2016 Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center Published by Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center 3456 Glenmark Drive Hacienda Heights,

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1 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品 Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center

2 2016 Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center Published by Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center 3456 Glenmark Drive Hacienda Heights, CA U.S.A. Tel: (626) / (626) Fax: (626) Protected by copyright under the terms of the International Copyright Union; all rights reserved. Except for fair use in book reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced for any reason by any means, including any method of photographic reproduction, without permission of the publisher. Printed in Taiwan.

3 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品

4 目錄 楊枝淨水讚 2 開經偈 4 妙法蓮華經 觀世音菩薩普門品 6 般若波羅蜜多心經 62 千手千眼無礙大悲心陀羅尼 70 三皈依 76 迴向偈 78

5 Table of Contents Praise of Holy Water 3 Sutra Opening Verse 5 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 7 Heart Sutra 63 Dharani of Great Compassion 70 Triple Refuge 77 Dedication of Merit 79 Glossary 80

6 Yang Zhi Jing Shui Zan 楊枝淨水讚 Yang Zhi Jing Shui Bian Sa San Qian 楊 枝 淨 水 遍 灑 三 千 Xing Kong Ba De Li Ren Tian 性 空 八 德 利 人 天 Fu Shou Guang Zeng Yan 福 壽 廣 增 延 Mie Zui Xiao Qian 滅 罪 消 愆 Huo Yan Hua Hong Lian 火 燄 化 紅 蓮 Nan Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa 南 無 觀 世 音 菩 薩 Mo He Sa 摩 訶 薩 ( 三稱 ) 2

7 Praise of Holy Water With willow twigs, may the holy water be sprinkled on the three thousand realms. May the nature of emptiness and eight virtues benefit heaven and earth. May good fortune and long life both be enhanced and extended. May wrongdoing be extinguished and be gone. Burning flames transform into red lotus blossoms. We take refuge in Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva- Mahasattva. (repeat three times) 3

8 Nan Mo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin 南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音 Pu Sa 菩 薩 ( 三稱 ) Kai Jing Ji 開 經 偈 Wu Shang Shen Shen Wei Miao Fa 無 上 甚 深 微 妙 法 Bai Qian Wan Jie Nan Zao Yu 百 千 萬 劫 難 遭 遇 Wo Jin Jian Wen De Shou Chi 我 今 見 聞 得 受 持 Yuan Jie Ru Lai Zhen Shi Yi 願 解 如 來 真 實 義 4

9 Homage to great compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. (repeat three times) Sutra Opening Verse The unexcelled, most profound, and exquisitely wondrous Dharma, Is difficult to encounter throughout hundreds of thousands of millions of kalpas. Since we are now able to see, hear, receive and retain it, May we comprehend the true meaning of the Tathagata. 5

10 Miao Fa Lian Hua Jing 妙法蓮華經 Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Pu Men Pin 觀 世 音 菩 薩 普 門 品 Er Shi Wu Jin Yi Pu Sa Ji 爾 時 無 盡 意 菩 薩, 即 Cong Zuo Qi Pian Tan You Jian He 從 座 起, 偏 袒 右 肩, 合 Zhang Xiang Fo Er Zuo Shi Yan Shi 掌 向 佛, 而 作 是 言 : 世 Zun Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Yi He 尊! 觀 世 音 菩 薩 以 何 Yin Yuan Ming Guan Shi Yin Fo Gao 因 緣 名 觀 世 音? 佛 告 Wu Jin Yi Pu Sa Shan Nan Zi 無 盡 意 菩 薩 : 善 男 子! Ruo You Wu Liang Bai Qian Wan Yi 若 有 無 量 百 千 萬 億 6

11 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avaloki tesvara Bodhisattva At that time, Aksayamati Bodhi sattva rose from his seat, bared his right shoulder, put his palms together facing the Buddha, and said, World-honored One, for what reason is Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva named Observing the Sounds of the World? The Buddha answered Aksayamati Bodhi sattva, Good men, if there be countless hundreds of millions of billions of living beings [...] 7

12 8 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Zhong Sheng Shou Zhu Ku Nao Wen Shi 眾 生, 受 諸 苦 惱, 聞 是 Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Yi Xin Cheng 觀 世 音 菩 薩, 一 心 稱 Ming Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Ji Shi 名, 觀 世 音 菩 薩 即 時 Guan Qi Yin Sheng Jie De Jie Tuo 觀 其 音 聲, 皆 得 解 脫 Ruo You Chi Shi Guan Shi Yin Pu 若 有 持 是 觀 世 音 菩 Sa Ming Zhe She Ru Da Huo Huo 薩 名 者, 設 入 大 火, 火 Bu Neng Shao You Shi Pu Sa Wei 不 能 燒, 由 是 菩 薩 威 Shen Li Gu Ruo Wei Da Shui Suo 神 力 故 若 為 大 水 所 Piao Cheng Qi Ming Hao Ji De Qian 漂, 稱 其 名 號, 即 得 淺 Chu Ruo You Bai Qian Wan Yi Zhong 處 若 有 百 千 萬 億 眾 Sheng Wei Qiu Jin Yin Liu Li Che 生, 為 求 金 銀 琉 璃 硨

13 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 9 [...] experiencing all manner of suffering who hear of Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva and call his name with single-minded effort, then Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva will instantly observe the sound of their cries, and they will all be liberated. If anyone who upholds the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhi sattva were to fall into a great fire, the fire would be unable to burn that person due to the bodhi sattva s awe-inspiring spiritual powers. If anyone, carried away by a flood, were to call his name, that person would immediately reach a shallow place. If there are living beings in the hundreds of millions of billions who go out to sea in search of such treasures as gold, silver, lapis lazuli, mother of pearl,

14 10 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Qu Ma Nao Shan Hu Hu Po Zhen 磲 瑪 瑙 珊 瑚 琥 珀 真 Zhu Deng Bao Ru Yu Da Hai Jia 珠 等 寶, 入 於 大 海, 假 Shi Hei Feng Chui Qi Chuan Fang Piao 使 黑 風 吹 其 船 舫, 漂 Duo Luo Cha Gui Guo Qi Zhong Ruo 墮 羅 剎 鬼 國, 其 中 若 You Nai Zhi Yi Ren Cheng Guan Shi 有 乃 至 一 人 稱 觀 世 Yin Pu Sa Ming Zhe Shi Zhu Ren 音 菩 薩 名 者, 是 諸 人 Deng Jie De Jie Tuo Luo Cha Zhi 等, 皆 得 解 脫 羅 剎 之 Nan Yi Shi Yin Yuan Ming Guan Shi 難 以 是 因 緣, 名 觀 世 Yin Ruo Fu You Ren Lin Dang Bei 音 若 復 有 人, 臨 當 被 Hai Cheng Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Ming 害, 稱 觀 世 音 菩 薩 名 Zhe Bi Suo Zhi Dao Zhang Xun Duan 者, 彼 所 執 刀 杖, 尋 段

15 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 11 carnelian, coral, amber, and pearls, and if a fierce storm were to blow their ship off course to make landfall in the territory of raksas, and further if among them there is even one person who calls the name of Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva, then all of those people will be liberated from the torment of the raksas. This is why the bodhisattva is named Observing the Sounds of the World. Or if someone facing imminent attack calls the name of Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva, the knives and clubs held by the attackers will then break into pieces, and that person will attain liberation.

