有關建築物的環境評估 發展項目獲得綠建環評 1.1 版 ( 新建建築 ) 暫定銅級 發展項目的公用部分的預計能量表現或消耗 於印製售樓說明書前呈交予建築事務監督發展項目的公用部份的預計能量表現或消耗的最近期資料 : 第 I 部分 提供中央空調 提供具能源效益的設施 擬安裝的具能源效益的設施 :- 否

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Download "有關建築物的環境評估 發展項目獲得綠建環評 1.1 版 ( 新建建築 ) 暫定銅級 發展項目的公用部分的預計能量表現或消耗 於印製售樓說明書前呈交予建築事務監督發展項目的公用部份的預計能量表現或消耗的最近期資料 : 第 I 部分 提供中央空調 提供具能源效益的設施 擬安裝的具能源效益的設施 :- 否"


1 29. 申請建築物總樓面面積寬免的資料 INFORMATION IN APPLICATION FOR CONCESSION ON GROSS FLOOR AREA OF BUILDING 獲寬免總樓面面積的設施分項 於印製售樓說明書前呈交予並已獲建築事務監督批准的一般建築圖則上有關總樓面面積寬免的分項的最新資料, 請見下表 根據 建築物 ( 規劃 ) 規例 第 23(3)(b) 條不計算的總樓面面積 面積 其他項目 面積 1. 停車場及上落客貨地方 ( 公共交通總站除外 ) 1, 庇護層, 包括庇護層兼空中花園 2. 機房及相類設施 24. 其他伸出物 2.1 所佔面積受相關 認可人士 註冊結構工程師及註冊岩土工程師作業備考 或規例限制的強制性設施或必要機房, 例如升降機機房 電訊及廣播設備室 垃圾及物料回收房等 2.2 所佔面積不受任何 認可人士 註冊結構工程師及註冊岩土工程師作業備考 或規例限制的強制性設施或必要機房, 例如僅供消防裝置及設備佔用的房間 電錶房 電力變壓房 食水及鹹水缸等 2.3 非強制性或非必要機房, 例如空調機房 風櫃房等 根據聯合作業備考第 1 及第 2 號提供的環保設施 3. 露台 4. 加闊的公用走廊及升降機大堂 5. 公用空中花園 6. 隔聲鰭 7. 翼牆 捕風器及風斗 8. 非結構預製外牆 9. 工作平台 10. 隔音屏障 適意設施 11. 供保安人員和管理處員工使用的櫃枱 辦公室 儲物室 警衞室和廁所 業主立案法團辦公室 12. 住宅康樂設施, 包括僅供康樂設施使用的中空 機房 游泳池的濾水器機房 有蓋人行道等 13. 有上蓋的園景區及遊樂場 14. 橫向屏障 / 有蓋人行道 花棚 15. 擴大升降機井道 16. 煙囪管道 17. 其他非強制性或非必要機房, 例如鍋爐房 衞星電視共用天線房 18. 強制性設施或必要機房所需的管槽 氣槽 19. 非強制性設施或非必要機房所需的管槽 氣槽 20 環保系統及設施所需的機房 管槽及氣槽 21 複式住宅單位及洋房的中空 22. 伸出物, 如空調機箱及伸出外牆超過 750 毫米的平台 面積 面積 公共交通總站 26. 共用構築物及樓梯 27. 僅供獲接納不計入總樓面面積的樓層使用的樓梯 升降機槽及垂直管道的水平面積 28. 公眾通道 29. 因建築物後移導致的覆蓋面積 額外總樓面面積 面積 30. 額外總樓面面積 註 : 上述表格是根據屋宇署所發出的 認可人士 註冊結構工程師及註冊岩土工程師作業備考 ADM-2 規定的要求而制訂的 屋宇署會按實際需要不時更改有關要求 72

