1. The floor-to-floor height (refers to the height between the top surface of structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of

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2 1. The floor-to-floor height (refers to the height between the top surface of structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) of each residential property on G/F: Unit A is 3.100m, 3.150m, 3.200m, 3.500m and 3.550m; Unit B is 3.150m and 3.500m. 2. The thickness of floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residential property on G/F: Unit A and Unit B are 150mm and 175mm. 3. The internal ceiling height within residential properties may vary due to structural, architectural and/or decoration design variations. 4. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. Notes: The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 1. 地每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 ( 指樓層之石屎地台面與一層石屎地面之高度距離 ):A 單位為 米 米 米 米及 米 ; B 單位為 米及 米 2. 地每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : A 單位及 B 單位為 150 毫米及 175 毫米 3. 住宅物業之天花高度將會因應其結構 建築及 / 或裝修設計的差異而有所不同 4. 因住宅物業的較高樓層的結構牆的厚度遞減, 較高樓層的內部面積, 一般比較低層的內部面積稍大 附註 : 平面圖所列之數字為以毫米標示之建築結構尺寸 1. According to Special Condition No.(9)(e) of the Land Grant, the minimum number of residential units in the Development is 1, The Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement of the Development contains the following provisions: a. Clause 14.9(c): The Manager shall deposit in the management office of the Development the record provided by the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time of the information relating to the consent given under the provision in this Deed referred to in paragraph 4(f) of Schedule 4. All Owners may inspect the same at the management office of the Development during normal office hours free of charge. A photocopy of such record deposited shall be provided to any Owner upon request at the expense of such Owner and on the payment of a reasonable charge. Any monies paid as such a charge shall be credited to the Special Fund. b. Paragraph 4(f) of Schedule 4: [Each Owner shall not] carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any Residential Unit, including but not limited to demolition or alteration of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure which will result in such Residential Unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent Residential Unit except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time, which consent may be given or withheld at his absolute discretion and if given, may be subject to such terms and conditions (including payment of fees) as may be imposed by him at his absolute discretion. 1. 根據批地文件特別條件第 (9)(e) 條, 發展項目住宅單位數目最少為 1,100 個 2. 發展項目公共契約暨管理合約有以條款 : a. 第 14.9(c) 條 : 管理人須在發展項目的管理處備存由地政總署署長或任何不時取代地政總署署長的其他政府當局提供 載有關於第四附表第 4(f) 段提及根據本公契條款發出之同意書的資訊的紀錄 所有業主可在發展項目管理處於正常辦公時間內免費查閱述備存的紀錄 應業主要求, 該備存的紀錄的副本須提供予該業主, 而該業主須承擔有關支出及繳付合理費用, 任何就該費用而支付的款項須撥入特別基金 b. 第四附表第 4(f) 段 : [ 每名業主不得 ] 進行或容許或容受進行任何與任何住宅單位有關連而會導致該單位與毗連或鄰近單位內部相通及可從毗連或鄰近單位到達的工程 ( 包括但不限於任何分隔牆 任何地板或天花板或任何間隔構築物的拆除或改建 ), 除非獲地政總署署長或任何不時取代地政總署署長的其他政府當局事先書面同意, 其可按其絕對酌情權發出或拒絕同意, 且該同意如獲發出可能受限於按其絕對酌情權施加的條款及條件 ( 包括繳付費用 ) 3. 發展項目共提供 1,100 個住宅單位 3. A total number of 1,100 residential units are provided in the Development. 83

3 FLOOR THE PLANS LAGUNA OF RESIDENTIAL Tower 7 PROPERTIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT 發展項滿庭目的住宅物業第七座的樓面平面圖 TOWER 座數 (PLATFORM 1) ( 1) SCALE 0 米 /M 7.5 米 /M BUILDING LINE ABOVE 層之建築物 PER PART OF ENTRANCE LOBBY 入口大堂層 HR 消防喉轆 RS&MRR 垃圾及物料回收房 V.D. LOBBY 大堂 W.M.C. 水錶櫃 E.M.R. / E.L.V. 電錶房 / 低壓電力房 相鄰第 8 座大廈 1/F 一樓 1/F 1 樓 Scale 0 M/ 米 7.5 M/ 米 84