16 12 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Duan Huai Er De Jie Tuo Ruo San 段 壞, 而 得 解 脫 若 三 Qian Da Qian Guo Tu Man Zhong Ye 千 大 千 國 土, 滿 中 夜 Cha Luo Cha Yu Lai Nao Ren Wen 叉 羅 剎, 欲 來 惱 人, 聞 Qi Cheng Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Ming 其 稱 觀 世 音 菩 薩 名 Zhe Shi Zhu E Gui Shang Bu Neng 者, 是 諸 惡 鬼 尚 不 能 Yi E Yan Shi Zhi Kuang Fu Jia 以 惡 眼 視 之, 況 復 加 Hai She Fu You Ren Ruo You Zui 害? 設 復 有 人, 若 有 罪 Ruo Wu Zui Chou Xie Jia Suo Jian 若 無 罪, 杻 械 枷 鎖 檢 Xi Qi Shen Cheng Guan Shi Yin Pu 繫 其 身, 稱 觀 世 音 菩 Sa Ming Zhe Jie Xi Duan Huai Ji 薩 名 者, 皆 悉 斷 壞, 即 De Jie Tuo Ruo San Qian Da Qian 得 解 脫 若 三 千 大 千

17 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 13 If a great three thousand-fold world system was full of yaksas and raksas seeking to torment people, and they heard someone call the name of Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva, these evil demons would not even be able to see that person with their evil eyes, much less do any harm. Or if someone, whether guilty or not guilty, who is bound and fettered with manacles, shackles, and cangue calls the name of Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva, then all the bonds will be broken, and that person will instantly attain liberation. [...]

18 14 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Guo Tu Man Zhong Yuan Zei You Yi 國 土, 滿 中 怨 賊, 有 一 Shang Zhu Jiang Zhu Shang Ren Ji Chi 商 主 將 諸 商 人, 齎 持 Zhong Bao Jing Guo Xian Lu Qi Zhong 重 寶, 經 過 險 路, 其 中 Yi Ren Zuo Shi Chang Yan Zhu Shan 一 人 作 是 唱 言 : 諸 善 Nan Zi Wu De Kong Bu Ru Deng 男 子! 勿 得 恐 怖, 汝 等 Ying Dang Yi Xin Cheng Guan Shi Yin 應 當 一 心 稱 觀 世 音 Pu Sa Ming Hao Shi Pu Sa Neng 菩 薩 名 號, 是 菩 薩 能 Yi Wu Wei Shi Yu Zhong Sheng Ru 以 無 畏 施 於 眾 生 ; 汝 Deng Ruo Cheng Ming Zhe Yu Ci Yuan 等 若 稱 名 者, 於 此 怨 Zei Dang De Jie Tuo Zhong Shang Ren 賊, 當 得 解 脫! 眾 商 人 Wen Ju Fa Sheng Yan Nan Mo Guan 聞, 俱 發 聲 言 : 南 無 觀

19 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 15 [...] If a great three thousand-fold world system were full of malevolent brigands, and a merchant chief were leading many merchants carrying valuable treasures along a perilous road, and among them one man were to speak up and say, Good men, do not be afraid. You should call the name of Avaloki tesvara Bodhisattva with single-minded effort, for this bodhi sattva can bestow fearlessness upon living beings. If you call his name, then you will surely be liberated from these malevolent brigands! [...]

20 16 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Shi Yin Pu Sa Cheng Qi Ming Gu 世 音 菩 薩! 稱 其 名 故, Ji De Jie Tuo Wu Jin Yi Guan 即 得 解 脫 無 盡 意! 觀 Shi Yin Pu Sa Mo He Sa Wei 世 音 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩 威 Shen Zhi Li Wei Wei Ru Shi Ruo 神 之 力, 巍 巍 如 是 若 You Zhong Sheng Duo Yu Yin Yu Chang 有 眾 生 多 於 淫 欲, 常 Nian Gong Jing Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa 念 恭 敬 觀 世 音 菩 薩, Bian De Li Yu Ruo Duo Chen Hui 便 得 離 欲 若 多 瞋 恚, Chang Nian Gong Jing Guan Shi Yin Pu 常 念 恭 敬 觀 世 音 菩 Sa Bian De Li Chen Ruo Duo Yu 薩, 便 得 離 瞋 若 多 愚 Chi Chang Nian Gong Jing Guan Shi Yin 癡, 常 念 恭 敬 觀 世 音 Pu Sa Bian De Li Chi Wu Jin 菩 薩, 便 得 離 癡 無 盡

21 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 17 [...] and upon hearing this, if all of the merchants were to call out: I take refuge in Avaloki tesvara Bodhisattva, then by calling his name, they would instantly attain liberation. Aksayamati, lofty indeed are the awe-inspiring spiritual powers of the great Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva. If any living beings are much given to greed, let them keep in mind and revere Avaloki tesvara Bodhisattva, and they will be freed from their greed. If any are much given to anger, let them keep in mind and revere Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva, and they will be freed from their anger. If any are much given to ignorance, let them keep in mind and revere Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva, and they will be freed from their ignorance. [...]

22 18 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Yi Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa You Ru 意! 觀世音菩薩有如 Shi Deng Da Wei Shen Li Duo Suo 是等大威神力, 多所 Rao Yi Shi Gu Zhong Sheng Chang Ying 饒益, 是故眾生常應 Xin Nian Ruo You Nü Ren She Yu 心念 若有女人, 設欲 Qiu Nan Li Bai Gong Yang Guan Shi 求男, 禮拜供養觀世 Yin Pu Sa Bian Sheng Fu De Zhi 音菩薩, 便生福德智 Hui Zhi Nan She Yu Qiu Nü Bian 慧之男 ; 設欲求女, 便 Sheng Duan Zheng You Xiang Zhi Nü Su 生端正有相之女, 宿 Zhi De Ben Zhong Ren Ai Jing Wu 植德本, 眾人愛敬 無 Jin Yi Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa You 盡意! 觀世音菩薩有 Ru Shi Li Ruo You Zhong Sheng Gong 如是力 若有眾生恭

23 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 19 [...] Aksayamati, Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva possesses such awe-inspiring spiritual powers, and many have benefited from them. This is why living beings should constantly keep him in mind. If any woman wishes for a male child by worshipping and making offerings to Avaloki tesvara Bodhisattva, she will then give birth to a son blessed with merit and wisdom. If she wishes for a female child, she will then give birth to a daughter blessed with wellformed and attractive features, one who has planted the roots of virtue over lifetimes and is cherished and respected by all. Aksayamati, such are the powers of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva! [...]

24 20 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Jing Li Bai Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa 敬 禮 拜 觀 世 音 菩 薩, Fu Bu Tang Juan Shi Gu Zhong Sheng 福 不 唐 捐 是 故 眾 生 Jie Ying Shou Chi Guan Shi Yin Pu 皆 應 受 持 觀 世 音 菩 Sa Ming Hao Wu Jin Yi Ruo You 薩 名 號 無 盡 意! 若 有 Ren Shou Chi Liu Shi Er Yi Heng 人 受 持 六 十 二 億 恒 He Sha Pu Sa Ming Zi Fu Jin 河 沙 菩 薩 名 字, 復 盡 Xing Gong Yang Yin Shi Yi Fu Wo 形 供 養 飲 食 衣 服 臥 Ju Yi Yao Yu Ru Yi Yun He 具 醫 藥, 於 汝 意 云 何? Shi Shan Nan Zi Shan Nü Ren Gong 是 善 男 子 善 女 人 功 De Duo Fou Wu Jin Yi Yan Shen 德 多 不? 無 盡 意 言 : 甚 Duo Shi Zun Fo Yan Ruo Fu You 多, 世 尊! 佛 言 : 若 復 有

25 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 21 [...] If any living being reveres and worships Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva, their auspicious merit will not have been in vain. Therefore, let all living beings accept and uphold the name of Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva. Aksayamati, suppose someone were to accept and uphold the names of as many bodhi sattvas as there are grains of sand along sixty-two hundred million Ganges Rivers, and spend a lifetime in making offerings of food, drink, clothing, lodging, and medicines to them. What do you think? Would the merit for such a good man or good woman be great or not? Aksayamati replied, Great indeed, World-honored One. [...]