2 有關建築物的環境評估 發展項目獲得綠建環評 1.1 版 ( 新建建築 ) 暫定銅級 發展項目的公用部分的預計能量表現或消耗 於印製售樓說明書前呈交予建築事務監督發展項目的公用部份的預計能量表現或消耗的最近期資料 : 第 I 部分 提供中央空調 提供具能源效益的設施 擬安裝的具能源效益的設施 :- 否 是 1. 高性能分體式空調機 2. 有色玻璃 3. 光管燈 第 II 部分 : 擬興建樓宇 / 部分樓宇預計每年能源消耗量 ( 註腳 1) :- 使用有關裝置的 位置 內部樓面面積 ( 註腳 2) 基線樓宇每年能源消耗量 擬興建樓宇每年能源消耗量 電力 煤氣 / 石油氣 電力 煤氣 / 石油氣 千瓦小時 / 平方米 / 年 用量單位 / 平方米 / 年 千瓦小時 / 平方米 / 年 用量單位 / 平方米 / 年 有使用中央屋宇裝備裝置 ( 註腳 3) 的部份 註腳 : 1. 一般而言, 一棟樓宇的預計 每年能源消耗量 愈低, 其節約能源的效益愈高 如一棟樓宇預計的 每年能源消耗量 低於該樓宇的 基線樓宇每年能源消耗量, 則代表預計該樓宇的能源應用較其基線樓宇有效, 削減幅度愈大則代表有關樓宇能源節約的效益愈高 預計每年能源消耗量 [ 以耗電量 ( 千瓦小時 / 平方米 / 年 ) 及煤氣 / 石油氣消耗量 ( 用量單位 / 平方米 / 年 ) 計算, 指將發展項目的每年能源消耗總量除以使用有關裝置的內部樓面面積所得出的商, 其中 :- (a) 每年能源消耗量 與新建樓宇 BEAM Plus 標準 ( 現行版本 ) 第 4 節及附錄 8 中的 年能源消耗 具有相同涵義 ; 及 (b) 樓宇 空間或單位的 內部樓面面積, 指外牆及 / 或共用牆的內壁之內表面起量度出來的樓面面積 2. 基準樓宇 與新建樓宇 BEAM Plus 標準 ( 現行版本 ) 第 4 節及附錄 8 中的 基準建築物模式 ( 零分標準 ) 具有相同涵義 3. 中央屋宇裝備裝置 與樓宇的屋宇裝備裝置能源效益實務守則 (2010 年 2 月版 )( 草稿 ) 中的涵義相同 第 III 部分 : 以下裝置乃按機電工程署公布的相關實務守則設計 :- 裝置類型照明裝置空調裝置電力裝置升降機及自動梯的裝置以總能源為本的方法 是是是是是 73

3 29. 申請建築物總樓面面積寬免的資料 INFORMATION IN APPLICATION FOR CONCESSION ON GROSS FLOOR AREA OF BUILDING Breakdown of GFA Concessions Obtained for All Features Latest information on breakdown of GFA concessions as shown on the general building plans submitted to and approved by the Building Authority (BA) prior to the printing of the sales brochure is tabulated below. Disregarded GFA under Building (Planning) Regulations 23(3)(b) Area (m 2 ) 1. Carpark and loading/unloading area excluding public transport terminus 2. Plant rooms and similar services 2.1 Mandatory feature or essential plant room, area of which is limited by respective Practice Notes for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers (PNAP) or regulation such as lift machine room, telecommunications and broadcasting (TBE) room, refuse storage and material recovery chamber, etc. 2.2 Mandatory feature or essential plant room, area of which is NOT limited by any PNAP or regulation such as room occupied solely by fire services installations (FSI) and equipment, meter room, transformer room, potable and flushing water tank, etc. 2.3 Non-mandatory or non-essential plant room such as air-conditioning plant room, air handling unit (AHU) room, etc. 1, Green Features under Joint Practice Notes 1 and 2 Area (m 2 ) 3. Balcony 4. Wider common corridor and lift lobby 5. Communal sky garden 6. Acoustic fin 7. Wing wall, wind catcher and funnel 8. Non-structural prefabricated external wall 9. Utility platform 10. Noise barrier Amenity Features Area (m 2 ) 20. Plant room, pipe duct, air duct for environmentally friendly system and feature. 21. Void in duplex domestic flat and house 22. Projections such as air-conditioning box and platform with a projection of more than 750 mm from the external wall. Other Exempted Items Area (m 2 ) 23. Refuge floor including refuge floor cum sky garden 24. Other projections 25. Public transport terminus 26. Party structure and common staircase 27. Horizontal area of staircase, lift shaft and vertical duct solely serving floor accepted as not being accountable for GFA. 28. Public passage 29. Covered set back area Note: The above table is based on the requirements as stipulated in the Practice Note for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers ADM-2 issued by the Buildings Department. The Buildings Department may revise such requirements from time to time as appropriate Bonus GFA Area (m 2 ) 30. Bonus GFA Amenity Features Area (m 2 ) 11. Counter, office, store, guard room and lavatory for watchman and management staff, Owners Corporation Office 12. Residential Recreational facilities including void, plant room, swimming pool filtration plant room, covered walkway etc serving solely the recreational facilities 13. Covered landscaped and play area 14. Horizontal screens/covered walkways, trellis 15. Larger lift shaft 16. Chimney shaft 17. Other non-mandatory or non-essential plant room, such as boiler room, satellite master antenna television (SMATV) room. 18. Pipe duct, air duct for mandatory feature or essential plant room 19. Pipe duct, air duct for non-mandatory or non-essential plant room