4 1. The floor-to-floor height (refers to the height between the top surface of structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) of each residential property on 1/F: Unit A is 3.150m; Unit B is 2.800m, 3.150m, 3.200m and 3.500m. 2. The thickness of floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residential property on 1/F: Unit A and Unit B are 150mm and 200mm. 3. The internal ceiling height within residential properties may vary due to structural, architectural and/or decoration design variations. 4. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. Notes: The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 1. 一樓每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 ( 指樓層之石屎地台面與一層石屎地面之高度距離 ):A 單位為 米 ;B 單位為 米 米 米及 米 2. 一樓每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :A 單位及 B 單位均為 150 毫米及 200 毫米 3. 住宅物業之天花高度將會因應其結構 建築及 / 或裝修設計的差異而有所不同 4. 因住宅物業的較高樓層的結構牆的厚度遞減, 較高樓層的內部面積, 一般比較低層的內部面積稍大 附註 : 平面圖所列之數字為以毫米標示之建築結構尺寸 1. According to Special Condition No.(9)(e) of the Land Grant, the minimum number of residential units in the Development is 1, The Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement of the Development contains the following provisions: a. Clause 14.9(c): The Manager shall deposit in the management office of the Development the record provided by the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time of the information relating to the consent given under the provision in this Deed referred to in paragraph 4(f) of Schedule 4. All Owners may inspect the same at the management office of the Development during normal office hours free of charge. A photocopy of such record deposited shall be provided to any Owner upon request at the expense of such Owner and on the payment of a reasonable charge. Any monies paid as such a charge shall be credited to the Special Fund. b. Paragraph 4(f) of Schedule 4: [Each Owner shall not] carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any Residential Unit, including but not limited to demolition or alteration of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure which will result in such Residential Unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent Residential Unit except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time, which consent may be given or withheld at his absolute discretion and if given, may be subject to such terms and conditions (including payment of fees) as may be imposed by him at his absolute discretion. 1. 根據批地文件特別條件第 (9)(e) 條, 發展項目住宅單位數目最少為 1,100 個 2. 發展項目公共契約暨管理合約有以條款 : a. 第 14.9(c) 條 : 管理人須在發展項目的管理處備存由地政總署署長或任何不時取代地政總署署長的其他政府當局提供 載有關於第四附表第 4(f) 段提及根據本公契條款發出之同意書的資訊的紀錄 所有業主可在發展項目管理處於正常辦公時間內免費查閱述備存的紀錄 應業主要求, 該備存的紀錄的副本須提供予該業主, 而該業主須承擔有關支出及繳付合理費用, 任何就該費用而支付的款項須撥入特別基金 b. 第四附表第 4(f) 段 : [ 每名業主不得 ] 進行或容許或容受進行任何與任何住宅單位有關連而會導致該單位與毗連或鄰近單位內部相通及可從毗連或鄰近單位到達的工程 ( 包括但不限於任何分隔牆 任何地板或天花板或任何間隔構築物的拆除或改建 ), 除非獲地政總署署長或任何不時取代地政總署署長的其他政府當局事先書面同意, 其可按其絕對酌情權發出或拒絕同意, 且該同意如獲發出可能受限於按其絕對酌情權施加的條款及條件 ( 包括繳付費用 ) 3. 發展項目共提供 1,100 個住宅單位 3. A total number of 1,100 residential units are provided in the Development. 85

5 FLOOR Floor PLANS Plans OF of RESIDENTIAL Residential Properties PROPERTIES in the IN THE Development DEVELOPMENT 發展項目的住宅物業的樓面平面圖 TOWER 座數 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 (PLATFORM 1) ( 1) Tower 7 第七座 SCALE 0 米 /M 7.5 米 /M / / OPEN 開放式 HR 消防喉轆 E.L.V. 低壓電力房 RS&MRR 垃圾及物料回收房 V.D. LOBBY 大堂 W.M.C. 水錶櫃 E.M.R. 電錶房 相鄰第 8 座大廈 2/F 2 樓 2/F 二樓 Scale 0 M/ 米 7.5 M/ 米 86

