks after May 31, 2019 December 1 to December 31, 2018 On or before June 30, 2019 Within 6 weeks after June 30, 2019

2. Citigold is exclusive for clients who maintain the Average Daily Combined Balance of HK$1,500,000 or above, otherwise we reserve the right to convert his/her Citigold account to a Citi Priority or Citibanking account. Should the Average Daily Combined Balance fall below HK$1,500,000 for 3 consecutive months, a monthly service fee of HK$300 will be charged. For the fees of individual services, please refer to the latest service fee guide. 3. The minimum requirement for Citi Priority account opening is HK$500,000. Citi Priority clients need to maintain the Average Daily Combined Balance of HK$500,000 or above, and will be eligible for monthly service fee waiver. Should the Average Daily Combined Balance fall below the minimum balance requirement for 3 consecutive months, a monthly service fee of HK$120 will be charged. For the fees of individual services, please refer to the latest service fee guide. A year of monthly service fees (12 months from the account opening date) will be waived for Citi Priority payroll clients with new funds of HK$200,000 or above and a salary of HK$50,000 or above. During the service fee waiver period, clients are required to deposit their salary of HK$50,000 or above every month, otherwise the Bank reserves the right to claim for a refund of the monthly service fee. 4. For Citi Priority clients to be eligible for the Welcome Offers, the clients must register or login at least once at Citi Mobile App or Citibank Online during the hold fund period of New Fund Offer. 5. Citibanking clients who maintain an Average Daily Combined Balance of HK$10,000 or above (or equivalent) for the previous month will enjoy a waiver of HK$60 (or equivalent) monthly service fee. Service charges for certain products apply. 6. The "Average Daily Combined Balance" is calculated based on the sum of your daily balances of deposit, investment and accumulated paid premium of selected insurance products of all your single name account(s) and joint name account(s), divided by the number of calendar days in the month. Selected insurance products mean insurance policy(ies) with savings element or investment-linked insurance. 7. New Funds Offer: To be entitled to relevant offers, new client is required to join Citigold Private Client / Citigold / Citi Priority during the Promotion Period and fulfill the following requirements: New clients must bring in the required new funds specified below within the first 2 calendar months from account opening (including the month of account opening and the month following): Banking Service New funds amount (HK$ or equivalent) Cash rebate (HK$) or Avios Citigold Private Client HK$8,000,000 HK$15,000 200,000 Citigold HK$2,500,000 HK$7,000 120,000 Citigold HK$1,500,000 HK$3,500 70,000 Citi Priority HK$1,000,000 HK$2,500 50,000 Citi Priority HK$500,000 HK$1,500 20,000 Clients are required to maintain the new funds according to the hold fund period specified below and sign the fund maintenance agreement: Account Opening Date Hold Fund Period (until) October 1 to October 31, 2018 March 31, 2019 November 1 to November 30, 2018 April 30, 2019 December 1 to December 31, 2018 May 31, 2019 New clients must enroll in the e-statement Service at the time of account opening. New clients can enjoy HK$200/HK$100 in cash rebate upon successful opening of a Citigold/Citi Priority account through online appointment. New funds exclude transfer of funds within the Bank. Transfer-in Mutual Funds/Bonds/Securities (Hong Kong, US or A shares via Hong Kong Shanghai Connect) will be counted as New Funds. Only Mutual Funds/ Bond offered by

Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, Citibank, N.A., Citigroup Inc. will be accepted. The transfer-in process may take at least 2 to 3 months. 8. Payroll Account Offer: To be eligible for Payroll Account Offer, new clients must: Successfully open a Citigold Private Client / Citigold / Citi Priority account and a Step-Up Interest Account; and Start depositing monthly salary (payroll) into the Step-Up Interest Account for 12 consecutive months via the autopayroll service or standing instructions within the first 3 calendar months from account opening (including the month of account opening and the 2 months following); and Fulfill the requirements stated in respective banking account s New Funds Offer and sign the fund maintenance agreement. The Bank reserves the right to reclaim the full cash value of the gift if the consecutive monthly payroll deposit is halted at any time in the first year after account opening. Banking Services Citigold Private Client / Citigold / Citi Priority Monthly Salary (HK$ or equivalent) Cash rebate (HK$) or Avios HK$80,000 or above HK$1,200 15,000 HK$50,000 or above HK$1,000 13,000 HK$30,000 or above HK$800 10,000 Below applicable to Citi Priority new clients only: If clients are unable to fulfill the Citi Priority New Funds Offer, they are still able to enjoy the payroll account offer and a year of monthly service fees waiver by fulfilling the following criteria: Bring in new funds of HK$200,000 within the first 2 calendar months from account opening (including the month of account opening and the month following) and maintain a balance of HK$200,000 until at least the 6th month from account opening and start depositing monthly salary (payroll) of HK$50,000 or above into the Step-Up Interest Account for 12 consecutive months via the auto payroll service or standing instructions within the first 3 calendar months from account opening (including the month of account opening and the 2 months following) and sign the fund maintenance agreement. Choose the new Citibank Debit Mastercard with Mastercard payment function and make at least one purchase via the Mastercard network within the first 3 months after account opening (including the month of account opening); and Enroll in the e-statement Service at the time of account opening. 9. Bonus Offer: To be entitled to relevant offers, new clients must: Successfully joined Citigold Private Client / Citigold / Citi Priority during the Promotion Period Fulfill Citigold Private Client / Citigold / Citi Priority new funds offer requirements Maintain New Funds Offer requirement until the 12th month from account opening date Bonus offer will be credited to client s banking account on the 13th month from account opening date. Terms & Conditions of Banking Account Client Referral Offer : 1. The Promotion Period is valid from October 1 to December 31, 2018, inclusive of both dates ("Promotion Period"). 2. Unless otherwise specified, all offers are not eligible for overseas clients (with an overseas correspondence address) and Citibank sales staff. 3. The Client Referral Offer is not applicable to Referrers and Referees if the Referee is a resident individual of the European Union, European Economic Area (EEA) or any other jurisdictions where referral activity is restricted. Please consult a bank representative for details. 4. The referrer must be existing Citigold Private Client / Citigold / Citi Priority client of The Bank while referee(s) (new client) apply for banking account.

