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1 足阳明胃经 Stomach Meridian of Foot Yang-Ming Lecturer: Dr Leong Kwai Yin

2 Pathway Diagram of the Stomach Meridian

3 Pathway of the Stomach Meridian Starting beside the nose, near LI20 迎香, the Stomach Meridian meets the Bladder Meridian at point BL01 睛明 on the forehead. From ST01 承泣, just below the eye, it passes into the upper gums and around the mouth to link with the Governing and Conception Vessels. Next, via the lower gums, it ascends in front of the ear to the forehead. From the jaw it descends alongside the throat to the collarbone region, where an internal branch descends to meet the stomach and spleen.

4 Pathway of the Stomach Meridian The superficial path continues down over the abdomen to the pubic area, where a second internal branch from the Stomach Meridian rejoins it. The Meridian continues down the anterior thigh, passing just to the outside of the kneecap. At ST36 足三里, below the knee, the Meridian divides again. The surface branch runs down the leg beside the shinbone, ending on the outside of the second toe. The deeper branch descends to the middle toe. From the top of the foot a connection runs to the Spleen Meridian.

5 Physiology The Stomach Meridian has the following functions: 1. Distribute Qi to the face and normalises the function of the sense organs. 2. Regulate the function of the digestive system. 3. TonifyQi and Blood. 4. Nourish and strengthen the four extremities. 阳明经多气多血萎证独取阳明

6 Indications Heat Syndrome. 阳明经证 Digestive Disorders. 消化系统病变 Head, Face and Sense Organ Disorders. 头脸五官病变 Qi and Blood Deficiency. 气血亏虚 Mental Disorders. 癫狂证 Breast Disorders. 乳腺病变

7 45Acupoints(1 of 5) ST01( 承泣 Cheng Qi) Tear Container ST02( 四白 Si Bai) Four Whites ST03( 巨髎 JuLiao) Great Bone Hole ST04( 地仓 Di Cang) Earth Granary ST05( 大迎 Da Ying) Great Reception ST06( 颊车 JiaChe) Jawbone ST07( 下关 Xia Guan) Below the Joint ST08( 头维 TouWei) Head Corner ST09 ( 人迎 Ren Ying) Man's Prognosis ST10( 水突 ShuiTu) Water Prominence

8 45Acupoints(2 of 5) ST11( 气舍 Qi She) Qi Abode ST12( 缺盆 QuePen) Empty Basin ST13( 气户 Qi Hu) Qi Door ST14( 库房 Ku Fang) Storeroom ST15( 屋翳 Wu Yi) Roof ST16( 膺窗 Ying Chuang) Breast Window ST17( 乳中 Ru Zhong) Breast Centre ST18( 乳根 Ru Gen) Breast Root ST19 ( 不容 Bu Rong) Not Contained ST20( 承满 Cheng Man) Assuming Fullness

9 45Acupoints(3 of 5) ST21( 梁门 Liang Men) Beam Gate ST22( 关门 Guan Men) Pass Gate ST23( 太乙 Tai Yi) Supreme Unity ST24( 滑肉门 Hua Rou Men) Slippery Flesh Gate ST25( 天枢 Tian Shu) Celestial Pivot ST26( 外陵 Wai Ling) Outer Mound ST27( 大巨 Da Ju) Great Gigantic ST28( 水道 ShuiDao) Waterway ST29 ( 归来 GuiLai) Return ST30( 气冲 Qi Chong) Surging Qi

10 45Acupoints(4 of 5) ST31( 髀关 Bi Guan) Thigh Joint ST32( 伏兔 Fu Tu) Crouching Rabbit ST33( 阴市 Yin Shi) Yin Market ST34( 梁丘 Liang Qiu) Beam Hill ST35( 犊鼻 Du Bi) Calf's Nose ST36( 足三里 ZuSan Li) Leg Three Li ST37( 上巨虚 Shang JuXu) Upper Great Hollow ST38( 条口 TiaoKou) Ribbon Opening ST39 ( 下巨虚 Xia JuXu) Lower Great Hollow ST40( 丰隆 Feng Long) Bountiful Bulge

11 ST41( 解溪 JieXi) Ravine Divide ST42( 冲阳 Chong Yang) Surging Yang ST43( 陷谷 Xian Gu) Sunken Valley ST44( 内庭 NeiTing) Inner Court ST45( 历兑 Li Dui) Severe Mouth 45Acupoints(5 of 5)