26 22 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Ren Shou Chi Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa 人 受 持 觀 世 音 菩 薩 Ming Hao Nai Zhi Yi Shi Li Bai 名 號, 乃 至 一 時 禮 拜 Gong Yang Shi Er Ren Fu Zheng Deng 供 養, 是 二 人 福, 正 等 Wu Yi Yu Bai Qian Wan Yi Jie 無 異, 於 百 千 萬 億 劫, Bu Ke Qiong Jin Wu Jin Yi Shou 不 可 窮 盡 無 盡 意! 受 Chi Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Ming Hao 持 觀 世 音 菩 薩 名 號, De Ru Shi Wu Liang Wu Bian Fu 得 如 是 無 量 無 邊 福 De Zhi Li Wu Jin Yi Pu Sa 德 之 利 無 盡 意 菩 薩 Bai Fo Yan Shi Zun Guan Shi Yin 白 佛 言 : 世 尊! 觀 世 音 Pu Sa Yun He You Ci Suo Po 菩 薩 云 何 遊 此 娑 婆 Shi Jie Yun He Er Wei Zhong Sheng 世 界? 云 何 而 為 眾 生

27 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 23 [...] The Buddha said, Suppose there is another person who accepts and upholds the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhi sattva, and worships and makes offerings to him for a single moment; the merit gained by these two people will be exactly the same without any difference. Such merit cannot be exhausted even in hundreds of millions of billions of kalpas. Aksayamati, such are the immeasurable and limitless benefits of the auspicious merit one obtains from accepting and upholding the name of Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva. Aksayamati Bodhi sattva said to the Buddha, World-honored One, how does Avaloki tesvara Bodhisattva wanders through this Saha World? How does he teach the Dharma for the sake of living beings? How does he apply the power of skillful means?

28 24 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Shuo Fa Fang Bian Zhi Li Qi Shi 說 法? 方 便 之 力, 其 事 Yun He Fo Gao Wu Jin Yi Pu 云 何? 佛 告 無 盡 意 菩 Sa Shan Nan Zi Ruo You Guo Tu 薩 : 善 男 子! 若 有 國 土 Zhong Sheng Ying Yi Fo Shen De Du 眾 生, 應 以 佛 身 得 度 Zhe Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Ji Xian 者, 觀 世 音 菩 薩 即 現 Fo Shen Er Wei Shuo Fa Ying Yi 佛 身 而 為 說 法 應 以 Pi Zhi Fo Shen De Du Zhe Ji 辟 支 佛 身 得 度 者, 即 Xian Pi Zhi Fo Shen Er Wei Shuo 現 辟 支 佛 身 而 為 說 Fa Ying Yi Sheng Wen Shen De Du 法 應 以 聲 聞 身 得 度 Zhe Ji Xian Sheng Wen Shen Er Wei 者, 即 現 聲 聞 身 而 為 Shuo Fa Ying Yi Fan Wang Shen De 說 法 應 以 梵 王 身 得

29 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 25 The Buddha told Aksayamati Bodhi sattva, Good men, if there are living beings in this land who should be liberated by someone in the form of a Buddha, then Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva will manifest in the form of a Buddha and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of a pratyekabuddha, then Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva will manifest in the form of a pratyekabuddha and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of a sravaka, then he will manifest in the form of a sravaka and teach the Dharma to them. [...]

30 26 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Du Zhe Ji Xian Fan Wang Shen Er 度 者, 即 現 梵 王 身 而 Wei Shuo Fa Ying Yi Di Shi Shen 為 說 法 應 以 帝 釋 身 De Du Zhe Ji Xian Di Shi Shen 得 度 者, 即 現 帝 釋 身 Er Wei Shuo Fa Ying Yi Zi Zai 而 為 說 法 應 以 自 在 Tian Shen De Du Zhe Ji Xian Zi 天 身 得 度 者, 即 現 自 Zai Tian Shen Er Wei Shuo Fa Ying 在 天 身 而 為 說 法 應 Yi Da Zi Zai Tian Shen De Du 以 大 自 在 天 身 得 度 Zhe Ji Xian Da Zi Zai Tian Shen 者, 即 現 大 自 在 天 身 Er Wei Shuo Fa Ying Yi Tian Da 而 為 說 法 應 以 天 大 Jiang Jun Shen De Du Zhe Ji Xian 將 軍 身 得 度 者, 即 現 Tian Da Jiang Jun Shen Er Wei Shuo 天 大 將 軍 身 而 為 說

31 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 27 [...] For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of King Brahma, then he will manifest in the form of King Brahma and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of Lord Sakra, then he will manifest in the form of Lord Sakra and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of Isvara, then he will manifest in the form of Isvara and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of the Mahesvara, then he will manifest in the form of the Mahesvara and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of a great heavenly general, then he will manifest in the form of a great heavenly general and teach the Dharma to them. [...]

32 28 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Fa Ying Yi Pi Sha Men Shen De 法 應 以 毗 沙 門 身 得 Du Zhe Ji Xian Pi Sha Men Shen 度 者, 即 現 毗 沙 門 身 Er Wei Shuo Fa Ying Yi Xiao Wang 而 為 說 法 應 以 小 王 Shen De Du Zhe Ji Xian Xiao Wang 身 得 度 者, 即 現 小 王 Shen Er Wei Shuo Fa Ying Yi Zhang 身 而 為 說 法 應 以 長 Zhe Shen De Du Zhe Ji Xian Zhang 者 身 得 度 者, 即 現 長 Zhe Shen Er Wei Shuo Fa Ying Yi 者 身 而 為 說 法 應 以 Ju Shi Shen De Du Zhe Ji Xian 居 士 身 得 度 者, 即 現 Ju Shi Shen Er Wei Shuo Fa Ying 居 士 身 而 為 說 法 應 Yi Zai Guan Shen De Du Zhe Ji 以 宰 官 身 得 度 者, 即 Xian Zai Guan Shen Er Wei Shuo Fa 現 宰 官 身 而 為 說 法

33 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 29 [...] For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of Vaisravana, then he will manifest in the form of Vaisravana and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of a lesser king, then he will manifest in the form of a lesser king and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of an elder, then he will manifest in the form of an elder and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of a layperson, then he will manifest in the form of a layperson and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of a minister, then he will manifest in the form of a minister and teach the Dharma to them. [...]