5. The referral offer is not applicable if referee (new client) had any banking relationship within the past 12 months or is an existing client of Citibank banking services. 6. To be eligible for the referral offer, referrer must successfully refer new client(s) to be a Citigold Private Client / Citigold / Citi Priority client(s) during the Promotion Period, subject to the fulfillment of welcome offers requirements (including New Funds Offer or Payroll Account Offer) : Referral Offer (Cash Rebate) Citigold Private Client Citigold Citi Priority HK$5,000 each HK$1,500 each HK$1,000 each 7. Referrers cannot refer themselves to become new clients, including the owner/ shareholder of company refers his/ her company or vice versa. Referrers and referees cannot refer each other to become a new client. 8. The referrer's entitlement to the referral offer will be subject to the Bank's confirmation on the referee's fulfillment of the welcome offers requirements. 9. The referral offer will be credited to the referrer's Citibank account on the 7th month upon the referee's account opening after the referee has fulfilled the requirements of the new funds offer 10. Only those clients (including referrer and referee) whose relevant accounts are valid and in good standing during the entire promotional and redemption period will be eligible for the rewards. If the account status changes, the Bank reserves the right to terminate the offers to the eligible clients, without prior notice. 11. The referral offer cannot be used in conjunction with other special promotions, discounts or promotional coupons, nor be transferred or exchanged for cash or other offers. Terms and Conditions for "Payroll for continuous stock fee waiver" Program 1. The "Payroll for continuous stock fee waiver" Program (the "Program") is only applicable to holders of a Step-Up Interest Account ("Payroll Clients"). Payroll Clients have to open a new securities account ("New Stock Clients") with Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank") from July 1 to December 31, 2018(the "Promotion Period") and must not have cancelled or held any sole or joint securities account with the Bank within the past 12 months, in order to enjoy the Program. 2. The Program is applicable to Hong Kong stock buy transactions only. Buy and sell transactions of stock in other markets, stock transfer-in and transfer-out, Initial Public Offering, Stock Regular Savings Plan related transactions are not included. New Stock Clients can enjoy the brokerage fee waiver for the buy trades of Hong Kong stocks (the "Brokerage Fee Waiver") carried out via our Dedicated Trading Hotline, Citibank Online or Citibank Mobile Securities Services (where applicable) from the date of account opening if the below requirements are fulfilled: a. New Stock Clients can enjoy the Brokerage Fee Waiver within the first 3 calendar months of securities account opening. b. New Stock Clients have to deposit monthly salary of HK$15,000 or above into the Step-Up Interest Account via the auto payroll service or standing instructions from other banks ("Successful Payroll Deposit") from the 4th calendar month of securities account opening, and continue to have a Successful Payroll Deposit every month thereafter in order to enjoy the Brokerage Fee Waiver. E.g. A New Stock Client who opens a securities account within July 2018 has to have a Successful Payroll Deposit on or before October 31, 2018, and continue to have a Successful Payroll Deposit every month thereafter to enjoy the Brokerage Fee Waiver. From the 4th calendar month onwards, if there is no record of Successful Payroll Deposit or if the payroll account is cancelled in any single month, the "Payroll for continuous stock fee waiver" offer will be terminated in that month and cannot be resumed. 3. New Stock Clients are required to pay the regular brokerage fees at the time of trading. The waived brokerage fee during the waiver period will be refunded to New Stock Clients' settlement account linked to the securities account within 3 months subsequent to the corresponding stock transaction month.. New Stock Clients should maintain a valid securities account and settlement account at the time when the refund is made. 4. The Program cannot be enjoyed together with "Up to a lifetime fee waiver on stock purchases" Program.