6 1. The floor-to-floor height (refers to the height between the top surface of structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) of each residential property on 2/F: Unit A and Unit B are 3.150m; Unit C, Unit D and Unit E are 3.150m and 3.500m. 2. The thickness of floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residential property on 2/F: Unit A and Unit B are 150mm and 200mm; Unit C and Unit E are 150mm; Unit D is150mm and 175mm. 3. The internal ceiling height within residential properties may vary due to structural, architectural and/or decoration design variations. 4. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. Notes: The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 1. 二樓每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 ( 指樓層之石屎地台面與一層石屎地面之高度距離 ):A 單位及 B 單位為 米 ;C 單位 D 單位及 E 單位為 米及 米 2. 二樓每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :A 單位及 B 單位均為 150 毫米及 200 毫米 ;C 單位及 E 單位為 150 毫米 ;D 單位為 150 毫米及 175 毫米 3. 住宅物業之天花高度將會因應其結構 建築及 / 或裝修設計的差異而有所不同 4. 因住宅物業的較高樓層的結構牆的厚度遞減, 較高樓層的內部面積, 一般比較低層的內部面積稍大 附註 : 平面圖所列之數字為以毫米標示之建築結構尺寸 1. According to Special Condition No.(9)(e) of the Land Grant, the minimum number of residential units in the Development is 1, The Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement of the Development contains the following provisions: a. Clause 14.9(c): The Manager shall deposit in the management office of the Development the record provided by the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time of the information relating to the consent given under the provision in this Deed referred to in paragraph 4(f) of Schedule 4. All Owners may inspect the same at the management office of the Development during normal office hours free of charge. A photocopy of such record deposited shall be provided to any Owner upon request at the expense of such Owner and on the payment of a reasonable charge. Any monies paid as such a charge shall be credited to the Special Fund. b. Paragraph 4(f) of Schedule 4: [Each Owner shall not] carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any Residential Unit, including but not limited to demolition or alteration of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure which will result in such Residential Unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent Residential Unit except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time, which consent may be given or withheld at his absolute discretion and if given, may be subject to such terms and conditions (including payment of fees) as may be imposed by him at his absolute discretion. 1. 根據批地文件特別條件第 (9)(e) 條, 發展項目住宅單位數目最少為 1,100 個 2. 發展項目公共契約暨管理合約有以條款 : a. 第 14.9(c) 條 : 管理人須在發展項目的管理處備存由地政總署署長或任何不時取代地政總署署長的其他政府當局提供 載有關於第四附表第 4(f) 段提及根據本公契條款發出之同意書的資訊的紀錄 所有業主可在發展項目管理處於正常辦公時間內免費查閱述備存的紀錄 應業主要求, 該備存的紀錄的副本須提供予該業主, 而該業主須承擔有關支出及繳付合理費用, 任何就該費用而支付的款項須撥入特別基金 b. 第四附表第 4(f) 段 : [ 每名業主不得 ] 進行或容許或容受進行任何與任何住宅單位有關連而會導致該單位與毗連或鄰近單位內部相通及可從毗連或鄰近單位到達的工程 ( 包括但不限於任何分隔牆 任何地板或天花板或任何間隔構築物的拆除或改建 ), 除非獲地政總署署長或任何不時取代地政總署署長的其他政府當局事先書面同意, 其可按其絕對酌情權發出或拒絕同意, 且該同意如獲發出可能受限於按其絕對酌情權施加的條款及條件 ( 包括繳付費用 ) 3. 發展項目共提供 1,100 個住宅單位 3. A total number of 1,100 residential units are provided in the Development. 87