34 30 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Ying Yi Po Luo Men Shen De Du 應 以 婆 羅 門 身 得 度 Zhe Ji Xian Po Luo Men Shen Er 者, 即 現 婆 羅 門 身 而 Wei Shuo Fa Ying Yi Bi Qiu Bi 為 說 法 應 以 比 丘 比 Qiu Ni You Po Se You Po Yi 丘 尼 優 婆 塞 優 婆 夷 Shen De Du Zhe Ji Xian Bi Qiu 身 得 度 者, 即 現 比 丘 Bi Qiu Ni You Po Se You Po 比 丘 尼 優 婆 塞 優 婆 Yi Shen Er Wei Shuo Fa Ying Yi 夷 身 而 為 說 法 應 以 Zhang Zhe Ju Shi Zai Guan Po Luo 長 者 居 士 宰 官 婆 羅 Men Fu Nü Shen De Du Zhe Ji 門 婦 女 身 得 度 者, 即 Xian Fu Nü Shen Er Wei Shuo Fa 現 婦 女 身 而 為 說 法 Ying Yi Tong Nan Tong Nü Shen De 應 以 童 男 童 女 身 得

35 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 31 [...] For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of a brahman, then he will manifest in the form of a brahman and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of a bhiksu, a bhiksuni, an upasaka, or an upasika, then he will manifest in the form of a bhiksu, a bhiksuni, an upasaka, or an upasika and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of a woman from the family of an elder, a layperson, a minister, or a brahman, then he will manifest in the form of a woman and teach the Dharma to them. [...]

36 32 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Du Zhe Ji Xian Tong Nan Tong Nü 度者, 即現童男童女 Shen Er Wei Shuo Fa Ying Yi Tian 身而為說法 應以天 Long Ye Cha Qian Ta Po A Xiu 龍 夜叉 乾闥婆 阿修 Luo Jia Lou Luo Jin Na Luo Mo 羅 迦樓羅 緊那羅 摩 Hou Luo Qie Ren Fei Ren Deng Shen 睺羅伽 人 非人等身 De Du Zhe Ji Jie Xian Zhi Er 得度者, 即皆現之而 Wei Shuo Fa Ying Yi Zhi Jin Gang 為說法 應以執金剛 Shen De Du Zhe Ji Xian Zhi Jin 神得度者, 即現執金 Gang Shen Er Wei Shuo Fa Wu Jin 剛神而為說法 無盡 Yi Shi Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Cheng 意! 是觀世音菩薩, 成 Jiu Ru Shi Gong De Yi Zhong Zhong 就如是功德 以種種

37 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 33 [...] For those who should be liberated by someone in the form of a young boy or young girl, then he will manifest in the form of a young boy or young girl and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by someone in such forms as a deva, a naga, a yaksa, a gandharva, an asura, a garuda, a kimnara, a mahoraga, a human or a nonhuman being, then he will manifest in all these forms and teach the Dharma to them. For those who should be liberated by a vajrapani deity, then he will manifest as a vajrapani deity and teach the Dharma to them. Aksayamati, such is the merit that Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva has accomplished, and the various forms in which he wanders the various lands bringing liberation to living beings.

38 34 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Xing You Zhu Guo Tu Du Tuo Zhong 形, 遊 諸 國 土, 度 脫 眾 Sheng Shi Gu Ru Deng Ying Dang Yi 生 是 故 汝 等 應 當 一 Xin Gong Yang Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa 心 供 養 觀 世 音 菩 薩 Shi Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Mo He 是 觀 世 音 菩 薩 摩 訶 Sa Yu Bu Wei Ji Nan Zhi Zhong 薩, 於 怖 畏 急 難 之 中, Neng Shi Wu Wei Shi Gu Ci Suo 能 施 無 畏, 是 故 此 娑 Po Shi Jie Jie Hao Zhi Wei Shi 婆 世 界, 皆 號 之 為 施 Wu Wei Zhe Wu Jin Yi Pu Sa 無 畏 者 無 盡 意 菩 薩 Bai Fo Yan Shi Zun Wo Jin Dang 白 佛 言 : 世 尊! 我 今 當 Gong Yang Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Ji 供 養 觀 世 音 菩 薩 即 Jie Jing Zhong Bao Zhu Ying Luo Jia 解 頸 眾 寶 珠 瓔 珞, 價

39 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 35 This is why all of you should single-mindedly make offerings to Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva, for it is the great Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva who can bestow fearlessness in the midst of terror and in dire circumstances. This is why everyone in this Saha World calls him the bestower of fearlessness. Aksayamati Bodhi sattva said to the Buddha, World-honored One, now I must make an offering to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. [...]

40 36 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Zhi Bai Qian Liang Jin Er Yi Yu 值 百 千 兩 金, 而 以 與 Zhi Zuo Shi Yan Ren Zhe Shou Ci 之 作 是 言 : 仁 者! 受 此 Fa Shi Zhen Bao Ying Luo Shi Guan 法 施, 珍 寶 瓔 珞 時 觀 Shi Yin Pu Sa Bu Ken Shou Zhi 世 音 菩 薩 不 肯 受 之 Wu Jin Yi Fu Bai Guan Shi Yin 無 盡 意 復 白 觀 世 音 Pu Sa Yan Ren Zhe Min Wo Deng 菩 薩 言 : 仁 者! 愍 我 等 Gu Shou Ci Ying Luo Er Shi Fo 故, 受 此 瓔 珞 爾 時 佛 Gao Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Dang Min 告 觀 世 音 菩 薩 : 當 愍 Ci Wu Jin Yi Pu Sa Ji Si 此 無 盡 意 菩 薩, 及 四 Zhong Tian Long Ye Cha Qian Ta Po 眾 天 龍 夜 叉 乾 闥 婆 A Xiu Luo Jia Lou Luo Jin Na 阿 修 羅 迦 樓 羅 緊 那

41 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 37 [...] Then he took from his neck a necklace of numerous precious gems worth thousands of ounces in gold, and gave it to him saying, Kind one, accept this necklace of precious gems as a Dharma gift. At the time, Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva was unwilling to accept it. Aksayamati spoke once more to Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva, Kind one, accept this necklace as a kindness to us. Then the Buddha said to Avaloki tesvara Bodhisattva, Accept this jeweled necklace out of compassion for Aksayamati Bodhi sattva, as well as the four groups of Buddhist disciples, the devas, nagas, yaksas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras, mahoragas, human and nonhuman beings. [...]

42 38 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Luo Mo Hou Luo Qie Ren Fei Ren 羅 摩 睺 羅 伽 人 非 人 Deng Gu Shou Shi Ying Luo Ji Shi 等 故, 受 是 瓔 珞 即 時 Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Min Zhu Si 觀 世 音 菩 薩, 愍 諸 四 Zhong Ji Yu Tian Long Ren Fei Ren 眾, 及 於 天 龍 人 非 人 Deng Shou Qi Ying Luo Fen Zuo Er 等, 受 其 瓔 珞, 分 作 二 Fen Yi Fen Feng Shi Jia Mou Ni 分 : 一 分 奉 釋 迦 牟 尼 Fo Yi Fen Feng Duo Bao Fo Ta 佛, 一 分 奉 多 寶 佛 塔 Wu Jin Yi Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa 無 盡 意! 觀 世 音 菩 薩, You Ru Shi Zi Zai Shen Li You 有 如 是 自 在 神 力, 遊 Yu Suo Po Shi Jie Er Shi Wu 於 娑 婆 世 界 爾 時 無 Jin Yi Pu Sa Yi Ji Wen Yue 盡 意 菩 薩 以 偈 問 曰 :

43 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 39 [...] Thereupon, Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva accepted the jeweled necklace out of compassion for the four groups of Buddhist disciples, the devas and nagas, and the human and nonhuman beings, and dividing it into two parts, presented one part to Sakyamuni Buddha and presented the other part to the stupa of Prabhutaratna Buddha. Aksayamati, it is with such freely exercised spiritual powers that Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva wanders through the Saha World. Then Aksayamati Bodhi sattva asked his question in verse:

44 40 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Shi Zun Miao Xiang Ju 世 尊 妙 相 具, Wo Jin Chong Wen Bi 我 今 重 問 彼 : Fo Zi He Yin Yuan 佛 子 何 因 緣, Ming Wei Guan Shi Yin 名 為 觀 世 音? Ju Zu Miao Xiang Zun 具 足 妙 相 尊, Ji Da Wu Jin Yi 偈 答 無 盡 意 : Ru Ting Guan Yin Xing 汝 聽 觀 音 行, Shan Ying Zhu Fang Suo 善 應 諸 方 所, Hong Shi Shen Ru Hai 弘 誓 深 如 海, Li Jie Bu Si Yi 歷 劫 不 思 議, Shi Duo Qian Yi Fo 侍 多 千 億 佛,

45 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 41 World-honored One with all the wonderful signs, Let me now ask about him once more: For what reason is this son of the Buddha Named Observing the Sounds of the World? World-honored One with all the wonderful signs Answered Aksayamati in verse: You listen now to the practice of Avaloki tesvara, Who well responds to every region. His great vow is as deep as the sea, Inconceivable even after many kalpas. Having served Buddhas in the hundreds of billions,

46 42 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Fa Da Qing Jing Yuan 發 大 清 淨 願 Wo Wei Ru Lüe Shuo 我 為 汝 略 說, Wen Ming Ji Jian Shen 聞 名 及 見 身, Xin Nian Bu Kong Guo 心 念 不 空 過, Neng Mie Zhu You Ku 能 滅 諸 有 苦 Jia Shi Xing Hai Yi 假 使 興 害 意, Tui Luo Da Huo Keng 推 落 大 火 坑, Nian Bi Guan Yin Li 念 彼 觀 音 力, Huo Keng Bian Cheng Chi 火 坑 變 成 池 Huo Piao Liu Ju Hai 或 漂 流 巨 海, Long Yu Zhu Gui Nan 龍 魚 諸 鬼 難,

47 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 43 He has made a great and pure vow. Let me briefly tell you: Hearing his name and seeing his form, Keeping him unremittingly in mind, Can eliminate all manner of suffering. Suppose someone with harmful intent, Casts you into a great pit of fire; Keep in mind Avaloki tesvara s powers, And the pit of fire will change into a pond. Or you are cast adrift upon an immense ocean, Menaced by dragons, fish, and demons;

48 44 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Nian Bi Guan Yin Li 念 彼 觀 音 力, Bo Lang Bu Neng Mo 波 浪 不 能 沒 Huo Zai Xu Mi Feng 或 在 須 彌 峰, Wei Ren Suo Tui Duo 為 人 所 推 墮, Nian Bi Guan Yin Li 念 彼 觀 音 力, Ru Ri Xu Kong Zhu 如 日 虛 空 住 Huo Bei E Ren Zhu 或 被 惡 人 逐, Duo Luo Jin Gang Shan 墮 落 金 剛 山, Nian Bi Guan Yin Li 念 彼 觀 音 力, Bu Neng Sun Yi Mao 不 能 損 一 毛 Huo Zhi Yuan Zei Rao 或 值 怨 賊 繞,

49 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 45 Keep in mind Avaloki tesvara s powers, And the waves will not drown you. Or someone pushes you down, From the top of Mount Sumeru; Keep in mind Avaloki tesvara s powers, And you will hang in the sky like the sun. Or you are pursued by evil doers, Who push you down from Mount Vajra; Keep in mind Avaloki tesvara s powers, And not one of your hairs will be harmed. Or if surrounded by malevolent brigands,

50 46 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Ge Zhi Dao Jia Hai 各 執 刀 加 害, Nian Bi Guan Yin Li 念 彼 觀 音 力, Xian Ji Qi Ci Xin 咸 即 起 慈 心 Huo Zao Wang Nan Ku 或 遭 王 難 苦, Lin Xing Yu Shou Zhong 臨 刑 欲 壽 終, Nian Bi Guan Yin Li 念 彼 觀 音 力, Dao Xun Duan Duan Huai 刀 尋 段 段 壞 Huo Qiu Jin Jia Suo 或 囚 禁 枷 鎖, Shou Zu Bei Chou Xie 手 足 被 杻 械, Nian Bi Guan Yin Li 念 彼 觀 音 力, Shi Ran De Jie Tuo 釋 然 得 解 脫

51 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 47 Each one brandishing a knife to attack you; Keep in mind Avaloki tesvara s powers, And they will all experience a mind of lovingkindness. Or if persecuted by the royal court, Facing death by execution; Keep in mind Avaloki tesvara s powers, And the executioner s blade will break into pieces. Or if imprisoned with cangue and chains, Hands and feet manacled and shackled; Keep in mind Avaloki tesvara s powers, And the bonds will loosen and you will be liberated.

52 48 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Zhou Zu Zhu Du Yao 咒 詛 諸 毒 藥, Suo Yu Hai Shen Zhe 所 欲 害 身 者, Nian Bi Guan Yin Li 念 彼 觀 音 力, Huan Zhuo Yu Ben Ren 還 著 於 本 人 Huo Yu E Luo Cha 或 遇 惡 羅 剎, Du Long Zhu Gui Deng 毒 龍 諸 鬼 等, Nian Bi Guan Yin Li 念 彼 觀 音 力, Shi Xi Bu Gan Hai 時 悉 不 敢 害 Ruo E Shou Wei Rao 若 惡 獸 圍 繞, Li Ya Zhao Ke Bu 利 牙 爪 可 怖, Nian Bi Guan Yin Li 念 彼 觀 音 力,

53 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 49 If there is someone who would do you harm, Using spells and various poisons; Keep in mind Avaloki tesvara s powers, And any harm will rebound on the originator. Or if you encounter evil raksas, Venomous dragons, various ghosts, and the like; Keep in mind Avaloki tesvara s powers, And then none of them will dare harm you. If you are surrounded by evil beasts With their sharp teeth and claws so horrifying; Keep in mind Avaloki tesvara s powers,

54 50 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Ji Zou Wu Bian Fang 疾 走 無 邊 方 Yuan She Ji Fu Xie 蚖 蛇 及 蝮 蠍, Qi Du Yan Huo Ran 氣 毒 煙 火 然, Nian Bi Guan Yin Li 念 彼 觀 音 力, Xun Sheng Zi Hui Qu 尋 聲 自 迴 去 Yun Lei Gu Che Dian 雲 雷 鼓 掣 電, Jiang Bao Shu Da Yu 降 雹 澍 大 雨, Nian Bi Guan Yin Li 念 彼 觀 音 力, Ying Shi De Xiao San 應 時 得 消 散 Zhong Sheng Bei Kun E 眾 生 被 困 厄, Wu Liang Ku Bi Shen 無 量 苦 逼 身,

55 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 51 And they will flee in all directions. When lizards, snakes, vipers, and scorpions Scorch you with their poisonous vapors; Keep in mind Avaloki tesvara s powers, And they will retreat at the sound of your voice. When thunderclouds rumble with lighting strikes, As hailstones and torrential rains come down; Keep in mind Avaloki tesvara s powers, And the storm will disperse that very moment. Living beings suffer in agony, Oppressed by immeasurable pain;