5. The Program is not available to clients who are the employees of the Bank or Citibank N.A. or its subsidiaries during the Promotion Period and at the time crediting the rewards. Illustration: A New Stock Client who opens a securities account on July 23, 2018, hence, July 2018 will be the 1st calendar month. Month Transaction month Successful Monthly Payroll Deposit* Brokerage Fee Waiver for Buy Trades Turnover in the month (HK$) Condition: New Stock Clients must have a Successful Payroll Deposit from the 4 th calendar month and continue every month thereafter to enjoy the Brokerage Fee Waiver every month 1 st July 2018 No - - 2 nd August 2018 No Yes (New stock clients can enjoy the Brokerage Fee Waiver even if there is no Successful Payroll Deposit yet) BUY HK stock HK$700,000 Total brokerage fee refund = HK$1,400 SELL HK stock HK$100,000 3 rd September 2018 No - - 4 th October 2018 Yes Yes (As there was the first Successful Payroll Deposit from the 4th calendar month) - - 5 th November 2018 Yes 6 th December 2018 No Yes (As there was a Successful Payroll deposit this month) No (As there was no Successful Payroll deposit this month) * HK stock HK$500,000 Total brokerage fee refund = HK$1,000 HK stock HK$50,000 (No Brokerage Fee Refund) HK stock HK$200,000 Deposit monthly salary of HK$15,000 or above into the Step-Up Interest Account via the auto payroll service or standing instructions. - Remarks: From the 4th calendar month onwards, if there is no record of Successful Payroll Deposit or if the payroll account is cancelled in any single month, the "Payroll for continuous stock fee waiver" offer will be terminated in that month and cannot be resumed. Refund figures are based on an assumed brokerage fee of 0.2% of the trading turnover. Terms and Conditions for "Up to a lifetime fee waiver on stock purchases" Program: 1. The Up to a lifetime fee waiver on stock purchases Program (the Program ) is only applicable to clients who do not have a Step-up Interest Account ( Non-payroll Clients ) with Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (the Bank ). Non-payroll Clients have to open a new securities account ( New Clients ) from July 1 to December 31, 2018 (the Promotion Period ) and must not have cancelled or held any sole or joint securities account with the Bank within the past 12 months, in order to enjoy the Program. 2. New Clients can enjoy brokerage fee waiver for all buy trades of Hong Kong stocks (the "Brokerage Fee Waiver") carried out via our Dedicated Trading Hotline, Citibank Online or Citibank Mobile Securities Services (where applicable) from the date of account opening if the below requirements are fulfilled: a. New Clients must have at least one Eligible Transaction* within the first 3 calendar months of securities account opening. E.g. New Client, who opens a securities account within July 2018, is required to conduct at least one buy or sell trade of Hong Kong stocks on or before September 30, 2018, in order to continue enjoying the Brokerage Fee Waiver in October 2018, the 4th calendar month of securities account opening (the "4th month"). Brokerage fee for all buy trades of Hong Kong stocks within the first 3 calendar months of securities account opening will be waived. b. Starting from the 4th month, the Brokerage Fee Waiver will continue if New Clients perform at least one Eligible Transaction in each calendar month thereafter. If New Clients do not conduct any Eligible Transaction in any month

starting from the 4th month, the Brokerage Fee Waiver will be terminated starting from the following month and cannot be resumed. * Eligible Transaction refers to Hong Kong stock buy or sell transactions only. Buy and sell transactions of stock in other markets, stock transfer-in and transfer-out, Initial Public Offering, Stock Regular Savings Plan related transactions, are not considered as eligible transactions in the Program. 3. New Clients are required to pay the regular brokerage fees at the time of trading. Each brokerage fee collected for every buy trade completed during the Promotion Period or within the first 3 calendar months of the securities account opening will be refunded to clients settlement account linked to the securities account within 3 months subsequent to the month of the relevant transaction. New Clients should maintain a valid securities account and settlement account at the time when the refund is made. 4. The Program cannot be enjoyed together with the "Payroll for continuous stock fee waiver" Program. 5. The Program is not eligible to clients who are the employees of the Bank or Citibank N.A. or its subsidiaries during the Promotion Period and at the time crediting the rewards. Illustration: A New Client who opens a securities account on July 23, 2018, hence, July 2018 will be the 1st calendar month. Month Transaction month Brokerage Fee Waiver for Buy Trades Turnover in the month (HK$) BUY SELL Other transactions Condition 1: New Clients must have at least 1 Eligible Transactions* within the first 3 calendar months of securities account opening to enjoy the Brokerage Fee Waiver in the 4 th month 1 st July 2018 - - Stock transfer-in HK$500,000 HK stock 2 nd August 2018 HK$700,000 Yes HK stock Refund HK$100,000 brokerage fee - = HK$1,400 3 rd September 2018 - - - Condition 2: Starting from the 4 th month, New Clients must have at least 1 Eligible Transactions * in each calendar month to continue the Brokerage Fee Waiver in the following month. 4 th October 2018 5 th November 2018 Yes (As there were more than 1 Eligible Transactions made in the first 3 months) Yes (As there was 1 Eligible Transaction in the previous month) - HK stock HK$500,000 Refund brokerage fee = HK$1,000 HK stock HK$200,000 HK stock HK$50,000 - IPO Application HK$10,000 6 th Yes December 2018 (As there were more than 1 Eligible Transactions in the previous month) - - - Brokerage Fee Waiver is terminated 7 th January 2019 (As there was no Eligible Transaction in the previous month) - - - Δ Assuming the brokerage fee is 0.2% of the trading turnover; cells highlighted in grey indicate Eligible Transaction in the Program. * Eligible Transaction refers to Hong Kong or US stock buy or sell transactions only. Buy and sell transactions of stock in other markets, stock transfer-in and transfer-out, Initial Public Offering, Stock Regular Savings Plan related transactions, are not considered as eligible transactions in the Program. # If there is no Eligible Transaction, as stated above, within the first 3 calendar months of securities account opening, then the "Up to a lifetime fee waiver on stock purchases" program will be terminated in the 4th month and cannot be resumed. And if there is no Eligible Transaction in any month starting from the 4th calendar month, the Program will be terminated and cannot be resumed in the next month. Terms and Conditions for "Stock transfer-in for HK$3,000 Cash Coupon Rewards" offer: 1. The promotion is valid from October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 ("Promotion Period"), both dates inclusive.