7 FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT Floor Plans of Residential Properties in the Development TOWER 座數 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 (PLATFORM 1) ( 1) Tower 7 第七座 0 米 /M 7.5 米 /M SCALE ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE AT 5, 7, 9 & 11/F 外牆建築裝飾設於 5, 7, 9 及 11 樓 / / OPEN 開放式 HR 消防喉轆 E.L.V. 低壓電力房 RS&MRR 垃圾及物料回收房 V.D. LOBBY 大堂 W.M.C. 水錶櫃 E.M.R. 電錶房 相鄰第 8 座大廈 ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE AT 5, 7, 9 & 11/F 外牆建築裝飾設於 5, 7, 9 及 11 樓 ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE AT 11 & 12/F 外牆建築裝飾設於 11 及 12 樓 ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE AT 5, 7, 9 & 11/F 外牆建築裝飾設於 5, 7, 9 及 11 樓 ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE AT 11 & 12/F 外牆建築裝飾設於 11 及 12 樓 3/F, 5/F - 12/F 三樓, 五樓至十二樓 3/F and 5/F - 12/F 3 樓及 5 樓至 12 樓 Scale 0 M/ 米 7.5 M/ 米 88

8 1. The floor-to-floor height (refers to the height between the top surface of structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) of each residential property on 3/F, 5/F - 11/F : Unit A, Unit B, Unit C, Unit D and Unit E are 3.150m. The floor-to-floor height (refers to the height between the top surface of structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) of each residential property on 12/F: Unit A is 3.200m, 3.500m and 3.850m; Unit B is 3.150m, 3.200m, 3.500m, 3.550m and 3.850m; Unit C is 3.500m; Unit D and Unit E are 3.150m, 3.500m and 3.850m. 2. The thickness of floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residential property on 3/F, 5/F - 11/F: Unit A and Unit B are 150mm and 200mm ; Unit C and E are 150mm; Unit D is 150mm and 175mm. The thickness of floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residential property on 12/F: Unit A and Unit B are 150mm and 200mm; Unit C and Unit E are 150mm; Unit D is 150mm and 175mm. 3. The internal ceiling height within residential properties may vary due to structural, architectural and/or decoration design variations. 4. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 三樓 五樓至十一樓每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 ( 指樓層之石屎地台面與一層石屎地面之高度距離 ):A 單位 B 單位 C 單位 D 單位及 E 單位為 米 十二樓每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 ( 指樓層之石屎地台面與一層石屎地面之高度距離 ):A 單位為 米 米及 米 ;B 單位為 米 米 米 米及 米 ;C 單位為 米 ; D 單位及 E 單位為 米 米及 米 2. 三樓 五樓至十一樓每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :A 單位及 B 單位均為 150 毫米及 200 毫米 ;C 單位及 E 單位為 150 毫米 ;D 單位為 150 毫米及 175 毫米 十二樓每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :A 單位及 B 單位為 150 毫米及 200 毫米 ;C 單位及 E 單位為 150 毫米 ;D 單位為 150 毫米及 175 毫米 3. 住宅物業之天花高度將會因應其結構 建築及 / 或裝修設計的差異而有所不同 4. 因住宅物業的較高樓層的結構牆的厚度遞減, 較高樓層的內部面積, 一般比較低層的內部面積稍大 附註 : 平面圖所列之數字為以毫米標示之建築結構尺寸 Notes: The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 1. According to Special Condition No.(9)(e) of the Land Grant, the minimum number of residential units in the Development is 1, The Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement of the Development contains the following provisions: a. Clause 14.9(c): The Manager shall deposit in the management office of the Development the record provided by the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time of the information relating to the consent given under the provision in this Deed referred to in paragraph 4(f) of Schedule 4. All Owners may inspect the same at the management office of the Development during normal office hours free of charge. A photocopy of such record deposited shall be provided to any Owner upon request at the expense of such Owner and on the payment of a reasonable charge. Any monies paid as such a charge shall be credited to the Special Fund. b. Paragraph 4(f) of Schedule 4: [Each Owner shall not] carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any Residential Unit, including but not limited to demolition or alteration of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure which will result in such Residential Unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent Residential Unit except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time, which consent may be given or withheld at his absolute discretion and if given, may be subject to such terms and conditions (including payment of fees) as may be imposed by him at his absolute discretion. 1. 根據批地文件特別條件第 (9)(e) 條, 發展項目住宅單位數目最少為 1,100 個 2. 發展項目公共契約暨管理合約有以條款 : a. 第 14.9(c) 條 : 管理人須在發展項目的管理處備存由地政總署署長或任何不時取代地政總署署長的其他政府當局提供 載有關於第四附表第 4(f) 段提及根據本公契條款發出之同意書的資訊的紀錄 所有業主可在發展項目管理處於正常辦公時間內免費查閱述備存的紀錄 應業主要求, 該備存的紀錄的副本須提供予該業主, 而該業主須承擔有關支出及繳付合理費用, 任何就該費用而支付的款項須撥入特別基金 b. 第四附表第 4(f) 段 : [ 每名業主不得 ] 進行或容許或容受進行任何與任何住宅單位有關連而會導致該單位與毗連或鄰近單位內部相通及可從毗連或鄰近單位到達的工程 ( 包括但不限於任何分隔牆 任何地板或天花板或任何間隔構築物的拆除或改建 ), 除非獲地政總署署長或任何不時取代地政總署署長的其他政府當局事先書面同意, 其可按其絕對酌情權發出或拒絕同意, 且該同意如獲發出可能受限於按其絕對酌情權施加的條款及條件 ( 包括繳付費用 ) 3. 發展項目共提供 1,100 個住宅單位 3. A total number of 1,100 residential units are provided in the Development. 89