56 52 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Guan Yin Miao Zhi Li 觀 音 妙 智 力, Neng Jiu Shi Jian Ku 能 救 世 間 苦 Ju Zu Shen Tong Li 具 足 神 通 力, Guang Xiu Zhi Fang Bian 廣 修 智 方 便, Shi Fang Zhu Guo Tu 十 方 諸 國 土, Wu Cha Bu Xian Shen 無 剎 不 現 身 Zhong Zhong Zhu E Qu 種 種 諸 惡 趣, Di Yu Gui Chu Sheng 地 獄 鬼 畜 生, Sheng Lao Bing Si Ku 生 老 病 死 苦, Yi Jian Xi Ling Mie 以 漸 悉 令 滅 Zhen Guan Qing Jing Guan 真 觀 清 淨 觀,

57 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 53 The power of Avaloki tesvara s wondrous wisdom Can bring liberation from the world s sufferings. Perfect in supernatural powers, Widely practicing the skillful means of wisdom, In all the lands of the ten directions, There is no place where he fails to manifest. The lower realms in all their forms, That of hell-beings, hungry ghosts, and animals, The sufferings of birth, old age, sickness, and death, He steadily brings them all to an end. Contemplation of truth, contemplation of purity,

58 54 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Guang Da Zhi Hui Guan 廣 大 智 慧 觀, Bei Guan Ji Ci Guan 悲 觀 及 慈 觀, Chang Yuan Chang Zhan Yang 常 願 常 瞻 仰 Wu Gou Qing Jing Guang 無 垢 清 淨 光, Hui Ri Po Zhu An 慧 日 破 諸 闇, Neng Fu Zai Feng Huo 能 伏 災 風 火, Pu Ming Zhao Shi Jian 普 明 照 世 間 Bei Ti Jie Lei Zhen 悲 體 戒 雷 震, Ci Yi Miao Da Yun 慈 意 妙 大 雲, Shu Gan Lu Fa Yu 澍 甘 露 法 雨, Mie Chu Fan Nao Yan 滅 除 煩 惱 燄

59 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 55 Contemplation of the vast and greater wisdom, Contemplation of compassion and contemplation of kindness; Ever longed for, ever looked up to. His undefiled light of purity Is the wisdom-sun dispelling all darkness, What can quell winds and fires that bring disaster And illuminate the world universally. Precepts of his compassionate body are like rolling thunder; The profundity of his kind mind is like a great cloud; He showers us with Dharma rain like nectar, That extinguishes the flames of affliction.

60 56 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Zheng Song Jing Guan Chu 諍 訟 經 官 處, Bu Wei Jun Zhen Zhong 怖 畏 軍 陣 中, Nian Bi Guan Yin Li 念 彼 觀 音 力, Zhong Yuan Xi Tui San 眾 怨 悉 退 散 Miao Yin Guan Shi Yin 妙 音 觀 世 音, Fan Yin Hai Chao Yin 梵 音 海 潮 音, Sheng Bi Shi Jian Yin 勝 彼 世 間 音, Shi Gu Xu Chang Nian 是 故 須 常 念 Nian Nian Wu Sheng Yi 念 念 勿 生 疑, Guan Shi Yin Jing Sheng 觀 世 音 淨 聖, Yu Ku Nao Si E 於 苦 惱 死 厄,

61 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 57 When lawsuits bring you to court, Or when fear strikes you in battle, Keep in mind Avaloki tesvara s powers, And the enemy forces will all retreat. Contemplating the world s voices with a wondrous voice, A Brahma voice, an ocean-tide voice, What surpasses those voices of the world; Therefore constantly keep them in mind. Never doubt from moment to moment, The pure and noble Avaloki tesvara; For those in pain and agony, or facing death,

62 58 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Neng Wei Zuo Yi Hu 能 為 作 依 怙 Ju Yi Qie Gong De 具 一 切 功 德, Ci Yan Shi Zhong Sheng 慈 眼 視 眾 生, Fu Ju Hai Wu Liang 福 聚 海 無 量, Shi Gu Ying Ding Li 是 故 應 頂 禮 Er Shi Chi Di Pu Sa Ji Cong 爾 時 持 地 菩 薩 即 從 Zuo Qi Qian Bai Fo Yan Shi Zun 座 起, 前 白 佛 言 : 世 尊! Ruo You Zhong Sheng Wen Shi Guan Shi 若 有 眾 生 聞 是 觀 世 Yin Pu Sa Pin Zi Zai Zhi Ye 音 菩 薩 品, 自 在 之 業, Pu Men Shi Xian Shen Tong Li Zhe 普 門 示 現 神 通 力 者, Dang Zhi Shi Ren Gong De Bu Shao 當 知 是 人, 功 德 不 少

63 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 59 He can be their aid and support! In possession of all merit and virtue, He views living beings with the eyes of lovingkindness; His ocean of accumulated merit is infinite, So worship him with prostrations. At this time Dharanimdhara Bodhi sattva rose from his seat, came forward, and said to the Buddha, World-honored One, if there are living beings who hear this chapter on Avaloki tesvara Bodhi sattva about his freedom of action, his revelation of the universal gate, and his supernatural powers, it should be known that their merits are not few. [...]

64 60 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin Fo Shuo Shi Pu Men Pin Shi Zhong 佛 說 是 普 門 品 時, 眾 Zhong Ba Wan Si Qian Zhong Sheng Jie 中 八 萬 四 千 眾 生 皆 Fa Wu Deng Deng A Nou Duo Luo 發 無 等 等 阿 耨 多 羅 San Miao San Pu Ti Xin 三 藐 三 菩 提 心

65 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 61 [...] When the Buddha preached this chapter on the Universal Gate, the eighty-four thousand living beings assembled there all generated the aspiration to attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.

66 Bo Re Bo Luo Mi Duo Xin Jing 般若波羅蜜多心經 Guan Zi Zai Pu Sa Xing Shen Bo 觀自在菩薩, 行深般 Re Bo Luo Mi Duo Shi Zhao Jian 若波羅蜜多時, 照見 Wu Yun Jie Kong Du Yi Qie Ku 五蘊皆空, 度一切苦 E She Li Zi Se Bu Yi Kong 厄 舍利子, 色不異空, Kong Bu Yi Se Se Ji Shi Kong 空不異色, 色即是空, Kong Ji Shi Se Shou Xiang Xing Shi 空即是色, 受想行識, Yi Fu Ru Shi She Li Zi Shi 亦復如是 舍利子, 是 62

67 Heart Sutra Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, while contemplating deeply the prajnaparamita, realized the five aggregates are empty and was liberated from all suffering and hardship. Sariputra, form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form. Form is emptiness. Emptiness is form. The same is true of feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness. [...] 63

68 64 Mohe Bore Boluomiduo Xin Jing Zhu Fa Kong Xiang Bu Sheng Bu Mie 諸法空相, 不生不滅, Bu Gou Bu Jing Bu Zeng Bu Jian 不垢不淨, 不增不減 Shi Gu Kong Zhong Wu Se Wu Shou 是故空中無色, 無受 Xiang Xing Shi Wu Yan Er Bi She 想行識 無眼耳鼻舌 Shen Yi Wu Se Sheng Xiang Wei Chu 身意, 無色聲香味觸 Fa Wu Yan Jie Nai Zhi Wu Yi 法 無眼界, 乃至無意 Shi Jie Wu Wu Ming Yi Wu Wu 識界 無無明, 亦無無 Ming Jin Nai Zhi Wu Lao Si Yi 明盡, 乃至無老死, 亦 Wu Lao Si Jin Wu Ku Ji Mie 無老死盡 無苦集滅 Dao Wu Zhi Yi Wu De Yi Wu 道, 無智亦無得 以無 Suo De Gu Pu Ti Sa Duo Yi 所得故, 菩提薩埵, 依

69 Heart Sutra 65 [...] Sariputra, all phenomena are empty. They do not arise or cease, are not defiled or pure, do not increase or decrease. Thus, in emptiness, there are no forms, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, or consciousness. No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, or mind; no form, sound, smell, taste, touch or dharmas; no eye consciousness so on unto mind consciousness; no ignorance and extinction of ignorance; even unto no aging and death and no extinction of aging and death; no suffering, cause of suffering, cessation, or path; no wisdom and no attainment. [...]

