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1 ( Stock Code : 2356) Growingwith Asian The Region Annual Report 2009

2 目錄 CONTENTS 財務概要 Financial Summary 2 組織摘要 Corporate Information 4 董事及高層管理人員簡介 Directors and Senior Management s Profile 6 主席報告書 Chairman s Statement 11 業務回顧 Review of Operations 15 企業管治報告 Corporate Governance Report 25 董事會報告書 Report of the Directors 37 綜合收益賬 Consolidated Income Statement 53 綜合全面收益表 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 54 綜合財務狀況表 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 55 財務狀況表 Statement of Financial Position 56 綜合權益變動報表 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 57 綜合現金流量結算表 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 59 財務報表附註 Notes to the Financial Statements 60 補充財務資料 Supplementary Financial Information 221 獨立核數師報告 Independent Auditor s Report 246 主要附屬銀行 分行分佈表 Major Banking Subsidiaries Lists of Branches 248 DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT

3 財務概要 FINANCIAL SUMMARY 二零零五年二零零六年二零零七年二零零八年二零零九年 以百萬港元列示 HK$ Million 股東資金 Shareholders funds 8,649 9,316 9,229 8,173 10,774 後償債務 Subordinated notes 3,290 3,480 5,148 5,672 4,602 客戶存款 Deposits from customers 58,354 67,279 79,084 82,361 89,572 已發行的存款證 Certificates of deposit issued 7,713 8,768 8,843 4,655 2,060 存款總額 Total deposits 66,067 76,047 87,927 87,016 91,632 負債總值 Total liabilities (including ( 包括後償債務 ) subordinated notes) 80,844 92, , , ,838 客戶貸款 Advances to customers ( 包括貿易票據 ) (including trade bills) 45,572 50,603 61,295 60,999 57,165 資產總值 Total assets 89, , , , ,629 股東應佔溢利 Profit attributable to shareholders 979 1, 全年股息分派 Total dividend distribution 以港元位列示 HK$ 每股基本盈利 Basic earnings per share 每股股息 Dividends per share 以百分比列示 Percentage % 貸款對存款比率 Loan to deposit ratio ( 包括已發行的 (including certifcates 存款證 ) of deposit issued) 大新銀行集團有限公司二零零九年年報

4 財務概要 FINANCIAL SUMMARY Advances to customers / Total deposits HK$ Million 100,000 % 100 Total assets HK$ Million 120,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 66,067 45,572 76,047 50,603 87,927 61,295 87,016 60,999 91,632 57, ,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 89, , , , ,629 20, ,000 0 Total deposits Advances to customers (including trade bills) Loan to deposit ratio (including certifcates of deposit issued) Shareholders funds HK$ Million 12,000 Basic earnings per share / Dividends per share HK$ 10,000 10, ,000 6,000 8,649 9,316 9,229 8, , Total assets , Shareholders funds Basic earnings per share Dividends per share DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT

5 組織摘要 CORPORATE INFORMATION 大新銀行集團有限公司 DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED 董事會王守業主席莊先進獨立非執行董事韓以德獨立非執行董事史習陶獨立非執行董事梁君彥獨立非執行董事陳勝利獨立非執行董事小林一健非執行董事黃漢興董事總經理兼行政總裁趙龍文執行董事王伯凌執行董事王祖興執行董事劉雪樵執行董事 BOARD OF DIRECTORS David Shou-Yeh Wong Chairman John William Simpson Independent non-executive Director David Richard Hinde Independent non-executive Director Robert Tsai-To Sze Independent non-executive Director Andrew Kwan-Yuen Leung Independent non-executive Director Seng-Lee Chan Independent non-executive Director Kazutake Kobayashi Non-executive Director Hon-Hing Wong (Derek Wong) Managing Director and Chief Executive Lung-Man Chiu (John Chiu) Executive Director Gary Pak-Ling Wang Executive Director Harold Tsu-Hing Wong Executive Director Frederic Suet-Chiu Lau Executive Director 審核委員會史習陶主席莊先進韓以德 AUDIT COMMITTEE Robert Tsai-To Sze Chairman John William Simpson David Richard Hinde 提名及薪酬委員會史習陶主席莊先進韓以德梁君彥王守業黃漢興 NOMINATION AND REMUNERATION COMMITTEE Robert Tsai-To Sze Chairman John William Simpson David Richard Hinde Andrew Kwan-Yuen Leung David Shou-Yeh Wong Hon-Hing Wong (Derek Wong) 4 大新銀行集團有限公司二零零九年年報

6 組織摘要 CORPORATE INFORMATION 註冊地址香港告士打道一零八號大新金融中心三十六樓電話 : 傳真 : 專用電報 :74063 DSB HX 環球財務電訊 :DSBAHKHH 網址 : REGISTERED OFFICE 36th Floor, Dah Sing Financial Centre 108 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong Tel: Fax: Telex: DSB HX S.W.I.F.T.: DSBAHKHH Web Site: 秘書 蘇海倫 B.A. (Hons.), ACIS SECRETARY Hoi-Lun Soo B.A. (Hons.), ACIS 核數師 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所 香港執業會計師 AUDITORS PricewaterhouseCoopers Certified Public Accountants 律師 許拔史密夫律師行 SOLICITORS Herbert Smith 股份登記及過戶處香港中央證券登記有限公司香港皇后大道東一八三號合和中心十七樓 室 SHARE REGISTRARS AND TRANSFER OFFICE Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited Shops , 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong 主要附屬銀行大新銀行有限公司澳門商業銀行有限公司大新銀行 ( 中國 ) 有限公司豐明銀行有限公司 MAJOR BANKING SUBSIDIARIES Dah Sing Bank, Limited Banco Comercial de Macau, S.A. Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited MEVAS Bank Limited ( 請參閱本年報第 248 至 252 頁所載各附屬銀行之分行分佈表 ) (Please see pages 248 to 252 of this annual report for respective list of branches.) DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT

7 董事及高層管理人員簡介 DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT S PROFILE 董事會 王守業先生主席 Board of Directors Mr. David Shou-Yeh Wong Chairman 六十九歲 於二零零四年獲委任為本公司主席 大新金融集團有限公司 大新銀行有限公司 豐明銀行有限公司 澳門商業銀行有限公司 大新人壽保險有限公司 澳門保險股份有限公司 澳門人壽保險股份有限公司 新亞船務有限公司及多間公司主席 超逾四十年銀行及金融業務經驗 證監會諮詢委員會委員 香港銀行公會 香港華商銀行公會及香港船東協會成員 香港銀行學會副會長 本公司及其主要營運銀行 與大新金融旗下保險附屬機構執行董事王祖興先生之父親 Aged 69. Appointed as the Chairman of the Company in Chairman of Dah Sing Financial Holdings Limited ( DSFH ), Dah Sing Bank, Limited, MEVAS Bank Limited, Banco Comercial de Macau, S.A., Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited, Macau Insurance Company Limited, Macau Life Insurance Company Limited, New Asian Shipping Company, Limited and various other companies. Over 40 years of experience in banking and finance. Member of the Advisory Committee of the Securities and Futures Commission, the Hong Kong Association of Banks, the Chinese Banks Association Limited and the Hong Kong Shipowners Association. Vice President of The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers. Father of Mr. Harold Tsu-Hing Wong, an executive Director of the Company, its key operating banking subsidiaries, and the insurance subsidiaries under DSFH. 莊先進先生 獨立非執行董事 Mr. John W. Simpson Independent non-executive Director 六十九歲 本公司 大新銀行有限公司及豐明銀行有限公司的獨立非執行董事 曾於一九八七年至二零零四年六月大新金融集團有限公司將其銀行業務於香港聯合交易所申請獨立上市前期間擔任董事 為本公司審核委員會 與提名及薪酬委員會委員 蘇格蘭特許銀行學會會員 超逾五十年銀行及金融業務經驗 Aged 69. Independent non-executive Director of the Company, Dah Sing Bank, Limited and MEVAS Bank Limited. Had been a director of Dah Sing Financial Holdings Limited from 1987 to June 2004 when its banking business applied for separate listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Member of the Audit Committee and the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland. Over 50 years of experience in banking and finance. 韓以德先生 獨立非執行董事 Mr. David R. Hinde Independent non-executive Director 七十一歲 本公司 大新銀行有限公司及豐明銀行有限公司的獨立非執行董事 曾於一九八七年至二零零四年六月大新金融集團有限公司將其銀行業務於香港聯合交易所申請獨立上市前期間擔任董事 為本公司審核委員會 與提名及薪酬委員會委員 現為 Invesco Asia Trust plc. 及 Macau Property Opportunities Fund Limited 主席 超逾三十年國際投資銀行業務經驗 Aged 71. Independent non-executive Director of the Company, Dah Sing Bank, Limited and MEVAS Bank Limited. Had been a director of Dah Sing Financial Holdings Limited from 1987 to June 2004 when its banking business applied for separate listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Member of the Audit Committee and the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Currently Chairman of Invesco Asia Trust plc. and Macau Property Opportunities Fund Limited. Over 30 years of experience in international investment banking. 6 大新銀行集團有限公司二零零九年年報