2. Clients must successfully transfer in HK/ US/ SH/ SZ stock from a third-party financial institution/ bank at a branch or via the Stock Transfer function on Citibank Online during the Promotion Period, to be eligible for the cash coupon rewards. 3. The cash coupon rewards amount will be determined by the total stock transfer-in value net of the total stock transfer-out value ( Total Stock Net Value ) of a client during the promotion period, according to the table below: Total stock net value (HK$) Cash coupon rewards amount (HK$) $500,000 - <$1,000,000 $500 $1,000,000 - <$3,000,000 $1,000 $3,000,000 or above $3,000 4. The Total Stock Net Value is based on the multiple of the closing stock price* on the last trading day of the corresponding successful transfer-in month and number of shares. If a stock involves foreign currency, an exchange rate of USD1 = HKD7.8/RMB1 = HKD1.2 will be used for its stock value calculation. 5. The stock transfer activities in a joint name stock account will be considered in the Total Stock Net Value calculation for the primary account holder. 6. Each client can only enjoy the offer once during the promotion period. 7. Cash coupons will be sent to eligible clients within 3 months upon the end of the Promotion Period. Clients should maintain a valid and same HK securities account from the time the stock transfer-in is performed to the time the cash coupons are received. 8. The above offer is not available to clients who are the employees of the Bank or Citibank N.A. or its subsidiaries during the Promotion Period and at the time crediting the rewards *Stock previous closing price subject to the Hong Kong Exchange (HKEx) adjustment. For details, please refer to the Guidelines on Adjustments to the Previous Closing Price of a Security publish by HKEx. Terms and Conditions for No Minimum Brokerage Fee Offer: 1. No Minimum Brokerage Fee Offer (the "No Minimum Brokerage Fee Offer") is valid until December 31, 2018. 2. Citigold Private Clients, Citigold services clients, Citi Priority clients and Citibanking Citi At Work payroll clients who conduct HK stock transactions via Citibank Online or Citibank Mobile Securities Services will have the minimum brokerage fee (HKD/RMB100 per transaction) waived. The No Minimum Brokerage Fee Offer is not applicable to transactions conducted via the Dedicated Trading Hotline. Terms and conditions for "5% p.a. Time Deposit Reward": 1. The promotion period ("Promotion Period") is valid from October 2, 2018 to December 31, 2018, both dates inclusive. 2. The Time Deposit Reward ( Reward ) is not applicable to U.S. persons. 3. Clients have to call their Relationship Manager to register in order to enjoy the Reward. 4. Clients can enjoy the Time Deposit Reward by transferring in Mutual Funds worth HK$200,000 or above (or equivalent amount) authorized by the Securities and Futures Commission (excluding class B funds) to the Bank successfully during the Promotion Period. The Mutual Funds for transfer-in must be currently available for distribution by the Bank. Clients must maintain the transferred Mutual Funds units or their equivalent net asset value amount (as of transfer completion date) with the Bank for 12 months or above. 5. The Reward refers to a 5% p.a. 1-month time deposit offer in HKD/USD/AUD/NZD/GBP/CAD/RMB, upon fulfilling requirements under clause 4 above. Mutual Funds transfer-in must be completed during the Promotion Period while time deposit must be set up within 1-month after the Promotion Period, i.e. on or before January 31, 2019. 6. The principal amount of the time deposit eligible for the Reward must not exceed the value of the Mutual Funds transferred in and subject to a cap of HK$15,000,000 (or its equivalent in foreign currencies). Illustration: Clients who transfer in Mutual Funds can enjoy the Reward with an amount not more than the transfer-in amount for Mutual Funds. E.g. Clients can enjoy the 5% p.a. 1-month AUD time deposit offer of HK$500,000 after transferring in Mutual Funds worth HK$500,000. 7. The Reward is not applicable to time deposits set up via online or mobile channels. 8. All interest rates are annualized interest rates that are for reference only and are not guaranteed. The actual time deposit interest rate will depend on the terms and conditions of the promotion offers, deposit amount, currency, tenor and interest rate on the value date. All interest rates are subject to change due to market fluctuations without prior notice. The Time Deposit Reward is subject to quota availability and will be offered on a first-come-first-serve basis. 9. Once the Reward has been selected and accepted by The Bank, no cancellation or change can be made.