9 FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT TOWER 座數 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 Tower (PLATFORM 7 1) 第七座 ( 1) SCALE 0 米 /M 7.5 米 /M TOP OF BALCONY 層頂部 BED 3 睡房 3 BATH 2 浴室 2 TOP OF 層頂部 TOP OF 層頂部 RS&MRR 垃圾及物料回收房 V.D. FLAT ROOF W.M.C. 水錶櫃 HR 消防喉轆 E.L.V. 低壓電力房 LOBBY 大堂 E.M.R. 電錶房 FLAT ROOF BATH 2 浴室 2 TOP OF 層頂部 CONCRETE FILLING 混凝土回填 BED 3 睡房 3 相鄰第 8 座大廈 TOP OF BALCONY 層頂部 15/F 15 樓 15/F 十五樓 Scale 0 M/ 米 7.5 M/ 米 90

10 1. The floor-to-floor height (refers to the height between the top surface of structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) of each residential property on 15/F: Unit A, Unit C and Unit D are 3.500m and 3.850m. 2. The thickness of floor slabs (excluding plaster) of each residential property on 15/F: Unit A, Unit C and Unit D are 150mm and 200mm. 3. The internal ceiling height within residential properties may vary due to structural, architectural and/or decoration design variations. 4. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. Notes: The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 1. 十五樓每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 ( 指樓層之石屎地台面與一層石屎地面之高度距離 ):A 單位 C 單位及 D 單位為 米及 米 2. 十五樓每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :A 單位 C 單位及 D 單位為 150 毫米及 200 毫米 3. 住宅物業之天花高度將會因應其結構 建築及 / 或裝修設計的差異而有所不同 4. 因住宅物業的較高樓層的結構牆的厚度遞減, 較高樓層的內部面積, 一般比較低層的內部面積稍大 附註 : 平面圖所列之數字為以毫米標示之建築結構尺寸 1. According to Special Condition No.(9)(e) of the Land Grant, the minimum number of residential units in the Development is 1, The Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement of the Development contains the following provisions: a. Clause 14.9(c): The Manager shall deposit in the management office of the Development the record provided by the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time of the information relating to the consent given under the provision in this Deed referred to in paragraph 4(f) of Schedule 4. All Owners may inspect the same at the management office of the Development during normal office hours free of charge. A photocopy of such record deposited shall be provided to any Owner upon request at the expense of such Owner and on the payment of a reasonable charge. Any monies paid as such a charge shall be credited to the Special Fund. b. Paragraph 4(f) of Schedule 4: [Each Owner shall not] carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any Residential Unit, including but not limited to demolition or alteration of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure which will result in such Residential Unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent Residential Unit except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time, which consent may be given or withheld at his absolute discretion and if given, may be subject to such terms and conditions (including payment of fees) as may be imposed by him at his absolute discretion. 1. 根據批地文件特別條件第 (9)(e) 條, 發展項目住宅單位數目最少為 1,100 個 2. 發展項目公共契約暨管理合約有以條款 : a. 第 14.9(c) 條 : 管理人須在發展項目的管理處備存由地政總署署長或任何不時取代地政總署署長的其他政府當局提供 載有關於第四附表第 4(f) 段提及根據本公契條款發出之同意書的資訊的紀錄 所有業主可在發展項目管理處於正常辦公時間內免費查閱述備存的紀錄 應業主要求, 該備存的紀錄的副本須提供予該業主, 而該業主須承擔有關支出及繳付合理費用, 任何就該費用而支付的款項須撥入特別基金 b. 第四附表第 4(f) 段 : [ 每名業主不得 ] 進行或容許或容受進行任何與任何住宅單位有關連而會導致該單位與毗連或鄰近單位內部相通及可從毗連或鄰近單位到達的工程 ( 包括但不限於任何分隔牆 任何地板或天花板或任何間隔構築物的拆除或改建 ), 除非獲地政總署署長或任何不時取代地政總署署長的其他政府當局事先書面同意, 其可按其絕對酌情權發出或拒絕同意, 且該同意如獲發出可能受限於按其絕對酌情權施加的條款及條件 ( 包括繳付費用 ) 3. 發展項目共提供 1,100 個住宅單位 3. A total number of 1,100 residential units are provided in the Development. 91