8 董事及高層管理人員簡介 DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT S PROFILE 董事會 ( 續 ) 史習陶先生獨立非執行董事 Board of Directors (Continued) Mr. Robert Tsai-To Sze Independent non-executive Director 六十九歲 於二零零四年獲委任為本公司獨立非執行董事 亦為大新金融集團有限公司 ( 大新金融 ) 大新銀行有限公司 大新銀行( 中國 ) 有限公司 豐明銀行有限公司及大新人壽保險有限公司之獨立非執行董事 現任本公司及大新金融審核委員會 提名及薪酬委員會主席 及多家香港上市公司非執行董事 英格蘭及威爾斯特許會計師公會及香港會計師公會資深會員 為一間國際會計師行前合夥人, 彼於該行執業超逾二十年 Aged 69. Appointed as an independent non-executive Director of the Company in Also an independent non-executive Director of Dah Sing Financial Holdings Limited ( DSFH ), Dah Sing Bank, Limited, Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited, MEVAS Bank Limited and Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited. Currently the Chairman of the Audit Committees, the Nomination and Remuneration Committees of both the Company and DSFH, and a non-executive Director to a number of Hong Kong listed companies. Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Also a former partner of an international firm of accountants with which he practised for over 20 years. 梁君彥先生 獨立非執行董事 Mr. Andrew Kwan-Yuen Leung Independent non-executive Director 五十九歲 分別於二零零四年及二零零六年獲委任為本公司及本公司主要營運附屬機構大新銀行獨立非執行董事 現任 ( 工業界一 ) 立法會議員, 亦為職業訓練局主席 香港工業總會及香港紡織業聯會名譽會長 梁先生亦為香港貿易發展局理事會理事 Aged 59. Appointed as an Independent non-executive Director of the Company in 2004 and of Dah Sing Bank, a key operating subsidiary of the Company, in Currently Legislative Councillor (Industrial First), Chairman of the Vocational Training Council. Honorary President of Federation of Hong Kong Industries and Textile Council of Hong Kong. He is also a Council member of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. 陳勝利 獨立非執行董事 Mr. Seng-Lee Chan Independent non-executive Director 六十三歲 海德堡中國有限公司之前行政總裁 二零零八年六月榮休後, 於同年八月獲委任為本公司獨立非執行董事 超逾四十年專業印刷傳訊經驗, 對亞洲市場有相當了解, 對中國市場更尤為熟悉 Aged 63. Appointed as an Independent non-executive Director of the Company in August 2008 upon his retirement in June 2008 as the Chief Executive Officer of Heidelberg China Limited. Over 40 years of experience primarily in the Print Media Industry and with a sound knowledge of the Asian markets, particularly in China. 小林一健先生 非執行董事 Mr. Kazutake Kobayashi Non-executive Director 四十七歲 於二零零九年十二月獲委任為本公司非執行董事 現為三菱東京 UFJ 銀行 ( BTMU ) 香港分行副總經理 彼對零售銀行及企業銀行業務具豐富專業知識, 及擁有逾二十三年銀行及金融業務經驗 Aged 47. Appointed as a non-executive Director of the Company in December Currently Deputy General Manager of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. ( BTMU ) Hong Kong Branch. Rich expertise in retail banking and corporate banking, with over 23 years of experience in banking and finance. DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT

9 董事及高層管理人員簡介 DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT S PROFILE 董事會 ( 續 ) 黃漢興先生董事總經理兼行政總裁 Board of Directors (Continued) Mr. Hon-Hing Wong (Derek Wong) Managing Director and Chief Executive 五十七歲 於二零零四年獲委任為本公司董事 於一九九三年獲委任為大新金融集團有限公司董事, 並於二零零二年一月擢升為其董事總經理 一九七七年加入本公司主要營運附屬機構大新銀行服務, 輾轉掌管多個部門, 繼一九八九年成為大新銀行董事後, 再於二零零零年晉升為其董事總經理 大新銀行 ( 中國 ) 有限公司董事長 及集團內多間主要附屬公司董事 並出任長城人壽保險股份有限公司董事 亦就本集團擁有重慶銀行百分之二十股份權益之故成為重慶銀行董事 英國銀行學會會士 香港銀行學會及英國國際零售銀行理事會創始會員 超逾三十年銀行業務經驗 Aged 57. Appointed as the Managing Director of the Company in Appointed as Director of Dah Sing Financial Holdings Limited in 1993 and promoted as its Managing Director in January Joined Dah Sing Bank, Limited, a key operating subsidiary of the Company, in 1977 and has served and managed various departments before appointed as a director of Dah Sing Bank in 1989 and was promoted as its Managing Director in Chairman of Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited and a director of various major subsidiaries of the Group. Director of Great Wall Life Assurance Company Limited, and Bank of Chongqing in which the Group has a 20% equity interest. Associate of The Institute of Bankers (U.K.), Founder Member of The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers and The International Retail Banking Council of the U.K. Over 30 years of experience in banking. 趙龍文先生 執行董事 Mr. Lung-Man Chiu (John Chiu) Executive Director 六十歲 於一九八六年加入本公司主要營運附屬公司大新銀行, 並於一九九五年擢升為執行董事, 二零零四年獲委任為大新銀行集團有限公司執行董事 現任本集團於澳門註冊成立之澳門商業銀行有限公司行政總裁及董事 超逾三十年銀行業務經驗 Aged 60. Joined Dah Sing Bank, a key operating subsidiary of the Company, in 1986 and was appointed as an executive Director of Dah Sing Bank and Dah Sing Banking Group Limited in 1995 and 2004 respectively. Currently the Chief Executive and Director of Banco Comercial de Macau, S.A. incorporated in Macau. Over 30 years of experience in banking. 王伯凌先生 執行董事 Mr. Gary Pak-Ling Wang Executive Director 四十九歲 於二零零四年獲委任為本公司執行董事 於一九九五年加入本公司主要營運附屬機構大新銀行有限公司擔任集團財務總監一職 一九九七年晉升為大新銀行董事 亦為大新金融集團有限公司董事 現任集團財務董事, 負責集團整體的財務管理及監控 營運操作與資訊系統職能 專業會計師 英國特許公認會計師公會資深會員及香港會計師公會會員 超逾二十年財務管理經驗, 主要與銀行業務相關 Aged 49. Appointed as an executive Director of the Company in Joined Dah Sing Bank, Limited, a key operating subsidiary of the Company, as the Group Financial Controller in 1995 and was promoted as a Director of Dah Sing Bank in Also a Director of Dah Sing Financial Holdings Limited. Currently Group Finance Director responsible for the overall financial management and control, operations and IT functions of the Group. Qualified accountant, Fellow of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of the U.K. and member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Over 20 years of experience in financial management mainly related to banking. 8 大新銀行集團有限公司二零零九年年報