4 The Environmental Assessment of the Building The development has achieved the PROVISIONAL BRONZE rating under the BEAM Plus V1.1 for New Buildings. Estimated Energy Performance or Consumption for the Common Parts of the Development Latest information on the estimated energy performance or consumption for the common parts of the development as submitted to the Building Authority prior to the printing of the sales brochures: Part I Provision of Central Air Conditioning Provision of Energy Efficient Features Energy Efficient Features proposed: NO 1. High efficiency split type air-conditioner 2. Tinted glass 3. Fluorescent lamp (Note 1) Part II : The predicted annual energy use of the proposed building / part of building Internal Floor Location Area Served Annual Energy Use of Baseline Building (Note 2) Annual Energy Use of Proposed Building (m 2 ) Electricity Town Gas / LPG Electricity Town Gas / LPG kwh/ m 2 / annum unit/ m 2 / annum kwh/ m 2 / annum unit/ m 2 / annum Area served by central building services (Note 3) installation Not applicable 89 Not applicable Notes: 1. In general, the lower the estimated Annual Energy Use of the building, the more efficient of the building in terms of energy use. For example, if the estimated annual energy use of proposed building is less than the estimated annual energy use of baseline building, it means the predicted use of energy is more efficient in the proposed building than in the baseline building. The larger the reduction, the greater the efficiency. The predicted annual energy use, in terms of electricity consumption (kwh/m 2 /annum) and town gas/lpg consumption (unit/m 2 /annum), of the development by the internal floor area served, where: (a) total annual energy use has the same meaning of annual energy use under Section 4 and Appendix 8 of the BEAM Plus for New Buildings (current version); and (b) internal floor area, in relation a building, a space or a unit means the floor area of all enclosed space measured to the internal faces of enclosing external and/or party walls. 2. Baseline Building has the same meaning as Baseline Building Model (zero-credit benchmark) under Section 4 and Appendix 8 of the BEAM Plus for New Building (current version). 3. Central Building Services Installation has the same meaning as that in the Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installations in Buildings (February 2010 edition)(draft). Part III : The following installations are designed in accordance with the relevant Codes of Practices published by the Electrical & Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) Type of Installations Lighting Installations Air Conditioning Installations Electrical Installations Lift & Escalator Installations Performance-based Approach Not applicable 75