70 66 Mohe Bore Boluomiduo Xin Jing Bo Re Bo Luo Mi Duo Gu Xin 般若波羅蜜多故, 心 Wu Gua Ai Wu Gua Ai Gu Wu 無罣礙, 無罣礙故, 無 You Kong Bu Yuan Li Dian Dao Meng 有恐怖, 遠離顛倒夢 Xiang Jiu Jing Nie Pan San Shi Zhu 想, 究竟涅槃 三世諸 Fo Yi Bo Re Bo Luo Mi Duo 佛, 依般若波羅蜜多 Gu De A Nou Duo Luo San Miao 故, 得阿耨多羅三藐 San Pu Ti Gu Zhi Bo Re Bo 三菩提 故知般若波 Luo Mi Duo Shi Da Shen Zhou Shi 羅蜜多, 是大神咒, 是 Da Ming Zhou Shi Wu Shang Zhou Shi 大明咒, 是無上咒, 是 Wu Deng Deng Zhou Neng Chu Yi Qie 無等等咒, 能除一切 Ku Zhen Shi Bu Xu Gu Shuo Bo 苦, 真實不虛 故說般

71 Heart Sutra 67 [...] As there is no attainment, bodhisattvas who rely on the prajnaparamita have neither worry nor obstruction. Without worry and obstruction, there is no fear. Away from confusion and delusion, they will ultimately reach nirvana. All the Buddhas of the past, present, and future rely on the prajnaparamita to attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Thus, know that the prajnaparamita is the great profound mantra, is the illuminating mantra, is the most supreme of all mantras, is the unequalled mantra, able to eliminate all suffering, is true and not false. [...]

72 68 Mohe Bore Boluomiduo Xin Jing Re Bo Luo Mi Duo Zhou Ji Shuo 若 波 羅 蜜 多 咒, 即 說 Zhou Yue 咒 曰 : Jie Di Jie Di Bo Luo Jie Di 揭 諦 揭 諦 波 羅 揭 諦 Bo Luo Seng Jie Di Pu Ti Sa 波 羅 僧 揭 諦 菩 提 薩 Po He 婆 訶

73 Heart Sutra 69 [...] Thus, proclaim the Prajnaparamita Mantra, proclaim the mantra that says: Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.

74 Qian Shou Qian Yan Wu Ai 千手千眼無礙 Da Bei Xin Tuo Luo Ni 大悲心陀羅尼 Nan Mo He La Da Na Duo La 南 無 喝 囉 怛 那 哆 囉 Ye Ye Nan Mo A Li Ye Po 夜 耶 南 無 阿 唎 耶 婆 Lu Jie Di Shuo Bo La Ye Pu 盧 羯 帝 爍 缽 囉 耶 菩 Ti Sa Duo Po Ye Mo He Sa 提 薩 埵 婆 耶 摩 訶 薩 Duo Po Ye Mo He Jia Lu Ni 埵 婆 耶 摩 訶 迦 盧 尼 Jia Ye An Sa Po La Fa Yi 迦 耶 唵 薩 皤 囉 罰 曳 70

75 Dharani of Great Compassion 71 Shu Da Na Da Xie Nan Mo Xi 數 怛 那 怛 寫 南 無 悉 Ji Li Duo Yi Meng A Li Ye 吉 㗚 埵 伊 蒙 阿 唎 耶 Po Lu Ji Di Shi Fo La Leng 婆 盧 吉 帝, 室 佛 囉 楞 Tuo Po Nan Mo Na La Jin Chi 馱 婆 南 無 那 囉 謹 墀 Xi Li Mo He Po Duo Sha Mie 醯 利 摩 訶, 皤 哆 沙 咩 Sa Po A Ta Dou Shu Peng A 薩 婆 阿 他 豆 輸 朋 阿 Shi Yun Sa Po Sa Duo Na Mo 逝 孕 薩 婆 薩 哆 那 摩 Po Sa Duo Na Mo Po Qie Mo 婆 薩 哆 那 摩 婆 伽 摩 Fa Te Dou Da Zhi Ta An A 罰 特 豆 怛 姪 他 唵 阿 Po Lu Xi Lu Jia Di Jia Luo 婆 盧 醯 盧 迦 帝 迦 羅 Di Yi Xi Li Mo He Pu Ti 帝 夷 醯 唎 摩 訶 菩 提

76 72 Qianshou Qianyan Wu ai Dabeixin Tuoluoni Sa Duo Sa Po Sa Po Mo La 薩埵 薩婆薩婆 摩囉 Mo La Mo Xi Mo Xi Li Tuo 摩囉 摩醯摩醯 唎馱 Yun Ju Lu Ju Lu Jie Meng Du 孕 俱盧俱盧羯蒙 度 Lu Du Lu Fa She Ye Di Mo 盧度盧罰闍耶帝 摩 He Fa She Ye Di Tuo La Tuo 訶罰闍耶帝 陀囉陀 La Di Li Ni Shi Fo La Ye 囉 地唎尼 室佛囉耶 Zhe La Zhe La Mo Mo Fa Mo 遮囉遮囉 摩麼罰摩 La Mu Di Li Yi Xi Yi Xi 囉 穆帝隸 伊醯伊醯 Shi Na Shi Na A La San Fo 室那室那 阿囉嘇佛 La She Li Fa Sha Fa San Fo 囉舍利 罰沙罰嘇 佛 La She Ye Hu Lu Hu Lu Mo 囉舍耶 呼嚧呼嚧摩

77 Dharani of Great Compassion 73 La Hu Lu Hu Lu Xi Li Suo 囉 呼嚧呼嚧醯利 娑 La Suo La Xi Li Xi Li Su 囉娑囉 悉唎悉唎 蘇 Lu Su Lu Pu Ti Ye Pu Ti 嚧蘇嚧 菩提夜菩提 Ye Pu Tuo Ye Pu Tuo Ye Mi 夜 菩馱夜菩馱夜 彌 Di Li Ye Na La Jin Chi Di 帝唎夜 那囉謹墀 地 Li Se Ni Na Po Ye Mo Na 利瑟尼那 婆夜摩那 Suo Po He Xi Tuo Ye Suo Po 娑婆訶 悉陀夜 娑婆 He Mo He Xi Tuo Ye Suo Po 訶 摩訶悉陀夜 娑婆 He Xi Tuo Yu Yi Shi Po La 訶 悉陀喻藝 室皤囉 Ye Suo Po He Na La Jin Chi 耶 娑婆訶 那囉謹墀 Suo Po He Mo La Na La Suo 娑婆訶 摩囉那囉 娑