12 ST01 ( 承泣 Chéngqì) Tear Container Location: With eyes looking straight forward, the point is directly below the pupil, between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge. Actions: Benefits the eyes and stops lacrimation; eliminates wind and clears heat. 散风清热, 明目止泪 Indications: Redness, swelling and pain of the eye, lacrimation, night blindness, twitching of eyelids, facial paralysis. 胃经与阳跷 任脉的交汇穴任脉的交汇穴 Meeting Point of the Stomach Channel with the Yang Motility and Conception Vessels

13 ST02 ( 四白 Sìbái) Four Whites Location: Directly below the pupil, in the depression at the infraorbital foramen. Actions: Eliminates wind, clears heat and benefits the eyes. 散风明目, 舒筋活络 Indications: Redness, pain and itching of the eye, facial paralysis, twitching of eye lids, pain in the face.

14 ST04( 地仓 Dìcāng) Earth Granary Location: Lateral to the corner of the mouth, directly below the pupil. Actions: Eliminates wind from the face; activates the channel and alleviates pain. 散风止痛, 舒经活络 Indications: Deviation of the mouth, salivation, twitching of eyelids, trigeminal neuralgia. 手足阳明与阳跷 任脉的交汇穴任脉的交汇穴 Meeting Point of the Stomach and Large Intestine Channels with the Yang Motility and Conception Vessels

15 ST06( 颊车 Jiáchē) Jawbone Location: One finger-breadth (middle finger) anterior and superior to the lower angle of the mandible where muscle masseter is prominence when the teeth are clenched, and depressive when it is pressed. Actions: Eliminates wind and benefits the jaw and teeth; activates the channel and alleviates pain. 散风清热, 开关通络 Indications: Facial paralysis, toothache, swelling of the cheek and face, mumps, trismus. 孙思邈十三鬼穴之一 Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

16 ST07 ( 下关 Xiàguān) Below the Joint Location: On the face, anterior to the ear, in the depression between the zygomatic arch and the mandibular notch. This point is located with the mouth closed. Actions: Benefits the ears, jaw and teeth; activates the channel and alleviates pain. 消肿止痛, 聪耳通络 Indications:Deafness, tinnitus, otorrhea, toothache, facial paralysis, pain of the face, motor impairment of the jaw, trigeminal neuralgia. 足阳明 少阳之交会穴 Meeting Point of the Stomach and Gallbladder Channels

17 ST08 ( 头维 Tóuwéi) Head Corner Location: At the corner of the forehead, 4.5 cun lateral to Shenting 神庭 GV24 and 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline. Actions: Eliminates wind and alleviates pain; benefits the eyes. 熄风镇痉, 止痛明目 Indications: Headache, blurring of vision, ophthalmalgia, lacrimation.

18 ST09 ( 人迎 Rényíng) Man's Prognosis Location: Level with the tip of Adam's apple where the pulsation of common carotid artery is palpable, on the anterior border of muscle sternocleidomastoideus. Actions: Regulates Qi and blood and lowers rebellion; benefits the throat and neck; alleviates pain. 宽胸定喘, 散结清热 Indications: Sore throat, asthma, goitre, dizziness, flushing of the face, hypertension.

19 ST21 ( 梁门 Liángmén) Beam Gate Location: 4 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Zhongwan (CV12 中脘 ). Actions: Regulates Qi and alleviates pain; harmonizes the middle jiao and transforms stagnation; raises the Qi and stops diarrhoea. 和胃降逆, 消积化滞 Indications: Gastric pain, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal distension, diarrhoea.

20 ST24 ( 滑肉门 Huáròumén) Slippery Flesh Gate Location: 1 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Shuifen (CV09 水分 ). Actions: Transforms phlegm and calms the spirit; harmonizes the Stomach and alleviates vomiting. 镇静化痰, 健胃止呕 Indications: Gastric pain, vomiting, mania. 瘦身常用滑肉门

21 ST25( 天枢 Tiānshū) Celestial Pivot Location: On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus. Actions: Regulates the intestines; regulates the Spleen and Stomach; resolves dampness and dampheat; regulates Qi and blood and eliminates stagnation. 调中和胃, 理气健脾 Indications: Abdominal pain and distension, borborygmus, pain around the umbilicus, constipation, diarrhoea, dysentery, irregular menstruation, edema. 大肠经之募穴 Front Mu of the Large Intestine

22 ST28 ( 水道 Shǔidào) Waterway Location: 3 cun below the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Guanyuan (CV04 关元 ). Actions: Regulates the lower jiao and dispels stagnation; benefits the Bladder and the uterus. 利水消肿, 调经止痛 Indications: Lower abdominal distension, retention of urine, edema, hernia, dysmenorrhea, sterility.