10. All disputes are subject to the final decision of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, which reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. Terms and Conditions for Insurance Financial Needs Analysis: 1. Each client can only enjoy the Financial Need Analysis offer once during the promotion period. For Citigold Private client/citigold /Citi Priority and Citibanking, customers will be offered a Gold-plated figurine or will be offered up to HK$300/$200/$100 cash rebate respectively after completed the Financial Need Analysis. All gifts are available on a first come first served basis while stock lasts. Terms and Conditions applies and client can refer to the Terms and Conditions printed on the gift. Citibank (HK) Ltd is an appointed agent for insurance companies. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR STEP-UP INTEREST ACCOUNT("THE ACCOUNT") (Effective as of September 28, 2018) 1. Interest of the Account is composed of the following 2 components: a. Base Interest 4 is calculated with reference to the Daily Account Balance and is accrued on a daily basis. Tier pricing applies as below: Balance (HK$) Base Interest (p.a) 0 to 1,000,000 0.125% >1,000,000 0.125% b. Bonus Interest 4 is calculated with reference to current month s Daily Average Account Balance, subject to the below terms: i. Customers are eligible for the Bonus Interest only if the current month s Daily Average Account Balance is higher than or equal to previous month s Daily Average Account Balance by the Minimum Growth Amount (HK$8,000 as of Feb 1, 2017 which is subject to change from time to time) pre-determined by Citibank (Hong Kong) Ltd ("the Bank"). ii. Subject to other terms stated herein, fulfilling the criteria stated in (i) will enable an increment of the Step-Up Counter by 1 and each consecutive increment in Step-Up Counter will translate into a 0.08% increment Bonus Interest Rate. For details, please refer to below Step Up Counter Bonus Interest Rate table: Step-Up Counter Incremental Bonus Interest Rate (p.a.) Accumulated Bonus Interest Rate (p.a.) 0 0.00% 0.00% 1 0.08% 0.08% 2 0.08% 0.16% 3 0.08% 0.24% 4 0.08% 0.32% 5 0.08% 0.40% 6 0.08% 0.48% 7 0.08% 0.56% 8 0.08% 0.64% 9 0.08% 0.72% 10 0.08% 0.80% 11 0.08% 0.88% iii. The cap of the Step-Up Counter is 11 whereas the absolute cap of the Bonus Interest Rate is 0.88%p.a. iv. The Step-Up Counter will be reset to zero on the last day of every 18 months after account opening. v. The Bonus Interest Rate applies to maximum Account Balance of HK$1,000,000 only. vi. If customer fails to step-up the current month s Daily Average Account Balance with the Minimum Growth Amount, the Step-Up Counter and hence the Bonus Interest Rate will be reset according to below logic: Existing Step-Up Counter New Step-Up Counter Bonus Interest Rate (p.a.) Total Interest Rate (p.a.) 0-5 0 0.00% 0.125% 6-10 6 0.48% 0.605% 11 11 0.88% 1.005% vii. Bonus Interest will be credited to the Account on the first business day of the subsequent month. ii. The current month s Daily Average Account Balance is calculated by dividing the sum of the Daily Account Balance by the number of calendar days of the current month.