78 74 Qianshou Qianyan Wu ai Dabeixin Tuoluoni Po He Xi La Seng A Mu Qia 婆 訶 悉 囉 僧 阿 穆 佉 Ye Suo Po He Suo Po Mo He 耶 娑 婆 訶 娑 婆 摩 訶 A Xi Tuo Ye Suo Po He Zhe 阿 悉 陀 夜 娑 婆 訶 者 Ji La A Xi Tuo Ye Suo Po 吉 囉 阿 悉 陀 夜 娑 婆 He Po Tuo Mo Jie Xi Tuo Ye 訶 波 陀 摩 羯 悉 陀 夜 Suo Po He Na La Jin Chi Po 娑 婆 訶 那 囉 謹 墀 皤 Qie La Ye Suo Po He Mo Po 伽 囉 耶 娑 婆 訶 摩 婆 Li Sheng Jie La Ye Suo Po He 利 勝 羯 囉 夜 娑 婆 訶 Nan Mo He La Da Na Duo La 南 無 喝 囉 怛 那 哆 囉 Ye Ye Nan Mo A Li Ye Po 夜 耶 南 無 阿 唎 耶 婆 Lu Ji Di Shuo Po La Ye Suo 嚧 吉 帝 爍 皤 囉 夜 娑

79 Dharani of Great Compassion 75 Po He An Xi Dian Du Man Duo 婆訶 唵 悉殿都 漫哆 La Ba Tuo Ye Suo Po He 囉 跋陀耶 娑婆訶

80 San Gui Yi 三皈依 Zi Gui Yi Fo Dang Yuan Zhong Sheng 自皈依佛, 當願眾生, Ti Jie Da Dao Fa Wu Shang Xin 體解大道, 發無上心 Zi Gui Yi Fa Dang Yuan Zhong Sheng 自皈依法, 當願眾生, Shen Ru Jing Zang Zhi Hui Ru Hai 深入經藏, 智慧如海 Zi Gui Yi Seng Dang Yuan Zhong Sheng 自皈依僧, 當願眾生, Tong Li Da Zhong Yi Qie Wu Ai 統理大眾, 一切無礙 76

81 Triple Refuge I take refuge in the Buddha, wishing that all sentient beings understand the Dharma and make the supreme vow. I take refuge in the Dharma, wishing that all sentient beings study the sutras diligently and obtain an ocean of wisdom. I take refuge in the Sangha, wishing that all sentient beings lead the masses in harmony without obstruction. 77

82 Hui Xiang Ji 回向偈 Ci Bei Xi She Bian Fa Jie 慈 悲 喜 捨 遍 法 界, Xi Fu Jie Yuan Li Ren Tian 惜 福 結 緣 利 人 天 ; Chan Jing Jie Hen Ping Deng Ren 禪淨戒行平等忍, Can Kui Gan En Da Yuan Xin 慚 愧 感 恩 大 願 心 78

83 Dedication of Merit May kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity pervade the dharma realms; May all people and heavenly beings benefit from our blessings and friendship; May our ethical practice of Chan, Pure Land, and Precepts help us to realize equality and patience; May we undertake the great vows with humility and gratitude. 79

84 Glossary anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. A Sanskrit term meaning complete, unexcelled enlightenment ; an attribute of all Buddhas. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. The bodhisattva of compassion whose name means Observing the Sounds of the World. He is known as one of the great bodhisattvas of Mahayana Buddhism and is very popular throughout China. bodhisattva. While the term can describe a practitioner anywhere on the path to Buddhahood, it usually refers to a class of beings who stand on the very edge of full enlightenment but remain in the world to help other beings become enlightened. Buddha. A Sanskrit word meaning Awakened One. Though there are many Buddhas, the term typically refers to Sakyamuni Buddha, the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism. Buddhahood is the attainment and expression that characterizes a Buddha and the ultimate goal of all sentient beings. Dharma. A Sanskrit word meaning truth ; referring to the Buddha s teachings, as well as the truth of the universe. 80

85 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 81 When capitalized, it denotes both the ultimate truth and the teachings of the Buddha. When the term appears in lowercase, it refers to anything that can be thought of, experienced, or named; this usage is close in meaning to the concept of phenomena. emptiness. The concept that everything in the world arises due to dependent origination and has no permanent self or substance. All phenomena are said to be empty of an inherently independent self. enlightenment. The state of awakening to the ultimate truth. This is freedom from all afflictions and suffering. five aggregates. The five aggregates make up a human being. They are: form, feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness. merit. Blessings that occur because of wholesome deeds. nirvana. A state of perfect tranquility that is the ultimate goal of Buddhist practice. The original meaning of this word is extinguished, calmed, quieted, tamed, or dead. In Buddhism, it refers to the absolute extinction of individual existence or the extinction of all afflictions and desires; it is the state of liberation beyond the cycle of birth and death.

86 82 Glossary paramita. A Sanskrit word meaning crossed over or perfection. This denotes passage to the other shore of the tranquility of nirvana. This is spiritual success. prajna. A Sanskrit word meaning wisdom. This typically refers to a transcendent variety of wisdom that comes from seeing the true nature of reality. Prajna wisdom is considered the highest form of wisdom, the wisdom of insight into the true nature of all phenomena. Saha World. Saha literally means endurance. It indicates the present world where we reside, which is full of suffering to be endured. The beings in this world endure suffering and afflictions due to their greed, anger, hatred, and ignorance. Also referred to as samsara, or the cycle of birth and death. When sentient beings die, they are reborn into one of the six realms of existence: heaven, human, asura, animal, hungry ghost, and hell. The cycle continues as a result of one s karmic actions. Outside of the Saha World exist four additional realms: that of the sravaka, pratekyabuddha, bodhisattva, and Buddha. Taken together with the six realms previously mentioned, they are called the ten realms. Sakyamuni Buddha. Siddhartha Gautama of the Sakya clan, the historical Buddha and founder of the religion known today as Buddhism. The name Sakyamuni

87 The Lotus Sutra s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 83 means Sage of the Sakyans. He was born the prince of Kapilavastu, son of King Suddhodana. At the age of twenty-nine, he left the royal palace and his family in search of the meaning of existence. At the age of thirty-five, he attained enlightenment under the bodhi tree. He then spent the next forty-five years expounding his teachings, which include the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, the law of cause and effect, and dependent origination. At the age of eighty, he entered the state of parinirvana. Sariputra. One of the ten great disciples of the Buddha. He is known as foremost in wisdom. sutra. A Sanskrit word used to describe a variety of religious and non-religious writings, but most commonly used in a Buddhist context to refer to the recorded discourses of the Buddha. Tathagata. One of the ten epithets of a Buddha, literally translated as Thus Come One, meaning the one who has attained full realization of suchness, which means true essence or actuality. Tathagata is the one dwelling in the absolute, beyond all transitory phenomena, so that he can freely come and go anywhere. three thousandfold world system. According to Buddhist cosmology, there are an infinite number of worlds. Each

88 84 Glossary world has at its center a Mount Sumeru surrounded by seven oceans with seven rings of golden mountains separating each ocean. Surrounding these are four continents and eight subcontinents. Humans reside on the southern continent of Jambudvipa. When one thousand of these worlds are grouped together it is called a small world system, one thousand small world systems equal a medium world system, and one thousand medium world systems equal a large world system. A three thousandfold world system is a combination of these three types of world systems. World-honored One. One of the ten epithets of the Buddha.

89 Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center is dedicated to translating and distributing quality translations of classical Buddhist texts as well as works by contemporary Buddhist teachers and scholars. We embrace Humanistic Buddhism, and promote Buddhist writing which is accessible, community-oriented, and relevant to daily life. On FGSITC.org you can browse all of our publications, read them online and even download them for FREE, as well as requesting printed copies for you or your organization.

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