5 地政總署署長作為給予預售樓花同意書的條件而規定列於售樓說明書的一些資料 1. 批地文件 第(11) 條特別批地條款訂明 : (e) (i) 現已或將會建於 該地段 的住宅單位總數不得少於 70 個 ; 及 (ii) 每個現已或將會建於 該地段 的住宅單位之實用面積應介乎 35 平方米至 40 平方米 2. 發展項目共提供 95 個住宅單位 3. 每個該 95 個的發展項目住宅單位的實用面積介乎 平方米至 平方米 4. 公契第八章第 84 條訂明, 管理人應於管理處備存地政總署署長或任何其他不時代替地政總署署長的政府機關根據公契第三附錄第 45 條給予同意的資料記錄, 以供所有業主免費查閱, 及自費支付合理費用影印副本 所有由此收取的費用一律撥入特別基金 5. 公契第三附錄第 45 條訂明, 除事前獲得地政總署署長或任何其他不時代替地政總署署長的政府機關的書面同意外 ( 地政總署署長有絕對酌情權給予或拒絕給予有關同意, 如給予有關同意, 地政總署署長則有絕對酌情權施加條款及條件 ( 包括繳付費用 )), 業主不得進行或允許或容許他人進行任何與住宅單位相關的工程, 包括但不限於拆除或改動任何間隔牆或任何地板或天台樓板或任何間隔結構而導致有關單位與任何毗連或毗鄰的住宅單位內部相連及可於毗連或毗鄰的住宅單位進出有關單位 76

6 SOME INFORMATION REQUIRED BY THE DIRECTOR OF LANDS TO BE SET OUT IN THE SALES BROCHURE AS A CONDITION FOR GIVING THE PRESALE CONSENT 1. Special Condition No.(11) of the Land Grant stipulates that: - (e) (i) The total number of residential units erected or to be erected on the lot shall not be less than 70; and (ii) The size of each residential unit erected or to be erected on the lot shall be ranging in saleable area from 35 square metres to 40 square metres. 2. The total number of residential units provided in the development is The size ranging in saleable area of each of the 95 residential units in the development is from square metres to square metres. 4. Clause 84 in Section VIII of the Deed of Mutual Covenant stipulates that the Manager shall deposit in the management office the record provided by the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time of the information relating to the consent given under Clause 45 of the Third Schedule to the Deed of Mutual Covenant for inspection by all owners free of charge and taking copies at their own expense and on payment of a reasonable charge. All charges received shall be credited to the Special Funds. 5. Clause 45 of the Third Schedule to the Deed of Mutual Covenant stipulates that except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time (which consent may be given or withheld at his absolute discretion and if given, may be subject to such terms and conditions (including payment of fees) as may be imposed by him at his absolute discretion), no owner shall carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any residential unit, including but not limited to demolition or alteration of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure, which will result in such unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent residential unit. 77

7 賣方就該發展項目指定的互聯網網站的網址 The address of the website designated by the vendor for the Development: 1. 發展項目及其周邊地區日後可能出現改變 2. 本售樓說明書印製日期 : 二零一四年七月四日 1. There may be future changes to the Development and the surrounding areas. 2. Date of printing of this Sales Brochure: 4th July




根據聯合作業備考第 1 及第 2 號提供的環保設施 Green Features under Joint Practice Notes 1 and 2 露台 3 Balcony 加闊的公用走廊及升降機大堂 Wider common corridor and lift lobby

根據聯合作業備考第 1 及第 2 號提供的環保設施 Green Features under Joint Practice Notes 1 and 2 露台 3 Balcony 加闊的公用走廊及升降機大堂 Wider common corridor and lift lobby 獲寬免總樓面面積的設施分項 於印製售樓說明書前呈交予並已獲房屋署獨立審查組 ( 下稱 獨立審查組 ) 批准的一般建築圖則上有關總樓面面積寬免的分項的最新資料, 請見下表 直至最終修訂圖則於發出佔用許可證前呈交予並獲獨立審查組批准前, 以下分項資料仍可能有所修改 Breakdown of GFA Concessions Obtained for All Features Latest information

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劃 定 都 市 更 新 地 區 防 災 評 估 指 標 建 立 之 研 究 - 以 台 北 市 大 同 區 之 更 新 地 區 為 例 摘 要 民 國 八 十 八 年 台 灣 所 發 生 的 九 二 一 大 地 震 與 近 年 來 中 國 的 四 川 強 震 日 本 的 311 大 地 震, 皆 突 中 國 文 化 大 學 環 境 設 計 學 院 市 政 暨 環 境 規 劃 學 系 碩 士 論 文 Master of Thesis Department & Graduate Institute of Urban Affairs and Environmental Planning College of Environmental Design Chinese Culture University

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