10 董事及高層管理人員簡介 DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT S PROFILE 董事會 ( 續 ) 王祖興先生執行董事 Board of Directors (Continued) Mr. Harold Tsu-Hing Wong Executive Director 四十歲 於二零零四年獲委任為本公司執行董事 二零零零年加入本公司主要營運附屬公司機構大新銀行有限公司, 繼二零零五年獲委任為董事, 並於二零一零年三月獲委任為其董事會副主席 現為大新銀行 ( 中國 ) 有限公司 豐明銀行 澳門商業銀行有限公司 大新人壽保險有限公司及大新保險有限公司之董事 英格蘭及威爾斯 以及香港之合資格律師 彼為本公司及大新金融集團有限公司主席王守業先生之子 Aged 40. Appointed as an executive Director of the Company in Joined Dah Sing Bank, Limited, a key operating subsidiary of the Company, in 2000, appointed as a director in Dah Sing Bank, Limited in 2005 and as the Vice Chairman in March Currently also a director of Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited, MEVAS Bank, Banco Comercial de Macau, S.A., Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited and Dah Sing Insurance Company Limited. Qualified solicitor in England and Wales and Hong Kong. Son of David Shou-Yeh Wong, the Chairman of the Company and Dah Sing Financial Holdings Limited. 劉雪樵先生 執行董事 Mr. Frederic Suet-Chiu Lau Executive Director 五十八歲 於二零零七年獲委任為本公司執行董事 亦為本公司主要營運附屬機構大新銀行 大新銀行 ( 中國 ) 有限公司及豐明銀行之執行董事 現任銀行集團風險管理部門主管, 專責制定策略方向 整體業務及風險政策 日常管理及監控銀行集團之各類風險 特許財務分析師及經濟學博士 全球風險管理專業人員協會理事會會員 曾於政府部門或半官方組織擔任與監督金融財務機構相關工作逾二十年 Aged 58. Appointed as an executive Director of the Company in Also an executive Director of Dah Sing Bank, Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited and MEVAS Bank, key operating subsidiaries of the Company. Currently Head of Group Risk of the Banking Group, responsible for the strategic direction, overall business and risk policy, ongoing management and control of risk of the Banking Group s portfolio. Chartered Financial Analyst and Ph.D in Economics. Member of Board of Trustees of Global Association of Risk Professionals. 20 years of experience in governmental or quasi-governmental departments in supervision of financial related corporations. 高層管理人員 麥曉德先生大新金融集團有限公司及大新銀行執行董事 Senior Management Mr. Nicholas John Mayhew Executive Director of Dah Sing Financial Holdings Limited and Dah Sing Bank 四十二歲 於一九九八年加入大新金融集團有限公司, 現為該公司執行董事 亦為大新人壽保險有限公司 澳門保險股份有限公司 澳門人壽保險股份有限公司 大新銀行及大新銀行 ( 中國 ) 有限公司之董事 現任大新銀行財資處及企業融資部主管, 負責銀行財資及企業融資策劃 具二十年英國及香港兩地之金融服務經驗 Aged 42. Joined Dah Sing Financial Holdings Limited in 1998 and currently its executive Director. Also a Director of Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited, Macau Insurance Company Limited, Macau Life Insurance Company Limited, Dah Sing Bank and Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited. Head of Treasury and Corporate Finance of Dah Sing Bank responsible for its treasury and corporate finance activities. 20 years of experience in financial services both in the U.K. and Hong Kong. DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT

11 董事及高層管理人員簡介 DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT S PROFILE 高層管理人員 ( 續 ) 藍章華先生大新銀行及豐明銀行執行董事 Senior Management (Continued) Mr. John Cheung-Wah Lam Executive Director of Dah Sing Bank and MEVAS Bank 五十五歲 於二零零五年加入本集團之主要營運附屬機構大新銀行出任零售銀行處主管, 負責零售銀行業務, 並於同年獲委任為大新銀行執行董事 亦為大新銀行 ( 中國 ) 有限公司 豐明銀行及大新人壽保險有限公司董事 加拿大銀行家協會會士 具三十年香港及北美洲銀行業務經驗 Aged 55. Joined Dah Sing Bank, a key operating subsidiary of the Company, and appointed as its executive Director in 2005 and as the Head of Retail Banking Division responsible for retail banking business. Also a Director of Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited, MEVAS Bank and Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited. Fellow of The Institute of Canadian Bankers. 30 years of banking experience in Hong Kong and North America. 鄺國樑先生 大新銀行執行董事 Mr. Kwok-Leung Kwong (Thomas Kwong) Executive Director of Dah Sing Bank 六十一歲 於二零零七年加入本公司主要營運附屬機構大新銀行, 並獲委任為其執行董事, 於二零零八年更委任為大新銀行 ( 中國 ) 有限公司董事 現任大新銀行商業銀行處主管, 專責發展及管理商業銀行 資產融資及貿易貸款業務 超逾三十年銀行及融資業務經驗 Aged 61. Joined Dah Sing Bank, a key operating subsidiary of the Company, and was appointed as its executive Director in 2007, and a Director of Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited in Currently Head of Commercial Banking Division in Dah Sing Bank, responsible for overseeing and supervising commercial banking business and asset based and trade financing. Over 30 years of experience in banking and finance. 晏小江先生 大新銀行執行董事 Mr. Xiaojiang Yan Executive Director of Dah Sing Bank 五十五歲 於二零零六年加入本公司主要營運附屬機構大新銀行 分別於二零零七年及二零零八年獲委任為大新銀行及大新銀行 ( 中國 ) 有限公司執行董事 專責中國內地之銀行業務發展 分行經營及管理 具二十年從事香港及中國銀行及融資業務經驗 Aged 55. Joined Dah Sing Bank, a key operating subsidiary of the Company, in Appointed as an executive director of Dah Sing Bank in 2007, and Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited in 2008, responsible for the banking development, and branch supervision and management in the Mainland China. 20 years of banking experience in Hong Kong and China. 附註 : 董事及高層管理人員於二零零九年十二月三十一日按證券及期貨條例第 XV 部須予申報之所持有本公司及其相聯公司股份或相關股份權益 ( 如適用 ) 已於本公司二零零九年年報內董事會報告書中 董事及行政總裁權益 上具實披露 Note: Interests of Directors and Senior Management in shares and underlying shares of the Company or its associated corporations, if any, within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance as at 31 December 2009 are disclosed in the Interests of Directors and Chief Executive of the Report of the Directors as included in this 2009 Annual Report of the Company. 10 大新銀行集團有限公司二零零九年年報