23 ST29 ( 归来 Gūilái) Return Location: 4 cun below the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Zhongji (CV03 中极 ). Actions: Warms the lower jiao; regulates menstruation and benefits the genital region. 行气疏肝, 调经止带, 活血散滞 Indications: Abdominal pain, hernia, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, leukorrhoea, prolapse of the uterus.

24 ST31 ( 髀关 Bìguān) Thigh Joint Location: On the upper thigh, in a depression just lateral to the sartorius muscle, at the junction of a vertical line drawn downward from the anterior superior iliac spine, and a horizontal line drawn level with the lower border of the pubic symphysis. Actions: Activates the channel and alleviates pain; dispels wind-damp. 疏通经络 Indications: Pain in the thigh, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, numbness and pain of the lower extremities.

25 ST32 ( 伏兔 Fútù) Crouching Rabbit Location: On the line connecting the anterior superior iliac spine and lateral border of the patella, 6 cun above the laterosuperior border of the patella. Actions: Activates the channel and alleviates pain; dispels wind-damp. 散寒化湿, 疏通经络 Indications: Pain in the lumbar and iliac region, coldness of the knee, paralysis or motor impairment and pain of the lower extremities, beriberi.

26 ST34 ( 梁丘 Liángqiū) Beam Hill Location: When the knee is flexed, the point is 2 cun above the laterosuperior border of the patella. Actions: Activates the channel and alleviates pain; harmonizes the Stomach and alleviates pain; moderates acute conditions. 和胃消肿, 宁神定痛 Indications: Pain and numbness of the knee, gastric pain, mastitis, motor impairment of the lower extremities. 郄穴 Xi-Cleft Point

27 ST35 ( 犊鼻 Dúbí) Calf's Nose Location: When the knee is flexed, the point is at the lower border of the patella, in the depression lateral to the patellar ligament. Actions: Dispels wind-damp and reduces swelling; activates the channel and alleviates pain. 消肿止痛, 通经活络 Indications: Pain, numbness and motor impairment of the knee, beriberi.

28 ST36 ( 足三里 Zúsānlǐ) Leg Three Li Location: 3 cun below Dubi (ST35) 犊鼻, one finger-breadth (middle finger) from the anterior border of the tibia. Actions: Harmonizes the Stomach; fortifies the Spleen and resolves dampness; supports the correct Qi and fosters the original Qi; tonifies Qi and nourishes blood and Yin; clears fire and calms the spirit; activates the channel and alleviates pain; revives the yang and restores consciousness. 健脾和胃, 调和气血, 扶正培元, 通经活血 合穴 He-Sea & Earth Point

29 ST36 ( 足三里 Zúsānlǐ) Leg Three Li Indications: Gastric pain, vomiting hiccup, abdominal distension, borborygmus, diarrhoea, dysentery, constipation, mastitis, enteritis, aching of the knee joint and leg, beriberi, edema, cough, asthma, emaciation due to general deficiency, indigestion, apoplexy, hemiplegia, dizziness, insomnia, mania. 孙思邈 千金要方千金要方 : 若要安, 三里常不干 合穴 He-Sea & Earth Point

30 ST37 ( 上巨虚 Shàngjùxū)Upper Great Hollow Location: On the lower leg, 3 cunbelow Zusanli 足三里 ST36, one finger-breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia. Actions: Regulates the intestines and transforms stagnation; clears damp heat and alleviates diarrhoea and dysenteric disorder; regulates the Spleen and Stomach; activates the channel and alleviates pain. 消肿止痛, 通经活络 Indications: Abdominal pain and distension, borborygmus, diarrhoea, dysentery, constipation, enteritis, paralysis due to stroke, beriberi. 大肠之下合穴 Lower Uniting Point of the Large Intestine

31 ST38 ( 条口 Tiáokǒu) Ribbon Opening Location: 8 cun below Dubi 犊鼻 (ST35), and one finger breadth (middle finger) from the anterior border of the tibia. Actions:Expels wind-damp and alleviates pain; benefits the shoulder. 祛湿温经, 舒筋活络 Indications: Numbness, soreness and pain of the knee and leg, weakness and motor impairment of the foot, pain and motor impairment of the shoulder, abdominal pain. 肩臂不举找条口