12 1. The internal ceiling height within residential properties may vary due to structural, architectural and/or decoration design variations. 2. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. Notes: The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 1. 住宅物業之天花高度將會因應其結構 建築及 / 或裝修設計的差異而有所不同 2. 因住宅物業的較高樓層的結構牆的厚度遞減, 較高樓層的內部面積, 一般比較低層的內部面積稍大 附註 : 平面圖所列之數字為以毫米標示之建築結構尺寸 1. According to Special Condition No.(9)(e) of the Land Grant, the minimum number of residential units in the Development is 1, The Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement of the Development contains the following provisions: a. Clause 14.9(c): The Manager shall deposit in the management office of the Development the record provided by the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time of the information relating to the consent given under the provision in this Deed referred to in paragraph 4(f) of Schedule 4. All Owners may inspect the same at the management office of the Development during normal office hours free of charge. A photocopy of such record deposited shall be provided to any Owner upon request at the expense of such Owner and on the payment of a reasonable charge. Any monies paid as such a charge shall be credited to the Special Fund. b. Paragraph 4(f) of Schedule 4: [Each Owner shall not] carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any Residential Unit, including but not limited to demolition or alteration of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure which will result in such Residential Unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent Residential Unit except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time, which consent may be given or withheld at his absolute discretion and if given, may be subject to such terms and conditions (including payment of fees) as may be imposed by him at his absolute discretion. 1. 根據批地文件特別條件第 (9)(e) 條, 發展項目住宅單位數目最少為 1,100 個 2. 發展項目公共契約暨管理合約有以條款 : a. 第 14.9(c) 條 : 管理人須在發展項目的管理處備存由地政總署署長或任何不時取代地政總署署長的其他政府當局提供 載有關於第四附表第 4(f) 段提及根據本公契條款發出之同意書的資訊的紀錄 所有業主可在發展項目管理處於正常辦公時間內免費查閱述備存的紀錄 應業主要求, 該備存的紀錄的副本須提供予該業主, 而該業主須承擔有關支出及繳付合理費用, 任何就該費用而支付的款項須撥入特別基金 b. 第四附表第 4(f) 段 : [ 每名業主不得 ] 進行或容許或容受進行任何與任何住宅單位有關連而會導致該單位與毗連或鄰近單位內部相通及可從毗連或鄰近單位到達的工程 ( 包括但不限於任何分隔牆 任何地板或天花板或任何間隔構築物的拆除或改建 ), 除非獲地政總署署長或任何不時取代地政總署署長的其他政府當局事先書面同意, 其可按其絕對酌情權發出或拒絕同意, 且該同意如獲發出可能受限於按其絕對酌情權施加的條款及條件 ( 包括繳付費用 ) 3. 發展項目共提供 1,100 個住宅單位 3. A total number of 1,100 residential units are provided in the Development. 93

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