12 主席報告書 CHAIRMAN S STATEMENT 二零零九年期間, 經濟狀況大致已有所改善, 而香港則在較強的經濟增長與失業率下降 以及部份由於中央政府推行刺激措施令中國內地經濟持續向好各方因素下因而受惠 澳門之情況亦大致相若 至於全球方面, 多國領導政府於二零零八年末段實施史無前例且龐大之貨幣及財政刺激經濟方案以應付全球金融危機, 加上大規模增資及資本重整後銀行業的情況得以改善, 經濟逐現喘定之勢, 及至二零零九年下半年, 並有跡象顯示普遍性復甦 全球經濟及金融市場似已現渡過經濟週期谷底 During 2009, economic conditions broadly improved, with Hong Kong benefitting from stronger economic growth and lower unemployment, as well as positive economic conditions in the Mainland continuing, in part due to the stimulus measures promoted by the central government. Macau also followed a similar trend. Globally, following the unprecedented and substantial monetary and fiscal stimulus measures implemented by many leading countries in late 2008 in response to the global financial crisis, and improved conditions in the banking industry following large scale recapitalisation, there were signs of economic stabilisation, and also evidence of a broadbased recovery in the second half of The global economy and financial market appear to have passed the worst point of the cycle. The Hang Seng Index closed at above 21,800 points and Dah Sing Financial Holdings and Dah Sing Banking Group share prices recorded a stronger performance at the 2009 year end. 在二零零九年年底, 恆生指數收報超逾 21,800 點 大新金融及大新銀行集團股價表現錄得上揚 隨著經濟環境逐漸回穩與稍見好轉, 集團之表現較二零零八年大幅改善, 股東應佔溢利由二零零八年之一億八千九百萬港元, 上升百分之二百一十九至本年度六億零一百萬港元 集團的資本水平亦顯著提高, 乃由於營運表現之增強 以及年內進行多項集資活動所致 ( 包括將向集團提供之一項股東貸款十億港元轉作資本進行集資 ) 集團之一級資本充足比率及整體資本充足比率分別由二零零八年十二月三十一日之百分之六點八及百分之十三點六, 提升至二零零九年十二月三十一日之百分之十點二及百分之十六點八水平 In line with the stabilising and slightly more favourable economic conditions, our performance improved substantially over 2008, with profit attributable to shareholders rising from HK$189 million in 2008 to HK$601 million in the year, an increase of 219%. Our capital position also strengthened notably, both due to the stronger operating performance, as well as due to a number of capital raising initiatives during the year included the conversion of our shareholders loan of HK$1 billion as equity, with Tier 1 capital adequacy and total capital adequacy of our Group increasing from 6.8% and 13.6% as at 31 December 2008 to 10.2% and 16.8% respectively as at 31 December DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT

13 主席報告書 CHAIRMAN S STATEMENT 年內, 淨利息收入較二零零八年稍遜, 服務費收入疲弱, 主要由於財富管理業務活動減少所致 隨著經濟逐步改善, 信貸成本回落, 本年度減值撥備大幅下降 年內, 集團的證券投資並無錄得特殊或重大的虧損 Whilst net interest income was slightly lower than 2008, fee income was weak, principally due to reduced activity in the wealth management business. With the gradual improvement in the economy, credit costs began to turn around, with impairment charges dropping substantially for the year. We also did not experience any exceptional or large losses on securities investments during the year. 核心借貸業務表現平穩, 總貸款額輕微下跌 集團的存款水平維持高度穩健, 年內客戶存款的增加足以抵銷批發融資額之下降 Core lending performance was steady, with a slightly lower loan book. Our deposit position continued to be very healthy, with the increase in customer deposits during the year more than outweighing the reduction in wholesale funding. 年中, 集團參與業界與雷曼投資者之和解方案, 並已銳意竭力改善及提升集團投資產品銷售以合乎新訂之規管指引 及市場慣例與期望 We took part in an industry wide settlement scheme with Lehman minibond investors during the course of the year, and have placed great emphasis and effort to improve and upgrade our investment product sales in line with the new guidance from regulators, as well as market practice and expectations. 集團持有百分之二十權益之聯營公司重慶銀行於年內業績斐然, 貢獻集團溢利共一億九千六百萬港元, 較二零零八年增長百分之六十二 Our 20% associate, Bank of Chongqing, achieved a set of very strong results in the year, contributing HK$196 million to our profit, representing 62% growth when compared with 大新銀行之全資擁有及於中國本地註冊成立附屬銀行大新銀行 ( 中國 ) 有限公司繼續按步擴展, 計現有深圳及上海之經營外, 並於南昌及鎮江開設新分行 憑藉中國之強勁增長及巨大發展商機, 集團冀望此附屬銀行在中國繼續成長及擴充業務 Dah Sing Bank s wholly owned and locally incorporated subsidiary bank in China, Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited, continued its gradual expansion, with the opening of new branches in Nanchang and Zhenjiang, in addition to the existing operations in Shenzhen and Shanghai. With China s strong growth and huge development opportunities, we look forward to the continued growth of this subsidiary, and our business expansion, in China. Senior management of the Group recently met with Mr. Liu Mingkang, Chairman of China Banking Regulatory Commission. (left to right) Mr. Derek Wong, Managing Director and Chief Executive, Mr. David S.Y. Wong, Chairman, Mr. Liu Mingkang, Mr. Harold Wong, Director. 集團高級管理層最近與中國銀行業監督管理委員會主席劉明康先生會晤 ( 左至右 ) 董事總經理兼行政總裁黃漢興先生 主席王守業先生 劉明康先生 董事王祖興先生 12 大新銀行集團有限公司二零零九年年報

14 主席報告書 CHAIRMAN S STATEMENT 董事會於年內, 小林一健先生接替田原啟佐先生, 獲委任為本公司非執行董事, 以代表三菱東京 UFJ 銀行在本公司之權益 Board of Directors During the year, Mr. Kazutake Kobayashi, succeeding Mr. Keisuke Tahara, was appointed as a non-executive Director to represent the interest of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. in the Company. 本人藉此歡迎小林先生加入董事會, 並向退任的田原先生在任期間所作出寶貴貢獻表示感謝 I would like to welcome Mr. Kobayashi joining the Board and express my gratitude to the resigned Mr. Tahara for his valuable contribution during his tenure in the Board. Mr. David S.Y. Wong (right), the Chairman of Dah Sing Group, presented a souvenir photo to Mr. Chung-Kai Chow (left) upon his retirement with effect from 1 June 2009, after his 22 years of directorship in the Group. 大新集團主席王守業先生 ( 右 ) 致送紀念相片予周忠繼先生 ( 左 ) 周先生出任集團董事歷二十二載, 於二零零九年六月一日正式榮休 於二零零九年六月一日, 周忠繼先生榮休退任集團控股公司大新金融集團有限公司副主席及非執行董事之職務 本人在此對剛於年內榮休的周先生在任期間對整個集團所作出之寶貴貢獻致以無言由衷感激 On 1 June 2009, Mr. Chung-Kai Chow retired as the Vice Chairman and a non-executive Director of Dah Sing Financial Holdings Limited, the holding company of the Group, after 22 years of directorship in the Group. I would like to express my tremendous gratitude to Mr. Chow on his retirement for his invaluable contribution to the whole Group. 未來前瞻二零零八年與二零零九年為近代歷史上全球金融行業臻極艱辛的兩個年頭 即使亞洲區所受之影響未及歐洲或美國經濟飽受蹂躪之苦, 惟過往兩年亦經歷荊棘滿途 集團抱有信心, 隨著二零零九年業績在經濟環境好轉下有所改善, 加上集團所採取加強資本水平之措施, 集團現已渡過金融風暴之最壞時刻 Future Prospects 2008 and 2009 were two of the most difficult years for the global financial industry in recent history. Whilst Asia was less badly affected than Europe or the US, the past two years had also been very challenging. We are optimistic that the improvement in our results in 2009 under the healthier economic backdrop, as well as the steps we have taken to strengthen our capital position, mean that we are now through the worst of the storm. DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT

15 主席報告書 CHAIRMAN S STATEMENT 有見及此, 集團於二零一零年將採取審慎樂觀之業務方針 集團對大中華及亞洲地區之前景仍然看俏, 而就中長期而言將會提供不少商機 惟短期而言, 集團會時刻警惕, 危機並未完全過去, 集團仍需審慎經營 Therefore, our strategy for 2010 will be one of cautious optimism. We believe that the prospects for the Greater China and Asian region are still promising, and that over the medium to long term will present many opportunities. However, in the short term we are still mindful that the crisis is not fully over, and that we will still need to operate with caution. 起伏波動的十年屆二零零九年之結束而告終遠去, 冀望集團於往後十年期間繼續成長與昌盛, 亦深信集團之未來前景將大有可為 With the turbulent decade ended in 2009 now behind us, we look forward to the continued growth and prosperity of our Group during this new decade, and above all, we believe that our Group s future prospects are encouraging. 最後, 本人藉此感謝諸位董事所作出之貢獻, 並謹代表董事會對各級員工在過往一年之辛勤與努力, 以及客戶與股東之支持, 表示謝意 Finally, I would like to thank my fellow directors for their valuable contribution and extend on behalf of the Board, our appreciation to all our colleagues for their hard work and dedication over the past year, and also our appreciation of the support of our customers and shareholders. 主席王守業 David Shou-Yeh Wong Chairman 香港 二零一零年三月二十四日 Hong Kong, 24 March 大新銀行集團有限公司二零零九年年報