32 ST39 ( 下巨虚 Xiàjùxū)Lower Great Hollow Location: On the lower leg, 3 cunbelow Shangjuxu 上巨虚 ST37, one finger-breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia. Actions: Moves SI Qi and transforms stagnation; regulates and harmonizes the intestines and clears damp-heat; activates the channel and alleviates pain. 调和肠胃, 通经活络 Indications: Lower abdominal pain, backache referring to the testis, mastitis, numbness and paralysis of the lower extremities. 小肠之下合穴 Lower Uniting Point of the Small Intestine

33 ST40( 丰隆 Fēnglǒng)Bountiful Bulge Location: 8 cun superior to the tip of the external malleolus, lateral to Tiaokou 条口 (ST38) about two finger-breadth lateral to the anterior border of the tibia. Actions: Transforms phlegm and dampness; benefits the chest; clears phlegm from the Lung and alleviates cough and wheezing; clears phlegm from the Heart and calms the spirit; activates the channel and alleviates pain. 健脾化痰, 和胃降逆 Indications: Headache, dizziness and vertigo, cough, asthma, excessive sputum, pain in the chest, constipation, mania, epilepsy, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, pain, swelling or paralysis of the lower extremities. 健脾化痰找丰隆 络穴 Luo (Connecting) Point

34 ST41 ( 解溪 Jiěxī) Ravine Divide Location: On the dorsum of the foot, at the midpoint of the transverse crease of the ankle joint, in the depression between the tendons of m. extensor digitorum longus and hallucis longus, approximately at the level of the tip of the external malleolus. Actions:Clears heat from the Stomach channel and Fu; calms the spirit; activates the channel and alleviates pain. 清胃降逆, 镇惊宁神 Indications: Pain of the ankle joint, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, pain and paralysis of the lower extremities, epilepsy, headache, dizziness and vertigo, abdominal distension. constipation. 经穴 Jing-River & Fire Point

35 ST43( 陷谷 Xiàn-gǔ) Sunken Valley Location: On the dorsum of the foot, between the second and third metatarsal bones, in a depression 1 cun proximal to Neiting ST-44. Actions: Regulates the Spleen and dispels oedema, regulates and harmonizes the Stomach and intestines. 清热解表, 和胃行水, 理气止痛 Indications: Facial or general oedema, abdominal pain, borborygmus, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot. 输穴 Shu-Stream & Wood Point

36 ST44 ( 内庭 Nèitíng) Inner Court Location: On the dorsum of the foot, between the second and third toes, 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web. Actions: Clears heat from the Stomach channel and alleviates pain; harmonizes the intestines and clears damp-heat; calms the spirit. 清降胃火, 和胃健脾, 清心安神 Indications: Toothache, pain in the face, deviation of the mouth, sore throat, epistaxis, gastric pain, acid regurgitation, abdominal distension, diarrhoea, dysentery, constipation, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot, febrile diseases. 荥穴 Ying-Spring & Water Point

37 ST45 ( 厉兑 Lìduì) Severe Mouth Location: On the lateral side of the 2nd toe, 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail. Actions: Clears heat from the Stomach channel; clears heat, calms the spirit and restores consciousness. 清化湿热, 调胃安神 Indications: Facial swelling, deviation of the mouth, epistaxis, toothache, sore throat and hoarse voice, abdominal distension, coldness in the leg and foot, febrile diseases, dreamdisturbed sleep, mania. 井穴 Jing-Well & Metal Point

38 孙思邈十三鬼穴 十三鬼穴疗法适用于一切精神疾患, 如癔病 精神分裂症 癫狂等, 也可用于由高热所致的狂躁不安等证 现在多用孙思邈的十三鬼穴 古代多有祟病的记载, 即古人认为有鬼怪寄存在人体中不肯离去, 使得人出现一系列异常表现 人中 ( 鬼宫 ) 少商 ( 鬼信 ) 隐白 ( 鬼垒 ) 大陵 ( 鬼心 ) 申脉 ( 鬼路 ) 风府 ( 鬼枕 ) 颊车 ( 鬼床 ) 承浆 ( 鬼市 ) 劳宫 ( 鬼窟 ) 上星 ( 鬼堂 ) 男会阴女玉门头 ( 鬼藏 ) 曲池 ( 鬼腿 ) 海泉 ( 鬼封 )

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