iii. For Customers whose Average Daily Combined Balance falls below the minimum balance requirement, a monthly service fee will be charged (for details of the fee and the minimum balance requirement, please refer to the latest service fee guide which is available at the bank s branches or the bank s website www.citibank.com.hk). Customers using the Account for payroll are eligible for preferential minimum balance waiver until further notice. Customers must continuously use the Account for payroll or the Bank reserves the right to convert the Account to a HKD Savings/ Checking Account, and terminate the above offers anytime without prior notice. iv. All the rates, terms and conditions of the Account including but not limited to Interest rates (Base Interest Rate & Bonus Interest Rate), Minimum Growth Amount, Cap of Step-Up Counter, Bonus Interest Rate cap, Amount eligible for Bonus Interest Rate, Counter Reset mechanics, Minimum Balance Waiver and other features of the Account are subject to periodic reviews and may be changed at the Bank s sole discretion. The Bank reserves the final right to determine whether to award the Bonus Interest to the Account. v. Should there be any Interest rates (Base Interest Rate & Bonus Interest Rate) changes, the Bank shall notify customers through notices posted at branch premises and the Bank s website (www.citibank.com.hk). Customer should pay attention to the notices available from the aforementioned sources. vi. The terms and conditions of Step-Up Interest Account shall be in addition and supplementary to and not in substitution or in derogation of the Terms and Conditions for Accounts and Services and all other terms and conditions applicable to customers from time to time. In case of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of Step-Up Interest Accounts and the Terms and Conditions for Accounts and Services, the terms and conditions herein contained shall prevail. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. All matters or disputes will be subject to the final decision of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited. If there is any inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. Important Disclosure: Products might only be applicable to limited jurisdictions. Terms and conditions for 6% p.a. RMB Time Deposit : The 6.00% p.a. RMB 1-month time deposit rates are only applicable to clients who set up a 1-month time deposit with RMB funds that were converted from HK$200,000 (or above) or equivalent HKD/USD with the Bank. All above mentioned time deposit offers are not applicable to time deposits set up via online or mobile channel and are subjected to change from time to time without prior notice. All interest rates are annualized interest rates that are for reference only and are not guaranteed. The actual time deposit interest rate would depend on the terms and conditions of the promotion offers, deposit amount, currency, tenor and interest rate on the value date. All interest rates are subject to change due to market fluctuations without prior notice. The preferential interest rate is subject to quota availability and it will be offered in first-come-first-serve basis. FX foreign currency trading is subject to rate fluctuations which may provide both opportunities and risks. The actual conversion arrangement will depend on the restrictions prevailing at the relevant time. Investors may experience a loss when they convert foreign currency back to their home currency. Investors should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for them in light of their own financial position, investment objectives and risk profile. Exchange controls imposed by the relevant authorities may also adversely affect the applicable exchange rate. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions without prior notice. All matters and disputes will be subject to the final decision of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited. All obligations herein are payable solely at and by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, subject to the laws of Hong Kong (including governmental actions, orders, decrees and regulations). Products might only be applicable to limited jurisdictions. RMB is currently not freely convertible and conversion of RMB through banks in Hong Kong is subject to certain restrictions. The actual conversion arrangement will depend on the prevailing restrictions at the relevant time. The exchange rate of RMB can go up and down. Exchange controls imposed by the relevant authorities may also adversely affect the applicable exchange rate. Customers are offered offshore ("CNH") rates for RMB conversion. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the content, the English version shall prevail.

Terms and Condition of 3-month time deposit offer 1. 3-month time deposit offer is only applicable to New-to-bank Citigold Private Client and Citigold clients (Clients who do not hold any Citibank banking account in the past 12 months) who set up a HKD 3-month time deposit with new fund of HK$50,000 to HK$20,000,000. Clients must apply for the Integrated Wealth Management Service which includes Mutual Fund, FundSelect Savings Plan, Bonds Brokerage Service, Structured Investment Product, Hong Kong Securities Service, US Securities Service, Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Shanghai Securities Services, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect Shenzhen Securities Services (collectively Securities Services ), Market Linked Account, Premium Account and their associated settlement accounts (collectively Integrated Account ).New-to-bank Citi Priority and Citibanking clients (Clients who do not hold any Citibank banking account in the past 12 months) who set up a HKD 3-month time deposit with a new fund of HK$50,000 to HK$20,000,000 can enjoy up designated offer. Clients must be a holder of Stock Accounts (HK, US & Shanghai A-shares via SH-HK Stock Connect). 2. New funds are defined as the new-to-bank funds incremental to the latest total account balance compared to the Average Daily Combined Balance of the previous month. Funds transferred within the Bank will not be eligible. The Average Daily Combined Balance is calculated based on the sum of your daily balances of deposit, investment and accumulated paid premium of selected insurance products of all your single name account(s) and joint name account(s), divided by the number of days in the month. 3. All interest rates are annualized interest rates that are for reference only and are not guaranteed. The actual time deposit interest rate would depend on the terms and conditions of the promotion offers, deposit amount, currency, tenor and interest rate on the value date. 4. All interest rates are subject to change due to market fluctuations without prior notice. The preferential interest rate is subject to quota availability and it will be offered in first-come-first-serve basis. FX foreign currency trading is subject to rate fluctuations which may provide both opportunities and risks. The actual conversion arrangement will depend on the restrictions prevailing at the relevant time. Investors may experience a loss when they convert foreign currency back to their home currency. Investors should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for them in light of their own financial position, investment objectives and risk profile. Exchange controls imposed by the relevant authorities may also adversely affect the applicable exchange rate. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions without prior notice. All matters and disputes will be subject to the final decision of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited. All obligations herein are payable solely at and by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, subject to the laws of Hong Kong (including governmental actions, orders, decrees and regulations). Products might only be applicable to limited jurisdictions. RMB is currently not freely convertible and conversion of RMB through banks in Hong Kong is subject to certain restrictions. The actual conversion arrangement will depend on the prevailing restrictions at the relevant time. The exchange rate of RMB can go up and down. Exchange controls imposed by the relevant authorities may also adversely affect the applicable exchange rate. Customers are offered offshore ("CNH") rates for RMB conversion. Terms and Condition of Citi Mobile App Foreign Exchange 0% Spread Promotion Offer ( Promotion ) 1. Unless otherwise specified, the Promotion Period is valid from November 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018, both dates inclusive ( Promotion Period ). 2. The Promotion is only applicable to clients who do not hold any Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (the Bank ) banking account in the past 12 months (the New-to-bank Clients ). 3. For joint accounts, the Promotion will be given to the Primary Account Holder. 4. New-to-bank Clients who open banking account(s) within the Promotion Period are eligible to enjoy 0% Spread for the successfully executed Foreign Exchange ( FX ) transactions via Citi Mobile App under the Currency Exchange / Trading function (the Eligible Transaction ) within the first 3 calendar months from account opening (including the month of account opening)( Eligible Offer Period ). E.g. A new to Citibank Client who opens account on December 28, 2018, hence, December 2018 will be the 1st calendar month. Client will be eligible to enjoy 0% Spread for the Eligible Transactions until February 28, 2019 (the 3rd calendar month).