16 業務回顧 REVIEW OF OPERATIONS 財務撮要 本年度集團財務表現撮要概列於下表 : Financial Highlights The highlights of the Group s financial performance for the year are summarised in the table below: 二零零九年 二零零八年 變動 Variance 淨息差 Net interest margin 1.95% 2.11% 百萬港元 HK$ Million 扣除減值虧損前 Operating profit before 之營運溢利 impairment losses , % 若干投資及固定資產收益 Operating profit before gains or 或虧損前之營運溢利 losses on certain investments and fixed assets % 股東應佔溢利 Profit attributable to shareholders % 客戶貸款 Advances to customers 57,165 60,999-6% 客戶存款 Customers deposits 89,572 82,362 9% 已發行之存款證 Certificates of deposit issued 2,060 4,655-56% 存款合計 Total deposits 91,632 87,017 5% 已發行之債務證券 Issued debt securities 2, % 後償債務 Subordinated notes 4,602 5,672-19% 貸款對存款 ( 包括存款證 ) Loan to deposit (including 比率 certificates of deposit) ratio 62.4% 70.1% 成本對收入比率 Cost to income ratio 73.9% 51.6% 在本地及全球經濟尤其在二零零九年下半年逐步回穩及復甦下, 集團因受惠於非營運或特殊收益, 且無特殊減值虧損而於二零零九年錄得淨溢利大幅改善 Against the backdrop of a gradual stabilization and recovery in the local and global economy especially during the second half of 2009, our Group reported much improved net profit in 2009, assisted by non-operating or exceptional gains, and absence of exceptional impairment losses. 然而, 集團扣除減值虧損前及後之營運溢利則遠遜於二零零八年 此乃主要由於較弱之營運收入及營運支出增加所致 Our Group s operating profit, however, both before and after impairment losses, was much lower than This was caused mainly by weaker operating income and higher operating expenses. DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT

17 業務回顧 REVIEW OF OPERATIONS 財務撮要 ( 續 ) 受集團之貸款業務輕微收縮, 以及由於短期貨幣市場利率甚為偏低及自剩餘資金所賺取之回報減少而造成淨息差下降所影響, 年內淨利息收入減少百分之三點三 年內非利息收入則錄得較大之減幅, 部分因為集團自雷曼兄弟於二零零八年九月倒閉後於二零零九年期間停止大部分財富管理業務之銷售, 且集團就該業務加強營運及監控程序同時, 採取審慎措施向零售投資者分銷投資產品, 而導致集團於該業務所賺取之服務費及佣金收入顯著下跌 另一個對本集團非利息收入有負面影響之主要因素為重估集團若干已發行後償證券而因估值增加確認之公平值虧損 Financial Highlights (Continued) Net interest income in the year was down by 3.3%, a result of a mild contraction in our loan book, lower net interest margin due to very low short-term money market interest rates and lower yields earned on surplus funds. A much lower level of non-interest income was recorded in the year, which was caused in part by a substantial reduction in fee and commission income earned by our wealth management business, with new business sales largely suspended during most of 2009 after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, and due to our own caution in distributing investment products to retail investors while we worked to upgrade our operations and control processes for this business. Another main factor adversely affecting our non-interest income was fair value loss recognized on the mark-to-market improvement in the valuation of certain of our own issued subordinated securities. 雖然集團之核心業務營運支出較二零零八年只有輕微上升, 但由於主要就雷曼兄弟相關投資產品各項索償之償付支付而須提高營運支出撥備, 集團銀行系整體之營運支出較二零零八年總額增加百分之十一 While operating expenses for our core businesses were only slightly higher than 2008, additional operating expense provisions due mainly to the settlement of various claims in respect of Lehman Brothers related investment products were incurred, resulting in an overall increase of 11% in our Group s total operating expenses versus 隨著營運收入減少及營運支出增加, 集團之減值前之營運溢利較二零零八年下跌百分之五十八 由於貸款資產質素於二零零九年下半年明顯改善, 集團之貸款減值虧損及其他信貸撥備較二零零八年下調百分之三十五 然而, 貸款虧損之改善並不足以抵銷營運收入減少及營運支出增加之不利影響 集團扣除減值虧損後之營運盈利於年內錄得顯著減幅 With the lower operating income and higher operating expenses, our pre-impairment operating profit was down by 58% from With a notable improvement in loan asset quality recorded in the second half of 2009, our total loan impairment losses and other credit provisions decreased by 35% when compared with The improvement in loan losses was however insufficient to offset the unfavourable impacts of the drop in operating income and increase in operating expenses. A significant decrease in our operating profit after impairment losses in the year was recorded. 綜合集團投資物業之公平值收益 集團所佔百分之二十重慶銀行較強勁之淨溢利 以及回購若干集團已發行後償證券之特殊收益等因素, 集團於二零零九年之稅前溢利得以增加, 帶動集團之股東應佔溢利較二零零八年增加百分之二百一十九 A combination of the fair value gain on our investment properties, our 20% share of a much stronger net profit reported by Bank of Chongqing, and an exceptional gain on the repurchase of certain of our issued subordinated securities contributed to boost our pre-tax profit in 2009, resulting in profit attributable to shareholders of the Group increasing by 219% over 大新銀行集團有限公司二零零九年年報

18 業務回顧 REVIEW OF OPERATIONS 財務撮要 ( 續 ) 於二零零九年十二月三十一日, 集團之貸款及墊款總額達五百七十億港元, 較二零零八年年底下降約百分之六 主要收縮了的環節為受全球貿易量下跌影響之貿易融資 機械融資及車輛融資 機械融資表現尤其疲弱, 因組合內擁有不少以出口為主之製造商客戶, 作為減低風險之一部份措施而調低該業務組合, 以減輕該業務因近期於經濟低潮所面對約較高信貸成本 整體而言, 信用卡墊款及私人貸款等零售借貸組合相對維持平穩 Financial Highlights (Continued) As at 31 December 2009, our Group s total gross loans and advances amounted to HK$57 billion, down by around 6% relative to the end of The major areas of contraction were trade finance, affected by the fall in global trade volumes, and equipment and vehicle finance. Equipment finance in particular had been an area of weak performance due to the export oriented nature of many of our manufacturing customers, and the portfolio was managed down as part of a risk reduction exercise to mitigate the high credit cost in the business experienced in the recent downturn. In aggregate, the retail lending portfolio including credit card advances and personal loans remained relatively stable. 客戶存款合計九百一十六億港元, 較去年增加約百分之五 存款增長反映年內香港市場流動資金充裕 貸款對存款比率於二零零九年十二月三十一日為百分之六十二點四, 稍低於二零零八年 Customers deposits totalled HK$91.6 billion, representing an increase of around 5% over the previous year. The growth in customers deposit reflected ample liquidity in the Hong Kong market during the year. The loan to deposit ratio as at 31 December 2009 was 62.4%, slightly lower than 業務表現概要個人銀行集團之個人銀行業務專注於香港及澳門之零售銀行業務 顯客理財及私人銀行服務, 緊隨於二零零八年之全球金融海嘯及主要市場震盪後, 再次於二零零九年面對嚴峻挑戰 儘管貸款減值虧損顯著減少, 但該業務於年內錄得營運收入下降 營運支出及營運虧損增加 Highlight of Business Performance Personal Banking Our Personal Banking business, serving the retail banking, VIP banking and private banking market segments of Hong Kong and Macau, experienced another extremely challenging year in 2009 following the global financial tsunami and major market shocks in This business reported lower operating income, higher operating expenses and an operating loss in the year, despite a meaningful reduction in loan impairment losses. 營運收入下降主要由於服務費及佣金收入因財富管理產品銷售額及客戶之投資買賣量下降而大幅減少 集團 ( 連同香港其他十四間銀行 ) 為分銷雷曼兄弟迷你債券而作出了一項之一般回購計劃, 再加上若干由集團個人銀行業務分銷之雷曼兄弟保本票據之自願性回購計劃, 於二零零九年提高撥備以償付零售投資者索償, 導致該業務之營運支出總額增加 The lower operating income was attributed to much lower fee and commission income earned especially on lower sales of wealth management products and lower investment trading volumes by customers. Higher provisions relating to the settlement of claims of retail investors pursuant to the general repurchase scheme (together with another 14 banks in Hong Kong) for the Lehman Brothers minibonds, and a voluntary repurchase scheme for certain Lehman Brothers principal protected notes distributed by the Group s Personal Banking Division were charged in 2009, resulting in an increase in the total operating expenses of this business. DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT

19 業務回顧 REVIEW OF OPERATIONS 業務表現概要 ( 續 ) 個人銀行 ( 續 ) 隨著本地經濟改善及失業率尤其在下半年保持於相當穩定之水平, 集團之無抵押零售借貸組合之資產質素於二零零九年年底有轉趨穩定及甚至改善之跡象, 且所錄得之貸款減值虧損於年內減少 Highlight of Business Performance (Continued) Personal Banking (Continued) With the improvement in the local economy and a relatively stable level of unemployment particularly in the second half year, there were signs of stabilization and even improvement in the asset quality of our unsecured retail lending portfolio toward late 2009, and a reduction in the loan impairment losses in the year was recorded. 儘管集團已於下半年於本地經濟復甦中趨向採取更進取之措施促進零售借貸業務增長, 集團持續謹慎之業務及借貸策略 然而, 由於二零零九年首數月業務發展動力放緩, 以及市場競爭激烈, 特別是住宅按揭市場價格競爭劇烈, 集團個人客戶之貸款總額較二零零八年減少百分之三, 各類零售借貸 ( 包括按揭及信用卡墊款 ) 普遍錄得輕微收縮 We continued with our cautious business and lending strategy during the year, although we had moved to adopt a more proactive approach in growing our retail lending business during the second half amidst the recovery of the local economy. However, due to the slower business momentum in the first few months in 2009 and aggressive competition in the market particularly the keen price competition in the residential mortgage market, our overall loans to individual customers contracted by 3% when compared with 2008, with a mild contraction in most types of retail lending including mortgages and credit card advances. 雷曼兄弟於二零零八年九月倒閉之影響持續至二零零九年內, 且由於自多家零售銀行購買各種雷曼兄弟相關投資產品之零售投資者人數相對較多, 故事件在香港尤為引起關注 集團已投入相當資源以解決這次事件相關問題及客戶之投訴, 並於年內透過實踐集團恆素在營運業務及服務顧客保持高尚操守之承諾, 以回購計劃向零售投資者作出回購要約及自願性償付 The impact of the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 continued to resonate during 2009, and was particularly noteworthy in Hong Kong due to the relatively large number of retail investors having bought different Lehman Brother-related investment products distributed by a large number of retail banks. We devoted significant resources to resolve issues and customer complaints arising from this incident, and made repurchase offers to and voluntary settlements with retail investors in the year via repurchase schemes that demonstrated our commitment to the upholding of a high standard of conduct in operating our business and serving our customers. 於二零零九年年底, 集團之分行網絡包括於香港以大新銀行及豐明銀行經營之四十八間零售分行 以澳門商業銀行於澳門經營之十五間分行, 以及於海峽群島格恩西島之一間提供離岸私人銀行服務之附屬私人銀行 As of the end of 2009, our branch network includes 48 retail branches in Hong Kong under the name of Dah Sing Bank and MEVAS Bank, and 15 branches in Macau under Banco Comercial de Macau, and one subsidiary private bank in Guernsey, Channel Islands providing offshore private banking services. 18 大新銀行集團有限公司二零零九年年報

20 業務回顧 REVIEW OF OPERATIONS 業務表現概要 ( 續 ) 商業銀行儘管二零零九年首數個月面對嚴峻營運環境, 商業銀行 ( 包括貿易融資 商業借貸 銀團貸款 機械融資及車輛融資 ) 錄得之溢利仍較二零零八年為高 Highlight of Business Performance (Continued) Commercial Banking Commercial Banking, which includes trade finance, commercial lending, syndicated lending, equipment finance and vehicle finance, reported a higher profit when compared to 2008, despite the challenging operating environment in the first few months in 商業銀行業務之整體貸款結餘較二零零八年下跌接近百分之十三, 主要由於集團對中小企新業務借貸更為審慎 因集團製造業及貿易融資客戶之貿易流量及出口業務下降導致貿易融資業務減少, 以及集團策略性降低對較為受二零零八年年中以來全球經濟放緩及生產訂單收縮所影響之機械融資客戶之借貸 商業銀行業務於增長客戶存款之表現較佳, 商業客戶存款較二零零八年上升百分之七 Overall loan balance under Commercial Banking businesses was down by close to 13% relative to 2008, caused mainly by our more cautious new business lending to small and medium sized enterprises, decrease in trade finance business in response to the drop in trade flows and exports business of our manufacturing and trade finance customers, and our strategy to reduce lending to equipment finance customers who were much affected by the global slowdown and contraction in manufacturing orders since mid A stronger performance in growing customer deposits was achieved by our Commercial Banking businesses, with deposits from our commercial customers up by 7% relative to 儘管貸款業務相對顯著收縮, 集團商業銀行業務二零零九年之營運收入總額較二零零八年錄得輕微增長, 主要為資金成本隨著短期利率大幅下調而明顯下降, 以及部份定息收益貸款息差擴大, 帶動淨利息收入增加 Despite the relatively notable decrease in its loan book, the total operating income of our Commercial Banking businesses in 2009 was slightly higher than 2008, driven by improved net interest income, which was boosted mainly by a much lower funding cost in line with the significant drop in short-term interest rates, and a wider spread earned on a portion of its loan book with fixed rate yields. 於下半年內, 因營運環境改善 製造業及出口逐漸復甦 以及本地物業價格升值均令至資產質素顯著穩定 貸款減值提撥因此於二零零九年最後數個月持續改善, 導致貸款虧損較二零零八年顯著減少 以及營運溢利大幅增加 During the second half, the improvement in the operating environment, gradual recovery in manufacturing and exports, and appreciation in local property prices assisted in a marked stabilization in the asset quality, followed by continuing improvement in loan impairment charges in the last few months in 2009, which led to much lower loan losses when compared with 2008, and a significant increase in operating profit. DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT

21 業務回顧 REVIEW OF OPERATIONS 業務表現概要 ( 續 ) 財資業務集團之財資業務表現較去年有所改善, 主要由於無重大之證券減值虧損 集團審慎管理流動資金, 新增投資均集中於低風險及貨幣市場之短期工具 Highlight of Business Performance (Continued) Treasury The performance of our Treasury business improved compared with the previous year, mainly due to the absence of significant impairment losses on securities. Liquidity was managed cautiously, with new investments concentrated in low risk and short tenor money market instruments. 雖然面對市場流動資金充裕及市場利率偏低之環境, 及剩餘資金之新增投資及銀行同業存款之息差相對較低, 整體營運收入因淨利息之增加較二零零八年高 非利息收入之貢獻減少, 乃由於若干公平值對沖工具之負公平值調整以及交易買賣收益減少所致 Overall operating income was higher than 2008, driven mainly by higher net interest income amidst an environment of ample market liquidity and very low market interest rates, despite a relatively lower spread earned on new surplus funds investment and interbank placements. The lower contribution from non-interest income was mainly caused by negative fair value adjustments on some fair value hedged investments, and lower trading gain. 由於無重大或特殊性減值虧損, 相對於二零零八年之虧損, 財資業務於二零零九年錄得強勁之盈利增長 The absence of significant or exceptional impairment losses enabled our Treasury to register a stronger profitability in 2009, against a loss made in 於二零零九年, 全球信貸市場普遍改善令信貸差價下降, 以致財資業務信貸組合之重估有所改善 The improvement in the global credit market in general during 2009 led to a general easing in credit spread and therefore an improvement in the revaluation of our Treasury s credit portfolio. 澳門商業銀行 ( 澳門商業銀行 ) 澳門商業銀行於二零零九年錄得溢利大幅增加, 主要受惠於漸趨穩定及好轉的營運環境及信貸市場表現, 令貸款及證券之減值虧損減少 澳門商業銀行之貸款總額及存款結餘大致與二零零八年相若 Banco Comercial de Macau ( BCM ) BCM achieved a much higher level of profit in 2009 driven mainly by lower loan and securities impairment losses, which benefited from a more stable and also improving operating environment and credit market performance. BCM s total loan and deposit balances were broadly similar to 經過二零零八年下半年及二零零九年首數月經濟增長大幅放緩後, 澳門經濟於下半年內已呈強勢反彈, 令致二零零九年澳門本地生產總值錄得輕微正面淨增長 After a significant slowdown in its economic growth during the second half of 2008 and the first few months in 2009, Macau s economy recorded a strong rebound during the second half year to bring to an overall net positive, though mild, growth in its GDP in 大新銀行集團有限公司二零零九年年報

22 業務回顧 REVIEW OF OPERATIONS 業務表現概要 ( 續 ) 大新銀行 ( 中國 ) 大新銀行 ( 中國 ) 有限公司 ( 大新中國 )( 為於二零零八年在中國本地註冊成立之新全資附屬公司 ) 於二零零九年完成其首個完整營運年度並錄得輕微淨溢利 大新中國正處於初步發展階段, 主力發展商業銀行業務 總部 ( 及一間支行 ) 設駐深圳, 並於上海 南昌及鎮江設有分行 大新中國已於中國境內開展人民幣零售銀行業務, 而目前正進一步拓展其分行網絡 Highlight of Business Performance (Continued) Dah Sing Bank (China) Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited ( DSB China ), a wholly owned new subsidiary locally incorporated in China in 2008, completed its first full year of operation in 2009 with a small net profit. DSB China, in its early stage of development, focuses mainly on commercial banking businesses. It is headquartered in Shenzhen (together with a sub branch), and has branches located in Shanghai, Nanchang and Zhenjiang. DSB China has started to offer retail Renminbi banking businesses in China and is currently working to further expand its branch network. Opening ceremony of Zhenjiang Branch of Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited on 29 December 2009 Opening of Nanchang Branch of Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited on 23 July 2009 大新銀行 ( 中國 ) 有限公司鎮江分行於二零零九年十二月二十九日舉行開業典禮 大新銀行 ( 中國 ) 有限公司南昌分行於二零零九年七月二十三日啟業 豐明銀行豐明銀行 ( 豐明銀行 ) 乃集團屬下以獨立品牌在香港經營之附屬銀行, 主力發展個人銀行業務, 其於二零零九年錄得輕微淨溢利 MEVAS Bank MEVAS Bank ( MEVAS ), the separately branded Hong Kong banking subsidiary under the Group focusing on the personal banking sector, recorded a modest level of net profit in DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT

23 業務回顧 REVIEW OF OPERATIONS 業務表現概要 ( 續 ) 重慶銀行重慶銀行為重慶境內之主要城市商業銀行 重慶為中國西部最大之城市, 並為中國四個北京直轄主要城市之一 重慶銀行經營約八十家分行 由於中國整體經濟迅速發展 ( 大重慶地區發展尤甚 ), 區內隨處可見大型基建投資 本地消費增強 貸款需求殷切 以及市場資金流動迅速, 重慶銀行於二零零九年業績表現斐然 Highlight of Business Performance (Continued) Bank of Chongqing Bank of Chongqing ( BOCQ ) is the leading city commercial bank in Chongqing. Chongqing is the largest city in Western China and one of the 4 leading cities in China reporting directly to Beijing. BOCQ is operating with a branch network of around 80 branches. Against the backdrop of the rapid economic development of China in general and the greater Chongqing region in particular, significant infrastructure investments, rising domestic consumption, strong loan demand and high market liquidity, BOCQ achieved a set of very impressive results in 重慶銀行於二零零九年十二月三十一日之資產總值主要由貸款及財資資產增長所帶動, 達八百零九億人民幣, 較二零零八年增加百分之四十三 截至二零零九年十二月三十一日止年度之淨溢利為八億七千六百萬人民幣, 較二零零八年上升百分之三十四 BOCQ s total assets, as of 31 December 2009, driven mainly by loan and treasury asset growth, reached RMB80.9 billion, up 43% relative to Net profit for the year ended 31 December 2009 was RMB876 million, up 34% on 集團於重慶銀行之權益在二零零八年十月增加至百分之二十 由於重慶銀行於二零零九年錄得較高溢利, 集團分佔淨溢利隨之而增加, 按權益會計法基準計算, 源自重慶銀行投資之貢獻於年內亦告上升達一億九千六百萬港元, 較二零零八年增長百分之六十二 Our interest in BOCQ was increased to 20% in October The higher profit reported by BOCQ and our increased share of its net profit during 2009 full year led to a significant increase in the contribution from our investment in BOCQ on equity accounting basis, which amounted to HK$196 million in the year, a growth of 62% over 風險管理及合規監督面對二零零八年之嚴重金融風暴以及其所帶來之新挑戰及更趨嚴緊之監管要求, 集團對其本身於二零零八年前過往數年實行之風險管理系統及程序 以及業務策略理念進行恰當檢討, 並採取措施以加強企業管治及風險管理效能 集團致力於風險管理功能並投放額外資源, 包括進一步加強信貸風險管理及企業風險管理程序及相關資訊科技系統之配合 Risk Management and Compliance In response to the severe financial turmoil in 2008 and the resultant new challenges and increase in regulatory demands, the Group had conducted appropriate reviews of its risk management system and process, and business strategies pursued in the past few years prior to 2008, and had taken actions to strengthen corporate governance and risk management effectiveness. Additional resources and focus were put into the upgrade of the Group s risk function, including the effort on further strengthening credit risk management and enterprise risk management process and IT system. 年內, 集團加強及擴大合規職能, 並從金融風暴中顯露可改善範疇採取改良措施, 以及銳意提高所有主要業務及營運之合規意識及履行最佳慣例之要求 During the year, we strengthened and expanded our compliance function, and took action to deal with areas of improvements brought to light by the financial crisis, and elevated the emphasis of compliance awareness and best practices in all our key businesses and operations. 22 大新銀行集團有限公司二零零九年年報

24 業務回顧 REVIEW OF OPERATIONS 資本及流動資本 Capital and Liquidity 二零零九年 二零零八年 銀行集團 Group 附屬銀行之合併資本基礎 Combined Capital base of ( 以百萬港元計 ) banking subsidiaries - 於十二月三十一日 (HK$ million) at 31 December - 核心資本 Core capital 7,708 5,175 - 附加資本 Supplementary capital 4,963 5,174 扣減後之資本基礎總額 * Total capital base after deductions* 12,671 10,349 資本充足比率 Capital adequacy ratio - 核心 Core 10.2% 6.8% - 整體 Overall 16.8% 13.6% 流動資金比率 ( 年度平均 ) Liquidity ratio (average for the year) 57.3% 48.9% * 上文所述之合併資本基礎總額反映按香港金融管理局 ( 香港金管局 ) 規定之監管綜合基準計算之大新銀行綜合資本基礎, 以及豐明銀行與 D.A.H. Hambros Bank (Channel Islands) 參照 銀行業 ( 資本 ) 規則 按巴塞爾準則 II 計算之綜合資本基礎 * The total combined capital base shown above reflects the consolidated capital base of Dah Sing Bank calculated on a regulatory consolidation basis specified by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority ( HKMA ), Mevas Bank and D.A.H. Hambros Bank (Channel Islands) computed on Basel II basis with reference to the Banking (Capital) Rules. 年內進行多項增資方案, 特別是有關集團及其主要附屬公司大新銀行 ( 大新銀行 ) 之增資方案 於二零零九年三月, 大新金融向本公司提供十億港元之有期貸款後將之注資給大新銀行作為額外股本 同年九月, 該項貸款轉作資本, 而本公司就貸款資本化以每股 8.00 港元之代價向大新金融發行新股份, 使大新金融於本公司之股權由百分之七十點八六增加至百分之七十四點一三 此外, 於二零零九年四月, 大新銀行集團以每股 5.60 港元之價格向獨立投資者配售五千四百萬股新股份, 籌集所得款項淨額三億港元, 該款項其後注入大新銀行 該等集資行動結果加上年內保留之溢利, 令集團之銀行業務之合併核心資本充足比率及整體資本充足比率分別由二零零八年十二月三十一日之百分之六點八及百分之十三點六 ( 經計大新銀行於二零零九年初宣佈注資後, 按備考基準計算於二零零八年十二月三十一日為百分之八點一及百分之十五點二 ) 增加至二零零九年十二月三十一日之百分之十點二及百分之十六點八 There were a number of capital actions during the year. A term loan of HK$1 billion was extended from Dah Sing Financial Holdings ( DSFH ), the parent of the Group, to the Company in March 2009, which was injected as additional equity capital into Dah Sing Bank ( DSB ). In September, this loan was capitalised, and new shares of the Company were issued to DSFH in consideration for the capitalisation of the loan, at a price of HK$8.00 per share, which had the effect of increasing DSFH s shareholding in the Company from 70.86% to 74.13%. In addition, in April 2009, the Company placed 54 million new shares to third party investors at a price of HK$5.60 per share, raising net proceeds of HK$300 million, which was then injected into DSB. The result of these capital raising exercises, together with profit retention in the year, was to increase the combined core capital adequacy ratio and total capital adequacy ratio of the Group s banking business from 6.8% and 13.6% as at 31st December 2008 (and on a proforma basis, 8.1% and 15.2% as at 31st December 2008, after considering the capital injection to Dah Sing Bank announced in early 2009) to 10.2% and 16.8% respectively as at 31st December DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT

25 業務回顧 REVIEW OF OPERATIONS 資本及流動資本 ( 續 ) 受惠於現金及銀行存款 以及持作投資及流動資金用途之各類有價證券等流動資產充溢, 銀行集團於整年內皆以高度穩健流動資金比率下營運 Capital and Liquidity (Continued) Our Group operated throughout the year with a very high liquidity ratio due to a strong pool of liquid assets including cash and placements with banks, and diversified marketable securities held for investment and liquidity purposes. 穆迪及惠譽於二零零九年分別再度確定其授予大新銀行 A3 級及 A- 級之長期信貸評級 DSB s long-term credit ratings, at A3 and A- assigned by Moody s and Fitch respectively, were affirmed in 人力資源於二零零九年, 集團繼續向集團整體僱員灌輸提倡優質服務 團隊精神 關懷互信文化 集團透過員工援助計劃為有需要之員工提供個別支援 諮詢服務及危機管理培訓 集團之員工俱樂會維持促進員工與家人關係, 並舉辦不同之社交及康體活動, 以促進員工福利 彼此之關係 友誼 健康及社區服務 集團欣喜再度獲香港社會服務聯會認同為香港主要堪稱關懷僱主之一, 集團在過去八年各年均獲此殊榮 Human Resources In 2009, we continued our work to improve the service excellence, teamwork, caring and trust culture throughout the organization. Personal support and counseling services as well as crisis management training were provided to staff-in-need through our employee assistance program. Our staff social club continued to promote staff and family well-being, and organized different social and sports activities to help promote staff benefits, affinity, friendship, health and community services. We are pleased to have been recognised again by the Hong Kong Council of Social Services as one of the leading Hong Kong caring employers, a recognition we achieved each year over the past eight years. 由於業務放緩 新增業務減少 以及資源重整, 集團年內之人手輕微下降 集團僱員人數總計 ( 包括澳門及中國僱員 ) 由二零零八年底之 1,891 人, 輕微下降至二零零九年底之 1,793 人 Due to slower business activities, drop in new businesses and resource rationalization, the Group s headcount during the year reduced slightly. The total number of employees of our Group, including our staff in Macau and China, slightly decreased from 1,891 at the end of 2008 to 1,793 at the end of 大新銀行集團有限公司二零零九年年報

26 企業管治報告 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治常規本集團銳意建立高水平之企業管治, 並遵循香港聯合交易所有限公司上市規則 ( 上市規則 ) 附錄十四 企業管治常規守則 ( 該等守則 ) 載列之所有守則條文 Corporate governance practices The Group is committed to high standards of corporate governance, and follows all of the code provisions set out in the Code on Corporate Governance Practices (the Code ) contained in Appendix 14 of the Listing Rules of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Listing Rules ). 本報告乃遵照上市規則附錄二十三而編纂, 並闡述本公司執行該等守則所載條文之情況 This report is issued in accordance with Appendix 23 of the Listing Rules, and explains how the Company applies the provisions set out in the Code. 董事之證券交易本公司已於二零零九年三月二十三日重新採納一套經修訂之董事進行證券交易之守則, 其條款不遜於上市規則附錄十標準守則現行所主要規定之標準 經作出特定查詢後, 本公司董事確認, 彼等於二零零九年整個年度均已遵守標準守則 Directors securities transactions The Company has adopted on 23 March 2009 a revised code for directors securities transactions on terms no less exacting than the prevailing required standard set in the Model Code in Appendix 10 of the Listing Rules. Following specific enquiry, the Directors of the Company confirmed that they have complied with the Model Code throughout the year 董事會 (1) 董事會董事會負責領導及監控本公司, 以促進其成效及持續增長 此外, 董事會亦負責確保本公司有健全之風險管理 內部監控及監管遵規制度 董事共同及個別承擔摯誠行事之責任, 並以本集團之利益作出客觀決定 董事會為本公司制定業務發展目標, 並負責監察本公司管理層履行該等目標之情況 The Board of Directors (1) The Board The Board is responsible for the leadership and control of the Company so as to promote its success and continued growth. The Board is also responsible for ensuring that the Company has sound systems of risk management, internal control and regulatory compliance. The Directors, collectively and individually, have a duty to act in good faith, and to take decisions objectively in the interests of the Group. The Board sets the business objectives for the Company, and monitors the execution of those objectives by the management of the Company. (2) 董事會之組成及會議董事會由主席王守業先生 五位執行董事 ( 包括行政總裁 ) 一位非執行董事及五位獨立非執行董事組成 董事之個人履歷載於第 6 頁至第 10 頁 (2) Board composition and meetings The Board is made up of the Chairman, Mr. David Shou-Yeh Wong, five executive directors including the Chief Executive, one non-executive director, and five independent non-executive directors. Brief biographical details of the directors are set out on pages 6 to 10. 董事會會議每年最少召開四次, 約每季一回, 並在有需要時另外召開董事會會議 Board meetings are held at least four times each year at approximately quarterly intervals, and additional board meetings are held as necessary. DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT


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