5. The exchange rate/pricing indicated in the Citi Mobile App for any particular currency pair generally includes any profit margin/spread of the Bank and customer will be charged the all-inclusive price for the Eligible Transactions. An amount equivalent to the spread for the Eligible Transaction(s) will be rebated to the customer s debit account (in that corresponding Sell Currency) within 3 months after the Eligible Offer Period ( Rebate ). If there is more than 1 eligible transaction for the debit account, the lump sum amount will be rebated to the corresponding account. The Rebate will be rounded off to 2 decimal places. Rebate Examples: Any Date on Account Opening Month Enjoy the Offer until Rebate Period November 2018 January 31,2019 On or before April 30, 2019 December 2018 February 28, 2019 On or before May 31, 2019 6. If the customer is no longer a customer of the Bank or the debit account is closed at the time of the Rebate is made, the relevant Rebate shall be forfeited absolutely and shall not be paid to the customer through any other means. 7. The spread applicable to any transaction may differ from time to time, transaction to transaction and/or client to client and also depends on the market situation, the size and/or complexity of the transaction, or other commercial factors. Therefore, a standard amount or fixed rate of the spread prior to any transaction may not be ascertainable for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions. If a client wishes to know more about the spread of any Eligible Transaction, please contact our branch staff. 8. The Promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other prevailing FX Promotion Offers and Time Deposit offers involving foreign exchange. 9. The Promotion is not eligible to clients who are the employees of the Bank or Citibank N.A. or its subsidiaries. 10. The Bank reserves the right to suspend, amend and terminate the Promotion, and change these Terms and Conditions from time to time without prior notice. 11. In the event of disputes or any matters in connection with the Promotion, the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding. 12. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail. 13. These terms and conditions shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong SAR and the customers irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court of the Hong Kong SAR. Terms and Conditions of Citi Mobile App Foreign Exchange HK$50 Cash Coupon Rewards ( Reward ): 1. Unless otherwise specified, the Promotion Period is valid from July 6, 2018 to December 31, 2018, both dates inclusive ( Promotion Period ). 2. To be eligible for the Reward, clients ( Eligible Client ) must complete at least one eligible transaction (the Eligible Transaction ) in the amount of HK$15,000 equivalent or above via Citi Mobile App under Currency Exchange / Trading function within the Promotion Period. If the amount involves currency conversion, such currency conversion will be converted at the prevailing exchange rate as determined by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (the Bank ) on the conversion day (Bank fulfillment day). Each Eligible Client can only enjoy the Reward once and receive a maximum of HK$50 cash coupon reward within the Promotion Period. 3. The Eligible Transaction refers to successful buy or sell transaction. 4. The Reward is only applicable to Eligible Client who has never completed any foreign exchange transactions via the Currency Exchange / Trading function of Citibank Online or Citi Mobile App before the Promotion Period. 5. The Reward will be only given once to the Primary Account Holder for joint accounts. 6. The Reward will be sent to the clients correspondence address according to the Bank s record at the time of reward fulfillment. If Eligible Client is not a client of the Bank on the time of reward fulfilment, the Reward shall be forfeited absolutely and shall not be paid to the Eligible Client through any other means. 7. Reward fulfillment:

Transaction Period Reward Fulfillment From July 6 to September 30, 2018 On or before December 31, 2018 From October 1 to December 31, 2018 On or before March 31, 2019 8. The usage of cash coupon is subject to the relevant Terms and Conditions printed on the gift voucher. The Bank is not responsible for and shall have no liability in respect of the quality of products and services provided by the supplier of the Cash Coupons. 9. All Rewards are not applicable to US persons. 10. All Rewards cannot be transferred or exchanged for cash or other offers. 11. The Bank reserves the right to suspend, amend and terminate the offers and change the Terms and Conditions from time to time without any liability and without prior notice. In case of any dispute, the Bank s decision shall be final and conclusive. 12. The English version of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail wherever there is a discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions. 13. These terms and conditions shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong SAR and the customers irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court of the Hong Kong SAR. Important Disclaimer for Foreign Currency Exchange / Trading : This material is for information only and does not constitute any offer or solicitation to buy or sell. The risk of loss in foreign exchange trading can be substantial. Foreign currency trading is subject to rate fluctuations which may provide both opportunities and risks. Foreign exchange trading involves risk, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. RMB exchange, like any other currency, is subject to exchange rate fluctuations. The exchange rate of RMB can go up and down. The applicable rate of RMB exchange is the offshore ("CNH") rates. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop loss" or "stop limit" orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. Investors may experience a loss when they convert foreign currency back to their home currency. Foreign currency trading involves risk, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Investors should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in the light of their own financial position, investment objectives and risk profile. Exchange Controls imposed by the relevant authorities may also adversely affect the applicable exchange rate. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited endeavors to ensure the accuracy and reliability of any data and information they provide but do not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of such data and information and accepts no liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracies or omission. The use of such data and information is at the user's sole risk. Such data and information of this web page are provided for personal use only and shall not be furnished to any other person or entity for any reason. Any copying, reproduction and/or redistribution of any of the documents, data, content or materials contained on or within the Citibank Online and/or provided through the services without the express consent from Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited is strictly prohibited. The above illustrative example is hypothetical provided for illustrative purpose only. The scenarios are not based on the past performance of foreign currency. The Bank is not making any prediction of future movements in foreign currency by virtue of providing the illustrative example. It does not represent all possible outcomes or describe all possible factors that may affect the payout of a transaction in Foreign Exchange Order Watching. Important Notice: This website is for information only and does not constitute any offer or solicitation to buy or sell. The risk of loss in foreign exchange trading can be substantial. Foreign currency trading is subject to rate fluctuations which may provide both opportunities and risks. Foreign exchange trading involves risk, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. RMB exchange, like any other currency, is subject to exchange rate fluctuations. The exchange rate of RMB can go up and down. The applicable rate of RMB exchange is the offshore ("CNH") rates. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop loss" or "stop limit" orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. Investors may experience a loss when they convert foreign currency back to their home currency. Foreign currency

trading involves risk, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Investors should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in the light of their own financial position, investment objectives and risk profile. Exchange Controls imposed by the relevant authorities may also adversely affect the applicable exchange rate. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited endeavors to ensure the accuracy and reliability of any data and information they provide but do not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of such data and information and accepts no liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracies or omission. The use of such data and information is at the user's sole risk. Such data and information of this web page are provided for personal use only and shall not be furnished to any other person or entity for any reason. Any copying, reproduction and/or redistribution of any of the documents, data, content or materials contained on or within the Citibank Online and/or provided through the services without the express consent from Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited is strictly prohibited. The above illustrative example is hypothetical provided for illustrative purpose only. The scenarios are not based on the past performance of foreign currency. The Bank is not making any prediction of future movements in foreign currency by virtue of providing the illustrative example. It does not represent all possible outcomes or describe all possible factors that may affect the payout of a transaction in Foreign Exchange Order Watching. Important Disclaimer for Stock Trading : You should seek advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding tax that might arise from investing in overseas products. This material is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute any offer or solicitation or advice to buy or sell any security. Investments are not bank deposits and are not obligations of, guaranteed or insured by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, Citibank, N.A., Citigroup Inc. or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries, or by any local government or insurance agency, and involve risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Share prices may go down as well as up. Investment products are not available for U.S. persons and might only be applicable to limited jurisdiction. Any person considering an investment should seek independent advice on the suitability or otherwise of the particular investment. Important Disclaimer: You should seek advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding tax that might arise from investing in overseas products. This material is for information only and is not intended to constitute any offer or solicitation to buy or sell. Investments should not be treated as a substitute for time deposits. Investors should refer to the relevant investment products offering documents for detailed information prior to subscription. Investments are not bank deposits and involve risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Investors investing in investment products denominated in non-local currency should be aware of the risk of exchange rate fluctuations that may cause a loss of principal. Unit prices may go down as well as up. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Unless specified, these investments are not obligations of, guaranteed or insured by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, Citibank N.A., Citigroup Inc. or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries, or by any local government or insurance agency. Investment products are not eligible for U.S. persons and might only be applicable to limited jurisdiction. Potential investors should consider if an investment is suitable for them in the light of their own financial position, investment objectives and risk profile. Foreign currency trading is subject to rate fluctuations which may provide both opportunities and risks. Investors may experience a loss when they convert foreign currency back to their home currency. Investors should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for them in light of their own financial position, investment objectives and risk profile. Exchange Controls imposed by the relevant authorities may also adversely affect the applicable exchange rate. Citibank or any of its associates will benefit from the origination and distribution of the in-house product.